Бизнес тексты на английском
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

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  1. We constantly extend our business and we look for new partners in other countries. This experience enables us to provide advanced technology and efficient service. WE `d like to inform you that the service life of our equipment was increased and prices were reduced. Today our prices are sensible and competitive. Besides we can easily adapt our equipment to our customer’s needs. If you are interested in our products, I can give you some advertising materials to let your known the main characteristics of our products.

  1. Our company produces electrical instruments.   The introduction of advanced technologies enables to us increase the service life, which is 10 years in case of proper maintenance. As our prices are competitive enough we have regular customers. We accept cash and bank transfer. Besides you can pay with an irrevocable letter of credit which you can open with any Russian bank. I have got some advertising materials with me, so you will be able to study the main characteristics of our products.

  1. Our company is young and promising. Every time when we have a vacant position, there are many applicants for it and sometimes it is difficult to make a decision. We prefer applicants with work experience, fluent English and Microsoft word, excellent references.  Apart from that, they must have such qualities as reliability, loyalty and energy. All applicants are asked about their ability to work under pressure and make decision. We need a team of creative people to make our company competitive on the world market

  1. I was offered a position of an advertising manager and I was given a 3 month test period.  I submitted good references from my previous job. My strengths are communication skills, ability to work under pressure and also I can operate a computer and speak English well. I hope that after test period I will be hired. I will be responsible for preparing advertising materials and placing them in the most effective mass media. Outside advertising is the most profitable today: billboards, banners hanging across the street and transport advertisement.

  1. Now Im looking for a job.  I ve sent my resume and covering letter, printed with the laser printer, to some companies. Usually a resume has the following information about the applicant for the position:  education, work experience, personal details, that is his name, address and date of birth. I believe that I have work experience and personal qualities to cope with responsibilities of a sales manager. At my previous job I was responsible for sales and after sales. My best strength is communication ability.

  1. -  can I speak to mr Brown?

-hold on, please, I will check if mr Brown is in.

- Braun is speaking

- Good afternoon mr Braun.  This is John Smite.  Did your secretary give you my massage yesterday?

- Yes, she did, but I couldn’t call you back yesterday, because I had international telephone talks with our representative in London.

- mr Brown we were greatly impressed by specifications of your processing equipment. How long will it take you to deliver 2 sets of equipment and to pit them into operation?

  1. Our company was founded in 1995, the founders of our company are individual and corporate bodies. According to our law status we are public limited company. Currently we employ about 1000 people and our turn over is more then 20000$. We are managed by the meeting of Shareholders and the Boards of Directors. We investigate thoroughly all business proposal make draft contacts, where we discuss prices, time of delivery, payment and other terms. We conclude contracts in case the terms meet our requirements.

  1. Our company consists of six departments: Production, Sales, Export, Personnel and Research. We have several sales subsidiaries and 2 manufactories. We export our equipment to Eastern Europe. We investigated thoroughly all business proposals, make draft Contracts, discuss prices, payment, delivery and other terms. If terms meet our requirements we conclude contract about cooperation. At the moment we are looking for a new partner, because we are extending our activity.

  1. Our detailed price list will convince you in wide range of our goods. Our prices include packing and transportation.  As for the terms of payment, we can accept letter of credit, cheque and open account. We accept cash for small consignments and bank transfer for big orders. If you pay in cash we give you discounts. Discount rate depends on the total amount of the contract. Our prices are sensible and competitive; we take into consideration, that price is a important element of marketing formula.

  1. Our equipment is not a bad choice: It correspond the highest international standards existing in the world today. The guarantee for our equipment 12 months from the stapt-up of the equipment into operation. Our equipment is fully computerized and it is easy for even inexperienced personal to operate it. We put our equipment into operation within 2 to 5 weeks depending on the model.  Our sales representatives get in touch with wholesalers and retailers.

  1. Our sales representatives get in touch with wholesalers and retailers. A retailer is the most expensive link between a producer and a consumer. A wholesaler is the important link between a producer and a consumer. As our goods are in a great demand in the world market, we accept a 10 percent advance cash payment. We practice firm offers which us a rule are valid within a week from the date of a written offer.  In written offers we quote our prices and terms of payment.

12) While concluding a contract we discussed the following items:   the subject of the contract, prices and total value of the contract, time of delivery, terms of payment, technical documentation, packing, marking, insurance, force major, arbitration. Our contract is valid within 2 weeks from the date of signing.  As a rule, we use CIF delivery. CIF delivery includes price, insurance and freight. Sometimes we can’t delivery goods in stipulated time because of the freight problems. In such cases we apologize for delay in delivery.

13)  According to the contract we had to delivery goods CIF-Vladivostok   on the 11th of March, but we couldn’t deliver in time because of some circumstance, which we consider to be force major. We admit that your companies have had great losses because of delay in shipment. We apologize for this delay. I will contact Transport Company to compensate your losses. We apologize again for delay in shipment. We wouldn’t like you to apply to court.

14) I work for an advertising agency. There are 2 kids of advertising: advertising in mass media and outside advertising. Outside advertising is very popular now, it is one of the most rapidly growing market sections. Many companies advertise their goods on bell boards, roads banner (banner, hanging across streets) and on the vehicles. While advertising goods we take into consideration such points as packing and design. As for as I’m an advertising manager I m responsible for preparing advertisements and place them in the most effective mass media.

15)  Marketing is the promotion of goods and services from a producer to a consumer to meet the requirements customers and to achieve company targets. Marketing Department, Sales Department and Advertising agency are responsible for the market strategy of our company. One of the most important elements of marketing formula is placing. Placing means a channel of distribution. The mane channel of distribution includes a producer, a wholesaler, a retailer and a consumer. The recently research determined our new target audience- small business representatives

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