Мастер –класс по английскому языку Robin Hood. A Hero or an Outlaw
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс)

Цель: развитие исторических и лингвистических знаний; расширение кругозора обучающихся по страноведению.


·         обучающая: развитие у обучающихся памяти, мышления, логики построения высказывания;

·         развивающая: развитие монологического высказывания на основе прочитанного текста; расширение лексического запаса обучающихся; развитие умения выражать свое мнение по прочитанному тексту;

·         воспитывающая: формирование социокультурной компетенции, привитие интереса к изучению английского языка, расширение кругозора обучающихся, совершенствование умения работы в команде.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Мастер –класс по английскому языку

Robin Hood. A  Hero or an Outlaw

Виктория Николаевна Чухарова, педагог дополнительного образования высшей квалификационной категории   Центра "Интеллект"

Обучающиеся образовательных организаций: 5-6 классы.

Цель: развитие исторических и лингвистических знаний; расширение кругозора обучающихся по страноведению.


·         обучающая: развитие у обучающихся памяти, мышления, логики построения высказывания;

·         развивающая: развитие монологического высказывания на основе прочитанного текста; расширение лексического запаса обучающихся; развитие умения выражать свое мнение по прочитанному тексту;

·         воспитывающая: формирование социокультурной компетенции, привитие интереса к изучению английского языка, расширение кругозора обучающихся, совершенствование умения работы в команде.

Оборудование: портрет поэта, презентации по теме “Rodin Hood”  «Norman Conquest», карточки с заданиями компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран.

Методы обучения: словесный; практический; наглядный.


Ход мастер –класса

I. Организационный этап.

·         Good afternoon , boys and girls! I am very glad to see you. How are you?  We are going to speak about the legendary character Robin Hood  and decide if he was a hero or an outlaw.

II. Актуализация знаний.

·         But first of all you must learn why he is praised in ballads and people still love and remember him. You should be very attentive if you want to solve all the tasks and answer all the questions. So let’s read the following words which will help us to understand the pupils’ reports.

Norman Invasion                                  нормандское вторжение, завоевание

(to invade)                                             (вторгаться)

Duke , William the  Conqueror            Герцог, Вильгельм  Завоеватель

(to conquer)                                          (завоевывать)

Anglo-Saxons                                        англосаксы

Tapestry                                                гобелен

Battle at Hastings                                  битва при Гастингсе

Knights;  castles                                    рыцари  ; замки

Peasants rebellion                                  крестьяне;  восстание

Richard the Lion Heart                          Ричард Львиное сердце

Crusades                                                крестовые походы

And now let’s go down in History and find out what happened in Britain in the 11-th century.

Norman Invasion

         In 1066 William, the Duke of Normandy began to gather an army to invade Britain. The pretext was his claims to the English throne. He sent messengers far and wide to invite the fighting men of Western Europe to join his forces .No pay was offered but William promised land to all who would support him. Many big sailing boats were built to carry his army across the Channel. William landed in the south of England and the battle between the Normans and the Anglo-Saxons took place on the 14-th of October 1066 near the town of Hastings. The victory in this battle was the beginning of the Conquest and William was known as William the Conqueror The peasants rebellions against Norman rule rose again and again. William’s knights burnt a lot of villages and ruined a lot of farms. William took the lands from the Saxons and gave them to the Norman barons who became new masters of the land. One hundred years later Richard the Lion Heart became the king. He was kind but seldom seen England taking part in Crusades. At home the barons strengthened their castles and acted as little kings while common people were cruelly oppressed.

Did you understand everything? To brush up your memory listen to a song “Tapestry ”by Justin Timberline and think if you want to ask questions.

III. Новая тема

·           So , cruel Normans began to rule the country and what was the  result ? Look at the words and try to remember them.

Law (outlaw)                                        закон (разбойник)

Feudal lords                                         феодалы

Bow; arrow                                          лук; стрела

Courage (courageous, to encourage) мужество (храбрый;  вдохновлять)

Jolly men                                               веселый народ

Oath (to swear-swore)                         клятва (клясться)

Oak                                                       дуб

Grave                                                   могила

Archer (archery)                    стрелок из лука; (соревнования по   стрельбе)

         But the king’s cruel laws couldn’t stop the struggle of peasants against the exploiters. Many popular ballads express the peasants ’determination to fight against the feudal lords. The most popular and favourite hero of the English ballads was Robin Hood. On holidays the people sang or recited ballads about his life and adventures. The ballads describe  Robin as a strong ,brave and skillful archer. Together with his courageous companions-jolly men-Robin Hood hid in the woods. They fought against the bishops and monks, against the sheriffs and the cruel barons. He and his people swore an oath to take a revenge on those who oppressed them: ”I swear to help the weak and fight the strong, to take from the rich and give to the poor”. He was always just to the poor people and helped them in their troubles. Like all the peasants in the Middle Ages Robin Hood believed in the “kind king” but at the same time he was a sworn enemy of the Norman oppressors who treated the Anglo-Saxons cruelly and who deprived them of land and freedom.

·         Let’s read one of the  ballads .Who wants to begin? Shall we translate or everything is clear? 

Robin Hood and the Butcher.

Robin Hood and his merry men lived in Sherwood Forest near the town of Nottingham. They were good friends to all the poor people. They stopped rich men who were passing through Sherwood Forest and took their money. Then they gave that money to the poor.

The sheriff of Nottingham wanted to kill Robin Hood or take him prisoner. He sent his soldiers to Sherwood Forest many times, but they could not catch Robin Hood.

One day, when Robin Hood was walking through Sherwood Forest, he saw a man with a horse. The horse was carrying some big bags of meat.
"Where are you going, friend?" asked Robin Hood.

"To Nottingham," answered the man. ". I am carrying this meat to sell at the market."
"Sell your meat to me," said Robin Hood. Robin Hood bought all the meat from the butcher. The butcher went home, and Robin Hood put on the butcher's apron and cap and went to Nottingham to sell the meat. There were many people at the market. Robin Hood found a good place and began to shout:

·         "Very good meat! Come and buy! Very cheap meat!" People were glad to buy cheap meat. Soon everybody came to buy meat from Robin. The other butchers were very angry. They asked each other.

·         "Why is he selling his meat so cheap?"An old butcher said: "We must do something. Let us invite him to come and have dinner with the sheriff and us in the sheriff's house. At dinner we shall ask him who he is. So all the butchers went up to Robin.

·         "Will you come and have dinner with the sheriff and us?" asked the old butcher.
Robin agreed. "Thank you," he said, "I am very hungry." Before dinner the butchers told the sheriff about the new. Then, all the time they were eating, the sheriff looked at the new butcher and thought. "This young man is a fool," thought the sheriff, who was very greedy. "If he sells his meat cheap, he will sell his cattle cheap. I must buy all his cattle. Then I shall sell the cattle to the other butchers and make a lot of money."

After dinner the sheriff said to Robin Hood:
"Young man, have you any cattle to sell?"
"Yes, very many," said Robin Hood.
"I shall buy all your cattle," said the sheriff. "When can you show them to me?"
"I shall go home tomorrow morning," said Robin Hood.
"Very good. I shall go with you and buy your cattle”
"All right," said Robin Hood and laughed to himself.
The next morning the sheriff put his money into three bags and went with Robin Hood to see the cattle.

·           What is in your opinion the end of the story?

·           Try to give your own version.

·           Imagine you are Robin Hood .Give your variant of the  events.

·           Imagine you are the Sheriff. Give your variant of the  events.

·           And now the ending of the story.

         The morning was fine. Soon the sheriff and Robin Hood were in Sherwood Forest. The sheriff said to Robin Hood: "There is a very bad man in this forest, who is an outlaw and a robber. His name is Robin Hood." "Don't worry," answered Robin Hood and laughed. "I don't think we shall see him." "That is good," said the sheriff, «I am afraid of him. He is a very wicked man." Robin only laughed. Soon Robin and the sheriff saw a great number of deer among the trees. "Look!" cried Robin, "look! There they are! Do you like my cattle?" Now the sheriff understood that the young butcher was Robin Hood. He was very much afraid. "Young man, I think I shall go back to Nottingham." Robin Hood looked at the sheriff's pale and frightened face and laughed. "What! You don't want to buy my cattle? Aren't they good? You have enough money to buy them!" "I tell you I want to go back to Nottingham. I have no money."

         Robin Hood blew his horn. Little John and the other merry men came very quickly.

         "Good morning, Little John," said Robin Hood. "Is dinner ready? Today the sheriff of Nottingham will have dinner with us." The dinner was very good. After dinner Robin Hood said: "Now, Sheriff, you must pay for your dinner." "But I am a poor man. I have no money," said the sheriff. "No money! And what is there in your bags?" "Oh, there are only stones there," replied the sheriff. "Little John," said Robin Hood, "bring the sheriff's bags." Little John brought the sheriff's bags and put them on the ground.

         "Sheriff," said Robin, "you are a wicked man. I shall take this money and give it to poor people. Now you may go back to Nottingham. " Robin Hood's men brought the sheriff's horse, and Robin showed him the way out of Sherwood Forest.

And now there is a puzzle which you must solve as soon as possible. But first let’s divide into 2 teams to see which will be the winner.

IV. Практическая часть.

And now let’s read this story in Russian and in English and compare the versions in prose and verses.



Come, all you brave gallants, and listen a while, 
That are in the bowers within; 
For of Robin Hood, that archer good, 
A song I intend for to sing. 

Upon a time it chanced so 
Bold Robin in forrest did spy 
A jolly butcher, with a bonny fine mare, 
With his flesh to the market did hye. 

"Good morrow, good fellow," said jolly Robin, 
"What food hast? tell unto me; 
And thy trade to me tell, and where thou dost dwell, 
For I like well thy company." 

The butcher he answered jolly Robin: 
No matter where I dwell; 
For a butcher I am, and to Notingham 
I am going, my flesh to sell. 

"What is [the] price of thy flesh?" said jolly Robin, 
"Come, tell it soon unto me; 
And the price of thy mare, be she never so dear, 
For a butcher fain would I be." 

"The price of my flesh," the butcher repli'd, 
"I soon will tell unto thee; 
With my bonny mare, and they are not dear, 
Four mark thou must give unto me." 

"Four mark I will give thee," saith jolly Robin, 
"Four mark it shall be thy fee; 
Thy mony come count, and let me mount, 
For a butcher I fain would be." 

Now Robin he is to Notingham gone, 
His butcher's trade for to begin; 
With good intent, to the sheriff he went, 
And there he took up his inn. 

When other butchers they opened their meat, 
Bold Robin he then begun; 
But how for to sell he knew not well, 
For a butcher he was but young. 

When other butchers no meat could sell, 
Robin got both gold and fee; 
For he sold more meat for one peny 
Than others could do for three. 

But when he sold his meat so fast, 
No butcher by him could thrive; 
For he sold more meat for one peny 
Than others could do for five. 

Which made the butchers of Notingham 
To study as they did stand, 
Saying, surely he was some prodigal, 
That had sold his father's land. 

The butchers they stepped to jolly Robin, 
Acquainted with him for to be; 
"Come, brother," one said, "we be all of one trade, 
Come, will you go dine with me?" 

"Accurst of his heart," said jolly Robin, 
"That a butcher doth deny; 
I will go with you, my brethren true, 
And as fast as I can hie." 

But when to the sheriffs house they came, 
To dinner they hied apace, 
And Robin he the man must be 
Before them all to say grace. 

"Pray God bless us all," said jolly Robin, 
"And our meat within this place; 
A cup of sack so good will nourish our blood, 
And so I do end my grace. 

"Come fill us more wine," said jolly Robin, 
"Let us merry be while we do stay; 
For wine and good cheer, be it never so dear, 
I vow I the reckning will pay. 

"Come, brother[s], be merry," said jolly Robin, 
"Let us drink, and never give ore; 
For the shot I will pay, ere I go my way, 
If it cost me five pounds and more." 

"This is a mad blade," the butchers then said; 
Saies the sheriff, He is some prodigal, 
That some land has sold, for silver and gold, 
And now he doth mean to spend all. 

"Hast thou any horn-beasts," the sheriff repli'd, 
"Good fellow, to sell unto me?" 
"Yes, that I have, good Master Sheriff, 
I have hundreds two or three. 
"And a hundred aker of good free land, 
If you please it to see; 
And I 'le make you as good assurance of it 
As ever my father made me." 

The sheriff he saddled a good palfrey, 
With three hundred pound in gold, 
And away he went with bold Robin Hood, 
His homed beasts to behold. 

Away then the sheriff and Robin did ride, 
To the forrest of merry Sherwood; 
Then the sheriff did say. God bless us this day 
From a man they call Robin Hood! 

But when that a little further they came, 
Bold Robin he chanced to spy 
A hundred head of good red deer, 
Come tripping the sheriff full nigh. 

"How like you my hornd beasts, good Master Sheriff? 
They be fat and fair for to see;" 
"I tell thee, good fellow, I would I were gone, 
For I like not thy company." 

Then Robin he set his horn to his mouth, 
And blew but blasts three; 
Then quickly anon there came Little John, 
And all his company. 

"What is your will?" then said Little John, 
"Good master come tell it to me;" 
"I have brought hither the sheriff of Notingham, 
This day to dine with thee." 

"He is welcome to me," then said Little John, 
"I hope he will honestly pay; 
I know he has gold, if it be but well told, 
Will serve us to drink a whole day." 

Then Robin took his mantle from his back, 
And laid it upon the ground, 
And out of the sheriffe['s] portmantle 
He told three hundred pound. 

Then Robin he brought him thorow the wood, 
And set him on his dapple gray: 
"O have me commended to your wife at home;" 
So Robin went laughing away. 

Спешите на улицу, добрые люди, 
Послушайте песню мою. 
О славном стрелке, удалом Робин Гуде, 
Для вас я сегодня спою. 

В лесу на рассвете гулял Робин Гуд. 
Вдруг слышит он топот копыт. 
Мясник молодой на лошадке гнедой 
На рынок рысцою трусит. 
- Скажи, молодец, - говорит Робин Гуд, - 
В какой ты живешь стороне 
И что за товар ты везешь на базар? 
Ты больно понравился мне. 

- Мне некогда, сударь, рассказывать вам, 
В какой я живу стороне, 
А мясо на рынок везу в Ноттингэм 
Продать там по сходной цене. 

- Послушай-ка, парень, - сказал Робин Гуд, - 
А сколько возьмешь ты с меня 
За все целиком: за мясо с мешком, 
Уздечку, седло и коня? 

- Немного возьму, - отвечает мясник, - 
Чтоб в город товар не везти. 
За мясо с мешком и коня с ремешком 
Пять марок ты мне заплати. 

- Бери свои деньги, - сказал Робин Гуд, - 
Бери заодно с кошельком 
И пей за меня, чтобы с этого дня 
Счастливым я стал мясником! 

Верхом прискакал Робин Гуд в Ноттингэм,  
Проехал у всех на виду, 
К шерифу пошел - и деньги на стол 
За место в торговом ряду. 

С другими купцами он сел торговать, 
Хоть с делом он не был знаком, 
Не знал, как продать, обмануть, недодать. 
Он был мясником-новичком. 

Но шибко торговля пошла у него. 
Что хочешь плати - и бери! 
За пенни свинины он больше давал, 
Чем все остальные за три. 

Он только и знал - зазывал, продавал, 
Едва успевал отпускать. 
Он больше говядины продал за час, 
Чем все остальные за пять. 

- Дворянский сынок, - мясники говорят, - 
В убыток себе продает. 
Он, видно, отца разорит до конца, 
Бездельник, повеса и мот! 

Подходят знакомиться с ним мясники. 
- Послушай, собрат и сосед, 
На рынке одном мы товар продаем. 
Должны разделить и обед. 

- Мы все мясники, - отвечал Робин Гуд, - 
Одна небольшая семья. 
Сочту я за честь попить и поесть 
И чокнуться с вами, друзья! 

Толпою к шерифу пришли они в дом, 
Садятся обедать за стол. 
- А младший наш брат, - мясники говорят, - 
Молитву за нас бы прочел. 

- Помилуй нас, боже, - сказал Робин Гуд, - 
Дай хлеб нам насущный вкусить 
И выпить винца, чтоб согрелись сердца! 
Мне не о чем больше просить. 

А ну-ка, хозяйка, - сказал Робин Гуд, - 
Друзей угостить я хочу. 
Давай нам вина, и по счету сполна 
За всех я один заплачу. 

Вы пейте и ешьте, - сказал Робин Гуд, - 
Пируйте весь день напролет. 
Не все ли равно, что стоит вино! 
Беру на себя я расчет. 

- Дворянский сынок! - говорят мясники, - 
Он продал именье отца 
И весь свой доход за будущий год 
Решил промотать до конца. 

- Давно ль, - говорит Робин Гуду шериф, - 
Ты в наши приехал места? 
Как жив и здоров и много ль голов 
Рогатого держишь скота? 

- Рогатого много держу я скота - 
Две сотни голов или три, - 

А впрочем, наведайся в наши места 
И сам на него посмотри. 

Пасется мой скот по лесам, по лугам, 
Телята сейчас у коров. 
И, если захочешь, тебе я продам 
Задешево сотню голов! 

Садится шериф на гнедого коня, 
Три сотни червонцев берет 
И едет верхом за лихим мясником 
В леса покупать его скот. 

В Шервудскую чащу въезжают они - 
Охотников славных приют. 
- Спаси меня, боже, - воскликнул шериф, - 
Коль встретится нам Робин Гуд! 

По узкой тропе они едут вдвоем. 
И вдруг увидал Робин Гуд: 
Лесные олени меж темных ветвей 
От них врассыпную бегут. 

- Вот здесь и живет рогатый мой скот! 
Тут несколько сотен голов. 
Коль можешь купить, - тебе уступить 
Я сотню-другую готов! 

Протяжно в рожок затрубил Робин Гуд, 
И разом явились на зов 
С двух разных сторон и Маленький Джон, 
И семеро лучших стрелков. 

- Что скажешь? - спросил его Маленький Джон. - 
Каков твой приказ, Робин Гуд? 
- Пожаловал к нам Ноттингэмский шериф. 
Пускай ему ужин дадут! 

- Что ж, милости просим, почтенный шериф, 
Тебя поджидаем давно. 
Отличным жарким мы тебя угостим. 
А ты нам плати за вино! 

Дрожащий шериф протянул кошелек, 
Не молвив ни слова в ответ. 
И так же без слов отсчитал Робин Гуд 
Три сотенки звонких монет

Потом он шерифа повел за собой, 
Опять посадил на коня 
И крикнул вослед: - Поклон и привет 
Жене передай от меня!

Перевод С. Маршака

·           Listen to the English singer and try to sing together with him.

Let’s continue our competition.

And now compare Robin Hood and his enemy the Sheriff. Put the adjectives to the right character and translate them:

brave, strong, full of fun, poor, noble, handsome, wicked, proud, jealous, grateful, joyful, wise, witty, fair, cheerful, just, unjust, intelligent, clever, mean, greedy, powerful.

And now the questions:

·           Who was Robin Hood?

·           Where did he live?

·           Who was his enemy?

·           When did he live?

·           Why was Robin an outlaw?

·           What could he do well?

·           Why did common people love him?

One more game for the teams. Guess the meaning:

·           a thin piece of wood or metal with one pointed end and feathers at the other end

·           to be afraid,

·           having the same rights/to be the same in size/amount/value/level ,

·           a weapon for shooting arrows,

·           the sport of shooting arrows,

·           to gain an advantage over smb by doing smth clever.

·           Rules of the country you should follow

·           A man violating the laws

·           To enter the country with the army without  permission

·           To subjugate, to enslave

And now you must  choose and insert the right variant into the text

After the Normans, led by William the Conqueror beat the Saxons under King Harold they______________________________. This meant that Saxons could no longer hunt animals, such as deer, in the forests which ______________________.

It is not surprising that one man who broke the Norman laws became a great hero among the poor Saxon people of England. The man's name was Robin Hood. He lived some time between the twelfth and fourteenth centuries. He was a great archer or bowman who _________________in Sherwood Forest in Nottinghamshire. He and his men were outlaws — they had broken some laws and so could not live in the towns. They broke the Norman laws __________________deer in the forest; they robbed the rich and gave their money to the poor.

Robin was the son of a forester Adam Hood. Little John is always Robin's chief man in the legends: in one, ________________________by the Sheriff of Nottingham, a Norman who is Robin's chief enemy. Robin kills another Norman lord and puts on his clothes. The Sheriff gives him Little John to take to another town. He doesn't know he is giving Little John back to Robin Hood. _________________________of the Norman lord Robin disguised himself - as he does in many of the legends.

A. all belonged to William and his knights

B. had a group of men

C. he is taken prisoner

D. by putting on the clothes of

E. they took the Saxons' land

F. by hunting deer

E. by robbing

(Answers: E, A, B, F, C, D)

·         So we are coming to the end .David is going to tell us about the influence of Robin Hood on the History of Britain.

History does not have exact information about Robin Hood and the man who is described in in the popular ballads never existed. But the English peasants believed that Robin Hood was a free Saxon  and he really lived in the 12-th century when the country was ruled by the Norman conquerors. The name of Robin Hood encouraged the English peasants in their struggle against the cruel landlords and unjust royal laws Robin Hood was their hero, a real hero.

         The memory of Robin and his friends is still alive in Britain. You can see a famous oak in Sherwood Forest,The castle of Nottingham Sheriff and the grave of Robin Hood in Kirkley Abbey in Yorkshire with a stone on which his merry men carved the lines;

”Here ,underneath this stone ,lies Robert,

Earl of Huntington;

No archer ever was so good;

The people called him Robin Hood.

Such outlaws as he and his men

Will England never see again.”

·         Our last competition. Characterize the characters.

And now using the following words and expressions tell us what you have learnt about Robin Hood and his Jolly men:

First of all, after, then, finally, but, on the one hand, on the other hand, nevertheless, however, as far as I can see, in my opinion, to my mind, i believe that, isuppose that, i feel.

V. Подведение итога. Вывод.

·         And to sum up everything .Shall we consider Robin Hood a hero or an outlaw? We have seen that he was just, fair kind ,brave ,witty and noble. No doubt he was and remains a hero for the young generation .

·         You have worked really great today. Thank  you and watch one more piece of the film and listen to the song.

·                     The lesson is over. Bye.

VI. Literature:

·           Zaitseva S.D. Early Britain.  Moscow. 2014 y.

·           Голицынский Ю.Б.  Great Britain. Petersburg .2015 Dobson and Taylor, 1997 y., "Rhymes of Robyn Hood", p204

·           Dobson and Taylor, 1997 y., "Rhymes of Robyn Hood"

·           Robin Hood: Development of a Popular Hero". From The Robin Hood Project at the University of Rochester. Retrieved 22 November 2008 y

·           Crook, David "The Sheriff of Nottingham and Robin Hood: The Genesis of the Legend?" In Peter R. Coss, S. D. Lloyd, University of Newcastle – 1999 y.

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