План -конспект урока английского языка по теме: «Трудности», Модуль № 8 «Challenges» 9 класс
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

План -конспект  урока английского языка по теме: «Трудности», Модуль № 8 «Challenges»  9 класс

(УМК Английский в фокусе Ваулина Ю.Е., В. Эванс, Подоляко  О.Е., Дж. Дули, 9 класс)

Тип урока: обобщающий, урок применения полученных знаний.


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Предварительный просмотр:

План -конспект  урока английского языка по теме: «Трудности», Модуль № 8 «Challenges»

 9 класс

(УМК Английский в фокусе Ваулина Ю.Е., В. Эванс, Подоляко  О.Е., Дж. Дули, 9 класс)

Тип урока: обобщающий, урок применения полученных знаний.

Тема урока: Youth Difficulties and Problems. Трудности.

Цели и задачи урока.

Цели урока: - обобщить знания изученной лексики и применять ее для решения задач коммуникации на иностранном языке; - создание условий для самореализации при решении поставленных в ходе урока задач.

 Задачи урока:

- развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся;

 - формирование лексических знаний по теме;

- первичное закрепление языковых навыков по теме и активизация навыков письма;

- воспитывать дружелюбное, уважительное отношение к окружающим людям;

 - выработка норм культурного общения;

- содействовать установлению в сознании ребенка устойчивых связей между накопленным и новым опытом познавательной и практической деятельности.

Форма урока: урок повторения и закрепления изученного материала.

Оборудование урока: учебник, раздаточный дидактический материал, доска.

Межпредметные связи: этика, культурология, психология.

 Образовательные результаты, которые буду достигнуты учащимися:

 - умение вести беседу по теме "Трудности";

- знание и уместное использование в речи разговорных фраз;

 - обогащение словарного запаса.

Ход урока.

1 Организационный момент.

 2 Речевая зарядка. ( Give the translation of these words):

identity- личность, идентичность

Subculture- субкультура

Aggressive- агрессивный

Option- выбор

Violent- насильственный

To rebel- протестовать

To try out- проверять, пробовать

To conform to- подчиняться

To reject- отвергать, отказывать

Liberal- либерал, человек либеральных учреждений

Warehouse - большой магазин, склад

Improvisation- импровизация

3 Разговорные фразы. (Отработка произношения, применение фраз в разговорной речи.).

It goes without saying - само собой разумеется.

 Most likely - скорее всего.

By the way – кстати.

For the rest - что касается остального.

Sad as it is - как это ни печально.

Needless to say - нет необходимости говорить, что ...

At any rate - во всяком случае.

In either event - при любом раскладе (как бы ни развивались события).

The thing is - дело в том, что ...

For all I know - насколько я знаю ...

So, our young people have some problems such as:

The problem of love relation between teens.

The problem of violence and vandalism among teens.

The problem of shortage of time.

The problem of understanding and respect between grown-ups and youth.

 The problem of choosing.

The problem of understanding between teens.

The problem of drugs, smoking and alcohol among young people).

4 Лексическая зарядка. ( Монологическое высказывание по данной теме).

Most young people in Great Britain create a certain lifestyle within their subcultures.

Why do they do that?

1 выразить себя - to express themselves,

2 обратить внимание - to show off,

3 выразить свою принадлежность к определенной субкультуре - to identify with a particular subculture,

4 знать кто они - to know who they are,

5 попробовать всё - to try out all sort of options,

 6 отвергать всё - to reject everything,

7 выразить протест против родителей - to protest against the parents,

8 показать, что они против общества - to rebel against the society,

 9 иметь собственные ценности и веру - to have their own values and beliefs,

 10 изменить мир к лучшему - to change the world to the best,

11 поддерживать чей-то образ жизни и отношения - to support a … attitude and lifestyle.

P.1 They want to express themselves.

P.2 They want to show off.

P.3 They want to change the world to the best.

P.4 They want to try out all sort of options.

P.5 They want to protest against parents.

P.6 They want to differ from social norms.

5 True or false. Развитие навыков устной речи.

Речевая практика. “How teens in Russia and in other countries alike now?”

 Russian teenager, like American teenagers, reads a lot.

Russian teenager is friendly like teens all over the world.

 Russian teenager thinks about health as British teens do.

 Russian teenager prefers techno and rock music like teens in Britain and in Germany.

 Russian teenager is sporty as British teens are.

6 Работа с текстом.

а. План для передачи содержания текста.

The plan for rendering the text.

1 The title of the text (story, article) is…

2 The author of the text is…

3 The main characters of the text are…

4 The main idea of the text is…

5 The text is about …

6 The author starts telling the readers (about, that)…

7 The author writes that…

8 According to the text…

 9 Further the author says that…

10 In conclusion…

11 Your opinion of the text (I found the text interesting,…).

б. Чтение текста с извлечением информации.

в. Реферирование текста.  Трудности и проблемы молодежи / Youth difficulties and  problems.

 All people have problems. Some people have a lot of problems, others have one or two. And no matter how old you are, you will still face difficulties in your life. We can solve some problems but some problems are very hard to solve. There are a lot of teenagers in our country. A teenager is a person from thirteen to nineteen years of age. And young people here face as many difficulties as grown-up people do. There are problems, which are common for all young people. These are spending your free time, choosing a good friend, how to deal with your parents and the classmates, finding your place in this world, first love and relations with beloved, choosing where to study after finishing school, alcohol and drugs. I’m fourteen so I belong to the group of Russian teenagers. One of the most important problems is “a generation gap” - the problem of fathers and sons. Teens usually want to be independent and show this to our parents. And this is kind of depressing when our parents try to control everything we do. Our parents usually don’t understand the clothes that we wear and the music that we listen to. We have different tastes. For example, when I go to the shop with my mom she likes these jeans but I like those ones. She pays and this is often difficult to convince her that this is really what I need. My parents want me to become a doctor as they are skilled teachers but I have a taste for economics, and my dream is to be an accountant. But they say they know better. They often treat us like small children. And this is rather difficult to start listening to each other and understanding each other. Some teens even begin drinking alcohol or smoking just to show that they are grown-ups. That is really stupid, I must say. I don’t like smoking. You must have to be a grown-up inside and a cigarette or a bottle of beer won’t help here. This won’t help you look cool. These bad habits cause health problems in future (for girls especially). It is a problem to get a good education as well. It is expensive to get a good education nowadays. I think it is difficult to learn a subject well, for example, without additional classes. And you can’t enter a university without good knowledge. As for the problem of friendship, I always remember a good proverb, "A friend in need is a friend indeed." I like this one because it shows what a true friend must be. I like honest people. And, of course, I want to have a friend who will always listen to me and understand me. I want him or her to support me in difficult situations. If a teen has bad relations with others he tries to find a group to follow for example – Goths, emos and others. They try piercing and tattoos. One of the most serious problems nowadays is taking drugs and AIDS (the disease when the immune system of your body stops working). There are many youth organizations in our country, which unite young men on different principles. There are some informal organizations, for example: skinheads, hippies, punks and so on. Now there exists the problem of misunderstanding between different youth groups. We also face the problem how to spend our free time. We can do it in different ways. Some of teenagers spend their free time in different night clubs. Other young people spend their free time in the strеets. The problem of free time is also very important. Where to go, what to do in free time. Every teen must find a hobby or just go in for sports. Not just wander in the street without an aim. We must not forget that it’s good to go to museums, theatres, cinemas and parks even if it is not popular. There is also a problem of having extra (pocket) money to go out with friends, to make presents to your friends, to buy clothes that you really like. So youth has to earn money - wash cars, sell or deliver newspapers, help old people or work as waiters or waitresses. We have some problems but we are sure that we solve them properly. We make mistakes but only those who do nothing make no mistakes. I think that the young people in other countries have such problems too. The best way to solve them is to be yourself and be responsible for your life.

Перевод некоторых слов:

no matter – не имеет значения,

 to face difficulties – сталкиваться со сложностями,

 to solve problems – решать проблемы,

a grown-up – взрослый ,

relations – отношения,

to spend free time – проводить свободное время,

 “a generation gap” – проблема отцов и детей,

 independent – независимый,

tastes – вкусы,

to convince – убеждать,

to treat – обращаться,

 to cause – вызывать,

bad habits – плохие привычки,

 to look cool – выглядеть здорово,

nowadays – в наши дни,

additional classes – дополнительные занятия,

 knowledge – знания,

a good proverb – хорошая поговорка,

 a true friend – настоящий друг,

 honest – честный,

 to support – поддерживать,

a teen – тинейджэр,

 Goths – готы (субкультура),

emоs – эмо (субкультура),

piercing – пирсинг,

tattoos – татуировки,

drugs – наркотики,

disease – болезнь,

the immune system – иммунная система,

to wander – слоняться,

responsible – ответственный

  1. Now I think you are tired. It’s time for  the P.T. break (activity)

Stand up, please.

Hands up! Hands down!
Hands to the sides!
Hands on hips!
Bend left! Bend right!
Hands up! Hands down!
And sit down!

(3 times)

  1. Подведение итогов. Объяснение домашнего задания.

Learn new words.

  1. Рефлексия. Выявить проблемы урока и эффективность выполненных на уроке задач.

Finish the sentences:


  1. Оценивание.
  2. Thank you for the lesson. You were very active. The lesson is over. Goodbye!

1 выразить себя - to express themselves,

2 обратить внимание - to show off,

3 выразить свою принадлежность к определенной субкультуре - to identify with a particular subculture,

4 знать кто они - to know who they are,

5 попробовать всё - to try out all sort of options,

 6 отвергать всё - to reject everything,

7 выразить протест против родителей - to protest against the parents,

8 показать, что они против общества - to rebel against the society,

 9 иметь собственные ценности и веру - to have their own values and beliefs,

 10 изменить мир к лучшему - to change the world to the best,

11 поддерживать чей-то образ жизни и отношения - to support a … attitude and lifestyle.

1 выразить себя - to express themselves,

2 обратить внимание - to show off,

3 выразить свою принадлежность к определенной субкультуре - to identify with a particular subculture,

4 знать кто они - to know who they are,

5 попробовать всё - to try out all sort of options,

 6 отвергать всё - to reject everything,

7 выразить протест против родителей - to protest against the parents,

8 показать, что они против общества - to rebel against the society,

 9 иметь собственные ценности и веру - to have their own values and beliefs,

 10 изменить мир к лучшему - to change the world to the best,

11 поддерживать чей-то образ жизни и отношения - to support a … attitude and lifestyle.

The plan for rendering the text.

1 The title of the text (story, article) is…

2 The author of the text is…

3 The main characters of the text are…

4 The main idea of the text is…

5 The text is about …

6 The author starts telling the readers (about, that)…

7 The author writes that…

8 According to the text…

 9 Further the author says that…

10 In conclusion…

11 Your opinion of the text (I found the text interesting,…).

The plan for rendering the text.

1 The title of the text (story, article) is…

2 The author of the text is…

3 The main characters of the text are…

4 The main idea of the text is…

5 The text is about …

6 The author starts telling the readers (about, that)…

7 The author writes that…

8 According to the text…

 9 Further the author says that…

10 In conclusion…

11 Your opinion of the text (I found the text interesting,…).

Youth Difficulties and Problems.

 All people have problems. Some people have a lot of problems, others have one or two. And no matter how old you are, you will still face difficulties in your life. We can solve some problems but some problems are very hard to solve. There are a lot of teenagers in our country. A teenager is a person from thirteen to nineteen years of age. And young people here face as many difficulties as grown-up people do. There are problems, which are common for all young people. These are spending your free time, choosing a good friend, how to deal with your parents and the classmates, finding your place in this world, first love and relations with beloved, choosing where to study after finishing school, alcohol and drugs. I’m fourteen so I belong to the group of Russian teenagers. One of the most important problems is “a generation gap” - the problem of fathers and sons. Teens usually want to be independent and show this to our parents. And this is kind of depressing when our parents try to control everything we do. Our parents usually don’t understand the clothes that we wear and the music that we listen to. We have different tastes. For example, when I go to the shop with my mom she likes these jeans but I like those ones. She pays and this is often difficult to convince her that this is really what I need. My parents want me to become a doctor as they are skilled teachers but I have a taste for economics, and my dream is to be an accountant. But they say they know better. They often treat us like small children. And this is rather difficult to start listening to each other and understanding each other. Some teens even begin drinking alcohol or smoking just to show that they are grown-ups. That is really stupid, I must say. I don’t like smoking. You must have to be a grown-up inside and a cigarette or a bottle of beer won’t help here. This won’t help you look cool. These bad habits cause health problems in future (for girls especially). It is a problem to get a good education as well. It is expensive to get a good education nowadays. I think it is difficult to learn a subject well, for example, without additional classes. And you can’t enter a university without good knowledge. As for the problem of friendship, I always remember a good proverb, "A friend in need is a friend indeed." I like this one because it shows what a true friend must be. I like honest people. And, of course, I want to have a friend who will always listen to me and understand me. I want him or her to support me in difficult situations. If a teen has bad relations with others he tries to find a group to follow for example – Goths, emos and others. They try piercing and tattoos. One of the most serious problems nowadays is taking drugs and AIDS (the disease when the immune system of your body stops working). There are many youth organizations in our country, which unite young men on different principles. There are some informal organizations, for example: skinheads, hippies, punks and so on. Now there exists the problem of misunderstanding between different youth groups. We also face the problem how to spend our free time. We can do it in different ways. Some of teenagers spend their free time in different night clubs. Other young people spend their free time in the strеets. The problem of free time is also very important. Where to go, what to do in free time. Every teen must find a hobby or just go in for sports. Not just wander in the street without an aim. We must not forget that it’s good to go to museums, theatres, cinemas and parks even if it is not popular. There is also a problem of having extra (pocket) money to go out with friends, to make presents to your friends, to buy clothes that you really like. So youth has to earn money - wash cars, sell or deliver newspapers, help old people or work as waiters or waitresses. We have some problems but we are sure that we solve them properly. We make mistakes but only those who do nothing make no mistakes. I think that the young people in other countries have such problems too. The best way to solve them is to be yourself and be responsible for your life.

Перевод некоторых слов:

no matter – не имеет значения,

 to face difficulties – сталкиваться со сложностями,

 to solve problems – решать проблемы,

a grown-up – взрослый ,

relations – отношения,

to spend free time – проводить свободное время,

 “a generation gap” – проблема отцов и детей,

 independent – независимый,

tastes – вкусы,

to convince – убеждать,

to treat – обращаться,

 to cause – вызывать,

bad habits – плохие привычки,

 to look cool – выглядеть здорово,

nowadays – в наши дни,

additional classes – дополнительные занятия,

 knowledge – знания,

a good proverb – хорошая поговорка,

 a true friend – настоящий друг,

 honest – честный,

 to support – поддерживать,

a teen – тинейджэр,

 Goths – готы (субкультура),

emоs – эмо (субкультура),

piercing – пирсинг,

tattoos – татуировки,

drugs – наркотики,

disease – болезнь,

the immune system – иммунная система,

to wander – слоняться,

responsible – ответственный

Finish the sentences:


Finish the sentences:


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Youth Difficulties and Problems.

Слайд 3

Give the translation of these words identity Subculture Aggressive Option Violent To rebel To try out To conform to To reject Liberal Warehouse Improvisation личность, идентичность субкультура агрессивный выбор протестовать проверять , пробовать подчиняться отвергать, отказывать большой магазин, склад импровизация либерал, человек либеральных учреждений насильственный

Слайд 4

It goes without saying Most likely By the way For the rest Sad as it is Needless to say At any rate In either event The thing is For all I know само собой разумеется скорее всего кстати что касается остального как это ни печально нет необходимости говорить, что ... во всяком случае при любом раскладе ( как бы ни развивались события) дело в том, что ... насколько я знаю ...

Слайд 6

Stand up, please. Hands up! Hands down! Hands to the sides! Hands on hips! Bend left! Bend right! Hands up! Hands down! And sit down! (3 times)

Слайд 7

Homework: learn new words.

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