Модульные карточки к урокам.
методическая разработка (6, 8, 10 класс)

Суворова Людмила Вячеславовна

Модульные карточки к урокам


Предварительный просмотр:




Учебный материал с указанием заданий

Руководство по усвоению учебного материала


Aim: to develop your oral communication skills. To know:

  • active vocabulary;
  • The Past Progressive;
  • some facts about natural disasters;

To be able to:

  • use active vocabulary in speech;
  • ask and answer questions;
  • use the Past Progressive;
  • give your presentation;
  • listen for specific information;
  • speak about disasters.


Your aim is to check up your knowledge on the topic.


Task: say what is typical of a tornado, an earthquake, a hurricane, a flood, a volcano and a drought.

Use: too much water, terrible fire, a violent storm, heavy rain, howling wind, hot sun, spinning air, dry weather, lava and gases, not enough water, shaking of the ground, deep rumbling noise.


 A very violent wind is  

  typical of a tornado.

   Use the following  


It seems to me ...

If I'm not mistaken...

As far as I know...


Task: listen to the presentation, fill in the “Evaluation card”.


Task: listen to the presentation, ask questions, fill in the “Evaluation card”, express your opinion.


Task: give the presentation, ask and answer questions, fill in the “Evaluation card”, express your opinion.

С -level


Task: think how to avoid terrible effects of disasters. Come up with your ideas.

Use the following expressions: As for me ...

 I think ...

In my opinion ...

I've learned ...

I'm surprised that...


Your aim is to develop your listening and reading skills.


Task: listen to the eye - witness accounts. Which natural disasters is each one about?

Work in pairs first.

Than share your ideas with your classmates.

Use expressions from task 1.1


Task: read the text and decide whether the statements are true or false.

1. A tree hit John Lewis as he was running.

Work with the card.

Work independently.

Do task in writing.

Check yourself with the key.

  1. The weather in Dade County was very bad on August 24th.
  2. Mrs Johnson was shopping at the time of the earthquake.
  3. Mrs Johnson's friend wasn't frightened.


Task: Fill in the correct word.

Unbelievable, howling, survive, trembled, rumbling.

  1. There was a loud ... sound and then the wind blew the roof off the house.
  2. The force of the flood moved cars and animals. It was ...!
  3. Last night the wind was ... so loudly, I couldn't sleep.
  4. The storm completely destroyed the village. The villagers were lucky to....
  5. The children ... when they heard the thunder.

Work independently.

Do task in writing.

Check yourself with the key.


  Your aim is to develop your speaking skills.


 Task: Imagine you were an eye-witness to one

  of the natural disasters. Share your accounts.

Work in small groups.

Mind grammar.

Say: when it happened; where you were;

how people were feeling; what was happening;

what you were doing.


  Your aim is to return to the beginning of the lesson,  

   look through the objectives of the lesson and

  give yourself a mark.


 Your aim is to choose the homework.



  - Read the texts again and say what happened to

   John  and Vera.



- Write your account about disaster for the school magazine.




- Prepare safety instructions for natural disasters. Good luck!


Предварительный просмотр:

It's Time to Travel



Учебный материал с указанием заданий

Руководство no усвоению учебного материала


Aim: to develop your oral communication skills.

To know:

  • active vocabulary;
  • conditionals types 0 and 1;
  • types of destinations, accommodation;
  • holiday troubles.

To be able to:

  • use active vocabulary in speech; о listen for specific information;
  • talk about travelling;
  • use your life experience in discussing and express your opinion
  •  make up a dialogue;
  • create an advertisement for a holiday.



Your aim is to check up your knowledge on the topic. Task: watch the film and fill in the advertisement.

Visit 0...... I        

Travel by h        

Located in the C… set in a shining blue sea!

Stay in a 5-star h        with a huge s…. …….,

a  fantastic dining room and with a magnificent v….

 Go swimming, have a romantic stroll on the beach, go sailing in a small boat or just sit outside and watch the s go down. It's the place to visit this summer! Don't miss out!

 Work independently.

 Check the task with

 the key.


Task: answer the questions.

  1. Where would you like to travel and why?
  2. What type of holiday do you prefer?
  3. What kind of holiday don't you like?
  4. What do you enjoy doing while you are on holiday?
  5. Do you like to travel alone or with friends?
  6. How would you like to travel? Which means of transport would you use and why?

Work in pairs,

then in group.

Use The following expressions:

As for me...

In fact...

It seems to me... However...


Task: complete the text with the correct derivative of the word in bold.

Finding a top class hotel in London is not difficult.

 One of the best is the Manchester Hotel, a (0) meeting

 meet point for celebrities and business people. It is

  (1) ... general known not only for its (2) ... luxury 

 furnishings, but also for its superb (3) ...  accommodate.

  Being a top-class hotel, of course it is fairy (4) ... expense but since   the hotel  offers so many (5) ...  serve it is easy to understand why.  At certain times of the year it is difficult to get a (6) ...  reserve, but if you are lucky, the (7) ...  manage, will be able to find  you a room. Taking into

(8) ...         consider the beautiful view, you could not

(9) ...         possible wish for more. It is situated across the road from

  Work with the card.

 Check yourself with

  the key.

Hyde Park and near Buckingham Palace in (10) ... centre London - ideal for those who can afford it!


Task: express your opinion on the topic.

  1. What type of accommodation most suits you? Why?
  2. Which do you think are the advantages / disadvantages of each type of accommodation?
  3. What problems did you have while on holiday?

4. What tips a clever traveller should remember?

These phrases may be helpful:

To my mind...

On the one hand...

On the other hand...

At any rate...



Your aim is to develop your speaking skills.

Task: choose the task according to your interest:

  • give a talk on travelling;
  • act out a dialogue with a travel agent;
  • discuss where you could go for a summer holiday.

Work in small groups with the card.

Use phrases from

Task 1.2 ,1.4

Be emotional and convincing!



Your aim is to develop your creative ability.

Task: imagine you are the travel agent.

Write an advertisement for a place in your country.


Your aim is to return to beginning of the lesson, look through the aims of the lesson, give yourself a mark.



Your aim is to choose the hometask.


  • Write an advertisement for a holiday.
  • Write a short article about one of the natural areas in your country inviting tourists to visit it.

Thank you!



Предварительный просмотр:

My Discovery of America



Учебный материал с указанием заданий

Руководство no усвоению учебного материала


Aim: to develop your oral communication skills.

To know:

  • active vocabulary;
  • the Past Perfect Tense; оnumerals / noims;
  • sights of America;
  • some facts about the USA.

To be able to:

  • name sights;
  • ask / answer questions;
  • use the Past Perfect;numerals /

       nouns in speech;

  • speak about America;
  • make up a dialogue;
  • share opinions;
  • give reasons for visiting the USA.




Your aim is to check up your knowledge on the topic.

Task: give names to the sights and say what you remember about them.

  1. The White House
  2. The Capitol
  3. The Washington Monument
  4. The Lincoln Memorial
  5. The Grand Canyon

Task: answer the teacher's question.

Use the following expressions:

As far as I know...

It seems to me...

If I'm not mistaken... I quite agree there.

In my opinion...

In fact...

To tell the truth...

Frankly speaking...



Your aim is to prepare for role playing.

Task: write down questions to set more

information about America. Find out:



  1. How many states there are in the USA.
  2. What countries the USA borders on.
  3. How many lakes the Great Lakes include.
  4. What two waterfalls Niagara Falls consists of.
  5. What river formed the Grand Canyon
  6. How many trips to America Columbus made.
  7. Where the first Constitution was proclaimed.
  8. What building the President of the US lives and works.
  9. What the name of the US military centre building in Washington is.

Task: make up your own questions about America.

C- level



Your aim is to develop your speaking skills.

Task: role play the situation.

You are taking part in a TV programme

“My discovery of America”.

The list of characters:

  1. A geographer who is writing a book about the USA.
  2. A historian interested in the early days of America.
  3. A group of Russians who have just come back from the USA (they have been to different parts of the country).
  4. Russian students who would like to visit America.


   Work in group.

Use phrases from Task 1.1

Don't repeat each other.

  Be polite and active.

  Ask questions to get

  more information.


Task: imagine one of you have just returned from

Work in pairs.

Be emotional!

America. Prepare some questions that you

would like to ask him. Act out the dialogue.


Task: give five good reasons for visiting the USA.


Task: do the quiz.

 Work independently.

 Do the task in writing.    

  Check the task

   with the key.


Your aim is to return to the beginning of the

lesson, look through the aims of the lesson, give yourself a mark.



Your aim is to choose the hometask.


  • Write a short essay about America inviting to visit this country.
  • Compare the two countries - America and Russia (geographical outlook, natural wonders, traditions, ....)




Thank you!

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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