Конспект урока в 8 классе на тему "Защитим планету"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс)

Антюшина Арина Вячеславовна

Конспект урока в 8 классе на тему "Защитим планету"

Раздаточный материал

Air pollution



Acid rains



Water Pollution



Toxic materials



Plastic Waste



Soil Pollution











To save our planet we must…



















If the weather (to be) nice, we’ll go for a walk.

We could buy this house if we (to have) money.

If he (to come) to take us, we could have gone to the cinema.

If I had enough money, I (to go) to Japan.

If my mother (to know) about this, we will be in serious trouble.

If I (to be) you, I would tell my father.

If people were more careful, there (not to be) so many endangered animals.


If the weather (to be) nice, we’ll go for a walk.

We could buy this house if we (to have) money.

If he (to come) to take us, we could have gone to the cinema.

If I had enough money, I (to go) to Japan.

If my mother (to know) about this, we will be in serious trouble.

If I (to be) you, I would tell my father.

If people were more careful, there (not to be) so many endangered animals.


If the weather (to be) nice, we’ll go for a walk.

We could buy this house if we (to have) money.

If he (to come) to take us, we could have gone to the cinema.

If I had enough money, I (to go) to Japan.

If my mother (to know) about this, we will be in serious trouble.

If I (to be) you, I would tell my father.

If people were more careful, there (not to be) so many endangered animals.


If the weather (to be) nice, we’ll go for a walk.

We could buy this house if we (to have) money.

If he (to come) to take us, we could have gone to the cinema.

If I had enough money, I (to go) to Japan.

If my mother (to know) about this, we will be in serious trouble.

If I (to be) you, I would tell my father.

If people were more careful, there (not to be) so many endangered animals.


If the weather (to be) nice, we’ll go for a walk.

We could buy this house if we (to have) money.

If he (to come) to take us, we could have gone to the cinema.

If I had enough money, I (to go) to Japan.

If my mother (to know) about this, we will be in serious trouble.

If I (to be) you, I would tell my father.

If people were more careful, there (not to be) so many endangered animals.





1. Living a sustainable life means going Green – using a bike instead of a car, buying organic products.



2. Natural resources like oil and gas will soon be exhausted.



3. Food should be grown organically without any pesticides.



4. Humanity should choose environmentally friendly power sources like wind power (electricity)



5. Delivering exotic fruit and other products from the far-away countries causes a lot of pollution.



6. People from India suffer from the lack of water because of large factories.



7. In 18th Century people were also concerned about Protection of the Environment (Carl Von Karlovitz)







1. Living a sustainable life means going Green – using a bike instead of a car, buying organic products.



2. Natural resources like oil and gas will soon be exhausted.



3. Food should be grown organically without any pesticides.



4. Humanity should choose environmentally friendly power sources like wind power (electricity)



5. Delivering exotic fruit and other products from the far-away countries causes a lot of pollution.



6. People from India suffer from the lack of water because of large factories.



7. In 18th Century people were also concerned about Protection of the Environment (Carl Von Karlovitz)
































































Предварительный просмотр:

Конспект открытого урока в 8 а классе.

Тема: «Откуда так много мусора?»

Ход урока

I.   Организационный момент:


- Good Morning, boys and girls!

- I am glad to see you. How are you? - I am fine, thank you.

- What is the date today? What day of the week is it today? What is the weather like today? -Who’s absent today?

Are you ready for the lesson?  Thank you.

II.  Фонетическая зарядка:

First of all we practice our pronunciation, look at the board please, listen to me and repeat after me.

If two witches watched two watches, which witch would watch which watch?

Скороговорка – записана на доске  или на слайде. Учащиеся повторяют слова хором за учителем и затем выборочно отвечают два-три ученика.

Сообщение плана и задач урока:

- Tell me please what will we speak about? You are right, we will repeat our grammar material on the Conditionals, speak about different kinds of pollution. We’ll watch a presentation with words, do some exercises on them. Besides that we will watch a short movie about sustainable living, read a text and play a game.

III.  Речевая разминка:

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя по теме «Откуда столько мусора?» Список вопросов:

  1. What kinds of pollution do you know?
  2. What can we do to reduce the amount of trash thrown away into the streets?
  3. Do you know anything about recycling?
  4. What pollutes the atmosphere?
  5. Is packaging necessary?
  6. Is litter a big problem in your town?
  7. What kinds of endangered animals do you know?

IV.  Повторение лексики по теме «Экология Земли – Экология человека»:

(Изображения в папке Pollution Images)

T.: Look at the screen, please. You can see pictures of polluted areas.  Let’s try to guess what kind of pollution do we see on the picture one by one, translate them and give some additional commentaries if needed. We will write down only unknown words.

Учитель предлагает учащимся отгадать слова на картинках, обращая внимание на произношение и записать только новые и незнакомые в словари.

Список слов:

Air pollution                                      

 Acid rains                      

Water Pollution                                  

Toxic materials                                  

Plastic Waste

Soil Pollution

V.  Закрепление лексики по теме «Экология Земли – Экология человека»

А)ДЖОТ ТОТС (Jot Thoughts) To save our planet we must ……

Учащимся дается листок  бумаги.  Каждый ученик пишет, что мы должны делать, чтобы сохранить нашу планету.

(в процессе урока)


Look please at the board and complete the table



















VI.  Повторение грамматического материала «Придаточные предложения условия»

Учащимся раздаются листочки с заданиями на перевод предложений:

  1. If the weather (to be) nice, we’ll go for a walk.
  2. We could buy this house if we (to have) money.
  3. If he (to come) to take us, we could have gone to the cinema.
  4. If I had enough money, I (to go) to Japan.
  5. If my mother (to know) about this, we will be in serious trouble.
  6. If I (to be) you, I would tell my father.
  7. If people were more careful, there (not to be) so many endangered animals.

Do you agree with the last statement? We can make our planet cleaner and happier, let’s dance together with some animals


“Just dance kids”


VII.  Активизация употребления грамматического материала «Придаточные предложения условия»

In order to learn how to use Conditionals I and II in our speech we’ll play a little game. I want you to  devide into 4 groups  according to your wish:

1 st group – You are a President

2 nd group – You are a Billioner

3 rd group – You are a famous actor\actress

4 th group – You are a God

Now that you’ve made a decision here is your task:

Imagine that you are that very person you’ve  chosen to be and give your examples of “What would you do with the Environmental problems if you were a …..”

Пример: “If I were a top celebrity I would organize my own company of fighting with pollution or some dangerous diseases caused by the pollution”

Работа в группах – модель “CORNERS” 

Учащимся дается задание, используя структуры придаточных предложений условия, рассказать о том, как бы они боролись с загрязнением если бы были: 1) Президентом, 2) Миллиардером, 3) Знаменитым Актером\Актрисой, 4) Богом.

Задание заранее не сообщается, учащиеся выбирают группы по желанию, не зная, что им предстоит делать. Вопрос звучит: «Кем бы Вы хотели быть?»

VIII.  Совершенствование навыков аудирования с целью извлечения необходимой информации.


Now we’re going to watch a short movie about Sustainable living

But before watching it I’d like you to look at the sheets of paper I gave you and try to agree or disagree with the statements in the table – put “plus” or “minus” into the left column.

  1. Цель аудирования – ответить на вопросы (они на раздаточных карточках) Ответить на каждый вопрос, основываясь на собственных знаниях и опыте просмотром ролика.
  2. Ознакомить с незнакомой лексикой (на доске слова и выражения с транскрипцией и переводом)
  3. Делать паузы, поясняя некоторые моменты ролика и проговаривая новые слова.
  4. Контроль понимания, ответы на вопросы после просмотра и сдача карточек.

After you’ve watched the short film correct your answers by putting “plus” or “minus” into the right column and compare your results. Have you guessed everything perfectly or not?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5r4loXPyx8 (sustainability easily explained)




1. Living a sustainable life means going Green – using a bike instead of a car, buying organic products.

2. Natural resources like oil and gas will soon be exhausted.

3. Food should be grown organically without any pesticides.

4. Humanity should choose environmentally friendly power sources like wind power (electricity)

5. Delivering exotic fruit and other products from the far-away countries causes a lot of pollution.

6. People from India suffer from the lack of water because of large factories.

7. In 18th Century people were also concerned about Protection of the Environment (Carl Von Karlovitz)

X.  Подведение итогов урока.

That’s all for today. What have we learnt today? What did we do else?

Now I will explain your homework. You’ll have to think about the ways of fighting with any kind of pollution and make a brochure giving an insight of your idea(s). Разработать мини-проект на листе формата А4. Сделать брошюру и рассказать о том, как можно бороться с проблемами окружающей среды на выбор :

1) загрязнение воздуха

2) загрязнение воды

3) загрязнение почвы

The lesson is over. Thank you. You’re free to go. Good Bye.

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