Tolerance to diversity
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс)

Разработка урока по английскому языку для старшеклассников по теме "Толерантность". К уроку прилагается текст для прослушивания, для лучшего понимания, что такое толерантность на основе "Истории о фруктах". Предлагаются разнообразные формы работы как сравнение, коллажирование, мозговой штурм, обсуждение и в заключении выводы, которые должны сделать сами ученики на данную тему в конце урока.


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Предварительный просмотр:


          Theme : TOLERANCE TO  DIVERSITY.

The lesson is aimed at promoting tolerance to diversity and is designed for secondary school students.

It will help students to respect each other no matter how different they are and understand the importance of each other in society.


1.Warm up:

Choose a fruit you associate yourself with and explain why you chose it.

For example:

I think I am a pomegranate. It does not look so attractive from outside, but if you cut it, you will see

so many  shiny  seeds , which are sweet and delicious. So am I. I have many nice traits of the character.

You have to know me better to understand what a nice personality I am.

2.Main part of the lesson:


What would be better to have; a salad off several fruits or just one fruit? Why?

 Listen to the “Fruits Story” and discuss it.

 Discussion .

“ Can you associate this story with people?”

“What good lesson did you learn from the story? “

“How are we all similar to these fruits? “

“Have you ever experienced any situation in your life when you felt  uncomfortable

because  you were different?” “ Why?”

“How do you treat people who are different from you?”

“Is it nice to be different?”


Ask your students to take a pencil and draw a flower, sun and a horse.

Now take them a colored pencil and  draw the same pictures again.

Ask students to compare these two pictures and tell which one is more

beautiful and natural. Why?

Ask students to draw pictures of themselves with pencils and then take colored pencils and colour

their pictures.

Ask students to compare all their pictures and tell how they are all similar and how they are

different.  ( They wll have to see that all pictures have body, two hands, two legs ,two ears, a nose, a head ,etc. They differ that some have blue eyes, some brown –some have fair hair, some black or brown, etc..)

Ask students if it would be interesting if we all had the same faces, the same color of eyes, hair ,the same clothes, etc.)


Tell students to make collage of themselves, according to their character, interests and hobbies and

culture or rug where all the pictures represent different parts of their personalities.

Ask students to present their collage and hang it when they finish on the wall.


The guote:

”I like the idea of our society as a salad in which fruits and vegetables keep their own flavor”- Studs Terkel

Tell students to read the following quote and discuss it. Think about how they

 like the idea of the society as a salad with distinctive parts that make up a good salad.

Text for listening.

The   Fruits’ Story

 Once upon a time   there   was a  beautiful   banana. He was so happy   and   proud by


But one day a strange thing happened.  He met something that  he had never seen  before. A red, round thing came into his life, better known as apple. The apple began to brag about her beautiful, rich, color and how everyone  just loved her tart, juicy taste. For the first  time in his life the banana began to feel badly about him.  He wondered why he had been made soft and mushy instead of hard and firm like the apple.

But all the time the apple was really wishing that she were more like the banana. She began to worry about her being   made so short and fat instead of long and slender like the banana.

Then one day a lemon walked up to the banana and the apple.  They began to make fun of him. They laughed at his weird shape. And when the lemon began to cry the apple and the banana made fun of his sour, sour tears that were flowing down the lemon’s face.

As the time went on, lemon began to understand   that none of them were accepting themselves and that made it even harder to accept anyone else.  He began making plans to have dinner in honor of all the other fruits. The apple and  the  banana received an invitation:  “You are cordially invited to attend the dinner of fruits at home of lemon. You are asked to bring your own special dish.”

 The  day  of  dinner  finally arrived. Among the food  that was a delicious applesauce, a  great banana pudding, refreshing cool tea drink with the juice of lemon. After the dinner, all fruits agreed that  the meal with the help of all of them make the meal such a success.

As  a result of this dinner together, the fruits all learned a very important lesson.

What is the lesson?

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