План-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме "Extreme sports", уровень Pre-intermediate
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Зиманова Светлана Геннадиевна

Разработка урока по английскому языку по теме "Extreme sports" с использованием электронных образовательных ресурсов, уровень Pre-intermediate.

Планируется, что к окончанию урока учащиеся смогут строить небольшие монологические высказывания по данной теме, используя полученные знания на уроке.

Задачи урока: 

  1. организовать деятельность учащихся по изучению лексики по теме "Спорт" 
  2. создать условия для развития навыков поискового чтения 
  3. способствовать формированию умения вести диалог-расспрос, дискуссию на данную тему
  4. способствовать формированию навыков информационно-поисковой деятельности


Microsoft Office document icon extreme_sports.doc286 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

The topic of the lesson:  Extreme sports

Lesson plan.

  1. Revision of sports vocabulary
  2. Discussion about the topic “Sport”
  3. Picture-based speaking
  4. Downloading material for listening and reading
  5. Having a discussion about the text that has been  read
  6. Reflection
  7. Homework

Lesson objectives

  • To extend student’s vocabulary in the context of sports
  • To enable students to describe their feelings
  • Practice reading for specific information
  • To enable students to talk about unusual sports
  1.  Warming-up:  

T:  Brainstorm sports you know

-Take turns to write different kinds of sports on the board

-Do task 1 in your handout

-Work in pairs  ( students do task2 in their handout)

Classify  sports into four categories

Individual sports

Extreme sports

Team sports

Non-competitive sports

2. Speaking about sport

 T: You are going to work in pairs. Use the following questions to find out your partner's attitude towards sport

Which sports appeal more to men than to women?

Can you name any famous sportsmen?

What famous international sporting events do you know?

What sports do you like to play or watch?

Do you think a sport should be dangerous? Can you name any dangerous sports?

Why do you think some people like dangerous sports?

While speaking to your partner express your agreement or disagreement with him/her. Give your own opinion. Use these phrases


I think (that) …

In my view / opinion, …

I’m convinced / positive that …

To my mind …

Personally, I think …

From my point of view, …


Yes, I agree with you

 I completely agree  

I couldn’t agree with you more      

That’s exactly what I think

I think you’re right


I’m afraid I disagree /can’t agree with you

I take / see your point, but …

I’m not sure about that

I’m not sure that’s true / correct / right

I agree to some extent, but …

3.-Picture-based discussion. (Work in groups)

T: You  are given pictures which depict people doing extreme sports. You should choose any picture you like and imagine yourselves doing the activity, which is shown in your pictures. You should say what you see, hear, smell and how you feel. Use the following adjectives to describe your feelings: excited, scared, fascinated, thrilled, terrified,

(Students do task3 in their handout)

4. Downloading material for reading

T: Now you are going to listen and read the text about one of the unusual sports and do some tasks. Before  reading the text try to guess what sport it is.

Students ask questions to guess what sport they are going to read about


Is it done in the air or in the sea?

What do you need to do this sport?

Is it dangerous? etc


-Go to http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/magazine/surfing

T:- Before doing each task read the instructions carefully

-:  Do the Preparation task first.

-Match the words at the top with their meanings. In case you have difficulty translating a word you may look it up in the dictionary.

-Then go to Text and read the article (you can also listen to the audio while you read).

-Next you are going to do comprehension task: matching two halves of the sentences

5.-Having a discussion

T: What interesting facts have you learnt about surfing?

Would you like to do such an activity?

What qualities do you need to do extreme sports?

Have you ever done any unusual activities?

6. Reflection

T: Now I want you to write a sinkwein about any unusual sport you know



Exciting and thrilling

Makes you strong and brave

Helps you to beat your fears

Real enjoyment

7. Homework: Write an article telling your readers about an interesting or unusual sport that you know

You may go to the following site to find information you need for writing an article


Student’s handout


Choose any picture you like. Imagine yourself doing the activity shown in your picture. Say what you see, hear, smell, how you feel. Use the following words to describe your feelings:

excited, scared, terrified, fascinated, thrilled



The sports vocabulary written in bold in the sentences below are jumbled up.  Identify them..

  1. You go ignskta on an ice-rink
  2. You play lfotoabl on a pitch
  3. igxobn takes place in a ring.
  4. You go igwimsmn in a pool
  5. You play isetnn on a court
  6. lgof is played on a course
  7. seroh-gacirn takes place on a racetrack
  8. You can go inigks on a piste
  9. To play notdabinm, you need a racket and a shuttlecock
  10. To go niyccgl, you need a bicycle and a helmet
  11. To play cie-yckeho,  you need a stick and a puck


Classify sports into four categories

Extreme sports

Individual sports


Team sports

What kinds of sports are the most…

  • exciting
  • Relaxing
  • Difficult
  • Dangerous
  • Fun

Use the following expressions to give your opinions

Personally,I think…             It seems to me…….      To my mind

In my view…                        In my opinion…….       I believe

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