Мое родное село (My native village)
презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему

Куликова Елена Николаевна

Данная работа является презентацией о своем родном селе.Можно использовать как дополнительный материал для внеклассного мероприятия.


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Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Welcome (E. Otradnaya ; pre-1940 — Hlystova ), village, the center of the village administration Chamzinsky area. The population of 501 people (2001) mostly Mordva-Erzya .

Слайд 3

Located on the rivers Place and Crosslake, 12 km from the district center and the railway station Chamzinka .

Слайд 4

According to another version, Lastovka — caption-term (whip — felled and stripped of branches the tree for the construction of residential and other premises). Based on the 16th — 17th centuries, according to other sources — in 1680 In 1783 the landlord Nikitin built a windmill, 2 stone benches, a chapel, a parish school. In the "List of settlements in the province of Simbirsk " (1863) welcome ( Lestovka ) is a village specific from 99 yards (1 191 pers.) of Ardatovsky district. In 1910, the village had 277 yards (2 065 people); in 1912 — 295 (2 151 persons), Church, school; in 1930 — 272 yard (2 671 people).

Слайд 5

Otradnoe is situated in the Chamzinka district on the 12th kilometers far to the north of Chamzinka . Our village borders : on the village of Kulmino in the south, on the village of Al’za in the north, It’s a quiet place surrounded by fields and woods. Our village is for people who are looking for peace and a lovely rural environment. There are 320 houses in Otradnoe and nearly 500 people live here.

Слайд 6

In 1928 it was organized the farm "Russia" (the first presidents — D. I. Groshev , P. D. Bezyaev ), specialized in konoplivtsi , 1992 — skhpk .

Слайд 7

Modern village — secondary school, House of culture, shop, medical center, post office, a comprehensive collection point district plant consumer services.

Слайд 8

. Otradnoe is a modern village. There is gas, water, electricity in the houses. The most of the houses are big, new and nice. House building is well developed

Слайд 9

There is a school in the centre of the village. The school is two- storeyed brick building which has its own patch of land. 26 pupils study at out school and 10 teachers work here. The director of the school is Khudoykina M. N.

Слайд 10

The club is a place where young people come to discos. Usually concerts are held here, which are performed by singers and dancers from Chamzinka .

Слайд 11

In front of the club you can see a monument to the soldiers in honor of their heroism during the World War II.

Слайд 12

People prefer to go to the private shops which are rather numerous. The choice is really very good there and products are always fresh. The shops abound in food and clothes so people needn’t go to Chamzinka to do shopping.

Слайд 13

As the people of my village are religious there is a church in the centre of Otradnoe . Old people gather here every Saturday and Sunday and pray to the God asking for health, for good life, good luck and well-being of our village.

Слайд 14

My small Motherland My village is my home! Everything is mine, Everything is native. It is the place, where I was born, where I became elder. I don’t want to live anywhere else but at my village.

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