Методическая разработка урока "Judy`s Adventures"
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме

Громова Марина Владимировна

Данный урок предназначен для учащихся старших классов по дисциплине "Домашнее чтение" (по книге "Daddy-Long-Legs", Joan Webster. На протяжении всего урока применялись различные приемы игровых технологий.


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Предварительный просмотр:


SUBJECT                 the English Language        , Home reading                                        

DEPARTMENT                 English department                                                        

GROUP                   AO-42                   DATE          10.10.2009                                        

THEME OF THE LESSON  Judy’s Adventures”(“Daddy – Long - Legs” by Joan Webste)        

TYPE:         combined                                                                                


  1. COGNITIVE Students will develop creative abilities and logical thinking                
  2. DEVELOPING Students will be able to use new phrases and words n their speech        
  3. BRINGING – UP Students will develop oral speech and easy expression thoughts in English abilities 

SUBJECT INTERCOURSE  practical grammar, practical phonetics                                

VISUAL AND TECHNICAL AIDS:         cards, tables, pictures, computer                        

MAIN LITERATURE (“Daddy – Long - Legs”, by Joan Webst                                        


Organization moment.

     1) organization of the teacher;

    2) organization of the students;

    3) outward and the inner preparing for the lesson;

    4) telling the aims, tasks and the theme of the lesson.

Good afternoon students and our respected teachers. I’m glad to see all of you. The theme of our lesson is “Judy’s Adventures”. We’ll devote our lesson to them. We’ve got much work today. We’ll play the game “Guess – Who is it?”; do the task “Wrong or right”; fill in the missing words; make up the stories, draw and present them in pictures; you will have crosswords; you will read, translate and will have much discussion. So you’ll have to work hard today and I’m sure you will show your brilliant knowledge.

But before starting and coming to our today’s portion, I want to ask you some questions just to direct your attention to the lesson and put you into Judy’s life:

  • What book have we been reading for about a month?
  • What style was this book written in and why?
  • What are the main heroes?    

and some more questions, concerning the book.

The main part of the lesson.

1.Warming up. A play – game “Guess – who is it?”

What to do and material needed: four cards in the form of coloured clouds with descriptive adjectives on the reversed side are attached to the blackboard. The students are asked (one by one) to come up to the blackboard, choose a cloud, sound the adjectives and say what person the adjectives belong to. Then give the Russian equivalent of the adjective and give a more full description of the person.  Then another student comes up and chooses a cloud and so on.

- the first cloud: entertaining, amiable, kindhearted, talkative, ingenious (Sallie McBride);

- the second cloud: bothersome, arrogant, impertinent, frivolous, pompous (Julia Pendleton);

- the third cloud: confiding, curious, intelligent, conscious, romantic (Jerusha Abbot);

- the forth cloud: demanding, companionable, generous, good-natured, benevolent (Jervie  Pendleton).  

This task in the form of a game helps the students to refresh the main heroes of the book in their minds. It shows how well the students know the heroes and the story itself.

It is an essential activity for preparing the group to approach the more exacting tasks later to be demanded of them. The purposes of “warming – up” are to help all members of the group approach the later exercises in the same frame of mind – to come the excited and to invigorate the lethargic and to direct the students` thoughts and feelings towards the exercises to follow.  

2. Task: Wrong or right”

What to do: the teacher reads the statements from the given portion. The students must say if the read statement wrong or right, using the following expressions: yes, it is true; you are quite right; it is true in a way; I’m afraid, it is wrong; that’s not quite so; I think you are mistaken; as far as I know; according to the story;

The statements:.

1. Master Jervie came to Judy`s commencement and they met each other there for the first time.

2. Judy wanted to publish her first book but failed to do it. And after this failure she gave up writing it.

3.  Master Jervie proposed Judy, she accepted his proposal and they got married.

4. Judy was proud of her antecedent and she told everybody of her family.

5. Daddy – Long – Legs came to Judy and confessed who he was telling her everything.

6. Judy got offended at Master Jervie because he didn’t come to her commencement.  

7. Judy loved Jimmie McBride and wanted to marry him.

This task allows to see how the students understood the context and the details of the given pages, how attentive the students are, and it shows the students` ability to perceive the teacher’s speech.


3. Fill in the missing words.

What to do and material needed: nine sentences are written on the poster, attached to the blackboard. There are missing words in the sentences. The words are also attached next to the poster. The students (one by one) are to choose the right word and attach it to the appropriate sentence and then translate the sentence.

The sentences:

1. I know ______ that you won’t like my studio idea.

2. You are most _____ when you right about the things you know.

3. Then I go out with Colin and tramp through the fields and get a fresh _____ of ideas for the next day.

4. When two people are exactly in _____; and always happy when together and lonely when _____; they ought not to let anything in the world stand between them.

5. The board is cheap; the surroundings quiet and ______ to a literary life.

6. I will continue to pay all my life in _____ and affection.

7. But Master Jervie and I got into a dreadful state of _____, and we both hurt each other feelings.

8. Dining in a room with four hundred girls is an _____ when you are tired.

9.  You don’t think me ____, do you, Daddy dear?

Missing words:

Conceited; ahead of time; supply; gratitude; convincing;  accord;  conducive;  ordeal; apart; misunderstanding.

        This task shows the students` ability to use the words in the right form. It allows to see if the students rеally master the words of the lesson and how well they do it.

        IV. “Invent a story”

        What to do and material needed. The students are divided into two groups. Each group is given the list with words, a sheet of paper and some pencils.

        The task is to make up a story, using the given words, then draw it in pictures and after preparation a representative of each group presents the drawings and the story.

        The given words:

Ordeal,  forbidding, in gratitude,  to regret,  companionable, to abandon, to be in accord, to get a fresh supply of ideas.

The utility of this task is self – evident, not only do the students develop accuracy of expression, it also gives practice in thinking in the foreign language. They have the advantage of being engrossing in themselves. The students do not only work in English, but also create something of their own, besides they need to come to an agreement on a story line, so it shows their ability to work in groups.

V. Crossword.

Each student is given the sheet of paper with the crossword in it.









  1. Synonym to the verb “to give up smth.”
  2. When you are thankful to smb., you have got this feeling.
  3. Give the English equivalent for “дерзкий”
  4. If you are fond of inventing, you possess this character trait.
  5. Synonym to the expression “to be extremely angry with smb.”
  6. Give the English equivalent for “самодовольный”
  7. A person who is capable of thought and responsible is called … .
  8. The key word: The most characteristic feature of Judy.

This task helps to control the knowledge of words of the lesson.

VI. Read and translate some passages from the story.

        At the same time the students explain the meaning of some statements from the read portion and express their attitude to them.

        - “If you just want a thing, hard enough and keep on trying, you do get it in the end”.

        - “You are most convincing, when you write or speak about the things you know”.

        - “when two people are exactly in accord, and always happy when together and lonely when apart, they ought not to let anything in the world stand between them”.

        While some students are reading, translating and discussing, one is working at the blackboard, making up the plan of retelling.

VII. Retelling, using the plan.  

VIII. Assessment.

Write the composition on the book “Daddy – Long – Legs”, Joan Webster.

IX. Give marks and comment them.

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