Методическая разработка урока английского языка по теме:“Современный Арзамас”.
методическая разработка по английскому языку
Урок по теме «Современный Арзамас» планируется в соответствии с направлением работы преподавателя «Внедрение современных педагогических технологий как основы сохранения психомоторного здоровья учащихся». Урок проводится с учётом способностей, учебных возможностей, уровня развития эмоционально-волевой сферы обучающихся.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Падалкина Е.М.,
преподаватель английского языка
ГБОУ СПО «Арзамасский приборостроительный
колледж имени П.И.Пландина»,
г. Арзамас, Нижегородская область.
Урок по теме «Современный Арзамас» планируется в соответствии с направлением работы преподавателя «Внедрение современных педагогических технологий как основы сохранения психомоторного здоровья учащихся». Урок проводится с учётом способностей, учебных возможностей, уровня развития эмоционально-волевой сферы учащихся.
На уроке предусматриваются задания для учащихся в соответствии с уровнем их обученности по предмету.
Целью урока являются: повторение и обобщение лексического и грамматического материала по теме «Родной город». Для реализации данной цели ставятся следующие задачи:
- обучающая (совершенствование речевых умений, диалогической формы речи, умения запрашивать информацию, умения выделить проблему и доказывать её актуальность, закрепление правил грамотного письма);
- развивающая (развитие потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в парах и группах, развитие познавательного интереса учащихся, творческих способностей, умения выступать, быстро мыслить, конспективно планировать своё предстоящее выступление по предложенной схеме или ситуации);
-воспитывающая (воспитание у учащихся чувства национальной гордости, а также способности идти на компромисс и стремление к сотрудничеству).
Замыслам урока должны соответствовать использованные методы обучения (частично-поисковый, исследовательский и проблемного изложения материала), а также методические приёмы (индивидуальная и групповая беседа, самостоятельная и творческая работа, использование «содружества искусств» - лингвистика и история, лингвистика и изобразительное искусство, лингвистика и архитектура и др.; анализ текста, работа на доске и в тетрадях, использование опорных схем, ключевых слов и выражений).
Форма урока – конференция – выбрана не случайно. Она позволит показать умение учащихся работать индивидуально, творчески, почувствовать нужность и важность взаимного общения учителя и ученика, а также сделает атмосферу на уроке доброжелательной и поможет почувствовать взаимную заинтересованность.
Урок должен стать развивающим, так как будет способствовать развитию творческого воображения, навыков связной устной речи и логического мышления, умения собирать, анализировать и обобщать информацию по теме.
Используемый метод: ролевая игра.
Тип урока: обобщение и закрепление изученного материала.
Ход урока.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our conference. I am extremely pleased to meet you here. We gather together for discussing the following question. The Government of the Russian Federation organizes the competition “The best town of our country”. Can our town take part in this competition? Now, let me introduce the experts: from Moscow, from New York and from London. At the end of our conference they will make a decision about our town.
So, our conference is opened.
The members of all departments will tell us about their work and achievements. The secretary should compose the scheme of Modern Arzamas, using key words from the reports of the departments.
But now, the experts may ask questions about our town (using the scheme). (См. Приложение №1).
Questions and answers:
1. What part of Russia is Arzamas situated in?
- Arzamas is situated in Central part of Russia on the bank of the Tesha-river.
2. When was Arzamas founded?
- Arzamas was founded in 1578. It is very ancient.
3. What is the population of it?
- The population of Arzamas is about 115 thousand people.
4. What was Arzamas in very beginning?
- It was a fortress.
-Thank you for the questions. The members of the departments should use key words in your reports. (См. Приложение №2).
Work of the departments:
1. The department of industry:
Our town plays an important role of Russian industry. Arzamas has a lot of plants and factories, such as plants producing milk and bread, confectioner`s factory. But the biggest is the Machinery Plant. Many people work there. This plant produces military machineries. Most of them are famous not only in our country, but abroad too. We think that this plant is very important for our economy and economy of Russia.
2.The department of history and culture:
Student 1:
Our town has rich and interesting history. You know, Arzamas was founded in 1578. There are 3 legends about its foundation. The first is about Tyosh and his children; the second is about Alexander Nevskii, who stayed with his troops on the bank of the Tesha-river. But the third legend is the most truthful. It says that the name of the town was given by Ivan the Terrible in honor of Mordovian princes Arzai and Masaj which have men Russian tzar with humility when he was set to Kazan with the army. In tsarist Russia Arzamas was a small dirty provincial settlement, but, now Arzamas is very beautiful town with many historical places.
Student 2:
Also we have two theatres – the Theatre for Young Spectators and the Drama Theatre, the Exhibition Hall, the Gaidar Park, two Musical Schools, the Fine Art School. There are a lot of museums.We`d recommend visiting the History Musical, the Gaidar Museum and the Gorky Museum.
Why there are so many places named by A. Gaidar?
Student 2:
There are so many places named by A. Gaidar because Arzamas is considered to be the second native land of A. Gaidar. In our town he spent his childhood and youth.
What places for teenager do you have?
Student 1:
Teenagers have their centers, night clubs. They can go to various concerts, show programmes, enjoy resting in our cozy cafes.
3. The department of architecture and construction:
Student 1:
Our town maintained many unique historical and cultural monuments. Our authorities want to include Arzamas into the Golden Ring – the list of cities and towns, which represent the world historical and cultural value, because Arzamas is a town of great beauty, with its churches, buildings, cathedrals and parks. In the 19-th century there were thirty two churches and four monasteries. Most of them are being reconstructed now.
Student 2:
For example, the Church of the Nativity. It was built in 1852 by a very famous architect Ton. It was situated in Lenin Street. Of course, the most magnificent building is the Voskresenskiy Cathedral. It decorates the oldest square of our town. It was built in 19-th century in honor of the victory over Napoleon. Its architect was Peter Korinfskii. And the inside of the cathedral was painted by a pupil of Stupin`s school.
4. Grammar review.
Let`s explain our quests where some sights are situated in (putting right prepositions). (Cм. Приложение №3).
Continue our work. There was a competition of children`s compositions about native town. This is one of them. Please, read it and find the mistakes. (См. Приложение №4).
The journalists of the town composed the list of the most popular people of modern Arzamas.
5. The most popular people of Arzamas.
Journalist 1:
We interviewed people in the street and have following results:
53 per cent people gave their votes in favor of M. Buzin. He is a head of our town.
35 per cent people gave their votes in favor of I. Plotichkin. He is a leader of Arzamas Duma.
12 per cent people gave their votes in favor of A. Plotnikov. He is a poet. He writes about war, the Motherland and love.
Journalist 2:
But we should not forget about famous persons of past time. For example, Alena Arzamasskay, who took part in peasant, was under the leadership of Stepan Razin. And A. Gaidar, remarkable children`s writer, who spent his childhood and his youth. And A.Stupin, who organized the first Russian provincial art school. Also the famous architect – Korinfskii and other great people.
6. Relax.
I want to add. Each country and each town have their famous people. For example, Robert Burns, the Scottish national pride and a well-known poet. He lived at the end of the 18-th century. He loved his country dearly. Love for Scotland, for the Scottish people and for the Scottish language is the main theme of his poems.
Now, sit comfortable, close your eyes and imagine the pictures of his poem.
7. The department of education:
The school education in Arzamas has good higher education. There are a lot of institutes, universities and academies in our town. Some of them were opened last years, such as The University named after Lobachevski, The Technical University, and The Modern Humanitarian Institute. But most of teenagers prefer to enter to English language.
Scheme of Modern Arzamas:
Thank you for your reports. Our secretary composed the scheme, using key words from your reports.
This scheme reflects different parts of life in our town, such as: industry, education, culture, history and the most popular people.
Expert`s decision.
Expert 1:
All of your reports were interesting and full of information. The work of departments is serious and effective. But, as for me, the best report was the report about history and culture. If you were pupils, you would get “5”.
Expert 2:
I was surprised, that there are a lot of institutes, academies, universities in your town.
Expert 3:
Listening and analyzing your reports, we decided that your town has interesting places for visitors, rich history and active modern life. So, we think Arzamas can take part in the competition “The best town of our country”.
Thank you for your sincerity and creativity. Our conference is over.
Home work:
At home you should compose the leaflet about Arzamas.
Приложение №1.
Вопросительное Вспомогательный Подлежащее Обстоятельство Дополнение
слово глагол
Приложение №2.
Key words,
Into, on, to, at, in, of, with, from, about.
Industry, plant, legend, settlement, museum, theatre, church, cathedral, architect, education, competition.
Modern, dynamic, historical, ancient, interesting, attractive, rich, provincial, famous, unique, truthful.
An interesting place to visit is…
I`d recommend visiting…
Приложение №3.
Put the right preposition:
Between – near – opposite
1. The Sobornaya Square is situated…the historical center of Arzamas.
2. The Voskresensky Cathedral is… the Lenin`s park.
3. There is the Gaidar Museum… the “Iskra”-cinema.
4. The reconstructed Kazanskay church is situated…the building of Administration and the Sobornaya Square.
Приложение №4.
My native town.
I prefer live in my hometown Arzamas. He is very ancient. It founded in 1578. Arzamas turned into a developed industrial and cultural center of our region. It have many plants and factorys, cinemas, theatres, institutes, several technical and secondary schools. Arzamas is one of the turist centers of our region. Thousands and thousands people from all parts of our country come to Arzamas to se its historical and literature places.
Many outstanding people of our country had close connections with Arzamas. Pushkin, Mayakovskiy, Melnikov-Pecherskiy visit our town. Leo Tolstoy survived his famous “Arzamas horror” there. Arzamas is famous not only for its history, but for its achievements. The production of our town is well-known in our country and abrod too. Arzamas is a ordinary town of our great Motherland.
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