Разработка урока для 8 класса "O.Henry"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Щербакова Наталья Викторовна

Цель урока: формирование навыков чтения  по теме "American and English Writers" и совершенствование практических навыков владения изученной по теме лексикой.


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Предварительный просмотр:


Урок «О.Генри» (8 класс)

Цель урока: формирование навыков чтения  по теме "American and English Writers"

  • - образовательный компонент цели:

       расширение лингвистического кругозора учащихся;

  • - развивающий компонент цели:

       развитие языковых способностей учащихся, готовности к


  • - воспитательный компонент цели:

       создание условий для формирования у обучающихся уважения и

       интереса к культуре и народу страны изучаемого языка,

       поддержание интереса к учению;

  • - практический компонент цели:

            формирование и совершенствование практических навыков владения

            изученной по теме лексикой, расширение словарного запаса

            учащихся по теме "Писатели", путем привлечения дополнительного

            материала, развитие навыков восприятия речи на слух, поискового

            чтения и чтения с полным пониманием.


- презентация  по теме "О.Генри",

- раздаточный дополнительный материал.

Учебный материал:

- Голицынский Ю. Соединенные Штаты Америки : Пособие по страноведению для старших классов гимназий и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка – С-П Каро, 2002

                                                        Ход урока

1 Организационный этап.

Good morning!  I suggest for discussion a very interesting topic “My favourite writer”.  Today we are going to read, discuss, listen to, watch and learn how to speak about your favourite writer. You are divided into four groups to work at this lesson.

2. Речевая зарядка. Этап актуализации знаний.

      - By the way…

  • Do you like reading?
  • Is reading your hobby?
  • When did you learn to read?
  • Have you got many books at home?
  • What kinds of books do you like reading?
  • Can you read English books in the original?
  • Try to read detective stories by Agatha Christie. Her language is simple and good.

3. Предтекстовый этап. Этап снятия трудностей.

  1. Here you can see the portraits of some English and American writers and the titles of their books.  Will you match them? (приложение 1)


The Lord of the Rings

Mark Twain

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer


Harry Potter and  …


The Ransom of the Red Chief

While the Auto Waits

  1. Can you guess what the book “The Ransom of the Red Chief” is? And this? (While the Auto Waits)

The exciting plots of stories by O.Henry we meet in films, plays and even in music.

Will you watch an episode of one of these screen versions? Try to guess the title of the book. (презентация)

c)   At the lesson we are going to read and talk about O.Henry. Before reading our text  

             we’ll have a look at some new words:

          impoverish  – доводить до бедности,

          prairie – прерия,

          suspect – подозревать,                                            

          charge  – осуждать,

          theft  – кража,

          release   – освобождать. (презентация)

  1. Текстовый этап. Этап формирования новых знаний.
  1. Take the text. (приложение 2) This text is divided into 4 logical parts. Will you read it and match the headings on the screen and the parts of the text to make up a plan? There is one extra heading.  (презентация)
  1. Falsely charged.                                
  2. Literary activity.
  3. The youth of the writer.
  4. The editor of a literary journal.
  5. The beginning of his writing career.

               You have 4 minutes to read the text and to do your first task. (учащиеся читают

               текст, музыка Эннио Морриконе)

b) Your time is up. Let’s check your plan. Name the letters in order. (C, A, E, B).

   The first part is about The youth of the writer. Name the second part – Falsely

   charged. The next part is The beginning of writing career and the last – Literary

   activity. (презентация)

  1. Turn your sheets of paper do the first task.   Which of these statements

are true or  false according to the text? Let’s correct the false sentences. Discuss them in your groups for 2 minutes. (приложение 3)

  1. Summarize what you’ve found out. What about the first sentence? The second? …

  1. Do you like to play puzzles?  Will you make up some questions on the text you have read and ask them to your classmates?  (вопросы  напечатаны и порезаны на слова)
  1. He was born in a poor family, wasn’t he?
  2. Why did he leave for Texas?
  3. Why did he leave his family?
  4. Do you think he was falsely charged?
  5. Where did he begin to write?
  6. He decided to write his first story because he was nothing to do, didn’t he?
  7. What did he write about?
  8. What feelings did he express in his stories?

  1. Are you tired? Would you like to do exercises or watch a clip? (презентация, часть клипа «До скорой встречи», группа Звери)

Man, woman, love, auto…

This clip is based on “While the auto waits” by O.Henry. Would you like to read this story?

  1. Послетекстовый этап. Этап закрепления новых знаний.

        - I see that you know the text rather well.

  1. Have you ever read about O.Henry in Russian?

What new information have you   learnt from this text? Use the expressions:

  • I didn’t know that …
  • To my great surprise …                      
  • I was surprised that …  (презентация)

  1.   At the lesson we have tried to learn more about O.Henry, one of the well-known

         short-story American writers. I hope at home you will prepare the story about your favourite English or American writer. (Этап информирования учащихся о домашнем задании.)

  1.  Will you retell the story according to our plan using the words and expressions given below? Work in groups and retell the text together in a circle: sentence by sentence. This group – the first parts, that one – the second and ….  

(приложение 4).  Are you ready?

  1. Подведение итогов урока.

 I liked your work at the lesson.


Приложение 1 – 4: фотографии

Приложение 2              


  1. The real name of the writer was William Sydney Porter. He was born in 1862 in the eastern part of the United States in an impoverished middle-class family. He had to earn his living from the age of fifteen and worked trying different professions. Then he went to Texas, because he wanted to see new places. In Texas he saw cowboys and prairies, but he could not find a job. He tried working on farms. At last he got a job at a small bank. During this period he studied languages and became interested in literature.
  2.        Soon he got married, and when a daughter was born, he was a happy husband and father. But his happiness did not last long. One day a thousand dollars was stolen from the bank where he worked. He was afraid of being suspected of theft. He left the town and went to Central America, where he stayed for some time. But when he heard that his wife was very ill, he returned home and was put into prison for three years from 1898 to 1901.
  3.             While he was in prison, his wife died. His little daughter was taken by relatives. Porter always thought about his daughter. He felt very unhappy at the thought that she would not receive a Christmas present from her father. To get some money for a present, he decided to write a story and send it to one of the magazines. He signed the story "O.Henry", the first name that came into his head. His story was published in 1899. He got money for it, and his daughter received a Christmas present.
  4.                   In 1901 O.Henry was released from prison. He settled in New York and continued writing short stories for different magazines. Very soon he became one of the most popular short-story writers in America. During the short period of his literary activity, O.Henry wrote 273 short stories and one novel, "Cabbages and Kings". In his stories he described amusing incidents of everyday life in large cities, on farms, and on the roads of America. Most of his stories are full of warm sympathy for ordinary American people. They are full of humour and irony. His stories won great popularity and have been translated into many languages, most of them have unexpected endings, and the reader is always taken by surprise.

Приложение 3

True or False?

  1. O.Henry was a well-known American novelist.
  2. After finishing school at the age of fifteen he had to work to earn money.
  3. While working in the bank he was falsely charged with stealing a thousand dollars.
  4. He began to write short stories traveling through Central America.
  5. In his writings O.Henry always touched upon social events.

-              -                  -                -                     -             -               -                      -

Приложение 4

Retell the text according to the following plan using the words and expressions given below:

  1. The youth of the writer:

 the real name,

 was born,

had to earn,

different professions,

new places,

on farms,

a job at a small bank;

  1. Falsely charged:

got married,

was stolen,

was afraid of being suspected of theft,

left the town,

returned home,

was put into prison;

  1. The beginning of his writing career:

thought about,

felt unhappy,

got some money,

signed the story,

was published,

received  a present;

  1. Literary activity:

was released,

became one of …,

described  amusing incidents,

warm sympathy for ordinary people,

had unexpected endings.

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