Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку "Кузбасс"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс)

Матусович Денис Владимирович

Методическая разработка включает в себя новую лексику, упражнения и текст на английском языке "Kuzbass"


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Предварительный просмотр:


Kuzbass, which is formally known as the Kuznetsk Coal Basin (the Kuznetsk), lies
in the south of Western Siberia, namely in Kemerovo region. It covers the area of 100,000
square kilometers. It borders on the Altai territory in the south-west, on Novosibirsk
region in the west, on Tomsk region in the north, on the Krasnoyarsk territory in the east
Kuzbass is one of the oldest and largest industrial complexes in Siberia.
Kuzbass occupies the territory of the Kuznetskaya Lowland. It is surrounded by
mountain chains in the west, in the east and in the south. These mountain chains, like
walls, defend our region from dry, southwest winds. They influence the weather of
this territory. The climate in Kuzbass is continental. We have four seasons of the
year, but winter lasts 5 months here, it begins in November and ends in March.
Summer is short and rather hot. July is the hottest month of the year. The
temperature is sometimes 25°-35° above zero. It's a big contrast with low winter
temperatures, which are sometimes 30-40' below zero. This contrast influences badly
the people's health.
There is hardly a territory in Siberia where such an interesting mountain
arrangement can be found. It is united with the West Siberian Lowland just only in the
north. Its total area is about 30.000 square kilometers.
The biggest river on the territory is the Tom. It flows into the Ob. Its length
is over 839 kilometers. The Tom and its tributaries supply fresh water
practically to every city in Kuzbass. There are also some other big and little rivers in
Kuzbass ,for example , the Kondoma, the Mras-Su, the Kia, the Aba but most of them
are polluted because Kuzbass is an industrial zone and the ecological situation is
Metallurgical, coal - mining, machine - building industries are highly developed
here. There are many forests in Kuzbass. 1/7 of wood in Russia is produced here in
Kuzbass. There are a lot of kinds of trees. The forests are concentrated in the Gornaya
Shoria, Kuznetsky Alatau and Salair. They cover all Kuznetskaya Lowland. The
foliage trees are concentrated in the lowlands. The coniferous forests are
situated in the highlands. The pine-trees, fir-trees can be found there. A lot of animals
such as bears, wolves, foxes, elks live in them.
Now Kuzbass is one of the largest developed industrial regions. It is known as
one of the Russian and (in some branches) world's largest producers and exporters of
coal, steel, iron ore and other mineral resources. No wonder, there are a lot of
plants, factories and mines. That's why Kuzbass is said to be a region of coal miners
and metal workers. There are some large cities and small towns in Kuzbass. The largest
city with the population of 600,000 people is Novokuznetsk. Kemerovo is less than
Novokuznetsk but it's a regional center. Mezhdurechensk is situated in the most
beautiful place of Kuzbass. It’s a small town but it is famous for its coalmines.
Tashtagol is the capital of the Gornaya Shoria where the aborigines of Kuzbass live.
Kiselevsk, Belovo, Leninsk-Kuznetsky, earlier had well - developed coal-mining industry,
now they are degrading. The ecological situation in Kuzbass is very poor. Kuzbass is
called «the zone of ecological disasters». It is an industrial region and its enterprises
throw thousands of tons of different wastes. The air, water, soil here are polluted. We all
hope for the better future, we hope that Kuzbass with its great potential and resources
will become one of the richest and best regions in Russia.

Learn the new words:
Coal-basin – угольный бассейн

 pine-tree – сосна
Mountain chains – цепи гор

 fir-tree – ель
То defend – защищать

 elk – лось

Influence – влияние
Arrangement – расположение

coal – уголь steel – сталь

Tributaries – притоки

 iron – железо
То pollute – загрязнять

to degrade – деградировать
Foliage – листва

 disaster – бедствие
Coniferous – хвойный

Task 1 Match the beginnings and the endings of the sentences:
1) Kuzbass lies                                 a) into the Ob.
2) Kuzbass is one of the                         b) plants, factories and mines.
3) Kuzbass occupies                                 c) oldest and largest industrial complexes in
4) The climate in Kuzbass is                         d) Novokuznetsk.
5) The river Tom flows                         e) highly-developed in Kuzbass.
6) Metallurgy, coal mining are                 f) in the south of Western Siberia.
7) There are a lot of                                 g) continental.
8) The largest city is                                 h) a region of coal miners and metalworkers.
9) The Aborigines live                         i) the territory of the Kuznetskaya Lowland.
10) Kuzbass is said to be                         j) in Tashtagol.

Task 2 Answer the questions:
1) Where is Kuzbass situated?
2) Which regions does Kuzbass border on?
3) What is the weather like in Kuzbass?
4) How many rivers in Kuzbass do you know?
5) Kuzbass is a metallurgical giant, isn't it?
6) How many towns and cities on the territory of Kuzbass do you know?
7) What is the population of Kuzbass?
8) Why is Kuzbass called «the zone of ecological disasters»?

Task 1
1 – f; 2 – c; 3 – i; 4 – g; 5 – a; 6 – e; 7 – b; 8 – d; 9 – j; 10 – h

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