Подготовка к экзаменам. Раздел чтение.
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа, 9 класс)

Задание по чтению, вызывающее наибольшие трудности, это задание на "Верно"/"Неверно"/"Не сказано". Часто оказывается очень трудно распознать "неверно" или "не сказано". Поэтому упражнения на этот тип чтения никогда не бывают лишними. Чем больше практики, тем меньше ошибок , и тем увереннее учащиеся себя чувствуют при выполнении данных упражнений.


Предварительный просмотр:

Задание по чтению( 8-9 класс)

 Read the text and mark the statements T (true), F (false) or NS (not stated).

The process of evolution has been very hard for some creatures. Just think of the dinosaurs. Along with many other species, they were unable to adapt to the changing environment and, as a result, died out. But sometimes members of a species have managed to hide away and live on. Meat-eating sponges, coelacanths and the white salamander are three such creatures.

The remarcable thing about these three creatures is that they have not changed for millions of years. They have remained hidden away in some of the darkest underwater places on earth. These are caves which, until now, have not been properly explored; they lack light and food and the creatures that live in them have had to struggle to survive.

The most exotic of these creatures lives deep in an underwater cave in Europe. It is the white salamander, which is a member of a species 350 million years old- jlder than the dinosaurs. Over the last 20 million years, it has been driven to isolated places in order to escape being hunted. The underwater cave was the ideal place. In fact the salamander managed to hide so successsfully that the first sighting wasn’t report until 1689.

The salamander is usually a pale, milky colour and it is almost blind. It can live for up to 100 years, and can apparently live for decades without food the salamander is under threat, though, as a result of pollution in underground rivers. Scientists have had problems trying to raise salamanders, so they have created a laboratory in underwater caves in order to do this.

Read the text and mark the statements T (true), F (false) or NS (not stated).

  1. Many species became endangered because of the environmental changes.
  2. The species that survived live in very difficult conditions.
  3. Their habitat is isolated underwater caves.
  4. The white salamander changed its eating habits for survival.
  5.  The salamander lives in a cave as it is easier to hunt there.
  6. The colour of the salamander helps it adapt to the severe conditions.
  7. It can become extinct because of the water pollution.


  1. F
  2. T
  3. T
  4. NS
  5. F
  6. T
  7. T

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