Конспект урока английского языка в 7-м классе по теме: «Уголок культуры. Королева поп-музыки Леди Гага».
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс)

Конспект урока английского языка в 7-м классе   по теме: «Уголок культуры. Королева поп-музыки Леди Гага».

Тип урока:  Урок развития умений монологической речи.



 1. Способствовать развитию умений аудирования на основе текста Lady Gaga до двух минут.

2. Способствовать развитию умений поискового чтения на основе текста Lady Gaga.

3.Способствовать развитию умений монологической речи по теме: «Уголок культуры» на уровне монологического высказывания на основе текста Lady Gaga.



Microsoft Office document icon lady_gaga_urok.doc71.5 КБ
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Конспект урока английского языка в 7-м классе учебник Starlight 7

 по теме: «Уголок культуры. Королева поп-музыки Леди Гага».

Тип урока:  Урок развития умений монологической речи.



 1. Способствовать развитию умений аудирования на основе текста Lady Gaga до двух минут.

2. Способствовать развитию умений поискового чтения на основе текста Lady Gaga.

3.Способствовать развитию умений монологической речи по теме: «Уголок культуры» на уровне монологического высказывания на основе текста Lady Gaga.

Образовательная: способствовать расширению кругозора по теме: «Уголок культуры. Королева поп-музыки Леди Гага».

Развивающая: развивать творческую фантазию, познавательный интерес, память.

Воспитательная: воспитывать у учащихся чувство прекрасного и уважение к культуре стране изучаемого языка.

Ход урока:


  1. Орг. момент: Good morning, dear boys and girls! Glad to see you! Sit down, please.

  1. Today we will talk about famous people. And you will know interesting information about the most unusual and bright pop-star.  
  2. Фон.зарядка:  

1.We will sing one of the most popular  today's  song.  In order to do it we need to drill sounds that will help you: [ð] - [θ]. Please try to say this sounds.

2. First let's repeat how they are pronounced. Now look at the board on the slide 1.

Артикуляция английского звука [ð]: 

C:\Users\ADMIN\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\dif_th_1.gif

Переднеязычный межзубный шумный плоскощелевой звонкий согласный звук. В русском языке аналогов этому звуку не существует. При правильном произнесении этого английского звука, расслабленный язык лежит плоско, в исходном положении, кончик языка располагается за кончиками верхних  зубов, или выступает за верхние зубы 1-2 мм. Зубы – обнажены, особенно нижние и ни в коем случае не касаются верхних зубов и не приближаются к ним. Воздух, выдыхаемый легкими, проходит проходит в щель между кончиком языка и верхними зубами. Звук – звонкий, то есть в его произнесении участвуют голосовые связки.

Артикуляция английского звука [θ]:

 Переднеязычный межзубный шумный плоскощелевой глухой согласный звук.

В русском языке аналогов этому звуку не существует. При правильном произнесении   этого английского звука, расслабленный язык лежит плоско, в исходном положении, кончик языка располагается за кончиками верхних зубов, или выступает за верхние зубы примерно на 1-2 мм. Зубы – обнажены, особенно нижние и ни в коем случае не касаются верхних зубов и не приближаются к ним. Воздух, выдыхаемый легкими, проходит в щель между кончиками языка и верхними зубами. Звук – глухой. Голосовые связки не участвуют в его произнесении.

Look at the board on the slide 2

C:\Users\ADMIN\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\dif_th_2.gif

4.Now, listen to me and try to repeat: [ð] -  [θ]

Good for you!

          Repeat after me then read these words as quickly as you can:  th [ð] the, this, that, then, those, father, mother.

     th [θ]: thanks, three, both, bath, math, thin, thick, thumb, nothing, theatre.

Learn to read the words.  First repeat  them after me: [ð] – [θ]:

The third

the theatre

 this thin man;

 do math in the bath

both hands

nothing to loose

know that we are young.

Now, please repeat all the words as quickly as you can. (в режиме T-Cl-T-P1-T-Cl-T-Pn): the, this, that, the third, the theatre, this thin man, do math in the bath, both hands, nothing to loose, know that we are young, this point.


5. Look at the board, read and answer my question: What can the singer loose? What did she say?

6. Now, let's read the words from the song :  (P1 read)

I know  that we are young

And you know that you love me

But I just cant be with you like this anymore


 She's got both hands

In her pocket

 And she won't look at you

Won't look at you

She hides true love

En su bolsillo

She's got a halo around her finger

Around you.

You know that I love you boy

 Hot like Mexico, rejoice

At this point i've gotta choose

 Nothing to loose.

Don’t call my name

Don’t call my name, Alehandro.

Alehandro, Alehandro,



7. (answer the question.  The singer said that there is nothing to loose.

8.  Lets repeat the first verse keeping the tone. (отработка речевого целого в режиме  T-Cl-T-P1-T-Cl-Pn)

9. Now, sing the first verse with the music (звучит минусовка песни).

4.Речевая зарядка:

Now boys and girls, tell me please, what is a famous person? What queens of pop music do you know? Let's try to guess what we are going to talk about today,as we've sung this song Alehandro. Have you heard this song? You are right. We will speak about pop - star Lady Gaga.


 Look at the board and read the new words:  

String – a thin wire that is stretched across the musical instrument, producing a range of notes.

Lyrics – words that make up a song usually consisting of verses and choruses.

Icon – someone who is very famous and who people think represents a particular idea.

Play by ear

Social media

Outrageous – used to describe something or someone that is shocking because they are unusual or strange.

  1. Now listen and answer the question: What is she?

What does she like to do?

(Tapescript 1)

(Lady gaga is a worldwide sensation. She likes to sing and dance surprising audience with her unusual clothes.)

2.Listen to the audio again decide if the statements are true (T) or falls (F):

(Tapescript 2)

The Italian-American girl is from Texas.____

She could play the piano from the age of three.____

At 17 she became one of the youngest students at the Tish School of  Performing Arts in New York.____

Lady Gaga set up her own website , as well as Vkontakte.ru.____

Lady Gagas Twitter page now has 7.5 million followers. _____


3.Now read the text and find out how are these names related to her?




-Britney Spears


-Tisch School of performing Arts

4. Finish these sentences, please:

1.Manhattan is the place……….( where is she from)

2.Germanotta is………………   ( her surname)

3.Bach is………………………..( her musical inspiration)

4. A successful artist she has written songs for is….( Britney Spears)

5.Twitter is……………………..(a social media site she uses to promote herself and chat with fans).

6. She studied at…………………( Tisch School of perfoming Arts).

5. Well, read the text again and answer the questions:

  1. What musical instrument does Lady Gaga play?
  2. For whom else has she written songs?
  3. How did she help herself  to become famous?
  4. What does Lady Gaga use to create her image?

Answer key: 1. Lady Gaga plays the piano.

2.  She has written songs for The Pussycat Dolls.

3. She set up her own websites and used her My Space, Twitter, You Tube and Face book profiles to promote her music.

4. She uses outrageous costumes, wigs and make-up.


6. Look through the story, find the paragraphs explaining:

-why did her way to success was not easy.

- why did she write songs for other stars?

-due what did she become a wordwide sensation?

7. Image that you are a reporter and you need to tell the school newspaper about Lady Gage’s activities that have led to success. You need to tell about:

  1.  her dream
  2. the turning  point
  3. her fun club
  4. her living as a songwriter
  5. about her luck

(Answer key)

  1. Lady Gaga followed her dream of becoming famous.
  2. The  turning point came after people saw her website.
  3. She soon grabbed  the attention of a lot of people and her own fan club.
  4. She moved out of   her parents home to a cheap flat, while trying to earn a living as a songwriter.
  5. She worked hard to develop her own image.
  6. Her luck started to change when she began writing songs.

8. Pretend that Lady Gaga gave you as a reporter an advice as a rule of her life. How can you prove that she follows it?

Quotation: “You have to be unique and different and shine in your own way”.

9. Match the columns in logical order to make a plan.

  1. The young talent      
  2. She followed the dream      

     3.The beginning of the career

     4.Turning point

     5.Reigning icon of todays pop-culture                          

a. she began writing songs for Britney Spears and  The pussycat Dolls.                                                  

  b.Lady Gaga shows no sign of slowing down.

  c. she could play the piano by ear from the age  of four.

d.Gaga moved out of parents and tried to earn a living as a singer-songwriter

e. she set up her own website  profiles to promote her music

10. Now, work in group of three. One of each group is Lady Gaga and others are journalists who are going to interview the famous singer.  Lady Gaga: tell the journalist the kind of music you play, your childhood, your way to the fame, the song you most enjoy and your life behind the scenes.

Journalists: work together to think of some questions to ask Lady Gaga.  The aim   of your interview is how she became an icon of pop-culture.

 You should be prepared to the interview, so use the links bellow to know more about her. And pupils who play the role of Lady Gaga need it too.

http:/ en.wikipedia.org>wiki>Lady _G…

mic.com>articles>the story-of-how-lad…


So, thanks for your interview. Now you have learnt all information about Lady Gaga, try to explain how she became an icon of pop-culture in 8-10 sentences.

V. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.  So, our lesson is over. Dears, finish these sentences and answer please:  What is the most interesting have you learnt today?

     During todays lesson I have ____Got acquainted…….

                                                        _____found out……..



Your homework is make a project about a popular musician in your country using these links:

 http //en.wikipedia.org.wiki

http // www.quora.com>where.can

http //en.wikipedia.org>wiki>music

Follow this plan

  1. Where and when born
  2. How they became famous
  3. Type of music
  4. Image/ performance style

VI  Thanks for your work. Your marks today are…

See you next lesson!

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