Методические разработки
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7, 8, 9, 10, 11 класс) по теме

Методические разработки


Файл This is London18.96 КБ
Файл Healthy men35.21 КБ
Файл The history of creation of Hot Dog2.05 МБ
Файл Все времена английского языка19.93 КБ
Файл All about me109.38 КБ
Файл Видео - урок Food in Britain19.96 КБ
Файл Health men35.21 КБ
Файл Видео-урок One school day20.88 КБ
Файл Пассивный залог20.69 КБ
Файл Контрольная работа Passive voice21.08 КБ
PDF icon This is me372.8 КБ
Файл Вводная контрольная работа в 7 классе18.75 КБ
Файл контрольная работа , 1 ч. 7 класс, М.З. Биболетова15.63 КБ
Файл Контрольная работа, 2 ч. 7 кл., М.З. Биболетова20.51 КБ
Файл контрольная работа 3 ч. 7 кл., М.З. Биболетова16.62 КБ
Файл Контрольная работа 4 ч. 7 кл. М.З. Биболетова17 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon второе условие33.5 КБ
Файл диалог12.85 КБ
Файл карточки 7к ур. u 4 S 3 ex 49-52973.98 КБ
Файл Контрольная работа,Условные предложения17.49 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова , 7 кл., U2 S 5 Ex.42,5018.09 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова , 7 кл., U3 S 7 ex 87. 88, 9015.95 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова 7 кл., U 2 S4 ex 30-31,32-3716.11 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова 7 кл., U2 S7 ex 62-6316.89 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова 7 кл., U3 S 3 ex 32, 3715.13 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова 7 кл., U4 S 4 ex 7817.65 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 7 кл. Class 7 U 4 S 3 ex 5616.93 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 7 кл., U3 S7 ex85 8612.98 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 7 кл. U2 S3 ex 28,3220.29 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 7 кл., U 2 s1 ex 1 cards, ex 522.16 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 7 кл., U 4 S4 ex 67,6814.56 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 7 кл., U3 S 1-2, ex 11,24,2716.45 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 7 кл., U3 S7 ex85 8612.98 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 7 кл., U4 S4 e 7316.17 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 7 кл.,U3 S5 ex 6614.85 КБ
Файл М.З.Биболетова , 7 кл.,U3 S5 ex60 p7417.36 КБ
Файл М.З.Биболетова 7кл.,U4 S3 ex 5617.83 КБ
Файл модальные глаголы16.97 КБ
Файл настоящее, продолженное, будущее простое время16.99 КБ
Файл Пассивный залог18.91 КБ
Файл пословицы и поговорки32.24 КБ
Файл Технологическая карта 7 класс S 3 ex 49,50,51,52docx24.51 КБ
Файл Хэллуин630.36 КБ
Файл Числа и даты16.85 КБ
Файл Словообразование114.26 КБ
Файл Урок-игра по экологии22.55 КБ
Файл Past Continuous Tense1.08 МБ
Файл день святого валентина19.11 КБ
Файл Контрольная работа “Reported speech”, 8 кл., М.З. Биболетова18.49 КБ
Файл Косвенная речь18.21 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова , 8 кл.U3 s 5 ex 10915.42 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 4 ч., 8 кл. U 4 S2 ex 24,3117.13 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 8 кл. U2 S1 ex 12 p 4316.42 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 8 кл. U2 S5 ex 5314.89 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 8 кл. U2 S5 ex5814.89 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 8 кл. U3 S 3 ex 27.34.3817.36 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 8 кл.Ex 69, 65 p. 20-2115.59 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 8 кл.u 1 s2 e 38, 46,4118.32 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 8 кл.U1 S2 ex.32, 31 p1315.22 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 8 кл.U1S 515.46 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 8 кл.U2 S4 ex 4015.86 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 8 кл.u 1 s2 e 38, 46,4118.32 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 8 кл.U4 S3 вокабуляр16.24 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 8 кл.U4 S4 ex 4716.83 КБ
Файл Технологическая карта, 8 кл., М.З. Биболетова Section 2 Сложное дополнение25 КБ
Файл Технологическая карта, 8 клс, М.З. Биболетова Section 2 Лексика24.54 КБ
Файл Условные предложения21.94 КБ
Файл Контрольная работа 1 ч., 8 кл. М.З. Биболетова17.55 КБ
Файл Контрольная работа 2 ч, 8 кл. М.З. Биболетова18.46 КБ
Файл контрольная работа за 3 ч., 8 кл., М.З. Биболетова17.42 КБ
Файл контрольная работа 4 ч., 8 кл., М.З. Биболетова15.55 КБ
Файл Passive Voice20.97 КБ
Файл Reported Speach46.3 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon reported-speech-102014139.5 КБ
Файл the-help60.7 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon this-is-my-granny122.5 КБ
Файл to-busyteacher17.87 КБ
Файл Вопросительные предложения25.57 КБ
Файл Контрольная работа. М.З. Биболетова, 9 кл., 1 ч22.12 КБ
Файл контрольная работа 2 ч.М. З. Библетова, 9 кл19.87 КБ
Файл контрольная работа за 3 ч, М.З. Биболетова . 9 кл18.88 КБ
Файл Контрольная работа за 4 ч.,М. З. Библетова, 9 кл16.84 КБ
Файл модальные глаголы26.5 КБ
Файл модальный глагол14.89 КБ
Файл структура вопросит. предложений25.8 КБ
Файл тест для среза 9 класс22.18 КБ
Файл Технологическая карта, М.З. Биболетова, 9 кл. стр. 16924.91 КБ
Файл условные предл.0 типа13.98 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 9 к. Ю 1. С1. упр.320.64 КБ
Файл М. З. Биболетова, 9 кл. U4 S 1 ex 18(2) p 16014.4 КБ
Файл М. З. Биболетова, 9 кл. U4 S1 ex 10,1418.28 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова , 9 кл. U4 S1 ex 1614.08 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 9 кл. U4 S 1 ex 18(2) p 16014.4 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 9 кл. U4 S4 ex 71 p17816.37 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 9 кл. U1 S 2 ex 29,30,17.14 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 9 кл. U1 S1 ex 18-1915.73 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 9 кл. U3 S 1 ex 23,27 p 10914.33 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 9 кл. U3 S1 ex2 p 102 Class 913.86 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 9 кл. Unit 3 section 1ст.10513.94 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 9 кл.U3 s2 ex 79,86 test15.67 КБ
Файл cмешанный тип условных предложений16.96 КБ
Файл modals189.67 КБ
Файл конструкция я желаю19.35 КБ
Файл контрольная работа.1 ч., 10 кл., М.З. Биболетова docx17.77 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon Контрольная работа, 2 ч. 10 кл., М.З. Биболетова doc53 КБ
Файл Контрольная работа за 3 ч., 10 кл. М.З. Биболетова20.3 КБ
Файл смешанные усл. предложения14.88 КБ
Файл степени сравнения прилагательных15.38 КБ
Файл Технологическая карта, М.З. Биболетова, 10 кл. 10 U4 S2 ex 40-42,4423.9 КБ
Файл Условные предложения16.67 КБ
Файл М. З. Биболетова, 10 кл. U3 s1 ex 5 p87-8818.7 КБ
Файл М. З. Биболетова, 10 кл. U3 s2 ex 80,84 docx19.93 КБ
Файл М. З. Биболетова, Class-10 U-2 s-1 ex-16-1714.02 КБ
Файл М.З Биболетова, 10 кл. U2 S 4 ex 6815.8 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 10 кл. U 3 S 2 ex 50,52 p 10214.44 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 10 кл. U 4 S 3 ex.57,62,69,70,7114.51 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 10 кл. U1 ex 10,1114.42 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 10 кл. u1 s1 e 4-515.46 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 10 кл. U1 S2 ex 31 p 6314.12 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 10 кл. U2 s4 ex 74,78,86,8717.57 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 10 кл. U2 S4 ex 7818.59 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 10 кл. U2 S5 ex 9115.08 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 10 кл. U3 s 1 ex 2416.02 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 10 кл. U3 S1 ex 1316.54 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 10 кл. U3 S312.78 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 10 кл. U4 s 2 ex 29-30 p 13416.56 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 10 кл. U4 S1 E17-2215.74 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 10 кл. U4 S3 ex55, 56, 6015.81 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 10 кл. U4 s4 ex 9215.43 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 10 кл.U1 s 2ex 34, 39 p1813.25 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 10 кл.U1 S 3 ex 67, 6814.42 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 10 кл.U1 S1 ex 413.53 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 10 кл.U2 S2 ex 51643.04 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, class10 U3 S 2 ex 62,6415.99 КБ
Файл контрольная работа.1 ч., 11 кл. М.З. Биболеова docx19.92 КБ
Файл Progress check - 2 the 11th М. З. Биболетова.form19.66 КБ
Файл Progress Check 3.11 кл. М.З. Биболетова. docx16.31 КБ
Файл контрольная работа за 4 ч., 11 кл. М.З. Биболетова22.18 КБ
Файл Пассивный залог19.94 КБ
Файл Текст Рабочий день1.97 МБ
Файл тест на срез 11 класс20.38 КБ
Файл Артикль15.46 КБ
Файл Задание к фильму P.S. Я люблю тебя21.73 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова , 11 кл.U 2 S 2 ex 31 p 5413.71 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 11 кл. 1 ч. Ex.9 p1013.99 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 11 кл. Class 11 U-2 S-1 ex-1715.88 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 11 кл. U 2 S2 ex.51,5514.94 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 11 кл. U1 s 2 ex 47, 5017.57 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 11 кл. U1 S1 ex 32 p 5413.24 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 11 кл. U2 S1 ex 3,9,1114.57 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 11 кл. U3 s 1 ex 14 p 8214.74 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 11 кл. U3 S 2 ex27,37 exersices33.22 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 11 кл. U3 S 3 ex 53-5414.27 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 11 кл. U3 S1 ex7,9 p80 Class 1114.4 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 11 кл. U3 S2 ex 2715.54 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 11 кл. U3 S4 ex 69, 7114.46 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 11 кл. U3 S5 medicine15.82 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 11 кл. U4 S 5 ex. 98, 9814.11 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 11 кл. U4 s1 ex.12, 1613.51 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 11 кл. U4 S1 ex2,416.1 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 11 кл. U4 S3 ex 5217.26 КБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 11 кл.U2S2 ex 341 МБ
Файл М.З. Биболетова, 11 кл.U4 S 4 ex 7516.46 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

This is London

Emily: Hi, I’m Emily. I’m in London with my brother Max and my mum and dad. We don t live in London – we are sightseeing. London is the capital city of the United Kingdom. It’s very big and there are a lot of things to see.

Max: Can we get a taxi!

Dad: No, not today Max. We’re 1…….. to get the bus.

Mum: Well.  Let’s get that one. It is goes near Buckingham Palace. Emily, do you want to buy the tickets?

Emily: Yes, please. Hello, Can I have four tickets, please.

Man: That s 40, please.

Emily: Thank you.

Max: Let s sit upstairs!

Emily: There are a lot of famous shops in London, Harrods is a big department store, Hamleys is toy shop, oxford street and Piccadilly Circus are very busy. That is 2………. …….The Queen lives there, Nelson s column is a famous monument in Trafalgar Square. Trafalgar Square is in the middle of London.

-Dad, where are we going now?

Dad: We’re going to the London Eye.

Emily: Where is the London Eye?

Dad: I’m not sure. Excuse me, is the 3……..  ……. near here?

Woman: Yes, it is, you go straight on. Turn right. Go over the bridge. Then it’s on your left. You can’t miss it!

Dad: Thank you.

Max: Let go. Emily, look, there is it!

Dad: That’s the London Eye.

Emily: Wow!

Man: Come on.

Emily: The London Eye is a big wheel. It is 135 meters high. You can see all of London from the top.

-Look! There is the 4…….. ……… and Big Ben. Most people in London think Big Ben is the name of the tower. But really it is the name of the bell inside the tower. The bell is very loud. 5……… ……. and the government work in the Houses of Parliament.

Max: I can see the Buckingham Palace!

Mam: And that s 6…… ….. next to the palace.

Max: Can we go on a boat, please?

Dad: Of course. We’re going on a boat, please?

Emily: There are a lot of bridges over. The River Thames in London. There are a lot of boats, too.

Mum: Hi, there two adults, two children, please. Thank you very much.

Emily: You can see 7………… places from a boat.

Max: Is that a castle?

Dad: That’s the tower of 8…………..

Emily: Is that London Bridge?

Mum: No, That s Tower Bridge. It’s next to the Tower of London.

Max: This is cool. What a great day!

Emily: Yeah. I love London.

Mum: Me too. But, I’m tired now.

Dad: Let s get the tube to the 9……..  …….. Who’s got the tube map?

Emily: I have. We’re here and the train station is here.

Dad: Ok. Come on. Let’s go 10……… then!

I-Put the words

II-Answer the questions:

1-What does family consists of?

2-Does family live in London?

3-What did they see?

4-What did they use to see London?

5-Why is The Tower of London named so?

6-What is the tube map?

III-Say True or False:

1-Emily s family is sightseeing.

2- Max bought the tickets on the bus.

3- The London Eye is a big wheel. It is 350 meters high.

4- The Prime Minister and the government work in the Houses of Parliament.

5- Hamleys is shoes  shop.

6- Trafalgar Square is in the out of London.

IV-Translate From English into Russian:

1-There are a lot of famous shops in London, Harrods is a big department store, Hamleys is toy shop, oxford street and Piccadilly Circus are very busy.

2- The Queen lives there, Nelson s column is a famous monument in Trafalgar Square. Trafalgar Square is in the middle of London.

3- The London Eye is a big wheel. It is 135 meters high. You can see all of London from the top.

4- No, That s Tower Bridge. It’s next to the Tower of London.

V-Translate From Russian into English:

1-Многие люди в Лондоне думают, что Биг Бен – это название Башни. Но на самом деле, так называется колокол внутри Башни.

2-Здесь много мостов над рекой Темза, в Лондоне.

3-Идите прямо, поверните направо, и вы дойдете до моста. Он буде по левой стороне.

4-Эмили, купи, пожалуйста, билеты.

VI-Put the words according to their right part of speech:

1- We’re going to the …… Eye.                                       Londoner

2- You want to ….. the tickets.                                         Buyer

3- But …… it is the name                                                  Real

4-Who’s got the ….. map?                                                 Underground

5-I want to …… .                                                               Homeless

VII- Make the questions to the sentences:

1- I love London.

2- The London Eye is a big wheel.

3- We are sightseeing.

4- The Prime Minister and the government work in the Houses of Parliament.

5- I can see the Buckingham Palace!

VIII-Make the sentences in the Future continuous:

1-We (go) to London next Saturday.

2-We (see) Trafalgar Square today

3- We (not come) to Houses of Parliament

4- The Prime Minister and the government (start) to work in the Houses at 10 o clock.

VIII- Make the sentences in the Future Perfect continuous:

1-We (go) to London by Saturday.

2-We (see) Trafalgar Square today

3- We (not come) to Houses of Parliament.

4- The Prime Minister and the government (start) to work in the Houses by 10 o clock.

Предварительный просмотр:


«Healthy men»

Цель: развивать лексические навыки по теме здоровья, грамматические навыки использования прямой и диалогической  речи и воспитывать чувство ответственности за свое здоровье, воспитывать желание вести ЗОЖ, воспитывать интерес к тому,  что разрушает здоровья и что укрепляет здоровья.


1. Закрепить понятие ЗОЖ

2. Развивать способности к целеустремленной  коллективной и индивидуальной работе, импровизации, способность к речевым действиям, умение выражать свое мнение по теме.

Оборудование: плакаты с изображением полезных продуктов и здоровых людей, карточки с заданиями, мультфильм про спорт.

Виды контроля: 

3-контроль учителя.


«Healthy men»

Teacher: Hello students! Our lesson is called “ Healthy men”.  Today we are going to study through the play about health for men.

Let s start our lesson with wise words:

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”  Chinece Proverb

How can you connect these words with our theme?

Children: We can say that people can care about their body, health, spirit. They should start  do it in any time.

Teacher: Start our lesson. You were divided into two groups. The first, make a motto for your team. The second, write a motto.

Children: The first team has motto : “Health is above wealth”. The second team has motto: “Sport make health and spirit”.

Teacher: We can see eight hats. They are different colors:





5-Light blue



Now I give you a task. What team  make the task firstly, they will have a chance to rise up the hat.

Teams, you should combine word. (учитель выдает каждой команде карточки, команды должны составить слово «vegetable» из этих карточек.

Team 1: We are ready!

 Teacher: The Team 1 finished. You are right. It is Ok. You have a chance to rise up “The red hat”, read the task. You have a right to take “The red hat”.


Team 1: Combine the sentences. (Card 1)

Teacher: Who finish the first getting up your hands.

Team 2: We are ready!

Teacher: The Team 2 finished. You are right. It is Ok. You have a chance to rise up “The orange hat”, read the task. You have a right to take “The orange  hat”.


Team 2: Match the words and the descriptions. (Card 2)

Teacher: Who finish the first getting up your hands.

Team 1: We are ready!

Teacher: The Team 1 finished. You are right. It is Ok. You have a chance to rise up “The yellow hat”, read the task. You have a right to take “The yellow  hat”.


Team 1: Make the dialogue from the following problems. (Card 3)

Teacher: Who finish the first getting up your hands.

Team 2: We are ready!

Teacher: The Team 2 finished. You are right. It is Ok. You have a chance to rise up “The green hat”, read the task. You have a right to take “The green  hat”.


Team 2:  Continue the list of words. (Card 4)

Teacher: Who finish the first getting up your hands.

Team 1: We are ready!

Teacher: The Team 1 finished. You are right. It is Ok. You have a chance to rise up “The light blue hat”, read the task. You have a right to take “The light blue  hat”.


Team 1:  Watch the short cartoon and ask the questions. Video (любой мультфильм на тему спорт)

Teacher: Who finish the first getting up your hands.

Team 2: We are ready!

Teacher: The Team 2 finished. You are right. It is Ok. You have a chance to rise up “The  blue hat”, read the task. You have a right to take “The  blue  hat”.


Team 2:  Image that  you are a doctor. Give some instructions to use some phrases. (Card 5)

 Teacher:Who finish the first getting up your hands.

Team 1: We are ready!

Teacher: The Team 1 finished. You are right. It is Ok. You have a chance to rise up “The  violet hat”, read the task. You have a right to take “The violet  hat”.


Team 1:  Guess the words. (Card 6)

Teacher:Who finish the first getting up your hands.

Team 2: We are ready!

Teacher: The Team 2 finished. You are right. It is Ok. Now we should count the hats. How many have teams got the hats?

Team 1,2: We have equally hats.

Teacher: Ok. Friendship is winner. What did you know for you from the lesson?

Team 1,2:…………

Teacher: Thank you for your work! Good luck!

v e g e t a b l e

Card 1

Is  Dany  girl     a brave

Fan  is    an experienced  Steve

Natasha   swimming   loves

Card 1

time   Sport    fun    is

hard     worked   People

Paul     is     a highly     player

a nurse, a hospital, a doctor, a chemist, a dentist, a pharmacy

1-…..is a place where people who are ill are looked after by doctors and nurses.

2-…..is a person who has a shop where medicines are sold.

3-…..is a shop where medicines are sold.

4-…..is a person who treats people s teeth.

5-…..is a person who treats sick people.

6-…..is a person who takes care of sick or old people.

1-You eat a lot of sweets and chocolate.

2-You do not eat fruits and vegetables.

1-You have got a sore throat.

2-You have got a temperature.

Kinds of food: cabbage,_____________________


Human body: teeth,________________________


Human s characteristics: healthy,_____________



1-have a headache

1-don not watch TV

2-feel sick

2-take your temperature

3-have temperature

3-give up food and drink much water

4- have a cough

4-take medicines

5-have a backache

5-drink hot milk

6-have a toothache

6-visit a dentist at once

7-have a sore eye

7-stay in bed













Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Времена глагола




Perfect continuous


Usually I feed the horses and then groom them.

Обычно я кормлю лошадей и затем чищу их.

+ O +Vs.

_ O+  don t|  doesn’t + V

? Do | Does + O+V?

I can’t speak to you at the moment - I am feeding the horses.

Я не могу говорить с тобой в данный момент, я кормлю лошадей.

+ O + am, is, are + V(ing).

_O + am not, is not, are not + V(ing).

  Is , Am, Are +O+ V(ing)?

I have fed the horses and now I can have my lunch.

Я уже покормил лошадей и сейчас могу пойти перекусить.

+ O +have| has +V 3.

_ O + haven t | hasn t +V 3.

? Have| Has +O +V3?

I can’t eat a sandwich as my hands are dirty – I have been grooming the horses.

Я не могу съесть сэндвич, так как мои руки грязные. Я кормил лошадей.

+ O +have| has + been +V(ing).

_ O + haven t | hasn t+ been+V(ing).

? Have| Has +O+ been+V(ing)?


I fed horses when I was on holiday.

Я кормил лошадей, когда был на каникулах.

+ O +V2.

_ O+ didn’t + V.

? Did+O+ V?

Every morning at 7 a.m. I was grooming my horses.

Каждое утро в 7 часов,  я кормил моих лошадей.

+ O + was|were + V(ing).

_O + was not | were not+ V(ing).

  Was| were+O+ V(ing)?

Once I was late, and by the time I came, my uncle had already groomed the horses.

Однажды я опоздал, к тому времени когда я пришел, мой дядя уже почистил у лошадей.

+ O +had+V 3, ed.

_ O + hadn t | hasn t +V 3, ed.

? Had+O +V3, ed?

I was as wet as the horses as we had been swimming in the river.

Я был мокрый как и лошадь, так как мы плавали в реке.

+ O +had+ been +V(ing).

_ O + hadn t + been+V(ing).

? Had+O+ been+V(ing)?




Perfect continuous


I feel very tired today. I will groom this horse tomorrow.

Я чувствую себя очень уставшим сегодня, я покормлю этих лошадей завтра.

+ O +will+ V.

_ O+ won t  + V.

? will+O+ V?

Don t call me from 10 a.m. till 11 a.m. I will be grooming the horses and will not answer the phone.

Не звони мне с 10 до 11, я буду чистить лошадей и не отвечу на телефонный звонок.

+ O + will be + V(ing).

_O + Won t be + V(ing).

  will+O+ be +V(ing)?

If you come to the farm tomorrow, we can have lunch together at 2 p.m. I will have groomed and fed all the hoses by this time.

Если ты придешь на ферму завтра, мы можем перекусить вместе в 2 часа. Я уже уберусь и накормлю лошадей к тому времени.

+ O + will +have +V 3.

_ O + won t  +have +V 3.

? will+O+ have +V3?

By next summer I will have been working with horses for a year and they will let me enter a jockey school.

К сведущему лету я уже  буду работать с лощадями около года и они позволят мне поступать в конную школу.

+ O + will +have + been +V(ing).

_ O +  won t  have been+V(ing).

? Will+ have+ been+V(ing)?

Предварительный просмотр:




My Best Friend Is……


My Class Teachers are………



This is Mehttps://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTwDcmQlk62kf1bdH5LBQSdMQGjrnc4TL6LE4kEvLHQe-EgY3QldTg4OzA


My Name Is…….


My Finger Print …….

My Palm Print….

My Foot Print…….

Colour of My Eyes….https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSG4IwmvoJuNIeeCNumSLWVCQm6z3jDG6LhGYkWe-LTnHd4x7FC

My Favourite Food….http://simpleartreviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/food-clip-art-black-and-whiteplate-of-food-clip-art-vector-clip-art-online-royalty-free-nstnsizo.png


My Favourite Cartoon Is.. https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTfJ_UEtO6yp4mf-a5dlXYoRs_NCHE6UE4Xn3rY6kgKcRO-5nAc4Q


My Family………..


My Birthday Falls on ……….



All About MePage |

Предварительный просмотр:

Food in Britain

         Hi! In this programme  we look at British food. Most people know about roast beef, bacon and eggs, fish and chips. But what do the 1_________ really eat? It is early morning in Britain. Milkmen bring milk to people s houses.

        Usually before breakfast. This is the Robinson family at breakfast. And this is the usual breakfast – milk and cereal , toast with jam or marmalade, fruit juice, tea or coffee. Mr. Robinson prefers this – the traditional English breakfast – bacon, egg, sausage, 2_________ and fried bread. But people don t eat it very often now.

-Excuse me!

-Sorry! Mmm! Wonderful! Only four hours to lunch.

        Lunch is at about twelve or one o clock. At lunchtime people usually only have a break of an hour. So they often just have a sandwich or a snack. In some shops they sell an amazing number of different sandwiches. Most people buy their food from 3_______________. Fresh food and convenience food. You don t prepare convenience food. You just put it in the oven or the microwave – even the traditional roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. The Robinson usually prepare their own food. Most people have their main 4_______ in the evening.

       And dinner – the evening meal – is usually at about six or seven o clock. People have meat or fish and vegetables. Pizza and pasta are 5_________, too. But people don t just eat at home.

       They also go out. And they don t always eat British food. Britain has a lot of foreign restaurants and British people like food from all over the world.  London has restaurants from over forty – two different countries. Chinese and Indian restaurants are very popular and so are Thai and 6___________. But what do British teenagers really like or not like?:

“I really like ice-cream.”

“I like chips and cheeseburgers.”

“ I hate cauliflower.”

“I hate sausage.”

“I love chocolate.”

“ I like bacon, but I don t like onions.”

“I don’t like pasta and vegetables.”

“I am a 7____________ so I don’t eat any meat or fish.”

“I like salad because I am a vegetarian.”

“I especially like pasta with loads of cheese on top.”

        The British also go out to eat traditional food – like fish and 8__________. And it isn’t expensive.

-Hello.-Cod and chips, please.

-Salt and vinegar? – Yes, please.

-Here you are. That’s 3.50, please.

-Thanks. – 9__________.


        British people eat three hundred million servings of fish and chips a year.

- Mmm! Delicious! This is my 10____________ food. What is yours?

I-Put the words:

II-Say True or False:

1- At breakfast milkmen bring milk to people s work.

2- At breakfast  milk and cereal , toast with jam or marmalade, fruit juice, tea or coffee is usual food.

3- Lunch is at about twelve or one three o clock.

4- At Lunch people  sell an amazing number of different cakes.

5- At dinner people have meat or fish and vegetables. Pizza and pasta are not  popular.

6- The British like  to eat traditional food – like fish and chips. And it isn’t expensive.

III-Answer the questions:

1-What do the British eat at breakfast?

2-What do the British eat at lunch?

3-What do the British eat at dinner?

4-What do teens like to eat?

5-What does convenience food mean?

6- What does traditional food mean?

IV-Ask five questions to find out the following:

1-location of the restaurants

2-directions to the restaurants

3-opening hours of the restaurants

4- price for dinner

5-discounts for students and old people

V- Study the pictures. When presenting a picture remember to mention:

1-when you took this picture

2-what| who is in the photo

3-what is the happening

4-why you took tis photo

5-why you decided to show the picture to your friend

You have to talk continuously

VI-Put the words according to their right part of speech:

1- Chinese and Indian restaurants are very…..                                              popularity

2- It is early morning in…..                                                                       British

3- In some shops they sell an amazing number of….. …..sandwiches.             difference

4- I am a …….                                                                                         Vegetation

5- This is  my …………….food.                                                                favor

6- I  like salad because ………… am a vegetarian.                                       me            

VII- Make the sentences in the Present simple:  . O + VI(s).

                                                                    ? Do | does + O +VI ?

                                                                    - O + do not | does not  + V1

1-British people (not eat) a lot of vegetables.      _______________________________________________  

2-They (prepare) convenience food?                   _______________________________________________

3- The British (go out)  to eat traditional food.   _______________________________________________                                          

VIII-Make the sentences in the Future simple:    . O+V1                            

                                                                               -O will not (won’t) + V1 .

                                                                               ? will + O+ V1?

1-British people (not eat) a lot of vegetables.      _______________________________________________

2-They (prepare) convenience food?                  _______________________________________________

3- The British (go out) to eat traditional food.        _________________________________________________

IX- Comment on the following statement.

Most people believe that food of your country is the most useful for you.

What is your opinion?


Предварительный просмотр:


«Healthy men»

Цель: развивать лексические навыки по теме здоровья, грамматические навыки использования прямой и диалогической  речи и воспитывать чувство ответственности за свое здоровье, воспитывать желание вести ЗОЖ, воспитывать интерес к тому,  что разрушает здоровья и что укрепляет здоровья.


1. Закрепить понятие ЗОЖ

2. Развивать способности к целеустремленной  коллективной и индивидуальной работе, импровизации, способность к речевым действиям, умение выражать свое мнение по теме.

Оборудование: плакаты с изображением полезных продуктов и здоровых людей, карточки с заданиями, мультфильм про спорт.

Виды контроля: 

3-контроль учителя.


«Healthy men»

Teacher: Hello students! Our lesson is called “ Healthy men”.  Today we are going to study through the play about health for men.

Let s start our lesson with wise words:

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”  Chinece Proverb

How can you connect these words with our theme?

Children: We can say that people can care about their body, health, spirit. They should start  do it in any time.

Teacher: Start our lesson. You were divided into two groups. The first, make a motto for your team. The second, write a motto.

Children: The first team has motto : “Health is above wealth”. The second team has motto: “Sport make health and spirit”.

Teacher: We can see eight hats. They are different colors:





5-Light blue



Now I give you a task. What team  make the task firstly, they will have a chance to rise up the hat.

Teams, you should combine word. (учитель выдает каждой команде карточки, команды должны составить слово «vegetable» из этих карточек.

Team 1: We are ready!

 Teacher: The Team 1 finished. You are right. It is Ok. You have a chance to rise up “The red hat”, read the task. You have a right to take “The red hat”.


Team 1: Combine the sentences. (Card 1)

Teacher: Who finish the first getting up your hands.

Team 2: We are ready!

Teacher: The Team 2 finished. You are right. It is Ok. You have a chance to rise up “The orange hat”, read the task. You have a right to take “The orange  hat”.


Team 2: Match the words and the descriptions. (Card 2)

Teacher: Who finish the first getting up your hands.

Team 1: We are ready!

Teacher: The Team 1 finished. You are right. It is Ok. You have a chance to rise up “The yellow hat”, read the task. You have a right to take “The yellow  hat”.


Team 1: Make the dialogue from the following problems. (Card 3)

Teacher: Who finish the first getting up your hands.

Team 2: We are ready!

Teacher: The Team 2 finished. You are right. It is Ok. You have a chance to rise up “The green hat”, read the task. You have a right to take “The green  hat”.


Team 2:  Continue the list of words. (Card 4)

Teacher: Who finish the first getting up your hands.

Team 1: We are ready!

Teacher: The Team 1 finished. You are right. It is Ok. You have a chance to rise up “The light blue hat”, read the task. You have a right to take “The light blue  hat”.


Team 1:  Watch the short cartoon and ask the questions. Video (любой мультфильм на тему спорт)

Teacher: Who finish the first getting up your hands.

Team 2: We are ready!

Teacher: The Team 2 finished. You are right. It is Ok. You have a chance to rise up “The  blue hat”, read the task. You have a right to take “The  blue  hat”.


Team 2:  Image that  you are a doctor. Give some instructions to use some phrases. (Card 5)

 Teacher:Who finish the first getting up your hands.

Team 1: We are ready!

Teacher: The Team 1 finished. You are right. It is Ok. You have a chance to rise up “The  violet hat”, read the task. You have a right to take “The violet  hat”.


Team 1:  Guess the words. (Card 6)

Teacher:Who finish the first getting up your hands.

Team 2: We are ready!

Teacher: The Team 2 finished. You are right. It is Ok. Now we should count the hats. How many have teams got the hats?

Team 1,2: We have equally hats.

Teacher: Ok. Friendship is winner. What did you know for you from the lesson?

Team 1,2:…………

Teacher: Thank you for your work! Good luck!

v e g e t a b l e

Card 1

Is  Dany  girl     a brave

Fan  is    an experienced  Steve

Natasha   swimming   loves

Card 1

time   Sport    fun    is

hard     worked   People

Paul     is     a highly     player

a nurse, a hospital, a doctor, a chemist, a dentist, a pharmacy

1-…..is a place where people who are ill are looked after by doctors and nurses.

2-…..is a person who has a shop where medicines are sold.

3-…..is a shop where medicines are sold.

4-…..is a person who treats people s teeth.

5-…..is a person who treats sick people.

6-…..is a person who takes care of sick or old people.

1-You eat a lot of sweets and chocolate.

2-You do not eat fruits and vegetables.

1-You have got a sore throat.

2-You have got a temperature.

Kinds of food: cabbage,_____________________


Human body: teeth,________________________


Human s characteristics: healthy,_____________



1-have a headache

1-don not watch TV

2-feel sick

2-take your temperature

3-have temperature

3-give up food and drink much water

4- have a cough

4-take medicines

5-have a backache

5-drink hot milk

6-have a toothache

6-visit a dentist at once

7-have a sore eye

7-stay in bed













Предварительный просмотр:

Hi. I am Jamie. I am 11 years old. I live in Walthamstow, in the south of England. This is my school day.

-Hi, Jamie!

-Hi, Chidi!

-What is the time?

-It is 8.30.

-Thanks, Jamie. See you at school. Bye.

-This is Annette. She is a Lollipop Lady. She helps us cross the road.

-Thanks Annette.

-You are welcome.

-This is my school. Forest school. We wear a school uniform.

-Thanks Mum. See you at half past three.

-Bye, Mrs. Cole.

-Thanks, Mrs. Cole. See you later.

-Goodbye girls. Have a good day.

-School starts at 8.30 with class registration.

-Good morning, Anuja.

-Good morning, Mrs. Bristow.

-Good morning, Angharad.

-Good morning, Mrs. Bristow.

-Good morning, Jamie.

-Good morning, Mrs. Bristow.

-Good morning, Michael.

-Good morning, Mrs. Bristow.

-Good morning, Chidi.

-Good morning, Mrs. Bristow.

-Now, It is assembly.

-Good morning, everyone.

-Good morning Mrs. Brown.

-Please turn to number 55 in your hymn books and please stand quietly.

-Lesson one starts at 9.30. Today It is art.

-Jamie, can you pass the paint, please?

-Here you are.

-Thank you.

-Can everyone tidy up now, please? It is time for break.

-It is 10.30. It is break time.

-I play games with my friends in the playground.

-Angharad, we are going to play it.

-Can I play?

-Of course!

-That is the end of break. It is 10.45.

-Today, lesson two is ICT. My favourite!

-Miss Watts! Can you help me, please?

-Yes, what is it?

-I want this red, not black.

-Ok, do this….and then do this.

-Now It is red! Thanks,  Miss Watts.

-It is 12.15. Lunchtime. I eat lunch in the canteen with my friends.

-Can I have pasta and salad, please?

-What have got for lunch, Angharad?

-I have ham and salad sandwiches, a banana and a packet of crisps.

-Can I have a crisps, please?

-Of course.

-Thanks! Cheese and onion – my favourite!

-Can we sit here, please?

-Yes, Ok.

-After lunch, we play in the playground. Lesson three starts at 1.15. Today, it is science.

- It is 3.15. The end of the school day. Time to go home!

-Jamie, are you walking home?

-Yes. Do you want to come to my house? Yes, Ok. Let’s go.  

I-Answer the questions:

1-Whate are names classmates at school?

2-What have they got lessons ?

3-When does lesson start and finish?

4-What is the lesson do you like from Jamie s lessons?

5-What is the lesson do you like?

III- Make your own dialogue “We are on the lesson …..”

II-Fill in missing words:

1-Hi. I am Jamie. I am 11 years old. I live in Walthamstow, in ………………

2- This is Annette. She is a …………….. She helps us ……………. the road.

3- This is my school……………. school. We wear a ………………. uniform.

4- School starts at 8.30 with class …................

5- Lesson one starts at 9.30. Today It is……...

6- Today, lesson two is ………. My favourite!

7- Lesson three starts at 1.15. Today, it is ………….

III-Say if the sentences are TRUE,  FALSE or NOT   STATED:

1-Jemie is 11 years old.

2- Lollipop Lady helps children to do exercises.

3- Angharad has got on lunch some milk and cakes.

4-ICT is Jamie s favourite lesson.

5- In break children play games with their  friends in the class.

6-The school day finishes at 3 p.m.

IV- Read about Jamie s school day. Do you have the same?

  My name is Jamie. I am 11. My school day starts at 8.50. We usually have 4 lessons. ICT is my fovourite lesson! But I

  I  don t  like music. I think it is useless subject. My lesson ends at 3.15.

We wear a school uniform: trousers, a shirt, a jacket and a tie. And you?  Please, tell and write me about your

school day.



Hi. I am Jamie. I am 11 years old. I live in Walthamstow, in the south of England. This is my school day.

-Hi, Jamie!

-Hi, Chidi!

-What is the time?

-It is 8.30.

-Thanks, Jamie. See you at school. Bye.

-This is Annette. She is a Lollipop Lady. She helps us cross the road.

-Thanks Annette.

-You are welcome.

-This is my school. Forest school. We wear a school uniform.

-Thanks Mum. See you at half past three.

-Bye, Mrs. Cole.

-Thanks, Mrs. Cole. See you later.

-Goodbye girls. Have a good day.

-School starts at 8.30 with class registration.

-Good morning, Anuja.

-Good morning, Mrs. Bristow.

-Good morning, Angharad.

-Good morning, Mrs. Bristow.

-Good morning, Jamie.

-Good morning, Mrs. Bristow.

-Good morning, Michael.

-Good morning, Mrs. Bristow.

-Good morning, Chidi.

-Good morning, Mrs. Bristow.

-Now, It is assembly.

-Good morning, everyone.

-Good morning Mrs. Brown.

-Please turn to number 55 in your hymn books and please stand quietly.

-Lesson one starts at 9.30. Today It is art.

-Jamie, can you pass the paint, please?

-Here you are.

-Thank you.

-Can everyone tidy up now, please? It is time for break.

-It is 10.30. It is break time.

-I play games with my friends in the playground.

-Angharad, we are going to play it.

-Can I play?

-Of course!

-That is the end of break. It is 10.45.

-Today, lesson two is ICT. My favourite!

-Miss Watts! Can you help me, please?

-Yes, what is it?

-I want this red, not black.

-Ok, do this….and then do this.

-Now It is red! Thanks,  Miss Watts.

-It is 12.15. Lunchtime. I eat lunch in the canteen with my friends.

-Can I have pasta and salad, please?

-What have got for lunch, Angharad?

-I have ham and salad sandwiches, a banana and a packet of crisps.

-Can I have a crisps, please?

-Of course.

-Thanks! Cheese and onion – my favourite!

-Can we sit here, please?

-Yes, Ok.

-After lunch, we play in the playground. Lesson three starts at 1.15. Today, it is science.

- It is 3.15. The end of the school day. Time to go home!

-Jamie, are you walking home?

-Yes. Do you want to come to my house? Yes, Ok. Let’s go.  

I-Answer the questions:

1-Whate are names classmates at school?

2-What have they got lessons ?

3-When does lesson start and finish?

4-What is the lesson do you like from Jamie s lessons?

5-What is the lesson do you like?

III- Make your own dialogue “We are on the lesson …..”

II-Fill in missing words:

1-Hi. I am Jamie. I am 11 years old. I live in Walthamstow, in ………………

2- This is Annette. She is a …………….. She helps us ……………. the road.

3- This is my school……………. school. We wear a ………………. uniform.

4- School starts at 8.30 with class …................

5- Lesson one starts at 9.30. Today It is……...

6- Today, lesson two is ………. My favourite!

7- Lesson three starts at 1.15. Today, it is ………….

III-Say if the sentences are TRUE,  FALSE or NOT   STATED:

1-Jemie is 11 years old.

2- Lollipop Lady helps children to do exercises.

3- Angharad has got on lunch some milk and cakes.

4-ICT is Jamie s favourite lesson.

5- In break children play games with their  friends in the class.

6-The school day finishes at 3 p.m.

IV- Read about Jamie s school day. Do you have the same?

  My name is Jamie. I am 11. My school day starts at 8.50. We usually have 4 lessons. ICT is my fovourite lesson! But I

I don t  like music. I think it is useless subject. My lesson ends at 3.15.

We wear a school uniform: trousers, a shirt, a jacket and a tie. And you?  Please, tell and write me about your

school day.



Предварительный просмотр:

Passive Voice


Present simple- O + am| is| are + V(3, ed)

                          O + am not| is not| are not + V(3, ed)

                          am| is| are + O + V(3, ed) ?

He is taken by her mum.-Его забирает мама.

Past simple- O + was|were + V(3, ed)

                     O + was not|were not + V(3, ed)

                     was|were + O  + V(3, ed)?

He was taken by her mum.-Его забирала мама.

Future simple- O + will be + V(3, ed)

                         O + will not  be + V(3, ed)

                         will + O + be + V(3, ed)?

He will be taken by her mum.-Его заберет мама.

1-В анг. яз. существуют 2 способа описывать одни и те же действия, сравните:

a-The teacher gave us a lot of homework.-Учитель дал нам много д/з

b-A lot of homework was given to us by our teacher.-Много д/з мы получили от нашего учителя.

2-В тех случаях, когда важно, кто или что совершает действие, используется предлог by.

He is taken by her mum.

Passive Voice


Present simple- O + am| is| are + V(3, ed)

                          O + am not| is not| are not + V(3, ed)

                          am| is| are + O + V(3, ed) ?

He is taken by her mum.-Его забирает мама.

Past simple- O + was|were + V(3, ed)

                     O + was not|were not + V(3, ed)

                     was|were + O  + V(3, ed)?

He was taken by her mum.-Его забирала мама.

Future simple- O + will be + V(3, ed)

                         O + will not  be + V(3, ed)

                         will + O + be + V(3, ed)?

He will be taken by her mum.-Его заберет мама.

1-В анг. яз. существуют 2 способа описывать одни и те же действия, сравните:

a-The teacher gave us a lot of homework.-Учитель дал нам много д/з

b-A lot of homework was given to us by our teacher.-Много д/з мы получили от нашего учителя.

2-В тех случаях, когда важно, кто или что совершает действие, используется предлог by.

He is taken by her mum.

Passive Voice


Present simple- O + am| is| are + V(3, ed)

                          O + am not| is not| are not + V(3, ed)

                          am| is| are + O + V(3, ed) ?

He is taken by her mum.-Его забирает мама.

Past simple- O + was|were + V(3, ed)

                     O + was not|were not + V(3, ed)

                     was|were + O  + V(3, ed)?

He was taken by her mum.-Его забирала мама.

Future simple- O + will be + V(3, ed)

                         O + will not  be + V(3, ed)

                         will + O + be + V(3, ed)?

He will be taken by her mum.-Его заберет мама.

1-В анг. яз. существуют 2 способа описывать одни и те же действия, сравните:

a-The teacher gave us a lot of homework.-Учитель дал нам много д/з

b-A lot of homework was given to us by our teacher.-Много д/з мы получили от нашего учителя.

2-В тех случаях, когда важно, кто или что совершает действие, используется предлог by.

He is taken by her mum.

Card 1

I-Translate into Russian language:

1-Many books are published in Russia.-

2-The machine was chosen.-

3-This program will be broadcasted again tomorrow.-

II-Put the verbs in the right form:

1-You (invite) by Bill.-

2- The desk (not break).-

III-Translate from Russian into English in Future Indefinite Passive

1-Сочинение будет написано ко вторнику.

2-Его пошлют в Нью-Йорк.

IV-Translate from Russian into English in Present Indefinite Passive

1-Я приглашаю-Меня приглашают.

2-Он присылает-Ему присылают.

3-Он вызывает-Его вызывают.


Card 2

I-Translate into Russian language:

1-The car is serviced at the garage.-

2-The police were told-

3-Your room will be cleaned tomorrow.-

II-Put the verbs in the right form:

1-The gates (paint) by master.-

2-The finger (not cut). –

III-Translate from Russian into English in Future Indefinite Passive

1-Факс будет отправлен завтра.

2-Новый костюм будет куплен.

IV-Translate from Russian into English in Present Indefinite Passive

1-Они сообщают-Им сообщают.

2-Рабочий строит-Дом строиться.

3-Писатель пишет книгу-Книга публикуется.


Card 3

I-Translate into Russian language:

1-The machines are tested before use.-

2-The book was finished yesterday.-

3-He will be introduced to the director.-

II-Put the verbs in the right form:

1-The room (clean) twice a day.-

2-The face (not wash).-

III-Translate from Russian into English in Future Indefinite Passive

1-Экзамены начнутся через две недели.

2-Стихотворение будет выучено студентами.

IV-Translate from Russian into English in Present Indefinite Passive

1-Студент помогает-Студенту помогают.

2-Профессор читает лекцию-Профессора спрашивают.

3-Врач советует-Им советуют.

Предварительный просмотр:

Progress Check “Passive Voice”

Variant 1

I. Fill(заполните) in the gaps

to be looked at

to be listened to

to be explained to

to be heard of


am listened to

am explained to


is looked at

is heard of


is listened to


is heard of


are looked at

are explained to


are explained to


are listened to

are heard of

II. Choose(выберите) the right word: by or with

  1. The house is built by|with people.
  2. The bus is driven by|with driver.
  3. The bottle of milk was drunk  by|with cat.
  4. The tables were made by|with robots.

III. Translate into English

  1. Обеспечивать деньгами
  2. Оперировать пациента
  3. Думать о будущем
  4. Смеяться над  шуткой
  5. Ухаживать за другом

IV. Choose(выберите) the right word

  1. Ann is/are provided money for.
  2. Teachers is/are listened to students.
  3. The police was/were sent for.
  4. The sofa was/were paid for.

V. Transform(переделайте) the Active forms  into Passive Forms

      1.  People in many parts of the world speak English.

      2.  They  usually eat bread and butter.

      3.  Father buy a new car.

      4.  He makes a spatial present for Tom.

VI. Make the sentences

  1. are by visited tourists many in st. Petersburg Museums.
  2. a wide brush is with The wall painted.
  3. by mother cooked was breakfast.

VII. Write the composition : “My own school”

Progress Check “Passive Voice”

Variant 2

I. Fill(заполните) in the gaps

to be send for

to be rich in

to be looked after

to be heard of


am rich in


is sent  for

is heard of


is rich in


is heard of


are sent  for

are looked after


are looked after


are rich in

are heard of

II. Choose(выберите) the right word: by or with

  1. The story was written by|with writer.
  2. The bottle of water was drunk by|with parrots. 
  3. The pie is made by|with sister.
  4. The vase was broken by|with puppy.

III. Translate into English

  1. Думать о школе
  2. Искать линейку
  3. Гордиться оценкой
  4. Обращать внимания на ошибки
  5. Полагаться на друзей

IV. Choose(выберите) the right word.

  1. Mark  is/are relied on.
  2. Phil was/were taken care of.
  3. The patient was/were operated on.
  4. Peter is/are relied on in any difficult situations.

V. Transform (переделайте) the Active forms  into Passive Forms

      1. My mother uses the TV.

      2. The child likes sweats.

      3. Classmates clean their room.

      4. She cares about her cat.

VI.  Make the sentences

  1. in 1666 destroyed by fire London was.
  2. cheese knife a special by was Cheese cut.
  3. by father repaired was The iron.

VII. Write the composition : “My own school”

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Control work  the 7 th form  V1

Present simple

1.Tick the correct sentence

1-a) I do my home work      2- a)Ray go for a long walk.     3-a)We don’t  get up.

   b)I does my home work       b)Ray goes for a long walk.     b)We doesn’t get up.

2. Complete the sentences

1-Ellen …her bedroom. (tidy)                

2-Sammy …TV on Sunday.(watch)      

3. Make negative form and positive form

1- Mark stays up late.     2-Zena writes e-mail.      

Present Continuous

4. Complete the sentences

1-They …around the country.(travel)            

2-Ben and I … to music.(dance)                    

Future simple

5.Rearrange the words


 2-work-will-they ?

3-I-will-a book-enjoy.                                  

4-he-Will- be busy?

6.Choose the right words

1-Can I give you_____advice?

  1. any   b) some    c) much

2-Look! There is so_____snow everywhere.

  1. few  b) many    c) much

3-I have to go shopping. We have got very_____food in the fridge.

  1. Little  b) many  c) few

Control work  the 7 th form  V2

Present simple

1.Tick the correct sentence

1- a)Ray go for a long walk.     2-a)We don’t  get up.

   b)Ray goes for a long walk.     b)We doesn’t get up.

2. Complete the sentences

1-I… a sandwich.( make)

2-Mum and Dad …relatives.(visit)

3. Make negative form and positive form

1-Zena writes e-mail.       2-I wear clothes.

Present Continuous

4. Complete the sentences

1-Phil… a poem.(study)

2-Boys… to school.(go)

Future simple

5.Make negative form

1-I will be at work tomorrow.

2-The doctor will have time to see you.

3-Ann will get a computer.

4-They will have some time.

6.Choose the right words

1-I m thirsty. Can I have____water?

  1. many  b) few  c) some

2-I can t go to the swimming pool on Monday, I have  to do ____hame work.

  1. a lot of  b) many  c) any

3-My parents bought ____milk.

  1. many    b)a lot of  c) any

7.Underline the word with the same or similar meaning:

  1. 1-to defend                        a)to save   b)to protect   c)to help
  2. 2-threat                              a)bulling    b)argument   c)warning
  3. 3-to succeed  in                 a)to be out of luck  b)to win  c)to manage

8.Put the word in the right form:


He has got the third…letter from the stranger.


Her mother…her to try her luck in the competition.


Now you are the…of this wonderful house. My congratulations!

9. Translate:

Walt Disney is a famous American producer. He created  funny Donald Duck, brave Mickey mouse, little Bambi and lovely Mary Poppins.  Walt Disney was born in 1901 and spent a lot of time on a farm. Then he managed his own company. He loved cartoons and was full of ideas. Walt Disney had clear aim of what he wanted.

7.Underline the word with the same or similar meaning:

1-mad                             a)ambitious  b)clever  c)crazy

2-tolerant                        a)patient       b)kind    c)ambitious

3-to argue                       a)ask             b)to disagree  c)to trouble

8.Put the word in the right form:


Our country is proud of these… people.


On July 4 th, 1776 the American colonies declared their… from Britain.


Students and teachers should always try to prevent…

9. Translate:

Mother Teresa was born in 1910 in Albania. Her real name was Agnes. When Agnes was only nine, her father died. The family became poor. But later mother opened a shop, and the business did well. That was the second lesson in her life from her mother: when life is difficult you must try, try and try again.

Предварительный просмотр:

Test V-1


to try one s chance

to take one s chance

to miss one s chance

to miss one s change

to take part in different kind of competitions

to win a competition

II-Translate the text

Andrey Sakharov was born in 21 May in Moscow. In 1942 he started his work in physics. In 1953 Sakharov became the youngest academician in Russia. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1975. In December 1987 Sakharov participated in the International Conference against atomic wars. He died on the 14 of December, 1989.

III-Choose the correct answer:

1-My brother hates….the dishes.

a)to wash  b)wash   c)washing

2-I Would like….my chance.

a)to try      b)try      c)trying

3-Could you, please, stop….to the Walkman?

a)to listen  b)listen  c)listening

IV- Make right words:


It was a…tour.


Be….! Don t break the mirror!


The hall was full. It was very….there.

V-Complete the sentences:

1-Would you mind…the door?(close)

2-Is she going to give up…tennis?(play)

3-I will have a cup of tea when I have finished… the letter.(write)


139, 587,  2458, 3457, 864, 784328

VII- Write the composition “My friend”

Class -7

Test V-2


to lose a competition

to be in luck

to  be out of luck

Good luck

It is a chance in a million

to miss one s change

II-Translate the text

Andrey Sakharov was born in 21 May in Moscow. In 1942 he started his work in physics. In 1953 Sakharov became the youngest academician in Russia. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1975. In December 1987 Sakharov participated in the International Conference against atomic wars. He died on the 14 of December, 1989.

III-Choose the correct answer:

1-The book is worth…..

a)to read    b)read  c)reading

2-I am sure they can…..the competition.

a)to win   b)win   c)winning

3-Would you mind ….the window?

a)to lose  b)close    c)closing

IV- Make right words:


It is a …day, isn t it?-Yes, wonderful.


They have already discussed this important…problem.


They study…. and French at school.

V-Complete the sentences:

1-The great painter enjoyed…in this park.(walk)

2-She doesn’t like…(travel)

3-Could you please stop…?(laugh)


156, 234, 2568, 638, 1010, 30000

VII- Write the composition “My friend”

Предварительный просмотр:

Progress check - 2 the 7th form


1-Use the phrase makes the dialogue:

How do you do?

How are you?

Where are you from?

I am from the Russian Federation.

Let me introduce my….

Pleased to meet you!

2-Translate the words:

1-the Great Wall of China




3-the Pyramids


4-olympic Games










3-Translate the sentences:

1.Many people speak more than one language.


2. Teachers, doctors, politicians, actors, engineers, and businessmen need foreign languages.


4-Put in: who or which and translate

1. Have you talked to the lady….lives on the ground floor?  


2. Has Andrew bought the book….he wanted?

____________________________________________________________________________________________             5.  Put the article “the” correctly:

I imagine myself going through jungles of 1…..South America. I also think of visiting 2…..China, 3….United State,          4……Spain.

 6. Put the verbs in Present simple Passive. Translate into Russia:

1. The post office ……….on Sundays.(to close)


2. A.Pushkin s poem …….abroad(to read)


3. This holiday …….in most English-speaking  countries. (to celebrate)


7. Write the composition: I want to know foreign language:


Progress check - 2 the 7th form


1-Use the phrase makes the dialogue:

How do you do?

How are you?

Where are you from?

I am from the Russian Federation.

Let me introduce my….

Pleased to meet you!    

2-Translate the words:

1-foreign language


2-first language


3-second language


4-to speak  a language


5-to learn a language


6-to be successful in


7-to succeed in        


8-a successful performance


3-Translate the sentences:

1.When we have learned one foreign language, learning a second foreign language is easier.


2. You must work hard to learn your first foreign language.


4- Put in: who or which and translate:

1.I am like the blouse….I am wearing.


2. Have you talked to the lady….lives on the ground floor?  


5- Put the article “the” correctly:

I imagine myself climbing mountains in 1…..Asia or in 2…..America. I often dream of fishing in long and deep rivers          of 3…..Russian Federation, watching penguins in 4……Antarctica.

6- Put the verbs in Present simple Passive. Translate into Russia:

1. The fruit salad ……of bananas and peaches. (to make)

2. The verbs “know, want, hate”…..not…..in Continuous tenses. (to use)

3. This holiday …….in most English-speaking  countries. (to celebrate)

 7-Write the composition: I want to know foreign language.  


Предварительный просмотр:

Progress Check. Unit 3

Variant 1

1.Choose the correct pronoun:

1-The parents want …to behave well at school.

  1. him     b) he      c) his

2-I want… to pay attention to your grammar.

  1. him     b) he      c) his

3-Would you like …to sit with baby

  1. they    b) their   c) them

2.Make the sentences

1-son  You  will  your  send  to  London.                 2-to Buckingham Palace   You  invite will.

3.Write another sentence with the same meaning using the Passive voice.

1-Students use computers at their lessons.

2-The teacher explained the rules of the game to the students.

3-The little boy drew these funny pictures.

4-Teacher explained the composition.  

4.Put the verbs in second conditional form.

1-If she… (be) more energetic, she… (try) her chance.

2-If she were in trouble , she …(phone) me.

3-If I… (be) you I… (try) to explain the problems to my parents.

5.Translate into Russia.

1. argue about something

2.the argument against something

3.trouble about something

4.have some troubles

5.hear of

6.laugh at

7.rely on

8.think of

9.look for



Progress Check. Unit 3

Variant 2

1.Choose the correct pronoun:

1-They expect… to arrange a party.

  1. I          b) my   c) me

2-Our teacher expects to think of our future.

  1. ours    b) us     c) we

3-Would you like to stay out of trouble.

  1. they    b)their   c) them

2.Make the sentences

1-One day     to the Moon    fly   will   you    2-One day   in your school    you    meet     will    Bruce Lee

3.Write another sentence with the same meaning using the Passive voice.

1-They arranged a nice picnic last month.

2-Ann cooks a special dinner on the 21-st of May.

3-My parents buy beautiful flowers every month.

4.Put the verbs in second conditional form.

1-If Mike… (do) his best at school, his parents would be happy.

2-If my parents… (allow) me a Saturday job, I would buy a new computer game.

3-If he didn’t do sport, he often… (fall).

5.Translate into Russia.

1-argue with somebody

2-the argument for something

3-look troubled

4-bea troublemaker

5-pay attention to

6-speak at

7-listen to

8-explain to

9-operate to




Предварительный просмотр:

Progress Check. Unit 4     7 сlass

Variant 1

1. Match the question and the answers:

1-Exuse me, where is the stadium?

a-No, thank you. I will find it myself.

2-Do you do any sports?

b-Twice a week.

3-Will I show you the way to the aerobics  class?

c-Oh, many of them.

4-How often do you go to a fitness club?

d-In fact I don t care.

5-Where do you do sports?

e-Wherever I can. Mostly in a fitness club.

6-Is it embarrassing to make mistakes in a class with lots of people?

f-It s over there.

2. Complete the sentences:

1-Be …! Don t break the mirror. (careful/carefully)

2-Look! That young sportsman is swimming very… (quick/quickly)

3-His new manager is lively and… (energetic/energetically)

4-Now I… skate four times a week. (usual/usually)

3.Write another sentence with the same meaning using the Passive voice.

1-They arranged a nice picnic last month.

2-Ann cooks a special dinner on the 21-st of May.

3-My parents buy beautiful flowers every month.

4.Put the verbs in second conditional form.

1-If Mike… (do) his best at school, his parents would be happy.

2-If my parents… (allow) me a Saturday job, I would buy a new computer game.

3-If he didn’t do sport, he often… (fall).

5.Read, translate and say what sports these people are talking of:

You can play this game at home or in the gym. You need a partner, a table, a small ball, a net and two small bats.


Vitamin C is in every fruit and vegetable. You can find this vitamin in the black currants, strawberries, oranges and grapefruits, onions, cabbages and green peppers. Vitamin C is important for building bones and teeth. It helps to prevent colds.

7.Write the composition “My favorite sport”

Progress Check. Unit 4   7 class

Variant 2

1.Match two parts:

1-In Latin “vita” means…

a-…a letter of the alphabet.

2-There are  lots of vitamins…

b-…in chips and other fast food.

3-You can hardly find any useful vitamins…

c-… optimistic, healthy and strong.

4-Vitamins are usually named by…

d-… in vegetables, fruit an other natural products.

5-People need vitamins to be…

e-… life.

2. Complete the sentences:

1-The boy works…at his English. (hard, hardly)

2-Oh, it s too… ! I should leave. (late/lately)

3-It takes me …40 minutes to get to the swimming pool. (near/nearly)

4-The sportsman was tired and could … speak. (hard/hardly)

3.Write another sentence with the same meaning using the Passive voice.

1-Students use computers at their lessons.

2-The teacher explained the rules of the game to the students.

3-The little boy drew these funny pictures.

4-Teacher explained the composition.  

4.Put the verbs in second conditional form.

1-If she… (be) more energetic, she… (try) her chance.

2-If she were in trouble , she …(phone) me.

3-If I… (be) you I… (try) to explain the problems to my parents.

5.Read, translate and say what sports these people are talking of:

A round ball is used in this game. Two teams of 11 players kick it. They are not allowed  to handle the ball.


Vitamin B6 and K are necessary for human blood. You can find B6 in beans and milk, K- in potatoes, tomatoes and carrots. Vitamins make people healthy, optimistic and strong. Remember: I eat to live, but I don t live to eat. Choose healthy food.

7.Write the composition “My favorite sport”

Предварительный просмотр:

Unit 3 Section 7 Second Conditional

1.Если у нас имеется условие- ЕСЛИ. Данное условие  маловероятно. При переводе мы используем частицу БЫ. Мы используем условие второго типа- Second Conditional

If + Past Simple……. | would/ might + infinitive

If they tried their chance, they would be champions.

Если бы они попытали свой шанс, то смогли бы стать чемпионами.( Действие маловероятно, используем частицу БЫ)

2.Глагол to be в условие употребляется в форме were  для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа.

If I were a teacher, I would go to museum. –Если бы я был учителем, я бы ходил в музей.


3. Предложение условие может быть как до, так и после главного предложения.

If they tried their chance, they would be champions.

условие                           главное предложение

They would be champions,  if they tried their chance.

главное предложение     условие

Unit 3 Section 7 Second Conditional

1.Если у нас имеется условие- ЕСЛИ. Данное условие  маловероятно. При переводе мы используем частицу БЫ. Мы используем условие второго типа- Second Conditional

If + Past Simple……. | would/ might + infinitive

If they tried their chance, they would be champions.

Если бы они попытали свой шанс, то смогли бы стать чемпионами.( Действие маловероятно, используем частицу БЫ)

2.Глагол to be в условие употребляется в форме were  для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа.

If I were a teacher, I would go to museum. –Если бы я был учителем, я бы ходил в музей.


3. Предложение условие может быть как до, так и после главного предложения.

If they tried their chance, they would be champions.

условие                           главное предложение

They would be champions,  if they tried their chance.

главное предложение     условие

Предварительный просмотр:

Alice: I need some pocket money. I have to find a job.

Joe: No problem. There is a job for you!

Alice: What kind of job is it?

Joe: Babysitting.

Alice: It sounds fine. What should I do?

Joe: It s easy. Just play.

Предварительный просмотр:

New words:

take medicine  

принимать лекарство

have a good sleep


have a rest


take your temperature

измерить температуру

take a hot bath| shower

принять горячую ванну, душ

stop worrying

не переживать

have fruit and vegetables

употреблять фрукты и овощи

give up meet| fast food| chocolate and sweets

не употреблять мясо, фаст фут, шоколад и сладости

go for a walk

ходить на прогулку

do morning  exercises  

делать зарядку по утрам

keep fit

сохранять фигуру

visit sports club or center

посещать спортивные клубы и центры

Be careful!

Будь аккуратен!

Don t worry…

Не переживай

Everything will be all right.

Все будет в порядке

have got a sore throat

Иметь больное горло

have got a stomachache

Иметь больной живот

have got a cold

Иметь простуду

have got a flu

Иметь грипп

New phrases:

1We have temperature, we stay in bed

У вас температура, у вас постельный режим.

2We have headache, we get a cold

У вас болит голова и началась простуда.

3We have toothache, we go to dentist.

У болит зуб, вы идете к дантисту.

4We have a runny nose and cough, we shouldn t miss school.

У вас насморк и кашель, но вы не должны пропускать школу.

5-What is the matter with you?

Что случилось с вами?

6-Doctor, I am ill, very ill.

Доктор, я болею, я очень болею.

New words:

take medicine  

принимать лекарство

have a good sleep


have a rest


take your temperature

измерить температуру

take a hot bath| shower

принять горячую ванну, душ

stop worrying

не переживать

have fruit and vegetables

употреблять фрукты и овощи

give up meet| fast food| chocolate and sweets

не употреблять мясо, фаст фут, шоколад и сладости

go for a walk

ходить на прогулку

do morning  exercises  

делать зарядку по утрам

keep fit

сохранять фигуру

visit sports club or center

посещать спортивные клубы и центры

Be careful!

Будь аккуратен!

Don t worry…

Не переживай

Everything will be all right.

Все будет в порядке

have got a sore throat

Иметь больное горло

have got a stomachache

Иметь больной живот

have got a cold

Иметь простуду

have got a flu

Иметь грипп

New phrases:

1We have temperature, we stay in bed

У вас температура, у вас постельный режим.

2We have headache, we get a cold

У вас болит голова и началась простуда.

3We have toothache, we go to dentist.

У болит зуб, вы идете к дантисту.

4We have a runny nose and cough, we shouldn t miss school.

У вас насморк и кашель, но вы не должны пропускать школу.

5-What is the matter with you?

Что случилось с вами?

6-Doctor, I am ill, very ill.

Доктор, я болею, я очень болею.

Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа

Conditional Sentences


  1. Make correct form:

a)Plants die if you (not| water) them.

b)If I had one million dollars, I (probably| buy) a house.

c)What a pity my husband is away! If he (be) here, he (help) us.

d)If I (get up) early tomorrow morning, I (go) at work.

  1. Translate:

a)Если я буду богатым, я куплю себе машину.

b)Если бы мой сын учил Д/З, он бы сдал экзамен.

c)Если бы я тогда прочитал Шекспира, то я бы знал много.

d)Если мы купим телефон, я позвоню тебе.

e)Если бы он приехал вовремя, он бы навестил нас.

f)Если бы у нас было больше денег, мы бы купили этот шкаф.

g)Если бы Джек вернулся. Она бы простила ему все.

Контрольная работа

Conditional Sentences


  1. Make correct form:

a)If Benjamin Franklin (not| work) so hard, he (not| become) the symbol of America.

b)If I (come) round at about six, It would be all right.

c)If you (not| be) at a loose end last month, you (pass) your exam.

d)If the water (be heated) to 100 C, it (boil).

  1. Translate:

a)Если он сдаст бумаги, я напишу отчет.

b)Если бы мы помыли полы, я бы был веселым.

c)Если бы моя мама тогда переехала в Америку, то я бы жил в Америки.

d)Если бы я тогда купил машину, то я поехал бы отдыхать.

e)Если бы он был здесь, он дал бы нам денег.

f)Если бы я пришел вчера, я бы дал вам книгу.

g)Если бы она не была больна на прошлой недели, она сдала бы экзамен.

Контрольная работа

Conditional Sentences


  1. Make correct form:

a)If pigs (have) wings, they (fly).

b)I (do) the same if I (be) in your shoes.

c)If I (see) her, I (speak) to her.

d)If I (know) about it, I (meet) you at the airport.

  1. Translate:

a)Если автобус приедем, то мы поедем на работу.

b)Если бы кошка помылась, то она была бы чистой.

c)Если бы тогда я отдал дневник, то мне бы написали замечание.

d)Если бы он решил уйти, то он бы ушел.

e)Если бы они остались дома, они посмотрели бы эту передачу.

f)Если бы она ушла в отпуск, она не выполнила бы это поручение.

Предварительный просмотр:

U2 S 5 Ex.42

I-Answer the questions:

1-How many of population do speak English?

2-How does doctors and scientists exchange their ideas?

3-How many does India have official languages and dialects?

4-How does English call?

5-Why is English politician?

6-Where does English use?

II-Say true or false:

1-About 60% of the world’s population speak English.

2-English is not the solution to communication problems.

3-Every pilot and ship’s captain don t speak English.

4-80% of all information in the worlds computers is in French.

5-Most international journalists have to know Japan.

6-English is the language of rock and pop music.

III-Put the words:

1-English is called the language of the…..and…..

2-Nearly…..of the companies……with each other.

3-English is the…….of rock and……music.

IV-Make the phrases and translate:



2-different groups





4-of communication






7-of people



V-Make the past simple:

1-Population (speak) English.

2-English (become) a mean of communication.

3-Most journalists (not to study) English.

VI-Make the words:

piooatpuln, seapk, drstooc, sinteicst, aswenr, qiueston, fdin, eyas, exhangce, iead, dinfferet, lgaungae, itionternnaal.

U2 S 5 Ex.50

I-New wards:

1-only great people-только великие люди

2-foreign language-иностранный язык

3-modern time-современное время

4-science and technical knowledge-научные и технические знания

5-so fast-так быстро

6-wait for translation-подождите для перевода

7-to know all the news in his field-знать все новости в своей сфере

8-I hope-я надеюсь

9-enough difficulty-достаточно сложно

10-all over the world-во всем мире

11-to discover-открыть

12-to connect-связать

II-Answer the questions:

1-Who can many foreign languages study?

3-What do specialists need foreign languages?

4-What are problems people will have without knowing English language?

5-What is the secret to know many languages?

6-How do you must work?

III-Say True or False:

1-Great people are the only ones who can learn many foreign languages.

2-All kinds of specialists need foreign languages in their work?

3-If a person only speaks his mother tongue, he will know all the news in his field.

4-to be up to date in the work a person should read texts in Esperanto on the Internet.

5-Learning a third foreign language is easier than learning a first foreign language.

6-You must work hard to learn your first foreign language.

IV-Translate from Russian into English:

1-Вы не должны думать, что только великие люди могут изучить много иностранных языков.

2-Если человек не знает иностранные языки, если он или она должны ждать перевод через переводчик, они могут не надеяться знать все в своей сфере.

3-Когда мы хорошо изучили один иностранный язык, то изучить второй язык намного легче.

4-Что бы хорошо знать иностранные языки, вы должны работать усердно, что бы хорошо изучить первый иностранный язык.

V-Make words and translate:

 Lnguaega, egtra, pleope, fireogn, modner, presrinogsg, ptiolciain, enngerie, bessumesinn, fespsioron, behind, lrnienag, dvcoiser.

VI-Make the future simple:

1-Person (know) foreign languages.

2-I (read) the text in English.

3-He (not hope0 to know his sphere.

VII-Make Present simple:

1-Some people (speak) more than one language.

2-All kind of specialists (need) foreign languages.

3-People (not know) foreign language.

Предварительный просмотр:

U3 S 7 ex 87. 88, 90 Surname________________

1-Match these expressions:

Stay after school


Have a special card


Write sentences


See the Head Teacher


Go to another school


2-Form nouns from the verbs:

1-to punish-punishment

1-to suspend-suspension

1-to invite-invitation

1-to work-work

2-to agree-

2-to exclude-

2-to educate-

2-to help-

3-to argue-

3-to discuss

3-to describe-

3-to love-

4-to state-

4-to finish-

3-Complete the sentences:

1-I think that the easiest punishment is……

2- I think that the hardest punishment is….

3- I think that the most pleasant punishment is…

4- I think that the most unpleasant  punishment is…

5- I think that the most effective  punishment is…

6- I think that the less effective  punishment is…

U3 S 7 ex 87. 88, 90 Surname________________

1-Match these expressions:

Stay after school


Have a special card


Write sentences


See the Head Teacher


Go to another school


2-Form nouns from the verbs:

1-to punish-punishment

1-to suspend-suspension

1-to invite-invitation

1-to work-work

2-to agree-

2-to exclude-

2-to educate-

2-to help-

3-to argue-

3-to discuss

3-to describe-

3-to love-

4-to state-

4-to finish-

3-Complete the sentences:

1-I think that the easiest punishment is……

2- I think that the hardest punishment is….

3- I think that the most pleasant punishment is…

4- I think that the most unpleasant  punishment is…

5- I think that the most effective  punishment is…

6- I think that the less effective  punishment is…

U3 S 7 ex 87. 88, 90 Surname________________

1-Match these expressions:

Stay after school


Have a special card


Write sentences


See the Head Teacher


Go to another school


2-Form nouns from the verbs:

1-to punish-punishment

1-to suspend-suspension

1-to invite-invitation

1-to work-work

2-to agree-

2-to exclude-

2-to educate-

2-to help-

3-to argue-

3-to discuss

3-to describe-

3-to love-

4-to state-

4-to finish-

3-Complete the sentences:

1-I think that the easiest punishment is……

2- I think that the hardest punishment is….

3- I think that the most pleasant punishment is…

4- I think that the most unpleasant  punishment is…

5- I think that the most effective  punishment is…

6- I think that the less effective  punishment is…

U3 S 7 ex 87. 88, 90 Surname________________

1-Match these expressions:

Stay after school


Have a special card


Write sentences


See the Head Teacher


Go to another school


2-Form nouns from the verbs:

1-to punish-punishment

1-to suspend-suspension

1-to invite-invitation

1-to work-work

2-to agree-

2-to exclude-

2-to educate-

2-to help-

3-to argue-

3-to discuss

3-to describe-

3-to love-

4-to state-

4-to finish-

3-Complete the sentences:

1-I think that the easiest punishment is……

2- I think that the hardest punishment is….

3- I think that the most pleasant punishment is…

4- I think that the most unpleasant  punishment is…

5- I think that the most effective  punishment is…

6- I think that the less effective  punishment is…

Предварительный просмотр:

I- Put the table




The Great Britain

1-What are the capital?

2-Are there any any other languages spoken in those countries?

3-What is something interesting?

4-Where is country situated?

Name of the country


Official language or languages

Full name

Short name




The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The United Kingdom/the UK/Great Britain




1-Where is it situated?

2-Whats its population?

3-Whats its capital?

4- Whats its Official language or languages?

 II-Match the countries and the words combinations:

Great Britain

Italy upside down


an  island  state

New Zealand

a  Lucky country


the  second  largest country in the word


a  real melting pot

III-Find pairs of the words that have similar meanings:

Big,  little, country,  peoples,  various,  powerful,  a capital, famous,  nearly,  also,  population,  at present,  twice, many,  to start.

a lot of ,  small, state, nationalities, strong, people, well-known, too, to begin, different, about, two times, now, a main city, large.

IV-Tell about Russia in the same way:


the continent

the capital

big cities

the populations

official language or languages


Предварительный просмотр:

U2 S7 ex 62-63

I-New words:

1-to be awarded a prize-быть награжденным

2-the award ceremony-церемония награждения

3-the award for smth goes to- награда за что-либо достается кому-то

4-to collect stamps| postcards-собирать марки

5-to collect oneself to do smth-собраться, что бы сделать что то

6-to collect your thoughts-собраться с мыслями

7-to collect tickets from the teacher-забрать у учителя билеты

II-Answer the questions:

1-What is Nine International Olympiad?

2-What should participants do on the Olympiad?

3-What will participants be given?

4-Who was the winner of Olympiad?

5-What did he say about yourself?

III-Say True or False:

1-Teens from 20 countries arrived on the 10-day Olympiad.

2-I brought to Moscow 215 young people aged 15-25 who studied Russian as a foreign Language.

3-Participants had to show their haircut and intellectual skills.

4-The German teenage Tylo  Dirksmeyer  was one of the winners of the International Olympiad.

5-Tylo Dirksmeyer speaks German, Japanese, Maori.

IV-Find international words in the text: Exotic,…….

V-Translate from Russian into English:

1-Подростки из 28 стран имели возможность общаться с людьми из России.

2-Участники должны были показать навыки чтения и общения, знание русской культуры и написать эссе.

3-Когда русский профессор назвал его имя, он запрыгал от радости и побежал за наградой.

4-Я хотел изучить экзотический язык.

5-Он сказал, что хотел бы продолжить изучать русский язык.

VI-Make the phrases:



for three


the best












VII-Make the wards:

anWt, otxice, luagenga, ssaiRun, ctinuone, esbt, oregnif, pitcoetmion, geenaetr, fsoespror, tiIutnste, dlgo, maled

VIII-Make the sentences into Present simple:

1-participants (have to) show their reading.

2-The winner (study) Russian literature and culture.

3-Teens (make) a lot of exercises.

IX-Make the sentences into Past Simple:

1-They (learn) Russian language.

2-He (have no) plan to study French.

It (bring) to Moscow 215 young people aged 8-19.

Предварительный просмотр:

1-Answer the questions:

My teacher should be________________________________________________________________________


2-Complete the sentence with should or shouldn’t:

1-You……….be late for your classes.

2-You………argue with your parents.

3-You………be attentive to your friends problems.

4-You………get on well with your family.

5-You………be honest with your friend.

6-You………eat too much.

7-You……...inform your parents if you are getting late.

8-You ……..tell your friends about your problems.

9-You……...mix with people who smoke.

10-You…….cross the street here.

3-Study the dialogue:

Alan: I am going for an interview next Friday.

Bob: Where and Why?

Alan: Another school, I am afraid. What should I Wear?

Bob: Well, you shouldn’t  look sloppy, you should look neat.

Alan: Do you think I should go on my bike or not?

Bob: It doesn’t matter. But you should be on time.

1-Answer the questions:

My teacher should be________________________________________________________________________


2-Complete the sentence with should or shouldn’t:

1-You……….be late for your classes.

2-You………argue with your parents.

3-You………be attentive to your friends problems.

4-You………get on well with your family.

5-You………be honest with your friend.

6-You………eat too much.

7-You……...inform your parents if you are getting late.

8-You ……..tell your friends about your problems.

9-You……...mix with people who smoke.

10-You…….cross the street here.

3-Study the dialogue:

Alan: I am going for an interview next Friday.

Bob: Where and Why?

Alan: Another school, I am afraid. What should I Wear?

Bob: Well, you shouldn’t  look sloppy, you should look neat.

Alan: Do you think I should go on my bike or not?

Bob: It doesn’t matter. But you should be on time.

1-Answer the questions:

My teacher should be________________________________________________________________________


2-Complete the sentence with should or shouldn’t:

1-You……….be late for your classes.

2-You………argue with your parents.

3-You………be attentive to your friends problems.

4-You………get on well with your family.

5-You………be honest with your friend.

6-You………eat too much.

7-You……...inform your parents if you are getting late.

8-You ……..tell your friends about your problems.

9-You……...mix with people who smoke.

10-You…….cross the street here.

3-Study the dialogue:

Alan: I am going for an interview next Friday.

Bob: Where and Why?

Alan: Another school, I am afraid. What should I Wear?

Bob: Well, you shouldn’t  look sloppy, you should look neat.

Alan: Do you think I should go on my bike or not?

Bob: It doesn’t matter. But you should be on time.

1-Answer the questions:

My teacher should be________________________________________________________________________


2-Complete the sentence with should or shouldn’t:

1-You……….be late for your classes.

2-You………argue with your parents.

3-You………be attentive to your friends problems.

4-You………get on well with your family.

5-You………be honest with your friend.

6-You………eat too much.

7-You……...inform your parents if you are getting late.

8-You ……..tell your friends about your problems.

9-You……...mix with people who smoke.

10-You…….cross the street here.

3-Study the dialogue:

Alan: I am going for an interview next Friday.

Bob: Where and Why?

Alan: Another school, I am afraid. What should I Wear?

Bob: Well, you shouldn’t  look sloppy, you should look neat.

Alan: Do you think I should go on my bike or not?

Bob: It doesn’t matter. But you should be on time.

Предварительный просмотр:

I-Answer the questions:

1-When was the World Youth Games?

2-What was the motto?

3-What was the mascot?

4-What did sports programme include?

5-What did cultural programme include?

II-Say True or False:

1-The World Youth Games were attended by more than 7000 young athletes of between 11 and 21.

2-The motto of the Games was  “Moscow, the wide world of youth”

3-The sport programme included twenty-five most popular sports.

4-The cultural programme included showing the national culture and traditions of Russia.

5-The cultural programme included trips to the best churches.

III-Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the appropriate form of the word:

1-The mascot of the ___________was a bear cub Mishutca.                                          GAMER

2-The ________________of the games consisted  of _________event.                         PROGRAMMER       SPORTIVE

3-The cultural programme was ______________for both the sportsman  and

the guests of the games.                                                                                                    INTERES

4-In the _____________club there __________ also meetings with Olympic          

champions.                                                                                                                        INTERNATIONALLY     TO  BE

5-There were girls and boys of ___________countries.                                                   DIFFERENTLY

IV-Make up sentences from the words and translate:

1- cultural  provided  The Games  events________________________________________________________________

2- were shown   of Russia    the national    They     culture and traditions ______________________________________

3- performances   programme    included    The cultural    theatre _____________________________________________

4-Moscow,    world of youth   the wide_________________________________________________________________

5- I  If  of the International  were  the president  Olympic Committee__________________________________________

V-Make notes under the following headings:

The date

The participants

The motto

The emblem

The mascot

The sport programme

The cultural programme

VI-Make up the Present simple:        

1-My family (remember) about The World Youth Games._________________________

2-My brother (not train) for The World Youth Games.____________________________

3-You (want) to take part in  The World Youth Games?___________________________

VII-Make up the Past simple:

1-The cultural programme  (contain)  a lot of interesting things.____________________

2-I (not see)  The World Youth Games._______________________________________

3-They (visit)  to Moscow on 12 July, 1998?___________________________________

VII- Study the retail:

On 11 through 19 July, 1998. The World Youth Games were held in Moscow. The motto was “Moscow, The Wide World of Youth”. The mascot of the games was a bear cub Mishutka. The sports programme included popular sports: soccer, volleyball, basketball est. The cultural programme included trips to the best historic and cultural centers of Moscow.

 I-Answer the questions:

1-When was the World Youth Games?

2-What was the motto?

3-What was the mascot?

4-What did sports programme include?

5-What did cultural programme include?

II-Say True or False:

1-The World Youth Games were attended by more than 7000 young athletes of between 11 and 21.

2-The motto of the Games was  “Moscow, the wide world of youth”

3-The sport programme included twenty-five most popular sports.

4-The cultural programme included showing the national culture and traditions of Russia.

5-The cultural programme included trips to the best churches.

III-Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the appropriate form of the word:

1-The mascot of the ___________was a bear cub Mishutca.                                          GAMER

2-The ________________of the games consisted  of _________event.                         PROGRAMMER       SPORTIVE

3-The cultural programme was ______________for both the sportsman  and

the guests of the games.                                                                                                    INTERES

4-In the _____________club there __________ also meetings with Olympic          

champions.                                                                                                                        INTERNATIONALLY     TO  BE

5-There were girls and boys of ___________countries.                                                   DIFFERENTLY

IV-Make up sentences from the words and translate:

1- cultural  provided  The Games  events________________________________________________________________

2- were shown   of Russia    the national    They     culture and traditions ______________________________________

3- performances   programme    included    The cultural    theatre _____________________________________________

4-Moscow,    world of youth   the wide_________________________________________________________________

5- I  If  of the International  were  the president  Olympic Committee__________________________________________

V-Make notes under the following headings:

The date

The participants

The motto

The emblem

The mascot

The sport programme

The cultural programme

VI-Make up the Present simple:        

1-My family (remember) about The World Youth Games._________________________

2-My brother (not train) for The World Youth Games.____________________________

3-You (want) to take part in  The World Youth Games?___________________________

VII-Make up the Past simple:

1-The cultural programme  (contain)  a lot of interesting things.____________________

2-I (not see)  The World Youth Games._______________________________________

3-They (visit)  to Moscow on 12 July, 1998?___________________________________

VII- Study the retail:

On 11 through 19 July, 1998. The World Youth Games were held in Moscow. The motto was “Moscow, The Wide World of Youth”. The mascot of the games was a bear cub Mishutka. The sports programme included popular sports: soccer, volleyball, basketball est. The cultural programme included trips to the best historic and cultural centers of Moscow.  

Предварительный просмотр:

Class 7 U 4 S 3 ex 56

  1. Answer the questions:

1-What was the competition?

2-Who was Nick?

3-How did Nick start their competition?

4-What did happen with Nick?

5-What did Nick do after the tragedy?

6-What did Nick tell to Janelle?

7-What did Janelle say Nick?

8-How do you think It was accident or tragedy? Why?

9-Have you ever had a similar experience?

  1. Work with text:

1-Find in the text  the word combinations that describe Nick s feelings after misfortune?

2-Act out a possible dialogue between Nick and a doctor after misfortune.

Class 7 U 4 S 3 ex 56

  1. Answer the questions:

1-What was the competition?

2-Who was Nick?

3-How did Nick start their competition?

4-What did happen with Nick?

5-What did Nick do after the tragedy?

6-What did Nick tell to Janelle?

7-What did Janelle say Nick?

8-How do you think It was accident or tragedy? Why?

9-Have you ever had a similar experience?

  1. Work with text:

1-Find in the text  the word combinations that describe Nick s feelings after misfortune?

2-Act out a possible dialogue between Nick and a doctor after misfortune.

Class 7 U 4 S 3 ex 56

  1. Fill in the missing letters and translate the following words into Russian:

Sur_ing comp_tition,  big wa_e,  lo_k,  ri_ht  ar_,  cou_h,  _ustralia, b_ach, colle_e, s_rongly, exc_ting, sudd_nly, pe_haps, goodb_e.

  1. Fill in the missing words and translate the following sentences  into Russian:

1-The surfing competition _______hot and ____.

2-He sat ___the beach and looked at the _____.

3-The water was in his ________.

  1. Match the two columns to make word combinations:

surfing                                    competition

strong                                     swimmer

new                                        board

white                                      beach

future                                     plane

  1. Study the text:

The day of the surfing competition was hot and sunny. The waves were very big but Nick was a strong swimmer and his new board was good. He sat on it in the water and waited. A big wave arrived and Nick started to swim strongly.

Class 7 U 4 S 3 ex 56

  1. Fill in the missing letters and translate the following words into Russian:

Sur_ing comp_tition,  big wa_e,  lo_k,  ri_ht  ar_,  cou_h,  _ustralia, b_ach, colle_e, s_rongly, exc_ting, sudd_nly, pe_haps, goodb_e.

  1. Fill in the missing words and translate the following sentences  into Russian:

1-The surfing competition _______hot and ____.

2-He sat ___the beach and looked at the _____.

3-The water was in his ________.

  1. Match the two columns to make word combinations:

surfing                                    competition

strong                                     swimmer

new                                        board

white                                      beach

future                                     plane

  1. Study the text:

The day of the surfing competition was hot and sunny. The waves were very big but Nick was a strong swimmer and his new board was good. He sat on it in the water and waited. A big wave arrived and Nick started to swim strongly.

Предварительный просмотр:

временное исключение из школы

наказание письмом

исключение из школы

оставление после уроков

запись в дневнике

lines report detention

suspension exclusion

Stay after school lines

Have a special card

Write sentences report

See the Head Teacher

Go to another school

suspension exclusion


Предварительный просмотр:

I-Read the rules:

be (am, is, are| was,were)/get used to smth- привыкнуть к чему-то

She isn t used to the strange weather in this country- она не привыкла к этой странной погоде.

be (am, is, are| was,were)/ get used to doing smth- привыкнуть делать что-то

People got used to polluted the planet- люди привыкли загрязнять планету




2-on the island-на острове

3-head and chests were covered-голова и щеки были покрыты

4-to climb trees-забираться на дерево

5-envious and greedy-злой и жадный

6-on four legs-на 4 ногах

7-look like-быть похожим

8-didn t tell lies-не лгать

9-in their language there was no words-в их языке не было слов

10-great difficulty in understanding- очень тяжело понять

11-to try to explain-попытаться выразить

12-to give and receive information-давать и получать информацию

13-to tell the truth-говорить правду

14-I was delighted to describe- мне хотелось описать

15-most successful words-самые успешные слова

16-difference of opinion-разное мнение

17-enemy s too strong-враг такой сильный

18-never hurt him-никогда не ранит его

19-thouthands of people-тысячи людей

20-I replied proudly-я ответил гордо

21-our guns and bullets-наше оружие

22- terrible things-ужасные вещи


II- Answer the questions:

1-Who is Yahoo?

2-Who is Houys?

3-Why didn t Houys understand the word lying?

5-How does Houys use language?

6-How did Guliver explain his life?

7-How did Guliver explain the word soldier?

8-Did Yahoo understand why people do such terrible things?

9-Why did Gulliver understand?

III-Say True or False

1-Houys are creatures who lived on the island.

2-Yahoos looked like horses.

3-Gulliver didn t understand the word lying.

4-Houys uses the words for wars.

5- Houys life was different from what Gulliver was used to.

6-Soldiers have killed thousand of flies in resent history.

7-European has modern guns.

8-Peace and truth began to seem more important than making war or making money.

IV-Put the words and translate:

1-I tried to…..

2-“But why …..anyone tell a lie?”

3-I began to see how….. Houys life was………from what I ……used to.

4-There are ………reasons.

5-"Sir, you do not …….much about European was”.

V-Make the phrases and translate:





on four








VI- Make the words and translate:

















VII- Make the words and translate:

Smemetois, ugn, ilsme, uEeropan, ianortmpt, nemoy, sbsipole, ldesior

Предварительный просмотр:

1.Translate and match:

1- How do you do?

a-от куда ты?

2- Pleased to meet you!-

b-как дела Сэм?

3- Where are you from?-

c-как дела?

4- I am from the Russian Federation.

d-позволь представить моего соседа

5- How are you Sam?

e-рад тебя видеть!

6- Let me introduce my neighbor

f-я из Российской Федерации

2. Make the dialogue:

1:How are you?

2:………………, and you?

1:I am fine. Let me ……

2:Nice to meet you!


2:I am from London.

3. Make the words:

Plseeda, fmro, vlie, twon, celnrat, iucndtroe, nboheigr, dCnaaa, etme, cmeo.

4.Translate from Russia into English:

1-Как у вас дела? Меня зовут Марина Иванова

2-Рад познакомиться с тобой!

3-Я гость на этой конференции.

4-Я знаю этот город в центральной России.

5-Позволь мне представить моего соседа.

1.Translate and match:

1- How do you do?

a-от куда ты?

2- Pleased to meet you!-

b-как дела Сэм?

3- Where are you from?-

c-как дела?

4- I am from the Russian Federation.

d-позволь представить моего соседа

5- How are you Sam?

e-рад тебя видеть!

6- Let me introduce my neighbor

f-я из Российской Федерации

2. Make the dialogue:

1:How are you?

2:………………, and you?

1:I am fine. Let me ……

2:Nice to meet you!


2:I am from London.

3. Make the words:

Plseeda, fmro, vlie, twon, celnrat, iucndtroe, nboheigr, dCnaaa, etme, cmeo.

4.Translate from Russia into English:

1-Как у вас дела? Меня зовут Марина Иванова

2-Рад познакомиться с тобой!

3-Я гость на этой конференции.

4-Я знаю этот город в центральной России.

5-Позволь мне представить моего соседа.

1.Translate and match:

1- How do you do?

a-от куда ты?

2- Pleased to meet you!-

b-как дела Сэм?

3- Where are you from?-

c-как дела?

4- I am from the Russian Federation.

d-позволь представить моего соседа

5- How are you Sam?

e-рад тебя видеть!

6- Let me introduce my neighbor

f-я из Российской Федерации

2. Make the dialogue:

1:How are you?

2:………………, and you?

1:I am fine. Let me ……

2:Nice to meet you!


2:I am from London.

3. Make the words:

Plseeda, fmro, vlie, twon, celnrat, iucndtroe, nboheigr, dCnaaa, etme, cmeo.

4.Translate from Russia into English:

1-Как у вас дела? Меня зовут Марина Иванова

2-Рад познакомиться с тобой!

3-Я гость на этой конференции.

4-Я знаю этот город в центральной России.

5-Позволь мне представить моего соседа.

1.Translate and match:

1- How do you do?

a-от куда ты?

2- Pleased to meet you!-

b-как дела Сэм?

3- Where are you from?-

c-как дела?

4- I am from the Russian Federation.

d-позволь представить моего соседа

5- How are you Sam?

e-рад тебя видеть!

6- Let me introduce my neighbor

f-я из Российской Федерации

2. Make the dialogue:

1:How are you?

2:………………, and you?

1:I am fine. Let me ……

2:Nice to meet you!


2:I am from London.

3. Make the words:

Plseeda, fmro, vlie, twon, celnrat, iucndtroe, nboheigr, dCnaaa, etme, cmeo.

4.Translate from Russia into English:

1-Как у вас дела? Меня зовут Марина Иванова

2-Рад познакомиться с тобой!

3-Я гость на этой конференции.

4-Я знаю этот город в центральной России.

5-Позволь мне представить моего соседа.

Article “the”

Мы не используем артикль “the”

  1. С названием континентов:Europe-Европа, North America- Северная Америка, South America- Южная Америка, Africa- Африка, Asia- Азия, Australia- Австралия, Antarctica- Антарктика.
  2. С названиями стран: France, Japan.
  3. С названиями городов: Samara, Kiev.

Мы  используем артикль “the”

The Russian Federation-Российская Федерация         The Czech Republic-Чехословацкая республика

The United Kingdom (the UK)- Королевство Великобритании      The United States( the USA)- США

1-Put in the if needed:

Travelling around….is fantastic. Sometimes I imagine myself climbing mountains in….Asia or in….America. I often dream of fishing in ….long and deep rivers of….Russian Federation, watching…penguins in …Antarctica, or breaking through….jungles of…South America. I also think of visiting….China,…..United States,…..Spain and…Netherlands sometime in future.

2-Fill in the article if it is necessary.

Last year I was in ….USA. It is a modern and beautiful country. …..capital of …..America is ….._____ Washington D. C. It is situated in …..North America. It borders (граничит) with …..Canada, …..Mexico and …..Russian Federation. You know, I am from …..Russia. ….Moscow is ….capital of my country.

3-Translate into English.

1-Мой друг из Соединенных Штатов Америки. Вашингтон – столица Америки.

2-Я живу в России. Российская Федерация – это самая большая страна в мире. Столица России – Москва. Я люблю свою страну.

3-Откуда ты? – Я из Соединенного Королевства. Моя семья живет в Англии.

Article “the”

Мы не используем артикль “the”

  1. С названием континентов:Europe-Европа, North America- Северная Америка, South America- Южная Америка, Africa- Африка, Asia- Азия, Australia- Австралия, Antarctica- Антарктика.
  2. С названиями стран: France, Japan.
  3. С названиями городов: Samara, Kiev.

Мы  используем артикль “the”

The Russian Federation-Российская Федерация         The Czech Republic-Чехословацкая республика

The United Kingdom (the UK)- Королевство Великобритании      The United States( the USA)- США

1-Put in the if needed:

Travelling around….is fantastic. Sometimes I imagine myself climbing mountains in….Asia or in….America. I often dream of fishing in ….long and deep rivers of….Russian Federation, watching…penguins in …Antarctica, or breaking through….jungles of…South America. I also think of visiting….China,…..United States,…..Spain and…Netherlands sometime in future.

2-Fill in the article if it is necessary.

Last year I was in ….USA. It is a modern and beautiful country. …..capital of …..America is ….._____ Washington D. C. It is situated in …..North America. It borders (граничит) with …..Canada, …..Mexico and …..Russian Federation. You know, I am from …..Russia. ….Moscow is ….capital of my country.

3-Translate into English.

1-Мой друг из Соединенных Штатов Америки. Вашингтон – столица Америки.

2-Я живу в России. Российская Федерация – это самая большая страна в мире. Столица России – Москва. Я люблю свою страну.

3-Откуда ты? – Я из Соединенного Королевства. Моя семья живет в Англии.

Предварительный просмотр:

Class 7 U 4 S4 ex 67,68

1-Find words or expressions in the text which have:

a similar meaning to the following

an opposite meaning to the following



made up his mind

have a low opinion of



had a good opinion of



have a rest



various sports



at the beginning

2-Find the sentences with the words in italics in the text:

the words in italics


own sentences in the words

Class 7 U 4 S4 ex 67,68

1-Find words or expressions in the text which have:

a similar meaning to the following

an opposite meaning to the following



made up his mind

have a low opinion of



had a good opinion of



have a rest



various sports



at the beginning

2-Find the sentences with the words in italics in the text:

the words in italics


own sentences in the words

Предварительный просмотр:

1-Match the words word combinations having the same meaning:

1-to argue



2-to disturb

3-to trouble



4-to discuss


5-a person who disturbs others

6-to worry

7-to express disagreement

2-Interview your classmates: How long does it take you to get to?

1-the nearest bus stop?

2-the nearest train station?

3-your favorite supermarket?

4-the disco club?

5-the stadium?

6-to your friend?

3-Fill in the table:



1-Where is she|he from?

2-How did she|he get to Russia?

3-How long did it take her|him to get there?

1-Match the words word combinations having the same meaning:

1-to argue



2-to disturb

3-to trouble



4-to discuss


5-a person who disturbs others

6-to worry

7-to express disagreement

2-Interview your classmates: How long does it take you to get to?

1-the nearest bus stop?

2-the nearest train station?

3-your favorite supermarket?

4-the disco club?

5-the stadium?

6-to your friend?

3-Fill in the table:



1-Where is she|he from?

2-How did she|he get to Russia?

3-How long did it take her|him to get there?

1-Match the words word combinations having the same meaning:

1-to argue



2-to disturb

3-to trouble



4-to discuss


5-a person who disturbs others

6-to worry

7-to express disagreement

2-Interview your classmates: How long does it take you to get to?

1-the nearest bus stop?

2-the nearest train station?

3-your favorite supermarket?

4-the disco club?

5-the stadium?

6-to your friend?

3-Fill in the table:



1-Where is she|he from?

2-How did she|he get to Russia?

3-How long did it take her|him to get there?

1-Match the words word combinations having the same meaning:

1-to argue



2-to disturb

3-to trouble



4-to discuss


5-a person who disturbs others

6-to worry

7-to express disagreement

2-Interview your classmates: How long does it take you to get to?

1-the nearest bus stop?

2-the nearest train station?

3-your favorite supermarket?

4-the disco club?

5-the stadium?

6-to your friend?

3-Fill in the table:



1-Where is she|he from?

2-How did she|he get to Russia?

3-How long did it take her|him to get there?

Предварительный просмотр:

временное исключение из школы

наказание письмом

исключение из школы

оставление после уроков

запись в дневнике

lines report detention

suspension exclusion

Stay after school lines

Have a special card

Write sentences report

See the Head Teacher

Go to another school

suspension exclusion


Предварительный просмотр:

Comparative and superlative forms of adverbs

Простые наречие









highest-выше всех

earliest-раньше всех

hardest-труднее всех

loudest-громче всех

  1. Please speak louder! I can t hear you!
  2. The boy gets up earlier than his sister.
  3. Which of them worked harder?

Сложные наречие



more lazily-ленивее

more correctly-более правильно

most lazily-ленивей всех

most correctly-правильнее всего

She drives more carefully in the evening.


slowly    slower-медленнее                    slowest-самый медленный  

               more slowly-медленнее           most slowly-медленнее

quickly  quicker-быстрее                       quickest-самый быстрый

               more quickly-быстрее              most  quickly-самый быстрый  


well-хорошо      better-лучше       best-самый лучший

much-много       more-больше      most-больше всего

badly-плохо       worse-хуже         worst-хуже всего

little-мало           less-меньше       least-меньше всего

Предварительный просмотр:

U3 S5 ex 66 Class 7 Surname_________________

Education in  Australia

What is education in Australia?

How are children educated there?

What is “School of the Air”?

What is “School through the Mailbox”?

Education in Great Britain

What is public school?

What is private school?

Education in USA

What is public school?

What is private school?

How are children educated there?

U3 S5 ex 66 Class 7 Surname_________________

Education in  Australia

What is education in Australia?

How are children educated there?

What is “School of the Air”?

What is “School through the Mailbox”?

Education in Great Britain

What is public school?

What is private school?

Education in USA

What is public school?

What is private school?

How are children educated there?

U3 S5 ex 66 Class 7 Surname_________________

Education in  Australia

What is education in Australia?

How are children educated there?

What is “School of the Air”?

What is “School through the Mailbox”?

Education in Great Britain

What is public school?

What is private school?

Education in USA

What is public school?

What is private school?

How are children educated there?

U3 S5 ex 66 Class 7 Surname_________________

Education in  Australia

What is education in Australia?

How are children educated there?

What is “School of the Air”?

What is “School through the Mailbox”?

Education in Great Britain

What is public school?

What is private school?

Education in USA

What is public school?

What is private school?

How are children educated there?

Предварительный просмотр:

Class___  Name_____

Who can study in Hampton school?

Where is Hampton school situated?

What do they study subject?

What are types of the sport there?

What can you say about uniform?

Class___  Name_____

Who can study in Hampton school?

Where is Hampton school situated?

What do they study subject?

What are types of the sport there?

What can you say about uniform?

Class___  Name_____

Who can study in Hampton school?

Where is Hampton school situated?

What do they study subject?

What are types of the sport there?

What can you say about uniform?

Class___  Name_____

Who can study in Hampton school?

Where is Hampton school situated?

What do they study subject?

What are types of the sport there?

What can you say about uniform?

Притяжательные местоимения


Притяжательные местоимения, требующие после себя существительное

Притяжательные местоимения, не требующие после себя существительное.















It s her medal.

There are your cassettes.








It s hers.

There are yours.

Her uniform is the same as mine.

Her uniform is different from mine.


1-What is education in Australia?

2-What is age of education?

3-How can you describe  “School of the air”

4-How do they attending the schools of the air ?

5-How can you describe “School through the mail box”?

Притяжательные местоимения


Притяжательные местоимения, требующие после себя существительное

Притяжательные местоимения, не требующие после себя существительное.















It s her medal.

There are your cassettes.








It s hers.

There are yours.

Her uniform is the same as mine.

Her uniform is different from mine.


1-What is education in Australia?

2-What is age of education?

3-How can you describe  “School of the air”

4-How do they attending the schools of the air ?

5-How can you describe “School through the mail box”?

Притяжательные местоимения


Притяжательные местоимения, требующие после себя существительное

Притяжательные местоимения, не требующие после себя существительное.















It s her medal.

There are your cassettes.








It s hers.

There are yours.

Her uniform is the same as mine.

Her uniform is different from mine.


1-What is education in Australia?

2-What is age of education?

3-How can you describe  “School of the air”

4-How do they attending the schools of the air ?

5-How can you describe “School through the mail box”?

Притяжательные местоимения


Притяжательные местоимения, требующие после себя существительное

Притяжательные местоимения, не требующие после себя существительное.















It s her medal.

There are your cassettes.








It s hers.

There are yours.

Her uniform is the same as mine.

Her uniform is different from mine.


1-What is education in Australia?

2-What is age of education?

3-How can you describe  “School of the air”

4-How do they attending the schools of the air ?

5-How can you describe “School through the mail box”?

Предварительный просмотр:

I-Answer the questions:

1-What was the day of surfing competition?

2-What was Nick as swimmer?

3-What did happen with Nick?

4-How did Nick behave after leaving the sea?

5-What did Brian do?

II-Say True or False:

1-The day of surfing competition was cold and rainy.

2-Nick started to swim slowly.

3-The people on the beach watched for Nick and Brian.

4-Nick s leg was hurt.

5-Nick hit Brian.

6-Brian won the competition.

III-Match and translate the words:




to my plans


the beach






to move



IV-Translate from English into Russian:

1-Some of them started to talk to him.

2-Janelle walked across the beach to him.

3-I hurt my arm – but perhaps it was an accident.

4-Well, I lost the competition.

V-Translate from Russia into English:

1-Волна была очень большая, но Ник был сильный пловец.

2-Вторая волна ударила Ника, и он увидел доску Браяна над собой.

3-Он сидел на пляже и смотрел на волну.

4-Браян выиграл, прощайте мои планы о поездке в колледж.

VI-Present Perfect:

I have fed the horses and now I can have my lunch.

Я уже покормил лошадей и сейчас могу пойти перекусить.

+ O +have| has +V 3(ed).

_ O + haven t | hasn t +V 3(ed)..

? Have| Has +O +V3(ed)?


1-Nick (start) to swim strongly.____________________________________________________

2-Nick (catch) the wave well and (stand up) on his board._______________________________

3-Nick (fall) from his board. ______________________________________________________


1-Nick (not say) Brian about accident._______________________________________________

2-Boys 9not be) the best friends.____________________________________________________

3-I (not cut) you.________________________________________________________________


1-Who (win) the competition?_____________________________________________________

2-This (to be ) accident?__________________________________________________________

3-Nick (hear) a noise?____________________________________________________________

I-Answer the questions:

1-What was the day of surfing competition?

2-What was Nick as swimmer?

3-What did happen with Nick?

4-How did Nick behave after leaving the sea?

5-What did Brian do?

II-Say True or False:

1-The day of surfing competition was cold and rainy.

2-Nick started to swim slowly.

3-The people on the beach watched for Nick and Brian.

4-Nick s leg was hurt.

5-Nick hit Brian.

6-Brian won the competition.

III-Match and translate the words:




to my plans


the beach






to move



IV-Translate from English into Russian:

1-Some of them started to talk to him.

2-Janelle walked across the beach to him.

3-I hurt my arm – but perhaps it was an accident.

4-Well, I lost the competition.

V-Translate from Russia into English:

1-Волна была очень большая, но Ник был сильный пловец.

2-Вторая волна ударила Ника, и он увидел доску Браяна над собой.

3-Он сидел на пляже и смотрел на волну.

4-Браян выиграл, прощайте мои планы о поездке в колледж.

VI-Present Perfect:

I have fed the horses and now I can have my lunch.

Я уже покормил лошадей и сейчас могу пойти перекусить.

+ O +have| has +V 3(ed).

_ O + haven t | hasn t +V 3(ed)..

? Have| Has +O +V3(ed)?


1-Nick (start) to swim strongly.____________________________________________________

2-Nick (catch) the wave well and (stand up) on his board._______________________________

3-Nick (fall) from his board. ______________________________________________________


1-Nick (not say) Brian about accident._______________________________________________

2-Boys 9not be) the best friends.____________________________________________________

3-I (not cut) you.________________________________________________________________


1-Who (win) the competition?_____________________________________________________

2-This (to be ) accident?__________________________________________________________

3-Nick (hear) a noise?____________________________________________________________

Предварительный просмотр:

Unit 3 Section 3   Modal verbs

  1. must- должен

We mustn’t stay here any longer.- Мы не должны оставаться здесь больше.

  1. need- нуждаться

We needn’t  stay here any longer.- Нам нет необходимости оставаться здесь больше.

  1. have to- следует/ надо

You have to ready for your test.- Вы должны быть готовы к своему тесту.

  1. should- следует

You should see that film.- Тебе следует посмотреть этот фильм.

Unit 3 Section 3   Modal verbs

  1. must- должен

We mustn’t stay here any longer.- Мы не должны оставаться здесь больше.

  1. need- нуждаться

We needn’t  stay here any longer.- Нам нет необходимости оставаться здесь больше.

  1. have to- следует/ надо

You have to ready for your test.- Вы должны быть готовы к своему тесту.

  1. should- следует

You should see that film.- Тебе следует посмотреть этот фильм.

Unit 3 Section 3   Modal verbs

  1. must- должен

We mustn’t stay here any longer.- Мы не должны оставаться здесь больше.

  1. need- нуждаться

We needn’t  stay here any longer.- Нам нет необходимости оставаться здесь больше.

  1. have to- следует/ надо

You have to ready for your test.- Вы должны быть готовы к своему тесту.

  1. should- следует

You should see that film.- Тебе следует посмотреть этот фильм.

Unit 3 Section 3   Modal verbs

  1. must- должен

We mustn’t stay here any longer.- Мы не должны оставаться здесь больше.

  1. need- нуждаться

We needn’t  stay here any longer.- Нам нет необходимости оставаться здесь больше.

  1. have to- следует/ надо

You have to ready for your test.- Вы должны быть готовы к своему тесту.

  1. should- следует

You should see that film.- Тебе следует посмотреть этот фильм.

Unit 3 Section 3   Modal verbs

  1. must- должен

We mustn’t stay here any longer.- Мы не должны оставаться здесь больше.

  1. need- нуждаться

We needn’t  stay here any longer.- Нам нет необходимости оставаться здесь больше.

  1. have to- следует/ надо

You have to ready for your test.- Вы должны быть готовы к своему тесту.

  1. should- следует

You should see that film.- Тебе следует посмотреть этот фильм.

Unit 3 Section 3   Modal verbs

  1. must- должен

We mustn’t stay here any longer.- Мы не должны оставаться здесь больше.

  1. need- нуждаться

We needn’t  stay here any longer.- Нам нет необходимости оставаться здесь больше.

  1. have to- следует/ надо

You have to ready for your test.- Вы должны быть готовы к своему тесту.

  1. should- следует

You should see that film.- Тебе следует посмотреть этот фильм.

Предварительный просмотр:

Present simple

+    0 + V/V(s)                           She likes a cat.

_    0 +don t/ doesn’t  + V         She doesn’t like a cat.

?    Do/Does +0+V?                  Does she like a cat?

Present Continuous

+   0 + am|is|are +V(ing)          She is reading a book.

_   0 + am|is|are not +V(ing)   She isn’t  reading a book.

?   am|is|are +0+V(ing)            Is she reading a book?

Future simple

+ 0+will + V.                            She will  study  a game.

_ 0+ won t + V.                        She won t study a game.

?  will + 0+ V?                         Will she study a game?

Present simple

+    0 + V/V(s)                           She likes a cat.

_    0 +don t/ doesn’t  + V         She doesn’t like a cat.

?    Do/Does +0+V?                  Does she like a cat?

Present Continuous

+   0 + am|is|are +V(ing)          She is reading a book.

_   0 + am|is|are not +V(ing)   She isn’t  reading a book.

?   am|is|are +0+V(ing)            Is she reading a book?

Future simple

+ 0+will + V.                            She will  study  a game.

_ 0+ won t + V.                        She won t study a game.

?  will + 0+ V?                         Will she study a game?

Present simple

1.Tick the correct sentence

1-a) I do my home work      2- a)Ray go for a long walk.     3-a)We don’t  get up.

   b)I does my home work       b)Ray goes for a long walk.     b)We doesn’t get up.

2. Complete the sentences

1-Ellen …her bedroom. (tidy)                2-I… a sandwich.( make)

3-Sammy …TV on Sunday.(watch)       3-Mum and Dad …relatives.(visit)

3. Make negative form and positive form

1- Mark stays up late.     2-Zena writes e-mail.       3-I wear clothes.

Present Continuous

Complete the sentences

1-They …around the country.(travel)             2-Phil… a poem.(study)

3-Ben and I … to music.(dance)                     4-Boys… to school.(go)

Future simple

1.Rearrange the words

1-will-see-manager-you                                 2-work-will-they ?

3-I-will-a book-enjoy.                                   4-he-Will- be busy?

2.Make negative form

1-I will be at work tomorrow.

2-The doctor will have time to see you.

3-Ann will get a computer.

4-They will have some time.

Предварительный просмотр:

Passive Voice

Active form

Passive form


I use a computer every day.-Я использую компьютер каждый день.

M+to be(am, is, are) +V(3,ed)

The computer is used every day by me.- Компьютер используется мной каждый день.

1-в пассивном залоге мы используем  by   или  with  :

by - перед одушевленным предметом.-The museums are visited by tourists.

with - перед предметом, которое используют для совершения действия.

-The wall is painted with a wide brush.

2-Фразовые глаголы:

hear of

слышать о

pay attention to

обращать внимания на

take care of

заботиться о

Laugh at

смеяться над

Look at

смотреть на

Look after

ухаживать за

make fun of

насмехаться над

rely on

полагаться на

depend on

зависеть от

send for

посылать за

speak of

говорить о

talk about

говорить о

think of

думать о

Listen to


provide for


explain to


Look for


operate on


pay for


be rich in

быть богатым

Be proud of


Passive Voice

Active form

Passive form


I use a computer every day.-Я использую компьютер каждый день.

M+to be(am, is, are) +V(3,ed)

The computer is used every day by me.- Компьютер используется мной каждый день.

1-в пассивном залоге мы используем  by   или  with  :

by - перед одушевленным предметом.-The museums are visited by tourists.

with - перед предметом, которое используют для совершения действия.

-The wall is painted with a wide brush.

2-Фразовые глаголы:

hear of

слышать о

pay attention to

обращать внимания на

take care of

заботиться о

Laugh at

смеяться над

Look at

смотреть на

Look after

ухаживать за

make fun of

насмехаться над

rely on

полагаться на

depend on

зависеть от

send for

посылать за

speak of

говорить о

talk about

говорить о

think of

думать о

Listen to


provide for


explain to


Look for


operate on


pay for


be rich in

быть богатым

Be proud of


Предварительный просмотр:




Honey is sweet, but the bee stings.
He laughs best who laughs last.
Better untaught than ill taught.
A fool and his money are soon parted.
First come, first served.

Видит око, да зуб неймет.
Хорошо смеется тот, кто смеется последний.
Недоученный хуже неученого.
У дурака в горсти дыра.
Поздно пришел, кости нашел.



Business is business.
All is well that ends well.
A cat in gloves catches no mice.
Waste not, want not.
By hook or by crook.
Nothing must be done in haste but killing of fleas.

Дело есть дело.
Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается.
Без труда не вытащишь и рыбки из пруда.
Мотовство до добра не доведет.
Не мытьем, так катаньем.
Поспешность нужна только при ловле блох.



Haste makes waste.
Like begets like.
There’s no joy without alloy.
Out of sight, out of mind.
То know everything is to know nothing.
He that fears death lives not.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
What can’t be cured must be endured.

Поспешишь – людей насмешишь.
Подобное рождает подобное.
Нет розы без шипов.
С глаз долой - из сердца вон.
Знать все значит ничего не знать.
Раньше смерти не умрешь.
Где хотенье, там и уменье.
Что о том тужить, чего нельзя воротить.



Practice makes perfect.
Barking dogs seldom bite.
Better the foot slip than the tongue.
Dog does not eat dog.
Curiosity killed the cat.
A good beginning makes a good ending.

Повторение – мать учения.
Собака, что лает – редко кусает.
Лучше оступиться, чем оговориться.
Ворон ворону глаз не выклюет.
Любопытной Варваре на базаре нос оторвали.
Зачин дело красит. Лиха беда начало.



Such carpenters, such chips.
A good Jack makes a good Jill.

Видно мастера по работе.
У хорошего мужа и жена хороша.



Many men, many minds.
No news (is) good news.
By doing nothing we learn to do ill. 

Сколько голов, столько умов.
Отсутствие новостей – хорошая новость.
Праздность (безделье) – мать всех пороков.



Fight fire with fire.
Live and let live.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
It’s neither here nor there.
Score twice before you cut once.
Easy does it.
Wishes don’t wash dishes.
Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.
Every man has his hobby-horse.

Клин клином вышибают.
Сам живи и другим не мешай.
Не рискуешь – не добудешь.
Это ни к селу, ни городу.
Семь раз отмерь, один раз отрежь.
Тише едешь, дальше будешь.
Если бы да кабы во рту росли грибы.
Ешь вволю, пей в меру.
У каждого человека есть свой конек.




Live and learn.
Time works wonders.
Little friends may prove great friends.

Youth yearns to be old while age yearns to be young again.

Век живи, век учись.
Время творит чудеса.
Маленькие друзья иногда оказывают большие услуги.
Казаться старше юноши желают, обратно в юность старые хотят.


A Cradle Song


Sleep, sleep, beauty bright
Dreaming over the toys of night.
Sleep, sleep: in the sleep
Little sorrows sit and weep.

By W. Blake

The Telephone


Friends a hundred miles apart
Sit and chatter heart to heart,
Boys and girls from school afar
Speak to mother, ask papa.

By Alfred H. Miles



And there are many other balls
We find at pleasure’s source –
The croquet ball, the hockey ball.
The skittle ball, lacrosse,
And smaller ball, the marble balls,
And bearing balls, of course.

By Alfred H. Miles


I have two legs
With which I walk:
I have a tongue
With which I talk,
And with it too,
I eat my food
and tell
If it’s bad or good.


The early bird so I have heard,
Catches the worm, and ‘pon my word,
I know two chaps and yet a third
Could learn a lesson from that bird.


Stop! Look! Listen!
Before you cross the street.
Use your eyes, use your ears,
And then use your feet!

Queen Mab’s Chariot


Fib, and Tib, and Pink, and Pin,
Pick, and Quick, and Jill, and Jin,
Tit, and Nit, and Wap, and Wim –
The train that wait upon her.

By M. Drayton

March, march, head erect
Left, right, that’s correct.

Alas, Alack!


Ann, Ann?
Come quick as you can!
There’s a fish that talks
In the frying-pan.
Out of the fat,
As clear as glass,
He put up his mouth
and moaned “Alas”
Oh, most mournful,
“Alas, alack!”
Then turned to the sizzling,
And sank him back.

By W. de La Mare

Wash, hands, wash,
Daddy’s gone to plough.
Splash, hands, splash,
They’re all washed now.
Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat,
Will you catch that big fat rat?
It is sitting by the ham
Just behind the apple jam.
Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat,
That fat rat is very bad.
If you catch it, I’ll be glad.
I’ll give you some milk for that.

The Washing-up Song


Sing a song of washing up,
Water hot as hot.
Cups and saucers, plates and spoons,
Dishes such a lot!
Work the dish mop round and round,
Wash them clean as clean
Polish with a dry white cloth,
How busy we have been!

By E. Gould

Hickory, dickory, dock!
Hickory, dickory, dock!
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down,
Hickory, dickory, dock!

The Listening Woods


I looked at the shadowed mosses,
I looked at the nests overhead,
I looked at the small brook dreaming
Alone in its sandy bed.

By Ida W.Benham

The Brook


Grumbling, stumbling,
Fumbling all the day,
Fluttering, stuttering,
Muttering away,
Rustling, hustling,
Bustling as it flows,
That it how the brook talks,
Bubbling as it goes.

By A. Tennyson

Dust of Snow


The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I have rued.

By R. Frost

Spring Rain


Rain, rain, rain, April rain,
You are feeding seed and grain,
You are raising plants and crops
With your gaily sparkling drops.

The Lion


Oh, weep for Mr. and Mrs. Bryan!
He was eaten by a lion,
Following which, the lion’s lioness
Up and swallowed Bryan’s Bryaness.

By O. Nash


Said the Crab unto the Oyster
Do not loiter in this cloister,
Join me in a voyage rare,
Up into the moist salt air.
Noise and turmoil would annoy me,
Toil and trouble, too would cloy me,
Should I leave this royal cloister
Adroitly rejoined the oyster.

By L. Carroll

Autumn Leaves



Autumn leaves tumble down,
Autumn leaves crumble down,
Autumn leaves bumble down,
Flaking and shaking,
Tumbledown leaves.

No, No, November


Autumn crowns the glowing sphere,
Winter’s grasp is full of cheer,
You between them, sad and dear,
Bind your brows with leafage sere,
Saying, “I remember
When the year was not a bier” –
Ah, woe, November!

Good Night


Here’s a Body – there’s a bed!
There’s a pillow – here’s a head!
There’s a curtain – here’s a light!
There’s a puff – and so good night!

By J. Wallace

Outer Space


But outer space,
At least thus far,
For all the fuss
Of the populace
Stays more popular
Than populous.

By R. Frost


Butterfly, butterfly,
Where do you fly,
So quick and so high
In the blue, blue sky?

[t], [d], [k]

I have a cat
His name is Pit;
And by the fire
He likes to sit
Each day I bring him
A dish of milk,
And smooth his coat
That shines like silk.
And on my knee
He likes to sit
For Pit loves me
And I love Pit.

Come to Dinner

Come to dinner,
come to dinner,
Ding – dong – dell,
Ding – dong – dell,
Soup, meat and potatoes,
Soup, meat and potatoes,
Ding – dong – dell.
Ding – dong – dell.

Golden Hour


Golden in the garden,
Golden in the glen,
Golden, golden, golden,
September’s here again!
Golden in the tree tops,
Golden in the sky,
Golden, golden, golden
September’s passing by.

By J. Keats



Children, aunts are not glamorous creatures,
As very often their features
Tend to be elderly caricatures of your own.

By V. Graham

Algy Met a Bear


Algy met a bear,
The bear was bulgy,
The bulge was Algy.

By Ed. Lear

God made the Bees


God made the bees,
And the bees make honey,
The miller’s man does all the work,
But the miller makes the money.

By L. Bowen


If many men know
What many men know,
If many men went
Where many men go,
If many men did
What many men do,
The world would be better –
I think so; don’t you?

By B.R. Hudelson


In the spring,
In the spring,
Sweet and fresh is everything.
Winter winds are no more blowing,
In the fields all is growing,
In the spring,
In the spring,
Sweet and fresh is everything!

To a Butterfly


I’ve watched you now a full half-hour,
Self-poised upon that yellow flower,
And, little butterfly! Indeed
I know not if you sleep or feed

By W. Wordsworth

The Tide in the River

The tide in the river,
The tide in the river
The tide in the river runs deep,
I saw a shiver,
Pass over the river
As the tide turned in its sleep.

By E. Farjcon

The Golden Legend


A thousand faiths with a common dream
A thousand tongues with a common theme
A thousand thoughts with a single plan:
Peace on earth and goodwill to man!

By J. Wallace



Here’s health to all those that we love,
Here’s health to all those that love us,
Here’s health to all those that love them
That love those that love us!



In the morning the city
Spreads its wing
Making a song
In stone that sings.

In the evening the city
Goes to bed
hanging lights
About its head.

By L. Hughes

When a Man’s Busy


When a man’s busy, why, leisure
Strikes him as wonderful pleasure:
Faith, and at leisure is he,
Straight away he wants to be busy.

By R. Browning

Rules and Regulations


A short direction
To avoid dejection
By variations
In occupations,
And prolongation
Of relaxation,
And combinations
Of recreations,
And disputation
On the state of nation
In adaption
To your station,
By invitations
To friends and relations
By evitation,
Of amputation
By permutation
In conversation,
And deep reflection
You’ll avoid dejection.
Moral: Behave

By Ed. Lear

The Corn-song


Heap high the farmer’s wintry hoard
Heap high the golden corn!
No richer gift has autumn poured
From out her lavish horn!

By J.G. Whittier



White sheep, white sheep
On a blue hill.
When the wind stops
You all stand still.
You walk far away
When the winds blow
White sheep, white sheep.

“I’ll Try” and “I Can’t”


The little boy who says “I’ll try”,
Will climb to the hill-top;
The little boy who says “I can’t”,
Will at the bottom stop.

By R.L. Stevenson



The rain is raining all around,
It falls on field and tree,
It rains on the umbrellas here,
And on the ships at sea.

By R.L. Stevenson

Предварительный просмотр:

План-конспект урока по учебнику «Enjoy English» 7 класс. Авторы: Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н.

Тема: «Посещение врача»

(Технологическая карта изучения темы)


Посещение врача

Цель темы


  1. Формировать лексические навыки по теме «Аптека»
  2. Формировать грамматические навыки: прямая речь


  1. Развивать навыки и умения диалогической речи
  2. Развивать умения систематизировать новые знания и на их основе составлять диалоги и составить свои по образцу.


1. Воспитывать чувство ответственности за свое здоровье, воспитывать желание вести ЗОЖ, воспитывать интерес к тому,  что разрушает здоровья и что укрепляет здоровья.

Планируемый результат

Предметные умения


Ученик научиться:

  1. Вести диалог по теме, соблюдая нормы речевого этикета (базовый уровень)
  2. Задавать и отвечать на вопросы, 1 вопрос (средний уровень)
  3. Читать утверждения с пониманием значимой информации, корректировать данные утверждения (базовый уровень)
  4. Догадываться о значении незнакомых слов  по сходству с русским языком (повышенный уровень)

Ученик получит возможность научиться:

  1. Составить диалоги по образцу.
  2. Продолжить формировать навыки правильного употребления прямой речи.

Личностные: формирование ответственного отношения к учению, готовности к саморазвитию и самообразованию, формирование коммуникативной компетенции в общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками, формирование и развитие интереса к иностранному языку.

Регулятивные: осуществление регулятивных действий самонаблюдения, самоконтроля, самооценки в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном языке.

Познавательные: построение логических рассуждений, включающее установление причинно-следственных связей.;

Коммуникативные: формулировка собственного мнения и позиции, способность аргументировать и координировать ее с позициями партнеров  в сотрудничестве при выработке общего решения в совместной деятельности; умение задавать вопросы  и отвечать на них; адекватно использовать речевые средства для решения различных коммуникативных задач.

Основные понятия

Неопределенный артикль и его формы, названия учебных предметов, дней недели, школьных принадлежностей

Организация пространства

Межпредметные связи

Формы работы


Биология, русский язык, ОБЖ.

Индивидуальная, групповая, фронтальная


- рабочая тетрадь,

- звуковое приложение (CD)

- карточки с обозначенными проблемами

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность обучающихся




Осуществляемые действия

Формируемые способы деятельности

Осуществляемые действия

Формируемые способы деятельности

Осуществляемые действия

Формируемые способы деятельности

1 этап – Мотивационно-ориентировочный

  1. Учитель дает задание определить к какому слову соответствует  необходимое описание и доказать свою точку зрения (актуализирует уже имеющиеся у учеников знания по данной теме)стр.111 у.49
  2. Организует беседу, которая помогает обучающимся сформулировать цели занятия
  3. Подводит итоги задания, помогает ученикам определить поле незнания по теме «В аптеке»

Вспоминает, что ему известно по изучаемому вопросу, делает предположение, систематизирует информацию до изучения нового материала, задает вопросы, подбирает необходимые английские слова.

Осуществлять актуализацию полученных ранее знаний по предмету.

1. Обсуждают свои варианты в парах

2. Обсуждают свои варианты в классе

Слушать собеседника, строить понятные для собеседника высказывания, формулировать собственное мнение и позицию, аргументировать и координировать ее с позициями партнеров в сотрудничестве при выработке общего решения в совместной деятельности; устанавливать и сравнивать разные точки зрения, прежде чем принимать решения и делать выбор

Оценивают правильность выполнения задания, вносят необходимые коррективы в свою работу как в конце действия, так и по ходу его реализации; оценивают поле своего незнания, ставят учебные цели и задачи (с помощью учителя определяют, что еще необходимо узнать по данной теме)

Уметь слушать в соответствии с целевой установкой; принимать и сохранять учебную цель и задачу; дополнять высказанные мнения по существу полученного задания; владеть целеполаганием, постановкой учебных целей и задач.

2 этап – Исполнительский

I-Знакомит учеников с новой лексикой  по теме «В аптеке»)ст.111 упр.50

Воспринимают на слух и воспроизводят лексические единицы по теме «В аптеке».

Понимание слов на основе языковой догадки

Находят интернациональные слова, слова которые изучались ранее.

Задавать вопросы для организации собственной деятельности

Внимательно слушают произношение слов диктором и сравнивают свою речь с речью оригинала

Самостоятельно оценивать правильность выполнения действия, вносить необходимые коррективы в выполнение задания, обнаруживать отклонения от эталона.

II Организует работу с диалогом (прослушивание, чтение по ролям, перевод)

Предлагает ученикам догадаться о значении незнакомых слов по сходству с русским языком (повышенный уровень) ст. 111упр.51


Обучающиеся изучают диалог, прорабатывая незнакомую лексику и грамматические структуры.

Развить умения внимательного чтения, языковой догадки.

Взаимодействует с учителем и одноклассниками во время изучения диалога и  во время обсуждения ответов во фронтальном режиме

Адекватно использовать речевые средства для решения различных коммуникативных задач.

В ходе заслушивания ответов учеников осуществляют самоконтроль понимания текста.

Принимать и сохранять учебную цель и  задачу; осуществлять самоконтроль.

III.Организует сначала фронтальную, затем парную работу с использованием новой лексики: 1 вопрос-1 ответ по данному диалогу (базовый уровень)

ст. 111упр.51

Отвечают на вопросы учителя, затем сами задают и отвечают на вопросы (1вопрос -1 ответ). Учащиеся на повышенном уровне задают 2 вопроса и дают 2 ответа.

Осознанно и произвольно отвечать на вопросы учителя, осознанно задавать вопросы, анализировать знания грамматических и лексических единиц, развивать навыки аудировании

Отвечают на вопросы с использованием новой лексики, запрашивают информацию, слушают ответы своих одноклассников

Решать коммуникативные вопросы по запросу информации и ответу на него; развивают умение работать в паре.

Осуществляют самоконтроль своих знаний и напарника, оценивают правильность выполнения задания, вносят необходимые коррективы

Принимать и сохранять цель, определять способы действий в рамках предложенных условий

IV.Организует парную работу по составлению диалога, с использованием карточек, где обозначена проблема, имеется примерная лексика для использования.ст.111 упр.52

Письменно составляют парный диалог, разыгрывают его пред классом, отвечают на заданные вопросы.

Осуществлять актуализацию полученных ранее знаний по предмету, уметь работать с лексикой, заданной темой, уметь правильно формулировать вопросы.

Взаимодействуют с учителем и одноклассниками во время обсуждения ответов во фронтальном режиме.

Понимать на слух диалоги учащихся, понимать содержание и главную проблему, прежде чем задать вопрос.

В ходе заслушивания диалогов одноклассников осуществляют самоконтроль понимания диалога.

Принимать и сохранять учебную цель и задачу; осуществлять самоконтроль.

3 этап – Рефлексия

Предлагает карточки на выполнения задания по теме «У врача»

Называют и

систематизируют полученную информацию, выполняют задания, отбирает нужную лексику

Записывают домашнее задание

Осуществляют актуализацию полученных знаний

Слушают одноклассников, активно участвуют в решении коммуникативной задачи, выражают свое мнение об итогах работы на уроке

Формулировать собственное мнение, аргументировать его и координировать с позициями партнеров.

Оценивают результаты достигнутого на уроке, выделяя свой уровень приращения в конце урока.

Самостоятельно анализировать достижение цели на основе учета выделенных учителем ориентиров действия в новом учебном материале; осуществлять познавательную рефлексию в отношении действий по решению учебных и познавательных задач.

Предварительный просмотр:

Numerals and dates: 100-a one hundred

102- a one hundred and two

1,000-a one thousand

1,100-a one thousand one hundred

1,100-eleven hundred

2,338-two thousand three hundred and thirty eight

100,000- one hundred thousand

1-hundred, thousand, million не имеют окончания « s ».

2-Годы читаются следующим образом:

1945-nineteen forty-five

1700-seventeen hundred

1904- nineteen hundred and  four

Numerals and dates:

100-a one hundred

102- a one hundred and two

1,000-a one thousand

1,100-a one thousand one hundred

1,100-eleven hundred

2,338-two thousand three hundred and thirty eight

100,000- one hundred thousand

1-hundred, thousand, million не имеют окончания « s ».

2-Годы читаются следующим образом:

1945-nineteen forty-five

1700-seventeen hundred

1904- nineteen hundred and  four

Numerals and dates:

100-a one hundred

102- a one hundred and two

1,000-a one thousand

1,100-a one thousand one hundred

1,100-eleven hundred

2,338-two thousand three hundred and thirty eight

100,000- one hundred thousand

1-hundred, thousand, million не имеют окончания « s ».

2-Годы читаются следующим образом:

1945-nineteen forty-five

1700-seventeen hundred

1904- nineteen hundred and  four

Numerals and dates: 100-a one hundred

102- a one hundred and two

1,000-a one thousand

1,100-a one thousand one hundred

1,100-eleven hundred

2,338-two thousand three hundred and thirty eight

100,000- one hundred thousand

1-hundred, thousand, million не имеют окончания « s ».

2-Годы читаются следующим образом:

1945-nineteen forty-five

1700-seventeen hundred

1904- nineteen hundred and  four

Numerals and dates:

100-a one hundred

102- a one hundred and two

1,000-a one thousand

1,100-a one thousand one hundred

1,100-eleven hundred

2,338-two thousand three hundred and thirty eight

100,000- one hundred thousand

1-hundred, thousand, million не имеют окончания « s ».

2-Годы читаются следующим образом:

1945-nineteen forty-five

1700-seventeen hundred

1904- nineteen hundred and  four

Numerals and dates:

100-a one hundred

102- a one hundred and two

1,000-a one thousand

1,100-a one thousand one hundred

1,100-eleven hundred

2,338-two thousand three hundred and thirty eight

100,000- one hundred thousand

1-hundred, thousand, million не имеют окончания « s ».

2-Годы читаются следующим образом:

1945-nineteen forty-five

1700-seventeen hundred

1904- nineteen hundred and  four

1-Teacher: How old is the person who was born in 1951?

Pupil: Please,  sir, is it a man or a woman?

2- Teacher: Where did Admiral nelson win his last victory?

Pupil: On page 127

1-Teacher: How old is the person who was born in 1951?

Pupil: Please,  sir, is it a man or a woman?

2- Teacher: Where did Admiral nelson win his last victory?

Pupil: On page 127

1-Teacher: How old is the person who was born in 1951?

Pupil: Please,  sir, is it a man or a woman?

2- Teacher: Where did Admiral nelson win his last victory?

Pupil: On page 127

1-Teacher: How old is the person who was born in 1951?

Pupil: Please,  sir, is it a man or a woman?

2- Teacher: Where did Admiral nelson win his last victory?

Pupil: On page 127

1-Teacher: How old is the person who was born in 1951?

Pupil: Please,  sir, is it a man or a woman?

2- Teacher: Where did Admiral nelson win his last victory?

Pupil: On page 127

1-Teacher: How old is the person who was born in 1951?

Pupil: Please,  sir, is it a man or a woman?

2- Teacher: Where did Admiral nelson win his last victory?

Pupil: On page 127

1-Teacher: How old is the person who was born in 1951?

Pupil: Please,  sir, is it a man or a woman?

2- Teacher: Where did Admiral nelson win his last victory?

Pupil: On page 127

1-Teacher: How old is the person who was born in 1951?

Pupil: Please,  sir, is it a man or a woman?

2- Teacher: Where did Admiral nelson win his last victory?

Pupil: On page 127

1-Teacher: How old is the person who was born in 1951?

Pupil: Please,  sir, is it a man or a woman?

2- Teacher: Where did Admiral nelson win his last victory?

Pupil: On page 127

1-Teacher: How old is the person who was born in 1951?

Pupil: Please,  sir, is it a man or a woman?

2- Teacher: Where did Admiral nelson win his last victory?

Pupil: On page 127

1-Teacher: How old is the person who was born in 1951?

Pupil: Please,  sir, is it a man or a woman?

2- Teacher: Where did Admiral nelson win his last victory?

Pupil: On page 127

1-Teacher: How old is the person who was born in 1951?

Pupil: Please,  sir, is it a man or a woman?

2- Teacher: Where did Admiral nelson win his last victory?

Pupil: On page 127

1-Teacher: How old is the person who was born in 1951?

Pupil: Please,  sir, is it a man or a woman?

2- Teacher: Where did Admiral nelson win his last victory?

Pupil: On page 127

1-Teacher: How old is the person who was born in 1951?

Pupil: Please,  sir, is it a man or a woman?

2- Teacher: Where did Admiral nelson win his last victory?

Pupil: On page 127

1-Teacher: How old is the person who was born in 1951?

Pupil: Please,  sir, is it a man or a woman?

2- Teacher: Where did Admiral nelson win his last victory?

Pupil: On page 127

1-Teacher: How old is the person who was born in 1951?

Pupil: Please,  sir, is it a man or a woman?

2- Teacher: Where did Admiral nelson win his last victory?

Pupil: On page 127

Предварительный просмотр:

Префиксы                  Префиксы с отрицательным значением

Префиксы с отрицательным значением — un-, in-, dis-, non-.

comfortable — uncomfortable,
limited —
un- иногда присоединяется к глаголам для выражения противоположного действия:
to load — to
to lock — to

ability — inability,
complete —
l префикс in- превращается в il-, перед r — в ir-,
а перед m и p — в im-:
legal — illegal,
regular —
patient —

Этот префикс выражает отрицание или противоположное действие:
отрицание противоположное действие
to like — to
dislike, to appear — to disappear,
honest —
dishonest, to arm — to disarm.

Слова с префиксом non- чаще всего пишутся через дефис:
conductor —

Префиксы с разными значениями



Соответствие русской приставке




анти- противо-

fascist — anti-fascist


между, взаимно


existence — coexistence



attack — counterattack




champion —



rich — enrich


между, среди, взаимно


national — international


неправильно, неверно

to understand —


сверх, чрезмерно


to load —


после (противоположен по значению префиксу pre-)


war — postwar


перед, ранее


historic — prehistoric


снова, заново, вновь


to read — to reread



под-, суб-

division — subdivision


ультра-, сверх

short — ultrashort


недостаточно(противоположен по значению префиксу over-)


to pay —


Суффиксы существительных





а) действие, условие или результат;
б) количественное значение или значение собирательности;
в) место действия, место жительства

to marry — marriage 

acre — acreage
herb — herbage
to harbour — harbourage


процесс, состояние или свойство

important — importance
different — differ


абстрактные и собирательные существительные, обозначающие:
а) общественный статус или явление;
б) состояние


king — kingdom

free — freedom


лицо, на которое направлено действие

to address — addressee


действующее лицо

to sell — seller
to visit — visit



а) место;
б) действие, род занятия или деятельности; поведение или связанное с ним качество;
в) состояние или положение

to bind — bindery
to rob — robb
chemist — chemistry 

slave — slavery


а) состояние, общественное положение;
б) качества, свойства;
в) совокупность людей или семейные отношения

child — childhood 

saint — sainthood
brother — brotherhood


национальная принадлежность

Russia — Russian


лицо по роду работы, занятий

mathematics — mathematician


а) действие, процесс, состояние;
б) абстрактное понятие; свойство, качество

to transform — transformation
to accommodate — accomod


отвлеченные имена существительные

Marx — Marxism


профессия, принадлежность
к партии, религии, философскому течению

to type — typist


a) действие, процесс, состояние;
б) результат действия или продукт деятельности

to move — movement
to improve — improve


качество или состояние

hарру — happiness


а) положение человека в обществе; звание, должность, титул;
б) умение, мастерство, искусство; занятие;
с) чувство, отношение к чему-либо;
д) абстрактные понятия

captain — captainship 

draftsman — draftsmanship

comrade — comradeship

citizen — citizenship


а) процесс, состояние; свойства; абстрактное понятие;
б) сфера деятельности; официальное учреждение и его функции

to depart — departure

portrait — portraiture


абстрактные и собирательные существительные

soldier — soldiery

Суффиксы прилагательных





а) возможность осуществления;
б) обладание некоторым качеством

to change — changeable
to comfort — comfort


подобие, сходство, обладание некоторым сходством

addition — additional


принадлежность к какой-нибудь народности, родовому клану; идеологическому течению, научной школе и т. п

Arab — Arabian


соответствующие существительные имеют суффиксы –ant и -ent

importance — important
difference — differ


обладание чем-то, сходство с чем-то

circle — circular



diet — dietary


сделанный из чего-либо

wood — wooden


сравнительная степень прилагательных

big — bigger


прилагательные, образованные от названий сторон света

east — eastern


национальность или язык

China — Chinese


превосходная степень прилагательных

tall — the tallest


состав, структура чего-либо, отношение к чему-либо

drama — dramatic


а) национальная принадлежность;
б) слабая степень качества (соответствует русским суффиксам
–оват, еват)

Scotland — Scottish
red — redd


относящийся к, принадлежащий, связанный с

nature — native


наличие качества

beauty — beautiful


отсутствие качества

hope — hopeless


обладающий данным свойством, признаком, характеристикой в значительной степени

danger — dangerous



stone — stony

Предварительный просмотр:

Урок-игра по английскому языку «The World’s Best Friend is You!»

для 8 класса

Колдунова О.И.,

 учитель английского языка

                                                                                                                                         ОГОУ   УсГКК

Тема: The World’s Best Friend is You!

Цель: создание условий для формирования коммуникативной компетентности учащихся.



-активизация и обобщение лексического материала по теме «Ты – лучший друг нашей планеты!»;

-совершенствование коммуникативных умений в четырех видах речевой деятельности;


-применение имеющихся знаний о родном языке в изучении иностранного языка;

-обобщение знаний о проблемах окружающей среды в современном мире;


-повышение мотивации к изучению иностранного языка и культуры;

-развитие умения работы в команде.

Ход урока:

Задание 1. Найдите все существительные по теме “Environmental Problems”.





































































































































Каждой команде выдается карточка с кроссвордом. Время выполнения 2 минуты.

По истечении 2 минут один представитель от каждой команды записывает свои найденные слова на доске. 1 слово-1 балл. Максимум 10 баллов.

Задание 2. Собери “Rubbish”- мусор.

 Группа делиться на две команды, по пять человек. Первому игроку предлагают взять мешок с белыми комочкам, высыпать этот мусор, посчитать комочки (комочков может быть 6, 8, 12), положить назад в мешок и отнести к тому числу, которое соответствует числу белых комочков в мусорном мешке. Затем взять желтую карточку и прикрепить ее следующему игроку из команды. Следующий игрок, получивший желтую карточку, берет мешок с мусором и проделывает то же самое, что и предыдущий игрок. Игра оканчивается,  когда все члены команды имеют желтые карточки. Затем подсчитывается количество правильных ответов.

Задание 3. Составьте как можно больше слов из букв слова ENVIRONMENT.

Время выполнения 3 минуты. По истечении 3 минут представители команды записывают по очереди по одному слову на доске. Выигрывает та команда (и получает 1 балл), чьё слово было записано последним.



Задание 4. «Clean yard»

Нарисуй чистый двор.

В игре принимает участие каждый член из команды. Дается задача нарисовать чистый двор. Выходят по одному участнику из команды, начинают рисовать что угодно на данную тему, им дается время 30 сек. Затем они убегают, прибегают следующие участники из команд. Игру участники должны закончить одновременно. По окончанию игры, судьи принимают решения,  у кого получился самый чистый и понятный двор.

Задание 5. «Translator»

Переведите слово на русский (английский) язык.

Каждая команда выбирает по одному представителю, который будет исполнять роль переводчика. «Переводчик» вытягивает карточку с русским или английским словом и дает перевод. 1 слово – 1 балл. Если «переводчик» не знает ответ, то может помочь его команда. 1 слово – 0,5 балла. Если его команда не знает ответ, то может ответить команда соперников. 1 слово – 0,5 балла. Всего по 5 слов для каждой команды.







Задание 6. «Make A Beautiful World»

Собери пазл на время.

Каждой команде выдается по два пазла, они должны на скорость собрать эти пазлы и дать название на английском языке. Самая быстрая команда считаются победителями.

Задание7. «Put one extra word away and guess the season»

Найди лишнее слово и отгадай время года.

1.Rain, foggy, yellow leaves, snow, cloudy;

2.Warm, green leaves, May, New Year;

3.Snow, frosty, flowers, cold, hockey;

4.Sunny, July, snowman, hot, flowers.

Ключи:1- snow,2- New Year,3- flowers,4- snowman.

Подведение итогов:

По окончании конкурса подсчитывается общее количество баллов, полученных каждой командой. Команда-победитель получает пятерки в журнал.

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

St. Valentine's Day

There are several legend? about St. Valentine's Day. One of the legends says that Valentine was Christian priest who lived in the 3 century A.D. He was put into prison by roman authorities for his teachings and was beheaded on February 14. According to the legend he performed a miracle — he cured his jailer's daughter of her blindness. Before the execution he wrote her a letter signed «From Your Valentine». Another legend says that the same Valentine wrote to children and friends who loved him from the jail.

According to another legend, Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time. He was thrown into prison because he secretly married couples, contrary to the laws of the Roman empire. The legend says that he was burnt at the stake.

February 14 was also a Roman holiday. On this day young men randomly chose the name of the girl to escort to the festival. The custom of choosing a sweetheart on this day became very popular in the medieval Europe. Later this custom spread to American colonies.

Now, St. Valentine's Day is the day of sweethearts. On this day, people show their friends relatives and loved ones that they care. People send candy or flowers to those whom they love. Most people send «valentines», greeting cards named after St. Valentine's letters written from jail. Valentines can be sentimental and romantic, or funny and friendly. Valentines can be anonymous. Valentines can be heart-shaped or can carry hearts on them. People buy valentines or make them themselves.


1. Who was Valentine according to one legend?

2. What was he beheaded for?

3. What was the Valentine's guilt according to the other legends?

4. What holiday was on February 14 in the Roman empire?

5. What do people send to their loved ones and friends on St. Valentine's Day?

6 What is a «valentine»?

День Святого Валентина

Существует несколько легенд о Дне Святого Валентина. В одной из легенд говорится, что Валентин был христианским священником, который жил в третьем веке до Р.Х. Он был помещен в тюрьму за свое учение римскими властями и обезглавлен 14 февраля. Согласно легенде, он сотворил чудо: исцелил дочь тюремщика от слепоты. Перед казнью он написал ей письмо, которое подписал: «От твоего Валентина». В другой легенде говорится, что тот же Валентин писал из тюрьмы письма детям и друзьям, которые его любили.Согласно еще одной легенде, Валентин был итальянским епископом, который жил приблизительно в то же время.

Он был брошен в тюрьму, потому что тайно венчал пары, хотя это было запрещено законами Римской империи. В легенде говорится, что он был сожжен на костре.

14 февраля было также римским праздником. В этот день молодые люди случайным образом выбирали имя девушки, которую должны были сопровождать на праздник. Обычай избрания возлюбленной в этот день стал очень популярным в средневековой Европе. Позднее этот обычай распространился и в американских колониях.

Сегодня День Святого Валентина — день влюбленных. В этот день люди показывают своим друзьям, родственникам и возлюбленным, что они их любят. Люди посылают конфеты и цветы тем, кого любят. Большинство людей посылают «валентинки» — поздравительные открытки, названные так в честь писем, написанных святым Валентином из тюрьмы. «Валентинки» могут быть сентиментальными и романтичными или забавными и дружескими. «Валентинки» могут быть анонимными. «Валентинки» могут иметь форму сердца, или сердца могут быть изображены на них. Люди покупают «валентинки» или делают их сами.



St. Valentine's Day — День Святого Валентина

Christian — христианский

priest — священник

prison — тюрьма

to behead — отрубить голову

authorities — власти

teachings — учение

miracle — чудо

to cure — исцелить

jail — тюрьма

jailer — тюремщик

blindness — слепота

execution — казнь

bishop — епископ

to marry (couples) — венчать (пары)

to be burnt at the stake — быть сожженным на костре

randomly — случайно

sweetheart — возлюбленный

medieval — средневековый

custom — обычай

to spread — распространяться

to care for — любить

valentine — открытка или подарок, посылаемые в день Валентина

anonymous — анонимный

heart-shaped — в форме сердца

St. Valentine's Day - День Святого Валентина (3)  

St. Valentine's Day 

There are several legend? about St. Valentine's Day. One of the legends says that Valentine was Christian priest who lived in the 3 century A.D. He was put into prison by roman authorities for his teachings and was beheaded on February 14. According to the legend he performed a miracle — he cured his jailer's daughter of her blindness. Before the execution he wrote her a letter signed «From Your Valentine». Another legend says that the same Valentine wrote to children and friends who loved him from the jail.

According to another legend, Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time. He was thrown into prison because he secretly married couples, contrary to the laws of the Roman empire. The legend says that he was burnt at the stake.

February 14 was also a Roman holiday. On this day young men randomly chose the name of the girl to escort to the festival. The custom of choosing a sweetheart on this day became very popular in the medieval Europe. Later this custom spread to American colonies.

Now, St. Valentine's Day is the day of sweethearts. On this day, people show their friends relatives and loved ones that they care. People send candy or flowers to those whom they love. Most people send «valentines», greeting cards named after St. Valentine's letters written from jail. Valentines can be sentimental and romantic, or funny and friendly. Valentines can be anonymous. Valentines can be heart-shaped or can carry hearts on them. People buy valentines or make them themselves.


1. Who was Valentine according to one legend?
2. What was he beheaded for?
3. What was the Valentine's guilt according to the other legends?
4. What holiday was on February 14 in the Roman empire?
5. What do people send to their loved ones and friends on St. Valentine's Day?
6 What is a «valentine»?

St. Valentine's Day — День Святого Валентина
Christian — христианский
priest — священник
prison — тюрьма
to behead — отрубить голову
authorities — власти
teachings — учение
miracle — чудо
to cure — исцелить
jail — тюрьма
jailer — тюремщик
blindness — слепота
execution — казнь
bishop — епископ
to marry (couples) — венчать (пары)
to be burnt at the stake — быть сожженным на костре
randomly — случайно
sweetheart — возлюбленный
medieval — средневековый
custom — обычай
to spread — распространяться
to care for — любить
valentine — открытка или подарок, посылаемые в день Валентина
anonymous — анонимный
heart-shaped — в форме сердца

Предварительный просмотр:

Progress Check “Reported  speech” Variant 1

I. Make Reported  speech

  1. “Sharon came here yesterday,” mother said to me.
  2. “Steve, would you like a cup of tea now?”-said Linda.
  3.  “I don t feel lonely thanks to the books,” says Margaret.
  4. Ann said to me “You must leave this terrible house today”
  5. The mother advised to her daughter: “ You will use less make up”.
  6. My elder sister said: “Help me to set the table, please”.
  7. The son confessed  to the mother : “Yes, unfortunately I have broken your favorite vase”.


II. Complete the sentences. Translate the sentence. Choose the correct variant

1-The Times generally gives lots of (information| informations) about events happening in London.


2-Where is the …(money| moneys)?- It is in my bag.


3-I have got a lot of…(work| works) to do for the weekend.


III. Complete the sentences. Translate the sentence.

1-Suddenly the strange woman quit…(talk| talking) and left the room.


2-My mother disapproved of…(read| reading) thrillers.


3-However, this Handbook was proved…(to be|being)


IV. Choose the correct variant:

1. I get … information on the Internet every day.

a) many   b) much

2. He doesn’t eat … meat. He is a vegetarian.

a) a   b) –

3. The … is very changeable in London.

a) weather   b) weathers

4. Don’t worry! The … is not really so bad!

a)new   b) news

5. I’m sorry. I can’t join you. I’ve got … work to do.

a) many   b) much

V. Make 5 sentences in reported speech:

Progress Check “Reported  speech” Variant 2

I. Make Reported  speech

  1. “We  may buy a car next year,” said my grandpa.
  2. Angela said: “ I am too tired today. Let s book the tickets romorrow.”
  3.  “I like travelling,” says my cousin.
  4. “I phone my friend every day,” she said.
  5. Martin said: “We had a wonderful party yesterday”
  6. The child suggested : “We build a scandal together”.
  7. The girl said: “We had wonderful party yesterday”.


II. Complete the sentences. Translate the sentence.  Choose the correct variant

1-Is there anything interesting on…(TV|TVs)?


2-Have you heard any …(new|news) from our reported lately.


3-They have never listened to his…(music| musics) before?


III. Complete the sentences. Translate the sentence.

1-He confessed that he had …(written|writing) those unpleasant letters.


2-The sisters have always dreamed of…(visit| visiting) Paris.


3-Soon the boy managed… (to find| finding) the lost article.


IV. Choose the correct variant:

1. I get … information on the Internet every day.

a) many   b) much

2. He doesn’t eat … meat. He is a vegetarian.

a) a   b) –

3. The … is very changeable in London.

a) weather   b) weathers

4. Don’t worry! The … is not really so bad!

a)new   b) news

5. I’m sorry. I can’t join you. I’ve got … work to do.

a) many   b) much

V. Make 5 sentences in reported speech:

Предварительный просмотр:

Косвенная  речь

Настоящее время

Present simple

Present simple(M+V(s) )-настояще

She says (that) she phones her friends every day.

Present simple

Future simple (M+Will+V)-будущее

She says (that) she will phone me tomorrow.

Present simple

Past simple     (M+V (2. ed) )-прошедшее

She says (that) she phoned me an hour ago.

Прошедшее время

Past simple

Past simple           (M+V(2. ed)-прошедшее

She said him that she phoned her friends every day.

Past simple

Future in the past (M+Would+V)-будущее в прошлом

She said him that she would phone me.

Past simple

Past Perfect   M+had V(3. ed) )-прошедшее

She said him that she had phoned me at 5.


1.Глаголы для передачи  в косвенной речи вопросов: asked-спросить, wanted to know-хотеть знать, wondered-хотеть знать.

2.Для того что бы сказать общий вопрос в косвенной речи, мы используем  глагол с союзом и сохраняется прямой порядок слов в предложении.

Are you good sportsman?  - She asked me if I was a good sportsman?

3.Для того что бы сказать специальный вопрос в косвенной речи, мы используем вопросительные слова и прямой порядок слов сохраняется в предложении.

How did you know about my birthday? – he wondered how I had known about his birthday.

4. При переводе из прямой речи в косвенную меняются слова, обозначающие  место и время действия:

Косвенная  речь

Настоящее время

Present simple

Present simple(M+V(s) )-настояще

She says (that) she phones her friends every day.

Present simple

Future simple (M+Will+V)-будущее

She says (that) she will phone me tomorrow.

Present simple

Past simple     (M+V (2. ed) )-прошедшее

She says (that) she phoned me an hour ago.

Прошедшее время

Past simple

Past simple           (M+V(2. ed)-прошедшее

She said him that she phoned her friends every day.

Past simple

Future in the past (M+Would+V)-будущее в прошлом

She said him that she would phone me.

Past simple

Past Perfect   M+had V(3. ed) )-прошедшее

She said him that she had phoned me at 5.


1.Глаголы для передачи  в косвенной речи вопросов: asked-спросить, wanted to know-хотеть знать, wondered-хотеть знать.

2.Для того что бы сказать общий вопрос в косвенной речи, мы используем  глагол с союзом и сохраняется прямой порядок слов в предложении.

Are you good sportsman?  - She asked me if I was a good sportsman?

3.Для того что бы сказать специальный вопрос в косвенной речи, мы используем вопросительные слова и прямой порядок слов сохраняется в предложении.

How did you know about my birthday? – he wondered how I had known about his birthday.

4. При переводе из прямой речи в косвенную меняются слова, обозначающие  место и время действия

Косвенная  речь

Настоящее время

Present simple

Present simple(M+V(s) )-настояще

She says (that) she phones her friends every day.

Present simple

Future simple (M+Will+V)-будущее

She says (that) she will phone me tomorrow.

Present simple

Past simple     (M+V (2. ed) )-прошедшее

She says (that) she phoned me an hour ago.

Прошедшее время

Past simple

Past simple           (M+V(2. ed)-прошедшее

She said him that she phoned her friends every day.

Past simple

Future in the past (M+Would+V)-будущее в прошлом

She said him that she would phone me.

Past simple

Past Perfect   M+had V(3. ed) )-прошедшее

She said him that she had phoned me at 5.


1.Глаголы для передачи  в косвенной речи вопросов: asked-спросить, wanted to know-хотеть знать, wondered-хотеть знать.

2.Для того что бы сказать общий вопрос в косвенной речи, мы используем  глагол с союзом и сохраняется прямой порядок слов в предложении.

Are you good sportsman?  - She asked me if I was a good sportsman?

3.Для того что бы сказать специальный вопрос в косвенной речи, мы используем вопросительные слова и прямой порядок слов сохраняется в предложении.

How did you know about my birthday? – he wondered how I had known about his birthday.

4. При переводе из прямой речи в косвенную меняются слова, обозначающие  место и время действия:

Косвенная  речь

Настоящее время

Present simple

Present simple(M+V(s) )-настояще

She says (that) she phones her friends every day.

Present simple

Future simple (M+Will+V)-будущее

She says (that) she will phone me tomorrow.

Present simple

Past simple     (M+V (2. ed) )-прошедшее

She says (that) she phoned me an hour ago.

Прошедшее время

Past simple

Past simple           (M+V(2. ed)-прошедшее

She said him that she phoned her friends every day.

Past simple

Future in the past (M+Would+V)-будущее в прошлом

She said him that she would phone me.

Past simple

Past Perfect   M+had V(3. ed) )-прошедшее

She said him that she had phoned me at 5.


1.Глаголы для передачи  в косвенной речи вопросов: asked-спросить, wanted to know-хотеть знать, wondered-хотеть знать.

2.Для того что бы сказать общий вопрос в косвенной речи, мы используем  глагол с союзом и сохраняется прямой порядок слов в предложении.

Are you good sportsman?  - She asked me if I was a good sportsman?

3.Для того что бы сказать специальный вопрос в косвенной речи, мы используем вопросительные слова и прямой порядок слов сохраняется в предложении.

How did you know about my birthday? – he wondered how I had known about his birthday.

4. При переводе из прямой речи в косвенную меняются слова, обозначающие  место и время действия

Предварительный просмотр:

I-Put the table:

Library for British teens

Library for Russian teens


II-Write the missing word:
















I-Put the table:

Library for British teens

Library for Russian teens


II-Write the missing word:
















I-Put the table:

Library for British teens

Library for Russian teens


II-Write the missing word:
















I-Put the table:

Library for British teens

Library for Russian teens


II-Write the missing word:
















Предварительный просмотр:

Class 8 U 4 S2 ex 24,31

  1. Put the cards:


Describe problems:

Decision of the problems:

  1. Fill in the missing letters and translate the following words into Russian:

Noth_ng,  s_nsitive,  ma_ure,  g_ess, because_, stran_e,  tro_ble, unhap_y, wh_tever, rig_t, homew_rk, tr_, press_re, tea_her.

  1. Match the two columns to make word combinations:











  1. Fill in the missing letters and translate the following words into Russian:

1-I ignore their childish _______.

2-Suggest to her to see a _____ on eating _______.

3-Your parents are ________.

4-I am sure in time you will find  a good _____.

5-Let your parents know that you need them ___you.

Class 8 U 4 S2 ex 24,31

  1. Put the cards:


Describe problems:

Decision of the problems:

  1. Fill in the missing letters and translate the following words into Russian:

Noth_ng,  s_nsitive,  ma_ure,  g_ess, because_, stran_e,  tro_ble, unhap_y, wh_tever, rig_t, homew_rk, tr_, press_re, tea_her.

  1. Match the two columns to make word combinations:











  1. Fill in the missing letters and translate the following words into Russian:

1-I ignore their childish _______.

2-Suggest to her to see a _____ on eating _______.

3-Your parents are ________.

4-I am sure in time you will find  a good _____.

5-Let your parents know that you need them ___you.

Study the text:

Your parents are right. They want you to stay on top of your homework. What s not so good is the pressure you are feeling. If you are hardworking and try your best at school, nobody can ask more. Every parents is mad about homework. But if you feel you are really under pressure, you need to make them see that.

Study the text:

Your parents are right. They want you to stay on top of your homework. What s not so good is the pressure you are feeling. If you are hardworking and try your best at school, nobody can ask more. Every parents is mad about homework. But if you feel you are really under pressure, you need to make them see that.

Study the text:

Your parents are right. They want you to stay on top of your homework. What s not so good is the pressure you are feeling. If you are hardworking and try your best at school, nobody can ask more. Every parents is mad about homework. But if you feel you are really under pressure, you need to make them see that.

Study the text:

Your parents are right. They want you to stay on top of your homework. What s not so good is the pressure you are feeling. If you are hardworking and try your best at school, nobody can ask more. Every parents is mad about homework. But if you feel you are really under pressure, you need to make them see that.

Study the text:

Your parents are right. They want you to stay on top of your homework. What s not so good is the pressure you are feeling. If you are hardworking and try your best at school, nobody can ask more. Every parents is mad about homework. But if you feel you are really under pressure, you need to make them see that.

Study the text:

Your parents are right. They want you to stay on top of your homework. What s not so good is the pressure you are feeling. If you are hardworking and try your best at school, nobody can ask more. Every parents is mad about homework. But if you feel you are really under pressure, you need to make them see that.

Study the text:

Your parents are right. They want you to stay on top of your homework. What s not so good is the pressure you are feeling. If you are hardworking and try your best at school, nobody can ask more. Every parents is mad about homework. But if you feel you are really under pressure, you need to make them see that.

Предварительный просмотр:

Class 8 U2 S1ex 121 p 43 Surname________________ V-1

1-Find in the text the phrases that have similar meanings to the following:

unhealthy food


vital problems

2-Answer the following question:

Why have many species of birds and animals disappeared?

What is the air polluted by?

Did you learn anything from the text?

3-Find the words which match these rules

Noun with suffix -tion


Adjective with suffix -al

Class 8 U1 S1 Surname________________ V-1

1-Find in the text the phrases that have similar meanings to the following:

unhealthy food


vital problems

2-Answer the following question:

Why have many species of birds and animals disappeared?

What is the air polluted by?

Did you learn anything from the text?

3-Find the words which match these rules

Noun with suffix -tion


Adjective with suffix -al

Class 8 U1 S1 Surname________________ V-1

1-Find in the text the phrases that have similar meanings to the following:

unhealthy food


vital problems

2-Answer the following question:

Why have many species of birds and animals disappeared?

What is the air polluted by?

Did you learn anything from the text?

3-Find the words which match these rules

Noun with suffix -tion


Adjective with suffix -al

Class 8 U1 S1 Surname________________ V-2

1-Find in the text the phrases that have similar meanings to the following:




2-Answer the following question:

Why are forest disappearing all over the world?

Are rivers polluted?

Did you learn anything from the text?

3-Find the words which match these rules

Noun with suffix -tion


Adjective with suffix -al

Class 8 U1 S1 Surname________________ V-2

1-Find in the text the phrases that have similar meanings to the following:




2-Answer the following question:

Why are forest disappearing all over the world?

Are rivers polluted?

Did you learn anything from the text?

3-Find the words which match these rules

Noun with suffix -tion


Adjective with suffix -al

Class 8 U1 S1 Surname________________ V-2

1-Find in the text the phrases that have similar meanings to the following:




2-Answer the following question:

Why are forest disappearing all over the world?

Are rivers polluted?

Did you learn anything from the text?

3-Find the words which match these rules

Noun with suffix -tion


Adjective with suffix -al

Предварительный просмотр:

U2 S5 ex 53

I-Answer the questions:

1-How many do people live on the Earth?

2-What should we say to our friends and family?

3-How do we live?

4-Call some rules to save our Earth.

5-It is easy to follow the rules?

II-Say True or False:

1-You are just one of 12000 million people, who live on our Earth.

2-If you try to keep Earth, you will be alone.

3-You will encourage your friends and family to care about the Earth.

4-Try to waste energy.

5-Waste paper.

6-Buy everything,  that you want.

7-Never drop litter.

III-Find the sentences in Conditional forms.

IV-Make the sentences and translate:

1-If you…..to live in a way, that will….the word.

2-Then they will ….their friend and….about helping.

3-Here …..are points to words…..the Earth.

4-Before you…..anything, ask……

5-Keep yourself…..about environmental……

V-Make the phrases and translate:




the environment

to care












VI-Make the words:

rtEah, omilnli, opelpe, coenagure, milfay, foinredm, namage, aaylws, rclyiecng, trcene, plerobm.

VII-Complete the sentences using Conditional II:

1-If all people decided to save our world…..

2-If people took cans, bottles, paper to local recycling centers,…..

3-If people bought only the things they really needed…..

4-If people tried to walk or cycle instead of driving cars,…..

5-If people didn’t  drop litter in the country side….

6-If people avoided buying packaged goods…..

7-If people didn’t waste paper,…..

Предварительный просмотр:

U 2 S5 ex 58

I-New phrases:

1-han on a moment-

2-What is up?-

3-a clean-up day-

4-you like to join us-

5-a poster reminding people about pollution-

6-Why they drop litter-

7-What time has the group arranged to meet-

8-See you soon-

II-Answer the questions-

1-What did Andrew want?

2-What did Andrew say to Ann?

3-Did Ann agree with Andrew?

4-Why did they want to make a poster?

III-Say True or False:

1-Ann is out. Her mother is taking a phone message from Andrew.

2-Andrew and his friend are going to manage a picnic in the park.

3-There will be a clean-up day in a small park behind the school next weekend.

4-They needed a poster reminding people about youth problem.

5-May be people will see the clean park and the poster and will avoid dropping litter.

6-Andrew will be glad to see Alex and Jess next weekend.

IV-Make the thrashes and translate:



What is



a  moment

the school

next weekend





V-Make the wards:

























VI-Put the verbs in Past Simple:

1-Andrew (want) to call Ann.

2-Ann (decide) to draw a poster.

3-Friends (not to meet) in this evening.

 VII-Put the verbs in Past Perfect:

1-Andrew was glad that he meet Ann.

2-Ann (draw) a poster.

3-Friends (save) the Earth.

Предварительный просмотр:

I-Work with text

1-Make the plan of the text:


2-Answer the questions:

1-What are the quality papers?

2-What is tabloid?

3-Translate from English into Russian:

In all parts of the country there are also papers giving information about films, concerts and other things that are happening in the local area. ______________________________________________________________________________________


II-Work with words

1-Write the meaning of the words:

1-an advert is-

2-sport news is-

3-a weather forecast is-

4-the Internet is-

2-Match the headlines and newspapers:

1-Home and away

1-national news

2-False starts

2-international news

3-Health facts

3-local news

4-The UFO again?

4-political news

5-Can anyone help?

5-economic news

6-Who knows Where you travel ?

6-business news

7-The adventure begins

7-cultural news

8-I am trying to be brave

8-sports news and travel

I-Work with text

1-Make the plan of the text:


2-Answer the questions:

1-What are the quality papers?

2-What is tabloid?

3-Translate from English into Russian:

In all parts of the country there are also papers giving information about films, concerts and other things that are happening in the local area. ______________________________________________________________________________________


II-Work with words

1-Write the meaning of the words:

1-an advert is-

2-sport news is-

3-a weather forecast is-

4-the Internet is-

2-Match the headlines and newspapers:

1-Home and away

1-national news

2-False starts

2-international news

3-Health facts

3-local news

4-The UFO again?

4-political news

5-Can anyone help?

5-economic news

6-Who knows Where you travel ?

6-business news

7-The adventure begins

7-cultural news

8-I am trying to be brave

8-sports news and travel

I-Work with text

1-Make the plan of the text:


2-Answer the questions:

1-What are the quality papers?

2-What is tabloid?

3-Translate from English into Russian:

In all parts of the country there are also papers giving information about films, concerts and other things that are happening in the local area. ______________________________________________________________________________________


II-Work with words

1-Write the meaning of the words:

1-an advert is-

2-sport news is-

3-a weather forecast is-

4-the Internet is-

2-Match the headlines and newspapers:

1-Home and away

1-national news

2-False starts

2-international news

3-Health facts

3-local news

4-The UFO again?

4-political news

5-Can anyone help?

5-economic news

6-Who knows Where you travel ?

6-business news

7-The adventure begins

7-cultural news

8-I am trying to be brave

8-sports news and travel

I-Work with text

1-Make the plan of the text:


2-Answer the questions:

1-What are the quality papers?

2-What is tabloid?

3-Translate from English into Russian:

In all parts of the country there are also papers giving information about films, concerts and other things that are happening in the local area. ______________________________________________________________________________________


II-Work with words

1-Write the meaning of the words:

1-an advert is-

2-sport news is-

3-a weather forecast is-

4-the Internet is-

2-Match the headlines and newspapers:

1-Home and away

1-national news

2-False starts

2-international news

3-Health facts

3-local news

4-The UFO again?

4-political news

5-Can anyone help?

5-economic news

6-Who knows Where you travel ?

6-business news

7-The adventure begins

7-cultural news

8-I am trying to be brave

8-sports news and travel

Предварительный просмотр:

Ex 69, 65 p. 20-21

I-Мы используем  Present Perfect Simple и  Present Perfect Continuous, чтобы сказать о действии, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается до того момента, как говорящий говорит:

1-More than 100 Russian spacemen have worked in space since the space era began.-Более 100 русских космонавтов работали на орбите с тех пор, как началась космическая эра

2-It has been snowing since 12 o clock.-Снег идет с 12 часов

II-Мы используем Present Perfect Continuous, что бы сказать что ситуация еще продолжается, и  Present Perfect Simple используем, что бы сказать, что ситуация закончилась:

1-I have been listening to a new disk.-Я прослушиваю новый диск

2- I have listened to your disk.- Я уже прослушал новый диск

III-Мы используем «since - с  for – для»   что бы сказать, что действие произошло для определенного периода:

The teacher has been asking us question for 3 hours.- учитель задает нам вопросы в течении трех часов

IV-Список глаголов, они используются в Present Perfect Continuous: believe, belong, consist, contain, depend, hate, know, like, love, mean, need, prefer, realise, remember, seem, suppose, understand, want.


explore space

исследовать космос

exploration all the possibilities

исследование всего возможного

do research into

сделать исследование в

space research

космическое исследование

a researcher




key problem

ключевая проблема

serious problem

серьезная проблема

a scientific problem

научная проблема

to solve a problem

решить проблему

Предварительный просмотр:

I.-Использование артикля The

1-Мы используем артикль the , если говорим о чем то уникальном : the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, the galaxy, the universe, the solar system:  

The earth moves round the Sun.

2-Мы используем артикль the с такими словами: the sky, the country, the sea:

He looked at the sky.

3- Мы не пишем артикль со словом space , имеем в виду место, где нет воздуха- космос. В значение space - место- где есть воздух мы пишем the space:    

Scientist travel in space.

II -Использование Past continuous

1-Мы используем Past continuous, что бы сказать кто-то был в середине действия в определенный момент в прошлом:

Steven and Martin were playing chess at 5 p.m.

2-Мы используем Past continuous что бы сказать что что-то случилось в середине другого события в прошлом.

The girl was watching the comedy when her mother came in.

M+was| were + V(ing)

M+wasn t|weren t+ V(ing)

Was|were +M+V?

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

Word combinations:

1-belong to a great group of stars that travel through space together-

2-about 20 stars for each human being on planet Earth-

3-to for from the Earth to be seen with the naked eye-

4-to explore their own solar system-

5-possible in huge “starships”-

6-go further to investigate the Universe-


1-What is the star?

2-What is the galaxy?

3-How much are stars in the Galaxy?

4-What does Galaxy look like?

5-How can people travel through space?

Word combinations:

1-belong to a great group of stars that travel through space together-

2-about 20 stars for each human being on planet Earth-

3-to for from the Earth to be seen with the naked eye-

4-to explore their own solar system-

5-possible in huge “starships”-

6-go further to investigate the Universe-


1-What is the star?

2-What is the galaxy?

3-How much are stars in the Galaxy?

4-What does Galaxy look like?

5-How can people travel through space?

Предварительный просмотр:

Name ________class_________

Passport of your planet


Other name





Closest neighbours



Name ________class_________

Passport of your planet


Other name





Closest neighbours



Name ________class_________

Passport of your planet


Other name





Closest neighbours



Name ________class_________

Passport of your planet


Other name





Closest neighbours



The Earth

The Earth is the fifth largest of the nine main planets in the solar system. It s third planet from the sun. The sun is just one of many stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Earth looks blue from space because 70%, nearly three quarters, is covered  with water.

The Earth

The Earth is the fifth largest of the nine main planets in the solar system. It s third planet from the sun. The sun is just one of many stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Earth looks blue from space because 70%, nearly three quarters, is covered  with water.

The Earth

The Earth is the fifth largest of the nine main planets in the solar system. It s third planet from the sun. The sun is just one of many stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Earth looks blue from space because 70%, nearly three quarters, is covered  with water.

The Earth

The Earth is the fifth largest of the nine main planets in the solar system. It s third planet from the sun. The sun is just one of many stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Earth looks blue from space because 70%, nearly three quarters, is covered  with water.

The Earth

The Earth is the fifth largest of the nine main planets in the solar system. It s third planet from the sun. The sun is just one of many stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Earth looks blue from space because 70%, nearly three quarters, is covered  with water.

The Earth

The Earth is the fifth largest of the nine main planets in the solar system. It s third planet from the sun. The sun is just one of many stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Earth looks blue from space because 70%, nearly three quarters, is covered  with water.

The Earth

The Earth is the fifth largest of the nine main planets in the solar system. It s third planet from the sun. The sun is just one of many stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Earth looks blue from space because 70%, nearly three quarters, is covered  with water.

The Earth

The Earth is the fifth largest of the nine main planets in the solar system. It s third planet from the sun. The sun is just one of many stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Earth looks blue from space because 70%, nearly three quarters, is covered  with water.

Предварительный просмотр:

Unit1.  Section5.

  1. Space Discoveries

First story 150 years ago. During a storm a big wave raised a ship up to the moon.16 century, Galileo made the first telescope and looked through it at the moon and the planets. 1865 Julie Verne wrote “ From the earth to the moon“. 1955 in November Laika, a dog travelled around the earth for 7 days in the sputnik. In 1961 Yuri Gagarin circled the earth in Vostok.

  1. Match        
  1. an earthquake                         1. торнадо
  2. a hurricane                             2.вулкан
  3. a tornado                                3.наводнение
  4. a volcano                               4. ураган              
  5. a flood                                   5.засуха
  6. a drought                                6.землетресение

  3.The Yungay Earthquake

Juan was at school in May 31 st 1970. Out of window was noise. The houses started to fall down. All building were on the ground. He ran away and swam across the river. 50000 died and 100000 were hurt.

4.Past simple and Past continuous

1. He (worke) at plant last year.

2. I (play) all day long yesterday

3. The children (play) chess while their mother (cook) dinner

4.I (attend) ( ) a lecture twice a week.

5. He (learn) these rules all day long

Предварительный просмотр:

        U2 S4 ex 40

        I-Answer the questions:


1-What can people do with rubbish instead of just throwing it away?

2-Why is recycling important nowadays?

3-How much of recyclable material is actually recycled? Why so little?

4-Are there recycling center in your town?

II-Say true or false:

1-Many countries take out about millions of tons of rubbish every year.

2-One year the overage person throws away about 70 food cans, 34 cans of pet.

3-We can not recycle most kinds of paper, glass, metal and plastic.

4-Nearly everything is packed in paper or plastic containers.

5-People don t drop their cigarette, packets and cans of drink without thoughts.

III-Find words or word combinations which have a similar meaning:


2-to get rid of

3-the packaging

4-to save

5-to damage

IV- Find words or word combinations which have opposite meaning:

1-to look worse



4-to destroy


6-to remember


V-Translate from English into Russian:

1-Мы не должны выкидывать наши отходы: бумагу, стекла, металл и пластик.

2-Каждый год в Британии, человек производит около 57 кл. отходов пластика.

3-В наши дни люди делают покупки в супермаркетах.

4-Переработка-это дорогой процесс.

5-Некоторые люди просто разрывают упаковки от конфет и кидают их на землю.

6-Наши отходы могут убить животных.

VI-Make the phrases and translate:



2-The Green

2-and fresh food






5-off sweets


6-of rubbish


7-packets and cans

8-the wrapping






VII-Find the words:

ioMllin, Euperoan, ldcrehin, yclrece, dwonfuerl, etalm, stiplac, roeinmvennt, lupoioltn, ckpangagi, arcittgee, ancs

VIII-Make Present simple:

1-People (know) about our rubbish.

2-People usually (do)  shopping in supermarkets.

3-It (not kill) farm animal and It (hurt) farm animal.

IX-Make Past simple:

1-Many people (live) in our country.

2-Disposing of all this plastic (to be) an expensive problem.

3-It ( not become) litter.

X-Make Present Perfect:

1-Many thing that we (throw away) can still be useful.

2-We (recycle) most kind of paper, glass, metal and plastic.

3-You (save) trees and energy?

Предварительный просмотр:

I.-Использование артикля The

1-Мы используем артикль the , если говорим о чем то уникальном : the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, the galaxy, the universe, the solar system:  

The earth moves round the Sun.

2-Мы используем артикль the с такими словами: the sky, the country, the sea:

He looked at the sky.

3- Мы не пишем артикль со словом space , имеем в виду место, где нет воздуха- космос. В значение space - место- где есть воздух мы пишем the space:    

Scientist travel in space.

II -Использование Past continuous

1-Мы используем Past continuous, что бы сказать кто-то был в середине действия в определенный момент в прошлом:

Steven and Martin were playing chess at 5 p.m.

2-Мы используем Past continuous что бы сказать что что-то случилось в середине другого события в прошлом.

The girl was watching the comedy when her mother came in.

M+was| were + V(ing)

M+wasn t|weren t+ V(ing)

Was|were +M+V?

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

Word combinations:

1-belong to a great group of stars that travel through space together-

2-about 20 stars for each human being on planet Earth-

3-to for from the Earth to be seen with the naked eye-

4-to explore their own solar system-

5-possible in huge “starships”-

6-go further to investigate the Universe-


1-What is the star?

2-What is the galaxy?

3-How much are stars in the Galaxy?

4-What does Galaxy look like?

5-How can people travel through space?

Word combinations:

1-belong to a great group of stars that travel through space together-

2-about 20 stars for each human being on planet Earth-

3-to for from the Earth to be seen with the naked eye-

4-to explore their own solar system-

5-possible in huge “starships”-

6-go further to investigate the Universe-


1-What is the star?

2-What is the galaxy?

3-How much are stars in the Galaxy?

4-What does Galaxy look like?

5-How can people travel through space?

Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Fill in the missing letters:

Thre_t, def_nd, at_ention, bul_y, p_ck on, v_ctim, p_nishm_nt, thre_tening let_er, h_te bulling, enj_y bulling, make f_n, usel_ss.

  1. Fill in the missing words and translate the following sentences  into Russian: threat, abuse, blackmail, pick on, steal.

1-If somebody names you unkind or rude words. It means__________

2-If somebody wishes to hurt you. It means__________

3-If somebody practices of getting money by threatening. It means_____________

4-If somebody chooses you to make a job. It means__________

5-If somebody takes money without permission. It means__________






  1. Translate into English.

1-Злые слова, угроза, мошенничество, воровство – это все является преступлением.

2-Преступник может рассказать, что он чувствовал после преступления.

3-Если кто-то совершил преступления, то он должен понести наказания.




  1. Guess the words.

ntishumnep, fended, liulbng, billmakca , esalt, mctivi.

  1. Fill in the missing letters:

Thre_t, def_nd, at_ention, bul_y, p_ck on, v_ctim, p_nishm_nt, thre_tening let_er, h_te bulling, enj_y bulling, make f_n, usel_ss.

  1. Fill in the missing words and translate the following sentences  into Russian: threat, abuse, blackmail, pick on, steal.

1-If somebody names you unkind or rude words. It means__________

2-If somebody wishes to hurt you. It means__________

3-If somebody practices of getting money by threatening. It means_____________

4-If somebody chooses you to make a job. It means__________

5-If somebody takes money without permission. It means__________






  1. Translate into English.

1-Злые слова, угроза, мошенничество, воровство – это все является преступлением.

2-Преступник может рассказать, что он чувствовал после преступления.

3-Если кто-то совершил преступления, то он должен понести наказания.




  1. Guess the words.

ntishumnep, fended, liulbng, billmakca , esalt, mctivi.

Предварительный просмотр:

1-Write the questions for the following answers:


Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in November in the United States.


The Pilgrims were religious people from England.


The town built in America by the Pilgrims was called Plymouth.


The Pilgrims were thankful for food their new home.


The Pilgrims were shown how to hunt, fish and grow corn by the Indians.

2-Guess the sentences and translate:

1- Every Americans celebrate all Day year Thanksgiving

2-They to practice to be free religion their wanted

3-Some  to see America didn’t live people

4-The Indians the Pilgrims helped

3-Find the words combinations:

Thanksgiving -



The Pilgrim-




The next-

4-Put the letter: Cel_brate, rel_gion, ani_als, p_gs, g_ats, chick_ns, oce_n, si_k, wint_r, pilgr_ms, Indi_ns, h_nt, co_n, f_ther, turk_y, pumpk_n.

5-Study the text: Every year all Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day. The story started in 1620. A group of people decided to leave England and go to live in America. They wanted to be free to practice their religion.  And they wanted a new and better life. On 16th September 1620 they left  Plymouth, a port on the south coast of England.

1-Write the questions for the following answers:


Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in November in the United States.


The Pilgrims were religious people from England.


The town built in America by the Pilgrims was called Plymouth.


The Pilgrims were thankful for food their new home.


The Pilgrims were shown how to hunt, fish and grow corn by the Indians.

2-Guess the sentences and translate:

1- Every Americans celebrate all Day year Thanksgiving

2-They to practice to be free religion their wanted

3-Some  to see America didn’t live people

4-The Indians the Pilgrims helped

3-Find the words combinations:

Thanksgiving -



The Pilgrim-




The next-

4-Put the letter: Cel_brate, rel_gion, ani_als, p_gs, g_ats, chick_ns, oce_n, si_k, wint_r, pilgr_ms, Indi_ns, h_nt, co_n, f_ther, turk_y, pumpk_n.

5-Study the text:Every year all Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day. The story started in 1620. A group of people decided to leave England and go to live in America. They wanted to be free to practice their religion.  And they wanted a new and better life. On 16th September 1620 they left  Plymouth, a port on the south coast of England.

1-Write the questions for the following answers:


Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in November in the United States.


The Pilgrims were religious people from England.


The town built in America by the Pilgrims was called Plymouth.


The Pilgrims were thankful for food their new home.


The Pilgrims were shown how to hunt, fish and grow corn by the Indians.

2-Guess the sentences and translate:

1- Every Americans celebrate all Day year Thanksgiving

2-They to practice to be free religion their wanted

3-Some  to see America didn’t live people

4-The Indians the Pilgrims helped

3-Find the words combinations:

Thanksgiving -



The Pilgrim-




The next-

4-Put the letter: Cel_brate, rel_gion, ani_als, p_gs, g_ats, chick_ns, oce_n, si_k, wint_r, pilgr_ms, Indi_ns, h_nt, co_n, f_ther, turk_y, pumpk_n.

5-Study the text: Every year all Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day. The story started in 1620. A group of people decided to leave England and go to live in America. They wanted to be free to practice their religion.  And they wanted a new and better life. On 16th September 1620 they left  Plymouth, a port on the south coast of England.

1-Write the questions for the following answers:


Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in November in the United States.


The Pilgrims were religious people from England.


The town built in America by the Pilgrims was called Plymouth.


The Pilgrims were thankful for food their new home.


The Pilgrims were shown how to hunt, fish and grow corn by the Indians.

2-Guess the sentences and translate:

1- Every Americans celebrate all Day year Thanksgiving

2-They to practice to be free religion their wanted

3-Some  to see America didn’t live people

4-The Indians the Pilgrims helped

3-Find the words combinations:

Thanksgiving -



The Pilgrim-




The next-

4-Put the letter: Cel_brate, rel_gion, ani_als, p_gs, g_ats, chick_ns, oce_n, si_k, wint_r, pilgr_ms, Indi_ns, h_nt, co_n, f_ther, turk_y, pumpk_n.

5-Study the text:Every year all Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day. The story started in 1620. A group of people decided to leave England and go to live in America. They wanted to be free to practice their religion.  And they wanted a new and better life. On 16th September 1620 they left  Plymouth, a port on the south coast of England.

Предварительный просмотр:

План-конспект урока по учебнику «Enjoy English» 8 класс. Авторы: Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н.

Тема: «Межличностные отношения»

(Технологическая карта изучения темы)


Межличностные отношения

Цель темы


  1. Формировать грамматический навык по теме «Сложное дополнение»


  1. Развивать умения систематизировать новые знания и на их основе составлять предложения с конструкцией «Сложное дополнение» по образцу.


  1. Воспитывать чувство уважения к окружающим людям, прививать понимание значимости доверительных межличностных отношений в семье и с друзьями.

Планируемый результат

Предметные умения


Ученик научится:

  1. Говорить о ситуации, в которой кто-то заставляет (просит) кого-то выполнить какое-либо действие. (1 простое предложение)
  2. Читать и корректно переводить на литературный русский язык предложения с конструкцией «сложное дополнение»
  3. Переводить сложноподчиненные русские предложения на английский язык, используя конструкцию «сложное дополнение»

Ученик получит возможность научиться:

  1. Догадываться о значении незнакомых слов  по сходству с русским языком
  2. Понимать необходимость употребления частицы to в предложениях с конструкцией «сложное дополнение» и правильно употреблять её в письменной речи.

Личностные: формирование ответственного отношения к учению, готовности к саморазвитию и самообразованию, формирование коммуникативной компетенции в общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками, формирование и развитие интереса к иностранному языку.

Регулятивные: осуществление регулятивных действий самонаблюдения, самоконтроля, самооценки в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном языке.

Познавательные: построение логических рассуждений, включающее установление причинно-следственных связей.;

Коммуникативные: формулировка собственного мнения и позиции, способность аргументировать и координировать ее с позициями партнеров  в сотрудничестве при выработке общего решения в совместной деятельности; умение задавать вопросы  и отвечать на них; адекватно использовать речевые средства для решения различных коммуникативных задач.

Основные понятия

Конструкция «Сложное дополнение», частица «to», лексика «Межличностные отношения»

Организация пространства

Межпредметные связи

Формы работы


Психология, русский язык

Индивидуальная, групповая, фронтальная


- рабочая тетрадь,

- звуковое приложение (CD)

- карточки с обозначенными проблемами

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность обучающихся




Осуществляемые действия

Формируемые способы деятельности

Осуществляемые действия

Формируемые способы деятельности

Осуществляемые действия

Формируемые способы деятельности

1 этап – Мотивационно-ориентировочный

  1. Учитель предлагает ученикам перевести английское предложение с конструкцией «Сложное дополнение» на литературный русский язык. (актуализирует уже имеющиеся у учеников знания по данной теме) стр.99
  2. Организует беседу, которая помогает обучающимся сформулировать цели занятия
  3. Подводит итоги задания, помогает ученикам определить поле незнания по теме «Сложноподчиненное предложение. Конструкция Сложное дополнение»

Вспоминает, что ему известно по изучаемому вопросу, делает предположение, систематизирует информацию до изучения нового материала, задает вопросы, подбирает необходимые русские слова.

Осуществлять актуализацию полученных ранее знаний по предмету.

1. Обсуждают свои варианты в парах

2. Обсуждают свои варианты в классе

Слушать собеседника, строить понятные для собеседника высказывания, формулировать собственное мнение и позицию, аргументировать и координировать ее с позициями партнеров в сотрудничестве при выработке общего решения в совместной деятельности; устанавливать и сравнивать разные точки зрения, прежде чем принимать решения и делать выбор

Оценивают правильность выполнения задания, вносят необходимые коррективы в свою работу как в конце действия, так и по ходу его реализации; оценивают поле своего незнания, ставят учебные цели и задачи (с помощью учителя определяют, что еще необходимо узнать по данной теме)

Уметь слушать в соответствии с целевой установкой; принимать и сохранять учебную цель и задачу; дополнять высказанные мнения по существу полученного задания; владеть целеполаганием, постановкой учебных целей и задач.

2 этап – Исполнительский

I-Знакомит учеников с новой грамматической конструкцией «Сложное дополнение» упр.19 стр.99

Записывают структуру новой грамматической конструкции в тетрадях и примеры к ней с параллельным русским переводом.

Понимание перевода на основе языковой догадки

Находят сходства и различия в языковом оформлении одной и той же ситуации.

Задавать вопросы для организации собственной деятельности

Переводят предложение, сравнивают свои варианты переводов.

Самостоятельно оценивать правильность выполнения действия, вносить необходимые коррективы в выполнение задания, обнаруживать отклонения от эталона.

II Организует работу с упражнением на перевод на русский язык.

Предлагает ученикам обсудить и выбрать наиболее литературный вариант перевода английских предложений. упр.20 стр.99


Обучающиеся читают и переводят предложения, обращая внимание на новые грамматические структуры.

Развить умения внимательного чтения, языковой догадки.

Взаимодействует с учителем и одноклассниками во время изучения и  во время обсуждения ответов во фронтальном режиме

Адекватно использовать речевые средства для решения различных коммуникативных задач.

В ходе заслушивания ответов учеников осуществляют самоконтроль понимания предложения

Принимать и сохранять учебную цель и  задачу; осуществлять самоконтроль.

III.Организует сначала фронтальную, затем парную работу с использованием новой грамматической структуры (базовый уровень)


Восстанавливают структуру предложения из частей, переводят на русский язык

Восстанавливать порядок слов в предложении, осознанно задавать вопросы, анализировать знания грамматических и лексических единиц, развивать навыки построения предложения.

Записывают предложения согласно правильному порядку слов и новой лексике, запрашивают информацию, слушают ответы своих одноклассников

Решать коммуникативные вопросы по запросу информации и ответу на него; развивают умение работать в паре.

Осуществляют самоконтроль своих знаний и напарника, оценивают правильность выполнения задания, вносят необходимые коррективы

Принимать и сохранять цель, определять способы действий в рамках предложенных условий

IV.Организует самостоятельную работу по переводу русских сложноподчиненных предложений на английский язык с использованием изучаемой конструкции.

Письменно переводят предложения.

Осуществлять актуализацию полученных ранее знаний по предмету, уметь работать с лексикой, заданной темой, уметь правильно формулировать предложения.

Взаимодействуют с учителем и одноклассниками во время обсуждения ответов во фронтальном режиме.

Понимать на слух предложения учащихся, понимать структуру, прежде чем задать вопрос.

В ходе заслушивания предложений одноклассников осуществляют самоконтроль понимания предложения и сравнивают со своим вариантом перевода.

Принимать и сохранять учебную цель и задачу; осуществлять самоконтроль.

3 этап – Рефлексия

Предлагает вернуться к предложению, приведенному в пример в начале урока, и обсудить, какая структура – русская или английская – проще для понимания и использования иностранцем.

Объясняет домашнее задание

Называют и

систематизируют полученную информацию, отбирает нужную лексику и грамматику

Записывают домашнее задание

Осуществляют актуализацию полученных знаний

Слушают одноклассников, активно участвуют в решении коммуникативной задачи, выражают свое мнение об итогах работы на уроке

Формулировать собственное мнение, аргументировать его и координировать с позициями партнеров.

Оценивают результаты достигнутого на уроке, выделяя свой уровень приращения в конце урока.

Самостоятельно анализировать достижение цели на основе учета выделенных учителем ориентиров действия в новом учебном материале; осуществлять познавательную рефлексию в отношении действий по решению учебных и познавательных задач.

Предварительный просмотр:

План-конспект урока по учебнику «Enjoy English» 8 класс. Авторы: Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н.

Тема: «Межличностные отношения»

(Технологическая карта изучения темы)


Межличностные отношения

Цель темы


  1. Формировать лексический навык по теме «Межличностные отношения в семье и с друзьями»


  1. Развивать умения систематизировать новые знания и на их основе составлять словосочетания и предложения.


  1. Воспитывать чувство уважения к окружающим людям, прививать понимание значимости доверительных межличностных отношений в семье и с друзьями.

Планируемый результат

Предметные умения


Ученик научится:

  1. Произносить  и переводить на русский язык лексику по теме.
  2. Использовать правильный предлог в устойчивых английских конструкциях.

Ученик получит возможность научиться:

  1. Догадываться о значении незнакомых слов  по сходству с русским языком

Личностные: формирование ответственного отношения к учению, готовности к саморазвитию и самообразованию, формирование коммуникативной компетенции в общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками, формирование и развитие интереса к иностранному языку.

Регулятивные: осуществление регулятивных действий самонаблюдения, самоконтроля, самооценки в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном языке.

Познавательные: построение логических рассуждений, включающее установление причинно-следственных связей.;

Коммуникативные: формулировка собственного мнения и позиции, способность аргументировать и координировать ее с позициями партнеров  в сотрудничестве при выработке общего решения в совместной деятельности; умение задавать вопросы  и отвечать на них; адекватно использовать речевые средства для решения различных коммуникативных задач.

Основные понятия

лексика «Межличностные отношения»

Организация пространства

Межпредметные связи

Формы работы


Психология, русский язык

Индивидуальная, групповая, фронтальная


- рабочая тетрадь,

- звуковое приложение (CD)

- карточки с обозначенными проблемами

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность обучающихся




Осуществляемые действия

Формируемые способы деятельности

Осуществляемые действия

Формируемые способы деятельности

Осуществляемые действия

Формируемые способы деятельности

1 этап – Мотивационно-ориентировочный

  1. Учитель предлагает ученикам прослушать 3 диалога и соотнести их с картинками. Упр.16 стр.98
  2. Организует беседу, которая помогает обучающимся сформулировать цели занятия
  3. Подводит итоги задания, помогает ученикам определить поле незнания по теме «Межличностные отношения»

Вспоминает, что ему известно по изучаемому вопросу, делает предположение, систематизирует информацию до изучения нового материала, задает вопросы, подбирает необходимые русские слова.

Осуществлять актуализацию полученных ранее знаний по предмету.

1. Обсуждают свои варианты в парах

2. Обсуждают свои варианты в классе

Слушать собеседника, строить понятные для собеседника высказывания, формулировать собственное мнение и позицию, аргументировать и координировать ее с позициями партнеров в сотрудничестве при выработке общего решения в совместной деятельности; устанавливать и сравнивать разные точки зрения, прежде чем принимать решения и делать выбор

Оценивают правильность выполнения задания, вносят необходимые коррективы в свою работу как в конце действия, так и по ходу его реализации; оценивают поле своего незнания, ставят учебные цели и задачи (с помощью учителя определяют, что еще необходимо узнать по данной теме)

Уметь слушать в соответствии с целевой установкой; принимать и сохранять учебную цель и задачу; дополнять высказанные мнения по существу полученного задания; владеть целеполаганием, постановкой учебных целей и задач.

2 этап – Исполнительский

I-Знакомит учеников с новой лексикой. Упр.1 на карточках

Записывают слова, вставляя пропущенные буквы, переводят на русский язык.

Понимание перевода на основе языковой догадки

Находят сходства и различия в языковом оформлении одной и той же ситуации.

Задавать вопросы для организации собственной деятельности

Переводят слова и словосочетания, сравнивают свои варианты переводов.

Самостоятельно оценивать правильность выполнения действия, вносить необходимые коррективы в выполнение задания, обнаруживать отклонения от эталона.

II Организует работу с упражнением на перевод на русский язык и дополнение устойчивых структур необходимыми предлогами.

Предлагает ученикам обсудить и выбрать наиболее литературный вариант перевода английских предложений. упр.2 на карточках

Обучающиеся читают и переводят предложения, обращая внимание на новые лексические структуры.

Развить умения внимательного чтения, языковой догадки.

Взаимодействует с учителем и одноклассниками во время изучения и  во время обсуждения ответов во фронтальном режиме

Адекватно использовать речевые средства для решения различных коммуникативных задач.

В ходе заслушивания ответов учеников осуществляют самоконтроль понимания предложения

Принимать и сохранять учебную цель и  задачу; осуществлять самоконтроль.

III.Организует сначала фронтальную, затем парную работу с использованием новой лексической структуры (базовый уровень) упр. 3 на карточке

Сопоставляют две колонки, образуя словосочетания, и переводят их на русский язык

Восстанавливать порядок слов в словосочетании, осознанно задавать вопросы, анализировать знания лексических единиц, развивать навыки построения предложения.

Записывают словосочетания согласно правильному порядку слов и новой лексике, запрашивают информацию, слушают ответы своих одноклассников

Решать коммуникативные вопросы по запросу информации и ответу на него; развивают умение работать в паре.

Осуществляют самоконтроль своих знаний и напарника, оценивают правильность выполнения задания, вносят необходимые коррективы

Принимать и сохранять цель, определять способы действий в рамках предложенных условий

IV.Организует самостоятельную работу по догадке и переводу новой лексики.

Письменно переводят слова.

Осуществлять актуализацию полученных ранее знаний по предмету, уметь работать с лексикой, заданной темой.

Взаимодействуют с учителем и одноклассниками во время обсуждения ответов во фронтальном режиме.

Понимать на слух слова учащихся, понимать структуру, прежде чем задать вопрос.

В ходе заслушивания предложений одноклассников осуществляют самоконтроль понимания предложения и сравнивают со своим вариантом перевода.

Принимать и сохранять учебную цель и задачу; осуществлять самоконтроль.

3 этап – Рефлексия

Спрашивает, какие новые слова учащиеся запомнили, что оказалось наиболее и наименее сложным для запоминания.

Объясняет домашнее задание

Называют и

систематизируют полученную информацию, отбирает нужную лексику.

Записывают домашнее задание

Осуществляют актуализацию полученных знаний

Слушают одноклассников, активно участвуют в решении коммуникативной задачи, выражают свое мнение об итогах работы на уроке

Формулировать собственное мнение, аргументировать его и координировать с позициями партнеров.

Оценивают результаты достигнутого на уроке, выделяя свой уровень приращения в конце урока.

Самостоятельно анализировать достижение цели на основе учета выделенных учителем ориентиров действия в новом учебном материале; осуществлять познавательную рефлексию в отношении действий по решению учебных и познавательных задач.

Предварительный просмотр:

Условные предложения первого типа в английском языке.

If ... Simple Present ..., ... Simple Future ...
Simple Future ... if ... Simple Present ...

Употребление- Условные предложения первого типа в английском языке описывают события будущего времени. Ситуации, описанные в таких предложениях, реальны и вполне возможны. Обратите внимание, что в русском языке такие предложения имеют будущее время.

If I see her, I will give her your love.
Если я увижу ее, я передам ей от тебя привет.

The match
will be cancelled if it rains.
отменят, если пойдет дождь.

Условные предложения второго типа в английском языке.

If ... Simple Past ..., ... would + глагол ...
… would + глагол ... if ... Simple Past ...

Употребление-Условные предложения второго типа в английском языке описывают события настоящего и будущего времени. Ситуации, описанные в таких предложениях, нереальны (невозможны, невероятны, воображаемы). Такие предложения имеют невозможный, гипотетический оттенок. Обратите внимание, что на русский язык данные предложения переводятся в сослагательном наклонении, с частицей "бы".

If you asked, they would help you.
Если бы ты попросил, они бы помогли тебе.

would buy a new car if I had more money.
бы купил новую машину, если бы у меня было больше денег.

Условные предложения третьего типа в английском языке.

If ... Past Perfect ..., ... would have + причастие прошедшего времени...
… would have + причастие прошедшего времени ... if ... Past Perfect ...

Употребление-Условные предложения третьего типа в английском языке описывают события прошедшего времени, которые могли бы произойти, но не произошли. Обратите внимание, что на русский язык данные предложения переводятся в сослагательном наклонении, с частицей "бы".

If you had invited them, they would have come.
Если бы ты пригласил их, они бы пришли. (Но ты их не пригласил, и, поэтому, они не пришли.)

Условные предложения первого типа в английском языке.

If ... Simple Present ..., ... Simple Future ...
Simple Future ... if ... Simple Present ...

Употребление- Условные предложения первого типа в английском языке описывают события будущего времени. Ситуации, описанные в таких предложениях, реальны и вполне возможны. Обратите внимание, что в русском языке такие предложения имеют будущее время.

If I see her, I will give her your love.
Если я увижу ее, я передам ей от тебя привет.

The match
will be cancelled if it rains.
отменят, если пойдет дождь.

Условные предложения второго типа в английском языке.

If ... Simple Past ..., ... would + глагол ...
… would + глагол ... if ... Simple Past ...

Употребление-Условные предложения второго типа в английском языке описывают события настоящего и будущего времени. Ситуации, описанные в таких предложениях, нереальны (невозможны, невероятны, воображаемы). Такие предложения имеют невозможный, гипотетический оттенок. Обратите внимание, что на русский язык данные предложения переводятся в сослагательном наклонении, с частицей "бы".

If you asked, they would help you.
Если бы ты попросил, они бы помогли тебе.

would buy a new car if I had more money.
бы купил новую машину, если бы у меня было больше денег.

Условные предложения третьего типа в английском языке.

If ... Past Perfect ..., ... would have + причастие прошедшего времени...
… would have + причастие прошедшего времени ... if ... Past Perfect ...

Употребление-Условные предложения третьего типа в английском языке описывают события прошедшего времени, которые могли бы произойти, но не произошли. Обратите внимание, что на русский язык данные предложения переводятся в сослагательном наклонении, с частицей "бы".

If you had invited them, they would have come.
Если бы ты пригласил их, они бы пришли. (Но ты их не пригласил, и, поэтому, они не пришли.)

Song: Money, Money, Money
Artist: ABBA

I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay
Ain't it sad
And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me
That's too bad
In my dreams I have a plan
If I _________________ (get) me a wealthy man
I  _________________ (not, have) to work at all, I _________________ (fool) around and have a ball

Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I _________________ (have) a little money
It's a rich man's world

A man like that is hard to find but I can't get him off my mind
Ain't it sad
And if he happens to be free I bet he _________________ (fancy) me
That's too bad
So I must leave, I'll have to go
To Las Vegas or Monaco
And win a fortune in a game, my life will never be the same

Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I _________________ (have) a little money
It's a rich man's world

Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I _________________ (have) a little money  
It's a rich man's world (2)

Song: Money, Money, Money
Artist: ABBA

I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay
Ain't it sad
And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me
That's too bad
In my dreams I have a plan
If I _________________ (get) me a wealthy man
I  _________________ (not, have) to work at all, I _________________ (fool) around and have a ball

Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I _________________ (have) a little money
It's a rich man's world

A man like that is hard to find but I can't get him off my mind
Ain't it sad
And if he happens to be free I bet he _________________ (fancy) me
That's too bad
So I must leave, I'll have to go
To Las Vegas or Monaco
And win a fortune in a game, my life will never be the same

Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I _________________ (have) a little money
It's a rich man's world

Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I _________________ (have) a little money  

It's a rich man's world (2Song: Money, Money, Money
Artist: ABBA

I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay
Ain't it sad
And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me
That's too bad
In my dreams I have a plan
If I
got me a wealthy man
wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around and have a ball

Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I
had a little money
It's a rich man's world

A man like that is hard to find but I can't get him off my mind
Ain't it sad
And if he happens to be free I bet he
wouldn't fancy me
That's too bad
So I must leave, I'll have to go
To Las Vegas or Monaco
And win a fortune in a game, my life will never be the same

Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I
had a little money
It's a rich man's world

Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do           If I
had a little money              It's a rich man's world

Предварительный просмотр:

Test- V1

I-Translate the phrases:

1-It is cloudy and sunny

5-It is cool and cloudy

2-It is icy and snowy

6-It is hot and humid

3-It is cloudy but dry

7-it is snowy and sunny

4-It is hot and stormy

II-Translate the text

The Milky Way is not the only Galaxy in space. In fact, there are thousands of millions. But most are too far from the earth to be seen  with the naked eye. On clear, dark nights a small number can be seen without a telescope. People can see Andromeda galaxy.

III- Put in Past simple and Past continuous

1. He (work) at plant last year.

2. I (play) all day long yesterday.

3. The children (play) chess while their mother (cook) dinner

4.I (attend) a lecture twice a week.

5. He (learn) these rules all day long.

IV-Make the sentences

1-The little girle|cry|the whole evening|yesterday.

2-It| snow|all day long| yesterday.

3-What|you|do|at 4 p.m.|yesterday?

4-He |look|at the sky|when|the boy|touch|him.

V-Underline the word with the same or similar meaning

to damage

a) to be out of luck           b) to hurt      c) to be in trouble

to destroy

a)to kill                             b)to break     c)to fight

a disaster

a)danger                           b)trouble       c)luck

VI- Translate into English

1-Землетрясение-это всегда ужасная трагедия: гибнут сотни или тысячи людей. Кроме того они причиняют много разрушений.

2-Знаешь ли ты свою планету? Говорят, что она еще молода. Из космоса она кажется бело-голубой, потому что на три четверти покрыта океанами.

VII- Write composition “My future planet”

Test- V2

I-Translate the phrases:

1-It is sunny and icy

5-It is cool and sunny

2-It is windy and snowy

6-It is warm and wet

3-It is stormy and windy

It is cool and humid

4-It is cold and wet

II-Translate the text

The Earth is the fifth largest of the nine main planets in the solar system. It s third planet from the sun. The sun is just one of many stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Earth looks blue from space because 70%, nearly three quarters, is covered  with water.

III- Put in Past simple and Past continuous

1. He (work) at plant last year.

2. I (play) all day long yesterday.

3. The children (play) chess while their mother (cook) dinner

4.I (attend) a lecture twice a week.

5. He (learn) these rules all day long

IV-Make the sentences

1-The little girle|cry|the whole evening|yesterday.

2-It| snow|all day long| yesterday.

3-What|you|do|at 4 p.m.|yesterday?

4-He |look|at the sky|when|the boy|touch|him.

V-Underline the word with the same or similar meaning


a)an experiment  b)an achievement  c)an exploration


a)terrible             b)hard                    c)exciting


a)stormy              b)foggy                  c)rainy

VI- Translate into English

1-Ты бы хотела на луне? Это наша ближайшая соседка. Я уверен, что люди  будут летать туда на космическом корабле.

2-Представьте себе пятизвездочный отель на Луне для победителей нашего конкурса. Они будут летать в космических костюмах и на космических караблях.

VII- Write composition “My future planet”

Предварительный просмотр:

Progress check - 2    the 8th form  


1.Translate the words:

1-to prohibit

7- a recycling center

2-be prohibited



9-to drop litter    

4-to recycle

10-clean litter



6-recycled paper


2. Translate the phrases:

1- People pollute themselves with cigarettes, alcohol and junk food.


2- Pollution is very dangerous for people, wildlife and the environment.


3- In one year person throws away: 70 food cans, 34 cans of pet food and 70 drink cans.


4- They tear the wrapping off sweets and throw it away.


3.Put the article “the”    

The official name of the country is 1)….United Kingdom of 2)….Great Britain and 3)….Northern Ireland. The country is situated in 4)….British Isles. The two main islands are 5)….Great Britain and 6)…Ireland.

4. Translate from Russian into English:

1) Если бы животные могли говорить, они рассказали бы много интересного о людях.


2)Если бы мы тогда подумали о будущем нашей планеты, мы бы жили уверенно.


5. Complete the sentences, using Conditional II and III:

1) If I….(be) you, I would join Greenpeace.

2) If we din t pollute our seas, they ….(be) full of fish

3) If we had protected the environment seriously, our planet ….(be)out of danger.

6. Write the composition “Pollution is very dangerous for people”:


Progress check - 2  the     8th form


1.Translate the words:

1-Protect from pollution

7- a can

2-сchemical waste

8-unpacked goods

3- waste paper

9-to throw

4-It’s waste of time

10-can protect  


11-can destroy

6-air pollution

12-sea pollution

2. Translate the phrases:

1- Earth support human beings, animals, birds, fishes, insects and plants.


2- But human beings are killing our planet. People cut dawn more trees, build more roads.


3- One European family with 2 children throws away 50 kilos of paper, and 60 kilos of plastic.


4- They drop their cigarette packets and cans of drink without a thought.


3.Put the article “the”

1)….United Kingdom is not for from2) ….Europe. 3)….UK  is washed by 4)….Atlantic Ocean in the east and by 5)….North Sea in the west. The  highest mountains are in 6)…. Scotland and 7)….Wales.

4. Translate from Russian into English

1) Мы бы жили на чистой Земле, если бы люди не выбрасывали столько мусора последние 20-30 лет.


2)Если каждый будет убирать свою улицу, то город станет чистый.

_________________________________________________________________________________________5. Complete the sentences, using Conditional II and III

1) If I were you, I ….(continue) the exploration.

2) If you had read these books, you ….(know) more about this environmental problem.

3) If she ….(hear) the conversation, she wouldn’t have come there.

6. Write the composition “Pollution is very dangerous for people”


Предварительный просмотр:

Progress Check. Unit 3 class 8

Variant 1

1.Make full words






2.Devide into to columns:

Programme, color, catalogue, catalog, cheque, program, traveller, check.

British English

American English

3.Choose the right words

1-Can I give you_____advice?

  1. any   b) some    c) much

2-Look! There is so_____snow everywhere.

  1. few  b) many    c) much

3-I have to go shopping. We have got very_____food in the fridge.

  1. Little  b) many  c) few

4. Translate into Russia

1-Whatever you see don t be surprised.

2-Whenever you come to us we will be glad to see you.

5.Make Reported Speech

1-The student apologized: “I m very sorry for coming so late”.

2-The elder brother to the younger brother explained: “Look, this is how this rule works”.

4-The child suggests: “ Let s build a sandcastle together”.

Progress Check. Unit 3 class 8

Variant 2

1.Make full words






2.Devide into to columns:

color, colour, catalogue, catalog, cheque, traveler, traveller, check.

British English

American English

3.Choose the right words

1-I m thirsty. Can I have____water?

  1. many  b) few  c) some

2-I can t go to the swimming pool on Monday, I have  to do ____hame work.

  1. a lot of  b) many  c) any

3-My parents bought ____milk.

  1. many    b)a lot of  c) any

4. Translate into Russia

1-Wherever they go, their knowledge of English helps them a lot.

2-However busy I am, I go to the swimming pool twice a week.

5.Make Reported Speech

1-The boys offers to his classmate: ”I can help you”.

2-The mother advised to her daughter: ”Use less  make up”.

3- The elderly lady thanked  to the boy: “Thank you very much for helping with my luggage”.

Предварительный просмотр:

Progress Check. Unit 4 Сlass 8

Variant 1

1.Underline the word with the same or similar meaning:

1-to defend                        a)to save   b)to protect   c)to help

2-threat                              a)bulling    b)argument   c)warning

3-to succeed  in                 a)to be out of luck  b)to win  c)to manage

2.Put the word in the right form and translate:


He has got the third…letter from the stranger.


Her mother…her to try her luck in the competition.


Now you are the…of this wonderful house. My congratulations!

3. Fill in DO or MAKE in an appropriate form:

1-She has …5 grammar mistakes in her test.

2-The boys got up at 6 a.m., …their morning exercises.

3-mike has gone into town to…some shopping.

4-90% of housework is …by women.

5-The car was … in Germany.

4.Fill in to if necessary:

1-I want you…have lunch with us.

2-What makes you …think so?

3-She asked us not…be late.

4-His mother told him…come  back at 10.

5. Translate:

Walt Disney is a famous American producer. He created  funny Donald Duck, brave Mickey mouse, little Bambi and lovely Mary Poppins.  Walt Disney was born in 1901 and spent a lot of time on a farm. Then he managed his own company. He loved cartoons and was full of ideas. Walt Disney had clear aim of what he wanted.

6.Write the composition: “Successful person is example for me”

Progress Check. Unit 4 Сlass 8

Variant 2

1.Underline the word with the same or similar meaning:

1-mad                             a)ambitious  b)clever  c)crazy

2-tolerant                        a)patient       b)kind    c)ambitious

3-to argue                       a)ask             b)to disagree  c)to trouble

2.Put the word in the right form and translate:


Our country is proud of these… people.


On July 4 th, 1776 the American colonies declared their… from Britain.


Students and teachers should always try to prevent…

3. Fill in DO or MAKE in an appropriate form:

1-Don t worry! Just …your best.

2-I have …some coffee for you.

3-Last  Sunday they … fun of him because he was wearing a strangle hat.

4-Mr.Black… a lot of money as a lawyer.

5-Have you …friends with your classmates?

4.Fill in to if necessary:

1-She made her son…read the letter.

2-We want you…join our organization.

3-Hot weather makes me…feel sick.

4-Don t make me …laugh.

5. Translate:

Mother Teresa was born in 1910 in Albania. Her real name was Agnes. When Agnes was only nine, her father died. The family became poor. But later mother opened a shop, and the business did well. That was the second lesson in her life from her mother: when life is difficult you must try, try and try again.

6.Write the composition: “Successful person is example for me”

Предварительный просмотр:

Passive Voice

Present Passive Voice

Утвердительная форма (V-3, ed)

Вопросительная форма(V-3, ed)

Отрицательная форма(V-3, ed)

I am invited.


She   is invited.



You are invited.


Меня приглашают

Am I invited?


Is   She   invited?



are   You are invited?


Ее приглашают?

I am not invited.


She   is not invited.



You are not  invited.


Ее не приглашают

Past Passive Voice

Утвердительная форма (V-3, ed)

Вопросительная форма(V-3, ed)

Отрицательная форма(V-3, ed)

I was invited.


She   was invited.



You   were   invited.


Меня пригласили

Was   I invited?


Was   She   invited?



were   You   invited?


Ее пригласили?

I was not invited.


She     was  not invited.



You     were  not  invited.


Ее не приглашали

Present Perfect Passive Voice

Утвердительная форма (V-3, ed)

Вопросительная форма(V-3, ed)

Отрицательная форма(V-3, ed)

I have  invited.


She   has invited.



You   have   invited.


Меня уже пригласили

have   I invited?


has   She   invited?



have   You   invited?


Ее уже пригласили?

I have not invited.


She     has  not invited.



You    have  not  invited.


Ее еще не приглашали

Past Perfect Passive Voice

Утвердительная форма (V-3, ed)

Вопросительная форма(V-3, ed)

Отрицательная форма(V-3, ed)

I had  invited.


She   had invited.



You   had   invited.


Меня уже тогда пригласили

had   I invited?


had  She   invited?



had   You   invited?


Ее уже тогда пригласили?

I had not invited.


She     had  not invited.



You    had  not  invited.


Ее еще тогда не приглашали

Passive Voice

Present Passive Voice

Утвердительная форма (V-3, ed)

Вопросительная форма(V-3, ed)

Отрицательная форма(V-3, ed)

I am invited.


She   is invited.



You are invited.


Меня приглашают

Am I invited?


Is   She   invited?



are   You are invited?


Ее приглашают?

I am not invited.


She   is not invited.



You are not  invited.


Ее не приглашают

Past Passive Voice

Утвердительная форма (V-3, ed)

Вопросительная форма(V-3, ed)

Отрицательная форма(V-3, ed)

I was invited.


She   was invited.



You   were   invited.


Меня пригласили

Was   I invited?


Was   She   invited?



were   You   invited?


Ее пригласили?

I was not invited.


She     was  not invited.



You     were  not  invited.


Ее не приглашали

Present Perfect Passive Voice

Утвердительная форма (V-3, ed)

Вопросительная форма(V-3, ed)

Отрицательная форма(V-3, ed)

I have  invited.


She   has invited.



You   have   invited.


Меня уже пригласили

have   I invited?


has   She   invited?



have   You   invited?


Ее уже пригласили?

I have not invited.


She     has  not invited.



You    have  not  invited.


Ее еще не приглашали

Past Perfect Passive Voice

Утвердительная форма (V-3, ed)

Вопросительная форма(V-3, ed)

Отрицательная форма(V-3, ed)

I had  invited.


She   had invited.



You   had   invited.


Меня уже тогда пригласили

had   I invited?


had  She   invited?



had   You   invited?


Ее уже тогда пригласили?

I had not invited.


She     had  not invited.



You    had  not  invited.


Ее еще тогда не приглашали

Предварительный просмотр:

Reported speech

Present simple        Past simple

Future simple        Future in the Past

Present Perfect

Past simple                Past Perfect

Mother said: “It is a special party.” (Present Simple)

Mother said that it was a special party. (Past simple)

Carrie told her mother: “Everyone will laugh.” (Future simple)

Carrie told her mother that everyone would laugh. (Future simple)

Mother told Carrie: “I haven t seen signs of beauty in you for a long time.” (Present Perfect)

Mother told Carrie that she had not seen any signs of beauty in her for a long time.” (Present Perfect)

Mother said: “Carrie, your grandmother gave you a velvet dress for your birthday.” (Past simple)

Mother told  Carrie that her  grandmother had given her  a velvet dress for your birthday.” (Past Perfect)

Write the following sentences in reported speech:

1-Our teacher said, “You have made some mistakes  in composition.”

2-She said, “I don t tell you the right”

3-Mary said, “I will come to talk with  you tomorrow.”

4-Mr Grey said, “I speak English perfectly.”

5-They said, “We sow everything about this film.”

Reported speech

Present simple        Past simple

Future simple        Future in the Past

Present Perfect

Past simple                Past Perfect

Mother said: “It is a special party.” (Present Simple)

Mother said that it was a special party. (Past simple)

Carrie told her mother: “Everyone will laugh.” (Future simple)

Carrie told her mother that everyone would laugh. (Future simple)

Mother told Carrie: “I haven t seen signs of beauty in you for a long time.” (Present Perfect)

Mother told Carrie that she had not seen any signs of beauty in her for a long time.” (Present Perfect)

Mother said: “Carrie, your grandmother gave you a velvet dress for your birthday.” (Past simple)

Mother told  Carrie that her  grandmother had given her  a velvet dress for your birthday.” (Past Perfect)

Write the following sentences in reported speech:

1-Our teacher said, “You have made some mistakes  in composition.”

2-She said, “I don t tell you the right”

3-Mary said, “I will come to talk with  you tomorrow.”

4-Mr Grey said, “I speak English perfectly.”

5-They said, “We sow everything about this film.”

Reported speech

Present simple        Past simple

Future simple        Future in the Past

Present Perfect

Past simple                Past Perfect

Mother said: “It is a special party.” (Present Simple)

Mother said that it was a special party. (Past simple)

Carrie told her mother: “Everyone will laugh.” (Future simple)

Carrie told her mother that everyone would laugh. (Future simple)

Mother told Carrie: “I haven t seen signs of beauty in you for a long time.” (Present Perfect)

Mother told Carrie that she had not seen any signs of beauty in her for a long time.” (Present Perfect)

Mother said: “Carrie, your grandmother gave you a velvet dress for your birthday.” (Past simple)

Mother told  Carrie that her  grandmother had given her  a velvet dress for your birthday.” (Past Perfect)

Write the following sentences in reported speech:

1-Our teacher said, “You have made some mistakes  in composition.”

2-She said, “I don t tell you the right”

3-Mary said, “I will come to talk with  you tomorrow.”

4-Mr Grey said, “I speak English perfectly.”

5-They said, “We sow everything about this film.”

Reported speech

Present simple        Past simple

Future simple        Future in the Past

Present Perfect

Past simple                Past Perfect

Mother said: “It is a special party.” (Present Simple)

Mother said that it was a special party. (Past simple)

Carrie told her mother: “Everyone will laugh.” (Future simple)

Carrie told her mother that everyone would laugh. (Future simple)

Mother told Carrie: “I haven t seen signs of beauty in you for a long time.” (Present Perfect)

Mother told Carrie that she had not seen any signs of beauty in her for a long time.” (Present Perfect)

Mother said: “Carrie, your grandmother gave you a velvet dress for your birthday.” (Past simple)

Mother told  Carrie that her  grandmother had given her  a velvet dress for your birthday.” (Past Perfect)

Write the following sentences in reported speech:

1-Our teacher said, “You have made some mistakes  in composition.”

2-She said, “I don t tell you the right”

3-Mary said, “I will come to talk with  you tomorrow.”

4-Mr Grey said, “I speak English perfectly.”

5-They said, “We sow everything about this film.”

Предварительный просмотр:

1. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

  1. “I was in London last week”, she says.


  1. “I am tired”, he says.


  1. “They will visit us next weekend”, he says.


  1. “ Carol is a smart girl”, he says.


  1. “John has lost his bicycle”, she says.


2. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. Make any necessary changes.

  1. “I go to Cardiff by train”, he said.


  1. “He is feeling better today”, his mother said.


  1. “We’ll go fishing next weekend”, they said.


  1. “I visited James last Saturday”, Carol explained.


  1. “He has just decided to travel to Spain next year”, she said.


  1. “I like this dress”, she said.


  1. “We can’t go. We are studying now”, they explained.


  1. “I’ll do it for her”, he told me.


Предварительный просмотр:

Rafael Galleguillos Castillo

            La Serena                                                                                                                     Idioma extranjero: Inglés


Name:___________________________________________ class: workshop IV Date: ___/___/___.

Aims: -Identificar el contenido explicito e implícito de una película.

           -Extraer vocabulario específico del tópico (frases hechas y palabras aisladas).

           -Demostrar comprensión auditiva y lectora frente a situaciones de la película.http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Mtsrfm3c2ZM/Tj1m2oGqzJI/AAAAAAAAQqw/kzyuOgaELjk/s350/the-help-poster-2011.jpg


What kind of film is “The Help”? (circle the option) 

  1. Comedy  
  2. Sci-fi
  3. romantic comedy
  4. historical film
  5. horror film

Find the meaning of the following adjectives:

  1. Stubborn:
  2. Kind:
  3. Humble:
  4. Arrogant:
  5. Selfish:
  6. Naïve:
  7. Racist:

Movie Description:

Characters: Use one adjective to describe each character.

Events Relating to the Following: write an event related to the character.

1. Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan:

1. Theodore G. Bilbo:

2. Aibileen Clark:

2. Emmett Till

3. Minny Jackson

3. Roy Bryant

4. Hilly Holbrook

4. Medgar Evers

Complete the laws:

  1. No person should require a) ________________ to nurse in wards or b) _____________ in which c) ____________ are placed.

  1. Books shall not be d) _____________ between e) ____________ and f) _______________ but shall be continued to be used by the g) __________ first h) ______________.

  1. No coloured barber shall serve as a barber to I) _______________________.

  1. Any person printing, publishing or circulating written matter urging for j) __________________ or k) ________________ between whites and negroes is subject to l) ____________.

Comprehension task 1: circle the correct option

  1. In what town in Mississippi is "The Help" set?
  1. Charleston
  2. Hamilton
  3. Madison
  4. Jackson

  1. Who is the author of the book upon which the film is based?
  1. Kathryn Stockett
  2. Jodi Picoult
  3. Helen Fielding
  4. Margaret Atwood

  1. One of the most memorable characters in "The Help" is Minny Jackson, who finds herself fired rather early on in the film. Why exactly is she fired?
  1. For stealing a ring
  2. For giving her employer food poisoning
  3. For using her employer's private toilet
  4. For being late

  1. Who is the first African American maid to be interviewed?
  1. Dana
  2. Constantine
  3. Aibileen
  4. Minny

  1. What is the name of the maid responsible for raising Skeeter?
  1. Hilly
  2. Dana
  3. Constantine
  4. Minny

  1. Skeeter dreams of being a journalist and a writer, but her first job involves writing about something rather mundane. What type of column is she tasked with writing for the local newspaper?
  1. The obituaries column
  2. The ladies that lunch column
  3. The homemaker hints column
  4. The how to look lovely column

  1. "There are real racists in this town". Who is the woman who speaks these words?
  1. Hilly Hollbrook
  2. Elaine Stein
  3. Elizabeth Leefolt
  4. Mae Leefolt

  1. Aibileen always said the following: "You is kind. You is smart. You is ___!" What word is missing here?
  1. Important
  2. Pretty
  3. Unique
  4. Wonderful

Comprehension Task 2:

  1. What does Skeeter Phelan do? (profession)

  1. What does Aibileen promise the little girl, if she does a pee-pee?

  1. What´s the gardeners name?

  1. What happened to Constantine and how long did she work in the Phelan household?

  1. What does Minny say when she gives the cake to Hilly’s mom?

Opinion: (you can answer in Spanish)

  1. What does Skeeter want to write about? Why?

  1. Why was Minny fired?



Quotes: Translate the following quotations into Spanish.

          What’s your opinion on them?

  1. "Everybody knows they carry different diseases than we do.[…]  A bill that requires every white home to have a separate bathroom for the colored help."  

  1. :  "The colored women down here.  They raise a white child and then twenty years later the child becomes the employer.  It's that irony, that we love them and they love yet, yet ... We don't even allow them to use the toilet in the house."

  1. "What maid in her right mind would tell you the truth?

Предварительный просмотр:



This is my Granny. Her name is Margaret Brown. She is seventy five. She is on pension now.

My Granny is not tall. She wears nice round glasses, because she can’t see as well as we children do. Her eyes are dark grey, and she always smiles. She is very kind.

Granny lives not far from my house, so she likes to come to see me. She always brings something sweet – biscuits or cakes. She likes to cook and she cooks very well. We play together, and she reads me fairy tales.

Granny has got a dog, Chuck. She likes to play with him in the garden. He knows many commands and can bring you a newspaper or slippers, sit down or stand up and many others.

My Granny doesn’t like to watch TV. She is active and always has something to do. She also doesn’t like to gossip. She is an excellent woman!

Sally Brown.

Предварительный просмотр:


 My name is Gina and I am seventeen years old. One summer, I volunteered to help a blind child see the world. Her name was Sarah. She required a lot of attention, but that wasn't a problem. I soon began to notice the simplicity of Sarah's life. She looked at things without color, race, or nationality. I thought how much beauty Sarah had inside her.

I wanted to know more about blind children, so I did some research. I realized volunteering had turned into a pleasing learning experience.

The next summer, I had an opportunity to volunteer as a guide for Sarah. I was able to see how other children reacted to her handicap. I could tell she felt different. That summer changed the way I looked at things. Through my eyes, I was able to show her the world.

Working with Sarah has shown me a different way of looking at things. Working with
her has taught me as much as I have taught her. It makes my heart warm to know that in this big world my little service did a big deed.

             This piece has been published in Teen Ink’s monthly print magazine.

  1. Complete the table with information from the text:



     Voluntary work



  1. Answer this question:

Why did Gina do some research ?


  1. What does the underlined word in the text refer to?

her refers to ……………………………………………………………………………………

  1. Find a word in the text that means the same as:

needed  = ( paragraph 1 )  ………………………………………………………………………



 My name is Gina and I am seventeen years old. One summer, I volunteered to help a blind child see the world. Her name was Sarah. She required a lot of attention, but that wasn't a problem. I soon began to notice the simplicity of Sarah's life. She looked at things without color, race, or nationality. I thought how much beauty Sarah had inside her.

I wanted to know more about blind children, so I did some research. I realized volunteering had turned into a pleasing learning experience.

The next summer, I had an opportunity to volunteer as a guide for Sarah. I was able to see how other children reacted to her handicap. I could tell she felt different. That summer changed the way I looked at things. Through my eyes, I was able to show her the world.

Working with Sarah has shown me a different way of looking at things. Working with
her has taught me as much as I have taught her. It makes my heart warm to know that in this big world my little service did a big deed.

             This piece has been published in Teen Ink’s monthly print magazine.

  1. Complete the table with information from the text:



     Voluntary work



  1. Answer this question:

Why did Gina do some research ?


  1. What does the underlined word in the text refer to?

her refers to ……………………………………………………………………………………

  1. Find a word in the text that means the same as:

needed  = ( paragraph 1 )  ………………………………………………………………………



        In your neighbourhood , you notice that there are some poor families who need money,

food and clothes. To make these people’s faces light up with happiness you decided to found a new club with your friends to help these families.

 Write about the things you want to do to help these families and the mission of the club: give money , give food , clothes, books …  raise money and collect donations.

Use linkers: First , Second , Besides , In addition , Also , Moreover , …











In your neighbourhood , you notice that there are some poor families who need money,

food and clothes. To make these people’s faces light up with happiness you decided to found a new club with your friends to help these families.

 Write about the things you want to do to help these families and the mission of the club: give money , give food , clothes, books …  raise money and collect donations.

Use linkers: First , Second , Besides , In addition , Also , Moreover , …











Предварительный просмотр:

1.Структура вопросительных предложений

    Who-  кто                          Do /Does /Did                               I / She / He /It                               Live

    What-что                           Can /Could                          We /You /They                              go

    When-когда                      Will /Would                                                                                 Study


    Why- почему



  1. (Believe in ghost?)

No, I don t. I think all these stories about ghost are just tales.

  1. (Want to drink?)

No, I didn’t . I drank 5 minutes ago.

  1. (Who she)

She is my friend.

  1. It’s a shame that your holiday is almost over. ( Leave/ tomorrow)

No, I will not. The day after tomorrow

  1. (Can meet we)

No, we can’t. I will be at school.  

 2. Read

a chatterbox  - болтун

a bookworm- заучка

a fusser        - беспокойный

a bore          - зануда


man or woman

15 years old



big family

small family








Предварительный просмотр:

Progress check - 1 the 9th form

I Choose the right option and fill in the gaps.

1)His essay is very good. It … the top mark, I believe.

a) appreciates                b) supports                c) deserves

2) My roommate is a real chatterbox. If she doesn’t stop talking in a minute, we … again, I’m afraid.

a) will quarrel                b) will rescue                c) will ignore

3) I don’t think anybody can help me in this situation, but I … your offer to help anyway.

a) rescue                        b) envy                c) appreciate

II Put the verb in brackets in the correct form.

1.Kitty (decide) to grow up the flowers.

2.I (eat) some porridge now.

3.My elder sister (get) married next weekend. All the invitation cards have been already.

III Make the sentences from the words

1.has Ken with quarreled Who?

2.did   What  make  with test   she?

3.It   does   How much    cost?

IV Ask questions to the words in bold.

1.Hello, Mary speaking.

2.We met in Liverpool.

3.We went to the rock concert together.

IV Complete the sentences.  Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1.Listen! The boys (play) the guitar.

2.My friends usually helps me with my homework.

3.Next weekend I (visit) my granny in the country side.

4.Yesterday our team (take) part in the swimming competition.

5.He believes that to be healthy and merry, a person should sleep no less than eight hours a day. He (sleep) nine hours to be on the safe side (на всякий случай).

6.I can’t wash up; my finger hurts. I cut it when I (make) sandwiches.

VI Преобразуйте и переведите





to serve

to amuse



to value

VII- Write the composition “My family  for me”

Progress check - 1 the 9th form

I Choose the right option and fill in the gaps.

1)You shouldn’t be rude to people who are trying to help you. … their advice if you don’t like it, but behave yourself.

a) deserve                b) ignore                c) follow

2) My roommate is a real chatterbox. If she doesn’t stop talking in a minute, we will… again, I’m afraid.

a) quarrel                b) rescue                c) ignore

3) I don’t think anybody can help me in this situation, but I … your offer to help anyway.

a) rescue                        b) appreciate                c) envy

II Put the verb in  brackets in  the correct form.

1.Kitty (decide) to grow up the flowers.

2.I (eat) some porridge now.

3.My elder sister (get) married next weekend. All the invitation cards have been already.

III Make the sentences from the words

1.It   does   How much    cost?

2.speak can you my dad?

3.will you Where be i the morning?

IV Ask questions to the words in bold.

1.You were wearing white jeans and T-shirt.

2.Especially when you were climbing up on the stage.

3.You wanted to borrow the microphone.

V Complete the sentences.  Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1.He arrived only two hours ago, very tired and weak. I think he (sleep) now and it’s not a very good idea to wake him up.

2.If you are going to the countryside for the whole day, take this basket with you. I already (make) some fish and chicken sandwiches.

3.Jane just (choose) where to go on holiday. We are leaving for Spain next week.

4.How about going to the concert tonight? I (buy) to tickets already.

5.I don’t usually (buy) concert tickets. My brother buys them, not me.

6.Look, it (rain) now. I don’t feel like going anywhere.

VI Преобразуйте и переведите





to encourage

to amuse



to camp

VII- Write the composition “My family for me”

Предварительный просмотр:

Progress Check. Unit 2 class 9  Surname________________

Variant 1

Good Luck!

1.Translate the phrases:

1-to be dangerous and exhausting

6-to sail across the ocean

2-to take ages to get to

7-to make travelling much easier and safer

3-to suffer from unknown diseases, hunger, thirst, and wild animals

8-to enjoy nice food while travelling

4-to travel by sea/by air| by train/by car

9-to get to the opposite of the planet in hours

5-to travel across the desert

10-to enjoy luxury travel

2.Make two sentences these thrashes:


3.Put the verbs in the Past simple, Present perfect, Present perfect continuous:

1-He likes his quit life. He….(never|leave) his village.

2-For two years, Jason …(travel) all over the continent and at last he settled in a little town in South Africa.

3-I can t imagine him sitting quietly at home in front of the TV. He…(run) somewhere since the day he was born.

4.Put the article “the”

1)….United Kingdom is not for from2) ….Europe. 3)….UK  is washed by 4)….Atlantic Ocean in the east and by 5)….North Sea in the west. The  highest mountains are in 6)…. Scotland and 7)….Wales.

5. Put the verbs into right form

1-The …of the steam engine made travelling easier and faster.

to invent

2-We were able to understand what the strangers were speaking about though their…was rather strange.

to pronounce

6. Choose the appropriate modal verbs and translate:

1-You should|could|can have an insurance policy. If you have insurance, your insurance company pays for you.


2-When you are abroad, you usually shouldn t|can t|mustn t buy anything with money from your own country. All goods can|may|must be paid for in foreign currency only. If you want to buy something, you may|can|should  have some currency on you.


7-Translate from Russian into English

1-Много людей купили билеты на первое кругосветное путешествие через Атлантический океан, через Европу в Америку.

2-Капитан корабля и его помощники были уверены, что корабль безопасный и непотопляемый.

3-Титаник столкнулся с айсбергом.

7. Write the composition: “My travelling”


The end

Progress Check. Unit 2 class 9  Surname________________

Variant 2

Good Luck!

1.Translate the phrases:

1-travelling by wooden ship/on horseback/on camelback

6-air liners steamships

2-modern ocean liners

7-steam engines passengers

3-speedy cars

8-to suffer from unknown diseases, hunger, thirst, and wild animals


9-to travel by sea/by air| by train/by car

5-hot air balloons

10-to enjoy nice food while travelling

2.Make two sentences these thrashes:


3.Put the verbs in the Past simple, Present perfect, Present perfect continuous:

1-When Chris was a little boy, he …(read) a lot about travelers, pirates and sea adventures. No wonder he has become a sailor.

2-Maggie plain must be somewhere above the Atlantic Oceans. She …(fly) for two hours already.

3-The Brown …(live) in Canada for three years and then they moved to America.

4.Put the article “the”

The official name of the country is 1)….United Kingdom of 2)….Great Britain and 3)….Northern Ireland. The country is situated in 4)….British Isles. The two main islands are 5)….Great Britain and 6)…Irland.

5. Put the verbs into right form

1-A new seaway from Europe to India was discovered and it caused the further…of trade.

to develop

2-The car was moving at a low speed and that prevented it from a…with a  biker.

to crash

6. Choose the appropriate modal verbs and translate:

1-If you don t want to get into trouble, make sure you have a label on your luggage. At the airport, your bag must|can|should be lost or confused with somebody s luggage. A label with your contacts should|can|need help you get it back.


2-A visa is the most essential thing. You needn t|shoudn t|cant enter the country without it.


7.Translate from Russia into English:

1-Самые старые названия в США- это название Индейцев.

2-Свой язык индейцы передавали устно,  от отца к сыну.

3-Название Великой Американской Реки Миссисипи происходит из языка индейцев  misi - великий  sipi-вода.

7. Write the composition: “My travelling”


The end

Предварительный просмотр:

Progress Check. Unit 3 class 9  

Variant 1

1.Translate into Russian

1-Carrie said she was not going to wear a dress. She thought everyone would laugh at her.

2-The mother said that she hadn t seen any signs of beauty in her daughter for a long time.




2. Translate into Russian. Point the role of  infinitive in sentences

a)подлежащее            b)часть сказуемого              c)дополнение               d)определение

1-To learn French is very difficult.

2-My future is to make my life

3-I promise to help her.

4-I don t even have a dress to wear.

5-We should find a hotel to stay in.






3. Make the reported speech from direct speech

Example: “We are going to the family reunion party”. Carrie wrote that they were going to the family reunion party.

1-I will wear my jeans and a T-shirt.

2-My mother doesn t want me to look wild.

3-My mother wants me to wear this awful velvet dress.

4-Everybody will laugh.





4.Complete the table












5.Make the sentences in zero conditional

1-If conflict happen between states of political parties, they (try) to solve it.

2-If people do not listen well, they (not understand) each other.

3-if she hear what the other person is saying, she (keep) it.




6. Write the composition : “I can decide a conflict”.

Progress Check. Unit 3 class 9  

Variant 2

1.Translate into Russian

1-Carrie said she wanted to look lovely.

2-The mother said she did not want her daughter to look wild. She thought her daughter would look lovely in the velvet dress.



2. Translate into Russian. Point the role of  infinitive in sentences

a)подлежащее            b)часть сказуемого              c)дополнение               d)определение

1-To build a new house is very difficult.

2-My dream is to have a new dress.

3-I wanted to study English.

4-Many people learn English to communicate with foreigners.

5-I don t have a dictionary to use.






3. Make the reported speech from direct speech

Example: “We are going to the family reunion party”. Carrie wrote that they were going to the family reunion party.

1-I will stay at home.

2-My mother gave me a wonderful pin.

3-My great-grandmother Maria performed in Paris!

4- My great-grandmother Maria speaks French very well.





4.Complete the table
















5.Make the sentences in zero conditional

1-If people respect each other’s right, they (live) friendly.

2-If people will love each other, people (have) better relations.

3-If I meet a person whose values are different from my values, I (respect) his values.




6. Write the composition: “I can decide a conflict”.

Предварительный просмотр:

Progress check - 4 the 9th form Variant-1

I. Match the phrases to explain who does what.

1-a pilot

a-writes articles and reports for newspapers and magazines.

2-a hairdresser

b-is a specially trained person who operates an aircraft.

3-a journalist

c-looks after sick people in hospital.

4-a nurse

d-cuts people s hair and makes their haircut look stylish and elegant.

II .Fill in the gaps with  MUST, MAY, CAN or CAN NOT

1-Everyone in the hospital respects James. People say he is very good at operating on patients. He________be a surgeon.

2-This woman is always very neatly dressed and she knows how to get along with kids. She _________be a teacher or a babysitter.

3-She wears awful make-up and has no taste in clothes. She_______be a designer.

III.  Circle the correct  word.

1-I don’t want you to do this sport. It is risky, even life-threatening/life-threatened.

2-I found that film quite frightening/frightened.

3-When the team lost the game, the fans felt depressing/depressed.

4-I like my job though it’s quite stressful and tiring/tired.

IV. Put the verbs in either active or passive voice.

1-Harry is a very creative person, but he is too eccentric sometimes. When I saw his paining I_____(surprise).

2-You can use your watch again. It______(repair) and shows the right time now.

3-Young people think not only about music and fashion. They________(concern) about unemployment, ecology problems of the developing world.

V. Write the composition “ Stereotypes between men and women”.

Progress check - 4 the 9th form Variant-2

I. Match the phrases to explain who does what.

1-an actor

a-sells different things.

2-a mechanic

b- bakes different kinds of bread.

3-a shop assistant

c-fixes cars, motorcycles, and motorboats and knows engines very well.

4-a baker

d-takes parts in different theatrical performances.

II. Fill in the gaps with  MUST, MAY, CAN or CAN NOT

1-Helen s dad  is fantastic cook! He knows so much about Chinese, Japanese, Italian and French dishes. He__________be a chef.

2-Jim knows nothing about engines and cars. He________be a mechanic.

3-Julian works for an international company. He says that no experience is necessary for his job and that he has to travel a lot around the city. He _______be a message boy or something like that.

III . Circle the correct  word.

1-This kind of music makes me feel relaxing/relaxed.

2-The game ended in a draw, but it was still exciting/excited game.

3- I like my job though it’s quite stressful and tiring/tired.

4- The whole evening she spoke about her new clothes. It was irritating/irritated.

IV. Put the verbs in either active or passive voice.

1-Jack_______(change) his hairstyle! No one can recognize him!

2-If you go to Britain, you_______(see) young people wearing different clothes and accessories.

3-eccentric clothes and accessories______(not/allow) in school and colleges.

V. Write the composition “ Stereotypes between men and women”.

Предварительный просмотр:

Таблица модальных глаголов

Возможность / Невозможность

Вероятность, уверенность

Предположение, неуверенность

Физическая возможность, умение

can (could)- могу (мог) по обстоятельствам
Anybody can make a mistake. – Ошибиться может каждый.

may (только в утверд. предложениях)=can=It's possible - могу по факту
You may (can) find everything here. – Вы можете найти все здесь.
Can he buy it here? – Он может это здесь купить?

must = will/would = probably = evidently - вероятно, должно быть, очевидно
(неперфектный инфинитив относит предложение к наст., перфектный – к прошлому)
He must be mad.
Он, должно быть, сумасшедший.
He must have lost the key. – Вероятно, он потерял ключ.

That will be my wife. – Это, конечно, моя жена.
Must не используется для будущего. Вместо него –
He will probably feel lonely. – Ему, очевидно, одиноко.

may, might, maybe, perhaps - может быть, возможно (неперфектный инфинитив относит предложение к наст. или будущему, перфектный - к прошлому)
They may arrive tomorrow. – Они, возможно, приедут завтра.
They may have arrived yesterday. – Может быть они уже приехали вчера.

can - умею, могу.
He can swim very well. - Он очень хорошо умеет плавать.
could - умел, мог (прошедшее время от can).
When a child, I could run very fast. - Когда я был маленьким, я бегал (умел бегать) очень быстро. 

be able to, not be able to, and be unable to - вместо can и can't, когда их нельзя, а также в значении "смог / не смог"
He had been unable to get a ticket. – Он не смог достать билет.

ought to – что-то ожидаемое: должно быть, наверное.
You ought to be hungry by now. – Вы, наверное, голодны.




should = ought to, но только для наст. или буд. времени.
The guests shouldn't come. – Гости вряд ли придут.







ought not + перф. инф. = shouldn't + перф. инф.-
что-то было сделано, а не должно было
You oughtn't to have laughed at his mistake. – Вам не следовало смеяться над его ошибкой.

can, could (большая степень) в вопросе - неужели
Can it be so late? - Неужели уже так поздно?

Чтобы сказать о прошлом используется Perfect Infinitive.
Can it have been so late? – Неужели было так поздно?

may (форм.), might (самое форм., вежливые просьбы), can (более употреб. неформ.)
Can we go home, Miss? – Можно нам домой, мисс?
Might I borrow your book? – Можно мне взять вашу книгу?

be allowed to  разрешено кем-то и исполнено
When translating the story we were allowed to use a dictionary, so I took my new one. – Во время перевода рассказа нам разрешили пользоваться словарем, поэтому я взял мой новый словарь.

You must come and see me! – Вы обязательно должны прийти навестить меня.

could, might – что-то было не сделано, но должно было – мог бы
You could meet me at the station. – Мог бы и встретить меня на станции.

could, might + перф.инф – раздражение




ought to + перф.инф. – что-то было не сделано, но должно было: следовало бы
You ought to have helped him. – Тебе бы следовало помочь ему.





Вежливые просьбы



shall – в вопросах, переводится инфинитивом следующего за ним глагола
Shall I read? – Мне читать?

can, could (более вежливый)
Can you pass me the salt? –Не могли бы вы передать соль.

That day shall come. – Этот день придет.
You shall suffer. – Ты будешь страдать.

needn't + перф. инф. - зря, не к чему было
We needn't have waited for so long. – Мы зря прождали так долго.


will, would (более вежливый)
Would you please pass the salt? – Не могли бы вы передать соль.




Инструкции, приказания, обязанность

Сомнение, недоверчивость


ought to, should (предпочтительнее) – следует
You should see a doctor. – Вам следует сходить к врачу.

must (предпочтительнее) - должен (для наст. и буд. действия).
I must leave the building by midnight. – Я должен покинуть здание до полуночи.

Для выражения прош. действия используется have to.
Did you have to write a dictation? – Ты должен был писать диктант?

can't, couldn't (большая степень) не может быть (неперфектный инфинитив относит предложение к наст. или будущему, перфектный - к прошлому)
He can't be so old. - Не может быть, что он так стар.
He couldn't have told the truth. – Не может быть, чтобы он сказал правду.

mustn't = be not to - нельзя, запрещено.
Visitors mustn't feed animals in the zoo. – Посетителям нельзя кормить животных в зоопарке.


have to - должен по обстоятельствам: вынужден, приходится
I have to work hard. – Я вынужден много работать.


may not - не смей
You may not go swimming. – Не смей плавать.


be to - должен по расписанию, договоренности
When is the wedding to be? – Когда должна состояться свадебная церемония?


shouldn't  слабый запрет
You shouldn't swim in the cold river. – Тебе не следует плавать в холодной реке.


need - нужно
Do you need to work so hard? – Тебе на самом деле надо работать так много?
В вопросе говорящий надеется на отриц. ответ
Need she go there? – А ей туда нужно идти?



Моральное долженствование

ought to (предпочтительнее), should - следует
You ought to be polite. – Вы должны быть вежливы (вам следует быть вежливыми).




Предварительный просмотр:

Modal verbs

Present: can- может

Janet can speak Chinese.

Past: could- мог

Janet could read and write when she was 5.

Future: will be able to – сможет

Janet will be able to speak Chinese.

Present: must- должен

Students must attend all their lesson.

Past: had to- должен был

Students had to attend all their lesson.

Future: will have to- будет должен

Students will have to attend all their lesson.

1-Когда ты хочешь дать строгий совет- must

You must see the film.-Ты должен увидеть фильм.

2-Когда ты просишь разрешение или даешь разрешение-can, could, may

Can I use your phone?-Могу я использовать твой телефон?

3-Когда ты просишь помощь или предлагаешь помощь- can

Can I help you?- Могу я тебе помочь?

4-Когда ты даешь небольшой совет-should, ought to

You should apologies.- Ты должен извиниться.

5- needn t- не надо

  shouldn t- не надо

  mustn t - не надо

-Should I return your books now?- Можно я верну твою книгу.

-No, you needn t.-Нет не надо.


Предварительный просмотр:

1.Структура вопросительных предложений

    Who-  кто                          Do /Does /Did                               I / She / He /It                               Live

    What-что                           Can /Could                          We /You /They                              go

    When-когда                      Will /Would                                                                                 Study


    Why- почему



  1. (Believe in ghost?)

No, I don t. I think all these stories about ghost are just tales.

  1. (Want to drink?)

No, I didn’t . I drank 5 minutes ago.

  1. (Who she)

She is my friend.

  1. It’s a shame that your holiday is almost over. ( Leave/ tomorrow)

No, I will not. The day after tomorrow

  1. (Can meet we)

No, we can’t. I will be at school.  

 2. Read

a chatterbox  - болтун

a bookworm- заучка

a fusser        - беспокойный

a bore          - зануда


man or woman

15 years old



big family

small family








Предварительный просмотр:

Лексико-грамматический тест для 9 класса:

1. ____ beef is a kind of ____ meat.

A. The, the                     B. A, the                   C. The, –                           D. –, –

2. I’m really angry ____ you!

A. with                           B. about                   C. on                                 D. over

3. My father has lived in Japan ____ five years.

A. at                               B. on                        C. in                                  D. for

4. I’ll be on vacation ____ next week.

A. on                             B. –                          C. at                                   D. in

5. Can you tell ____ not to be so rude?

A. he                            B. him                       C. himself                         D. his

6. ____ wasn’t easy to find your house.

A. There                      B. This                      C. That                              D. It

7. The news he told us ____ interesting.

A. was                         B. were                     C. be                                  D. are

8. What is the ____ important invention in the twentieth century?

A. much                      B. more                    C. most                               D. much more

9. This bank of the river isn’t ____ that one.

A. more beautiful       B. beautiful              C. so beautiful                    D. as beautiful as

10. You look much ____ today.

A. good                      B. better                   C. the best                           D. best

11. No letters again! ____ has written to me for a month.

A. Anybody              B. Somebody           C. Some                               D. Nobody

12. Aunts, uncles and cousins are ____.

A. relatives              B. parents                  C. families                           D. neighbours

13. I’ll call you as soon as he ____.

A. will come           B. came                     C. has come                         D. comes

14. If he ____ without her, she will never speak to him again.

A. go                      B. is going                 C. will go                         D. goes

15. What are you laughing ____?

A. about                 B. at                          C. over                              D. above

16. It ____ since early morning.

A. rained               B. rains                      C. had rained                    D. has been raining

17. I’m afraid he ____ five minutes ago.

A. leaves               B. left                        C. is leaving                     D. has left

18. ____ you do me a favour?

A. May                 B. Should                  C. Can                              D. Need

19. My sister was translating the article when I ____ the room.

A. had come into      B. came into            C. am coming into        D. come

20. I’d like to ask you ____ questions.

A. few                   B. a little                    C. a few                         D. little

21. Children ____ by special instructors how to swim.

A. have taught      B. had taught             C. are taught                  D. teach

22. Bill wanted to know when Nick ____ come to us.

A. can                   B. will                       C. will be able               D. could

23. My friend wanted ____ him as soon as I came home.

A. that I call         B. that I called           C. me to call                  D. I called

24. Mother didn’t let the child ____ TV.

A. to watch          B. watching               C. watched                     D. watch

25. It was so late that I ____ take a taxi.

A. was able          B. can                        C. must                          D. had to

26. She liked the film, ____ she?

A. did                  B. didn’t                    C. doesn’t                       D. does

27. ____ Steve ____ Ann the other day?

A. Has ____ seen              B. Does ____ see                 C. Did ____ see              D. Will ____ see

28. I got two letters. One was from my father. ____ was from my girlfriend.

A. The other                  B. Another                C. Others                     D. The others

29. If the ice were thick enough, we ____ able to walk across the river.

A. will be                     B. would be               C. are                           D. were

30. I don’t know if I ____ here when you phone tomorrow morning.

A. am                           B. be                          C. will be                     D. was

Тест на понимание содержания текста:

Mark Twain, who lived from 1835 to 1910, is one of America’s most famous authors. He wrote many books, including The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Mark Twain’s own life was interesting enough to be a book.

Twain was born in the state of Missouri, near the Mississippi River. He came from a poor family. His father died when he was twelve, so he had to leave school. While he was still a boy he worked as a river boat pilot. He steered boats up and down the long Mississippi River. The Civil War, which started in 1861, made travelling on the Mississippi impossible. Twain then went west to Nevada. There he worked on a newspaper. In 1864 he went to California in search of gold. Twain did not have much luck as a gold miner. He left California to travel in Europe. Twain wrote a book about his trips around Europe.

But the most important influence on Twain and his books was the Mississippi River. When Twain finally settled down, he lived in a house with a porch that looked like the deck of a riverboat. Huckleberry Finn, Twain’s greatest book, is about the adventures of a boy on the Mississippi River. Another of Twain’s books is called Life on the Mississippi.

31. Choose the best title.

A. Mark Twain’s childhood;                          B. Mark Twain’s Books;                          C. Life in the USA;

D. The Adventures of Mark Twain.

32. What is the writer trying to do in the text?

A. to advertise Mark Twain’s books;                                           B. to give information on the Civil War;

C. to recommend a trip to California;                                          D. to tell a story about Mark Twain’s life.

33. Complete the phrase: The greatest influence on Mark Twain and his books was____

A. his poor family.        B. the Mississippi River.              C. the Civil War.               D. different jobs.

34. Choose the sentence, which is not true.

A. Mark Twain settled down in Europe.

B. Mark Twain worked as a river boat pilot.

C. Mark Twain worked on a newspaper.

D. Mark Twain was born in the state of Missouri.

35. What do we learn from the text about Mark Twain?

A. His father was a rich man.

B. He took part in the Civil War.

C. He didn’t have much luck.

D. He is one of America’s famous authors.

36. In the United States Julia Howe suggested the idea of Mother’s Day in 1872. Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia is credited with bringing about the official observance of Mother’s Day. But when she died in 1948, at the age of 84, Jarvis had become a woman of great ironies. Never a mother herself, her maternal fortune dissipated by her efforts to stop the commercialization of the holiday she had founded. Jarvis told a reporter shortly before her death that she was sorry she had ever started Mother’s Day. She spoke these words in a nursing home where every Mother’s Day her room had been filled with cards from all over the world.

Перед смертью Анна Джарвис говорила о том, что она:

A. счастлива, что праздник “День Матери” существует.

B. счастлива, что люди помнят о ней как об инициаторе празднования “Дня Матери”.

C. сожалеет, что подала идею празднования “Дня Матери”.

D. сожалеет, что ей самой не посчастливилось стать матерью.

Ответы к заданиям:

1. D; 2. A; 3. D; 4. B; 5. B; 6. D; 7. A; 8. C; 9. D; 10. B; 11. D; 12. A; 13. D; 14. D; 15. B; 16. D; 17. B; 18. C; 19. B; 20. C; 21. C; 22. D; 23. C; 24. D; 25. D; 26. B; 27. C; 28. A; 29. B; 30. C; 31. D; 32. D; 33. B; 34. A; 35. D; 36. C

Предварительный просмотр:

План-конспект урока по учебнику «Enjoy English» 9класс. Автор Биболетова М.З.

Тема: «Политическая корректность»

(Технологическая карта изучения темы)


Политическая корректность

Цель темы


  1. Формировать лексический навык по теме «Политическая корректность»


  1. Развивать умения систематизировать новые знания и на их основе составлять словосочетания и предложения.
  2. Развивать умение работать с текстом.


  1. Воспитывать чувство уважения к людям пожилого возраста, разных национальностей, людям с ограниченными возможностями здоровья.

Планируемый результат

Предметные умения


Ученик научится:

  1. Произносить  и переводить на русский язык лексику по теме.
  2. Объяснять понятие политической корректности и выражать свое отношение к людям, подвергающимся дискриминации. (в объеме 5 предложений)

Ученик получит возможность научиться:

  1. Догадываться о значении незнакомых слов  по сходству с русским языком

Личностные: формирование ответственного отношения к учению, готовности к саморазвитию и самообразованию, формирование коммуникативной компетенции в общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками, формирование и развитие интереса к иностранному языку.

Регулятивные: осуществление регулятивных действий самонаблюдения, самоконтроля, самооценки в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном языке.

Познавательные: построение логических рассуждений, включающее установление причинно-следственных связей.;

Коммуникативные: формулировка собственного мнения и позиции, способность аргументировать и координировать ее с позициями партнеров  в сотрудничестве при выработке общего решения в совместной деятельности; умение задавать вопросы  и отвечать на них; адекватно использовать речевые средства для решения различных коммуникативных задач.

Основные понятия

лексика «Политическая корректность»

Организация пространства

Межпредметные связи

Формы работы


Психология, этика, русский язык

Индивидуальная, групповая, фронтальная


- рабочая тетрадь,

- карточки с обозначенными проблемами

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность обучающихся




Осуществляемые действия

Формируемые способы деятельности

Осуществляемые действия

Формируемые способы деятельности

Осуществляемые действия

Формируемые способы деятельности

1 этап – Мотивационно-ориентировочный

  1. Учитель предлагает ученикам посмотреть на картинки упр.45 на стр.169 и сказать, что объединяет изображенных на них людей.
  2. Организует беседу, которая помогает обучающимся сформулировать цели занятия
  3. Подводит итоги задания, помогает ученикам определить поле незнания по теме «Политическая корректность»

Вспоминает, что ему известно по изучаемому вопросу, делает предположение, систематизирует информацию до изучения нового материала, задает вопросы, подбирает необходимые русские слова.

Осуществлять актуализацию полученных ранее знаний по предмету.

1. Обсуждают свои варианты в парах

2. Обсуждают свои варианты в классе

Слушать собеседника, строить понятные для собеседника высказывания, формулировать собственное мнение и позицию, аргументировать и координировать ее с позициями партнеров в сотрудничестве при выработке общего решения в совместной деятельности; устанавливать и сравнивать разные точки зрения, прежде чем принимать решения и делать выбор

Оценивают правильность выполнения задания, вносят необходимые коррективы в свою работу как в конце действия, так и по ходу его реализации; оценивают поле своего незнания, ставят учебные цели и задачи (с помощью учителя определяют, что еще необходимо узнать по данной теме)

Уметь слушать в соответствии с целевой установкой; принимать и сохранять учебную цель и задачу; дополнять высказанные мнения по существу полученного задания; владеть целеполаганием, постановкой учебных целей и задач.

2 этап – Исполнительский

I-Знакомит учеников с новой лексикой. Упр.43 стр.169

Записывают слова, переводят их на русский язык. Дают устное объяснение каждому понятию.

Понимание перевода на основе языковой догадки

Находят сходства и различия в языковом оформлении одной и той же ситуации.

Задавать вопросы для организации собственной деятельности

Переводят слова и словосочетания, сравнивают свои варианты переводов.

Самостоятельно оценивать правильность выполнения действия, вносить необходимые коррективы в выполнение задания, обнаруживать отклонения от эталона.

II Организует работу с текстом упр.44 стр.169

Обучающиеся читают и переводят текст, обращая внимание на новые лексические структуры.

Развить умения внимательного чтения, языковой догадки.

Взаимодействует с учителем и одноклассниками во время изучения и  во время обсуждения ответов во фронтальном режиме

Адекватно использовать речевые средства для решения различных коммуникативных задач.

В ходе заслушивания ответов учеников осуществляют самоконтроль понимания предложения

Принимать и сохранять учебную цель и  задачу; осуществлять самоконтроль.

III.Организует сначала фронтальную, затем парную работу с использованием новой лексики(базовый уровень)

Отвечают на вопросы по тексту.

Соблюдать порядок слов в ответах на вопросы по тексту, осознанно задавать вопросы, анализировать знания лексических единиц, развивать навыки построения предложения.

Высказывают свое мнение относительно понятия политическая корректность, запрашивают информацию, слушают ответы своих одноклассников

Решать коммуникативные вопросы по запросу информации и ответу на него; развивают умение работать в паре.

Осуществляют самоконтроль своих знаний и напарника, оценивают правильность выполнения задания, вносят необходимые коррективы

Принимать и сохранять цель, определять способы действий в рамках предложенных условий

IV.Организует самостоятельную работу по описанию людей на картинках упр.45 стр.169

Письменно составляют описание людей..

Осуществлять актуализацию полученных ранее знаний по предмету, уметь работать с лексикой, заданной темой.

Взаимодействуют с учителем и одноклассниками во время обсуждения ответов во фронтальном режиме.

Понимать на слух слова учащихся, понимать структуру, прежде чем задать вопрос.

В ходе заслушивания предложений одноклассников осуществляют самоконтроль понимания предложения и сравнивают со своим вариантом перевода.

Принимать и сохранять учебную цель и задачу; осуществлять самоконтроль.

3 этап – Рефлексия

  1. Спрашивает, какие новые слова учащиеся запомнили, что оказалось наиболее и наименее сложным для запоминания.
  2. Просит подтвердить необходимость соблюдения правил политической корректности каждым человеком.

Объясняет домашнее задание

Называют и

систематизируют полученную информацию, отбирает нужную лексику.

Записывают домашнее задание

Осуществляют актуализацию полученных знаний

Слушают одноклассников, активно участвуют в решении коммуникативной задачи, выражают свое мнение об итогах работы на уроке

Формулировать собственное мнение, аргументировать его и координировать с позициями партнеров.

Оценивают результаты достигнутого на уроке, выделяя свой уровень приращения в конце урока.

Самостоятельно анализировать достижение цели на основе учета выделенных учителем ориентиров действия в новом учебном материале; осуществлять познавательную рефлексию в отношении действий по решению учебных и познавательных задач.

Предварительный просмотр:

Способ образования условных предложений нулевого типа

If ... Simple Present ..., ... Simple Present ...


 Simple Present ... if ... Simple Present ...


Условные предложения нулевого типа в английском языке используются, когда описываются события, вещи, явления, которые всегда истинны, реальны (например, общеизвестные истины, научные факты, и т.п.).


1-If you give respect, you get respect.

Если вы уважаете окружающих, то и вас уважают.

2-If you heat ice, it melts.

Если нагревать лед, то он тает.

3-If I am late, my father takes me to school.

Если я опаздываю, то отец отвозит меня в школу.

4-If he comes to town, we have dinner together.

Если он приезжает в город, мы вместе ужинаем.

5-Ask him to wait if he gets there before me.

Попроси его подождать, если он придет туда до меня.

В условных предложениях нулевого типа союз if может заменяться союзом when:

1-When I am late, my father takes me to school.

Когда я опаздываю, то отец отвозит меня в школу.

2-When he comes to town, we have dinner together.

Когда он приезжает в город, мы вместе ужинаем.

Предварительный просмотр:

Past simple

1.Обычное, закономерное, периодически повторяющее действие, которое происходило в прошлом.

2.Констотация факта.

. O+V2(ed)             Слова маркеры: yesterday-вчера

?  Did+O+ V1?        last year|month|week-в прошлом году, месяце, недели

-  O+didn t+ V1.      a year| month| two weeks ago-год, месяц, две недели назад

I didn t eat frogs when I was in France – я не ел лягушек, когда я был во Франции.

Present Perfect

Действие, которое свершилось к определенному моменту в настоящем

. O+have| has+V3(ed)           Слова маркеры:twice-дважды, recently-недавно

?have|has+O+ V3(ed)?          several times-несколько раз, lately-недавно

-O havtn t|hasn t + V3(ed)     just-только что, already-уже

                                               Never- никогда,  ever-всегда  

I had written a letter by 7 o clock yesterday.- Я уже написал письмо к 7 часов вчера.

Present Perfect Continuous

Действие началось в прошлом и продолжается до настоящего момента. Наблюдаем процесс.

.O+has|have+ been +V(ing)               Слова маркеры:since- c, for-на протяжении

? has|have +O+ been +V(ing)?

- O+hasn t|haven t+ been +V(ing)

It has been snowing since 12 o clock -  

Снег идет с 12 часов( и сейчас продолжает идти)

It has been snowing for  12 o clock – Снег идет на протяжении трех часов(начался три часа назад и все еще продолжается)

 A I. Поставьте  предложение в Past simple

1.We ….the boy in the street. (watch)

2.The waves… against the shore. (smash)

II.Поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму Past simple

1.They went to Paris on cheap day return.

2.We had a good time on the voyage to Greece.

3.I enjoyed the meal in sushi bar.

III.Поставьте предложения в Present Perfect Continuous

1.Mr.Jones …at the same college fore years(work)

2.No, we…our exam timetable. (not look at)

IV.Поставьте предложения в Present Perfect

1.They …down some trees in the village.

2.Mandy …her bedsit.(decorate).

B I.Поставьте  предложение в Past simple

1.People…about their holidays. (talk)

2.James… to interest us in his holiday photos. (try)

II.Поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму Past simple

1.The travel agent gave us a brochure about the package deal.

2.The fare to New Zealand cost a lot.

3.I enjoyed the meal in sushi bar.

III.Поставьте предложения в Present Perfect Continuous

1.I …for you for long. (not wait)

2.It feels like this lesson…for ever!(go on)

IV.Поставьте предложения в Present Perfect

1.I…Nick s new flat(see)

2.We …some new bushes.(plant)

C I.Поставьте  предложение в Past simple

1.We …outside a small café for a break. (stop)

2.The weather… on the second day we were there. (change)

II.Поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму Past simple

1.My friend put us up at her place.

2.The passengers thought the airline was excellent.

3.I enjoyed the meal in sushi bar.

III.Поставьте предложения в Present Perfect Continuous

1.Shelly…a new school bag.(choose)

2.This year, my sons…the history of art.(not study)

IV.Поставьте предложения в Present Perfect

1.They …camping.(go)

2.Tyler…his sister in London.(visit)

D I.Поставьте  предложение в Past simple

1.The travel agent …us a new car.(offer)

2.I… in Belgium for three weeks.(stay)

II.Поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму Past simple

1.They went to Paris on cheap day return.

2.We had a good time on the voyage to Greece.

3.I enjoyed the meal in sushi bar.

III.Поставьте предложения в Present Perfect Continuous

1.Gina…about what the professor said.(think)

2.They …the classrooms this month.(decorate)

IV.Поставьте предложения в Present Perfect

1.They …camping.(go)

2.Tyler…his sister in London.(visit)

Предварительный просмотр:

Class 9 U4  S 1 ex 18(2) p 160

1-Explain the phrase: “For some people, choosing a career is the easiest choice they ever make”.

2-Find the equivalents of the following words and phrases:

to find something you haven t seen for a long time

different kinds

nothing happened

to treat something in an unfair unkind way

to start to know something that you had not noticed before

enjoyment of your job

3-Answer the questions:

1-Why did Gary want to work?

2-When did he go to work?

3-What was valuable lesson for Gary?

4-What was the first work for Gary? Describe.

5-What Job did Dad offer to Gary? Describe.

Class 9 U4  S 1 ex 18(2) p 160

1-Explain the phrase: “For some people, choosing a career is the easiest choice they ever make”.

2-Find the equivalents of the following words and phrases:

to find something you haven t seen for a long time

different kinds

nothing happened

to treat something in an unfair unkind way

to start to know something that you had not noticed before

enjoyment of your job

3-Answer the questions:

1-Why did Gary want to work?

2-When did he go to work?

3-What was valuable lesson for Gary?

4-What was the first work for Gary? Describe.

5-What Job did Dad offer to Gary? Describe.

Предварительный просмотр:

I-Answer the questions:

1-Who is Carol? Who is Sue?

2-What did happen with Carol?

3-What did Sue advice to Carol?

4-What did Sue say about Carol s work?


1-Carol didn’t want to drink coffee with Sue.

2-Carol enjoyed some coffee but worried about her future.

3-Sue didn’t listen to Carol because she chatted about her friends.

4-Sue gave to Carol very appreciate advise.

5-Carol decided to go for working.

III-Translate from Russian to English:  

1-Конечно! Звони мне в любое время, когда тебя надо будет поговорить.

2-Мне необходимо получить хорошие оценки за мои экзамены. Я не думаю, что моя семья сможет оплатить мое обучение.

3-Я не должна терять свое время в школе, мне нужно идти работать.

4-Мне кажется, что если твоя работа не даст тебе навыков или возможности для твоей учебы, зато ты получишь опыт и скопишь денег на учебу.

5-Некоторые компании помогают в дальнейшем обучении.

IV- Make the phrases and translate:


help you study

to get



a friendly ear



a bit

a job

the family


V-Make the sentences

in the Present Simple: positive, negative, question form

1-She (study) at school very well.

2-They( to be) close friends and they ( believe) each other.

3-I (need) to contribute a family income.

in the Past Simple: positive, negative, question form

1-She (study) at school very well.

2-They( to be) close friends and they ( believe) each other.

3-I (need) to contribute a family income.

in the Future simple: positive, negative, question form 

1-She (study) at school very well.

2-They( to be) close friends and they ( believe) each other.

3-I (need) to contribute a family income.

VI-Write the composition “What will I do after my examinations?




I-Answer the questions:

1-Who is Carol? Who is Sue?

2-What did happen with Carol?

3-What did Sue advice to Carol?

4-What did Sue say about Carol s work?


1-Carol didn’t want to drink coffee with Sue.

2-Carol enjoyed some coffee but worried about her future.

3-Sue didn’t listen to Carol because she chatted about her friends.

4-Sue gave to Carol very appreciate advise.

5-Carol decided to go for working.

III-Translate from Russian to English:  

1-Конечно! Звони мне в любое время, когда тебя надо будет поговорить.

2-Мне необходимо получить хорошие оценки за мои экзамены. Я не думаю, что моя семья сможет оплатить мое обучение.

3-Я не должна терять свое время в школе, мне нужно идти работать.

4-Мне кажется, что если твоя работа не даст тебе навыков или возможности для твоей учебы, зато ты получишь опыт и скопишь денег на учебу.

5-Некоторые компании помогают в дальнейшем обучении.

IV- Make the phrases and translate:


help you study

to get



a friendly ear



a bit

a job

the family


V-Make the sentences

in the Present Simple: positive, negative, question form

1-She (study) at school very well.

2-They( to be) close friends and they ( believe) each other.

3-I (need) to contribute a family income.

in the Past Simple: positive, negative, question form

1-She (study) at school very well.

2-They( to be) close friends and they ( believe) each other.

3-I (need) to contribute a family income.

in the Future simple: positive, negative, question form 

1-She (study) at school very well.

2-They( to be) close friends and they ( believe) each other.

3-I (need) to contribute a family income.

VI-Write the composition “What will I do after my examinations?




Предварительный просмотр:

Class 9 Surname________________________

1-Make a plan of the text:

2-Find the word combinations with the words and translate:

school, duties, junior, job,

holidays, degree, firm

3-Answer the questions:

1-What did Julian dream to be?

2-What was his first step?

3-Describe his work office junior.

4-What does Julian have work now?

5-Does Julian like his work?

Class 9 Surname________________________

1-Make a plan of the text:

2-Find the word combinations with the words and translate:

school, duties, junior, job,

holidays, degree, firm

3-Answer the questions:

1-What did Julian dream to be?

2-What was his first step?

3-Describe his work office junior.

4-What does Julian have work now?

5-Does Julian like his work?

Предварительный просмотр:

Class 9 U4  S 1 ex 18(2) p 160

1-Explain the phrase: “For some people, choosing a career is the easiest choice they ever make”.

2-Find the equivalents of the following words and phrases:

to find something you haven t seen for a long time

different kinds

nothing happened

to treat something in an unfair unkind way

to start to know something that you had not noticed before

enjoyment of your job

3-Answer the questions:

1-Why did Gary want to work?

2-When did he go to work?

3-What was valuable lesson for Gary?

4-What was the first work for Gary? Describe.

5-What Job did Dad offer to Gary? Describe.

Class 9 U4  S 1 ex 18(2) p 160

1-Explain the phrase: “For some people, choosing a career is the easiest choice they ever make”.

2-Find the equivalents of the following words and phrases:

to find something you haven t seen for a long time

different kinds

nothing happened

to treat something in an unfair unkind way

to start to know something that you had not noticed before

enjoyment of your job

3-Answer the questions:

1-Why did Gary want to work?

2-When did he go to work?

3-What was valuable lesson for Gary?

4-What was the first work for Gary? Describe.

5-What Job did Dad offer to Gary? Describe.

Предварительный просмотр:

9 class 1-Say True or False- T   F

1-Britain s young people have no change to choose their style, music.

2-Hairstyles are also the subject uncreative talent.

3-Young people like to buy new clothes.

4-British pop stars aren’t famous all over the world.

5-The young people are concerned about beauty.

6-The young people like to think about nuclear power.

2-Finish the sentences and translate

1-The visitor to Britain will find_____________shops  selling every kind of  fashion.

2-Suprisingly_____________________people like old clothes

3-Young people in Britain are as _________as anywhere else.

4-On the inside there is doubt and______________________.

3-Find equivalents in the text

1-a very unusual way to dress

2-something against public opinion

3-another time



6-are interested in lots of problems

7-lack of jobs

4-Write the retail of the text

9 class 1-Say True or False- T   F

1-Britain s young people have no change to choose their style, music.

2-Hairstyles are also the subject uncreative talent.

3-Young people like to buy new clothes.

4-British pop stars aren’t famous all over the world.

5-The young people are concerned about beauty.

6-The young people like to think about nuclear power.

2-Finish the sentences and translate

1-The visitor to Britain will find_____________shops  selling every kind of  fashion.

2-Suprisingly_____________________people like old clothes

3-Young people in Britain are as _________as anywhere else.

4-On the inside there is doubt and______________________.

3-Find equivalents in the text

1-a very unusual way to dress

2-something against public opinion

3-another time



6-are interested in lots of problems

7-lack of jobs

4-Write the retail of the text

9 class 1-Say True or False- T   F

1-Britain s young people have no change to choose their style, music.

2-Hairstyles are also the subject uncreative talent.

3-Young people like to buy new clothes.

4-British pop stars aren’t famous all over the world.

5-The young people are concerned about beauty.

6-The young people like to think about nuclear power.

2-Finish the sentences and translate

1-The visitor to Britain will find_____________shops  selling every kind of  fashion.

2-Suprisingly_____________________people like old clothes

3-Young people in Britain are as _________as anywhere else.

4-On the inside there is doubt and______________________.

3-Find equivalents in the text

1-a very unusual way to dress

2-something against public opinion

3-another time



6-are interested in lots of problems

7-lack of jobs

4-Write the retail of the text

9 class 1-Say True or False- T   F

1-Britain s young people have no change to choose their style, music.

2-Hairstyles are also the subject uncreative talent.

3-Young people like to buy new clothes.

4-British pop stars aren’t famous all over the world.

5-The young people are concerned about beauty.

6-The young people like to think about nuclear power.

2-Finish the sentences and translate

1-The visitor to Britain will find_____________shops  selling every kind of  fashion.

2-Suprisingly_____________________people like old clothes

3-Young people in Britain are as _________as anywhere else.

4-On the inside there is doubt and______________________.

3-Find equivalents in the text

1-a very unusual way to dress

2-something against public opinion

3-another time



6-are interested in lots of problems

7-lack of jobs

4-Write the retail of the text

Предварительный просмотр:

Word combinations:

1-family means a lot to me

семья значит для меня очень много

2-a unity of people who support each other

люди, которые поддерживают друг друга

3-blood is thicker than water

кровь толще чем вода

4-can betray you

могут предать тебя

5-can envy your success at school

могут завидовать твоему успеху в школе

6-can make them feel jealous

может вызвать чувство зависти

7-ask for advice

спросить для совета

8-life is not worth

жизнь ни стоит

9-my grades at school  don t worry them much

мои оценки в школе их не беспокоят

10-feel absolutely lonely

чувствую себя абсолютно одиноким

11-gather at my place

собираться у меня

12-we quarrel

мы ссоримся

13-I enjoy spending time with

я наслаждаюсь проводя время с

14-people of different generation

люди разного поколения

15-I appreciate their advice

я ценю их совет

16-try to explain their point of you

попытаться выразить их точку зрения

17-should cherish them

бережно к ним относиться


1-What does family mean for Alan?

2-What does Alan mean “Blood is thicker than water”?

3- What does friends  mean for Julia?

4-What does she say about her parents?

5-How does Julia spend time with her friends?

6- What does family and friends mean for Catherine?

7- What does she say about her family and friends?

Guess the words. Translate into Russian

ppstuor, almfiy, frniesd, byreta, evny, uqearrl, avoid, nloyel, fmil

Match the columns. Translate into Russian

each other

understand me

feel jealous

absolutely lonely

making money

Translate into English

1-Семья это не только два или три человека живущие вместе, это люди которые поддерживают друг друга в разных ситуациях.

2-Временами мы соримся, но я не верю, что бы мои друзья хотели меня обидеть.

3-Жизнь ничего не стоит без друзей.

4-У меня есть семья, которая любит меня, и друзья, с которыми я наслаждаюсь проводя время.

Предварительный просмотр:

Surname___________ Class________Put the cards:

horse-riding holiday

seaside holiday

sightseeing holiday

mountain-climbing holiday

Surname___________ Class________Put the cards:

horse-riding holiday

seaside holiday

sightseeing holiday

mountain-climbing holiday

Surname___________ Class________Put the cards:

horse-riding holiday

seaside holiday

sightseeing holiday

mountain-climbing holiday

Surname___________ Class________Put the cards:

horse-riding holiday

seaside holiday

sightseeing holiday

mountain-climbing holiday

Word combinations:

1-I am nearly sixteen-мне почти 16 лет

2-I have not been to many places yet-я еще не видел очень много мест

3-feel delighted about it-чувствую себя счастливым

4-I will be very grateful if you give me some tips about the places worth visiting.-я был бы очень счастлив, если бы ты мне дал несколько советов, что посетить.

5-studying wildlife-изучая дикую природу

6-we like sightseeing of all kinds-мы любим достопримечательности всех видов


1-What is his name?

2-What is sisters s name?

3-How old is he?

4-How does he “travel”?

5-Where are they going to?

6-Describe Kevin.

7- Describe Kate.

Word combinations:

1-I am nearly sixteen- мне почти 16 лет

2-I have not been to many places yet- я еще не видел очень много мест

3-feel delighted about it- чувствую себя счастливым

4-I will be very grateful if you give me some tips about the places worth visiting-я был бы очень счастлив, если бы ты мне дал несколько советов, что посетить.

5-studying wildlife- изучая дикую природу

6-we like sightseeing of all kinds- мы любим достопримечательности всех видов


1-What is his name?

2-What is sisters s name?

3-How old is he?

4-How does he “travel”?

5-Where are they going to?

6-Describe Kevin.

7- Describe Kate.

Предварительный просмотр:

9 class U3 S 1 ex 23 p 109  Surname________________

1-Make the short retail:___________________________________________________________



1-I will wear my jeans and a T-shirt.

2-My mother doesn’t want me to look wild.

3- My mother  wants  me to wear this awful velvet dress.

9 class U3 S 1 ex 23 p 109  Surname________________

1-Make the short retail:___________________________________________________________



1-Everybody will laugh.

2-I will stay at home.

3-My mother gave me a wonderful pin.

9 class U3 S 1 ex 23 p 109  Surname________________

1-Make the short retail:___________________________________________________________



1-My great-grandmother Schuller performed in Paris!

2-The ballet instructor gave the wonderful pin to my great-grandmother.

3-My great-grandmother Schuller speaks French very well.

9 class U3 S 1 ex 23 p 109  Surname________________

1-Make the short retail:___________________________________________________________



1-My great-grandmother Schuller performed in Paris!

2-The ballet instructor gave the wonderful pin to my great-grandmother.

3-My great-grandmother Schuller speaks French very well.

Conflict is a natural thing in our life. Conflicts happen because people are different: they want different things, they have different ideas and their values are different. Very often people have conflicts because they do not listen to each other well. They think about what they want to say and don’t really hear what the other person is saying.

Conflict is a natural thing in our life. Conflicts happen because people are different: they want different things, they have different ideas and their values are different. Very often people have conflicts because they do not listen to each other well. They think about what they want to say and don’t really hear what the other person is saying.

Conflict is a natural thing in our life. Conflicts happen because people are different: they want different things, they have different ideas and their values are different. Very often people have conflicts because they do not listen to each other well. They think about what they want to say and don’t really hear what the other person is saying.

Conflict is a natural thing in our life. Conflicts happen because people are different: they want different things, they have different ideas and their values are different. Very often people have conflicts because they do not listen to each other well. They think about what they want to say and don’t really hear what the other person is saying.

Conflict is a natural thing in our life. Conflicts happen because people are different: they want different things, they have different ideas and their values are different. Very often people have conflicts because they do not listen to each other well. They think about what they want to say and don’t really hear what the other person is saying.

Conflict is a natural thing in our life. Conflicts happen because people are different: they want different things, they have different ideas and their values are different. Very often people have conflicts because they do not listen to each other well. They think about what they want to say and don’t really hear what the other person is saying.

Conflict is a natural thing in our life. Conflicts happen because people are different: they want different things, they have different ideas and their values are different. Very often people have conflicts because they do not listen to each other well. They think about what they want to say and don’t really hear what the other person is saying.

Conflict is a natural thing in our life. Conflicts happen because people are different: they want different things, they have different ideas and their values are different. Very often people have conflicts because they do not listen to each other well. They think about what they want to say and don’t really hear what the other person is saying.

Conflict is a natural thing in our life. Conflicts happen because people are different: they want different things, they have different ideas and their values are different. Very often people have conflicts because they do not listen to each other well. They think about what they want to say and don’t really hear what the other person is saying.

Conflict is a natural thing in our life. Conflicts happen because people are different: they want different things, they have different ideas and their values are different. Very often people have conflicts because they do not listen to each other well. They think about what they want to say and don’t really hear what the other person is saying.

Предварительный просмотр:

U3 S1 ex2 p 102 Class 9 Surname __________________

1.Make the short retail of the text:__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2.Write  Carrie s arguments against going to the party wearing the dress:___________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3.Write word combination of verbs and nouns:

word combination of verbs

word combination of nouns

U3 S1 ex2 p 102 Class 9 Surname __________________

1.Make the short retail of the text:__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2.Write  Carrie s arguments against going to the party wearing the dress:___________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3.Write word combination of verbs and nouns:

word combination of verbs

word combination of nouns

U3 S1 ex2 p 102 Class 9 Surname __________________

1.Make the short retail of the text:__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2.Write  Carrie s arguments against going to the party wearing the dress:___________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3.Write word combination of verbs and nouns:

word combination of verbs

word combination of nouns

Предварительный просмотр:

Unit 3 section 1ст.105


Mum: You have to wear  a dress

Carry: I don t have to wear a dress. It s square and conservative.

Mum: you should look lovely. There will be your cousins, your grandparents in  our party.

Carry: I don t like to look so wild.

Mum: Beauty is as beauty does, and I haven t seen any sign of beauty in you for a long time.

2.Значение слова  sign:

1- знак, символ

2- дорожный знак

3- жест, дающий информацию, команду.

4- жест который показывает что, что то существует или может случиться.

3. Infinitive инфинитив может использоваться как:

1- подлежащее:

To learn English is very difficult.

2- часть сказуемого:

My plan is to learn English

3- дополнение:

I decided to learn English


I have nobody to help me

5- выражает цель:

I came here to learn English

Предварительный просмотр:

Class 9 V-1 Surname____________________


a)to help by approval, sympathy, or by giving money


b)finding or learning something


c)to offer (food, drink, information, helps)


d)a feeling that one can rely on oneself

Write a letter:

Dear Frank,

I would like to tell you now I resolved a conflict. The conflict was about :

To solve I did the following:

I hope my experience will be useful for your readers.

All the best,

Class 9 V-2 Surname____________________


a)the opposite(opinion idea, advice)

2-get on

b)to calm down or to rest


c)to indicate the faults of something


d)to have comfortable or friendly relations

Write a letter:

Dear Frank,

I would like to tell you now I resolved a conflict. The conflict was about :

To solve I did the following:

I hope my experience will be useful for your readers.

All the best,

Class 9 V-2 Surname____________________


a)the opposite(opinion idea, advice)

2-get on

b)to calm down or to rest


c)to indicate the faults of something


d)to have comfortable or friendly relations

Write a letter:

Dear Frank,

I would like to tell you now I resolved a conflict. The conflict was about :

To solve I did the following:

I hope my experience will be useful for your readers.

All the best,

Class 9 V-2 Surname____________________


a)the opposite(opinion idea, advice)

2-get on

b)to calm down or to rest


c)to indicate the faults of something


d)to have comfortable or friendly relations

Write a letter:

Dear Frank,

I would like to tell you now I resolved a conflict. The conflict was about :

To solve I did the following:

I hope my experience will be useful for your readers.

All the best,

Class 9 V-1 Surname____________________


a)to help by approval, sympathy, or by giving money


b)finding or learning something


c)to offer (food, drink, information, helps)


d)a feeling that one can rely on oneself

Write a letter:

Dear Frank,

I would like to tell you now I resolved a conflict. The conflict was about :

To solve I did the following:

I hope my experience will be useful for your readers.

All the best,

Class 9 V-1 Surname____________________


a)to help by approval, sympathy, or by giving money


b)finding or learning something


c)to offer (food, drink, information, helps)


d)a feeling that one can rely on oneself

Write a letter:

Dear Frank,

I would like to tell you now I resolved a conflict. The conflict was about :

To solve I did the following:

I hope my experience will be useful for your readers.

All the best,

Предварительный просмотр:

Смешанный тип: сочетание третьего (условие) и второго (результат) типа условных предложений

Используется для описания воображаемых действий или ситуаций в настоящем времени, которые невозможны в силу того, что необходимые условия не были удовлетворены в прошлом.

Образование: союз if + условие с past perfect (M +had+V-3,ed) + результат с would и глаголом в базовой форме


- If she had seen this film, she would know about it (Если бы она видела этот фильм, она бы знала о нем)

Смешанный тип: сочетание второго (условие) и третьего (результат) типа условных предложений

Условные предложения в английском языке, представленные данным типом, используются для того, чтобы избежать нелогичности высказывания «If I had been you», ведь эта фраза подразумевает, что говорящий не был другим человеком в произошедшей ситуации, но может оказаться им в будущей, что, конечно же, невозможно.

Образование: союз if + условие с past simple (M+V-2,ed) + результат с would have и глаголом в past participle-2,ed (причастием прошедшего времени)

- If I were you, I wouldn’t have passed that test (Если бы я был на твоем месте, я бы не прошел тот тест)

Также данный тип используется тогда, когда первая часть предложения является правдивой. При этом в условии нет отношения к какому-либо определенному времени (указываются постоянные характеристики или действия), а следствие указывает на прошлое.


- If he could speak Italian, he wouldn’t have needed to hire the translator (Если бы он мог говорить на итальянском, ему бы не потребовалось нанимать переводчика). Это значит, что он не владел итальянским языком тогда, когда нуждался в переводчике, и по-прежнему не владеет им.

Четвертый (смешанный) тип условного предложенияУпражнения этой темы        Следующая тема

Этот тип условного предложения можно рассмотреть отдельно, хотя оно как бы "склеено" из условных предложений второго и третьего типов. Предложение смешанного типа может иметь две формы:

Условная часть - форма Past Simple (второй тип) + основная часть - Would + Have + III форма глагола (третий) тип.

If you were more attentive, you would have passed the exam yesterday.

Условная часть - форма Past Perfect (третий тип) + основная часть - Would + инфинитив глагола(второй тип).

If you had taken the medicine, you would feel much better now.

Причина использования смешанного типа условного предложения в том, что часто условие совершения действия относится к прошлому, а возможность его совершения к настоящему или будущему, и наоборот.

If you were more attentive, you would have passed the exam yesterday.

Если бы ты был более внимательным, то сдал бы вчера этот экзамен.

Если бы ты вообще (вчера, сегодня, завтра) был "более внимательным" - мало вероятное, но все же реальное условие (второй тип), то вчера (которое уже не вернешь), ты бы сдал этот экзамен - нереальное следствие условия, относящееся к прошлому.

If you had taken the medicine in the morning, you would feel much better now.

Если бы ты принял лекарство утром, то сейчас бы чувствовал себя гораздо лучше.

Утро уже окончилось, поэтому это уже нереальное условие, относящееся к прошлому. (третий тип). "Ты сейчас чувствовал бы себя гораздо лучше" - вполне реальное следствие поставленного условия, относящееся к текущему моменту.

Даже если бы в этом предложении не было обстоятельства времени "утром", то есть явный контекст, то действие все равно бы относилось к прошлому.

Примечание: Если основная часть предложения выражает вероятное действие, то, если того требует контекст, можно подчеркнуть длительность этого действия - то есть вместо Would + инфинитив глагола будет Would + be + инфинитив глагола с окончанием -ing.

If I hadn't missed the bus, I would be having dinner with my family now.

 Если бы я не опоздал на автобус, то сейчас бы ужинал со своей семьей.

В условном предложении смешанного типа вопросительные и отрицательные формы образуются также, как и в условных предложениях 2 и 3 типов, в зависимости от используемой глагольной формы.

If you didn't go to parties every day, you could have entered the University long ago.

How would you feel today if you had drunk too much beer yesterday?

Предварительный просмотр:

C:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Os meus documentos\As minhas imagens\1number colours\1_2_7.bmpC:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Os meus documentos\As minhas imagens\1number colours\1_2_5.bmpC:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Os meus documentos\As minhas imagens\1number colours\1_2_8.bmpC:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Os meus documentos\As minhas imagens\1number colours\1_2_4.bmpC:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Os meus documentos\As minhas imagens\1number colours\1_2_3.bmpC:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Os meus documentos\As minhas imagens\1number colours\1_2_2.bmpC:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Os meus documentos\As minhas imagens\1number colours\1_2_1.bmp

C:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Os meus documentos\As minhas imagens\1number colours\1_2_6.bmpC:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Os meus documentos\As minhas imagens\1number colours\1_2_9.bmp

Предварительный просмотр:

Unit 3 Section 3

  1. I wish +past simple

Мы используем эту конструкцию, когда хотим сказать, что желаем другого и сожалеем о насоящем.

I wish we had lessons on football (We don t have them now)

I wish  we did t have such boring PE lessns ( P E is boring )

     2. WAS - WERE

I wish I were more sporty


  1. I wish I (write) a poem.
  2. I wish she (buy) same oranges
  3. I wish the weather (to be) warmer
  4. I wish they (have) same trains
  5. I wish they (say) about lecture
  6. I wish they (to be)clever


Sandboarding-travell across sand. You should do the sport on soft dry sand dunes.

Kiiking- stand on a trapeze — llike swing ad attempt to complete a full cicle up and over a bar. You must go further each time since they lengthen the swing.

Zorb — is a larg inflatable ball that you climb into and stay iside while you roll down a hill. There are the dry zorb ad the wet zorb.

Unit 3 Section 3

  1. I wish +past simple

Мы используем эту конструкцию, когда хотим сказать, что желаем другого и сожалеем о насоящем.

I wish we had lessons on football (We don t have them now)

I wish  we did t have such boring PE lessns ( P E is boring )

     2. WAS - WERE

I wish I were more sporty


  1. I wish I (write) a poem.
  2. I wish she (buy) same oranges
  3. I wish the weather (to be) warmer
  4. I wish they (have) same trains
  5. I wish they (say) about lecture
  6. I wish they (to be)clever


Sandboarding-travell across sand. You should do the sport on soft dry sand dunes.

Kiiking- stand on a trapeze — llike swing ad attempt to complete a full cicle up and over a bar. You must go further each time since they lengthen the swing.

Zorb — is a larg inflatable ball that you climb into and stay iside while you roll down a hill. There are the dry zorb ad the wet zorb.

Предварительный просмотр:

Progress check-1 the 10th form V-1

I Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1.I wish I (write) a poem.

2.I wish she (buy) same oranges

3.I wish the weather (to be) warmer

II Translate the sentences

1.Если бы я был музыкантом, то я бы написал песню

2.Ели бы мой брат сдал экзамен, то он бы поступил в Институт.

3.Если бы ученики готовили домашнее задание, то они бы понимали предмет.

III Complete the text

Music (music, fans, years, emotions, drums, calluses, leave, lyrics)

The most meaningful activities in my life revolve  around ( 1 ). I( 2) this world and enter one of my own where time stands. I have been playing  the ( 3) almost every day for five (4 ) and have the (5 ) to prove it. I also write (6 ). This is always a good way for me to express any bottled-up (7 ) I have.  I dream of playing in front of thousands of (8 ).

IV Make the sentences from the words

1.has Ken with quarreled Who?

2.did   What  make  with test   she?

3.It   does   How much    cost?

V Complete the sentences.  Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1.Listen! The boys (play) the guitar.

2.My friends usually helps me with my homework.

VI Write the composition about “ MY HOBBY

Progress check-1 the 10th form V-2

I Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1.I wish they (have) same trains

2.I wish they (say) about lecture

3.I wish they (to be)clever

II Translate the sentences

1.Если бы ученики готовили домашнее задание, то они бы понимали предмет.

2.Я был бы летчиком, если бы мне позволили летать.

3.Он был бы поваром. Если бы любил готовить.

III Complete the text

Music (music, fans, years, emotions, drums, calluses, leave, lyrics)

The most meaningful activities in my life revolve  around ( 1 ). I( 2) this world and enter one of my own where time stands. I have been playing  the ( 3) almost every day for five (4 ) and have the (5 ) to prove it. I also write (6 ). This is always a good way for me to express any bottled-up (7 ) I have.  I dream of playing in front of thousands of (8 ).

IV Make the sentences from the words

1.It   does   How much    cost?

2.speak can you my dad?

3.will you Where be i the morning?

V Complete the sentences.  Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1.Next weekend I (visit) my granny in the country side.

2.Yesterday our team (take) part in the swimming competition.

VI Write the composition about “ MY HOBBY

Предварительный просмотр:

Progress check - 2 the 10th form


1.Translate the words:




8.pretend coughing fit or sneeze

3.heaps of

9.Less of the cheek



5.widening our eyes




2. Match the words and their definitions:

1. look out for someone

a) making you feel slightly angry or impatient

2. get on somebody s nerves

b) to make someone feel annoyed or nervous


c) to take care of someone and make sure that they are treated well

3. Translate the sentences:

1-We  attempt to share a peaceful moment around the table.  


2-I try to relax and ignore the irritation.  


3-No matter what happened or how much we row.                          


5. Answer the questions:

1Have you got many relatives?

2What would you we call them in English?

3Do you live close or far from?

4Do you see them often? Why?

5Who is the person closest to you? Why?

3.Complete the sentences with could/couldn’t , was able to/wasn’t able to:

1-Gertrude …….scare anyone.

2-Gertrude ……scare Annie when she first came to see her.

4.Make the sentences and translate:

1-You| like| watch soap opera

2-She| enjoy| spend time outdoors

3-They| prefer| play on computer

5-Translate from Russian into English:

1-Неужели это сложно для каждого сохранить тишину на время.


2-Возможно моя семья и я будем жить лучше, когда будем жить отдельно.


3-Я знаю - это четыре человека, на которые я всегда могу положиться.


4. Write the composition : “My family relationships”


Progress check - 2 the 10th form


1.Translate the words:

1. to find out


2. ancestors


3. to alive



10.to click





2. Match the words and their definitions:

1. fall out

a) to spend time with someone so that they will not feel lonely

2. make up with

b) to become friendly again with someone after an argument

3. keep somebody company

c) to stop being friendly with someone because you have had a disagreement with them

3. Translate the sentences:

1-Jessica Constantinidis shares a four bedroom house in north London with her husband.


2-When both residences sold, they were free to move into their new home in the Finsbury Park.


3-Sharing with Olive enabled Jessica and her Family to move into a larger house.


5. Answer the questions:

1Have you got many relatives?

2What would you we call them in English?

3Do you live close or far from?

4Do you see them often? Why?

5Who is the person closest to you? Why?

3.Complete the sentences with could/couldn’t, was able to/wasn’t able to:

1-Flora……feel at ease with Gertrude

2-Gertrude ……remember all her relatives in the family album.

4.Make the sentences and translate:

1-You| hate| listen| music

2-We| prefer| hang out with| my friends

3-I| hate| get up| so early

5-Translate from Russian into English:

1-Джесика (34 года) и ее муж Энди (42 года) продали свой трехквартирный дом.


2-Оливия будет иметь свою собственную территорию с микроволной печкой и своим телевизором.


3-Их новые условия жизни имеют дополнительный бонус для сына Томми.


4. Write the composition : “My family relationships”


Предварительный просмотр:

Progress Check. Unit 3 class 10   Variant 1

1.Choose the correct alternative and translate

1-I expected to go/going to the supermarket.

2-I don t think It’s time to go/going to bed.

3-I am 17. I began to study/studding to drive a car.

4-Henry doesn’t want to study/studding in another country.

2.Complete the sentences with the infinitive of the verbs in the box






1-Dad is going to apply for a new job.

2-I haven t had time ….my hair yet.

3-Sam is going to France….French.

4-I am going ….the sales assistant if she can help me.

5-Have you bought something new ….to the party?

3. Use the words to write sentences with the negative infinitive.

Example: please,/try/be/late/for your appointment.- Please, try not to be late for your appointment.

1-I/must remember/call/Miss Lee by her first name!

2-We/hope/find/the house in a mess after the party!

3-Ann/tall/phone/when/he got home.

4.Choose the right variant and make the end

1-She didn’t remember to hand in her task because….

   She didn’t remember handing  in her task because….

2-I tried to unlock the door but….

   I tried unlocking  the door but….

3-We stopped to eat our sandwich when….

   We stopped eating  our sandwich when….

5. Translate the phrases:

People must have lived in Siberia in prehistoric times.

People may| might have lived in Siberia in prehistoric times.

6. Complete the sentences with the correct Modal Verb:

1-___________I borrow your blue pen?

a) must

b) can

c) should

2- Tim is only 12 years old but he ___________ speak English and French very well.

a) can

b) shall

c) mustn’t

3-___________ you like a cup of tea?

a) could

b) should

c) would

7-Put the verbs into  Present Perfect:

1-Scientists (not to try)______________ to make the connection between the existence of these humans.

2- Russian archeologists (to find) __________recently  new evidence?

3-Human occupation (to be) _________on our land?

8-Put the verbs in Past perfect:

1-This little human we (to call) the hobbits.

2-Scientists (to find) the bone of a creature?

9. Answer:  What would you like to stop doing?

Progress Check. Unit 3 class 10   Variant 2

1.Choose the correct alternative and translate

1-Richard tall to phone/for phoning when he got home.

2-You like to work/be working hard at the moment.

3-I am going to the department store to look/looking for a wedding present.

4-I hope to watch/watching the programme about ancient civilizations tomorrow.

2.Complete the sentences with the infinitive of the verbs in the box






1-I am fed up of waiting for you outside shoe shops!

2-We didn’t enjoy….shopping with Aunt Beryl.

3-Please don t shout at me for….your purse.

4-Martin is going to make a career out of….encyclopedias.

5-Go and try it on in the….room.

3. Use the words to write sentences with the negative infinitive.

Example: please,/try/be/late/for your appointment.- Please, try not to be late for your appointment.

1-he/hope/lose/his job/at the end of the summer.

2-please/tell/him/forget/his passport.

3-Simon/hope/fail/his driving test again.

4.Choose the right variant and make the end

1-I regret to tell you that your mark was very low because….

   I regret telling  you that your mark was very low because….

2-I need to repair these shoes because….

   These shoes need repairing because….

3-I mean to write the composition today and….

   A completed composition will mean getting a good mark and….

5. Translate the phrases:

People can| could have lived in Siberia in prehistoric times.

People can’t| couldn’t have lived in Siberia in prehistoric times.

6. Complete the sentences with the correct Modal Verb:

1-Good children ___________ obey their parents and teachers.

a) must

b) mustn’t

c) needn´t

2-The students ___________ do their homework if they had time.

a) should

b) would

c) will

3-___________ bring your umbrella?

a) Shall

b) might

c) Might

7-Put the verbs into  Present Perfect:

1-Russian archeologists (to find) __________recently  new evidence.

2-Human occupation (to be) ___________on our land.

3-Dr Vladimir Pitulko (not to lead)__________ a team of scientists.

8-Put the verbs in Past perfect:

1-Researcher (to discover) skeleton of miniature human.

2-This little human we (to call) the hobbits.

3-Scientists (to find) the bone of a creature?

9. Answer: How do you really feel about school?

Предварительный просмотр:

Mixed Conditionals

Если мы хотим сказать о событии, которое произошло в прошлом, но результат в настоящем, мы можем использовать условные предложения:

If + past perfect (had V 3,ed)– would + infinitive

If the Maya had predicted weather changes better, their civilization would probably survive today.

Если бы племя Мая предсказывало погодные изменения лучше, их цивилизация, возможно, выжила бы сегодня.

If + past perfect (had V 3,ed)– would  have+V3,ed.

If the Maya had predicted weather changes better, their civilization would probably have survived today.

Mixed Conditionals

Если мы хотим сказать о событии, которое произошло в прошлом, но результат в настоящем, мы можем использовать условные предложения:

If + past perfect (had V 3,ed)– would + infinitive

If the Maya had predicted weather changes better, their civilization would probably survive today.

Если бы племя Мая предсказывало погодные изменения лучше, их цивилизация, возможно, выжила бы сегодня.

If + past perfect (had V 3,ed)– would  have+V3,ed.

If the Maya had predicted weather changes better, their civilization would probably have survived today.

Mixed Conditionals

Если мы хотим сказать о событии, которое произошло в прошлом, но результат в настоящем, мы можем использовать условные предложения:

If + past perfect (had V 3,ed)– would + infinitive

If the Maya had predicted weather changes better, their civilization would probably survive today.

Если бы племя Мая предсказывало погодные изменения лучше, их цивилизация, возможно, выжила бы сегодня.

If + past perfect (had V 3,ed)– would  have+V3,ed.

If the Maya had predicted weather changes better, their civilization would probably have survived today.

Mixed Conditionals

Если мы хотим сказать о событии, которое произошло в прошлом, но результат в настоящем, мы можем использовать условные предложения:

If + past perfect (had V 3,ed)– would + infinitive

If the Maya had predicted weather changes better, their civilization would probably survive today.

Если бы племя Мая предсказывало погодные изменения лучше, их цивилизация, возможно, выжила бы сегодня.

If + past perfect (had V 3,ed)– would  have+V3,ed.

If the Maya had predicted weather changes better, their civilization would probably have survived today.

Mixed Conditionals

Если мы хотим сказать о событии, которое произошло в прошлом, но результат в настоящем, мы можем использовать условные предложения:

If + past perfect (had V 3,ed)– would + infinitive

If the Maya had predicted weather changes better, their civilization would probably survive today.

Если бы племя Мая предсказывало погодные изменения лучше, их цивилизация, возможно, выжила бы сегодня.

If + past perfect (had V 3,ed)– would  have+V3,ed.

If the Maya had predicted weather changes better, their civilization would probably have survived today.

Предварительный просмотр:

Образование степеней сравнения односложных и двухсложных прилагательных

положительная степень

сравнительная степень

превосходная степень





the tallest-самый высокий

the funniest-самый забавный

Образование степеней сравнения многосложных прилагательных

положительная степень

сравнительная степень

превосходная степень



more wonderful-

более замечательный

the most wonderful –

самый замечательный

Устойчивые формы образования степеней сравнения прилагательных

положительная степень

сравнительная степень

превосходная степень

good- хороший

better -лучше

the best

bad- плохой

worse -хуже

the worst

little -маленький

less -меньше

the least

far- далекий

further- дальше

the furthest

much -много

many -много

more- больше

the most

Образование степеней сравнения односложных и двухсложных прилагательных

положительная степень

сравнительная степень

превосходная степень





the tallest-самый высокий

the funniest-самый забавный

Образование степеней сравнения многосложных прилагательных

положительная степень

сравнительная степень

превосходная степень



more wonderful-

более замечательный

the most wonderful –

самый замечательный

Устойчивые формы образования степеней сравнения прилагательных

положительная степень

сравнительная степень

превосходная степень

good- хороший

better -лучше

the best

bad- плохой

worse -хуже

the worst

little -маленький

less -меньше

the least

far- далекий

further- дальше

the furthest

much -много

many -много

more- больше

the most

Предварительный просмотр:

План-конспект урока по учебнику «Enjoy English» 10 класс. Авторы: Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н.

Тема: «Грамматически-ориентированный урок»

(Технологическая карта изучения темы)


Грамматически-ориентированный урок

Цель темы


  1. Формировать лексические навыки по теме «Путешествия»
  2. Формировать грамматические навыки: союзные и вводные слова


  1. Развивать навыки и умения анализа
  2. Развивать навыки и умения устной речи: аудирования и говорения
  3. Развивать умения систематизировать полученные ранее  знания и на их основе комментировать употребление союзных и вводных слов.


1. Воспитывать интерес к путешествию, посещению новых мест, интерес к чужой истории и культуре.

Планируемый результат

Предметные умения


  1. Обобщить известные учащимся союзные и вводные слова.(базовый уровень)стр.138 упр.40
  2.  Сгруппировать предложенные слова по трем категориям. (средний уровень)стр.138 упр.41
  3. Употребить и закрепить употребление данных слов. (базовый уровень) Стр.138 упр. 42
  4.  Развить умение аудирования с нахождением нужной информации на уровне ключевых слов.(повышенный уровень)стр.138 упр.44


Личностные: формирование ответственного отношения к учению, готовности к саморазвитию и самообразованию, формирование коммуникативной компетенции в общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками, формирование и развитие интереса к иностранному языку.

Регулятивные: осуществление регулятивных действий самонаблюдения, самоконтроля, самооценки в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном языке.

Познавательные: построение логических рассуждений, включающее установление причинно-следственных связей.;

Коммуникативные: формулировка собственного мнения и позиции, способность аргументировать и координировать ее с позициями партнеров  в сотрудничестве при выработке общего решения в совместной деятельности; умение задавать вопросы  и отвечать на них; адекватно использовать речевые средства для решения различных коммуникативных задач.

Основные понятия

Неопределенный артикль и его формы, названия учебных предметов, дней недели, школьных принадлежностей

Организация пространства

Межпредметные связи

Формы работы


География, русский язык,технология.

Индивидуальная, групповая, фронтальная


- рабочая тетрадь,

- звуковое приложение (CD)

- карточки с заданием

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность обучающихся




Осуществляемые действия

Формируемые способы деятельности

Осуществляемые действия

Формируемые способы деятельности

Осуществляемые действия

Формируемые способы деятельности

1 этап – Мотивационно-ориентировочный

  1. Организует беседу по обобщению известных союзных и вводных слов.
  2. Задает учащимся вопросы по данной теме.
  3. Просит прокомментировать употребление употребление выделенных слов. стр.138 упр.40

Вспоминает, что ему известно по изучаемому вопросу, делает предположение, систематизирует информацию, задает вопросы, подбирает необходимые английские слова.

Осуществлять актуализацию полученных ранее знаний по предмету.

1. Обсуждают свои варианты в парах

2. Обсуждают свои варианты в классе

Слушать собеседника, строить понятные для собеседника высказывания, формулировать собственное мнение и позицию, аргументировать и координировать ее с позициями партнеров в сотрудничестве при выработке общего решения в совместной деятельности; устанавливать и сравнивать разные точки зрения, прежде чем принимать решения и делать выбор

Оценивают правильность выполнения задания, вносят необходимые коррективы в свою работу как в конце действия, так и по ходу его реализации; оценивают поле своего незнания, ставят учебные цели и задачи (с помощью учителя определяют, что еще необходимо узнать по данной теме)

Уметь слушать в соответствии с целевой установкой; принимать и сохранять учебную цель и задачу; дополнять высказанные мнения по существу полученного задания; владеть целеполаганием, постановкой учебных целей и задач.

2 этап – Исполнительский

I-Просит учащихся сгруппировать предложенные слова по трем категориям. стр.138 упр.41

Группируют предложенные слова по трем категориям

Обобщение и закрепление ранее усвоенных знаний.

Осуществляют действия в группах и парах.

Слушать чужие ответы и понимать сказанное, задавать вопросы для организации собственной деятельности.

Внимательно слушают произношение слов учеников и учителя и сравнивают свою речь с их речью.

Самостоятельно оценивать правильность выполнения действия, вносить необходимые коррективы в выполнение задания, обнаруживать отклонения от эталона.

II Организует отработку и закрепления употребления данной категории слов.

ст. 138упр.42


Обучающиеся соединяют два предложения в одно, используя несколько вариантов.

Отработка и закрепление данной категории слов.

Взаимодействует с учителем и одноклассниками ,обсуждения ответов во фронтальном режиме

Адекватно использовать речевые средства для решения различных коммуникативных задач.

В ходе заслушивания ответов учеников осуществляют самоконтроль понимания текста.

Принимать и сохранять учебную цель и  задачу; осуществлять самоконтроль.

III.Организует сначала фронтальную, затем парную работу с использованием новой лексики: 1 вопрос-1 ответ по данному диалогу (базовый уровень)

ст. 111упр.51

Отвечают на вопросы учителя, затем сами задают и отвечают на вопросы (1вопрос -1 ответ). Учащиеся на повышенном уровне задают 2 вопроса и дают 2 ответа.

Осознанно и произвольно отвечать на вопросы учителя, осознанно задавать вопросы, анализировать знания грамматических и лексических единиц, развивать навыки аудировании

Отвечают на вопросы с использованием новой лексики, запрашивают информацию, слушают ответы своих одноклассников

Решать коммуникативные вопросы по запросу информации и ответу на него; развивают умение работать в паре.

Осуществляют самоконтроль своих знаний и напарника, оценивают правильность выполнения задания, вносят необходимые коррективы

Принимать и сохранять цель, определять способы действий в рамках предложенных условий

IV.Организует работу по аудированию с нахождением нужной информации на уровне ключевых слов. ст.52упр.44

Прослушивают аудио запись и находят информацию на уровне ключевых слов.

Осуществлять актуализацию полученных ранее знаний по предмету, уметь работать с лексикой, уметь понимать содержание на слух, уметь правильно формулировать вопросы.

Взаимодействуют с учителем и одноклассниками во время обсуждения ответов во фронтальном режиме.

Понимать содержание прежде чем выделить ключевые слова.

В ходе аудирования ученики осуществляют самоконтроль понимания содержания.

Принимать и сохранять учебную цель и задачу; осуществлять самоконтроль.

3 этап – Рефлексия

Предлагает подвести итоги всему ранее сказанному.

Называют и

систематизируют полученную информацию, отбирает нужную лексику

Записывают домашнее задание

Осуществляют актуализацию полученных знаний

Слушают одноклассников, активно участвуют в решении коммуникативной задачи, выражают свое мнение об итогах работы на уроке

Формулировать собственное мнение, аргументировать его и координировать с позициями партнеров.

Оценивают результаты достигнутого на уроке, выделяя свой уровень приращения в конце урока.

Самостоятельно анализировать достижение цели на основе учета выделенных учителем ориентиров действия в новом учебном материале; осуществлять познавательную рефлексию в отношении действий по решению учебных и познавательных задач.

Предварительный просмотр:

Unit 1 Section 4

1.Conditional sentence – условные предложения

If +past simple / would + infinitive

If I had the chance to meet a pop star, I would like to meet Eminem

  1. Мы используем were  вместо was

If I were rich, I would buy a record studio.

     2-  Мы можем поменять местами    - предложения If  предложения и главное предложение

I would buy a record studio, If  I were rich.

Unit 1 Section 4

1.Conditional sentence – условные предложения

If +past simple / would + infinitive

If I had the chance to meet a pop star, I would like to meet Eminem

  1. Мы используем were  вместо was

If I were rich, I would buy a record studio.

     2-  Мы можем поменять местами    - предложения If  предложения и главное предложение

I would buy a record studio, If  I were rich.

Unit 1 Section 4

1.Conditional sentence – условные предложения

If +past simple / would + infinitive

If I had the chance to meet a pop star, I would like to meet Eminem

  1. Мы используем were  вместо was

If I were rich, I would buy a record studio.

     2-  Мы можем поменять местами    - предложения If  предложения и главное предложение

I would buy a record studio, If  I were rich.

Unit 1 Section 4

1.Conditional sentence – условные предложения

If +past simple / would + infinitive

If I had the chance to meet a pop star, I would like to meet Eminem

  1. Мы используем were  вместо was

If I were rich, I would buy a record studio.

     2-  Мы можем поменять местами    - предложения If  предложения и главное предложение

I would buy a record studio, If  I were rich.



The most meaningful activities in my life revolve  around  music. I leave this world and enter one of my own where time stands. I have been playing  the drums almost every day for five years and have the calluses to prove it. I also write lyrics. This is always a good way for me to express any bottled-up emotions I have.  I dream of playing in front of thousands of fans.

meaningful - значимый

revolve  around music – крутится вокруг музыки

drum - барабан

calluses - мазоли

bottled-up emotions – накипевшие эмоции

to dream – мечтать

Предварительный просмотр:

Archaeological discovery

I-Read the words from the text:



3- rugged lands-суровые земли

4- previously thought-считали раньше

5- occupation-род занятий

6- led a team of scientist-организовать команду ученых

7- the site-место

8- spear tip-наконечник копья

9-rhinoceros horn-рог носорога

10-mammoth tusk-бивень мамонта

11-glacial times-время оледенения



14-the existence of these humans-существование человечества

15-to be consider-быть согласным

II-Answer the questions:

1-What did Russian archaeologists suggests?

2-When was human occupation according to the discovery?

3-Who did lead a team?

4-What did surprises findings show?

5-What did the similarity of the tools show?

III-Say True or False:

1-Archaeologists found traces of ancient people in the south of Siberia.

2-The hunting tools of prehistoric people were made of bronze.

3-The discovery suggests that people lived in Siberia much earlier than previously thought.

4-The first people were not able to live in really harsh conditions.

5-The discovery will help scientists understand how the American continents became inhabited.

6-The first inhabitants of North America might have come from Siberia.

IV-Make the phrases:





3- previously

3- tusk


4- lands

5- mammoth


6- rugged



7- thought



V-Put the verbs into  Present Perfect:

1-Russian archeologists (to find) recently  new evidence.

2-Human occupation (to be) on our land.

3-Dr Vladimir Pitulko (not to lead) a team of scientists.

4-Scientists (not to try) to make the connection between the existence of these humans.

5- Russian archeologists (to find) recently  new evidence?

6-Human occupation (to be) on our land?

U3 s1 p87-88   Class 10 Surname_______________

1-Make the plan of the text.

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2-Write 6 word combination with verbs and  adjectives.



3-Translate: The similarity of the tools found in both areas suggests the possibility that at some point the people in Siberia made their way across from Asia to the America_________________

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________U3 s1 p87-88   Class 10 Surname_______________

1-Make the plan of the text.

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2-Write 6 word combination with verbs and  adjectives.



3-Translate: The similarity of the tools found in both areas suggests the possibility that at some point the people in Siberia made their way across from Asia to the America_________________


U3 s1 p87-88   Class 10 Surname_______________

1-Make the plan of the text.

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2-Write 6 word combination with verbs and  adjectives.



3-Translate: The similarity of the tools found in both areas suggests the possibility that at some point the people in Siberia made their way across from Asia to the America_________________


Предварительный просмотр:

Kyoto Prizes to further stress “moral” achievements

I-Answer the questions:

1-What is purpose of the Kyoto Prize?

2-Who is the founder of the prize? What do we know about him?

3-Haw many people have been awarded the prize? Who are they?

4-How does the founder of the prize explain the idea behind it?

5-Who were the prize laureates in 2001? What achievement did they get the prize for?

II-Say True or False:

1-The Kyoto Prize is Chinese equivalent of the Nobel Prize.

2-The sponsor of the prize is the Inamori Foundation, founded in 1985.

3-Every November, one winner of the Kyoto Prize, receive a diploma.

4-In 2006 the prize for art and designer went Zhores Ivanovich Alferov.

5- Inamori has criticized modern culture for ignoring our emotional.

III-Translate express the following expressions:

1-to honour individuals and groups;

2-to further humanity through a balance of technology and spirituality;

3-to work for the common good;

4-dramatic advances in sciences and technology;

5-to be central to modern life.

IV-Make mini-project “Inventing a new prize”:

1-Name of the prize

2-Kind of achievements

3-Age of participants

4-Individual or group work

5-Times of taking part in competition

Infinitive or V-ing

1.The verbs : hope-надеяться, expect-ожидать, learn-учить,  normally the to infinitive

I learnt to swim in the Black Sea last summer.- Я учился плавать в черном море прошлым летом.

2. After verbs: tell-говорить, advise-советовать, ask-спрашивать, follow the object and to infinitive

We asked a stranger to show us the way.- Мы попросили прохожего, что бы он показал нам дорогу.

3.The verbs: enjoy-наслаждаться, finish-заканчивать, admit-допускать, mind-помнить, feel like-чувствовать, can’t help-не могу помочь, look forward to- , prevent-предотвращать, normally the V- ing

I feel like stopping work now and coming back to it late.

4. The verbs: begin-начинать, start-начинать, like-нравиться, love-любить, hate-ненавидеть, continue-продолжать, use to or V-ing

I like to read in bed.- Я люблю читать в кровати.



I mean to finish this job no matter what happens.-сделать, намереваться

A new theory will mean changing people s attitude.-результат


We regret to inform you that your flight has been cancelled.-сожалеет, но будет действие в будущем

I regret spending so much money, because now I can’t pay all my bills.-сожалеет


Remember to call me next week.

I remember  playing with you when we were both small children.


I stopped to tie my shoelaces.

I stopped eating meat years ago.


He tried to find a job.

He tried asking his friends to help him.

Kyoto Prizes to further stress “moral” achievements

I-Answer the questions:

1-What is purpose of the Kyoto Prize?

2-Who is the founder of the prize? What do we know about him?

3-Haw many people have been awarded the prize? Who are they?

4-How does the founder of the prize explain the idea behind it?

5-Who were the prize laureates in 2001? What achievement did they get the prize for?

II-Say True or False:

1-The Kyoto Prize is Chinese equivalent of the Nobel Prize.

2-The sponsor of the prize is the Inamori Foundation, founded in 1985.

3-Every November, one winner of the Kyoto Prize, receive a diploma.

4-In 2006 the prize for art and designer went Zhores Ivanovich Alferov.

5- Inamori has criticized modern culture for ignoring our emotional.

III-Translate express the following expressions:

1-to honour individuals and groups;

2-to further humanity through a balance of technology and spirituality;

3-to work for the common good;

4-dramatic advances in sciences and technology;

5-to be central to modern life.

IV-Make mini-project “Inventing a new prize”:

1-Name of the prize

2-Kind of achievements

3-Age of participants

4-Individual or group work

5-Times of taking part in competition

Infinitive or V-ing

1.The verbs : hope-надеяться, expect-ожидать, learn-учить,  normally the to infinitive

I learnt to swim in the Black Sea last summer.- Я учился плавать в черном море прошлым летом.

2. After verbs: tell-говорить, advise-советовать, ask-спрашивать, follow the object and to infinitive

We asked a stranger to show us the way.- Мы попросили прохожего, что бы он показал нам дорогу.

3.The verbs: enjoy-наслаждаться, finish-заканчивать, admit-допускать, mind-помнить, feel like-чувствовать, can’t help-не могу помочь, look forward to- , prevent-предотвращать, normally the V- ing

I feel like stopping work now and coming back to it late.

4. The verbs: begin-начинать, start-начинать, like-нравиться, love-любить, hate-ненавидеть, continue-продолжать, use to or V-ing

I like to read in bed.- Я люблю читать в кровати.



I mean to finish this job no matter what happens.-сделать, намереваться

A new theory will mean changing people s attitude.-результат


We regret to inform you that your flight has been cancelled.-сожалеет, но будет действие в будущем

I regret spending so much money, because now I can’t pay all my bills.-сожалеет


Remember to call me next week.

I remember  playing with you when we were both small children.


I stopped to tie my shoelaces.

I stopped eating meat years ago.


He tried to find a job.

He tried asking his friends to help him.

Предварительный просмотр:

Class-10 U-2  s-1 ex-16-17 Surname_____________

1Have you got many relatives?

2What would you we call them in English?

3Do you live close or far from?

4Do you see them often? Why?

5Who is the person closest to you? Why?

1look out for someone

2get on somebody s nerves


4fall out

5make up with

6keep somebody company

Class-10 U-2  s-1 ex-16-17 Surname_____________

1Have you got many relatives?

2What would you we call them in English?

3Do you live close or far from?

4Do you see them often? Why?

5Who is the person closest to you? Why?

1look out for someone

2get on somebody s nerves


4fall out

5make up with

6keep somebody company

Class-10 U-2  s-1 ex-16-17 Surname_____________

1Have you got many relatives?

2What would you we call them in English?

3Do you live close or far from?

4Do you see them often? Why?

5Who is the person closest to you? Why?

1look out for someone

2get on somebody s nerves


4fall out

5make up with

6keep somebody company

Class-10 U-2  s-1 ex-16-17 Surname_____________

1Have you got many relatives?

2What would you we call them in English?

3Do you live close or far from?

4Do you see them often? Why?

5Who is the person closest to you? Why?

1look out for someone

2get on somebody s nerves


4fall out

5make up with

6keep somebody company

Предварительный просмотр:

Why  family rows are good for you

I-Answer the questions:

1-What does poisoned silence mean?

2-What does family row mean between mother and daughter according to the Cambridge University?

3-What is the attitude between Sharon and her  daughter Kelly?

4-What does psychologist Carole Haston say?

5-What is unhealthy?

6-Why do we watch soap opera?

7-When are rows actually good for relationships?

 II-Say True or false:

1-Many people don t their best avoid such conflict.

2- Cambridge University study suggests that argument between mother and daughter are actually a signof a healthy relationship.

3-Violinist Vanessa Mae employed her mum as a doctor.

4-To keep feelings to yourself is healthy.

5-People watch soaps because in real life they spend their time trying not to avoid conflict.

III-Translate from Russian into English:

1-Многие люди стараются быть лучше, что бы избежать конфликты.

2-Университет изучает то, что конфликт между мамой и ее дочерью подростком, знак хороших отношений.

3-Конфликты рассматриваются, как часть нормальных, определенно изменяющихся взаимоотношений, и помогает подросткам увидеть. Что они больше не маленькие дети.

4-Если люди сохраняют переживания в себе, то это не является полезно для них.

IV-Make the phrases and translate:

















V-Make the words:

rgAentum, filamy, lescine, nfcoctli, oybs, orrsy, tstsciien, mpexlae, thmoer, stacnont, utlyhnhea, cosioclunn.

VI-Make the sentence in the Past simple:

1- Many people (do) their best avoid such conflict.

2-Psychologists (agree) with some arguments.

3-Scientists (not to say) the reality TV show.

VII- Make the sentence in Past Perfect:

1-Violinist Vanessa Mae (employ) her mum as a doctor.

2-To keep feelings to yourself (to be) healthy.

3-People (watch) soaps.

4-People  (spend) their time trying not to avoid conflict.

Предварительный просмотр:

U 3 S 2 ex 50 p 102 10 class   Surname_______________











Answer the questions:

1-What is the invention?

2-Who invented it?

3-When was it invented?

4-Were there any prototypes?

5-Why was the invention necessary?

6-What happened to the invention later?

U 3 S 2 ex 50 p 102 10 class   Surname_______________











Answer the questions:

1-What is the invention?

2-Who invented it?

3-When was it invented?

4-Were there any prototypes?

5-Why was the invention necessary?

6-What happened to the invention later?

The first non-leaking ballpoint pen was invented in 1935 by the Hungarian brothers Lazlo and Georg. Lazlo was a chemist and Georg was a newspaper editor. A ballpoint market had been invented in 1888 by John Loud. He was an American leather tanner.

The first non-leaking ballpoint pen was invented in 1935 by the Hungarian brothers Lazlo and Georg. Lazlo was a chemist and Georg was a newspaper editor. A ballpoint market had been invented in 1888 by John Loud. He was an American leather tanner.

The first non-leaking ballpoint pen was invented in 1935 by the Hungarian brothers Lazlo and Georg. Lazlo was a chemist and Georg was a newspaper editor. A ballpoint market had been invented in 1888 by John Loud. He was an American leather tanner.

The first non-leaking ballpoint pen was invented in 1935 by the Hungarian brothers Lazlo and Georg. Lazlo was a chemist and Georg was a newspaper editor. A ballpoint market had been invented in 1888 by John Loud. He was an American leather tanner.

The first non-leaking ballpoint pen was invented in 1935 by the Hungarian brothers Lazlo and Georg. Lazlo was a chemist and Georg was a newspaper editor. A ballpoint market had been invented in 1888 by John Loud. He was an American leather tanner.

The first non-leaking ballpoint pen was invented in 1935 by the Hungarian brothers Lazlo and Georg. Lazlo was a chemist and Georg was a newspaper editor. A ballpoint market had been invented in 1888 by John Loud. He was an American leather tanner.

The first non-leaking ballpoint pen was invented in 1935 by the Hungarian brothers Lazlo and Georg. Lazlo was a chemist and Georg was a newspaper editor. A ballpoint market had been invented in 1888 by John Loud. He was an American leather tanner.

The first non-leaking ballpoint pen was invented in 1935 by the Hungarian brothers Lazlo and Georg. Lazlo was a chemist and Georg was a newspaper editor. A ballpoint market had been invented in 1888 by John Loud. He was an American leather tanner.

Предварительный просмотр:

Class 10 U 4 S 3 ex.57,62,69,70,71

1-Which countries demonstrate the manners.

1-In the Czech Republic and Hungary

7-In some African countries

2-In Scandinavian countries

8-In Holland

3-In Britain

9-In Muslim countries

4-In America

10-In India

5-In Germany

11-In Muslim mosques and Buddhist temples

6-In Spain

12-In Russia

2-Translate the phrases:

1-Drinking beer in the street.

8-Chewing food with  your mouth open.

2-Forgetting to say “Thank you” and “Sorry”

9-Talking in mobile phone in public.

3-Throuing litter out of your car window.

10-Smoking while walking.

4-Listening to loud music in your car.

11-Not cleaning up after your dog.

5-Sticking chewing gum everywhere.

12-Queue jumping.

6-Swearing in public places.

13-Blowing one s nose in public.

7-Spitting in the streets.

14-Coughing and yawning with your mouth open on public transport.

3-Use a dictionary to complete the table.







Предварительный просмотр:


1-Decide which of the speakers:

1-didn t know anyone in the school__________

2-mentioned some strict school rules________

3-felt nervous on the first day at school______

4-liked the food in the new school___________

5-didn t like the school uniform____________

2-Make notes in the table:

On the first day at school




The best thing on the first day

The worst thing on the first day


1-Decide which of the speakers:

1-didn t know anyone in the school__________

2-mentioned some strict school rules________

3-felt nervous on the first day at school______

4-liked the food in the new school___________

5-didn t like the school uniform____________

2-Make notes in the table:

On the first day at school




The best thing on the first day

The worst thing on the first day

Предварительный просмотр:

Unit1 Section1 ex.4-5

1.Full the table

1.Where is he from?

1.Where is she from?

2.Where did he go?

2.Where did she go?

3.Why did he go abroad?

3. Why did she go abroad?

4.What did he do there?

4. What did she do there?

5.Does he sound positive about their experience?

5. Does she sound positive about their experience?

2. Make notes on how the speakers feelings about their visits changed?

Speaker 1

before the visit

during the visit

after the visit


before the visit

during the visit

after the visit


you can make new friends


you can experience culture shock

Unit1 Section1 ex.4-5

1.Full the table

1.Where is he from?

1.Where is she from?

2.Where did he go?

2.Where did she go?

3.Why did he go abroad?

3. Why did she go abroad?

4.What did he do there?

4. What did she do there?

5.Does he sound positive about their experience?

5. Does she sound positive about their experience?

2. Make notes on how the speakers feelings about their visits changed?

Speaker 1

before the visit

during the visit

after the visit


before the visit

during the visit

after the visit


you can make new friends


you can experience culture shock

Предварительный просмотр:

Class 10 U1 S2 ex 31 p 63 surname__________________  V-1

1-Write the summary:


2-Make the plan of the text:


3-Complete the sentences with could/couldn t, was able to/wasn t able to

1-Gertrude …….scare anyone.

2- Gertrude ……scare Annie when she first came to see her.

4-Make 5 questions:






5- Answer those 5 questions:






Class 10 U1 S2 ex 31 p 63  Surname_____________________V-2

1-Write the summary:


2-Make the plan of the text:


3-Complete the sentences with could/couldn t, was able to/wasn t able to

1-Flora……feel at ease with  Gertrude

2- Gertrude ……remember all her relatives in the family album.

4-Make 5 questions:






5- Answer those 5 questions:






Предварительный просмотр:

Class 10 U2 s4 ex.74

Мы используем глагол  V-ing после:

  1. Предлогов: аbout-о, for, at, of, to, with-с, like-такой как, without-без, besides-кроме, except.

He left without saying the words.

  1. Глаголов: Love, like, enjoy-наслаждаться, dislikeне нравиться, hate-ненавидеть, prefer-предпочитать.

She likes listening to classical music.

  1. Устойчивых выражений:

It is no use- не надо

It is not worth-не стоит

It is no good-не хорошо

Be busy- быть занятым

What is the use of…?

There is no point in

Can t help  cant stand

To get used to- привыкнуть

Have difficulty in- иметь сложности в

It is worth reading this book.

Class 10 U2 s4 ex.78

Within a few minutes, I hear the first knock on my door. Actually, “knock” is not the correct word. The bangs on my door are mini-explosions that make the window rattle and my shelves shake. And so the torture begins. I am met with critical comments about my room, requests for full attention from my sisters and non-stop demands to do this, that and the other.  

Class 10 U2 s4 ex.78

Within a few minutes, I hear the first knock on my door. Actually, “knock” is not the correct word. The bangs on my door are mini-explosions that make the window rattle and my shelves shake. And so the torture begins. I am met with critical comments about my room, requests for full attention from my sisters and non-stop demands to do this, that and the other.  

Class 10 U2 s4 ex.78

Within a few minutes, I hear the first knock on my door. Actually, “knock” is not the correct word. The bangs on my door are mini-explosions that make the window rattle and my shelves shake. And so the torture begins. I am met with critical comments about my room, requests for full attention from my sisters and non-stop demands to do this, that and the other.  

Class 10 U2 s4 ex.78

Within a few minutes, I hear the first knock on my door. Actually, “knock” is not the correct word. The bangs on my door are mini-explosions that make the window rattle and my shelves shake. And so the torture begins. I am met with critical comments about my room, requests for full attention from my sisters and non-stop demands to do this, that and the other.  

Class 10 U2 s4 ex.78

Within a few minutes, I hear the first knock on my door. Actually, “knock” is not the correct word. The bangs on my door are mini-explosions that make the window rattle and my shelves shake. And so the torture begins. I am met with critical comments about my room, requests for full attention from my sisters and non-stop demands to do this, that and the other.  

Class 10 U2 s4 ex.78

Within a few minutes, I hear the first knock on my door. Actually, “knock” is not the correct word. The bangs on my door are mini-explosions that make the window rattle and my shelves shake. And so the torture begins. I am met with critical comments about my room, requests for full attention from my sisters and non-stop demands to do this, that and the other.  

Class 10 U2 s4 ex.78

Within a few minutes, I hear the first knock on my door. Actually, “knock” is not the correct word. The bangs on my door are mini-explosions that make the window rattle and my shelves shake. And so the torture begins. I am met with critical comments about my room, requests for full attention from my sisters and non-stop demands to do this, that and the other.  

Class 10 U2 s4 ex.86-87

Teenagers and parents should talk about choosing their friends and come to a compromise.

Teenagers should choose their friends themselves because it is the onlyway to learn how to do it properly.

Parents know better how to choose their teenagers friends.

Parents have now right to recommend friends for their teenagers.

Parents can hardly choose a good friend for their teenagers.



Class 10 U2 s4 ex.86-87

Teenagers and parents should talk about choosing their friends and come to a compromise.

Teenagers should choose their friends themselves because it is the onlyway to learn how to do it properly.

Parents know better how to choose their teenagers friends.

Parents have now right to recommend friends for their teenagers.

Parents can hardly choose a good friend for their teenagers.



Class 10 U2 s4 ex.86-87

Teenagers and parents should talk about choosing their friends and come to a compromise.

Teenagers should choose their friends themselves because it is the onlyway to learn how to do it properly.

Parents know better how to choose their teenagers friends.

Parents have now right to recommend friends for their teenagers.

Parents can hardly choose a good friend for their teenagers.



Предварительный просмотр:

U2 S4 ex 78

Mike s story

I-Read the new words:

1-slamming door-хлопающая дверь

2-withing 30 minutes- в пределах 30 минут

3-remaining four-оставшиеся четыре

4-wailing siren warning me of their approach-нытье сирены, предостерегающее о их приближении

5-to find serenity-найти спокойствие

6-the silence is replaced-тишина заменяется-

7-to yell-пронзительно кричать

8-in a while-на время

9-apparently so-по всей видимости так


11-mini-explosions-мини взрывы

12-window rattle-дребезжание окон

13-torture begins-пытка начинается

14-requests for full attention from my sister and non-stop demands do this-просьба полного внимание к моей сестре, и непрекращающиеся требование делать это

15-each demand increase the tension-каждое требование увеличивает напряжение

16-to calm dawn-успокоиться

17-to ignore the irritation-игнорировать раздражение

18-to fail miserably-полная неудача

19-to have a conversation-общаться

20-despite all the arguments-несмотря на все противоречия

21-I can always rely on-я могу действительно положиться

II-Answer the questions:

1-Does Mike live in a nuclear or an extended family? Name the other members of his family.

2-How would characterize an evening in Mike s family?

3-How does Mike feel staying in his room?

4-What does Mike try to do to keep peace in his family?

5-How would you describe the relationships in Mike s family?

6-How does Mike view the relationship with his family in the future?

7-What do you think Mike values about his families?

III- Read the statements and say True or False

1-The sounds of a slamming door indicates my mother s home from work.

2-Mike walked into his room and stayed  the door opening.

3-He found the serenity in the bathroom.

4-The silence is replaced with the sounds of multiple TV.

5-Within a few minutes, He heard  the first bangs.

6-The tension became the permanent part of my relationship with my parents.

7-He realised that no matter how much they  fought , his  family wouldn’t care about him.

8-He knows there are at least four people He can always rely on.

IV-Fill the words and translate the phrases:

1-The ….. from a radio in my sister s room next …. and the continuous …. of my youngest sister.

2-I ….met with critical….. about my room.

3-We eat and ….to have a conversation.

4- I ….. that no matter how much we ….  , my  family will always ….. about me.

V-Translate the phrases from Russian into English:

1-Каждое требование увеличивало напряжение, через несколько лет стало неотъемлемой часть моих отношений с родителями.

2-Неужели это сложно для каждого сохранить тишину на время.

3-Возможно моя семья и я будем жить лучше, когда будем жить отдельно.

4-Я знаю - это четыре человека, на которые я всегда могу положиться.

VI-Fill in the gaps. Use the correct part of speech:

1-We …..to share a peaceful moment around the table.       attempt

2-I try to …..and ignore the irritation.                                   relaxing

3-No matter what ….or how much we row                           happiness

4-I …..there are at least four people.                                    knowledge

5-I will get along …..  .                                                         good

VII -Put the verbs in Past simple:

1-The sounds of the door (become) a wailing siren.

2-My younger sister (no yell).

3-I (calm dawn) silence yesterday.

VIII -Put the verbs in Present Perfect:

1-Each demand just (increase) the tension.

2-It (become) a permanent part of my relationship.

3-I (to be looking forward) to going to university.

IX- Put the verbs in Past Perfect:

1-I (try) to keep silent.

2-We (quarrel) until dinner.

3-My family (care) about me

X- Match the columns. Translate the word-combinations:









to have






XI- Guess the words:

Smlaming, mbemer, odor, thfaer, stsier, pnaret, wlaiing, wnaring, hpoing, cduiffilt, woindw, rhitionelasp, ttlera

XII-Find words close in meaning to the ones below:

slamming (door)


peace and quiet



Предварительный просмотр:

My Birthday

I-Answer the questions:

1-What made Angela s birthday special?

2-Why do you think the present was so important to her?

3-What kind of present is important to you?

II-Say True or False:

1-Angela was sure what the day would bring to her.

2-She turned 15 years old.

3-After present She never has ridden on the bike.

4-She is grateful for the bond with her father.

III- Fill in the gaps. Use the correct part of speech:

1-I rolled out of bed with…..                                                                                    enthusiastic

2-I had never been  able to ride beside my father as an…..                                      equally

3-I was greeted by……                                                                                             bike

4-But getting my own bike was that……point                                                         turn

IV-Make the words:













V-Translate from English into Russian:

1-Я прошла в класс, как во сне, и позволила своему воображению представить все возможные сюрпризы.

2-Меня обрадовали новым красным мотоциклом.

3-Мой папа и я катались на горных мотоциклах всегда.

4-Я помню лицо моего отца , когда я научилась  ездить на мотоцикле.

VI-Make the sentences in the Future Perfect of positive forms:

1-My dad and I (ride) mountain bike.

2-I (learn) a lot in between the riding and falling.

3-We (share) something.

4-I (to be grow up)

VII- Make the sentences in the Future Perfect of negative forms:

1-My dad and I (not ride) mountain bike.

2-I (not learn) a lot in between the riding and falling.

3-We (not share) something.

4-I (not to be grow up)

Предварительный просмотр:

Archaeological discovery

I-Answer the questions:

1-What kind of discovery did the archaeologists make?

2-What were the creatures called? Why?

3-What did these humans look like?

4-What do we know about their way of life?

5-Why were these human so small?

6-Why is this discovery so important?

II-Say true or false:

1-Programme of “Prehistoric Journeys” is one of the most excellent discoveries.

2-Richard Roberts is military.

3-Australian and Indonesian researchers have discovered a skeleton of a small elephant.

4-Little human have been called the “hobbit elephant”.

5-Little people of Flores hunted animals and built houses.

6-Little hobbits ate fish, frogs, snakes, tortoises, birds, rodents.

III-Make the phrases:

















IV-Translate from English into Russian:

1-This primitive dwarf elephant could be found on the island at that time.

2-For the tiny hobbit hunter, this beast would have been a challenge so they also included in their diet: fish, frogs, snakes, tortoises, birds, and rodents.

3-Could you tell us why this discovery is so important.

4-This find shows us how much we still have to learn about human evolution.

V-Translate from Russian into English:

1-Как мы упоминали, Австралийские и Индонезийские ученые нашли скелет маленького человека.

2-На кого эти хоббиты были похожи, не очень привлекательные, согласно современным стандартом.

3-Они не выглядели, как современные люди, но некоторые их привычки, были как у современного человека.

4-Современные пигмеи выше. Их рост 1,5 м высотой.

5-Все хоббиты были интеллектуально развиты.

VI-Put the words in the right form:

1-………..discovery the tiny skeleton.                                                                               SCIENTISTIC

2-We Australian and also Indonesian……..have discovered the actual skeleton.             SEARCH

3-That seems to be a tiny species of                                                                                    HUMANITY

4-Modern Pygmies are ……………. taller at about 1.4 to 1.5 meters all.                          CONSIDER

VII-Make the verbs in Present Perfect:

1-Researcher (to discover) skeleton of miniature human.

2-This little human we (to call) the hobbits.

3-Scientists (to find) the bone of a creature?

4-Hobbit (not to include) in their diet: graces, stones.

VIII-Make the verbs in Past perfect:

1-Researcher (to discover) skeleton of miniature human.

2-This little human we (to call) the hobbits.

3-Scientists (to find) the bone of a creature?

4-Hobbit (not to include) in their diet: graces, stones.

IX-Translate with modal verbs:

1-People must have lived in Siberia in prehistoric times.

2-People may| might have lived in Siberia in prehistoric times.

3-People can| could have lived in Siberia in prehistoric times.

4-People can’t| couldn’t have lived in Siberia in prehistoric times.

Предварительный просмотр:

,U3 S1 ex 13

We use the modal verbs:


may| might                   +       have +V 3          

can| could

can t| couldn’t

People must have lived in Siberia in prehistoric times.

Должно быть,  люди жили в Сибири в доисторическое время.


People may| might have lived in Siberia in prehistoric times.

Вероятно,  люди жили в Сибири в доисторическое время.


People can| could have lived in Siberia in prehistoric times.

Возможно,  люди жили в Сибири в доисторическое время.


People can’t| couldn’t have lived in Siberia in prehistoric times.

Не может быть,  чтобы люди жили в Сибири в доисторическое время.


U3 S1 ex 13

We use the modal verbs:


may| might                   +       have +V 3          

can| could

can t| couldn’t

People must have lived in Siberia in prehistoric times.

Должно быть,  люди жили в Сибири в доисторическое время.


People may| might have lived in Siberia in prehistoric times.

Вероятно,  люди жили в Сибири в доисторическое время.


People can| could have lived in Siberia in prehistoric times.

Возможно,  люди жили в Сибири в доисторическое время.


People can’t| couldn’t have lived in Siberia in prehistoric times.

Не может быть,  чтобы люди жили в Сибири в доисторическое время.


U3 S1 ex 13 Surname________________

1-I worry about Tom. He didn’t call yesterday to tell us about the exam result.

a) He may have completed his experimental work and wants to demonstrate the results.

2-jack was superb during the History Contest! He seemed to know so much about medieval times!

b)There is no need to worry. He must have passed it. He would have called us otherwise.

3-There is an email from Jimmy. He wants us to come to the laboratory immediately!

c) Looks like that. He may have lost it during our PE class.

4-Jenny took part in the archaeological expedition last summer.

d)Yeah, he sounded impressive. He must have read lots of literature on the topic.

5-look, this is James key, is not it?

e) You could have left it in the library. You might have got it out from your bag to fill the number in the form. Lets call them and ask.

6-I can not find my passport anyway. I have not got the slightest idea on where it can be.

f)That makes me feel envious. That must have been an unforgettable experience.

Example: It was Jim who smashed the electric bulb in the school corridor.-Jim can’t have done it because he left school at 4 pm and bulb was still OK by half past four.

1- It was Jim who started the argument during the Science class_____________________________________________________


2-It was Jim who covered the wall with graffiti._________________________________________________________________


3-I am sure it was Jim who spoilt the pie with salt and pepper.______________________________________________________


3-I am sure it was Jim who spoilt the pie with salt and pepper.______________________________________________________

U3 S1 ex 13 Surname________________

1-I worry about Tom. He didn’t call yesterday to tell us about the exam result.

a) He may have completed his experimental work and wants to demonstrate the results.

2-jack was superb during the History Contest! He seemed to know so much about medieval times!

b)There is no need to worry. He must have passed it. He would have called us otherwise.

3-There is an email from Jimmy. He wants us to come to the laboratory immediately!

c) Looks like that. He may have lost it during our PE class.

4-Jenny took part in the archaeological expedition last summer.

d)Yeah, he sounded impressive. He must have read lots of literature on the topic.

5-look, this is James key, is not it?

e) You could have left it in the library. You might have got it out from your bag to fill the number in the form. Lets call them and ask.

6-I can not find my passport anyway. I have not got the slightest idea on where it can be.

f)That makes me feel envious. That must have been an unforgettable experience.

Example: It was Jim who smashed the electric bulb in the school corridor.-Jim can’t have done it because he left school at 4 pm and bulb was still OK by half past four.

1- It was Jim who started the argument during the Science class_____________________________________________________


2-It was Jim who covered the wall with graffiti._________________________________________________________________


3-I am sure it was Jim who spoilt the pie with salt and pepper.______________________________________________________


3-I am sure it was Jim who spoilt the pie with salt and pepper.______________________________________________________

Предварительный просмотр:

Unit 3 Section 3

  1. I wish +past simple

Мы используем эту конструкцию, когда хотим сказать, что желаем другого и сожалеем о насоящем.

I wish we had lessons on football (We don t have them now)

I wish  we did t have such boring PE lessns ( P E is boring )

     2. WAS - WERE

I wish I were more sporty


  1. I wish I (write) a poem.
  2. I wish she (buy) same oranges
  3. I wish the weather (to be) warmer
  4. I wish they (have) same trains
  5. I wish they (say) about lecture
  6. I wish they (to be)clever


Sandboarding-travell across sand. You should do the sport on soft dry sand dunes.

Kiiking- stand on a trapeze — llike swing ad attempt to complete a full cicle up and over a bar. You must go further each time since they lengthen the swing.

Zorb — is a larg inflatable ball that you climb into and stay iside while you roll down a hill. There are the dry zorb ad the wet zorb.

Unit 3 Section 3

  1. I wish +past simple

Мы используем эту конструкцию, когда хотим сказать, что желаем другого и сожалеем о насоящем.

I wish we had lessons on football (We don t have them now)

I wish  we did t have such boring PE lessns ( P E is boring )

     2. WAS - WERE

I wish I were more sporty


  1. I wish I (write) a poem.
  2. I wish she (buy) same oranges
  3. I wish the weather (to be) warmer
  4. I wish they (have) same trains
  5. I wish they (say) about lecture
  6. I wish they (to be)clever


Sandboarding-travell across sand. You should do the sport on soft dry sand dunes.

Kiiking- stand on a trapeze — llike swing ad attempt to complete a full cicle up and over a bar. You must go further each time since they lengthen the swing.

Zorb — is a larg inflatable ball that you climb into and stay iside while you roll down a hill. There are the dry zorb ad the wet zorb.

Предварительный просмотр:

Class 10 ex 29-30

Мы используем предлог by + сущ. , когда хотим сказать на каком виде транспорта мы путешествуем.

Когда мы используем my, his, my father s, a, the перед словами сar, bus, plane мы используем  in

I usually go to school in my father s car.

By care-на машине ,by bus- на автобусе, by bicycle- на велосипеде, by rail- на поезде, by air-на самолете , by the Underground-на метро , by boat-на лодке.

I usually go to school by car.

on foot- пешком.

Но мы используем on со словами bicycles, motorbikes, public transport.

We went for a ride on a bicycle.

Translate into English:

1-Я очень боюсь путешествовать на самолете.

2-Я однажды встретил известного актера в поезде из Санкт-Петербурга в Москву.

3-Он всегда приезжает в школу на своем на своем велосипеде.

4-Если ты поедешь туда на велосипеде ты устанешь.

5-Самый удобный способ путешествия – на автомобиле.

6-Моя мечта- покататься на дедушкином ретроавтомобиле.

Class 10 ex 29-30

Мы используем предлог by + сущ. , когда хотим сказать на каком виде транспорта мы путешествуем.

Когда мы используем my, his, my father s, a, the перед словами сar, bus, plane мы используем  in

I usually go to school in my father s car.

By care-на машине ,by bus- на автобусе, by bicycle- на велосипеде, by rail- на поезде, by air-на самолете , by the Underground-на метро , by boat-на лодке.

I usually go to school by car.

on foot- пешком.

Но мы используем on со словами bicycles, motorbikes, public transport.

We went for a ride on a bicycle.

Translate into English:

1-Я очень боюсь путешествовать на самолете.

2-Я однажды встретил известного актера в поезде из Санкт-Петербурга в Москву.

3-Он всегда приезжает в школу на своем на своем велосипеде.

4-Если ты поедешь туда на велосипеде ты устанешь.

5-Самый удобный способ путешествия – на автомобиле.

6-Моя мечта- покататься на дедушкином ретроавтомобиле.

Предварительный просмотр:

U4 S1 E17-22

Control work

1.Choose the most appropriate meaning from the dictionary entries.

a) assumption

1-something you consider likely to be true even though you have no proof.

2-a process in which you begin to be responsible for something.

b) immersion

1-the process of putting something into a liquid.

2-a method of teaching a foreign language in which learners are put in foreigners.

 c) admission

1-permission to become a student at a college or university.

2-the amount of money you pay to enter a place or event.

2.Fill in the word formation table.













3. Translate the text

The university welcomes applications to all of its courses from overseas students. Academic Year Abroad-10-11 months long, participating in a public or private school in the country of your choice. Semester Abroad-4-6 month long, participating in a public or private school in the country of your choice. Summer Programmes-2 to 8 weeks long, participating with an option of intensive foreign language classes. Foreign Language Programmes-2 to 8 weeks long, participating with an option of intensive foreign language classes.

Предварительный просмотр:

Being polite may seem insignificant, but people notice how you act and what you say. And your reputation will follow you throughout your life. Always speak politely and treat others with dignity. Set a good example by being courteous. Say “please” and “thank you” because it is the right thing to do. Be proud of who you are and treat others as you want to be treated.

1-You can’t swim here.

Ты не можешь плавать здесь.

2-You mustn’t be late for your classes.

Ты не должен опаздывать на свои уроки.

3-You are not allowed to take books with you.

Тебе нельзя брать книги с собой.

4-It is forbidden to smoke here.

Здесь запрещено курить.

5-It is prohibited to park in this area.

На этой территории запрещено парковаться.

Being polite may seem insignificant, but people notice how you act and what you say. And your reputation will follow you throughout your life. Always speak politely and treat others with dignity. Set a good example by being courteous. Say “please” and “thank you” because it is the right thing to do. Be proud of who you are and treat others as you want to be treated.

1-You can’t swim here.

Ты не можешь плавать здесь.

2-You mustn’t be late for your classes.

Ты не должен опаздывать на свои уроки.

3-You are not allowed to take books with you.

Тебе нельзя брать книги с собой.

4-It is forbidden to smoke here.

Здесь запрещено курить.

5-It is prohibited to park in this area.

На этой территории запрещено парковаться.

Being polite may seem insignificant, but people notice how you act and what you say. And your reputation will follow you throughout your life. Always speak politely and treat others with dignity. Set a good example by being courteous. Say “please” and “thank you” because it is the right thing to do. Be proud of who you are and treat others as you want to be treated.

1-You can’t swim here.

Ты не можешь плавать здесь.

2-You mustn’t be late for your classes.

Ты не должен опаздывать на свои уроки.

3-You are not allowed to take books with you.

Тебе нельзя брать книги с собой.

4-It is forbidden to smoke here.

Здесь запрещено курить.

5-It is prohibited to park in this area.

На этой территории запрещено парковаться.

Being polite may seem insignificant, but people notice how you act and what you say. And your reputation will follow you throughout your life. Always speak politely and treat others with dignity. Set a good example by being courteous. Say “please” and “thank you” because it is the right thing to do. Be proud of who you are and treat others as you want to be treated.

1-You can’t swim here.

Ты не можешь плавать здесь.

2-You mustn’t be late for your classes.

Ты не должен опаздывать на свои уроки.

3-You are not allowed to take books with you.

Тебе нельзя брать книги с собой.

4-It is forbidden to smoke here.

Здесь запрещено курить.

5-It is prohibited to park in this area.

На этой территории запрещено парковаться.

1-say “please” and “thank you”- скажи спасибо и пожалуйста

2-don t interrupt-не перебивай

3-arrive on time- прибывай вовремя

4-close your mouth when you chew or sneeze- закрывай рот когда ты жуешь или чихаешь

5-think before you speak- думай, перед тем как говорить

6-shake hands when you meet- пожимай руку при встрече

7-use a quiet voice to chat- разговаривай спокойно

8-be friendly to people- будь дружелюбен

9-don t phone late in the evening- не звони поздно вечером


11-listen before you speak-слушай перед тем как говорить

Предварительный просмотр:

I-Answer the questions:

1-Why do you think the children were dressed like that?

2-Who was accompanying the travelers? What kind of person was he?

3-What did they see in the desert?

4-Did they like their journey? Why?

5-What was Bianca interested in? Why?

6-How did they communicate with their guide?

II-Say True or False:

1-Jones traveled from England to the west coast of Africa.

2-Jones traveled by horses.

3-Riding a camel was a lot easier.

4-Guid was the scar faced Tuareg, whose name was Tom.

5-The Journey was sad and bully.

III-Make the phrases and translate:

1-two days












 VI-Translate from English into Russian:

1-He turned out to be a very friendly man and they soon become quite fond of him.

2-At the journey s end the children find their own identity and learn that people can find home in many different places and live in many different ways.

V-Put the words and translate:

1-I wonder if we are ____________Algeria yet?

2-They travel by plane, _____________,  lorry…..

3-The Joneses  left the ______________.

4-He turned out to be a very __________   man.

5-I suppose he uses _____________________.

VI-Make in Past Perfect and translate:

1-Nomad (live)______________ in desert Sahara.

2-___________Moussa  (lit)______________ a fire and (cook)___________flat loaves?

3-Moussa  (not   come) back.

VII-Write the composition:  “My travelling”


I-Answer the questions:

1-Why do you think the children were dressed like that?

2-Who was accompanying the travelers? What kind of person was he?

3-What did they see in the desert?

4-Did they like their journey? Why?

5-What was Bianca interested in? Why?

6-How did they communicate with their guide?

II-Say True or False:

1-Jones traveled from England to the west coast of Africa.

2-Jones traveled by horses.

3-Riding a camel was a lot easier.

4-Guid was the scar faced Tuareg, whose name was Tom.

5-The Journey was sad and bully.

III-Make the phrases and translate:

1-two days












 VI-Translate from English into Russian:

1-He turned out to be a very friendly man and they soon become quite fond of him.

2-At the journey s end the children find their own identity and learn that people can find home in many different places and live in many different ways.

V-Put the words and translate:

1-I wonder if we are ____________Algeria yet?

2-They travel by plane, _____________,  lorry…..

3-The Joneses  left the ______________.

4-He turned out to be a very __________   man.

5-I suppose he uses _____________________.

VI-Make in Past Perfect and translate:

1-Nomad (live)______________ in desert Sahara.

2-___________Moussa  (lit)______________ a fire and (cook)___________flat loaves?

3-Moussa  (not   come) back.

VII-Write the composition:  “My travelling”


Предварительный просмотр:

waistcoat jeans

T-shirt suit blouse

blazer skirt tie trainers trousers shirt shoes

dress code logo

to back plain

to take away

to go ahead

to suppress

in favour of

brand name


Предварительный просмотр:

Surname__________ class__________



Ice skating




Rock climbing





Long jump


Mountain biking

What do the students who took part in the interview want?

Why do they want this?

What reasons do they give to support their opinions?

Surname__________ class__________



Ice skating




Rock climbing





Long jump


Mountain biking

What do the students who took part in the interview want?

Why do they want this?

What reasons do they give to support their opinions?

Surname__________ class__________



Ice skating




Rock climbing





Long jump


Mountain biking

What do the students who took part in the interview want?

Why do they want this?

What reasons do they give to support their opinions?

Предварительный просмотр:

1-Why do schoolchildren in our country change schools?

2-How did you feel when you moved from primary to secondary school?

3-What is your feeling now that you have changed school?

1-Why do schoolchildren in our country change schools?

2-How did you feel when you

moved from primary to secondary school?

3-What is your feeling now that you have  changed school?

1-Why do schoolchildren in our country change schools?

2-How did you feel when you moved from primary to secondary school?

3-What is your feeling now that you have changed school?

1-Why do schoolchildren in our country change schools?

1-Why do schoolchildren in our country change schools?

2-How did you feel when you moved from primary to secondary school?

3-What is your feeling now that you have changed school?

Предварительный просмотр:

Extended family

I-Answer the questions:

1-What is the house in north London?

2-Whome Jessica share her house?

3-How old are Jessica and Andy?

4-Why do Jessica and Andy live with Olive?

5-What do they have plane?

6-What does Jessica say about her future life?

7-What are benefits of living together?

8-What will they do if they can not live together.

II- Translate the phrases from English into Russia:

1-Jessica Constantinidis shares a four bedroom house in north London with her husband.

2-When both residences sold, they were free to move into their new home in the Finsbury Park.

3-Sharing with Olive enabled Jessica and her Family to move into a larger and more comfortable house.

III-Translate the phrases from Russia into English:

1-Джесика (34 года) и ее муж Энди (42 года) продали свой трехквартирный дом.

2-Оливия будет иметь свою собственную территорию с микроволной печкой и своим телевизором.

3-Их новые условия жизни имеют дополнительный бонус для сына Томми.

4-Хотя перспектива жизни с родителями или с тещей  может быть неудобна, но Джесика не растраивается.

IV-Say True or False:                                                                                             True                False        

1-Jessica shares her house with mother, her husband and son.

2-Jessica is 37 years old.

3-Andy is 40 years old.

4-When both residences sold, they will buy a car.

5-The new arrangement has proved ah added bonus for Tommy.

6-Jessica doesn t recommend to live together.

V- Make the words combinations:

1-four                            a- arrangement

2-years                           b- situation  

3-new                            c- bedroom

4-comfortable                 d-taste  

5-everybody s                 e-home

6-our                             f-old

VI-Make the words:

Rsceesiden, nidencndeepe, ondoLn, forcomabtle, spprctoe, rommenecd, edbromo, eanyrb

Предварительный просмотр:

U3 S 2 ex 62,64 surname_____________

a)Computers are only additional tools in the workplace.

b)Civilisation won t collapse without computers.

c)People are forgetting how to survive in the real world.

d)People depend on technology in all aspects of their life.

e)Computers are more reliable than people.


1-He is pessimistic about future of humanity.

2-He knows exactly what kind of disaster is going to happen.


1-Her job is to assess and repair computers.

2-She often wonders how people managed to work without computers.


1-He use the computer every day.

2-He never writes to his relatives.


1-She believes that life would be easier without computers.

2-She knows that there are many people who don’t use  computers.


1-He is worried that people depend on computers too  much.

2-He thinks that computers can help people develop their skills.

1-How your life depend on technology.

2-Do you think people depend on computers too much

3-What do you think the world would be like without computers?

U3 S 2 ex 62,64 surname_____________

a)Computers are only additional tools in the workplace.

b)Civilisation won t collapse without computers.

c)People are forgetting how to survive in the real world.

d)People depend on technology in all aspects of their life.

e)Computers are more reliable than people.


1-He is pessimistic about future of humanity.

2-He knows exactly what kind of disaster is going to happen.


1-Her job is to assess and repair computers.

2-She often wonders how people managed to work without computers.


1-He use the computer every day.

2-He never writes to his relatives.


1-She believes that life would be easier without computers.

2-She knows that there are many people who don’t use  computers.


1-He is worried that people depend on computers too  much.

2-He thinks that computers can help people develop their skills.

1-How your life depend on technology.

2-Do you think people depend on computers too much

3-What do you think the world would be like without computers?

Предварительный просмотр:

Progress check-1 the 11th form V-1

I-Translate the text

I went to my niece and nephew s party the other weekend. I played the piano and we were all singing along when a mouse ran out from behind the sofa with a piece of apple in its mouth.

II- Fill in the gaps in the sentences

1-The number of people studying languages has…significantly.


2-The educational programme was stopped because of the….of interest among students.


3-The environmental situation in the region…and many people moved to other parts of the country.


4-Experts predict a ….in migration.


5-The inflation rate has …by 10% during the last five years.


III-Fill in “the” where necessary

1-…China is the world’s largest country…. Chinese language is one of the most difficult for Europeans to learn.

2-….New Zealand is a country in the Pasific Ocean southest of…Australia. About 10% of the population are maori people who lived there before Europeans came. The language they speak is …maori.

3-United Kindom of Great  Britain and  Northen Ireland is made upof ….England,….Wales, …Scotland and ….Northern Ireland. Its populationis about 60,000,000 people.

IV- Answer the questions

1-How long have you been learning English for?

2-What was your first English lesson like?

3-What do you find most difficult about learning English?

4-How do you think you are going to use English in the future?

5-Would you like to learn any other foreign language?

V Make the sentences from the words

1.It   does   How much    cost?

2.speak can you my dad?

3.will you Where be i the morning?

VI Complete the sentences.  Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1.Next weekend I (visit) my granny in the country side.

2.Yesterday our team (take) part in the swimming competition.

VII- Write the composition “English for me”

Progress check-1 the 11th form V-2

I-Translate the text

At the party of my brothers children the other day, I played an instrument with black and white keys and we all sang along. Then an animal that cats like to eat ran out from behind the seat with a piece of fruit in its mouth.

II- Fill in the gaps in the sentences

1-Our college offers a new …course for teenagers.


2-We can see a substantial…of student numbers in our university.


3-Everything should be done to…the situation.


4-The new traffic organizational system will…the negative effects of cars in the city centre.


5-The conference participants will discuss…of the regional economy.


III-Fill in “the” where necessary

1-…..United States of America is located in …. North America between….Canada and …. Mexico. The official language of  the USA is ….English.

2-….Cyprus lies on the Mediterrranean, 71 km south of ….Turkey. Most people in Cyrpus speak ….Greek and …English.

3-United Kindom of Great  Britain and  Northen Ireland is made upof ….England,….Wales, …Scotland and ….Northern Ireland. Its populationis about 60,000,000 people.

IV- Answer the questions

1-How long have you been learning English for?

2-What was your first English lesson like?

3-What do you find most difficult about learning English?

4-How do you think you are going to use English in the future?

5-Would you like to learn any other foreign language?

V Make the sentences from the words

1.has Ken with quarreled Who?

2.did   What  make  with test   she?

3.It   does   How much    cost?

VI Complete the sentences.  Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1.Listen! The boys (play) the guitar.

2.My friends usually helps me with my homework.

VII- Write the composition “English for me”

Предварительный просмотр:

Progress check - 2 the 11th form    Surname___________________________


1-Translate the words:




9-refresher course







6-Bachelor s  Master

13-top job

7-retraining course

14-to apply for a job

2. Match the words and their definitions:


a)a student in university or college who has not received a first degree


b)to study some subject as an academic specialty


c)someone who has finished their studies at the high school, college, or university level or someone who has a degree from a university

3.Complete the table with the correct form of the words:












4.Put the article “the”

The official name of the country is 1)….United Kingdom of 2)….Great Britain and 3)….Northern Ireland. The country is situated in 4)….British Isles. The two main islands are 5)….Great Britain and 6)…Irland.

5. Put the future perfect passive:

1.This assignment…(write) by the 1st of November.

2.Don’t worry! Everything …(do) on time.

3.The test…(check) by tomorrow

6. Write the composition: “ My future profession”



Progress check - 2 the 11th form    Surname___________________________


1-Translate the words:

1-to get a job

8-to offer someone a job

2-to take a job

9-to do a job

3-to find a job

10-be in a job

4-be out of job

11-leave your job

5-lose your job

12-to go into a job

6-to enter a job

13-join a profession



2. Match the words and their definitions


a)a study course which serves as a review of previous education

2-refresher course

b)someone who has completed at least one year of graduate study and was awarded such a degree by a graduate school or department


c)a former student of a specific school, college or university

3.Complete the table with the correct form of the words












4.Put the article “the”

1)….United Kingdom is not for from2) ….Europe. 3)….UK  is washed by 4)….Atlantic Ocean in the east and by 5)….North Sea in the west. The  highest mountains are in 6)…. Scotland and 7)….Wales.

5. Put the future perfect passive:

1. I am sure I…(offer) a new job by September.

2. He…(give) a chance  to make the exam by the end of the school year.

3.We …(give) our school certificates by then.

6. Write the composition: “ My future profession


Предварительный просмотр:

Progress Check. Unit 3 class 11   Variant 1


1-Timati … the best singer in the world.

2-I … two brothers: Mike and Jack.

3-Five years ago I … in England.

2-Fill in the gaps. Use some, any or no:

1-Is there … milk in the glass? – Yes, there is … milk in the glass.

2-Give me … water, please. – I am sorry, but there is … water in the bottle.

3-Would you like … juice? – Yes, please.

3-Present Simple, Past Simple and Future Simple.

Open the brackets. Put the verbs in Present Simple:

1-My friends often (draw) funny pictures on the blackboard.

2-My Granny (go) to the country every year.

3-People (not fly) because they (not have) wings (крылья).

4-… you always (play) football well? – Yes, … .

5-… your sister (like) to swim? – No, … .

Open the brackets. Put the verbs in Future Simple:

1-My family (visit) France in a year.

2-Tomorrow (be) Sunday. Children (not go) to school.

3-… Kate (walk) in the park next weekend?

Open the brackets. Put the verbs in Past Simple:

1-Teacher (say), “Good morning!’ and (open) the book ten minutes ago.

2-Jim (not open) the window yesterday.

3-… your teacher (take) the books from the shelf?

4-Answer the questions:

1-Who was I.K. Brunnel?

2-Why is he famous?


1-Scince is extremely important for the lives of future generation.

2-Scince is the way humans change the world.

3-Scince combines many different processes.

6-Write the composition: “GM Food is in my life.”


Progress Check. Unit 3 class 11   Variant 2


1-Timati … the best singer in the world:

2-I … two brothers: Mike and Jack.

3-Five years ago I … in England.

2-Fill in the gaps. Use some, any or no:

1-Is there … milk in the glass? – Yes, there is … milk in the glass.

2-Give me … water, please. – I am sorry, but there is … water in the bottle.

3-Would you like … juice? – Yes, please.

3-Present Simple, Past Simple and Future Simple

Open the brackets. Put the verbs in Present Simple:

1-My friends often (draw) funny pictures on the blackboard.

2-My Granny (go) to the country every year.

3-People (not fly) because they (not have) wings (крылья).

4-… you always (play) football well? – Yes, … .

5-… your sister (like) to swim? – No, … .

Open the brackets. Put the verbs in Future Simple:

1-My family (visit) France in a year.

2-Tomorrow (be) Sunday. Children (not go) to school.

3-… Kate (walk) in the park next weekend?

Open the brackets. Put the verbs in Past Simple:

1-Teacher (say), “Good morning!’ and (open) the book ten minutes ago.

2-Jim (not open) the window yesterday.

3-… your teacher (take) the books from the shelf?

4-Answer the questions:

1-Who was I.K. Brunnel?

2-Why is he famous?


4-Scince is more important for society than for individuals.

5-Science has extremely wide application.

6-Science helps us to become aware environmental problems.

6-Write the composition: “GM Food is in my life.”


Предварительный просмотр:

Test     11 class  V-I    Surname____________________

I-Choose the correct word:

1-The community is| are essentially agricultural.

2-My small town have| has completely negated my ability.

3-We do not | does not speak each other.

II-Make the Present Perfect:

1-Italians (start) and (end) the day with coffee._______________________________________________________

2-Japanese (keep) mutual respect but the leading country (not keep) mutual respect.__________________________


3-Man (love) to spend time talking________________________________________________________________

III-Make the Present Simple:

1-My friends often (draw) funny pictures on the blackboard.

2-My Granny (go) to the country every year.

3-People (not fly) because they (not have) wings (крылья).

IV-Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the appropriate form of the word:

1-Today we often __________with our friends via e-mail.                                COMMUNICATION

2-The__________got an international prize.                                                         INVENT

V-Make up sentences from the words and translate:

1-improve / New technologies / different countries / the standard of living / in



2-their qualifications / who want to upgrade / The number of people / or take retrain courses / is rising



VI- Make up the questions from the words:

1- so do you Why think?______________________________________

2- the best Where to live place is?________________________________

3- has of community What kind she moved ?______________________

VII-Translate the text and make exercises:

To avoid this stressful lifestyle many Americans are opting for alternative profession that have less work pressure. The search often lands them in foreign countries ranging from Spain to the Philippines. These days some Americans can be found appreciating the lifestyle of various foreign countries rather than their own.


a - What is the title_________________

b-Answer the questions:

1-What do American people do to avoid a stressful lifestyle?

2-What are countries American prefer?

c-Put the words:

1-To avoid this ________________lifestyle.                                stress

2-Americans are opting for ____________.                                  alternate

3-Americans ________________ often lands.                              the search

4-Americans can be found appreciating ___________.                life

d- Match the words and translate:









VIII-Write the composition:

I know about Japanese, Italians, Americans people:


Test     11 class  V-II    Surname____________________

I-Choose the correct word:

1-I don't go to the dentist very often- my teeth is| are quite healthy.

2-Russian towns has |have beautiful cities.

3-He do not | does not listen to them.

II-Make the Past Perfect:

1-Nomad (live)______________ in desert Sahara.

2-___________Moussa  (lit)______________ a fire and (cook)___________flat loaves?

3-Moussa  (not   come) back.

III-Make the Past Simple:

1-Teacher (say), “Good morning!’ and (open) the book ten minutes ago.

2-Jim (not open) the window yesterday.

3-… your teacher (take) the books from the shelf?

IV-Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the appropriate form of the word:

1-The ___________for candidates are extremely high.                                        REQUIRE

2-The scientist are working hard to find the __________to the problem             SOLVE

V-Make up sentences from the words and translate:

1-Communication technologies / people / and the number of internet users / over very long distances / is growing constantly / connect



2-between companies / the market more diverse / Fair competition / improves / and makes / the quality of goods



VI- Make up the questions from the words:

1- the opinion Do with agree you?______________________________

2- she Does it like there?_____________________________________

3- does What like best she in city her?_____________________________

VII-Translate the text and make exercises:

To avoid this stressful lifestyle many Americans are opting for alternative profession that have less work pressure. The search often lands them in foreign countries ranging from Spain to the Philippines. These days some Americans can be found appreciating the lifestyle of various foreign countries rather than their own.


a-- What is the title_________________

b-Answer the questions:

1-What do American people do to avoid a stressful lifestyle?

2-What are countries American prefer?

c-Put the words:

1-To avoid this ________________lifestyle.                                stress

2-Americans are opting for ____________.                                  alternate

3-Americans ________________ often lands.                              the search

4-Americans can be found appreciating ___________.                life

d- Match the words and translate:









VIII-Write the composition:

I know about Japanese, Italians, Americans people:


Предварительный просмотр:

Passive voice

Passive: be+V3

Present simple

am| is| are + V3

A letter is written.

Письмо пишется регулярно.

Present continuous

am| is| are being + V3

A letters are being  written.-Письмо пишется в данный момент.

Past simple

Was| were + V3

A letters were written-Письма были написаны.

Past continuous

Was| were being + V3

A letter was  being  written. – Письма писались. (В определенный момент вчера)

Future simple

Will be + V3

A letter will be written.-Письмо будет написано.

Present perfect

have| has been + V3

A letter has been written.-Письмо уже написали.( Действие произошло в прошлом, результат в настоящем)

Past perfect

had been + V3

A letter had been written.

Письмо уже тогда написали.(Действие произошло в прошлом, результат в прошлом)

Future perfect

will have been + V3

A letter will have been written.Письмо будет уже написано.

Modal + infinitive

should| can| …+ be + V3

can be written

Modal + perfect infinitive

should| can| …+ have been + V3

should have been written

Passive Voice.

Choose the right variant

  1. The day before yesterday we  (invite) to the cinema by Tom.
  1. are invited   b) were invited    c) invite
  1. Look! The bridge (repair).
  1. is being repaired    b) is been  repaired  c) has being repaired
  1. The letter and parcel ( post ) tomorrow.
  1. Will be post  b) will have been posted  c) will  be posted.
  1. I (bear) in small Russian town not from Samara.
  1. was borne  b) am born  c) was born


  1. Книги должны быть переведены.
  2. Это стихотворение учить наизусть.
  3. Экзамены планируются сдать Осенью
  4. Работа должна быть выполнена во время.
  5. Проект закончат к пятницы.
  6. Английский язык учиться с помощью новых слов и грамматики.
  7. Письмо уже было написано его рукой.
  8. Адрес поменялся, когда они переехали.

II Translate

There is no egg in eggplant or ham in hamburger

Neither apple nor pine in pineapple

English muffins were not invented in England or French fries in France.

III Complete the text 

(right, child, children, voice, people)

Young( ) don t know about his right. The first is the ( ) to have our( ) heard. Young people  don t listen about United National Convention on the right of the( ). If( ) know about UN Convention they will feel more sure.

IV Make the sentences from the words

  1. has Ken with quarreled Who?
  2. did   What  make  with test   she?
  3. It   does   How much    cost?
  4. speak can you my dad?
  5.  will you Where be i the morning?

V  Say  the composition   “My future job”

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Лексико-грамматический тест для 11 класса:

1. ____ President of ____ United States lives in ____ White House in ____ Washington D.C.

A. – , the, the, –           B. – , the, – , the           C. – , – , the, the             D. The, the, the, –

2. ____ not any glass in the windows, that is why ____ so cold in the room.

A. There is, it is           B. It is, there is             C. There are, it is            D. There was, there is

3. When the fog ____, we ____ to see where we are.

A. lifts, may                B. will lift, will be able       C. lifts, will be able      D. lifts, must

4. You looked very busy when I ____ you last night. What ____?

A. see, do you do       B. see were you doing       C. have seen, are you doing     D. saw, were you doing

5. Mary hasn’t been in London, ____ she?

A. hasn’t                    B. did                            C. has                               D. didn’t

6. ____ breakfast yet? – Yes, I ____.

A. Did you have, have      B. Had you had, have       C. Have you had, have        D. Do you have, had

7. I ____ a new house last year, but I ____ my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses.

A. buy, don’t sell      B. bought, haven’t sold         C. have bought, sold            D. had bought, didn’t sell

8. After failing his driving test four times, he finally ____ trying to pass.

A. gave in                 B. gave off                    C. gave away                   D. gave up

9. I ____ all of the questions correctly since I began this grammar exercise.

A. am answering       B. answer                    C. have answered             D. had answered

10. I have my English class ____ Monday morning.

A. in                         B. at                              C. for                                D. on

11. I was late. The teacher ____ the test when I ____ to class.

A. has already given, got                   B. had already given, got                         C. has already given, get

D. was already giving, get

12. They can’t have ____ more strawberries. I want ____ to make jam.

A. some, any           B. no, some                  C. any, any                        D. any, some

13. We all ____ his story as a joke.

A. thought               B. intended                C. treated                           D. found

14. They ____ to return next Monday.

A. are sure               B. was sure                C. will be sure                   D. would sure

15. My hair ____ very long.

A. grow                   B. has grown             C. have grown                   D. are growing

16. Nothing was stolen, ____?

A. was it                 B. wasn’t anything     C. wasn’t it                        D. was anything

17. I enjoyed the film last night. ____.

A. Neither do I       B. Neither did I          C. So do I                          D. So did I

18. You are always ____ excuses for not ____ your homework on time.

A. making, making              B. doing, doing              C. making, doing                D. doing, making

19. I can’t speak French. I wish I ____.

A. can                     B. would                     C. could                            D. had been able

20. What time does your plane take ____?

A. off                      B. out                         C. to                                   D. from

21. When I ____ for my passport, I ____ this old photograph.

A. look, found       B. was looking, found          C. will look, will find              D. looked, found

22. I____ to the theatre for ages.

A. wasn’t               B. hadn’t been            C. won’t be                        D. haven’t been

23. Did you notice Nick ____ another student’s paper during the exam?

A. looked at          B. to look at                 C. has looked at                D. looking at

24. I ____ to live with my family, but now I live alone.

A. am used           B. used                         C. am accustomed             D. was used

25. You ____ have a passport if you want to travel abroad.

A. have to            B. can                           C. may                               D. might

26. She said that she ____ her present flat and ____ to find another.

A. doesn’t like, tried                          B. doesn’t like, was trying                        C. didn’t like, was trying

D. doesn’t like, will try

27. If it ____ raining yesterday, we ____ the game.

A. hadn’t been, would have finished                                                         B. wasn’t, will finish

C. weren’t, would have finished                                                               D. weren’t, would finish

28. The new highway ____ sometime next month.

A. has been completed            B. completes            C. will complete                D. will be completed

29. I have always enjoyed travelling. My sister, ____, prefers to stay home.

A. although                             B. though                  C. however                       D. but

Тест на понимание содержания текста:

THE EARL OF ST. VINCENT dates back to the 12th century, when it was built as a boarding house for the masons who constructed the church. It was named after a former Admiral who sailed with Lord Nelson. Lovingly restored by the present owners, it is a most extraordinary pub, filled with antiques and hidden away in the old part of the tiny, picturesque village of Engloshayle, in beautiful North Cornwall, England. North Cornwall is one of the last, unspoilt places in the British Isles to offer the visitor coastal scenery as magnificent and beautiful as anywhere in the world, together with the facilities and hospitality to ensure that one returns time and time again. The Earl of St. Vincent is to be found off the A389 Wadebridge to Bodmin Road. Close by there are the picturesque harbours of Padstow and Port Isaac, some superb golfing and a great many historic monuments and ancient sites.

30. Чем привлекает туристов описанный паб? Тем, что:

A. он расположен в доме, где в ХII веке находилась церковь.

B. в доме, где он расположен, жил соратник адмирала Нельсона.

C. до него удобно добираться путешествующим на автотранспорте.

D. в нем до сих пор сохранился дух старой Англии.

Ответы к заданиям:

1. D; 2. A; 3. C; 4. D; 5. C; 6. C; 7. B; 8. D; 9. C; 10. D; 11. B; 12. D; 13. C; 14. A; 15. B; 16. A; 17. D; 18. C; 19. C; 20. A; 21. B; 22. D; 23. D; 24. B; 25. A; 26. C; 27. A; 28. D; 29. C; 30. D

Предварительный просмотр:

Article “the”

Мы не используем артикль “the”

  1. С названием континентов:Europe-Европа, North America- Северная Америка, South America- Южная Америка, Africa- Африка, Asia- Азия, Australia- Австралия, Antarctica- Антарктика.
  2. С названиями стран: France, Japan.
  3. С названиями городов: Samara, Kiev.
  4. С названиями гор: Everest
  5. С названиями островов: Bermuda
  6. С названиями языков, если за ним не следует слово LANGUAGE

My brother speaks French fluently.        The French language is difficult to learn.

Мы  используем артикль “the”

  1. С названиями:

The Russian Federation-Российская Федерация         The Czech Republic-Чехословацкая республика

The United Kingdom (the UK)- Королевство Великобритании      The United States( the USA)- США

  1. С названиями океанов: the Pacific ocean
  2. С названиями рек: the Volga
  3. С названиями морей: the Black sea
  4. С названиями каналов:the English channel
  5. С названиями озер:the Ontario
  6. С названиями горных цепей: the Alps, the Urals
  7. С названиями группы островов: the Bahamas

Предварительный просмотр:


I.  Test

1. The  film is colled…..

a) I love you                                  c) You love me forever

b) P.S. I love you

2. What are names of main heroes?

a) John and Helen                          c) Holly and Jerry

b) Martin and Linda

3. What is nationality of man?

a) Irishman                                     c) German

b) Englishman

4. What is nationality of  woman?

a) Irishwoman                                 c) Russian

b) German

5. Why did Jerry die?

a) cold                                             c) pressure

b) cancer

6. After death Holly began to ……

a) to drink very much                     c) to fall in depression

b) to live funny

7. After Jerry s death Holly began to receive

a) signs                                            c) presents and flowers

b) Letters

8. Jerry s messages helped his wife to……

a) to find aim of life                        c) to break connection between Jerry and Holly

b) to kill her morally

9. Holly worked……

a) journalist                                    c) property agent

b) trained nurse

10. Holly was ……

a) nice looking                               d) fat

b) comely                                       e) slim

c) ugly                                            f) small

11. Her hair was……

a) brown                                        c) red

b) black

12. What was Holly s hobby?

a) evening dress                            c) wild animals

b) art                                             d) sculptures

13. Holly can not ……

a) sing                                           c) cook

b) dance

14. Holly s father……

a) died                                           c) lived with family

b) abandoned family

15. Holly s friend found boyfriend. She asked 3 questions…… and……

a) Are you alone? Are you gay? Do you work?   Kiss man

b) Have you get children? Are you alone? Are you rich?  Touch man

16. Holly ……in the end

a) became happy                            c) died

b) started to drink

17. She  began to make

a) pretty dress                                c) beautiful shoes

b) unusual hair style

II  Write colloquial words and phrases from the film


III  Answer the question:

What is the film about?






Предварительный просмотр:

Class 11 U 2 S 2 ex 31 p 54 Surname__________________

1-Higher education should become cheaper.

2-You should save money so you can pay for higher education later.

3-The internet provides an alternative to Universities.

4-Education should be free for everybody.

5- Higher education should be free for everybody.

6-Educational people are more useful to the country in general.

Class 11 U 2 S 2 ex 31 p 54 Surname__________________

1-Higher education should become cheaper.

2-You should save money so you can pay for higher education later.

3-The internet provides an alternative to Universities.

4-Education should be free for everybody.

5- Higher education should be free for everybody.

6-Educational people are more useful to the country in general.

Class 11 U 2 S 2 ex 31 p 54 Surname__________________

1-Higher education should become cheaper.

2-You should save money so you can pay for higher education later.

3-The internet provides an alternative to Universities.

4-Education should be free for everybody.

5- Higher education should be free for everybody.

6-Educational people are more useful to the country in general.

Class 11 U 2 S 2 ex 31 p 54 Surname__________________

1-Higher education should become cheaper.

2-You should save money so you can pay for higher education later.

3-The internet provides an alternative to Universities.

4-Education should be free for everybody.

5- Higher education should be free for everybody.

6-Educational people are more useful to the country in general.

Предварительный просмотр:

Name_______ Class_____

Сomplete the sentences. Ex.9 p10

1-“Crazy English” is a method of…….

2-Students practice it by….

3-This method helps them to….

4-The school administration is against this method because…

5-“Crazy English” was developed when…

6-Li Yang realized that reading his work out loud….

7-According to the exam results, Li Yang was ….

8-In 1994 he started….

9-Today about….people practise this method.

Name_______ Class_____

Сomplete the sentences. Ex.9 p10

1-“Crazy English” is a method of…….

2-Students practice it by….

3-This method helps them to….

4-The school administration is against this method because…

5-“Crazy English” was developed when…

6-Li Yang realized that reading his work out loud….

7-According to the exam results, Li Yang was ….

8-In 1994 he started….

9-Today about….people practise this method.

Предварительный просмотр:

Class 11 U-2 S-1 ex-17

Job-работа, которую вы выполняете регулярно, что бы зарабатывать деньги.

Profession-работа, которая требует  специальных навыков и квалификации.

apply for job

подать заявку на работу

the teaching/engineering profession

По профессии преподаватель, инженер

get a job

получить работу

in a profession

работать по профессии

find a job

найти работу

go into profession

уйти в профессию

Offer someone a job

предложить кому-то работу

enter into profession

начать работать по профессии

take a job

устроиться на работу

join into profession

связать свою жизнь с профессией

do a job

выполнять работу

be in a job

быть на работе

be out of job

быть без работы

leave our job

оставить нашу работу

lose our job

потерять нашу работу

job interview

собеседование на работу

temporary/permanent job

временная/постоянная работа

part time/full time job

неполный /полный рабочий день

top job

высокая должность

Class 11 U-2 S-1 ex-17

Job-работа, которую вы выполняете регулярно, что бы зарабатывать деньги.

Profession-работа, которая требует  специальных навыков и квалификации.

apply for job

подать заявку на работу

the teaching/engineering profession

По профессии преподаватель, инженер

get a job

получить работу

in a profession

работать по профессии

find a job

найти работу

go into profession

уйти в профессию

Offer someone a job

предложить кому-то работу

enter into profession

начать работать по профессии

take a job

устроиться на работу

join into profession

связать свою жизнь с профессией

do a job

выполнять работу

be in a job

быть на работе

be out of job

быть без работы

leave our job

оставить нашу работу

lose our job

потерять нашу работу

job interview

собеседование на работу

temporary/permanent job

временная/постоянная работа

part time/full time job

неполный /полный рабочий день

top job

высокая должность

Предварительный просмотр:

U 2 S2 ex.55 p 61____________________________



1-Where can you get a vocational education?

2-Are there any entrance exam?

3-What are the minimum entrance requirements?

4-Who studies there?

5-How long is the course?

6-What qualification are given at the end of the course.

7-What types of programmers are there?

U 2 S2 ex.55 p 61___________________________



1-Where can you get a vocational education?

2-Are there any entrance exam?

3-What are the minimum entrance requirements?

4-Who studies there?

5-How long is the course?

6-What qualification are given at the end of the course.

7-What types of programmers are there?

U 2 S2 ex.55 p 61______________________________



1-Where can you get a vocational education?

2-Are there any entrance exam?

3-What are the minimum entrance requirements?

4-Who studies there?

5-How long is the course?

6-What qualification are given at the end of the course.

7-What types of programmers are there?

U 2 S2 ex.51 p 60

Till the end of the twentieth century, vocational education focused more o specific trades, such as automobile mechanics or welding, and was therefore associated with the activities of lower social classes. But the situation has changed. Now vocational education exists in industries such as retail, tourism, information technology and cosmetics.    

U 2 S2 ex.51 p 60

Till the end of the twentieth century, vocational education focused more o specific trades, such as automobile mechanics or welding, and was therefore associated with the activities of lower social classes. But the situation has changed. Now vocational education exists in industries such as retail, tourism, information technology and cosmetics.    

U 2 S2 ex.51 p 60

Till the end of the twentieth century, vocational education focused more o specific trades, such as automobile mechanics or welding, and was therefore associated with the activities of lower social classes. But the situation has changed. Now vocational education exists in industries such as retail, tourism, information technology and cosmetics.    

U 2 S2 ex.51 p 60

Till the end of the twentieth century, vocational education focused more o specific trades, such as automobile mechanics or welding, and was therefore associated with the activities of lower social classes. But the situation has changed. Now vocational education exists in industries such as retail, tourism, information technology and cosmetics.    

U 2 S2 ex.51 p 60

Till the end of the twentieth century, vocational education focused more o specific trades, such as automobile mechanics or welding, and was therefore associated with the activities of lower social classes. But the situation has changed. Now vocational education exists in industries such as retail, tourism, information technology and cosmetics.    

U 2 S2 ex.51 p 60

Till the end of the twentieth century, vocational education focused more o specific trades, such as automobile mechanics or welding, and was therefore associated with the activities of lower social classes. But the situation has changed. Now vocational education exists in industries such as retail, tourism, information technology and cosmetics.    

U 2 S2 ex.51 p 60

Till the end of the twentieth century, vocational education focused more o specific trades, such as automobile mechanics or welding, and was therefore associated with the activities of lower social classes. But the situation has changed. Now vocational education exists in industries such as retail, tourism, information technology and cosmetics.    

Предварительный просмотр:

Surname _________Class_________

  1. Answer the questions:

Text 1

Text 2

What is about a text?

Who are the differences between the text?

What do you think globish  is?

  1. Fill in “the” where necessary.

1-…..United States of America is located in …. North America between….Canada and …. Mexico. The official language of  the USA is ….English.

2-….Cyprus lies on the Mediterranean, 71 km south of ….Turkey. Most people in Cyprus speak ….Greek and …English.

United Kingdom of Great  Britain and  Northern Ireland is made up of ….England,….Wales, …Scotland and ….Northern Ireland. Its population is about 60,000,000 people.

  1. Fill in the table:









  1. Make the plan “Globalization”

Surname _________Class_________

  1. Answer the questions:

Text 1

Text 2

What is about a text?

Who are the differences between the text?

What do you think globish  is?

  1. Fill in “the” where necessary.

1-…China is the world’s largest country…. Chinese language is one of the most difficult for Europeans to learn.

2-….New Zealand is a country in the Pacific Ocean southeast of…Australia. About 10% of the population are Maori people who lived there before Europeans came. The language they speak is …Maori.

  1. Fill in the table:









  1. Make the plan “Globalization”

Предварительный просмотр:

Alumnus  graduate  postgraduate  undergraduate  Bachelor| Bachelor s  Master| Master s  retraining course  refresher course


магистр бакалавр

студент университета

выпускник университ


учебный курс для новой специальности

курс для повышения квалификации


выпускник школы

изучать академические предметы

Предварительный просмотр:










2. Put the words and expressions in the box:

Personal qualities

Professional  qualities or knowledge

3. Fill in the table and translate:





















2. Put the words and expressions in the box:

Personal qualities

Professional  qualities or knowledge

3. Fill in the table and translate:












Предварительный просмотр:

11 class U3 s 1 ex 14 p 82  Surname_____________

Make the short retail:____________________________________________________________


Write down the ways teens use the technologies in the USA and Russia:



the internet


cell phone

Write sentences from the text in the present simple:____________________________________


11 class U3 s 1 ex 14 p 82  Surname_____________

Make the short retail:____________________________________________________________


Write down the ways teens use the technologies in the USA and Russia:



the internet


cell phone

Write sentences from the text in the present simple:____________________________________


Among other things, there has also been significant growth over the past four years in the number of teens who play games, get news, shop, and get health information, all on the internet. Not only has the number of users increased, but also the variety of technologies teens use to support their communication, research, and entertainment preferences.

Among other things, there has also been significant growth over the past four years in the number of teens who play games, get news, shop, and get health information, all on the internet. Not only has the number of users increased, but also the variety of technologies teens use to support their communication, research, and entertainment preferences.

Among other things, there has also been significant growth over the past four years in the number of teens who play games, get news, shop, and get health information, all on the internet. Not only has the number of users increased, but also the variety of technologies teens use to support their communication, research, and entertainment preferences.

Among other things, there has also been significant growth over the past four years in the number of teens who play games, get news, shop, and get health information, all on the internet. Not only has the number of users increased, but also the variety of technologies teens use to support their communication, research, and entertainment preferences.

Among other things, there has also been significant growth over the past four years in the number of teens who play games, get news, shop, and get health information, all on the internet. Not only has the number of users increased, but also the variety of technologies teens use to support their communication, research, and entertainment preferences.

Among other things, there has also been significant growth over the past four years in the number of teens who play games, get news, shop, and get health information, all on the internet. Not only has the number of users increased, but also the variety of technologies teens use to support their communication, research, and entertainment preferences.

Among other things, there has also been significant growth over the past four years in the number of teens who play games, get news, shop, and get health information, all on the internet. Not only has the number of users increased, but also the variety of technologies teens use to support their communication, research, and entertainment preferences.

Among other things, there has also been significant growth over the past four years in the number of teens who play games, get news, shop, and get health information, all on the internet. Not only has the number of users increased, but also the variety of technologies teens use to support their communication, research, and entertainment preferences.

Among other things, there has also been significant growth over the past four years in the number of teens who play games, get news, shop, and get health information, all on the internet. Not only has the number of users increased, but also the variety of technologies teens use to support their communication, research, and entertainment preferences.

Among other things, there has also been significant growth over the past four years in the number of teens who play games, get news, shop, and get health information, all on the internet. Not only has the number of users increased, but also the variety of technologies teens use to support their communication, research, and entertainment preferences.

Предварительный просмотр:

I-Complete the mind map:


II-Make up a list of professional and personal qualities needed for a good engineer:


III-Write down the positive and negative aspects of choosing engineering as a career:



IV- Read the text and match the paragraphs to the title:


e-Prepare yourself for chance.

b-Think metaphorically.

f-Find new perspectives that no one else has taken before.

c-Make new combinations.

g-Form relationships and make unlikely connections.

d-Think in opposites.


V-Write down the words and phrases that combine with the word “problem”:

to arrive at a solution to a problem


VI-Complete the paragraph about what science area you consider the most crucial for the future of mankind:

Sciences don t perform solo nowadays – usually they are incorporated one into another and their joint efforts produce amazing results. Anyway, I believe that __________________________has a leading position and is crutial for the evolution of our society.


I-Complete the mind map:


II-Make up a list of professional and personal qualities needed for a good engineer:


III-Write down the positive and negative aspects of choosing engineering as a career:



IV- Read the text and match the paragraphs to the title:


e-Prepare yourself for chance.

b-Think metaphorically.

f-Find new perspectives that no one else has taken before.

c-Make new combinations.

g-Form relationships and make unlikely connections.

d-Think in opposites.


V-Write down the words and phrases that combine with the word “problem”:

to arrive at a solution to a problem


VI-Complete the paragraph about what science area you consider the most crucial for the future of mankind:

Sciences don t perform solo nowadays – usually they are incorporated one into another and their joint efforts produce amazing results. Anyway, I believe that __________________________has a leading position and is crutial for the evolution of our society.


Предварительный просмотр:

U3 S 3 ex 53-54 class 11 surname_____________________

1-Scince is extremely important for the lives of future generation.

2-Scince is the way humans change the world.

3-Scince combines many different processes.

4-Scince is more important for society than for individuals.

5-Science has extremely wide application.

6-Science helps us to become aware environmental problems.

Fill the gaps:

1-Firstly, science is our way of observing the……………..

2-I think personally that science combine the use of observation, intuition, theory, hypothesis,……….

3-i think that few other things in life have as wide of an application in a person s……………..,or ……….as does science.

4-………………..our society is depending   increasingly upon technology, and the result of this dependence is that our environment is……….

5-Knowing more about science will help us to become better informed about the kinds……………..

U3 S 3 ex 53-54 class 11 surname_____________________

1-Scince is extremely important for the lives of future generation.

2-Scince is the way humans change the world.

3-Scince combines many different processes.

4-Scince is more important for society than for individuals.

5-Science has extremely wide application.

6-Science helps us to become aware environmental problems.

Fill the gaps:

1-Firstly, science is our way of observing the……………..

2-I think personally that science combine the use of observation, intuition, theory, hypothesis,……….

3-i think that few other things in life have as wide of an application in a person s……………..,or ……….as does science.

4-………………..our society is depending   increasingly upon technology, and the result of this dependence is that our environment is……….

5-Knowing more about science will help us to become better informed about the kinds……………..

U3 S 3 ex 53-54 class 11 surname_____________________

1-Scince is extremely important for the lives of future generation.

2-Scince is the way humans change the world.

3-Scince combines many different processes.

4-Scince is more important for society than for individuals.

5-Science has extremely wide application.

6-Science helps us to become aware environmental problems.

Fill the gaps:

1-Firstly, science is our way of observing the……………..

2-I think personally that science combine the use of observation, intuition, theory, hypothesis,……….

3-i think that few other things in life have as wide of an application in a person s……………..,or ……….as does science.

4-………………..our society is depending   increasingly upon technology, and the result of this dependence is that our environment is……….

5-Knowing more about science will help us to become better informed about the kinds……………..

Предварительный просмотр:

U3 S1 ex7,9 p80 Class 11 Surname_______________________

1-Make the dialogue use the vocabulary:

I find….very useful because…

I spend too much time….

I could be doing….

I spend most of my time….

It is good| bad for my health….

If I didn t have….i would….

2-Match the abbreviations:


1-compact disc-rewritable


2-personal digital assistant


3-personal computer


4-personal video recorder


5-digital video disk or digital versatile disk

3-Fill in the gaps:

1……………………………………….habits      5……………………………………phone

2……………………………………….time        6……………………………………navigation

3……………………………………….toys        7……………………………………control

4………………………………………devices    8……………………………………devices

U3 S1 ex7,9 p80 Class 11 Surname_______________________

1-Make the dialogue use the vocabulary:

I find….very useful because…

I spend too much time….

I could be doing….

I spend most of my time….

It is good| bad for my health….

If I didn t have….i would….

2-Match the abbreviations:


1-compact disc-rewritable


2-personal digital assistant


3-personal computer


4-personal video recorder


5-digital video disk or digital versatile disk

3-Fill in the gaps:

1……………………………………….habits      5……………………………………phone

2……………………………………….time        6……………………………………navigation

3……………………………………….toys        7……………………………………control

4………………………………………devices    8……………………………………devices

Предварительный просмотр:

Class11 Name_______   Surname___________

  1. Who was I.K. Brunnel?

  1. What do you know about his life?

  1. What kind of person do you think he was?

  1. Why is he famous?

Class11 Name_______   Surname___________

  1. Who was I.K. Brunnel?

  1. What do you know about his life?

  1. What kind of person do you think he was?

  1. Why is he famous?

Class11 Name_______   Surname___________

  1. Who was I.K. Brunnel?

  1. What do you know about his life?

  1. What kind of person do you think he was?

  1. Why is he famous?

Isambard Kingdom Brunel (9 April 1806-15 September 1859) was an English engineer. He was born in Portsmouth, UK, the son of mark Brunel, a naval officer and an engineer. He worked in his father s office, and helped to plan the Thames tunnel, opened in 1843. He himself planned the Clifton Suspension Bridge, and the Hungerford Suspention  Bridge over the Thames. He was also appointed engineer to the Great Western Railway(1833) and constructed many docks.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel (9 April 1806-15 September 1859) was an English engineer. He was born in Portsmouth, UK, the son of mark Brunel, a naval officer and an engineer. He worked in his father s office, and helped to plan the Thames tunnel, opened in 1843. He himself planned the Clifton Suspension Bridge, and the Hungerford Suspention  Bridge over the Thames. He was also appointed engineer to the Great Western Railway(1833) and constructed many docks.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel (9 April 1806-15 September 1859) was an English engineer. He was born in Portsmouth, UK, the son of mark Brunel, a naval officer and an engineer. He worked in his father s office, and helped to plan the Thames tunnel, opened in 1843. He himself planned the Clifton Suspension Bridge, and the Hungerford Suspention  Bridge over the Thames. He was also appointed engineer to the Great Western Railway(1833) and constructed many docks.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel (9 April 1806-15 September 1859) was an English engineer. He was born in Portsmouth, UK, the son of mark Brunel, a naval officer and an engineer. He worked in his father s office, and helped to plan the Thames tunnel, opened in 1843. He himself planned the Clifton Suspension Bridge, and the Hungerford Suspention  Bridge over the Thames. He was also appointed engineer to the Great Western Railway(1833) and constructed many docks.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel (9 April 1806-15 September 1859) was an English engineer. He was born in Portsmouth, UK, the son of mark Brunel, a naval officer and an engineer. He worked in his father s office, and helped to plan the Thames tunnel, opened in 1843. He himself planned the Clifton Suspension Bridge, and the Hungerford Suspention  Bridge over the Thames. He was also appointed engineer to the Great Western Railway(1833) and constructed many docks.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel (9 April 1806-15 September 1859) was an English engineer. He was born in Portsmouth, UK, the son of mark Brunel, a naval officer and an engineer. He worked in his father s office, and helped to plan the Thames tunnel, opened in 1843. He himself planned the Clifton Suspension Bridge, and the Hungerford Suspention  Bridge over the Thames. He was also appointed engineer to the Great Western Railway(1833) and constructed many docks.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel (9 April 1806-15 September 1859) was an English engineer. He was born in Portsmouth, UK, the son of mark Brunel, a naval officer and an engineer. He worked in his father s office, and helped to plan the Thames tunnel, opened in 1843. He himself planned the Clifton Suspension Bridge, and the Hungerford Suspention  Bridge over the Thames. He was also appointed engineer to the Great Western Railway(1833) and constructed many docks.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel (9 April 1806-15 September 1859) was an English engineer. He was born in Portsmouth, UK, the son of mark Brunel, a naval officer and an engineer. He worked in his father s office, and helped to plan the Thames tunnel, opened in 1843. He himself planned the Clifton Suspension Bridge, and the Hungerford Suspention  Bridge over the Thames. He was also appointed engineer to the Great Western Railway(1833) and constructed many docks.

Предварительный просмотр:

1-Put the tables:


General attitude to cloning

Reasons and arguments







2-Put the phrases in three groups.

Positive attitude

Neutral attitude

Negative attitude

1-Put the tables:


General attitude to cloning

Reasons and arguments







2-Put the phrases in three groups.

Positive attitude

Neutral attitude

Negative attitude

Предварительный просмотр:

1-Unjumble the definition:

GM   is      a different organism          picking  up          a gene        it        and         transporting       into



2-Fill in the table:

Argument for GM

Argument against GM

3-Write the words in the appropriate columns:

nurse, cure, cough, provide treatment, give injections, operate on, general practitioner, surgeon, transplant organs, dentist, sneeze, lose weight, cardiologist, receive  injections, paramedic, take pills, be operated on, take somebody s blood pressure

jobs in medical care

things patient t do

things doctors do

4- a) Match the words:












the throat

the pulse


1-Doctors say the tea with lemon and good sleep is the best way to________________________after a long hard day.

2-The paramedic ______________________. It was very weak.

3-Pinkillers usually_____________________, but don t_________________________________________________.

5-Fill the missing words:










1-Unjumble the definition:

GM   is      a different organism          picking  up          a gene        it        and         transporting       into



2-Fill in the table:

Argument for GM

Argument against GM

3-Write the words in the appropriate columns:

nurse, cure, cough, provide treatment, give injections, operate on, general practitioner, surgeon, transplant organs, dentist, sneeze, lose weight, cardiologist, receive  injections, paramedic, take pills, be operated on, take somebody s blood pressure

jobs in medical care

things patient t do

things doctors do

4- a) Match the words:












the throat

the pulse


1-Doctors say the tea with lemon and good sleep is the best way to________________________after a long hard day.

2-The paramedic ______________________. It was very weak.

3-Pinkillers usually_____________________, but don t_________________________________________________.

5-Fill the missing words:










Предварительный просмотр:

U4 S 5 ex. 98, 98

1-Read the texts and say which festival:

1-used to be cruel towards animals

5-has an unclear origin

2-involves a lot of eating

6-involves a strange use of vegetables

3-requires fast and careful movements

7-involves wearing special clothes

4-involves men only

8-is compared to another festival

2-Answer the questions:________________________________________________

1-Where and when does the festival take place?

2-What are its origins?

3-What does the festival involve?

4-What do people wear? What do they eat?

Is it popular? Why?

U4 S 5 ex. 98, 98

1-Read the texts and say which festival:

1-used to be cruel towards animals

5-has an unclear origin

2-involves a lot of eating

6-involves a strange use of vegetables

3-requires fast and careful movements

7-involves wearing special clothes

4-involves men only

8-is compared to another festival

2-Answer the questions:________________________________________________

1-Where and when does the festival take place?

2-What are its origins?

3-What does the festival involve?

4-What do people wear? What do they eat?

Is it popular? Why?

Предварительный просмотр:

They found plenty of things to be delighted with, but nothing to be astonished at. They discovered that the island was about three miles long and quarter of a mile wide, and that the shore it lay closest to was only separated from it by a narrow channel hardly two hundred yards wide.

They found plenty of things to be delighted with, but nothing to be astonished at. They discovered that the island was about three miles long and quarter of a mile wide, and that the shore it lay closest to was only separated from it by a narrow channel hardly two hundred yards wide.

They found plenty of things to be delighted with, but nothing to be astonished at. They discovered that the island was about three miles long and quarter of a mile wide, and that the shore it lay closest to was only separated from it by a narrow channel hardly two hundred yards wide.

They found plenty of things to be delighted with, but nothing to be astonished at. They discovered that the island was about three miles long and quarter of a mile wide, and that the shore it lay closest to was only separated from it by a narrow channel hardly two hundred yards wide.

They found plenty of things to be delighted with, but nothing to be astonished at. They discovered that the island was about three miles long and quarter of a mile wide, and that the shore it lay closest to was only separated from it by a narrow channel hardly two hundred yards wide.

They found plenty of things to be delighted with, but nothing to be astonished at. They discovered that the island was about three miles long and quarter of a mile wide, and that the shore it lay closest to was only separated from it by a narrow channel hardly two hundred yards wide.

They found plenty of things to be delighted with, but nothing to be astonished at. They discovered that the island was about three miles long and quarter of a mile wide, and that the shore it lay closest to was only separated from it by a narrow channel hardly two hundred yards wide.

They found plenty of things to be delighted with, but nothing to be astonished at. They discovered that the island was about three miles long and quarter of a mile wide, and that the shore it lay closest to was only separated from it by a narrow channel hardly two hundred yards wide.

They found plenty of things to be delighted with, but nothing to be astonished at. They discovered that the island was about three miles long and quarter of a mile wide, and that the shore it lay closest to was only separated from it by a narrow channel hardly two hundred yards wide.

They found plenty of things to be delighted with, but nothing to be astonished at. They discovered that the island was about three miles long and quarter of a mile wide, and that the shore it lay closest to was only separated from it by a narrow channel hardly two hundred yards wide.

I think so- я думаю так

I don t think so- я не думаю так

Personally, I think that….-лично я думаю,  что

It seems to me that...-    по моему мнению

From my point of you….- с моей точки зрения

In my opinion…- 

по моему мнению

Предварительный просмотр:

1-Put these words and expressions into two groups:



2-Fill in the table below





1-Put these words and expressions into two groups:



2-Fill in the table below





I think that the best place to live would be in a ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I think that the best place to live would be in a ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Предварительный просмотр:

How to be a good friend?

1-listen to each other

-слушать друг друга

2-don t put each other down or hurt each other’s feelings

-не обижать друг друга и не ранить чувства друг друга

3-try to understand each other’s  feelings and moods

-попытаться понять чувства и настроение друг друга

4-help each other solve problems

-помогать друг другу решать проблемы

5-give each other compliments

- делать комплименты друг другу

6-can disagree without hurting each other

-можно не соглашаться, не раня друг друга

7-are dependable

-быть зависимыми

8-respect each other

-уважать друг друга

9-are trustworthy

-заслуживающие доверия

10-give each other room to change

-дать друг другу возможность измениться

11-care about each other

-заботиться друг о друге

How to be a good friend?

1-listen to each other

-слушать друг друга

2-don t put each other down or hurt each other’s feelings

-не обижать друг друга и не ранить чувства друг друга

3-try to understand each other’s  feelings and moods

-попытаться понять чувства и настроение друг друга

4-help each other solve problems

-помогать друг другу решать проблемы

5-give each other compliments

- делать комплименты друг другу

6-can disagree without hurting each other

-можно не соглашаться, не раня друг друга

7-are dependable

-быть зависимыми

8-respect each other

-уважать друг друга

9-are trustworthy

-заслуживающие доверия

10-give each other room to change

-дать друг другу возможность измениться

11-care about each other

-заботиться друг о друге

How to be a good friend?

1-listen to each other

-слушать друг друга

2-don t put each other down or hurt each other’s feelings

-не обижать друг друга и не ранить чувства друг друга

3-try to understand each other’s  feelings and moods

-попытаться понять чувства и настроение друг друга

4-help each other solve problems

-помогать друг другу решать проблемы

5-give each other compliments

- делать комплименты друг другу

6-can disagree without hurting each other

-можно не соглашаться, не раня друг друга

7-are dependable

-быть зависимыми

8-respect each other

-уважать друг друга

9-are trustworthy

-заслуживающие доверия

10-give each other room to change

-дать друг другу возможность измениться

11-care about each other

-заботиться друг о друге

How to be a good friend?

1-listen to each other

-слушать друг друга

2-don t put each other down or hurt each other’s feelings

-не обижать друг друга и не ранить чувства друг друга

3-try to understand each other’s  feelings and moods

-попытаться понять чувства и настроение друг друга

4-help each other solve problems

-помогать друг другу решать проблемы

5-give each other compliments

- делать комплименты друг другу

6-can disagree without hurting each other

-можно не соглашаться, не раня друг друга

7-are dependable

-быть зависимыми

8-respect each other

-уважать друг друга

9-are trustworthy

-заслуживающие доверия

10-give each other room to change

-дать друг другу возможность измениться

11-care about each other

-заботиться друг о друге

How to be a good friend?

1-listen to each other

-слушать друг друга

2-don t put each other down or hurt each other’s feelings

-не обижать друг друга и не ранить чувства друг друга

3-try to understand each other’s  feelings and moods

-попытаться понять чувства и настроение друг друга

4-help each other solve problems

-помогать друг другу решать проблемы

5-give each other compliments

- делать комплименты друг другу

6-can disagree without hurting each other

-можно не соглашаться, не раня друг друга

7-are dependable

-быть зависимыми

8-respect each other

-уважать друг друга

9-are trustworthy

-заслуживающие доверия

10-give each other room to change

-дать друг другу возможность измениться

11-care about each other

-заботиться друг о друге

How to be a good friend?

1-listen to each other

-слушать друг друга

2-don t put each other down or hurt each other’s feelings

-не обижать друг друга и не ранить чувства друг друга

3-try to understand each other’s  feelings and moods

-попытаться понять чувства и настроение друг друга

4-help each other solve problems

-помогать друг другу решать проблемы

5-give each other compliments

- делать комплименты друг другу

6-can disagree without hurting each other

-можно не соглашаться, не раня друг друга

7-are dependable

-быть зависимыми

8-respect each other

-уважать друг друга

9-are trustworthy

-заслуживающие доверия

10-give each other room to change

-дать друг другу возможность измениться

11-care about each other

-заботиться друг о друге

How to be a good friend?

1-listen to each other

-слушать друг друга

2-don t put each other down or hurt each other’s feelings

-не обижать друг друга и не ранить чувства друг друга

3-try to understand each other’s  feelings and moods

-попытаться понять чувства и настроение друг друга

4-help each other solve problems

-помогать друг другу решать проблемы

5-give each other compliments

- делать комплименты друг другу

6-can disagree without hurting each other

-можно не соглашаться, не раня друг друга

7-are dependable

-быть зависимыми

8-respect each other

-уважать друг друга

9-are trustworthy

-заслуживающие доверия

10-give each other room to change

-дать друг другу возможность измениться

11-care about each other

-заботиться друг о друге

How to be a good friend?

1-listen to each other

-слушать друг друга

2-don t put each other down or hurt each other’s feelings

-не обижать друг друга и не ранить чувства друг друга

3-try to understand each other’s  feelings and moods

-попытаться понять чувства и настроение друг друга

4-help each other solve problems

-помогать друг другу решать проблемы

5-give each other compliments

- делать комплименты друг другу

6-can disagree without hurting each other

-можно не соглашаться, не раня друг друга

7-are dependable

-быть зависимыми

8-respect each other

-уважать друг друга

9-are trustworthy

-заслуживающие доверия

10-give each other room to change

-дать друг другу возможность измениться

11-care about each other

-заботиться друг о друге

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

1Make exercises:

I - What is the title_________________

II-Answer the questions:

1-What is the common feature of the leading countries in the world?

2-What do people of leading countries value?

3-What is the common feature of Japan?

III-Make the phrases:

1-the rapid



2-over individualistic

3-in order

3- respect




5- to compete

2Make exercises:

I - What is the title_________________

II-Answer the questions:

1-What is a Japanese s fashion trend?

2-What does Japanese prevent from taking too far?

3-What is Japanese s hobby?

III-Translate from English into Russian:

1-The young Japanese have learned how to come to terms with the global way of enjoying oneself.  

2-In fact, you will notice a lot of Japanese tourists these days in the major tourist destinations of the world.

3Make exercises:

I - What is the title_________________

II-Answer the questions:

1-What is the main for Italian?

2-What is the major part of the Italian population?

III- Say true or false:

1-They can spend entire day without enquiring about their family.

2-Italians live in their country.

3-Italians are not so proud of the strong family bonding.

4Make exercises:

I - What is the title_________________

II-Answer the questions:

1-What do you know about Italian s coffee?

2-What do Italians talk about?

III-Make the Present Perfect:

1-Italians (start) and (end) the day with coffee._______________________________________________________

2-Topics (not range) widly.______________________________________________________________________

3-He (love) to spend time talking__________________________________________________________________

5Make exercises:

I - What is the title_________________

II-Answer the questions:

1-What do Italians believe about living life?

2-What do Italians love?

3-What do not Italians care?

4-What do Italians artistic sense reflect?

III-Say true or false:

1-Italians do not believe in living life to the fullest.

2-Italians love getting around in small well-designed.

3-Italians are not patrons of the art.

4-The streets of their city reflect the height of fashion.

6Make exercises:

I - What is the title_________________

II-Answer the questions:

1-What is lifestyle of the American family?

2-How much time do fathers spend hours at work.

3-How much time do mothers spend hours at work?

4-How do American people  like to spend time?

III-Guess the words:

ylLifeste, mifaly, cormnfo, urhos, ewhousork, eopple, hlteah, evistelion, ntribucote, ricaAmen, bihat.

7Make exercises:

I - What is the title_________________

II-Answer the questions:

1-What do American people do to avoid a stressful lifestyle?

2-What are countries American prefer?

III-Put the words:

1-To avoid this ________________lifestyle.                                stress

2-Americans are opting for ____________.                                  alternate

3-Americans ________________ often lands.                              the search

4-Americans can be found appreciating ___________.                life

IV- Match the words and translate:









8-Write the composition:

 I know about Japanese, Italians, Americans people:




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