Конспект урока в 11 классе "Inventions"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс)

Озерова Анна Сергеевна

К учебнику Бибалетовой 11 кл


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ГБОУ СОШ №276 Санкт-Петербурга

Урок английского языка в 11 классе по теме  

“Прогнозы на будущее, грядущие технологии”

«Future predictions and new technologies»


                                                                       Выполнила учитель                    

                                                                       английского языка        

Озерова А.С.

Цели урока: обобщение изученного материала по теме; совершенствование коммуникативных навыков и умений.

Задачи урока: совершенствование речевых умений по теме; повторение простого будущего времени; развитие творческих способностей у учащихся; совершенствование навыков аудирования с целью извлечения информации; поддержание интереса у учащихся к изучению английского языка.

Тип урока: повторительно – обобщающий урок.

Форма урока: комбинированный урок

Оборудование: компьютер, презентации к уроку, карточки для индивидуальной работы, учебники, тетради.

                                                Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент.    (3 min)

- Good morning, boys and girls. I’m very glad to see you at our lesson today. Let’s begin our lesson.

  1. Вступительная беседа. Определение темы урока. Постановка целей урока.
  • By the way, do you have your mobile phones with you? Please, show it to us. Do you often use it? How often do you use it?  When was it invented? (1983).What century is it? (The 20th century)
  • Look at the blackboard, there are three sentences but one of it is not completed. Read the sentences and complete the last one.

On the board:   The Medieval time is famous for inquisition and conquests.

                         The Renaissance is famous for its so called “golden” age of art.

                          The 20 - 21century are famous for..   (developing science and technology) 

  • So, the theme of our lesson is Science and Technology.

  1. Активизация словарного запаса. (2 min)
  • When you hear these words, Science and Technology, what associations you have connected to these words? What words do occur to your mind?
  • Let’s write then on the board.

      Traveling into space           robots         a computer               Internet

                                          Science and Technology

      Device                   inventions           stereo system             discoveries

                            (ответы учащихся могут быть различными)

  1. Проверка знаний, полученных на прошлом уроке.  (2 min + 2 min)
  • Last lesson we discussed the great inventions and discoveries and the famous people connected to it. Now, fresh your memories and lets check what you remember. Do the task in your copybooks. The task is to match the names with the invention and discovery. Work in pairs.   (2 min)

The electronic board.

Match the names with their discoveries and inventions

1. Galileo Galilei                                 а) paper

2. Isaac Newton                                   b) thermometer and microscope

3. Alexander Bell                                c) low of Universal gravity

4. Alexander Popov                            d) diesel engine

5. John Logie Baird                            e) telephone

6. Rudolf Engine                                 f) table of chemical elements

7. Dmitry Mendeleev                          g) radio

8. Ts’ai Lun                                         h) television

9. Nicolas Cugnot                                i) automobile

10. Thomas Edison                              j) light bulb

  • It’s high time to check. Look at the screen. Change your copybooks and check yourself.

Give marks.

Презентация. “ Great inventions and discoveries in the history of civilization”

  • There is the list of 10 great inventions and discoveries in the history of civilization.  How do you think which are the most important inventions of nowadays? Can you name them?  (7 min)

The Internet     Mobile phone        Computer      Fridge       Microwave oven     Vacuum cleaner  

Printer      Television    Radio      Car       Airplane       Laser ray   Hair dryer    ……..  


  • What is the most important device for you personally? What can’t you do without and why?    

I can’t do without …… because……   (записать фразу на доске)

We were talking about some great and important inventions, but now I want you to relax a little and have fun reading about some unusual ones.   (7 min)

Here you will see some absolutely useless inventions. Watch, read and translate. Try to guess what are the last two needed for:



  1. Аудирование (4 min)

  • At home you had to learn the words with the definitions. Let’s check how you know the words. Now I am going to read the definitions and you will write the words in your copybooks.

p.81 ex.10, p.82 ex.14

take out – to remove smth from a box, bag

get down to – to start doing something seriously

set up – to make a piece of equipment ready for use

plug in – to connect a piece of equipment to an electricity supply

log on – to enter a computer system usually by typing in a special password

customize – to change the way smth looks or works to fit your exact needs

Устная самопроверка.

  1. Повторение грамматического материала. Будущее простое время.  (2 min)
  • In your books p.83 ex.20 you can see phrases, that express what people think about the future. Read them and translate.

What grammar tense do we need to use? – Future Simple.

                  + will + V

  1. The game “Nostradamus”  (10 min)

On the board you see a person, who knows this man? What is he famous for? – Nostradamus, the ancient predictor. 

-Now, it’s your time to become great predictors. Look at the board, there are some pictures that can help you to make your predictions.

What spheres of life can you see at these pictures? (Medicine, education, food, environment, space, technology, homes and buildings)

 Use the phrases from the exercise to tell about future. Divide into pairs or groups.


IX. Задание на дом. (1 min)

  • Your home task will be to make your own list of predictions in 200 years including as more spheres of life as possible.

X. Подведение итога урока. Выставление оценок.


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