Методическая разработка урока
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Методическая разработка урока по теме "Литература и искусство"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Lesson Plan

Galina Korobitsina, ELT of secondary school, Muji, YANAO

Lesson Focus: reading and listening

Topic “Poems” (theme “Art & Literature”)

Target Language: To provide gist, detailed and inference reading practice using a text


Age 17 – 18

Level Upper – Intermediate

Grade 11th

Assumed knowledge: To provide clarification and extension of their vocabulary speaking about dreams in the context of A Dream within a dream poem and also to provide for practicing lexical inference sub-skill in the context mentioned

Materials: E. Poe's poem A Dream within a dream (text, audio)

Anticipated Problems & Solutions:

Timing: Use clock to indicate timing and ask groups to be strict about timing.


Stage, Aims



7 min

10 min

10 min

5 min

6 min

1 min

1.Warm – up

2. Pre – Reading/ Listening

3. While-Reading/


4. Post-Reading/


5. Reflection

6. Homework

T puts on the board the final line of E.Poe's poem "Is all that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream?" and asks SS what they make of it. First of all T asks how they understand the structure "is all but a dream". T gives SS about 3 minutes to discuss the question in pairs. Then SS have a short feedback and T asks what kind of a person could have said that. T allows 2 minutes to discuss it in pairs. Then T demonstrates the picture of E. Poe on the board. SS listen to the poem

Reading for gist. Before SS start T gives them 1 minute to read the task first which is a little complicated by itself. SS will have to choose one correct description about what the poem really says. ICQ - What will you have to do after you've finished listening? (choose one correct description of the poem's content). Then T gets them read the poem for the first time. SS discuss their answers with their partners and SS have the group feedback.

Listening for inference and detail. SS will have to work out the meaning of the unknown words from the poem. T might add some of the words to the list (deem), for instance. SS work first individually, then in pairs. After they are clear with the meaning, T seems it would be reasonable to give them more examples of usage of the words. Then SS are ready to approach reading for detail and inference because all the ideas are not expressed explicitly.

As a follow-up activity SS discuss in pairs if they like the poem and why (not)

SS match two halves of sentences about dreams together. As the final productive activity, T asks SS to write two sentences about themselves using the phrases.

T asks SS to write their own poems using the phrases


Pair work

T – SS

In small groups

S – S

T – S

S – S

S – S

S – S

T – S  

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