Разработка урока английского языка с технологией CLIL
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс)

Калинина Екатерина Сергеевна

Данный материал (технологическая карта урока) разработан для 7 класса (УМК Starlight) для проведения урока с технологией CLIL. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Технологическая карта урока с применением технологии CLIL

CLIL lesson plan

Teacher’s name: Kalinina Ekaterina Sergeevna

School subjects: English, Biology+Ecology



Global goal (Цель урока)

Find out the information about the animals of the Taiga and their ways of adaptation to the habitat

Aims (задачи)

  1. Revise the lexical material needed to talk about nature
  2. Learn to find the necessary information un the text
  3. Learn how to classify the animals
  4. Learn how animals used to evolve

Criteria for assessment (критерии оценивания)

1.        Identify and name the notions

2.        Compare and contrast the notions

3.        Sort material into different groups

4.        Cooperate in groups

5.        Make predictions

6.        Record findings

Teaching objectives

  1. Content
  1. Introduction of the topic.
  2. Reading of the text about the Taiga and its flora and fauna.
  3. Defining the vocabulary for discussion.
  1. Cognition
  1. Provide learners with opportunities to understand the key concepts.
  2. Enable learners to identify and name the notions, compare and contrast them.
  3. Encourage students to classify materials.
  4. Arouse learner’s curiosity about predicting, reasoning and recording findings.
  1. Culture
  1. Become aware of different aspects of the largest natural biome.
  2. Understand that they can learn, no matter which language they are using.
  1. Communication

Oral communication with the teacher and the classmates and written communication using the English language for both processes.

  1. Language of learning

Key vocabulary: biome, habitat, subarctic, climate, humid, feather, adapt, level, moose, environment, mammal, reptile, amphibian, gill, fin, fur, wing, scales.

  1. Language for learning

Asking questions: What is the name of…? Do you know why…? Which of these animals live…?

How did they adapt to…? Could you think of another example for..?

Comparing and contrasting: Animals have different protection: mammals – fur, birds – feathers, fish  - scales. Fish breathe with gills but other animals – don’t.

Giving definitions: What is the “Taiga”? What is an “extreme place”? “Mammals” are …

  1. Language through learning
  1. Distinguish language needed to carry out activities.
  2. Retain language revised by both the teacher and the students.
  3. Record, predict and learn new words which arise from activities.

Learning outcomes (планируемые результаты)

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

  1. Talk about the flora and fauna of the Taiga.
  2. Know the differences between kinds of animals living in the Taiga.
  3. Describe different animals.
  4. Successfully engage in visual matching between concepts and images.

Resources (техническое обеспечение)

Computer, smartboard, pens, worksheets.

Procedure (Этапы урока)

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учеников

Формируемые УУД

Warm up

(организационный этап)

Shows the picture of Russia and says: “We live in a big country. What is our country famous for? Sometimes people call it “an extreme place”. Do you know why?”

Students answer the teacher’s question, give their predictions.




Starting routine

  • Постановка цели и задач урока.
  • Мотивация учебной деятельности

Teacher  makes  students guess  the global goal of the lesson by writing on the board two words: Taiga and animals. What do you know about the Taiga now? What would you like to know?

Guess  the global goal of the lesson, share their ideas.

Students share the table “I know / I want to know”.




Previous knowledge

  • актуализация знаний, обобщение

Suggests to read the text and work in pairs filling  in the table with the information from the text about the Taiga.

Read the text, find the necessary information and complete the table.




  • систематизация знаний

Asks students to choose the animals that live in the Taiga and classify them according to their type: birds, fish, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects. “Can you think of another example for each animal group?” Suggests to do some short test with raising up the cards with the necessary variant letter side: A,B,C or D.

  1. They can usually fly.
  2. Their young are born from eggs.
  3. Their young form from inside their body.
  4. They haven’t got lungs.
  5. They haven’t got arms or legs.
  6. They’ve got skin, fur and feather.
  7. They don’t live on land.
  8. They can live in water and on land.

Go to the interactive board and classify the animals according to their group. Then take a card and show the side with the variant to the given sentence.





Suggests to the students to listen to the sounds of the Taiga in the morning and at night with their eyes closed and then share their emotions with the others.

Listen to the sounds and tell about their emotions and feelings.

Thinking activity

  • Применение знаний и умений в новой ситуации

Explains to the students that animals have to adapt to the environment to survive. Suggests to work in groups and find out what helps them to survive and how (with examples). Gives students the opportunity to take the name of their group of animals from the box.

Students fill in the worksheets with the necessary information according to the task and find the things that these animals have with evolution in order to adapt to the environment and their habitat.





  • Контроль и оценка результатов деятельности.

Listens to the students telling for their group.

Present their ideas to the class telling about their group of animals.




Ending the lesson

  • Рефлексия.

Teacher  asks to complete a self – assessment  sheet.

Students complete a self – assessment  sheet.




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