Внеклассные мероприятия
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9 класс) на тему

Старостина Александра Николаевна

Предварительный просмотр:

Подготовила и провела:

преподаватель иностранного зыка

ГБУДО ДСООЦ «Лазурный»

Старостина А.Н.

г.о.г. Выкса, 2015 г.

Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся на основе изученных    лексических единиц, речевых и грамматических структур по спортивной тематике.  

 Задачи урока:

1) Учебные – совершенствовать навыки говорения и чтения; расширить словарный запас по теме «Спорт»; активизировать знания об официальных Олимпийских символах (флаг, эмблема, девиз, талисман), о понятии Зимние Олимпийские игры.

2) Развивающие – развивать умения высказываться логично, расширить кругозор.

3) Воспитательные – привить обучающимся нормы здорового образа жизни, любовь к спорту; создать условия для применения в практической деятельности олимпийских ценностей.

Речевой материал: Olympic Games, motto, flame, mascot, principle.

Используемые технологии: информационно-комуникационные, метод проекта.

Методы работы: игровые, групповые.

Материально-техническое обеспечение: компьютер, проектор, интерактивная доска, детские рисунки, проектные работы по теме: ”If I were ...”, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока.

(Слайд 1)

Организационный момент. Беседа с обучающимися о задачах и целях урока.

T: Good afternoon, dear friends! Glad to meet you! How are you?

Cl: Good afternoon! Glad to meet you too!

T: Today we will speak about the Olympic Games, play games, and have different contests. First of all I will tell you about the history of Olympics.

 (Слайд 2)

Основная часть урока

T: Well, let's start! How do you think, when did the history of the Olympic Games start?

P1: It started many years ago.

T: You are right. Look at the board, please.

(Слайд 3)

T: The Olympic Games have a very long history. They began in 777 ВС in Greece and took place every four years for nearly twelve centuries at Olympia.

(Слайд 4)

T: They were held on the mountain Olympus. That’s why the games were called the Olympic Games. The ancient Greek Olympics were held every four years in summer. For the period of games all the wars stopped. So the Olympic Games became the symbol of space and friendship.

(Слайд 5)

 T: Then for a long time the games were not held.

(Слайд 6)

 T: Then the history of the modern Olympics started. In 1894 the French archeologist Pierre de Coubertin revived the Olympic Games. Of course, the First Modern Olympics were held in Greece in Athens in 1896. Since then there were held twenty seven summer and twenty seven winter games.

(Слайд 7)

T: Look, please. Do you see how many times the Olympic Games were held?

(Слайд 8)

T: Well, dear friends! Now let's speak about the next winter Olympic Games. These Olympic Games will be held in February from 7 to 23 in Sochi in 2014. Sochi is a beautiful city. It is situated not far from us. It is situated on the coast of a the Black Sea near the Caucasus mountains.

(Слайд 9)

T: Let's revise some facts about the Olympic symbols.

(Слайд 10)

T: Look at the motto and the flag of the Olympic Games. The motto is written in Latin: Citius, Altius, Fortius. That's in Russian means: Быстрее, выше, сильнее. Can you translate the motto into English?

P1: Faster, higher, stronger.

T: Well done. Now pay your attention to the Olympic flag. It has five rings of different colors. Each color means one continent. Let’s name the continents.

P1: Blue ring is for Europe.

P2: Black ring is for Africa.

P3: Yellow ring is for Asia.

P4: Red ring is for America.

P5: Green ring is for Australia.

T: OK! It is true! Come on.

 (Слайд 11)

T: Now look which medals will the sportsmen get. And here are some coins dedicated to the Olympic Games.

(Слайд 12)

T: And here you can see the emblem of the Olympics Sochi 2014 and the symbols which are called mascots: The Polar Bear, The Hare and the Leopard.

(Слайд 13)

3. Активизация употребления лексики по теме Sports

1) Phonetic Exercise (Фонетическая зарядка)

T: Let’s recollect a few words on the theme sport. Listen and repeat.

(Слайд 14)

2) Warming up (Речевая зарядка)

T: Well, now name the winter sports, please.

    biathlon (биатлон)

    bobsleighing (бобслей)

    downhill skiing (горнолыжный спорт)

    curling (керлинг)

    cross-country skiing (лыжные гонки)

    Nordic combined (лыжное двоеборье)

    ski jumping (прыжки на лыжах с трамплина)

    snowboarding (сноубординг)

    skeleton (скелетон)

    skating (скоростной бег на коньках)

    figure - skating (фигурное катание)

    freestyle (фристайл)

    hockey (хоккей)

    short-track speed skating (шорт-трек)

                             … is the winter sport.

4. Совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков

(Слайд 15)(Деление на команды)

 T: Well, boys and girls we will have a few contests. Let's divide into two teams. The name of the first team is “The Sharks” and it's captain will be … . The name of the second team is “The Bears” and it's captain will be … . Let’s start our competition.

(Слайд 16)

Contest 1. “Name the continents”

(Назовите континент)

T: And our first contest is “Name the Continents”. You should make the task. Each team will make the task in its turn. You will get a “snowflake” for your each answer. The team that gets more “snowflakes” will become the winner.

(Слайд 17-26)

1. Germany, France, Greece and other European countries are situated here.

2. This continent consists of two parts.

3. This continent is considered to be like a big island.

4. Here is situated the biggest desert in the world.

5. India, China, Japan and other Asian countries are situated there.

6.  Where does this woman live?

7. Where do these people live?

8. Where does this man live?

9. Where does this man live?

  1. Where does this man live?

Contest 2. “Captains' contest”

(Конкурс капитанов)

(Слайд 27)

T: Come here the captains. Choose your task, please!

(Капитаны выбирают карточки с заданиями для физ. минуток, показывают задания, команда повторяет)

Contest 3. “True or False”

(Правда или неправда)

(Слайд 28)

T: Our next contest is “True or False”. Read the statements and say which one is true or false.

            1) There are six rings in the Olympic flag.

            2) The winter Olympic Games 2014 will be held in Moscow

            3) The motto means “Faster, Longer, Stronger”.

            4) The Olympic Games 2012 were held in Moscow.

            5) The mascot is an animal or a toy.

            6) Sochi is the river in Russia.


Contest 4. “Proverbs and Sayings”

(Пословицы и поговорки)

(Слайд 29)

T: Well, our next competition is called “Proverbs and Sayings”. Find the right translation for each proverb. (Капитаны выбирают карточки с заданиями)

          •A sound mind in a sound body.

           В здоровом теле - здоровый дух.

           •Slow and steady wins the race.

            Тише едешь — дальше будешь.

           •The best of the sport is to do the deed and to say nothing.

           Лучший спорт — совершать поступки без лишних слов.

           •After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.

           После обеда — посиди, после ужина — милю пройди.

           •A bad beginning is the bad ending.

           Плохое начало до добра не доведёт.

          •It's not whether you win or lose that matters, it’s how you play the game.

            Важна не победа, а участие. (Пьер де Кубертен)

Contest 5. “Pantomime – game”


(Слайд 30)

T: Fine! Your next task is pantomime. Captains come here, please. Choose your task. Show it only to your team. Choose who will show the pantomime to the class. (Капитаны выбирают карточки с названиями видов спорта)

Contest 6. “Find the odd word”

(Найдите лишнее слово)

(Слайд 31)

T: It was very interesting, wasn't it? Well, our next contest is “Find the odd word”. Read the lines and find the odd word in each line.

           1. February, January, June, December

           2. Play, skate, ski, contest

           3. Football, basketball, handball, hockey

           4. Skiing, skating, snowboarding, singing

           5. Snowy, windy, rainy, slowly                                                                                                                     6. Skating, curling, skeleton, swimming

  Contest 7. “Make a Story”

(Опишите картинку)

(Слайд 32)

T: Here is our last task “Make a story”. You should complete the sentences; use the verbs in Present Simple.

Our Projects

(Слайд 33)

T: Well! While we are choosing the winner of our competition, look at the pictures which were drawn by you. And a few people will show you there projects “If I were...”

Our Pictures

(Слайд 34-37)

T: You can see the pictures of our students.

(Слайд 38)

5. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия

T: Thanks to everybody! And the winner of our competition is the team “...”.  Now, let's see how you do you like our lesson. Near the board you can see two baskets. Here are some balls. Please, everybody take a ball and threw it into the basket. If you liked the lesson threw a ball into the basket with a happy face. If you didn't like the lesson threw a ball into the basket with a sad face.

(Объявляется команда-победитель. Затем каждый берёт по мячу и бросает в корзину, находящуюся рядом с доской. Если урок понравился, то учащиеся бросают мяч в корзину с улыбающимся смайликом. Если урок не понравился, то учащиеся кидают в корзину с грустным смайликом. Подводится итог).

T: I wish everybody luck and many happy returns of the day! See you later! Good – bye!

Cl: Good-bye!

Литература и ссылки:


1. Базаркина Е.Л.  – Волгоград: Издательство «Учитель», 2005. – 117 с.

2. Видео «Названия видов спорта на английском языке» - Режим доступа: http://englishon-line.ru/leksika-spravochnik14.html (Электронный ресурс) – Дата обращения 12.11.2013

3. Официальный сайт Олимпийских зимних игр - Режим доступа: http://www.sochi2014.com/ (Электронный ресурс) – Дата обращения 12.11.2014

4. Песня «Закаляйся, если хочешь быть здоров» - Режим доступа: http://www.audiopoisk.com(Электронный ресурс) – Дата обращения 12.11.2014

5.  Песня «Сочи 2014» - Режим доступа: http://www.audiopoisk.com/?q=%F1%EE%F7%E8%202014 (Электронный ресурс) – Дата обращения 12.11.2014

6. Пословицы и поговорки на английском языке — Режим доступа: http://englishon-line.ru/leksika-spravochnik14.html (Электронный ресурс) – Дата обращения 12.11.2014


      1)Презентация «The Olympic Games»

  1. Проектные работы “If I were...” в форме презентаций.

а)http://nsportal.ru/node/928581 ;  б)http://nsportal.ru/node/928566 ;


Предварительный просмотр:

Государственное бюджетное учреждение дополнительного образования

 «Детский санаторно-оздоровительный образовательный центр «Лазурный»

(круглогодичного действия)


   Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому  языку в  7 классе        

              "Спорт. Олимпийские игры"

Подготовила:   СтаростинаА.Н.

преподаватель английского языка

ГБУДО ДСООЦ «Лазурный»

                                                    Выкса     2017г.

УМК:  Биболетова М. З. и др.

Класс: 7

Тема урока:  Спорт. Олимпийские игры.

Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся на основе изученных    

                      лексических единиц, речевых и грамматических структур по спортивной тематике. Задачи урока: 

Образовательные задачи: 

  1. Совершенствовать лексические  навыки говорения по теме «Спорт. Олимпийские      


2.  Тренировка обучающихся в умении вести общение на английском языке в предлагаемых    

     ситуациях  и ролевых играх.

Развивающие задачи: 

  1. Развивать  учебно-организационные  умения и навыки (взаимоконтроль, навыки                      самостоятельной работы, умение участвовать в коллективной познавательной деятельности, умение обобщать и анализировать).

                   2.   Развивать умения работать с информацией.

Воспитательные задачи: 

      1. Воспитывать чувства гордости за спортсменов своей страны,  Нижегородской области.

      2. Развивать патриотические  качества личности обучающихся.

  1. Оснащение урока: плакаты с символикой;  репродукции  «Звезды российского спорта», лозунг «Higher! Faster! Stronger!»; плакаты: «5 колец – 5 континентов», импровизированные медали победителям, ПРИЛОЖЕНИЯ  №1, №2.


  1. в игре  4 раунда,
  2. в каждом раунде принимают участие равное количество обучающихся,
  3. на каждый вопрос викторины все пишут свои варианты ответов на листочках,
  4. когда ответы написаны, каждый показывает свой вариант ответа,
  5. выигрывает в каждом раунде тот, кто правильно ответит на большее количество вопросов.

                                                                ХОД  ЗАНЯТИЯ

  1. Начало игры.  Оргмомент.

Good afternoon! You all are fond of sport: watching sport competitions on TV or going in for different kinds of sport. So, today we are going to have a lesson devoted to history of Olympic Games. It is a sports quiz consisting of 4 rounds. The topics of them are: “The History of the Olympic Games”, “The Olympic Champions of my country, Nizhegorodskaya Region ”, “National sports of Great Britain and the USA”, the game “The INTERVIEWER.”

. Every round will have its winners. Be attentive and polite. Write  your  answers  on papers, please.

  • Who was the founder of the modern Olympic Games?
  • When were the first Olympic Games?
  • What do 5 rings mean?
  • What was the motto of the Olympic Games?

2. Проведение игры.

      3. Итог игры.                                      

                                                            Ход урока-конкурса.

1-st round “The History of the Olympic Games”


  1. When and where did the first Olympic Games take place? (In Athens, 1896)
  2. How did they take place? (every 4 years)
  3. Why did the Olympic Games become the symbol of peace and friendship? (For the period of games all the wars stopped)
  4. What is the central policy-making body of the Olympic movement? (The International Olympic Comitee)
  5. When did Russia join the Olympic movement? (1952)
  6. Where and what did Olympic Games take place in our country and when? (the 22-nd Olympic Games, Moscow, 1980)
  7. What does the Olympic motto mean? (the motto of the Olympic Games is “Citius, Altius, Fortius” - Faster, Higher, Stronger)
  8. Where and when did Olympic Games take place  last time?


В.    Викторина об олимпийских играх. Ответьте «true» or «false».

  • Baron Pierre de Coubertin was the founder of modern Olympic Games.
  • The first Olympic Games were in 1894 in Greece.
  • There were the Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980.
  • The Olympic Games become the symbol of peace and friendship.
  • There were no Olympic Games in England.

Thanks for your answers. Our winner in this round is...

Let’s start the 2-nd round.

2-nd round “The Olympic Champions of my country, in Nizhegorodskaya Region  ”

I will name some Russian sportsmen and you must up the number of kind of sport they are.

(учитель называет имя спортсмена, детям нужно вспомнить, какой вид спорта представляет этот спортсмен; )

  1. Olga Slusareva – Cycling
  2. Vladislav Tretyak – Hockey
  3. Aleksandr Karelin – Greek-Rome Fighting
  4. Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze – Figure-Skating
  5. Aleksei Nemov – Gymnastics
  6. Maria Kiseleva – Synchronized Swimming
  7. Dmitri Berestov – Weight-lifting
  8. Aleksei Yagudin – Figure-Skating
  9. Vyacheslav Fetisov - Hockey
  10. Svetlana Khorkina – Gymnastics
  11. Gaidarbek Gaidarbekov – Boxing
  12. Belova Irina– Free exercises
  13. Dmitryi Lobkov-Skating
  14. Kornilov Denis-Ski-jumping

Thanks for your answers. Our winner in this round is...

Let’s start the 3-rd round.

3-rd round “National sports of Great Britain and the USA”

  1. Which game is the most popular game in GB and in the world? (Soccer-football)
  2. What club is the biggest football club in the world? (“Manchester United”, England)
  3. What kind of sport is Derby connected with? (Horse racing)
  4. What kind of sport is Wimbledon connected with? (All-England and International Tennis Championships)
  5. When and where was basketball invented? (by a teacher at a sports school in Springfield, USA, 1891)
  6. What kinds of sports were originated in the USA also? (volleyball, wind-surfing, skate-boarding, triathlon)
  7. What does triathlon include? (swimming, bicycle racing and long-distance-running)

     Let’s start the 4-th round.

the 4-th round the game “The INTERVIEWER”

Make up questions to this table-box.   ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ №1.

                                                                                            ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ №2/

Thanks for your answers. Our winner in this round is...

This is the end of our sport quiz and we have … winners. They are ... They are awarded special medals of winners. Good luck.

Домашнее задание 

T: The task you can choose yourself. Please, write an essay about your favorite sports.


T: Thank you for being industrious at the lesson. I am satisfied with your work. Each of you gets a good or an excellent mark. Now the lesson is over. You may be free. Good-bye.


 Общий зачет
Олимпийских игр 2012г

 Flag of the United States.svg США





Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Китай





Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Великобр





Flag of Russia.svg Россия





Flag of South Korea.svg Ю.Корея





Flag of Germany.svg Германия





Flag of France.svg Франция





Flag of Italy.svg Италия






LIST of  all OLIMPIC GAMES from 1896





Summer Olimpic   Games




Athens, Greece




Paris, France




St. Louis (Missouri), United States




Athens, Greece




London (England), United Kingdom




Stockholm, Sweden



Cancelled (WWI)

Berlin, Germany




Antwerp, Belgium




Paris, France




Amsterdam, Netherlands




Los Angeles (California), United States




Berlin, Germany



Cancelled (Winter War)

Helsinki, Finland



Cancelled (WWII)

London (England), United Kingdom




London (England), United Kingdom




Helsinki, Finland




Melbourne, Australia*2




Rome, Italy




Tokyo, Japan




Mexico City, Mexico




Munich, West Germany




Montreal (Quebec), Canada




Moscow, Soviet Union




Los Angeles (California), United States




Seoul, South Korea




Barcelona (Catalonia), Spain




Atlanta (Georgia), United States




Sydney (New South Wales), Australia




Athens, Greece




Beijing, China




London (England), United Kingdom




Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

1 – Intercalated
*2 – Equestrian events were held in Stockholm, Sweden

Winter  Olimpic  Games




Chamonix, France




St Moritz, Switzerland




Lake Placid (New York), United States




Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany



Cancelled (WWII)

Sapporo, Japan / St Moritz, Switzerland



Cancelled (WWII)

Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy




St Moritz, Switzerland




Oslo, Norway




Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy




Squaw Valley (California), United States




Innsbruck, Austria




Grenoble, France




Sapporo, Japan




Innsbruck, Austria




Lake Placid (New York), United States




Sarajevo, Yugoslavia




Calgary (Alberta), Canada




Albertville, France




Lillehammer, Norway




Nagano, Japan




Salt Lake City (Utah), United States




Turin, Italy




Vancouver (British Columbia), Canada




Sochi, Russia

Предварительный просмотр:

Подготовила и провела:

преподаватель иностранного зыка

ГБУДО ДСООЦ «Лазурный»

Старостина А.Н.

г.о.г. Выкса, 2014 г.

Цель мероприятия: организовать общение обучающихся по теме "Rules of the road".


Учебный аспект:

  1. Развитие лексических навыков говорения.
  2. Развитие речевых умений в диалогической и монологической речи на основе творческого использования усвоенного ранее материала в ситуациях общения.
  3. Систематизация, обобщение и закрепление пройденного материала.

Развивающий аспект:

  1. Развитие речевых, творческих способностей.
  2. Развитие творческой деятельности, памяти, развитие языковой догадки воображения, способности логически излагать, работать в группе.

Воспитательный аспект:

  1. Формирование познавательной активности обучающихся.
  2. Воспитание грамотного пешехода, интереса к изучению дорожной азбуки.
  3. Воспитание чувства товарищества, коллективизма, взаимопомощи, ответственности.

Оборудование: карточки с текстами и заданиями, дорожные знаки, плакаты и рисунки по теме «Правила дорожного движения, сигналы светофора для игры, проектор.

Ход мероприятия 

I. Организационный момент.

Good afternoon my dear pupils. Today we have an unusual party.

II. Стадия вызова (выявление имеющихся знаний обучающихся, мотивирование их на дальнейшую работу на мероприятии).

Look at our classboard. You can see many pictures and posters. Can you guess the topic of our meeting? (Ученики дают ответы).

You are right, we shall speak about towns, streets and transport there. But our main idea is to revise rules of the streets and roads.

Do you live in the town? What street do you live in?

Do you like it?

Аre there many roads in your street?

What do you do in the street?

 Well. Today we’ll check up your knowledge (сегодня мы проверим ваши знания) of rules of roads and see you know them.

III. Фонетическая разминка.

Listen to the poem and complete it.

Stop! Look!
Stop! Look!
Trams and cars in our town
Run up and down,
Run up and down,
Stop! Look at the light!
First look to the left,
And then to the …

light  – свет

Thank you, you read the poem very well and what other poems about streets do you know?

Ученики декламируют стихи.

  1. Stop! Look! Listen!
    Stop! Look! Listen!
    Before you cross the street.
    Use your eyes, use your ears,
    And then use your feet.
  2. The streets
    The streets go,
    The streets go down,
    And in and out
    About the town.
  3. In the streets
    In the streets
    Buses run,
    Two by two,
    Or one by one.

IV. Стадия осмысления (извлечение необходимой информации по теме).

 And now meet Mr. Traffic Lights! He wants to tell you about some rules of the road.

Traffic Lights
Look to this side,
Look to that side.
The green says, “Go!”
Now go slow!
The red says, “Stop!”
Now do so!

Mr. Traffic Lights:

Answer my questions, please!
What do you see in your street?
Do you see many cars and buses?
What colour are they?
What must you do before you cross the street?
What must you do when the light is red?
What must you do when the light is green?

(Ответы учащихся)

Mr. Traffic Lights: "Rules of the road"  – rules that teach and tell us about the movement of people and vehicles on the road. This is a real state law and we must follow this law. (Показывается через проектор и дается перевод).

Mr. Traffic Lights: My helpers want you to listen to the poem. Listen and to the rules and remember them!

Traffic Lesson
Be very, very careful
When you cross the street.
Use your eyes, use your ears,
And then use your feet.
Look to the left,
Look to the right,

Then look up
And check the light.
When all the cars have stopped
It’s time for you to go.
Walk between the lines

That’s the safest way I know. Раздают памятки с Правилами Дорожного движения. (Правила показываются через проектор).

 Thank you, Mr. Traffic Lights! And now we shall read them.

Задание выполняется всеми учениками. Правила зачитываются вслух.

 Follow these rules and your friends to follow them. It will save your lives!

Work in groups!

Read the text and do exercises.

Little Alec
Little Alec and his father are in the street. On the road they see a lot of cars, trucks, vans, trams and buses. Alec looks at the cars. He sees black cars, green cars and blue cars.
“Look, Alec!” says the boy’s father. “Do you see that nice dog?” Alec sees the dog. The dog is little and white. He likes the dog and runs after it.
The dog crosses the road . Alec wants to cross the road too. But his father runs after him and stops him.
“You must not cross the road when the light is green.”
“Then why does the dog cross the road when the light is red?” asks Alec.
“The dog does not know the street lights,” says Alec’s father.

Exercises for each group:

Group 1: Say what Alec sees in the street.

Group 2: Say why the dog crosses the road when the light is red.

Group 3: Say when people must cross the road.

V. Физкультминутка.

Появляется один из учеников в форме регулировщика:

A Traffic Officer
All these cars and trucks
That are running along
Can be stopped by the man,
Who’s enormously strong.

Traffic Officer:

Now we shall play the game “Traffic Lights”.
I show the light to you and you must stand if the light is red,
you must clap the hands if it is yellow,
you must stamp your feet if the light is green.

 Our meeting is over. You are very good today and I am proud of you. I hope, you will be follow the rules of the roads. Your hometask will be: Please, tell the rules to your brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers!

      The sign” No cycling.” You mustn’t ride a bike.

           The sign “ One way road.” You should go straight ahead.

           The sign “Crossing.” You should cross the street when the light is green.

        The sign ‘Stop”.Drivers should stop before the sign.

       The sign “Bus  stop”. You can wait a bus here.

        The sign “No walking”.You mustn’t walk.

        The sign “Directions”.You should turn left.

The sign “Directions”.You should turn right.

     The sign “The Traffic light”

VI.Развитие навыков орфографии. Well done, thank you! But we have one more problem. All these people forgot the words. Let’s help them to find the word.  

n,a,r,r,g,e,a    (arrange)

d,o,a,c,c,o,t,n,I,m,a,o    (accommodation)

r,o,s,p,e,o,p    (propose)

c,l,o,s,i,a     (social)

e,l,n,a,p  (plane)

o,l,l,c,a    (local)

v,i,t,a,i,n,n,o,i,t   (invitation)


Stop! Look!
Stop! Look!
Trams and cars in our town
Run up and down,
Run up and down,
Stop! Look at the light!
First look to the left,
And then to the …
(Right) Good -bye!

Активные участники награждаются памятными призами.

Предварительный просмотр:

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему

«A travel to the land of Halloween»

Провела и подготовила: преподаватель английского языка Старостина А.Н.

Предмет: английский язык

Тема: «A travel to the land of Halloween»

Класс: 8

Цель: поддержание интереса к изучению английского языка на основе внеклассного мероприятия по теме «A travel to the land of  Halloween»

Задачи мероприятия:

1. Развивать память и мышление обучающихся;

 2. стимулирование интереса к предмету;

 3. Развивать лексические навыки;

 4. Воспитание любознательности и толерантности;

5.Приобщить обучающихся  к культуре, традициям страны изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: мультимедийное оборудование, карточки с заданиями, жетоны «Лазурики», грамоты

Ход мероприятия.

1) Оргмомент

 T: Good morning children. I’m glad to see you. Tell me, please, what date is it today? What day of the week is it today?

Watch the video. Look at the screen.

(Дети просматривают короткий видеофрагмент 1 на тему Halloween. На тексте песни и переводе внимание не акцентируется).

Т:After watching this video, how do you think, what is the topic of our lesson?

I hope you have already felt the atmosphere of Halloween. Do you like it?

Do you know anything about Halloween?

At this lesson you will know more information about Halloween. We will have a very interesting game “A travel to Halloween”.

(участвуют 2 команды по 7 человек, каждая команда зарабатывает баллы)

1. Translate the words, please.

(Учитель раздаёт карточки со словами)

1. pumpkin

2.  jack-o’-lantern

3. bat

4.  spider

5. witch        

6. ghost

7.  spirit

8. black cat

9.  costume

10. monster

2. Choose the words on the right which complete the words on the left.

1.  Heven                                            a)  фонарь из тыквы

2.  spider                                            b) тыква

3.  witch                                              c) свеча

4.  bat                                                  d)  привидение, призрак

5.  skeleton                                        e) колдунья, ведьма

6.  ghost                                              f) летучая мышь

7.  jack-o'-lantern                              g) конфета, леденец

8.  candle                                            h) скелет

9.  pumpkin                                         i) смерть

10.death                                              j)  паук

11. candy                                            k) небеса

3. The following task is to make up the sentences out of the words and then to put them in order according to the action.

1. Night tell a scary in story a low voice on  Halloween People

2. Believe that day the souls return of the They dead to place  where they lived

3. Pumpkins People their houses decorate with

4. 31 of October the British celebrate on the Halloween

5.  Halloween’s the evening there are a lot  of  parties In


4. Now, we are going to have a trip to the magic world, to the town called Halloween. The ghosts and witches, who live there, are going to tell us about their home and themselves.

 (Учитель раздаёт карточки с текстом  песни “This is Halloween” из мультфильма “The Nightmare before Christmas”. В тексте пропущены некоторые слова. Задание учеников состоит в том, чтобы ,просмотрев видеофрагмент 2 , заполнить пропуски во время прослушивания песни. Пропущенные слова поданы в задании).

a) Fill in the blankets with the following words:

 red, pumpkins, age, Halloween (*2), everybody, trick or treat, strange, will see, spiders, bed

This is Halloween

Boys and girls of every _________

 Wouldn’t you like to see something _________?

 Come with us and you _________

 This, our town of _________!

 This is Halloween, this is Halloween!

_________ scream in the dead of night.

 This is Halloween, _________ make a scene!

 _________ till the neighbors gonna die of fright!

 It’s our town, everybody scream

 In this town of _________.

I am the one hiding under your _________

 Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing _________.

 I am the one hiding under yours stairs

 Fingers like snakes and _________ in my hair.

This is Halloween, this is Halloween

 Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!

b) Listen to the music again

(Фрагмент проигрывается ещё раз, чтобы ученики еще раз смогли проверить слова)


T: Repeat after me. (учащиеся повторяют слова и движения за учителем)

Two little hands go clap, clap, and clap.

 Two little feet go tap, tap, and tap.

One little body goes round and round.

One little child sits quietly down.

5. Now, we will not translate these words, but we will try to guess their meanings by the pictures. Match the words and the pictures.

 1. Halloween

 2. pumpkin

 3. jack-o’-lantern

 4. trick-or-treat

 5. bat

 6. spider

7. witch        

 8. ghost

 9. spirit

10. black cat

11.  costume

 12. monster

6. Unscramble words.

The next task is to unscramble the words. The letters of the words were mixed. Put them in the right way.

S O T H G –

H C W T I –

E E A H W L N L O –

D Y A C N –

A S B T –

U I M N P P K –

M C E U S O T –

E D R S I P –

C A K B L   C T A -

7.  Crossword.

(презентация с вопросами и кроссвордом)

Now, let’s look at the crossword. You know already all the words needed, so, let’s fill it in!

Т: Did you like our lesson today?

When do we celebrate Halloween?

What are the main activities for Halloween?

What is the symbol of Halloween?

 Bats and rats and witches' cats,

 Skeletons in bowler hats.

 Don't be scared! It's Halloween —

 Spooks and spirits can be seen!

Boys and girls! “Halloween” is very important in the life of English people.  Now you see Halloween is a nice and funny holiday. Everyone is happy. All your projects have shown it.  I wish you to be happy with all my heart!
(подсчитываются баллы каждой команде. Победители награждаются памятными призами)

Предварительный просмотр:

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку «Alphabet health»

Предмет: английский язык

Тема: «Азбука здоровья»

Класс: 7 «в», 7 «а»

Дата проведения:

08.04.2014 г.(с 11.30-12.30)-7 «в»

09.04.2014 г.(с 11.30-12.30)-7 «а»

Цель: Обучение и воспитание здоровой и социально-активной личности, развитие творческой инициативы обучающихся.



  • развитие умения и навыков чтения вслух и про себя;
  • совершенствование навыков аудирования;
  • повысить мотивацию изучения английского языка;
  • информировать о здоровом питании как об одном из аспектов здорового образа жизни.


  • развитие воображения;
  • развитие умения логически мыслить.


  • воспитание стремления быть добрыми и вежливыми в общении, воспитывать уважительное отношение друг к другу;
  • воспитывать позитивное отношение к своему здоровью и здоровью других людей.

I. Организационный момент

 -Good morning!

-Glad to see you!  

I like honey on my bread,

I like salad, I like eggs.

I drink water all day long.

All these things make me strong.

-Today we have last lesson on the topic " Alphabet health ". You are to perform your skills. We are going to answer the questions, to play the game, to read the text.

 II. Речевая разминка (T—P1,P2,P3…)

 Answer my questions:

 1. Do you like to eat a bar of chocolate for breakfast?

 2. What bread do you prefer black or white one?

 3. Do you like to eat sweets?

 4. Do you have a cup of tea or coffee for lunch?

 5. What is your favourite food?

 6. What is your favourite drink?

 7. Do you like porridge with butter?

 8. What fruits do you love?

 9. Do you eat fast food?

 10. Why fast food isn’t good?

The first  competition "Warm-up".

What kinds of food do you know? (игра с мячом)

- Каждая команда по очереди называют названия продуктов питания. Выигрывает та команда, которая последней назовёт продукт питания.

Игра «Съедобное – несъедобное»

 Let’s play. Clap your hands if you can eat it. Stamp your feet if you can’t eat it. (A banana, an apple, a pen, a sandwich, a stick, a carrot, a lemon, a table, a box, a tomato, a clock, a hat, a sweet, a cake).

The second  competition «Make a word».

- Let’s divide into two teams. You can see the cards on the blackboard. The task for our teams is to find the names of the food.


(porrige, coffee, bread, cappot, cabbage, sandwich, cheese, butter)

III. Контроль знания лексики

 Let’s play the game "What is it?" There is a list of topical words and their meanings. You are to match them.

I variant

 1 drink                     A яблоко

 2 enjoy                     B суп

 3 potato                    C капуста

 4 carrot                     D хлеб

 5 pear                       E пицца

 6 cabbage                 F чеснок

 7 garlic                     G груша

 8 plum                      H морковь

 9 Would you like?    I картофель

 10 apple                    J слива

 11 bread                    K пить

 12 pizza                    L наслаждаться

 13 soup                    M Не хотите ли..?

 II variant

 1 eat                          A минеральная вода

 2 I like…                  B йогурт

 3 cucumber               C овощ

 4 vegetable               D редис

 5 porridge                 E сахар

 6 butter                     F чизбургер

 7 ham                       G масло

 8 cheeseburger         H огурец

 9 sugar                      I ветчина

 10 yog(h)urt             J каша

 11 mintral water       K курица

 12 radish                   L кушать, есть

 13 chicken                M Я люблю…

Keys I variant Keys II variant

1 k        1 l

2 l         2 m

3 i         3 h

4 h        4 c

5 g        5 j

6 c        6 g

7 f         7 i

8 j         8 f

9 m       9 e

10 a      10 b

11 d      11 a

12 e      12 d

13 b      13 k


1. Жидко, а не вода. Бело, а не снег. (milk)

2. В воде родится, а воды боится. (salt)

3. Я бел как снег. В чести у всех. И нравлюсь вам – во вред зубам. (sugar)

4. Черненько, горяченько, а все любят.  (tea)

5. Любопытный красный нос по макушку в землю врос,

    Лишь торчат из грядки зелёные пятки. (а carrot)

6.  Головаста, форсиста, сорочек надела триста, а нога одна. (а сabbage)

7. Сарафан не сарафан, платьице не платьице. А как станешь раздевать, досыта наплачешься. (an onion) 

8. И зелен, и густ, на грядке вырос куст. Покопай немножко – под кустом…  

 (а potato)

 9. Я длинный и зелёный. Я вкусный и солёный, я вкусный и сырой. Кто же я такой?

(а cucumber)

10. Кафтан на мне зелёный, а сердце как кумач.

      На вкус, как  сахар, сладок. На вид похож на мяч. (а water-melon)

11. Синий мундир, жёлтая подкладка, а в середине сладко.  (a plum)

"Hidden Fruit"

Next task is more difficult. It’s called "Hidden Fruit". One fruit is hidden in each sentence. Your aim is to find and underline them all.

E.g.: They attempted to tap each other.

  1. They threw a rope around him.
  2. Give me the map, please.
  3. You do not much err, you villain.
  4. My dear chap, lumbago is very painful.
  5. This is the first raw berry I have seen this year.
  6. Four angle hosts appeared in the sky.
  7. In spite of the ban, an amber necklace was smuggled into the country.

"Magic Square"

This is a "Magic Square". There are nine fruit in it.  Will you find them?

(1 word=1 point)
















































































































Do you know English proverbs? Try to match English proverbs with their equivalents, please?

  1. The appetite comes with eating. –             A) Богатство без здоровья ничто.
  2. Wealth is nothing without health. –             B) Весёлое настроение – лучшее лекарство.
  3. A merry heart is a good medicine. –          C) Аппетит приходит во время еды.
  4. When wine is in, wit is out. –                         D) Голодный мужчина – сердитый мужчина.
  5. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. –  E) Голод – лучшая приправа.
  6. All sugar and honey. –                               F) Вино вошло, разум вышел.                                                                                                          
  7. Don’t quarrel with your bread and butter.     G) Кушай по яблоку в день, и не знай врачей
  8. Hunger is the best sauce. –                         H) Береги свой кусок с маслом.                                                                                                    
  9. A hungry man is an angry man. –              I ) Весь из сахара и мёда  

КЛЮЧ: 1C, 2A, 3B, 4F, 5G, 6I, 7H, 8E, 9D.

IV. Контроль умения читать

 Please take the cards with the text "Good Food for Good Life". Read the text. After the text there are three tasks. Look through them. Have you any questions?

Good Food for Good Life

 We need good food for good life. Good food has a lot of vitamins, proteins (белки) and minerals. They are in vegetables, fruits, bread, milk, meat, fish and porridge. These things help to make your bones and teeth strong. They make your body strong and healthy.

 It’s important to eat enough – not too much and not too little. Too much food makes you fat. Too little food makes you weak.


 I. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?

 1. We need bad food for good life.

 2. We need little vitamins.

 3. It’s important to eat much.

 4. Minerals make your bones and teeth strong.

 5. Vitamins, proteins, minerals make you healthy.

 II. Find English equivalent in the text to the sentences:

 I v: В полезной еде много витаминов, белков, минералов.

 II v: Эти вещества помогают сделать крепкими ваши кости и зубы.

 KEYS for "Good Food for Good Life".

 I. F, F, F, T, T. 5 scores

 II. I v: Good food has a lot of vitamins, proteins and minerals. 1 score

 II v: These things help to make your bones and teeth strong.

the results of the contest.

Team "___" has got … points.

Team "___" has got … points.

You all did the best to win and all of you are getting prizes now.

Congratulations to everybody!

Was the contest interesting? What was interesting?

Thank you very much!

Предварительный просмотр:

План – конспект открытого урока

по английскому языку

Тема: Christmas

Цель: Повышать интерес обучающихся к культуре изучаемого языка, ознакомить с традициями празднования Рождества в Великобритании и США.



  • Закрепление и совершенствование навыков устной монологической речи обучающихся;
  • Совершенствование навыков аудирования;
  • Тренировать навыки чтения;
  • Формировать умение работать с текстом.


  • Приучать к этикету в межличностном общении;
  • Воспитывать ценностное отношение к культуре и истории страны изучаемого языка;


  • Развивать и поддерживать устойчивый интерес к английскому языку, речевую культуру и культуру общения друг с другом;
  • Развивать  логическое  мышление,  память, внимательность;

  • Развивать личность обучающихся через знакомство с историей, традициями страны изучаемого языка;
  • Стимулировать самостоятельность обучающихся, а также активность, любознательность.

Оборудование урока: проектор, экран, раздаточный материал, компьютер.

Ход урока

I. Орг. момент

a) Приветствие.

Good afternoon!

Glad to see you!

Sit down, please.

b) Речевая разминка

How are you today?

Fine, thanks. And how are you?

(просмотр видеоролика)

II. Введение в сюжет урока.

Today our lesson is devoted to the most popular holiday in Great Britain and the US. This holiday is Christmas. As you see our lesson is unusual. There are a lot of guests here. And we will try to amaze them.

III. Работа с текстом

Before reading the text about Christmas I want you to answer some questions.

Pre-Reading questions

  1. When is Christmas celebrated?
  2. What are the main Christmas symbols?
  3. When is Christmas celebrated in Russia?

Now you will have the text. Your task is to read it and match the titles with the paragraphs of the text. All these titles are after the text. We can read them right now. But there are some words in the text you don’t know. Let’s read them. I will read and you will repeat after me.

Now read these words one by one.

New words:

Tinsel [tinsl] – гирлянды

Baubles [bo: blz] – шарики

Fairy lights – елочные огни

Cracker – хлопушка

Sprouts [sprauts] – брюссельская капуста

Covering of icing – корочка из глазури

Mince pie – пирожок с начинкой из изюма, миндаля, корицы и сахара

Bake – пекут

Pudding – пудинг

Tangerine – мандарин

Santa Claus – Cанта Клаус

Supposed – предполагается, что

Imaginary – воображаемый

Chimney – труба

Sleigh – сани

Reindeer – олени

Decorations – украшения

Shepherds – пастухи

Bethlehem [‘beOlihem] – Вифлеем

Holly – остролист

Mistletoe – омела


Christmas is the main public holiday in Britain and the US. This day is held on December 25th in honour of the birth of Jesus Christ. People often see it as a time of merry-making and present giving.

Christmas is a religious holiday, when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The Christmas story comes from the Bible. An Angel appeared to shepherds and told them that a Savior had been born to Mary and Joseph in a stable in Bethlehem. The Wise Men followed a star until it led them to Jesus. The Wise Men gave Jesus many gifts. So it is a tradition to give presents on Christmas Day. Another tradition is to put a star on the top of Christmas tree.

On Christmas families are usually spend the day opening their presents which are often piled around the Christmas tree decorated with tinsel, candles, baubles, and fairy lights. The most beautiful Christmas tree is in the centre of London in Trafalgar Square. This is a present from the people of Norway to people of Great Britain.

All houses are beautifully decorated. Holly and mistletoe are used to decorate the house. They put branches of holly and mistletoe over the doors.

The most important meal is Christmas dinner. At the start of the meal, British people often pull a cracker, which contains a small toy, a paper bat, and a joke. The typical meal nowadays consists of turkey with potatoes and other vegetables such as carrots and sprouts.

In Britain the dinner is followed by Christmas pudding – a sweet pudding containing a lot of dried fruit and often covered with burning brandy. Other traditional foods in Britain include Christmas cake – a cake containing a lot of dried fruit and usually having a covering of icing (hard sugar) made to be eaten at Christmas, and mince pies. Traditionally a coin is put into the pudding. It brings luck to a person who finds it. 

People sometimes go carol singing, which means singing carols in the street, outside people’s houses.

There is a tradition that children should put a long sock called a Christmas stocking at the end of their bed or by the chimney or hang it by the fireplace so that Santa Claus will fill it with presents. Tangerines or nuts are often put into the stockings. Santa Claus is supposed to visit each house on Christmas Eve by climbing down the chimney.

Santa Claus, also called Santa, Father Christmas (in Britain), or Kriss Kringle (in America) is an imaginary old man in red clothes and with a long white beard. He is supposed to fly about the sky in a sleigh, pulled by reindeer.

In Britain, the day after Christmas is called Boxing Day and is also a public holiday. A lot of sports take place on Boxing Day and many people now spend time watching sport on television. In the US many stores hold special sales, where things can be bought cheaply, on the day after Christmas.

  1. Christmas stockings
  2. The day after Christmas
  3. Santa Claus
  4. The history of Christmas
  5. Decorations of the houses

  1. The celebrating of Christmas
  2. Carol singing
  3. Christmas dinner
  4. Christmas tree
  5. Christmas desert

Let’s read this text and check what you have done.

IV. Выполнение послеткстовых упражнений

And now as I’ve already said you are going to do some exercises after the text.

1. The first task for you is to match Russian equivalents with the words and phrases above.

  1. Fireplace
  2. Imaginary
  3. Beard
  4. Sale
  5. Cheaply
  6. Remove
  1. Борода
  2. Дешево
  3. Камин
  4. Распродажа
  5. Убирать
  6. Вымышленный

2. The second task we will do with the help of our Lab System. Put on your earphones.  

The first task here is to match if the statements are true or false?

Учащиеся слушают запись на оборудовании и отмечают предложения верно или неверно.

The second task here is to make the right choice. You will hear the questions and three variants of answers to them. Your task is to choose the right one.

Учащиеся слушают вопросы и делают  выбор из трех предложенных.

3. Now you will work in groups of four. Your task is to make up three questions to the text. After it each group will ask another one. You are to answer all the questions.

Учащиеся составляют вопросы в группах. После этого задают вопросы друг другу. В это время двум ученикам раздаются индивидуальные задания по тексту. Они выполняют их письменно.

4. Well, you will work in pairs. Your task is to complete short texts about celebrating Christmas in different countries. You will have them, but you are to put the sentences into a logical order and then you’ll read them to all of us.

Задание для учащихся – в парах поставить предложения по порядку и прочитать получившийся текст вслух.

The Netherlands

In the Netherlands, holiday tradition centers on the arrival of St. Nicholas.

The saint is said to come on horseback, bearing gifts for the children.

Before going to bed, the children leave out their shoes.

They hope to find them filled with goodies when they awake.


In Venezuela, the week leading up to Christmas is a time of great celebration.

It is the custom in Caracas to roller skate to church at this time.

Many neighborhoods even close busy streets to traffic so that skaters can get around.

After attending church, Venezuelans dine on coffee and tostados.


Right after Christmas, people travel in horse-drawn sleighs for the Kulig – the winter sleigh party.

Families gather in the forest, light fires, and prepare festive meals.

Later in the evening, they celebrate with dancing and fireworks.


In rural parts of southern Germany, the three Thursday evenings before Christmas are known as Knocking nights.

Children dress in masks and travel from house to house chanting rhymes beginning with the word knock.

Along the way, the children crack whips, ring cowbells, and clatter dish covers to drive away evil spirits.

V. Конкурсы (Activities)

Christmas Word Find

In the puzzle, find and circle the 20 hidden holiday words listed on Santa’s sack. The words go across, up, down, and diagonally in the puzzle. Some words may share a letter.


























































































































  1. Merry Christmas

Unscramble the Christmas words. (Hint: the first letter of each word is underlined)

  1. What’s in a name

Follow the directions below very carefully, and you’ll see a name-change happen right before your eyes.

  1. Write down KRISKRINGLE     __________________________________
  2. Add an A before the two I’s and the E    _____________________________
  3. Place a T in the exact center of the word     ____________________________
  4. Double every 5th letter     _______________________________________
  5. Move the first S to the beginning of the word    ________________________
  6. Move the second S to the end of the word     _________________________
  7. Take away all the K’s     _______________________________________
  8. Exchange the places of the 4th and the 10th letters _______________________
  9. Take away all the I’s     ________________________________________
  10. Change the G to C     __________________________________________
  11. Remove the R’s and the E’s     ____________________________________
  12. Now, add a U before the last letter, and put a space between the second A and the C     ____________________________________________________

  1. Santa Claus around the world

Below are the names of Santa Claus from twelve different countries. Your task is to match the name of Santa Claus on the left with the country he comes from on the right.

  1. Serbia
  1. Did Moroz
  1. Holland
  1. Baba Noel
  1. Spain
  1. Black Peter
  1. Austria
  1. El Nino Jesus
  1. Japan
  1. Bozic Bata
  1. Iran
  1. Sinterclass
  1. Ukraine
  1. Papa Noel
  1. Italy
  1. Santa Kurousu
  1. Germany
  1. Deda Mraz
  1. Yugoslavia
  1. Babbo Natale
  1. Columbia
  1. Der Weihnachtsman
  1. Morocco
  1. Christkindl

  1. Noel Nonsense

Believe it or not, the weird words below are actually a short Christmas poem that was once a popular holiday greeting. Find it by making sense of these nonsense words.

  1. Christmas around the world

Below are holiday greetings from six different countries. See if you can match each greeting on the left, with the country it comes from, on the right.

  1. “When Christmas Comes To Town” (Matthew Hall & Megan Moore)

Read the song “When Christmas comes to town” and put in the missing words from the box into the sentences.

Eve              Christmas           far                sleigh               cheer        fun                dreams                sing               Santa’s             alone      

When Christmas comes to town

I’m wishing on a star

And trying to believe

That even though it’s ________

He’ll find me Christmas _________

I guess that ____________ busy

Cause he’s never come around

I think of him

When _________________ comes to town

The best time of the year

When everyone comes home

With all this Christmas _____________

It’s hard to be ________________

Putting up the Christmas tree

With friends who come around

It’s so much _____________

When Christmas comes to town

Presents for the children

Wrapped in red and green

All the things I’ve heard about

But never really seen

No one will be sleeping on the night

Of Christmas Eve

Hoping Santa’s on his way

Presents for the children

Wrapped in red and green

All the things I’ve heard about

But never really seen

No one will be sleeping on the night

Of Christmas Eve

Hoping Santa’s on his way.

When Santa’s ____________ bells ring

I listen all around

The herald angels’ _____________

I never hear a sound

And all the _____________ of children

Once lost will all be found

That’s all I want

When Christmas comes to town

That’s all I want

When Christmas comes to town.

VI. Заключительная часть.

Подведение итогов урока

In the end of our lesson I want you to tell me in a few words what you’ve known about Christmas in Britain.

Выставление оценок.

Are the statements true or false? Correct the false statements.

  1. Christmas day is a public holiday.
  2. This day is held on December 25th in honour of the birth of Santa Claus.
  3. In Britain people eat pudding before the dinner.
  4. Christmas cake contains dried fruit.
  5. Carol singing means singing carols at home at a Christmas table.
  6. There is a tradition that children should put a long sock called a Christmas stocking.
  7. Santa Claus visits each house on Christmas Eve by climbing down the chimney.
  8. Santa Claus is a real old man in red clothes and with a long white beard.

Choose the right answer

  1. What is the main public holiday in Britain?
  1. St. Valentine’s Day       b) Christmas           c) April Fool’s Day
  1. What does carol singing mean?
  1. singing carols in the street  b) singing carols at home   c) singing carols at school
  1. What do British people usually do at the start of the Christmas meal?
  1. they usually play cricket    b) they usually pull a cracker   c) they usually play snowballs
  1. What do British children do before they go to sleep on Christmas Eve?
  1. they do their homework    b) they go carol singing   c) put a long sock at the end of their bed or by the chimney
  1. How is the day after Christmas called?
  1. it’s called Boxing Day    b) Independence Day   c) Labour Day
  1. How does Santa Claus travel about the sky?
  1. he flies by plane    b) he flies in a sleigh, pulled by reindeer   c) he flies in a carriage, pulled by horses

  1. Put the sentences into a logical order according to the text.

  1. The most beautiful Christmas tree is in the centre of London in Trafalgar Square.
  2. The most important meal is Christmas dinner.
  3. Santa Claus is supposed to visit each house on Christmas Eve by climbing down the chimney.
  4. Christmas is the main public holiday in Britain and the US.
  5. They put branches of holly and mistletoe over the doors.
  6. In Britain, the day after Christmas is called Boxing Day and is also a public holiday.
  7. People sometimes go carol singing, which means singing carols in the street, outside people’s houses.
  8. Santa Claus is supposed to fly about the sky in a sleigh, pulled by reindeer.
  9. The Christmas story comes from the Bible.
  10. There is a tradition that children should put a long sock called a Christmas stocking at the end of their bed or by the chimney.

  1. Find the answers to the questions

  1. What is the main holiday in Great Britain and the US?
  2. When is Christmas celebrated?
  3. Is Christmas a religious holiday?
  4. Where is the most beautiful Christmas tree situated?
  5. How do people decorate Christmas tree?
  6. What is the main Christmas desert?
  7. What do children put at the end of their bed or by the chimney?
  8. Who is Santa Claus?
  9. How does Santa Claus get into people’s houses?
  10. Is Boxing Day a public holiday?

  1. Santa Claus is an imaginary old man in red clothes and with a long white beard.
  2. Yes, Boxing Day and is a public holiday.
  3. Christmas is the main public holiday in Britain and the US.
  4. The most beautiful Christmas tree is in the centre of London in Trafalgar Square.
  5. People decorate Christmas tree with tinsel, baubles, and fairy lights.
  6. Children put a long sock called a Christmas stocking at the end of their bed or by the chimney.
  7. Christmas is held on December 25th.
  8. The main Christmas desert is Christmas pudding.
  9. Santa Claus is supposed to visit each house on Christmas Eve by climbing down the chimney.
  10. Yes, Christmas is a religious holiday.

Предварительный просмотр:


Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку

« Christmas night»

Подготовила и провела: преподаватель английского языка Старостина А.Н.

Предмет: английский язык

Тема: «Рождественская ночь»

Целевая аудитория: обучающиеся в составе 25-30 чел.

  1. Цель: совершенствовать умение практического владения английским языком по теме «Christmas night». 


           1 .совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию обучающихся в                        процессе обучения иностранному языку.

 2.развивать и углублять знания по страноведению.

      3.повышать познавательный интерес к иностранному языку в процессе обучения.

 Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор,  раздаточный материал.

                                             Ход мероприятия

  1. Орг.момент.

Good morning, dear children! I am glad to see you. And you?

How are you today? And you? And you?

Let’s begin our lesson! Today we are going to talk about British and American traditions, celebrations and holidays, about Christmas in Britain and in America.

II. Повторение страноведческих знаний.

My dear friends! We know many interesting things about the UK. But today we are going to talk about British and American Christmas.

      a) Look at the blackboard please. Repeat after me all together!

What British and American celebrations do you know? (На доске рисунки с характерными признаками праздников: (Christmas, Easter, New Year, St’ Valentine’s Day, Halloween). (1- 2 слайд)

     b) Choose the right answer! When do the British and the Americans celebrate these holidays? Write it please! You have two minutes.  (3 слайд) That’s OK!


    III. Повторение и закрепление лексики по теме «Christmas night».

Competition 1.  Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. What do the people put in the middle of the room? (a Christmas tree)
  2. What do the people decorate the Christmas tree with? (with colour balls)
  3. What do the people eat for the Christmas dinner? (pudding, turkey, pies)
  4. Who comes and brings presents ? (Father Christmas or Santa Claus)
  5. What do the children put on the pudding?  (holly )
  6. What is the name of the Christmas bird?  (Robin)
  7. What do the people send to the friends? (postcards)
  8. What day is the day on the 26th of December? (Boxing Day)


Competition 2.  К каждому английскому слову подберите русский эквивалент.

  1. Christmas                                                 1) мишура
  2. a tree                                                         2) Рождество
  3. presents                                                     3) индейка
  4. decorate                                                     4) чулок
  5. lights                                                          5) ель
  6. tinsel                                                          6) камин
  7. stocking                                                     7) подарки
  8. cracker                                                       8) огоньки
  9. fireplace                                                     9) украшать
  10. turkey                                                        10) хлопушка

       Competition 3. Соедините вместе части слов.

  1. tur                                                             1) ts
  2. stoс                                                            2) ration
  3. ligh                                                           3) key
  4. fire                                                            4) king
  5. deco                                                          5) place

Competition 4. Укажите слово, выпадающее из данного смыслового ряда.

  1. Santa Claus, a pumpkin, Christmas tree, stockings, lights.
  2. decorate, toys, a blackboard, presents, fireplace.
  3. crackers, turkey, celebrate, a holiday, a book.

Competition 5. Найдите  правильное завершение предложений.

1. People in Britain celebrate Christmas …               a) to their friends, relatives.

2. It is the holiday when …                                        b) by the fireplace.

3. Santa Klaus is …                                                    c) Jesus Christ was born.

4. British children hang Christmas stockings …       d) an imaginary old man.

5. British people buy and send Christmas cards …   e) on the 25th of December

Competition 6. Вставьте  слова в текст.

 Presents, books, stockings(2), toys(2), dessert, exciting, fireplace, give, Day, sweets, Merry Christmas


Christmas Day, December 25th, is the most... day of the year for English children. On that day they get ... and ... presents to their brothers, sisters, parents and friends. You probably know that English children hang ... at the ... or near their beds on Christmas Eve. In the morning they usually find their... filled with small toys and ... They may also find larger... lying nearby. The morning will be spent playing with new ... and reading new ... . Then comes lunch, traditionally with the turkey as the main dish and Christmas pudding for... . The whole family tries to come together on Christmas ... to say "..." to each other.

Competition 7. Составьте слова из данных букв.

* edocaret………

 * olhiady

 * erspetn……….

 * ocpstadr……….

 * kowerifr……….

Competition8. Найдите правильный перевод слов и словосочетаний.

- put costumes on                               - петь песни

- New Year Tree                                 - кушать вкусные блюда

- witch                                                 - ходить в церковь

- skeleton                                            - праздничный обед

- pumpkin                                           - поздравлять

- ghost                                                 - индейка

- celebrate                                           - священник

- firework                                            - украшать

- take part in the parade                      - открытка

- decorate                                            - желать

  IV. Песня «Поющие колокольчики».

 And now let’s sing our favourite song  “Jingle Bells”. But at first read the Russian version of this song! (ученики получают листочки с текстом песни на английском и русском языках).

V. Заключительный этап урока.

  1. Оценка результатов деятельности учащихся.

 Dear  friends! Our lesson is nearing its end. I am very pleased with your work today. I’ll give you good and excellent marks. Thank’s for your lesson.  

  1. Рефлексия.

And how are you now? And you? Are you OK? Do you like our lesson? And you? Was it interesting for you? And what about you?


Предварительный просмотр:

  Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому  языку на тему  

“Good and bad habits”

Предмет: английский язык

Тема : “Good and bad habits”

Класс: 7

Цель: Привитие обучающимся здорового образа жизни

Задачи :

Образовательные: дать понятие о наиболее популярных продуктах питания,  полезных и вредных привычках.

Развивающие: развивать мыслительные операции (способность устанавливать логические связи); развивать личностную активность , высказывать свою точку зрения.

Воспитательные: формирование ответственного отношения к здоровью. Формировать сознание  необходимости беречь здоровье, что следует делать / не делать, чтобы быть здоровым; прививать познавательный интерес, интерес к творческой деятельности.

Ход урока.

I.  Оргмомент.


Good morning, dear girls and boys!

I’m glad to see you in our classroom and I hope you are ready for our competition. The name of our game is “Good and bad habits”.  

 Let’s begin!

1) Now guess my words! You give your answers team by team. If you don’t name   this word the other team can guess it and award one point.

            A - - - - - l            (alcohol)

            F - - - e                 (fibre)

            I - - - - - - - - y      (inactivity)

            O - - - - y              (obesity)

            S - - - - - g            (smoking)

            D - - - - - e            (disease)

            A - - - r                 (anger)

            E - - y                   (envy)

            P - - - e                 (pride)


2) Choose the words on the right which complete the words on the left (найти правильный перевод  слов)

1)To do morning exercises-                    a)быть в хорошей форме

2)Good plain food –                                b)алкоголь

3)To eat too much sweets –                    c) молочные продукты

4)To take a cold shower –                      d)есть слишком много сладкого

5)To keep fit –                                        e)делать утреннюю зарядку

6)obesity –                                              f)вес

7)smoking –                                            g)курение

8)alcohol-                                                h)зрение

9)weight –                                               i)ожирение

10)eyesight –                                           j)легкая еда

11)dairy –                                                k)принимать холодный душ

3) There are good and bad health habits. What are they? Match the cards (работают 2 команды по 6 человек, распределить вредные и полезные привычки).

healthy diet, do sports, eating sweets, drinking alcohol, obesity,  snacking, eating breakfast, smoking, taking drugs, skipping breakfast, exercising, eating high fibre food, physical inactivity, sleeping too much or too little, regular meals, eating wholemeal bread, sleeping 7 or 8 hours, eating low fat food, getting up early

4)Put in the most suitable word:

If you want to feel fit you'd better ... (1). Everyone must do all he can to be ... (2) . Good health is better than the best ... (3) . All kinds of ... (4) are very useful to make our bodies strong. ... (5) must be an important part of our daily life. Good ... (6) is better than wealth.

Doing sports; health; go in for sport; physical exercises; healthy; medicine

(Проведение физкультминутки)


5) Captains, come to me and choose your task.  For each guessed word you get one point. Let’s start!


- It is a dangerous disease. (6 letters)                                               cancer

- You should reduce it to be healthy. (6 letters)                               weight

- They are very useful for your health. (8 letters)                            vitamins

- People use it when they wash they hair. (7 letters)                       shampoo

- It is one of the modern bad habits. (7 letters)                                smoking

- You use it when you clean your teeth. (10 letters)                        toothpaste

6)Your next task is to match the columns and to find the information about different products and they influence on peoples’ health.


       - Carrots…                                              … prevents from colds

       - Fruit and vegetables …                        …   helps to sleep

       - Fish …                                                    … are rich in vitamins

       - Lemons …                                              … are good for your  health

       - Hot milk with honey …                         … is good for your  brain

       - Garlic …                                                 … are good for your  eyes

(Проведение физкультминутки)

7) Complete these healthy eating tips using much, many, little, a lot of.

 Don’t Forget:

 Too ----- food makes you thin.

 Too ----- food makes you fat

 Too ----- sweets are bad for you, especially for your teeth.

 Eat ----- high fat food and ----- fibre.

 ----- fruit and vegetables keep you healthy.

 Walking ----- makes you fit.

 Sleeping too ----- or too ----- can make you nervous and restless.

(Key: little, much, many, little, much, a lot of, much, much, little.)

8) Подведение итогов

 Our game is over. What is the score after all rounds?Never try cigarettes and alcohol, eat healthy food, clean your teeth.Thanks for your work.

Предварительный просмотр:

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку

«In the animal world»

Предмет: английский язык

Тема: «В мире животных»

Целевая аудитория: обучающиеся в составе 25-30 чел.

Цель: формирование лексических навыков в разнообразных видах деятельности по теме “Animals”, организация его практического применения.


  1. Практические:
  • Организовать тренировку лексики по данной теме; грамматической структуры “ as…as…”; “It used to be …”
  • Совершенствовать фонетический навык, навык чтения вслух с извлечением частичной и полной информации;
  • Активизировать грамматический материал “Singular and plural of nouns”.
  • Отрабатывать навык аудирования.
  1. Развивающие:
  • Развивать словесно – логическое мышление;
  • Развивать произвольное внимание;
  • Развивать речь обучающихся на иностранном языке.
  1. Воспитывающие:
  • Воспитывать интерес к изучению английского языка;
  • Воспитывать активность обучающихся в различных видах деятельности.

Оборудование: иллюстрации диких и домашних животных; компьютерная презентация «The World of Animals»; диск программы “Way Ahead”.

Ход урока:

1. Орг.момент. Сообщение темы, задач урока.

Good day, boys and girls! Take your seats!

Let’s begin our English lesson. Today we’re going to have an interesting lesson

about animals. (тема на доске: “The World of Animals”)

2. Речевая, фонетическая разминка. Тренировка лексики по теме.

Warming – up.                        

Task 1: Listen and clap your hands when you hear  

the words on the topic Animals.

a monkey, sheep, a pencil, an elephant, a car, a calf,

family, a bear, a book, a hedgehog, a boy, a tiger,

Mother, a goat, a cow, a pen, men, a horse, a lion,  Zoo, a wolf, a zebra.

Task 2: What two types of animals do you know? (Domestic and Wild).

Look at the pictures on the blackboard. Name me DOMESTIC and then WILD animals.

Task 3: Listen to me attentively and try to guess the riddles about animals.

1. I am big. I am grey. My nose is long. My tail is short. I am … ( an elephant)

2. It’s a big animal. It eats grass. It gives milk. What is it?    ( a cow)

3. It is brown. It has got four legs. It sleeps in winter. What is it?  (a bear)

4. It’s green animal. It can swim and jump. It likes to eat flies. What is it?  ( a frog)

5. It’s grey or white. It likes to eat carrots and cabbage. It can run and jump. What is it?

   (a hare)

6. I am little. I am grey. My nose is short. My tail is long. I am a … . (mouse)

Teacher: WELL DONE, Thank you!   Look  at the screen. Let’s read and guess these riddles.

3. Основная часть урока, работа с презентацией, отработка навыков чтения, тренировка лексики по теме.

Task 4: Read and guess these riddles.

1) This animal is a mammal (млекопитающее). It lives in Africa and Asia. It doesn’t eat meat, it only eats fruit, leaves and grass. The animal lives for about 60 years. It’s grey and very big.     (an elephant)

  1. This animal is a reptile. It lives in water. It has got four legs and sharp teeth. This animal eats fish, meat and sometimes people. It’ s green and very dangerous.

                                                                                                         (a crocodile)

  1. This animal is a mammal. It is big and fast. It lives in Asia. The animal eats meat. It sleeps during the day and hunts at night like a cat. It can run, jump, climb and swim.   (a tiger)


Task 5: Find odd (лишнее) word. Choose the animal or bird which doesn’t belong to the group. Why do you think so?

  1. Wolf, fox, cow, hyena.  (cow)                    
  2. Eagle, chicken, owl, hawk. (chicken)
  3. Tiger, lion, horse, leopard. (horse)
  4. Gorilla, sheep, monkey, chimpanzee. (sheep)
  5. Snake, lizard, crocodile, duck (duck)

Task 6: Sort all these words into categories.

BIRDS OF PREY:(хищные птицы) eagle, hawk, owl

REPTILES:(рептилии)  snake, lizard, crocodile

BIG CATS:( кошачьи)  tiger, lion, leopard

APES: (человекообразные)  gorilla, chimpanzee, monkey

DOGS: (собачьи) wolf, fox, hyena

FARM ANIMALS: (животные фермы) cow, chicken, horse, sheep, duck

4. Отработка навыка письма. Работа в тетради, а затем у доски.

Open your copy-books, write these names of animals in right letters.                                                 

Task 7: Anagrams. What are these animals?

  3. FWLO – WOLF
  5. CUDK – DUCK
  9. IOLN – LION

5.Тренировка лексики по теме.

Активизация грамматической структуры as… as…

Task 8: English sayings.

Match two columns and you’ll get some English sayings.

  1. As busy as … a bee.
  2. As brave as… a lion.
  3. As strong as… a horse.
  4. As fat as … a pig.
  5. As wise as … an owl.
  6. As stubborn (упрямый) as … a donkey.
  7. As cunning as… a fox.

Task 9. Read these sentences. Fill in the gaps.

  1. My friend Tom has many activities every day. He is as … as … . (as busy as a bee)
  2. My elder brother isn’t afraid of hooligans. He is as … as a … .

     (as brave as a lion)

  1. Look! He is carrying heavy cases.

Yes, my father is as … as … . (as strong as a horse).

  1. Our teacher knows very much. She is as … as an … . (as wise as an owl)
  2. Betty is as … as a … . She doesn’t want to listen and understand us.

(as stubborn as a donkey)

       Task 10. Animals have babies. Match the names of animals with their babies.

                (на слайде во второй колонке слова перемешаны).

  1. A cat                    a kitten
  2. A cow                  a calf
  3. A pig                    a piglet
  4. A bear                  a cub
  5. A sheep                a lamb
  6. A goat                  a kid
  7. A dog                   a puppy
  8. A mouse               a mouse
  9. A duck                 a duckling
  10. A hen                   a chicken
  11. A horse                a foal

Тренировка использования грамматической конструкции It used to be…

Отработка навыка письма.

Task 11.  Look at the screen , you can see babies of animals. Type the sentences in the gaps.

Example (пример It used to be a lamb. Now it’s a sheep.

1.  It used to be a calf. Now it a cow.

2.  It used to be a chick. Now it’s a chicken.

3.  It used to be a foal. Now it’s a horse.

4.   It used to be a a kid. Now it’s a goat.

5.   It used to be a duckling. Now it’s a duck.

6. Отработка навыка чтения вслух с извлечением полной информации.

Task 12. 

Read interesting information about some animals.

Do you know that … (It is interesting to know… )

  1. Итоги урока. |Ending the lesson

Dear, boys and girls! I’m glad to see that you have made a good job. You have done many tasks. You know a lot about animals. I think you’ll be active at the English lessons and you’ll like working at English to be successful in future. See you later at the lessons. Good – bye.

Предварительный просмотр:

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему

«Health is better than wealth»

Цель: Обучение и воспитание здоровой и социально-активной личности, развитие творческой инициативы обучающихся.


  1. Повысить мотивацию изучения английского языка.
  2. Воспитывать позитивное отношение к своему здоровью и здоровью других людей.
  3. Определить основные принципы сохранения здоровья.

Оборудование: мультимедийное оборудование, проектор, интерактивная доска, видеофильм, созданный по данной тематике

I. Organization moment.     Hello, my dear friends! I'm very glad to see you! Today we'll speak on the topic " Health is better than wealth ". We'll discuss how sports, healthy food. You see that your health is in your own hands. Please, be active and attentive . OK?! (Участвуют 2 команды по 7 человек, каждая команда зарабатывает баллы.)

Разминка (подобрать на каждую букву прилагательное, которое можно отнести к здоровому человеку, составить из основных букв ключевое слово)

B – 







H – 

 For example:  B-rave

ctive, appy, rave, ealthy, alented, oving, nergetic, oung.


 Ex.1 Choose the phrases on the right which complete the phrases on the left.  

(Пословицы о здоровье. Подобрать соответствия)

1) “Здоровье дороже богатства ”              a)“Bitter pills may have blessed effects”.

2)“В здоровом теле -здоровый дух”            b)“An apple a day keeps a doctor away”.

3)“Кто яблоко в день съедает,                    c)“Garlic heals seven illnesses”
     у того доктор не бывает”

4)“Кто рано ложится и рано встает,       d)“Cleanliness is next to godliness” .                    здоровье, богатство и ум наживет”

5)“Горьким лечат,а сладким – калечат”   e) “Health is better than wealth”.

6)“Лук – от семи недуг”                               f) “A sound mind in a sound body”.
7)“Чистота – половина здоровья”             j)“Early to bed and early to rise- makes a man                          
                                                                            healthy ,wealthy and wise.»


“Eat healthy food – it’s very good!”“Как в Великобритании, так и в России есть “здоровая” – healthy и “нездоровая” –  “unhealthy food” еда. 

 (раздаются вырезки из журналов разных продуктов , участники выстраиваются друг за другом и по команде учителя начинают соревнование,кто быстрее определит продукт на табло Healthy / Unhealthy, и правильно его назовет. тот и побеждает) 

(Проведение физкультминутки)


If you want to keep fit you must go in for one kind of sport or another. What English sports do you know?

  1. Какая команда знает больше спортивных игр и видов спорта?

  1. Группам предлагается подобрать название спортивных игр к рисункам  



The English people say: “Health is the best wealth”. They are right! We can’t buy health, but we can do a lot to keep it.

 By the way, what do people do to be healthy?

  • Get up early and go to bed early
  • Smoke
  • Eat too much or too little
  • Wash your hands before you eat
  • Take regular exercises
  • Watch TV too long
  • Eat healthy food
  • Take too much medicine
  • Keep to a diet
  • Spend much time outdoors
  • Drink alcohol
  • Work on your computer too long

( команды составляют мини-проект: одна команда выбирает «что надо делать, чтобы быть здоровым», а другая – что делать нельзя. Подводятся итоги.)

Ex.5 Look at the pieces of information. What products do you think each piece of information is about?

-Garlic helps to make your heart strong.

- _______ protects your teeth.

- _______ is good for your nerves.

- _______ makes your bones strong.

- _______ is good for your muscles.

- _______ is good for your eyes.

- _______ helps to lose weight.

- _______ can help to lose weight without diet or exercise.

  • Grapefruit
  • Green tea
  • Chocolate
  • Milk
  • Herbs
  • Onion
  • Carrot
  • Banana

 (Соотнесите продукты к соответствующим определениям)

Подводятся итоги.

Dear friends, let’s choose the best now! Thank you very much.

Please, never try cigarettes and alcohol, sleep enough, eat healthy food, wash your hands before you have breakfast, clean your teeth, do morning exercises, play sports and BE HEALTHY!!!

Предварительный просмотр:

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому  языку на тему

  “Do you live a healthy lifestyle?”

Предмет: английский язык

Тема : “Do you live a healthy lifestyle?”

Цель: Обобщить и систематизировать знания обучающихся по теме

“Do you live a healthy lifestyle?”

Задачи : 

Образовательные: развитие навыков говорения по теме "Food and health"; отработка произносительных навыков.

Развивающие: развитие мотивации к изучению иностранного языка, навыка языковой догадки, интеллекта, памяти, совершенствование внимания.

Воспитательные: cоздание условий  для формирования ясных представлений о здоровом питание; воспитание умений работать в группах.

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, презентация в программе SMART

Ход урока.

I.  Оргмомент.

 Hello, children!!!Nice to meet you! Today we ’ll speak about HEALTH. -  Today we shall have a lesson according to our topic “Do you live a healthy lifestyle?” and we shall speak about tasty, healthy and useless food. We’ll discuss how sports, balanced diet help us to be fit, healthy and strong. We shall speak about sports. You will know something interesting and new for you. You see that your health is in your own hands. And now let’s start our work.

1)  Now, remember the  words according to our topic. Listen to me and try to complete some sentences using necessary words.

Вкуснотища – Very good! Пищу называют – food.

Это вовсе не каприз, сыр мы называем – cheese.

Мясо жарится, шкварчит, мясо по-английски – meat.

Арбуз предпочитаю сливам, арбуз иначе – water-melon.

Узнали все впервые, что груша – это pear.

Масло нужно всем ребятам. Масло по-английски – butter.

Без соли борщ не лезет в рот. Соль по-английски – просто salt.

Ведро воды не принесете? Вода, водичка будет – water.

Слива тут и слива – там. Слива по-английски – plum.

Виноград мы съели весь. Виноград – иначе grape.

2) Choose the words on the right which complete the words on the left (найти правильный перевод слов)

1)personal hygiene                  a)выздоравливать

2)to recover                             b)ожирение

3)obesity                                 c) молочные продукты

4)dairy products                      d)придерживаться диеты

5)to keep to a diet                   e)безалкогольные напитки

6)soft drinks                            f)болезнь сердца

7)heart disease                        g)полезно для зрения

8)good for eyesight                 h)регулярные упражнения

9)regular exercises                  i)богатый витаминами

10)rich in vitamins                  j)измерять температуру

11)take temperature                k)личная гигиена

3)Change the words.

1) wealth, is, Good, above, health (Good health is above wealth)

2) be, Take, a, to, shower, cool, healthy (Take a cool shower to be healthy)

3) your, eat, Wash, hands, before, you (Wash your hands before you eat)

4) sweets, are, Too, many, bad, teeth, for, your (Too many sweets are bad for your teeth.


4) Answer the guestions:

1. People use it when they wash they hair. (7 letters)          shampoo

2.  When we are ill or catch a cold we have it. (5 letters)    cough

3. They are very useful for your health. (8 letters)              vitamins

4. It is a dangerous disease. (6 letters)                                 cancer

5. You should reduce it to be healthy. (6 letters)                 weight

6.  He is a person, who follows a diet. (7 letters )                slimmer

7. It is one of the modern bad habits. (7 letters)                  smoking

8. You use it when you clean your teeth. (10 letters)          toothpaste


5) Dear children! I'll call healthy and unhealthy habits on the topic “Do you live a healthy lifestyle?” and you, please, show your cards and say “Yes” or “No” to the habits. (учитель называет хорошие и плохие привычки, по теме: «Здоровый образ жизни», а учащиеся показывают и озвучивают хором “Yes” или “No).

1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

2. Eat too much.

3. Skip your breakfast.

4. Smoking

5. Drinking alcohol

6. Exercising

7. Dieting

8. Taking drugs

9. Sleeping too much.

10. Physical inactivity.

11. Eating sweets.

12. Eating high fibre food

13. Eating breakfast.

14. Dieting too much. Test   “Are you healthy?”

6)   a) I know that you like to play. If you want to keep fit you must go in for one kind of sport or another. What  sports do you know?

(каждая команда называет по очереди вид спорта, учитель  дает «лазурики»)

      b) Collect the puzzle and complete the names of the sports.

(учащиеся собирают картинку из кусочков и называют на английском ид спорта)

7)  Friendly numbers:



















































1) 4,5,14,20,9,19,20

2) 20,5,13,16,5,18,1,20,21,18,5

3) 8,5,1,12,20,8

4) 22,9,20,1,13,9,14,19

5) 4,15,3,20,15,18

8) Подведение итогов


Now, do you know what food is healthy and unhealthy for you?  

 Let’s  try to value your impressions after our lesson. (анкетирование)

   Dear children! You work hard today: You spoke English, wrote, read and did different tasks and you have good results! Our game is over. Never try cigarettes and alcohol, eat healthy food, clean your teeth. Thanks for your work. The lesson is over. Goodbye!

Предварительный просмотр:

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку

«Countries and nationalities»

Предмет: английский язык

Тема: « Страны и национальности»

Целевая аудитория: обучающиеся в составе 25-30чел.

Цель: совершенствовать умение практического владения английским языком по теме «Countries and nationalities»

Задачи урока:

  1. совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию обучающихся в процессе обучения иностранному  языку.
  2. Развивать и углублять знания по страноведению.
  3. Повышать познавательный интерес к иностранному языку в процессе обучения.

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, презентация в программе SMART

Ход урока:

1. Орг.момент.

Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. How are you? Sit down, please. Today we shall have a talk about different countries, nationalities and what they are famous for.

2. Речевая разминка.

Listen to my statements and agree or disagree with me. If my statement is true, you will repeat it, if I am wrong, you will correct my statement. ( Ученики хлопают в ладоши, если утверждение  верное.)

Spain is in Europe. +

Russia is the biggest country in the world. +

Italy is not in Asia. +

The USA is in Australia. –

Anapa is in the south of Russia. –

Samara is the capital of Russia.-

3. Фонетическая зарядка.

country - страна; nation - государство, нация, страна; land - страна (край), государство

Russia ['rʌʃə] - Россия

Great Britain [ˌgreɪt'brɪt(ə)n] - Великобритания

Germany ['ʤɜːmənɪ] - Германия

The USA (United States [of America]) [juːˌnaɪtɪd'steɪts(əvə'merɪkə)] - США

France [frɑːn(t)s] - Франция

Japan [ʤə'pæn] - Япония

Spain [speɪn] - Испания

Italy ['ɪt(ə)lɪ] - Италия

China  ['ʧaɪnə] - Китай

Mexico ['meksɪkəu] - Мексика

Brazil [brə'zɪl] (Federative Republic of Brazil) - Бразилия

Australia [ɔs'treɪlɪə] (Commonwealth of Australia) – Австралия

nationality - гражданство, подданство; национальная принадлежность; citizenship – гражданство

Brazilian [brə'zɪlɪən] - бразилец

Russian ['rʌʃ(ə)n] - россиянин; русский

British ['brɪtɪʃ] - британец

Italian [ɪ'tælɪən] - итальянец

Spanish ['spænɪʃ] - испанец

Japanese  [ˌʤæp(ə)'niːz]  - японец

Chinese ['ʧaɪ'niːz] - китаец

German ['ʤɜːmən] - немец

French [frenʧ]  - француз

Mexican ['meksɪk(ə)n] - мексиканец

Australian [ɔs'treɪlɪən] - австралиец

American [ə'merɪkən] - американец

Look at the map, please. You can see different continents and countries there. These words help us to remember the names of the countries and the nationalities of people living in them.

China – the Chinese

Ireland – the Irish

Portugal – the Portuguese

England – the English

Scotland – the Scottish

Germany – the Germans

Australia – the Australians

Finland – the Finnish

Russia – the Russians

Italy – the Italians

France – the French

The USA – the Americans

4. Тренировка навыков аудирования устной речи.

It's interesting to find out if you are right. Listen to the tape and check your guesses. Now finish my sentences please:

Barbados, Wellington, Ottawa, the marked countries, London, English, capital of the United States of America.

1. English is spoken as a first language in…( the marked countries)

2. The capital of Great Britain is…(London)

3. The capital of Australia is not…(Kingston, Ottawa, etc.)

4. The Australians speak…(English)

5. Washington is the…( capital of the United States of America.)

6. Bridgetown is the capital of…(Barbados)

7. The capital of New Zealand is…(Wellington)

5. Физкультминутка

 Look and Point

Look at the ceiling

Look at the door

Look at the window,

Look at the floor.

Point to the window,

Point to the door,

Point to the window,

Point to the floor.

Task 1. The names of these countries are divided into two parts. Join two parts and write a full name of each country.

Wa    land    Ire    les    land

Scot    sia     Eng    Rus    land

Task 2. Find out 5 words in this snake. 


Task 3. Find 10 country in the magic box.


















































Task 4.You are given three clues for each puzzle. Write the COUNTRY where you would be on the blanks below. The circled letters form a special message to tell you how well you did.

1. Where would you be if:

a. you rode in a double-decker bus?

b. you saw the Tower of London?

c. you watched the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace?

2. Where would you be if:

a. you ate frankfurters

b. you saw the city  of Hamburg?

c. you floated down the Rhine River?

3. Where would you be if:

a. you visited the World Trade Center?

b. you skated at Rockefeller Center?

c. you saw several Broadway shows?

4. Where would you be if:

a. you made change in yen?

b. you saw thousands of cars being  made for shipment  to U.S.?

c. you saw the city of Tokyo?

5. Where would you be if:

a. you travelled by gondola  down the canals?

b. you toured Columbus 's birthplace?

c. you saw the city of Rome?

1. _ _      _ _ _ _

2. _ _ _   _ _ _ _

3. _ _ _ _        _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4. _        _ _ _

5. _       _ _ _

Answer key: 1. England, 2. Germany, 3. United States, 4. Japan, 5. Italy

Special message: GREAT

Task 5. «Flag  Identification»

Most Americans can readily identify the flag of the United States  with its thirteen red and white stripes representing the original colonies and its 50 white stars on a blue background representing each of the 50 states. The flags of other countries also have symbolic meanings. Many are quite easily recognized. How many flags can you match  with the country they represent? Choose countries from the WORLD BANK and rut them on the blanks.

Hint: If you need help, an almanac is a great resource!

1. red circle on white    ____________________________

2. white star on blue     ____________________________

3. white cross on red    ____________________________

4. blue, white, red vertical stripes ___________________

5. green, white, red vertical stripes __________________

6. red, yellow, green vertical stripes with R in middle ____________________

7. red, white, blue horizontal stripes with insignia in middle_______________

8. solid green _____________________

9. yellow star in middle on red ______________________

10. red, white, red vertical patches with red maple leaf __________________

World bank

Canada                              Rwanda

France                               Switzerland

Italy                                   Somalia

Japan                                 South Africa

Libya                                 Vietnam

 Answer key: Japan, Somalia, Switzerland , France, Italy, Rwanda, South Africa, Libya, Vietnam, Canada.

Using the map.

Thanks for wonderful working!

Предварительный просмотр:

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему

«Christmas comes only once a year»

Предмет: английский язык

Тема: « Рождество бывает лишь раз в году»

Целевая аудитория: обучающиеся в составе 25-30 чел.

Цель-актуализация материала по теме «Рождество», расширение сведений о Рождестве, развитие лексических навыков.


1)Развивающая - развитие способности к переключению внимания в упражнениях в разных видах деятельности;

2)Обучающая: а) развитие и совершенствование речевых умений; б) проверка умения читать с полным пониманием прочитанного и умения определять внутреннюю организацию текста;

3)Воспитывающая: а) развитие умения сотрудничать; б) воспитание готовности к коллективному творчеству; в) воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, презентация в программе SMART

Ход урока:

1. Орг.момент.

Good afternoon!

Glad to see you!

Sit down, please.

How are you today?

Fine, thanks. And how are you?

Today our lesson is devoted to the most popular holiday in Great Britain and the US. This holiday is Christmas. I want you to answer some questions:

  1. When is Christmas celebrated?
  2. What are the main Christmas symbols?
  3. When is Christmas celebrated in Russia?

Переведите слова:

Tinsel [tinsl] –

Baubles [bo: blz] –

Fairy lights –

Sprouts [sprauts] –

Covering of icing –

Mince pie –

Bake –

Pudding –

Tangerine –

Santa Claus –

Supposed –

Imaginary –

Chimney –

Sleigh –

Reindeer –

Decorations –

Shepherds –

Bethlehem [‘beOlihem] –

Holly –

Mistletoe –

2. Are the statements true or false? Correct the false statements.

  1. Christmas day is a public holiday.
  2. This day is held on December 25th in honour of the birth of Santa Claus.
  3. In Britain people eat pudding before the dinner.
  4. Christmas cake contains dried fruit.
  5. Carol singing means singing carols at home at a Christmas table.
  6. There is a tradition that children should put a long sock called a Christmas stocking.
  7. Santa Claus visits each house on Christmas Eve by climbing down the chimney.
  8. Santa Claus is a real old man in red clothes and with a long white beard.

3. Choose the right answer

  1. What is the main public holiday in Britain?
  1. St. Valentine’s Day       b) Christmas           c) April Fool’s Day
  1. What does carol singing mean?
  1. singing carols in the street  b) singing carols at home   c) singing carols at school
  1. What do British people usually do at the start of the Christmas meal?
  1. they usually play cricket    b) they usually pull a cracker   c) they usually play snowballs
  1. What do British children do before they go to sleep on Christmas Eve?
  1. they do their homework    b) they go carol singing   c) put a long sock at the end of their bed or by the chimney
  1. How is the day after Christmas called?
  1. it’s called Boxing Day    b) Independence Day   c) Labour Day
  1. How does Santa Claus travel about the sky?
  1. he flies by plane    b) he flies in a sleigh, pulled by reindeer   c) he flies in a carriage, pulled by horses

4. The first task for you is to match Russian equivalents with the words and phrases above.

  1. Fireplace
  2. Imaginary
  3. Beard
  4. Sale
  5. Cheaply
  6. Remove
  1. Борода
  2. Дешево
  3. Камин
  4. Распродажа
  5. Убирать
  6. Вымышленный

5. Christmas Word Find

In the puzzle, find and circle the 20 hidden holiday words listed on Santa’s sack. The words go across, up, down, and diagonally in the puzzle. Some words may share a letter.


























































































































6. Merry Christmas

Unscramble the Christmas words. (Hint: the first letter of each word is underlined)

7. And now listen to the groups of words. In each group there is a word, which does not go with others. (Учащиеся выбирают «лишнее» слово.)

 1.Turkey, pudding, pumpkin pie, vegetables.

 2.Santa Clause, holiday, Christmas tree, birch tree.

 3. Christmas pudding, Easter, ring, horseshoe.

 4. Trousers, stockings, presents, socks.

 5. 23rd December, 24th December, 25th December, 26th December.

 6. Christmas Eve, Boxing Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas.

 7.Turkey, goose, pudding, nuts, oranges, pears, eggs.

 8.Sleigh, Santa Claus, snowflake, winter, Christmas tree, butterfly.

 9.Christmas pudding, turkey, cracker, tinsel, sleigh, wreath, Easter.

10.Tinsel, stocking, mistletoe, gift, sleigh, decorate, pumpkin.

8. “When Christmas Comes To Town” (Matthew Hall & Megan Moore)

Read the song “When Christmas comes to town” and put in the missing words from the box into the sentences.

Eve              Christmas           far                sleigh               cheer        fun                dreams                sing               Santa’s             alone      

When Christmas comes to town

I’m wishing on a star

And trying to believe

That even though it’s ________

He’ll find me Christmas _________

I guess that ____________ busy

Cause he’s never come around

I think of him

When _________________ comes to town

The best time of the year

When everyone comes home

With all this Christmas _____________

It’s hard to be ________________

Putting up the Christmas tree

With friends who come around

It’s so much _____________

When Christmas comes to town

Presents for the children

Wrapped in red and green

All the things I’ve heard about

But never really seen

No one will be sleeping on the night

Of Christmas Eve

Hoping Santa’s on his way

Presents for the children

Wrapped in red and green

All the things I’ve heard about

But never really seen

No one will be sleeping on the night

Of Christmas Eve

Hoping Santa’s on his way.

When Santa’s ____________ bells ring

I listen all around

The herald angels’ _____________

I never hear a sound

And all the _____________ of children

Once lost will all be found

That’s all I want

When Christmas comes to town

That’s all I want

When Christmas comes to town.


9. Find the answers to the questions

  1. What is the main holiday in Great Britain and the US?
  2. When is Christmas celebrated?
  3. Is Christmas a religious holiday?
  4. Where is the most beautiful Christmas tree situated?
  5. How do people decorate Christmas tree?
  6. What is the main Christmas desert?
  7. What do children put at the end of their bed or by the chimney?
  8. Who is Santa Claus?
  9. How does Santa Claus get into people’s houses?
  10. Is Boxing Day a public holiday?

  1. Santa Claus is an imaginary old man in red clothes and with a long white beard.
  2. Yes, Boxing Day and is a public holiday.
  3. Christmas is the main public holiday in Britain and the US.
  4. The most beautiful Christmas tree is in the centre of London in Trafalgar Square.
  5. People decorate Christmas tree with tinsel, baubles, and fairy lights.
  6. Children put a long sock called a Christmas stocking at the end of their bed or by the chimney.
  7. Christmas is held on December 25th.
  8. The main Christmas desert is Christmas pudding.
  9. Santa Claus is supposed to visit each house on Christmas Eve by climbing down the chimney.
  10. Yes, Christmas is a religious holiday.


10. Заключительная часть.

Подведение итогов урока

In the end of our lesson I want you to tell me in a few words what you’ve known about Christmas in Britain.

Предварительный просмотр:

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему

«A travel to Halloween»

Предмет: английский язык

Тема: «A travel to Halloween»

Класс: 6-7

Цель: поддержание интереса к изучению английского языка на основе внеклассного мероприятия по теме «A travel to Halloween»

Задачи мероприятия:

1. Развивать память и мышление обучающихся;

 2. стимулирование интереса к предмету;

 3. Развивать лексические навыки;

 4. Воспитание любознательности и толерантности;

5.Приобщить обучающихся  к культуре, традициям страны изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: видеофильм, созданный по данной тематике

Ход мероприятия.

1) Оргмомент

 T: Good morning children. I’m glad to see you. Tell me, please, what date is it today? What day of the week is it today?

Watch the video. Look at the screen.

(Дети просматривают короткий видеофрагмент 1 на тему Halloween. На тексте песни и переводе внимание не акцентируется).


Т:After watching this video, how do you think, what is the topic of our lesson?

I hope you have already felt the atmosphere of Halloween. Do you like it?

Do you know anything about Halloween?

At this lesson you will know more information about Halloween. We will have a very interesting game “A travel to Halloween”.

(участвуют 2 команды по 7 человек, каждая команда зарабатывает баллы)

1. Translate the words, please.

(Учитель раздаёт карточки со словами)

1. pumpkin

2.  jack-o’-lantern

3. bat

4.  spider

5. witch        

6. ghost

7.  spirit

8. black cat

9.  costume

10. monster

2. Choose the words on the right which complete the words on the left.

1.  Heven                                            a)  фонарь из тыквы

2.  spider                                            b) тыква

3.  witch                                              c) свеча

4.  bat                                                  d)  привидение, призрак

5.  skeleton                                        e) колдунья, ведьма

6.  ghost                                              f) летучая мышь

7.  jack-o'-lantern                              g) конфета, леденец

8.  candle                                            h) скелет

9.  pumpkin                                         i) смерть

10.death                                              j)  паук

11. candy                                            k) небеса


T: Repeat after me. (учащиеся повторяют слова и движения за учителем)

 Two little hands go clap, clap, and clap.

 Two little feet go tap, tap, and tap.

One little body goes round and round.

One little child sits quietly down.

3. The following task is to make up the sentences out of the words and then to put them in order according to the action.

1. Night tell a scary in story a low voice on  Halloween People

2. Believe that day the souls return of the They dead to place  where they lived

3. Pumpkins People their houses decorate with

4. 31 of October the British celebrate on the Halloween

5.  Halloween’s the evening there are a lot  of  parties In


  4. Now, we are going to read a text about the history of Halloween.

 (Учитель раздаёт карточки с текстом. Ученики читают текст по абзацам без перевода).

  We celebrate Halloween every year on October 31st. Where does the holiday come from?

   The holiday originally comes from a people called the Celts. The Celts lived in Europe more than 2000 years ago. On November 1st they celebrated the end of summer. They thought ghosts visited the living on October 31st. They dressed up like ghosts so the spirits would not harm them. Now, people wear costumes of witches and ghosts just for fun.

   Today, many countries still remember the dead on November 1st. It is called All Saints Day. Another name for it is All Hallow’s Day. The day before, October 31st, is called All Hallow’s Eve, or Halloween for short.

   Halloween is an old tradition in Ireland and Scotland. In those countries, people dressed up and carried lanterns made of turnips. When people moved from Ireland and Scotland to the United States, they started using pumpkins. This is where the jack-o’-lantern comes from.

   They also had a tradition of giving food to the spirits. Later, they gave the food to poor people. This is where trick-or-treating comes from. Today, children go trick-or-treating for fun, too.

   Halloween has changed a lot since its origins. New people have brought new traditions, and changed the old ones. What do you think Halloween will be like in another two thousand years?

I.  Answering questions.

 1) What is this story about?

a) Trick-or-treating.

b) Ireland and Scotland.

c) Ghosts.

d) Where the Halloween tradition comes from.

2) When did the Celts live in Europe?

a) 20 years ago.

b) 200 years ago.

c) More than 2000 years ago.

d) More than 2,000,000 years ago.

3) Who did the Celts think visited the living on October 3st?

a) Their relatives.

b) Spirits of the dead.

c) Poor people.

d) Irish people.

4) Why did the Celts dress in costumes?

a) It is fun.

b) To go trick-or-treating.

c) So spirits would not hurt them.

d) To scare poor people.

II. True or false.

1. The modern name of the holiday on the 31st of October is All Saints Day.

2. “Halloween” means “All Hallow’s Eve”.

3. In Ireland and Scotland, people made lanterns of pumpkins.

4. Trick-or-treating comes from an old tradition of giving food to spirits.

5. Now, we are going to have a trip to the magic world, to the town called Halloween. The ghosts and witches, who live there, are going to tell us about their home and themselves.

 (Учитель раздаёт карточки с текстом  песни “This is Halloween” из мультфильма “The Nightmare before Christmas”. В тексте пропущены некоторые слова. Задание учеников состоит в том, чтобы ,просмотрев видеофрагмент 2 , заполнить пропуски во время прослушивания песни. Пропущенные слова поданы в задании).

a) Fill in the blankets with the following words:

 red, pumpkins, age, Halloween (*2), everybody, trick or treat, strange, will see, spiders, bed

This is Halloween

Boys and girls of every _________

 Wouldn’t you like to see something _________?

 Come with us and you _________

 This, our town of _________!

 This is Halloween, this is Halloween!

_________ scream in the dead of night.

 This is Halloween, _________ make a scene!

 _________ till the neighbors gonna die of fright!

 It’s our town, everybody scream

 In this town of _________.

I am the one hiding under your _________

 Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing _________.

 I am the one hiding under yours stairs

 Fingers like snakes and _________ in my hair.

This is Halloween, this is Halloween

 Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!

b) Listen to the music again

(Фрагмент проигрывается ещё раз, чтобы ученики еще раз смогли проверить слова)

6. Now, we will not translate these words, but we will try to guess their meanings by the pictures. Match the words and the pictures.

 1. Halloween

 2. pumpkin

 3. jack-o’-lantern

 4. trick-or-treat

 5. bat

 6. spider

7. witch        

 8. ghost

 9. spirit

10. black cat

11.  costume

 12. monster

7. Unscramble words.

The next task is to unscramble the words. The letters of the words were mixed. Put them in the right way.

S O T H G –

H C W T I –

E E A H W L N L O –

D Y A C N –

A S B T –

U I M N P P K –

M C E U S O T –

E D R S I P –

C A K B L   C T A -

8.  Crossword.

Now, let’s look at the crossword on the blackboard. You know already all the words needed, so, let’s fill it in!

 (К доске прикреплён кроссворд. Учитель зачитывает задания. Ученики, которые угадали слово, подходят к доске и заполняют кроссворд).


 2. Popular holiday on the last day of October.

 4. Most candy contains a lot of this.

 7. Popular Halloween treat (two words).

 9. I spin webs.

 11. Animals that sleep upside down.

 13. Cats of this color bring bad luck.

 14. Scary creature.        


 1. Clothes worn on Halloween.

 3. I ride on a broom.

 5. Bob for this fruit in a barrel.

 6. _ _ _ _ _ or treat!

 8. Ring this and say, “Trick or treat!”

 10. They make a jack-o’-lantern of this.

 12. A spirit of a dead.

IX. Summing-up.

Did you like our lesson today?

When do we celebrate Halloween?

What are the main activities for Halloween?

What is the symbol of Halloween?

9.  Scanword 

Now be careful with the next task. You’ll have some creative task. Pick out the right words and read it. Try to find the words


















































































Т: Did you like our lesson today?

When do we celebrate Halloween?

What are the main activities for Halloween?

What is the symbol of Halloween?

 Bats and rats and witches' cats,

 Skeletons in bowler hats.

 Don't be scared! It's Halloween —

 Spooks and spirits can be seen!

Boys and girls! “Halloween” is very important in the life of English people.  Now you see Halloween is a nice and funny holiday. Everyone is happy. All your projects have shown it.  I wish you to be happy with all my heart! 

Предварительный просмотр:

Внеклассное мероприятие

в 9 классе “Good and bad habits”

Предмет: английский язык

Тема урока: “Good and bad habits”

Класс: 9

УМК: В.П.Кузовлев

Цели и задачи урока: повторение лексического и грамматического материала по теме, развитие творческих способностей обучающихся, привитие здорового образа жизни.

Форма проведения: урок - КВН

Оборудование: - компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран



Ход урока.

I.                  Оргмомент.

 Good morning, dear girls and boys!

I’m glad to see you in our classroom and I hope you are ready for our competition. The name of our game is “Good and bad habits”.  For our competition we have three teams. I am glad to introduce you our first team and its captain …, the second team and its captain … and the third team and its captain ….

        So, we have three teams and their captains and we are ready to start our competition. Let’s begin!


II.               Выполнение заданий из презентации.

Round №1.  Your first task is to present your team. What is your team’s name, your motto and your emblem?

Round №2. Now guess my words! You give your answers team by team. If you don’t name   this word the other team can guess it and award one point.

            A - - - - - l (alcohol)

            F - - - e (fibre)

            I - - - - - - - - y (inactivity)

            O - - - - y (obesity)

            S - - - - - g (smoking)

            D - - - - - e (disease)

            A - - - r (anger)

            E - - y (envy)

            P - - - e (pride)



Round №3. Put in the most suitable word:

If you want to feel fit you'd better ... (1). Everyone must do all he can to be ... (2) . Good health is better than the best ... (3) . All kinds of ... (4) are very useful to make our bodies strong. ... (5) must be an important part of our daily life. Good ... (6) is better than wealth.

Doing sports; health; go in for sport; physical exercises; healthy; medicine Слайд3

Round №4. Translate the words from Russian into English. The key word is the missing word in the proverb “… is the greatest wealth”.


Слайд 4


1.         непросеянная мука

2.         уравновешенный, гармоничный, сбалансированный

3.         мозг

4.         ценность

5.         преимущество

6.         вес


Round №5. Your next task is to guess my words. Captains, come to me and choose your task.  For each guessed word you get one point. Let’s start!


- It is a dangerous disease. (6 letters) cancer

- You should reduce it to be healthy. (6 letters)Weight

- They are very useful for your health. (8 letters) vitamins

- People use it when they wash they hair. (7 letters) shampoo

- It is one of the modern bad habits. (7 letters) Smoking

- You use it when you clean your teeth. (10 letters) toothpaste


Слайд 5

Round №6. You know that there are some factors that influence our health, for example bad habits. What bad habits do you know? Your next task is to present your projects against bad habits.

Слайд 6

Round №7. Say how often you do this using never, often, sometimes, regularly, every day, once, twice, three times a (day, week, month)

Example: I never drink alcohol.

a.     eat between meals

b.     smoke

c.      skip breakfast

d.     eat sweets

e.      do morning exercises

f.       go to the dentist

g.     eat fruit and vegetables

h.     play sport games

i.       eat low fat food

Слайд 7



Round №8. Let’s read some advices using more 

         or less and translate them into Russian:

a.     You should eat … fat food to lose your weight.

b.     You should walk … to be healthy.

c.      You should eat … fruit and vegetables. They are useful for your health.

d.     Doctors advise to smoke … and to exercise ….

e.      You should eat … sugar-rich foods.

f.       You should eat … fibre-rich foods.

Слайд 8


Round №9. Your next task is to match the columns and to find the information about different products and they influence on peoples’ health.


       - Carrots…                … prevents from colds

       - Fruit and vegetables … …   helps to sleep

       - Fish …                  … are rich in vitamins

       - Lemons …                … are good for your 


       - Hot milk with honey …   … is good for your


       - Garlic …                … are good for your


III. Подведение итогов конкурса.


Our game is over. What is the score after all rounds? The score is …. The members of the team … are the winners today. Thanks for your work.

1. What word is it? Listen to its definition and the number of letters in it. Then say a word and spell it.

 1) It is a dangerous disease. 6 letters - (c-a-n-c-e-r).

 2) You should reduce it to be healthy. 6 letters - (w-e-i-g-h-t).

 3) They are very useful for your health. 8 letters - (v-i-t-a-m-i-n-s).

 4) It is one of the modern bad habits. 7 letters - (s-m-o-k-i-n-g).

 5) When we are ill or catch a cold we have it. 5 letters - (c-o-u-g-h).

 6) He is a person, who follows a diet. 7 letters - (s-l-i-m-m-e-r).

1. Teacher: Dear students I'll call healthy and unhealthy habits on the topic “Healthy Living Guide” and you, please, show your cards and say “Yes” or “No” to the habits.

(В заключение учитель называет хорошие и плохие привычки, по теме: “Здоровый образ жизни, а обучающиеся показывают и озвучивают хором “Yes” или “No”).

1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

2. Eat too much.

3. Skip your breakfast.

4. Smoking

5. Drinking alcohol

6. Exercising

7. Dieting

8. Taking drugs

9. Sleeping too much.

10. Physical inactivity.

11. Eating sweets.

12. Eating high fibre food

13. Eating breakfast.

14. Dieting too much.

Вкуснотища – Very good! Пищу называют – food.

Это вовсе не каприз, сыр мы называем – cheese.

  Мясо жарится, шкварчит, мясо по-английски – meat.

 Арбуз предпочитаю сливам, арбуз иначе – water-melon.

  Узнали все впервые, что груша – это pear.

Масло нужно всем ребятам. Масло по-английски – butter.

Без соли борщ не лезет в рот. Соль по-английски – просто salt.

Ведро воды не принесете? Вода, водичка будет – water.

 Слива тут и слива – там. Слива по-английски – plum.

 Виноград мы съели весь. Виноград – иначе grape.









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