Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку по книге М. Купер и Э. Уоллеса «Kong the eighth wonder of the world»
методическая разработка (6 класс) на тему

Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку по книге М. Купер и Э. Уоллеса «Kong the eighth wonder of the world»


Предварительный просмотр:

Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку

«Герои английских книг с нами»

по книге М. Купер и Э. Уоллеса «Kong the eighth wonder of the world»

Составлена учителем английского языка ГБОУ лицей№486

 Выборгского района г. Санкт-Петербурга

Кляузовой Вероники Юрьевны

Ход урока «Герои английских книг с нами»

Цель: формирование у обучающихся способностей к обобщению, структурированию и систематизации материала по прочитанной книге. 


  1. Закрепить и обобщить знания материала по содержанию прочитанной книги.
  2. Систематизировать знания о последовательности происходящих событий.
  3. поддерживать мотивацию к изучению английского языка у учащихся;

Ход урока


Сегодня мы с вами проводим игру по прочитанной книге американской писателeй М. Купер и Э. Уоллеса «Kong the eighth wonder of the world», которую мы читали в течении четверти. Наша игра покажет хорошо ми вы помните героев книги и события, а также как вы ориентируетесь в грамматике английского языка.

Прошу вас разделиться на три команды и выбрать капитанов. Теперь мы готовы начать.

Итак, первое задание. Ваша задача соединить имена героев и факты связанные с ними. (5 мин)

1.   Guess who

  1. Who was the cameraman?
  2. Who was the captain of the ship?
  3. Which actress couldn’t take part in a film?
  4. Who was the cook?
  5. Who was the most experienced sailor on the ship?
  6. Who was the writer of the play?
  7. Who was killed one of the first?
  8. Whom did Carl want to make the main character of the movie when they came on the island?
  9.  Who were Kong’s dangerous enemies on the island?
  10. Who was Ann’s partner in the movie?

В следующем задании мы с вами вспомним новые слова, которые встретились нам в этой книге, заодно освежим в памяти навыки пользования англо-английскими словарями. Ваша задача прочитать дефинишен и записать слово, которое оно описывает. (5 мин)

2.    Guess what

  1. It is made of metal and used to hold something (a bike or a prisoner)
  2. To take something from the ground or floor up
  3. A person who perform on the stage or in a movie
  4. A place in the sea, lake or ocean surrounded by water
  5. A climbing plant in jungle
  6. A medicine to make people sleepy
  7. A large ancient reptile which doesn’t exist anymore
  8. A head bone under the skin
  9. An opening between the mountain
  10.  A loud noise which people can do when they are afraid or to call the other person

Теперь, когда вы вспомнили персонажей книги и те новые слова, которые нам встретились в ней, я думаю, мы готовы двигаться дальше. Следующее задание покажет хорошо ли вы помните правила английской грамматики (5мин)

3.   Find a mistake

  1.   A lot of much water went into Ann’s mouth.
  2. Two men died with under the dinosaurs’ feet.
  3. Ann wasn’t didn’t look at him.
  4. Woman were often a problem for Jack.
  5. There was were some smoke all around.
  6. It was enough too difficult to say something.
  7. When Jack climbed up his eyes open wide.
  8. The ship got onto the rock because so they had to throw away all heavy things.
  9. Carl was as excited so as the little boy.
  10. How could he did it?

 Вы, конечно, помните, как важен правильный порядок слов в английских предложениях. Сейчас вы должны будете составить предложения, расставив слова в правильном порядке. (7мин)

4.  Put the words in the correct order.

1. his was the because he ship Carl on was only friend

2. ship up water was dangerous the moved in wildly and and down

3. saw rocks is lander jumped highest he nobody when from the the

4. ran jungle his Kong with in through Ann the hand

5. morning beautiful the a color sky was

6. jumped they the people Kong saw when

Наш следующий конкурс-это конкурс капитанов, в котором они покажут свои знания текста. Капитаны, прошу вас сесть за отдельные столы. (10 мин)

5.    Answer the questions.

  1.   Where did Carl meet Ann?
  2. When did Lumpy and Hayes meet a half dead man in the ocean?
  3. Why did Ann excited to work with Jack Driscoll?
  4. Who killed Mike?
  5. Why did the islanders build the wall?
  6. Why did Carl decide to help others save Ann?
  7. Who did Ann meet in Jungle when she ran from Kong?
  8. Why did Kong kill the women in the theatre?
  9. Where did Kong climb in New York?
  10. Why was Ann sorry For Kong?

А пока капитаны выполняют свое задание командам тоже не придется скучать. Ваша задача выбрать правильную часть речи, выделенную курсивом и обвести ее.

6.   Choose the correct word.

1. They ran very quickly/quick.

2. How beauty/beautiful she was!

3. Suddenly/sudden they saw a huge dinosaur.

4. They could hard/hardly believed their eyes.

5. It was one of the most high/highest mountain.

6. The men followed Hayes to a safety/safe place.

7. Lumpy screamed loud/loudly.

8. Ann felt very badly/bad about Kong now.

9. Kong roared anger/angrily.    

10. Kog was in heavily/heavy.

Спасибо, ребята. Надеюсь вам понравились наши задания. И сейчас, пока жюри подводит итоги, вам нужно будет сделать коллаж – что вам понравилось и запомнилось в этой игре. На листах вы можете записать или просто изобразить знаками или рисунками то что вам запомнилось. (5 минут на выполнение и 5 минут представление работы).

Раздаточный материал:

Guess who

  1. Who was the cameraman?
  2. Who was the captain of the ship?
  3. What actress couldn’t take part in a film?
  4. Who was the cook?
  5. Who was the most experienced sailor on the ship?
  6. Who was the writer of the play?
  7. Who was killed one of the first?
  8. Whom did Carl want to make the main character of the movie when they came on the island?
  9.  Who were Kong’s dangerous enemies on the island?
  10. Who was Ann’s partner in the movie?

Guess what

  1. It is made of metal and used to hold something (a bike or a prisoner)
  2. To take something from the ground or floor up
  3. A person who perform on the stage or in a movie
  4. A place in the sea, lake or ocean surrounded by water
  5. A climbing plant in jungle
  6. A medicine to make people sleepy
  7. A large ancient reptile which doesn’t exist anymore
  8. A head bone under the skin
  9. An opening between the mountain
  10.  A loud noise which people can do when they are afraid or to call the other person

Find a mistake

  1.   A lot of much water went into Ann’s mouth.
  2. Two men died with under the dinosaurs’ feet.
  3. Ann wasn’t didn’t look at him.
  4. Woman were often a problem for Jack.
  5. There was were some smoke all around.
  6. It was enough too difficult to say something.
  7. When Jack climbed up his eyes open wide.
  8. The ship got onto the rock because so they had to throw away all heavy things.
  9. Carl was as excited so as the little boy.
  10. How could he did it?

Answer the questions.

  1.   Where did Carl meet Ann?
  2. When did Lumpy and Hayes meet a half dead man in the ocean?
  3. Why did Ann excited to work with Jack Driscoll?
  4. Who killed Mike?
  5. Why did the islanders build the wall?
  6. Why did Carl decide to help others save Ann?
  7. Who did Ann meet in Jungle when she ran from Kong?
  8. Why did Kong kill the women in the theatre?
  9. Where did Kong climb in New York?
  10. Why was Ann sorry For Kong?

Choose the correct word.

1. They ran very quickly/quick.

2. How beauty/beautiful she was!

3. Suddenly/sudden they saw a huge dinosaur.

4. They could hard/hardly believed their eyes.

5. It was one of the most high/highest mountain.

6. The men followed Hayes to a safety/safe place.

7. Lumpy screamed loud/loudly.

8. Ann felt very badly/bad about Kong now.

9. Kong roared anger/angrily.    

10. Kog was in heavily/heavy. 

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