Упражнения по теме "Геометрические понятия" (Geometric Notions)
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему

Разина Марина Викторовна

Упражнения составлены для студентов техникума, обучающихся по программам технического профиля.


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Предварительный просмотр:


Геометрические понятия

1. Подберите подходящие подписи к рисункам. (10 points)

circle, cone, cube, cylinder, hemisphere, rectangle, semicircle, sphere, square, triangle

2. Заполните таблицу. (11 points)

circular, conical, cubic, cylindrical, dome-shaped, hemispherical, rectangular, semi-circular, spherical, square, triangular



two-dimensional (2D)

three-dimensional (3D)

  1. triangle


  1. cone

  1. rectangle

  1. cylinder

  1. semi-circle

  1. dome

  1. hemisphere

  1. circle


  1. square

  1. cube

  1. sphere

3. Сопоставьте предложения с рисунками. (9 points)

  1. The book is rectangular. It is two hundred and twenty millimetres long and one hundred and fifty millimetres wide.
  2. The clock is square. It is five hundred millimetres long and five hundred millimetres high.
  3. The coin is round. It is two millimetres thick.
  4. The saw blade is triangular. It is five hundred millimetres long and twelve millimetres wide.
  5. The socket is square. It is one hundred millimetres long and one hundred millimetres wide.
  6. The window is rectangular. It is six metres long and three metres high.

4. Посмотрите не рисунки и заполните пропуски в предложениях. (8 points)

  1. The ruler is ….
  2. The house is ….
  3. The setsquare is ….
  4. The socket is….
  5. The wall is ….
  6. The blackboard is….
  7. The clock is ….
  8. The window is ….

5. Выберите правильный вариант. (16 points)

  1. A surfboard sail is roughly triangle/triangular in shape, with one curved side.
  2. A food tin (or can) is basically a metal cylinder/cylindrical.
  3. TVs and computers normally have rectangle/rectangular screens.
  4. Don’t cut that wood with the hand saw. It’s quicker to use the circle/circular saw.
  5. My bass amplifier is the new cube/cubic model. It’s exactly 30 x 30 x 30 cm.
  6. The Earth is not a perfect sphere/spherical. It is flatter at the poles.
  7. The spaceship’s re-entry capsule is in the shape of a cone/conical.
  8. A protractor is a semicircle/semicircular instrument for measuring angles.

6. Выберите правильный вариант. (12 points)

1) To calculate the area of … you should multiply its length by its width.

a) oblong   b) circle   c) triangle

2) An oblong is a … shape.

a) round   b) spherical   c) flat

3) The … of the circle is 24 mm.

a) area   b) diameter   c) length

4) A … has three angles.

a) square   b) circle   c) triangular

5) Volume is measured in … metres.

a) square   b) round   c) cubic

6) A … has four equal sides.

a) square   b) circle   c) oblong

7. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова. (16 points)

1) The area of Russia is about 117 million … kilometers.

2) The Egyptian … are one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

3) The plane disappeared mysteriously in the Bermuda ….

4) Our planet is not a perfect ….

5) It took centuries to proof that the Earth is …, not flat.

6) She has a nice … face.

7) The volume of the tank is 1 … metre.

8) He took photographs of the statue from several different ….

8. Сопоставьте слова с определениями. (15 points)

  1. circular
  2. cube
  3. oval
  4. pyramid
  5. sphere
  6. square
  1. a flat shape with four equal sides and four right angles
  2. a structure with a square base and with sloping sides that meet at a point at the top
  3. shaped like a 0
  4. shaped like a circle; round
  5. something that has six equal square sides
  6. the shape of a ball

9. Переведите словосочетания на английский язык, используя слова в рамке. (14 points)

прямой угол, острый угол, тупой угол, фигура на плоскости, объем шара, площадь круга, равные стороны

angle – blunt – equal – flat – of the circle – of the sphere – right – shape – sharp – sides – the area – the volume


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