учебно-методический материал по английскому языку

Рыгзынова Цыцыкма Дамбинимаевна



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Предварительный просмотр:


  1. Use the right forms of the verbs on the right to complete the story.

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus is a famous traveler from Spain. He (1) discovered Central America in 1492. He (2) ______ the first man (3)_______there. Columbus (4)_____born in Spain but he (5) _____in Italy for many years. He (6) ______a lot of voyages. During them he (7)______(8)_______a lot of gold to the King of Spain who (9) ______Columbus money for his voyages. The great traveler (10) ______west and three weeks later (11) _____a new land where he (12) ______some people and he (13) _____them Indians. Columbus (14) _____in 1506. People (15) ______to speak about the new land. They (16) _____that this discovery (17)______very important.

  1. Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right.
  1. Thanksgiving is a traditional American holiday.
  2. Columbus’ ________of America is very important.
  3. It was a __________talk.
  4. His answer was really ____________.
  5. The children had a __________voyage to the islands last week.
  6. Columbus’ voyages to America are very _________.
  7. I ________fought with my friend.
  8. There are a lot of _________mountains in the east of the country.
  9. Many _______came to see him.
  10. The city looked really _________on that day.



get, be



hope, bring



find, meet




say, be











3. Match the words in the two columns and use the word combinations to complete the sentences.

  1. easy                                      a) address
  2. difficult                                b) actor
  3. different                              c) job
  4. regular                                 d) exercise
  5. useful                                   e) country
  6. successful                            f) diet
  7. healthy                                g) hours
  8. busy                                     h) woman
  9. free                                       i) book

  1. If  you want to live a long life, keep regular hours.
  2. Jerry doesn’t live at number 9, High Street. He has got a ____________________________.
  3. Emma keeps to a __________________________________________of vegetables and fruit.
  4. Is it an ________________________________________________________to build houses?
  5. We all want to live in a _______________________________________________________.
  6. Exercise 10 was not easy, it was a ______________________________________________.
  7. George Clooney is an ______________________. People in many countries know his name.
  8. Mrs Spencer is a journalist. Every day she has so much to do. I think she is a very __________________________________________________________________________.
  9. You can find answers to many questions here. I think it is a very ______________________.

4. Write the beginning of the fairy tales (3-5 sentences)

Once upon a time there lived a king. He ________________________________________________



These ______ come from ______.They usually live in families. ______ animals love their ______ and look _____ them. They live in places where there are a lot of    trees and sleep in nests in trees. They_____travel__________. These are clever and playful animals. People ____ they are ____ easy to _______.


These animals come from Africa. They _____ live in_______. Older animals love their young and look after them. They ______in places where ______are a lot of    trees and ______in nests in trees. They often travel together. These are ________ and _________ animals. People say they are very easy to teach

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