Конспект открытого урока по теме "Удовольствие чтения" (7 класс)
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Маркина Татьяна Николаевна

Конспект открытого урока


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I Warm up

(Приветствие, сообщение целей и задач урока)

Good morning boys and girls. I am glad to see you at our lesson.

(A pupil recites a poem about books)

Book, Look!

By B. Walker

Since books are friends,

They need much care.

When you are reading them,

Be good to them and fair!

Use books-marks, children,

To hold your place,

And don`t turn a book

Upon its clear face.

Remember, children, then:

Books are meant to read.

Not cut or colour them-

No, really never indeed

During this term we have been working on the topic “The Pleasure of Reading”.

As you have already guessed today we’ll speak about  the importance of reading in our life, different types of literary works and our reading preferences.

I’m sure you can agree that without books our life will be empty and boring. People in all the times underlined their role and meaning.

II Speech exercise

  1. Do you spend much time on reading? How much?
  2. When and where do you usually read?
  3. Do you read for pleasure or for information, or both?
  4. What do you usually read – books of different kinds or newspapers and magazines?
  5. As I can see you do not read newspapers. But there are a lot of people who do. Why do you think people read newspapers?
  6. Is reading a pleasure for you?

III Discussion

Now let’s read the lines from a poem by Emily Dickinson, America’s most famous woman poet:

There is no frigate like a book

To take us lands away.

What does the author compare a book with? How do you understand this comparison?

Does reading play an important role in your life?

And now I suggest you to discuss in pairs the importance of books and reading in our life? 

( the pupils make up mini-dialogues)

As we can see  the role of books is really enormous.

 IV Quiz on literary genres.

So, each book is a magic world full of interesting and unknown things. We enjoy reading them, live the life of characters, we feel happy and sad with them. But people’s tastes in reading are  different, so they like to read books of different genres.

Please watch a video about literary genres and remember them.

(the pupils watch a video)

So? Let’s name all the genres you know.

Look at the blackboard. You see here different literary genres and your task is to match them with a suitable definition.

an adventure novel, a war novel,  a biography, an autobiography, a science fiction, a fairy tale, a classic, a detective story, a love story, a humorous story,  a modern novel, a romance,  a short story, a historical novel, a  horror story, a folktale, a travel book

  1. A very long story describing people  and events during the long period of time  ( a historical novel)
  2. A story describing love between a man and a woman, the way they go through all the difficulties to be together   (romance/love story)
  3. A story describing people in funny situations and making you laugh (humorous story)
  4. A story with magic characters  for young children (fairy tale)
  5. A story about unusual reality which takes some scientific idea about future (science fiction)
  6. A story about events, sometimes invented, where some characters go through all sorts of difficulties often in search of hidden treasure  (adventure story)
  7. A story in which frightening and often unnatural things happen (a horror story)
  8. A story in which some person’s life is described (a biography)
  9. A story where a very clever person looks for a criminal  (a detective story)
  10. A story about a period of fighting between countries and states (a war novel)

O’K. Well done. What is your favourite type  of books? Why?

V Reading

But sometimes when people read they  choose not only their favourite types  of books but also their favourite   authors. And any good writer should have a talent, certain skills and abilities for writing. Please, look at the screen. Here you can see some qualities that good writers have. Let’s read them.

  • An ability to show life truthfully
  • An ability to describe nature with love and understanding
  • An ability to make people laugh or cry
  • An ability to amuse the readers
  • A sense of humour
  • A skill with language
  • A great lyrical power
  • A rich imagination

Now, name writers who, in your opinion, have these qualities.

Today we’ll continue to speak about different authors mostly we’ll speak about writers and poets of British literature. At first I suggest you to read the text “British literature” and answer the questions below it.

British Literature

Great Britain gave the world a lot of talented people. Many famous writers and poets were born and lived in Great Britain.

One of the best known English playwrights was William Shakespeare. He took ideas for his tragedies and comedies from the history of England and ancient Rome. Many experts consider Shakespeare the greatest writer and the greatest playwright in English language. William Shakespeare wrote 37 plays which may be divided into: comedies (such as "A Midsummer Night's Dream"), tragedies (such as "Hamlet", "Othello", "King Lear", "Macbeth") and historical plays (such as "Richard II", "Henry V", "Julius Caesar", "Antony and Cleopatra").

Robert Burns represents the generation of Romantic writers. In his poems he described with love and understanding the simple life he knew. Among his well-known poems are "Halloween", "The Jolly Beggars", "To a Mouse".

Lord George Gordon Byron. His  rare poetic gift makes him one of the most famous figures of the Romantic Era. His famous works such as "Stanzas to Augusta", "The Prisoner of Chillon", "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage", "Manfred" make readers feel the passion and humour and show the poet’s Romantic spirit.

Sir Walter Scott wrote the first examples of historical novel. “Ivanhoe” is one of them. His famous “Rob Roy” describes the live of Robin Hood and his adventures.

Lewis Carroll became famous when he published "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland".


1. Who is the best known English playwright? 
2. What are the most famous plays by Shakespeare? 
3. Who is Robert Burns? 
4. What makes George Byron famous? 
5. Who wrote historical novels? 
6. What brought popularity to Lewis Carroll?


playwright — драматург 
to represent — представлять 

generation  - поколение
rare — редкий 
gift – дар, талант
passion — страсть 

VI Quiz on British writers

And now let’s see how well you know British writers and their works.  Please, complete the sentences choosing the right variant.

1. … is an English writer whose most famous novel is "Robinson Crusoe".

1) Daniel Defoe

2) Jonathan Swift

3) Charles Dickens

4) Walter Scott 

2. In … the tourists can see the house where Shakespeare lived with his family.

1) London

2) Edinburg

3) Belfast

4) Stratford-on-Avon

3.  ... is one of the novels written by Walter Scott.

1) "Black Arrow"

2) "Ivanhoe"

3) "The Treasure Island"

4) "Jane Eyre"

4.  ... is an English writer best known for his "Jungle Book" about the boy Mowgli.

1) Robert Louis Stevenson

2) Lewis Carroll

3) Rudyard Kipling

4) Walter Scott

5. Agatha Christie is famous for her….

1) stories about animals

2) adventure stories

3) detective stories

4) stories about wars

6. Joanne Rowling, a British writer, became famous for….

1) “Mary Poppins”

2) “The Prince and the Pauper”

3) “David Copperfield”

4) “Harry Potter”

7. Piglet, Eeyore, Winnie-the-Pooh are characters of….

1) William Shakespeare

2) Alan Alexander Milne

3) Charles Dickens

4) John Ronald Tolkien

8. The book “Alice’s adventures in Wonderland” was written by…

1) Lewis Carroll

2) Oscar Wilde

3) Louis Stevenson 

4) Herbert Wells

  1. The inventor of Sherlock Holmes was….

1) Jerome K. Jerome

2) Somerset Maugham

3) Arthur Conan Doyle

4) William Shakespeare

10. “The Lord of the Rings” was written by …

1) Charles Dickens

2) Robert Burns

3) John Ronald Tolkien

4) Oscar Wilde

VII. Dramatization

 Well done. As we can see you are experts on knowledge of British writers. But I am sure that each of you has

your own favourite writers. What is your writer (the pupils’ answers). As far as I know Maksim’s favourite writer is Mark Twain and he wants to tell us about his biography and creative activity in the world of literature.

Mark Twain

Samuel Langhorne Clemens was a famous American writer and humorist. He was better known by his penname Mark Twain. Mark Twain was born in the state of Missouri in the United States in 1835. His father was an unsuccessful lawyer. The family seldom lived more than a year or two in the same town. That is why the future writer did not even finish secondary school. He went to work at the age of 12.

For two years he worked for his elder brother’s small newspaper both as a printer and reporter.

In 1857 he became a pilot on the Mississipi river. He continued to write.

In 1876 he wrote «The Adventures of Tom Sawyer». The book was read by everybody, by the young and old and was translated into nearly every language in the world. «The Adventures of Tom Sawyer» was such a success that in 1884 he wrote «The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn». Later he also wrote several novels, including The Prince and the Pauper and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court.

There were many other books written by Mark Twain. But his novels about Tom Sawyer and his friend Huckleberry Finn made him famous all over the world.

His characters are always kind, bouncy, witty, clever and brave. His stories are true-to-life and the plots of his stories are original, amusing and exciting.


And do you know that Mark Twain was also good at writing short humorous stories? I suggest you to watch  one of them which is called “An unusual present”.

(the pupils act)

“An unusual present”

Story-teller: Once upon a time, a very long time ago, there lived a young farmer (выходит фермер) with his old father and mother (под руку выходят родители) and his wife (выходит жена). They didn't know anything about many things which we have in our houses today. They were very poor, so once the young man decided to go and look for work. (Ha плече у фермера рюкзак, родные провожают его.) Не was lucky and after a time he came home with rich presents for everybody. (Входят фермер с сумкой и его родственники. Фермер всех обнимает и вытаскивает из сумки подарки.)

Young farmer: Here is a present for you, Mother (дает кошелек). And this is for you, Father (дает шапку). This is for you, my dear wife (дает шелковое платье). AU (All in unison.) Thank you, my dear son! Thank you, my dear son! Thank you, my dear husband!

Mother: Now, let's go and have a dinner.

(Все уходят, коробка остается на столе.)

Входит жена.

Wife: I am so happy! And what else is there in this box? My husband says he has some more presents for us.

(Открывает коробку, достает вещи и вдруг отступает в ужасе.)

Oh, good Heavens! My husband has brought a beautiful girl! He does not love me any more!


Входит отец.

Father: Now, now, don't cry. Perhaps you're wrong. Let me have a look at that girl (смотрит в коробку). But there is no girl here at all! It's a man in the box! Not very young, but quite strong and handsome. Stop crying, my dear!

(Успокаивает её.)

(Входит мать.)

Mother: What has happened here? My daughter, why are your eyes so red? Were you crying?

Father: Yes, she was , but for no reason. Our son has brought a handsome old man with him, and our daughter thought it was a girl. Ha-ha - ha!

Mother: A man? What man? Where?

Father: Here, in this box.

Mother: Let me see him (смотрит в коробку). Oh, but it isn't a man! It is an old and a rather ugly woman!

Father: Woman? Let me look again! (Смотрит в коробку.) A man, of course, it's a man!

Mother: Let me see! (Смотрит.) A woman! Do you think I can't tell a man from a woman?

Начинают кричать:   'It's a man!'

'It's a woman!'

Wife: Let me look now!

(Начинает плакать.)

Oh, you are wrong! It's a girl, so young and beautiful! Oh, dear!

(Входит фермер.)

Young farmer: What's all this noise about?

(Они спорят):

- A handsome man!

- An ugly old woman!

- A pretty young girl!

Young farmer: Oh, I see what it is (вытаскивает зеркало). Oh, you silly people! It's a looking glass.

You each saw yourself in it. It's like a piece of glass But more valuable for us We shall need it now and then For a woman, for a man.

 Mother: We must have it here and there.

Father: When we shave or do our hair.

 Wife: Man or wife or baby small -Our glass reflects them all!

All: Don't you cry, don't make a fuss. Now we have a looking-glass!

 Thank you very much my talented actors. You may taka your seats.

VIII  Agree or disagree

And now we are going to continue to speak about books. Your next task is agree or disagree with the statements and give reasons for your opinion.

1. It is very good when a book has colourful and attractive illustrations. A book without illustrations is boring to read.

2. It is important to find out something about the author of the book chosen for reading.

3. The classics are boring.

4. The classics never die.

5. There are books that bring pleasure to people of all ages.

IX Reflexion

At the end of our lesson let’s answer the main question “To read or not to read?”

(the pupils answer)

To sum everything up we may say that books are:

 -the way of getting education.

- the  way of spending free time and relaxation

- the way of entertaining

-the way of discovering our world

- the way to develop our imagination, logical thinking

-the place where you can find the advice and answer to any problem.

X The results

Our lesson is coming to the end. I am pleased with your work today. I think you are good readers and I hope you will remain the same ones. I wish you success in reading. And I am going to give all of you excellent marks. Good-bye. See you.

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