план конспект урока по теме Mass Media в 8м классе по УМК К.Кауфман
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Беляева Ирина Александровна

План - конспект урока в 8м классе по теме СМИ, по УМК Кауфман


Предварительный просмотр:

План-конспект урока английского языка в 8 классе  

по теме «Mass-Media»

(автор учебника: К.Кауфан)

Учитель: Беляева И.А.

Дата: 22.04.2013г.

Цели: развитие языковой компетенции учащихся через обобщение знаний по теме «Mass-Media»

Задачи: побуждать учащихся к использованию уже известной лексики и информации  на английском языке; практиковать учащихся в устной речи по теме; формировать системное представление учащихся о СМИ

        Ход урока

        I        Оргмомент

T: Good morning students! Glad to see you. I’m sure everybody is all right. Let’s make our lesson interesting and useful. The theme of our lesson is « Mass-Media».

What is it “mass media”, tell me please?

 Today we are going to speak about some means of communicating. They are traditionally called the media.  The mass media actually rule the world and play a very important part in our lives.

Listen to the words and expressions from ex.1p.103 and repeat them after the speaker.

And now tell me what types of mass-media do you know? Which sources of information mass media includes?

P:  I know TV, the Internet, newspapers, magazines and radio.

T: What types of mass-media do you use in your everyday life?

P: In my everyday life I usually use TV, the Internet, radio and newspapers.

           II.  Речевая зарядка:

T: So students, I see you know the main media. But what are their definitions?

Your task is to match the words and their definitions.

  1. Television
  2. Newspaper
  3. Tabloid
  4. The Internet
  5. Radio
  1. a paper printed and sold usually daily or weekly with news, advertisements etc.;
  2. the process of sending and receiving messages through the air; broadcasting programmes for people to listen to;
  3. broadcasting programmes (the news, plays, advertisements, shows, etc.) for people to watch on their television sets;
  4. a newspaper with rather small pages, many pictures and little serious news;
  5. a way to communicate with your partner who might be a thousand miles away using the computer (e-mails).

Now listen to the tape to check up your task.


 III  Работа с лексикой:

T: Now let’s speak about the sources of information. Open your books on page 103 ex.2.

Look at the photos of the information sources and match them with the words. Speak about each of them. Use the questions as a plan.

  1. What is this information source called?
  2. How reliable/unreliable is it? Why?
  3. Is it interesting/boring?
  4. How often do you use it?
  5. What do you use it for? (homework/school reports/fun/hobby)

Which of these information sources are mass media?

  IV    Работа с диалогом:

T: Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions: Why is Misha sad? What mistake did Misha make?

Some questions for you:

  1. What mark did Misha get for his report?
  2. Why did Misha get that mark?
  3. Is the Internet a reliable information source?
  4. What rules should you follow when you write a report?
  5. Where will Misha be able to find information about David Beckham?
  6. Why is it better to borrow newspapers and magazines from library?

T: Let’s do ex.5 on p.105. You need complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

T: Pay attention verbs to borrow and to lend

 V.Работа с новой лексикой:

T: Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker.

T: Read the text and answer the questions on p.107 ex.3

   T: find the best Russian equivalents for the words. More than translation is possible. Explain your answers. Ex.4 p.107


V. Подведение итогов урока

Open your diaries and write your hometask, p. 106 ex.6,ex. A,B

 VI. Выставление оценок за урок :

T: You worked very well. Thank you for the lesson. Your mark are…

T: Good bye. Have a nice day.

Предварительный просмотр:

Your task is to match the words and their definitions.

  1. Television
  2. Newspaper
  3. Tabloid
  4. The Internet
  5. Radio
  1. a paper printed and sold usually daily or weekly with news, advertisements etc.;
  2. the process of sending and receiving messages through the air; broadcasting programmes for people to listen to;
  3. broadcasting programmes (the news, plays, advertisements, shows, etc.) for people to watch on their television sets;
  4. a newspaper with rather small pages, many pictures and little serious news;
  5. a way to communicate with your partner who might be a thousand miles away using the computer (e-mails).

Now listen to the tape to check up your task.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты


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