Презентации на тему "Знаменитые преступники"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Светлана Павловна Устратова

1) Dorangel Vargas

2) Clown killer

3) Sonka the golden hand

4) Doris Peyn

5) Chikatilo


Файл Dorangel Vargas226.95 КБ
Файл Clown killer461.68 КБ
Файл Sonka the golden hand1.44 МБ
Файл Doris Peyn1.66 МБ
Файл Chikatilo1.79 МБ

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Слайд 1

Dorangel Vargas b y Tevekova & Stepanova

Слайд 2

What crime did he commit ? Dorangel Vargas is a serial killer and cannibal from Venezuela. He hunted his victims in the park. By the way, he was a tramp.

Слайд 3

What crime did he commit ? He killed about 4O people. Dorangel said that he ate human organs like pears. He believed that there is nothing wrong in eating people. In interview cannibal said that everyone can eat a human. The main thing is to cook the organs properly.

Слайд 4

A few facts about his crimes He ate only men, because he believed that women are unappetizing. Cannibal adored to eat human hips and legs. Dorangel ate a « delicious » soup which consisted of human eyes . He didn’t eat the genitals and fat people.

Слайд 5

Punishment The police caught him on February 12, 1999. As a result, Dorangel was imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital for life.

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Слайд 1

Clown Killer

Слайд 2

Clown Killer

Слайд 3

Clown Killer

Слайд 4

Clown Killer

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Слайд 1

Sonka the Golden hand

Слайд 2

her parents were not rich because of what she started stealing before twelve years

Слайд 3

had the gift of the actress during the life of a legend

Слайд 4

to catch a thief was almost impossible , as it does not leave a evidence

Слайд 5

she especially liked to steal gold and precious stones

Слайд 6

Sonya often traveled abroad in expensive hotels where the rich stealing guests

Слайд 7

took the help of the thieves who distracted the seller

Слайд 8

when he went in the train she used spirits, and robbed rich people , but these spirits don't like didn't work on Sonya when he went in the train she used paplauski spirits, and robbed rich people.but these spirits don't like didn't work on Sonya

Слайд 9

after Sonya fell in love with Vladimir Kochubchik 1

Слайд 10

birthday Sony , Vladimir stole for her polishing cloth 1

Слайд 11

after the jeweler has filed a police report, Vladimir was accused of stealing Sonya 1

Слайд 12

exiled to Siberia where he died after exiled to Siberia where he died after

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Слайд 1

Doris Payne Most Americans didn’t consider Mrs. Payne criminal – she didn’t steal from the poor, not robbed and killed. She was believable in every role, and she believed in what she said. Even a few minutes, but she was happy.

Слайд 2

The childhood passed in the town the Weak-Fork . She was the youngest of the children. From childhood, Doris dreamed of becoming a Hollywood star and take mom with you from poverty, hunger and a drinking husband. The first theft Doris made accidentally. She went to a jewelry store to choose a gift from mom for diligent teaching in the school, but when I went to the store a white male, the seller panicked, because he wasn't allowed to admit blacks. For fear Doris ran, taking watch. That's when she realized how you can earn .

Слайд 3

The profession of thief Doris began to develop with the theft of cheap dresses in the malls, then it was the turn of gold and diamonds. The first major theft she committed in the 1960s, after the equation of black and white in the USA. She committed theft in expensive luxury stores, each time brilliantly playing the role of wife of a millionaire or a society lady.

Слайд 4

For 60 years she with cunning, charm, distract sellers jewelry stores a measure of decoration and didn’t give them back. The most surprising thing was the following: when sellers understand what happened actually, they described the suspect, ka handsome, tall and devilishly attractive girl, although in reality Doris was low rise and not too cute.

Слайд 5

The money raised from the thefts she was caring for her mother and bought expensive dresses, perfume and my passport. Later, Doris has traveled the world, knowing that the detectives are literally everywhere. Were the arrests and imprisonments, but once free she again and again to steal. After the last arrest at the age of 83 years, she was put behind bars for 5 years, but she was released early for good conduct. A year later, she was caught leaving the store. And again Doris was the center of attention in the light of the camera flash. Truly restless "diamond" superstar!

Слайд 6

Thank you for your attention !

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Слайд 1

A serial killer

Слайд 2

Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo

Слайд 10

Thank you for your attention

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