Развитие навыков аудирования по теме Social Media
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс)

Данная разработка может быть использована на уроках английского языка в средней школе при изучении темы Social Media


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Предварительный просмотр:

Listening “Social media”

Pre-Listening Exercise

How do social media Web sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram help people keep in touch with family and friends (for example, “People can send short birthday messages. It doesn’t cost money.“)? In this listening activity, a man introduces himself to a woman by phone that he met on a social networking site.


keep in touch” = stay in contact or communications with someone
Using popular social media Web sites is one way to keep in touch with family and friends.”

“reach someone” = be able to contact or talk with someone
If you want to talk, you can reach me by phone, by email, through FaceBook.”

Listening Exercise

A. Listen to the recording and answer the questions.

What is the man's name?

His name is Robert.

The man's name is Ronald.

The man goes by Russel.

The man was born in _______.




He _______ for a living.

runs a restaurant

sells animals

teaches English

The man _______.

has two brothers and three dogs

has an older brother and younger sister

lives with his sisters and mother

What is the man's telephone number?

His number is 789-3050.

It's 789-1315.

You can reach him at 789-1350

Post-Listening Exercise

Option 1:

Which social networking sites do you visit and use? How often do you use them? Who do you contact or talk with on these sites? What are both the positive and negative points with such sites?

Option 2:

Let’s talk about the man in the telephone message. What is the man like? Answer these other questions, and then write answers about your own life:

  1. How old is he? (How old are you?)
  2. When did he graduate from high school?
  3. What foods does he like to eat?
  4. What doesn’t he eat much?
  5. What does he do in his free time?

How is his life similar or different from yours or the people you know?

Online Investigation

Write a message to an old or new friend on a social media Web site. Introduce yourself and your family. Talk about your family, hobbies, daily life, school, and work. Be careful not to share personal information. Use this example to help you get started:

Hi. My name is ____________. I live in _______. There are ____ people in my family. I read books and play _____ in my free time. I go to high school. I have a part-time job in a restaurant.


Stephanie: Hi, this is Stephanie. I can’t answer the phone right now. I’m away, but feel free to call, leave a message, or text. Alright. Bye.

Ronald: Uh, hello, uh yeah. Hi, Stephanie, or Steffi. Uh, I can’t do this? Oh yeah. Uh. Yes, Stephanie, my name is Ronald, but my friends call me Ron. My parents call me, well, forget about that. Uh, I’m originally from Canada, but I grew up in Texas.

I’m 24 years old, and uh, I graduated from high school about five years ago, and I’m the manager of an exotic pet shop. We carry all kinds of birds, and snakes, and spiders, and fish. We even have one snake that is about four meters long, but I keep him at home. And oh, yeah. Um, my hobbies. I fish, hunt, and ride horses in my free time. My favorite foods are beef, beef, and beef. I don’t eat many vegetables, except potatoes with my beef. And, oh yeah, I sometimes eat apples and beef sometimes.

I have two brothers. Both of them live with me because they don’t have jobs, and my mom lives with me, and I have three dogs: Brutus, Charlie, and Samantha. Oh, and one more thing. This might seem strange, but I enjoy reading poetry. So, that’s about it. I hope to hear from you. You can call me if you want. The number is 789-1350. Yeah, uh, right. Catch later, alligator. Oh, oh, that’s so stupid. Uh, oh, Good-bye.

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