Урок английского языка в 5 классе по теме "Family"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Кудина Елена Алексеевна

Урок был проведен в 5 классе по теме "Семья" с целью пополнение словарного запаса и систематизация его в письменной речи, развивая навыки работы в группе.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Date ___________________________

Form ___________________________

Theme: “Family”______________

Goal: to develop writing skills on the theme “Family” using possessive form in the sentences working in groups.

Aims: 1) to enrich vocabulary (the members of family);

           2) to learn grammar (possessive’s);

           3) to develop skills of working in groups.

                                        Out line

  1. Organization. (2 min)

Greeting each other.

What is the date today? What is the weather like? Who’s on duty today?

Are you ready? Let’s check necessary things for the lesson on your desk.

How are you? (All students take their paper palm and stick them on the blackboard. They show their feeling before lesson)

  1. Checking H/W. (5 min)

Students  stay in the circle and revise the rules of using “some and any”  in sentences. They revise this rule throwing the ball to each other. Students tell this rule one by one on a chain. (For example: We use ”some” with plurals in affirmative sentences. We use “any” with plurals in negative sentences. We normally use “any” in questions.)

M1 (CD1 – 3.2) In this activity students will put “some” or “any” in the sentences.

All students should type their names and surnames and do the task themselves. To ask students how many words they should put in the sentences. (10 words)

To explain if they get 9-10 points their mark will be “5”, 7-8 – “4”, 6-7 –“3”, 1-5 – “2”.

To ask students what the results are. If the students do mistakes they try to explain them.

  1. Warm up (1 min)

 All students are divided into 4 groups. They choose  different candies and join each other in order to their candies’ colours.(Yellow M&M, Blue M&M, Red M&M and Green M&M)

Then in groups students get 6 letters( F,A,M,I,L,Y) and using them try to guess a key word.

-What are we going to talk about? (about family)

The goal of our lesson is to talk about family, to learn some new words on the theme and introduce their own families.

  1. Vocabulary “Merry-go -round” (10 min)

A) In groups students  match the words with their transcriptions and put the missing sounds during 2-3 minutes. Students can use the dictionary in computer.

  1. husband                  a. ‘k z(  )n
  2. wife                          b. a:nt
  3. aunt                          c. ‘pe  r(  )nts
  4. uncle                        d. waif
  5. cousin                      e. ‘  nkl
  6. children                   f. ‘h  sb  nd
  7. parents                    g. ‘t ildrr( )n

Answer keys: 1f, 2d, 3b, 4e, 5a, 6g, 7c

Students check each other anticlockwise in groups using the answer keys. Then the results will s  give back. To ask students how many points they get and write them on the blackboard.

B)  Students work at the translation of these words. Students have to match the words with their translations:

1. husband          a.тетя

2. wife                  b. дети

3. aunt                  c. жена

4. uncle                d. родители

5. cousin               e. муж

6. children            f. двоюродный брат / сестра

7. parents             g. дядя

Answer key: 1e, 2c, 3a, 4g, 5f, 6b, 7d

Students check each other anticlockwise and their results should be written  and scored on the blackboard.

5. Reading (7 min)

 In groups students match the texts with the pictures.

They have to find right photo for each person and write 1-5 in the boxes. Doing this exercise pupils practice in reading. After it groups check each other their works listening to the right answers on the recorder.

  1. These are my parents.
  2. This is me with my husband and my husband’s brother.
  3. This is me with my parents. I haven’t got any brothers or sisters.
  4. This is my aunt and uncle and my two cousins.
  5. This is me with my brother and my sister.

Answer keys:  A=5  B=1  C=3  D=4  E=2

6. Rest time (“Skeleton” – 2 min)

It’s time for relaxing. Is anybody of your members in the family good at dancing? Is it funny?

Students copy all movements and dance.

7. Writing (10 min)

Students take their places and write on sheets of paper 2 columns of the words: in the 1st column the names of members of the family; in the 2nd column their names.  Point out that the apostrophe goes after the person who owns something (and that in this case it doesn’t  represent a missing letter).  Then all cards will be mixed and one of them will be chosen. This card will be read and after listening all students will try to guess whose family it is.

8. Reflection (2 min)

All students stick the paper palms on the poster reflecting their feelings after lesson (sad, fine, great, happy).

9. Assessment of group work in order their getting points. (3 min)

Who works the best in group? Who helps more to their classmates? Whom does the group help to learn at the lesson?

10. Homework   (3 min) Pupils choose their homework in order of their knowledge level.

 Level “A”- WB ex.1 p.18, write the essay “My family” using the possessive form (5-7 sentences)

 Level “B”- WB ex.1-3 p.18

  Level “C”- WB ex.1-2 p.18,








C:\Documents and Settings\Елена\Рабочий стол\i.jpg     C:\Documents and Settings\Елена\Рабочий стол\i.jpg    C:\Documents and Settings\Елена\Рабочий стол\i.jpg     C:\Documents and Settings\Елена\Рабочий стол\i.jpg

“Some / any” Click on the correct words to complete the dialogue.



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