Царская семья
видеоурок по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Степанова Людмила Дмитриевна

В презентации на английском языке рассказывается о семье Николая II.


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Слайд 1

Nicholas II as Emperor: "by the grace of God posisitve Nicholas II[note 4], Emperor and autocrat of all the Russias , Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod; king of Kazan, king of Astrakhan, king of Poland, Tsar of Siberian, Tsar of Tauric Chersonesos , the king of Georgia; sovereign of Pskov and Grand Duke of Smolensk, Lithuania, Volyn , Podolia and Finland; Prince of Estland , Livland , Courland and Semigalskogo Smolitskii , Bialystok, Korel'skiy , Tver , Yugra , Perm, Vyatka, Bulgaria and other; the Emperor and the Grand Duke Novagoroda Nizovskaya lands of Chernigov, Ryazan, Polotsky , Rostov, Yaroslavl, Belozersky , Udorsky , obdorsky , Kandisky , Vitebsk, Mstislavl , and all Northern countries master; the sovereign of Iberia, Kartli , and the Kabardinian lands and areas Armenski ; Cherkassky and mountain princes and other hereditary sovereign and owner, the sovereign of Turkestan; heir of Norway, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein, Sturmanskie , Damarensis and Oldenburg and others, and other". Nicholas II

Слайд 2

The first of the genus name Romanov was wearing Fyodor Nikitich (Patriarch Filaret ) in honor of his father, Nikita Romanovich grandfather and Roman Yuryevich Zakhariah . Legally the members of the Royal and then Imperial, families are not worn at all no names Nicholas II was the eldest son of Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna . Immediately after birth, 6 (18) may 1868, was named Nicholas .

Слайд 3

Early childhood educator Nicholas and his brothers had lived in Russia the Englishman, Karl Osipovich , Heath (Charles Heath, 1826-1900); his official caregiver as an heir in 1877 was appointed General G. G. Danilovich . Nicholas was educated at home within a large gymnasium course; in 1885-1890 — specially written program that connected the local and economic departments of the law faculty of the University with the course of the Academy of the General staff. Training sessions were conducted within 13 years: the first eight years were devoted to subjects of advanced gymnasium course, where special attention was paid to the study of political history, Russian literature, English, German and French languages (English Nikolai possessed as a native language[10][11]); the next five years were devoted to the study of military Affairs, legal and economic Sciences, necessary for a statesman.

Слайд 4

The first two years, Nicholas served as a Junior officer in the ranks of the regiment. Two summer seasons, he served in the ranks of the life guards hussar regiment eskadronny commander, and then camp to collect in the ranks of the artillery. 6 (18) August, 1892, was promoted to Colonel. At the same time the father introduces him to the course of Affairs in the governance of the ticipate in thecountry , inviting to par meetings of the State Council and Cabinet of Ministers. On the proposal of the Minister of Railways S. Yu. Witte, Nicholas in 1892, to gain experience in public Affairs was appointed Chairman of the Committee for the construction of the TRANS-Siberian railway. In 23 years of his life the Heir was a man who received extensive information in different fields of knowledge .

Слайд 5

A few days later, upon the death of Alexander III (October 20 (November 1), 1894) and his accession to the throne (the Imperial Manifesto published 21 Oct 14 (26) November 1894 in the Grand Church of the Winter Palace married Alexandra Feodorovna ; honeymoon passed in an atmosphere of mourning and funeral visits.14 (26) November 1894 in the Palace Church of the Winter Palace hosted the wedding of Nicholas II, with Princess Alice of Hesse , who took the name Alexandra Feodorovna . The couple originally settled in the Anichkov Palace with the Empress Maria Fedorovna , but in the spring of 1895 moved to Tsarskoe Selo , and in the fall to the Winter Palace to his chambers.In July-September, 1896, after the coronation, Nicholas and Alexandra Fedorovna made a big European tour as a Royal couple, and was visited by the Austrian Emperor, the German Kaiser, the Danish king and the British Queen. Ended the trip with a visit to Paris and vacation in the homeland of the Empress in Darmstadt.

Слайд 6

In subsequent years the Royal couple had four daughters — Olga (3 (15) November 1895, Tatiana (may 29 (10 June) 1897), Maria (14 (26) June 1899) and Anastasia (5 (18) June 1901). Grand Duchess to refer to themselves in diaries and correspondence used the acronym "OTMA", composed by the first letters of their names, the next in order of birth (Olga — Tatiana — Maria — Anastasia)[157].July 30 ( August 12) in 1904, Peterhof appeared the fifth child and only son Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich .

Слайд 7

Nicholas II, Alexandra Feodorovna , their children, Dr. Botkin , and three servants were killed with the use of weapons and firearms in the "House of special purpose" — Ipatiev mansion in Yekaterinburg in the night of 16 to 17 July 1918

Слайд 8

Nicholas II

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