ЕГЭ - методические разработки
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Романова Татьяна Михайловна

Материал для выпускников для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку


Предварительный просмотр:


1. Write your own address in English.

2. Read the extract from Oleg Smirnov`s letter and write down his address in English. Use the rule!


I am from Russia. I live in a wonderful city. Its name is Saratov. It stands on the river Volga. My city is very old and beautiful. The street where I live is green, narrow and picturesque. It is called Pushkin Street after the famous Russian poet.We live in a two-storeyed house number 10, in a flat 2.

KEYS:         flat 2, house 10, Pushkin Street, Saratov, Russia

3. Write three introductions to personal letters. Include sentences about each of the topics.

For example:

   Hi! How are you? We have so nice weather today! How are your parents? Are they still in Brighton now?

1) the weather/parents

2) school/your friends

3) favorite sport/party

4) holidays/your trip


1) What`s news from your school? How are your friends, Nike and Tom, who study with you?

2) What is your favourite sport? Will you have your birthday party soon? Have you already invited your friends?

3) How did you spend your summer holidays? Did you go to Manchester? How was your trip?

4. Write three excuses to finish personal letters.

For example:

Well, I must finish now because someone is calling now.

1) Well, I must stop now because………………………………………………………………..

2) Well, ………………………………………………………………………………………….

3) …………………………………………………………………………………………………..


1) Well, I must stop now because it is getting late. I need to go to bed.

2) Well, I must finish now because I need to go to the shop.

3) Well, I must stop now because I should do my home task now.  

5.  Find the correct address:

a)192011, Russia,

St. Petersburg

Prospect Lunacharskogo, 29, Apt. 118

b)6, Sadovaya Street,

192056, Russia, St. Petersburg,

c) 35, Pushkin Str.

St. Petersburg  

Russia, 195055


6. How would you address the following people in your letter?

1. a university professor (David Clark):

a) Dear David Clark!               b) Dear David!             c)  Dear Mr. Clark!

2. a friend of your age (Peter Brown):

a) Dear Brown!                       b) Dear Peter!              c) Dear Mr. Brown!

3. Peter Brown`s mother:

a) Dear Miss Brown!             b) Dear Madam!          c) Dear Mrs. Brown!

4. your English teacher, unmarried (Helen Parker):

 a)Dear Miss Parker!             b) Dear Miss Helen!    c)Dear Helen!                      

5. a letter to the newspaper in England (unknown person):

a) Dear unknown friend!      b) Dear Editor!               c) Dear Colleague!

KEYS:  1c, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5b.

7. What is the best way to close your letter?

1) for your friend:

a) Best wishes                      b) I remain your obedient servant c) Regards from


8. Divide the letter into paragraphs according the rules:

Moscow, Russia, 4 June 2011

Dear Tom. Thank you for your previous letter! It was lovely to hear from you.If you need some money, the best way to earn it is to find a job. And I think you should do it. I have a lot of friends who did summer jobs. Working as a waiter…Oh, it’s a good choice. Also you can work as a salesman or a postman, but I think that you may have some problems with these jobs because of your age.By the way, what jobs do you want to try? As I remember, you like sports. So how about working at the stadium? What do you think about it? I’m looking forward to your answer. All the best, Anna




4 June 2011

Dear Tom,

Thank you for your previous letter! It was lovely to hear from you.

If you need some money, the best way to earn it is to find a job. And I think you should do it. I have a lot of friends who did summer jobs. Working as a waiter…Oh, it’s a good choice. Also you can work as a salesman or a postman, but I think that you may have some problems with these jobs because of your age.

By the way, what jobs do you want to try? As I remember, you like sports. So how about working at the stadium? What do you think about it? I’m looking forward to your answer.

 All the best,



1. Write your own address in English.

2. Read the extract from Oleg Smirnov`s letter and write down his address in English. Use the rule!


I am from Russia. I live in a wonderful city. Its name is Saratov. It stands on the river Volga. My city is very old and beautiful. The street where I live is green, narrow and picturesque. It is called Pushkin Street after the famous Russian poet.We live in a two-storeyed house number 10, in a flat 2.

3. Write three introductions to personal letters. Include sentences about each of the topics.

For example: 1) the weather/parents

   Hi! How are you? We have so nice weather today! How are your parents? Are they still in Brighton now?

2) school/your friends

3) favorite sport/party

4) holidays/your trip

4. Write three excuses to finish personal letters.

For example:

Well, I must finish now because someone is calling now.

1) Well, I must stop now because…………………………………………………………………..

2) Well, …………………………………………………………………………………………….

3) …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

5.  Find the correct address:

a)192011, Russia,

St. Petersburg

Prospect Lunacharskogo, 29, Apt. 118

b)6, Sadovaya Street,

192056, Russia, St. Petersburg,

c) 35, Pushkin Str.

St. Petersburg  

Russia, 195055

6. How would you address the following people in your letter?

1. a university professor (David Clark):

a) Dear David Clark!               b) Dear David!             c)  Dear Mr. Clark!

2. a friend of your age (Peter Brown):

a) Dear Brown!                       b) Dear Peter!              c) Dear Mr. Brown!

3. Peter Brown`s mother:

a) Dear Miss Brown!             b) Dear Madam!          c) Dear Mrs. Brown!

4. your English teacher, unmarried (Helen Parker):

 a)Dear Miss Parker!             b) Dear Miss Helen!    c)Dear Helen!

5. a letter to the newspaper in England (unknown person):

a) Dear unknown friend!      b) Dear Editor!               c) Dear Colleague!

8. Divide the letter into paragraphs according the rules:

Moscow, Russia, 4 June 2011

Dear Tom. Thank you for your previous letter! It was lovely to hear from you. If you need some money, the best way to earn it is to find a job. And I think you should do it. I have a lot of friends who did summer jobs. Working as a waiter…Oh, it’s a good choice. Also you can work as a salesman or a postman, but I think that you may have some problems with these jobs because of your age.By the way, what jobs do you want to try? As I remember, you like sports. So how about working at the stadium? What do you think about it? I’m looking forward to your answer. All the best, Anna

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have

found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this

text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be

ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

The London of the middle of the 17th century was a city of narrow, dirty streets. Indeed, the streets were so narrow that it was often possible for a person at a window on one side of the street to shake hands with a neighbour on the other side. There was little light and air. Rubbish lay piled up in dark corners. It is no wonder that epidemics were common.

The greatest epidemic of the plague broke out in 1665.

It was a sad time for London. The streets were empty, shops were closed and there were few boats on the Thames. Every house in which there were sick people was shut up, and no one was allowed to go in or out, and the door of the house was marked with a red cross.

Task 2. Study the advertisement.

You are considering joining this competition. And now you are calling to find out more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:

  1. dates for joining
  2. place
  3. meals
  4. accomodation
  5. price

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

Task 3. Imagine that while travelling during your holidays you took some

photos. Choose one photo to present to your friend.

You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more

than 2 minutes. In your talk remember to speak about:

•when you took the photo

 •what/who is in the photo

 •what is happening

•why you took the photo

•why you decided to show the picture to your friend

You have to talk continuously, starting with:

I’ve chosen photo number …

Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and

contrast the photographs:

give a brief description of the photos (action, location)

say what the pictures have in common

say in what way the pictures are different

say which of the sports presented in the pictures you’d prefer

explain why

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously.

Предварительный просмотр:


Strategies For Describing & Comparing Pictures

January 2015

Описание картинки, пожалуй, является одним из наи- более сложных экзаменационных испытаний. Приведен- ные ниже стратегии и инструкции помогут учащимся успешно выполнять задания данного типа и могут быть использованы для описания и сравнения изображений любых жанров.

Types of pictures:


Painting (landscape/







Cartoon drawing

Strip cartoon

Cover of a book

Scene from a film

Speech bubble

  1. Получив задание, не впадайте в панику!

  1. Внимательно  ознакомьтесь  с  предложенной  вам картинкой.

Проанализируйте ее. У вас есть минута.

  1. Вступление

Дайте общую характеристику того, что изображено: Что? Где? Когда?

This is a picture of…

It was probably taken at… It shows…

The picture shows a scene from …

It’s an image of … (place, person, scene).

  1. Описание – интерпретация, рассуждение

Сначала сконцентрируйте свое внимание на самых важ- ных, информативных, интересных частях картинки и только затем переходите к другим, второстепенным деталям. Двигайтесь в определенном направлении, на- пример: от центра к сторонам; снизу вверх; слева на- право. Будьте последовательны и систематичны. Ло- гичность высказывания не только поможет вам успеш- но справиться с заданием, но и существенно облегчит восприятие вашей речи экзаменатором.

In the foreground/middleground/background we can see… The central focus of the picture is…

The  picture  shows  …  (place,  person,  scene)  from  a distance.

… (place, person, scene) is shown from … (a bird’s eye view/worm’s eye view/…).

You  look  at  …  (place,  person,  scene)  from  …  (above/ behind/…).

In the picture you can see … … (position: on the left/right/…) there is / are …

(position: on the left/right/…) you can see …/… is … (position: on the left/right/…).

In the bottom left corner of the picture, some people…

При описании мест и объектов скажите: что это за место? Что там находится? Какое время года и какая погода?

О чем говорят предметы и объекты, находящиеся там? Что делают люди и почему они там находятся? Что уже произошло, что происходит сейчас и что произойдет в ближайшем будущем? Какова атмосфера и общее на- строение?

При описании людей необходимо остановиться на их внешности: укажите возраст, строение, черты лица, бег- ло опишите одежду, прическу.

Какое у них выражение лица, настроение? О чем это го- ворит? Как они себя чувствуют? Что сделали, делают, намереваются делать? Каковы взаимоотношения персо- нажей на картинке?

Не забудьте про рассуждение: о чем говорит все уви- денное вами на картинке?

Используйте воображение, высказывайте свои предпо- ложения.

Perhaps these people are…

From the crashed things on the floor, I can assume that… From his facial expression, I suppose…

It is almost obviously that this woman is about to…

  1. Вывод. Общее впечатление (что хотел сказать автор) Какие мысли, чувства, ассоциации вызывает изображе- ние у зрителя? Что хотел сказать автор?

The viewer has the impression that… The viewer’s attention is focused on…

The image inspires the viewers to think about/follow the idea of…/realize that...

  1. Ваше личное впечатление

Какое состояние, настроение вызывает у вас увиден- ное? Как вы персонально относитесь к тому, что изо- бражено? Помните, что ваше мнение может и не со- впадать с мнением автора изображения.

The picture makes me feel happy/sad/… The picture inspires me to think about… The picture gives me the impression that…

I find it difficult to withdraw my eyes from…

  1. Не молчите!

Говорите постоянно. Не останавливайтесь. Если вы не знаете название каких-либо изображенных предметов, объектов или явлений, старайтесь объяснить другими словами. Забыли термин/слово/красивое выражение – перефразируйте, используйте более простую лексику.

  1. Пользуйтесь филерами

Они не только “тянут время”, позволяя вам подобрать слова и лучше сформулировать свою мысль, но и делают вашу речь более естественной.

Er…/Let me see…/Mm…/Well,…/ I meen …/You know…



  1. When describing where the things are use

the Position Language:

In the background

In the top

left-hand corner

At the top

In the upper part

In the top right-hand corner

On the left side In the left part

In the middle/ center of the picture there is/are In the central part

On the right side In the right part

In the bottom left-hand corner

At the bottom In the lower part

In the bottom right-hand corner


Focus on the main part of the picture at the beginning. Say what or who you can see and describe where the things are in the picture.

Remember to use the posi- tion language.

What   type   of   image   is this?

What can you see in the pic- ture?

Where is it?

What  is  the  place/scenery



Mention something about the place, season and the weather.

Where is it?

What  is  the  place/scenery


What is the weather like?


Describe what is happening, what the people are doing.

Use Present Continuous.

What is going on?

What are the people doing?


Speculate about the charac- ters.

Talk about people’s appear- ance, clothes, relationship. If there is not a main character, focus on the group.

What are the people like? What are they wearing? How are they related?


Speculate about the scene.

Give extra information about the scene to add further de- tails to your description.

Use Present Perfect/Future Simple/to be going to

What has happened?

What do you think will hap- pen next?

What else can be interesting in the picture?


Give some impressions and opinions about characters.

Do not forget to use a range of adjectives.

How do they look/feel? What  is  his/her  emotional state?

What are they thinking/talk- ing about?


If they are included into the task.

Talk   about   your   feelings about the scene.

What do you feel looking at the photo?

Would you like to be there?

Why? Why not?

In the foreground

  1. When speculating about the situation use

the Language of Speculation:

It can’t/could/may/might/must be… It seems/looks like/appears…

I guess/I imagine…

It is not very clear, but probably… I’m not sure, but it could be…

I can’t quite make it out, but perhaps… They/he/she/it seem(s) to be …(Verb + -ing) … It probably/perhaps it…

I’m not sure exactly (what this is) but… I get the impression that…

It is almost certainly/obviously… My initial impression is…

I suppose/think/believe/expect/am sure that… I’m sure/fairly sure that…

It is clearly/obviously… I’m pretty confident that…

I think I’m justified in saying that…

The related phrases “some kind of…”/ “some sort of…” are also very useful.

  1. When giving your opinion use

the Opinion Language:

As far as I know…

As far as I’m concerned… As I see it…

From my point of view… If you ask me…

In my opinion…

I would say that…

Personally I suppose/think/believe/guess…

  1. When giving your reaction and expressing your feelings use the following constructions and various adjectives:

I like/enjoy/love/don’t mind/dislike/hate/can’t stand doing that… because/as…

I’d like to do/ visit/ try … because/as…

January 2015

It makes me want to try/do this

It would appeal to me… because/as… It wouldn’t suit me… because/as…

  1. If you don’t know the exact term or word


If you don’t know a noun:

It is used for (Verb + -ing)… / It is used to (Inf.) / You use it to (Inf.)

It is a kind of / sort of…

It is a thing / stuff for (Verb + -ing)…

I don’t know what it is called / the word for it, but… (give a description or definition)

If you don’t know a verb:

It is what you do when you (bare Inf.)

Comparing and Contrasting Vocabulary









as well

in (complete) contrast


on the other hand









There are more similarities than differences between… and… For instance/ example, …

There are more differences than similarities between… and… For instance/ example, …

The most obvious/ important/apparent similarity between… and… is…

The most obvious/ important/apparent difference between… and… is…

The main similarity between… and… is…

The main difference between… and… is…

One similarity is…

One difference is…

Another/An additional similarity is…

Another/An additional difference is…

One thing that… and… have in common is…

One contrast between… and… is that…

The only similarity between…and …as/ that I can see is…

The only difference between…and …as/ that I can see is…

… and… are quite/ very/really similar, for example…

… and… are quite/ very/really different, for example…

… and… have a lot in common, for example…

… and… don’t have much in common, but…


It looks amazing/awful/boring/dangerous/disgusting/ exciting/great/horrible/fantastic/fascinating/mysterious/ peaceful/terrible/unbelievable/unusual/weird/wonderful…









as well

in (complete) contrast


on the other hand









There are more similarities than differences between… and… For instance/ example, …

There are more differences than similarities between… and… For instance/ example, …

The most obvious/ important/apparent similarity between… and… is…

The most obvious/ important/apparent difference between… and… is…

The main similarity between… and… is…

The main difference between… and… is…

One similarity is…

One difference is…

Another/An additional similarity is…

Another/An additional difference is…

One thing that… and… have in common is…

One contrast between… and… is that…

The only similarity between…and …as/ that I can see is…

The only difference between…and …as/ that I can see is…

… and… are quite/ very/really similar, for example…

… and… are quite/ very/really different, for example…

… and… have a lot in common, for example…

… and… don’t have much in common, but…

By Evgeniya Khaimova

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

2 1 3

Предварительный просмотр:


Flat (Fl) 5 Block1

12 Victory St

Saratov 412630


11 September 2011




11 September 2011

Dear Tom,

Thanks for…,

Many thanks for…,

 How nice of you …,

I was awfully glad to get your letter…

I must apologize for not writing…,

I really should have written sooner….

In your last letter you asked me some questions. Well, I’d like to answer your questions….

By the way, ask 3 questions

Closing/Заключение.: Sorry, I must finish now because I’ve got an exam tomorrow. Ending/Завершающая фраза письма, указывающаю на дальнейший контакт.:

Write back soon and tell me all your news.

I’ll write again soon.

Hope to hear from you soon.



ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Каждый параграф пишут с новой строки, пропустив строчку.

Предварительный просмотр:


        Snowboarding                                                   Skateboarding

2http://im0-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=410bcc6b9c1d48ea8cfd55dad7d1f015-09-144&n=24Кайтсёрфинг и картинг в Калининграде как способы проведения досуга "УДАЧНЫЙ.RU" - интернет-журнал для настоящих мужчин.

         Diving                                                             Windsurfing

3http://im2-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=ff3077cc5831e088bd45c2cd18f41c68-56-144&n=33&h=210 http://im2-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=8f7270468b895e06075e8429200ccaa8-07-144&n=21

          Rafting                                                                           Yachting

Предварительный просмотр:


         Playing the piano                                            Playing the violin

2 http://im0-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=639036ba3c588320a4a5410c09619dc1-131-144&n=21http://im0-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=1f00a67f9c4d44c58293f01676ab608a-02-144&n=21

        Reading in the bus                                           Speaking by the mobile in the bus


Packaged tour tourists                                           A Tourist on his own


4  Summer fishing                                           Winter hunting


5    Healthy food                                                            Junk food                                        


6      Home made food                                               Restaurant food


Предварительный просмотр:

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Аннотацияк учебно-методическим  разработкам внеклассных мероприятий  по физической культуре с использованием нестандартного оборудования. 1....

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Методическая разработка урока с поэтапным проведением с приложениямиПрезентация к уроку биологии в  6 классе по теме "Почему организмы совершают движения? ".Методическая разработка урока с поэтап...

Методическая разработка Методическая разработка (для факультативных занятий по английскому языку для учащихся 10-11 классов) Создание банка дистанционных уроков с использованием инструментов современного интернета (Googl Docs, Delicious/BobrDoobr, Mind

Методическая разработка входит в серию дистанционных уроков английского  и немецкого языков , разрабатываемых с целью подготовки учащихся к выполнению письменной части ЕГЭ по указанным дисциплина...

Методическая разработка урока "Амины. Анилин", Методическая разработка урока "Многоатомные спирты"

Урок, разработан для учащихся 10 класса, обучающихся по базовой программе. Учебник "Химия 10" О.С. Габриелян.Урок, разработан для учащихся 10 класса, обучающихся по базовой программе. Учебник "Химия 1...