Конспект открытого урока по теме: Великобритания. Королевский Лондон. 7 класс.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Данилова Ольга Валентиновна

Конспект открытого урока по теме: Великобритания. Королевский Лондон.

7 класс.

Цели урока:

Тренировка учащихся в развитии навыков устной речи.

Развитие навыков аудирования и говорения.

Введение новой лексики по теме урока и первичное ее запоминание.


Задачи урока:




1. Активизировать употребление


а) уже знакомой лексики,

б) новой введенной по теме урока.




1. Развивать навыки аудирования, говорения (устной речи)


2. Развивать логическое мышление, воображение, память.






1. Прививать  интерес к истории страны изучаемого языка.


2. Повышать интерес у учащихся к изучению английского языка.


Ход урока.

  1. Приветствие.

Лексическая разминка по лексике предыдущего урока: луг, восхищаться, водопад, изгородь, волнующий, пейзаж, привлекать, соединять, плоский…



  1. Объявление темы урока.

Today we’ll go on our theme ‘Royal London”. First we’ll have some exercises, after that we’ll review the sightseeing of London, and you ‘ll tell us about the most famous of them. Later we’ll speak about kings and queens of England.


  1. Фонетика.

На доске  слова урока: character, monarch, tragedy, empire, ceremony, throne, crown, reign, control, remind.









  1. Please, take you shits of paper and find out the definitions to these words.





1. character

a. to make someone or something do what you want or behave in the way you want them to behave

2. monarch

b. a group of countries that are all controlled by the ruler or government of one country

3. tragedy

c. to make someone remember something that they must do

4. empire

d. a king or a queen

5. ceremony

e. the period of time during which someone is king or queen

6. throne

f. a person in a book, play, film, etc.

7. crown

g. a circle made of gold and decorated with jewels, worn by kings or queens on their heads

8. reign

h. a serious play or book that ends sadly, especially with the death of the main character

9. control

i. a special chair used by a king or queen at important ceremonies

10. remind

j. a formal or traditional set of actions used at an important social or religious event


Avenue, residence, politics, control, touching, public, crown, reason, ceremony


  1. The little girl was unable to…………………….. her horse.
  2. She wanted a career in ……………………… .
  3. Fifth…………………….. is one of the most well-known streets of New York.
  4. The Queen only wears her …………………………. on official occasions.
  5. 10, Downing Street is British Prime Minister’s official………………… .
  6. I usually use ………………………….. transport when I go to school.
  7. Did he give you any ………………………….. why he called?
  8. The opening ……………………….. for the new theatre was performed by the Queen.
  9. The film has some ………………………….. moments.



  1. Let’s check up the exercise.




  1. In the middle of the page you can see some black words. Read them, please.

Now put them down into the sentences below.

Give me your shits, please.




  1. Now let’s look at some photos. Виды Лондона



  1. Please, answer some questions. Ex.20
    1. What palaces in London are connected with the Crown?
    2. Which building is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II?
    3. Where are royal processions usually held in London?
    4. How many royal parks are there in London? Can you name some of them? What can you say about them?
    5. Why is it said that the Queen in Britain reigns but doesn’t rule?
    6. Which of the famous British queens and kings can you name?
    7. Why is King Henry VIII remembered in the country and in the whole world? Can you prove that he was a very important monarch?
    8. Why was Queen Elizabeth I remembered in the history of Britain?
    9. What places in London are connected with Queen Victoria?

8.10 What do you know about Queen Victoria’s family life?

8.11 Why do some people call Queen Victoria’s reign the “golden age” in the history of Britain?

8.12 What do you know about the British royal family of nowadays?



  1. I’d like you to listen to the text about one of the most famous queens, Queen Victoria. And you shouldn’t have a rest, but try to remember different facts from her life.

                 Disk 35


  1. Let’s read the text.

Another strong queen was Queen Victoria (1819 - 1901), whose monument you can see in front of  Buckingham Palace. Queen Victoria came to the throne as a young woman in 1837 and reigned until her death in 1901. She ruled for the longest period in the English history, for 64 years! Victoria married a German, Prince Albert, but he died the age of forty-two in 1961. That was a great tragedy for Queen Victoria. She left London and never lived in the city where she had been so happy with her husband and nine children (five sons and four daughters). But there are places in London that remind us of their love. One of them is the Royal Albert Hall – a very large concert hall where the best musicians of  the world perform classical music. In front of the Albert Hall there is a monument to Prince Albert built by Queen Victoria . Another place is the Victoria and Albert Museum (V & A) with its rich collections of paintings and other works of art. The family of art. The family life of Queen Victoria touched people’s hearts. But this is not the only reason why Queen Victoria became very popular. During her reign Britain became a rich industrial country with a developed trade, an empire with a lot of colonies. Queen Victoria’s granddaughter. Elizabeth II is on the British throne now. The Queen’s title in the United Kingdom is Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.



  1. How long did Queen Victoria rule the UK?

Was her family life happy?

What did the Queen do after her husband’s death?

What places in London reminds us about their love?

Why do some people call Queen Victoria’s reign the “golden age” in the history of Great Britain?

Who reigns in Britain nowadays?

Oh! What a touching story!

What a wonderful woman Queen Victoria was!


  1. Устный контроль грамматики пройденного урока:

                    Какой красивый луг!

              Какая волнующая информация!

              Какой привлекательный пейзаж!

              Какие красивые города!         И т.д.


  1. Take  the second  shit and do the exercise.


 Complete the sentences with  such (a) or so.


  1. She is ……………… brave. She isn’t afraid of snakes.
  2. It was ……………… comfortable armchair. I bought it at once.
  3. The scenery was …………………. beautiful.
  4. It was ………………… good film, that I saw it several times.
  5. I haven’t seen him for……………………long time.
  6. They were ………………good friends, that I admired every minute staying with them.
  7. He was ……………… tired that he went to the bed at once.
  8. It was ……………….. good weather that we decided to go to the beach.



Fill in the articles where necessary.


  1. What ……………rainy weather we’re having!
  2. What…………….hat you are wearing!
  3. What…………… old book! I’m afraid to take it in my hands.
  4. What ……………exotic place! Nobody has been here before.
  5. What…………….fresh water! I’m thirsty.
  6. What…………….polluted place! I don’t want to stop here.
  7. What…………….fantastic scenery! It looks like the magic forest.
  8. What…………….cold day! Don’t forget to put your sweater on.


Give me the exercise.



  1. Your marks for the lesson. …..gets…..




  1. Your home task is lesson 9 exercises 23 and 25.

            Thank you. Goodbye.          



Предварительный просмотр:

Конспект открытого урока по теме: Великобритания. Королевский Лондон.

7 класс.

Цели урока:

Тренировка учащихся в развитии навыков устной речи.

Развитие навыков аудирования и говорения.

Введение новой лексики по теме урока и первичное ее запоминание.

Задачи урока:


1. Активизировать употребление

а) уже знакомой лексики,

б) новой введенной по теме урока.


1. Развивать навыки аудирования, говорения (устной речи)

2. Развивать логическое мышление, воображение, память.


1. Прививать  интерес к истории страны изучаемого языка.

2. Повышать интерес у учащихся к изучению английского языка.


Ход урока.

  1. Приветствие.

Лексическая разминка по лексике предыдущего урока: луг, восхищаться, водопад, изгородь, волнующий, пейзаж, привлекать, соединять, плоский…

  1. Объявление темы урока.

Today we’ll go on our theme ‘Royal London”. First we’ll have some exercises, after that we’ll review the sightseeing of London, and you ‘ll tell us about the most famous of them. Later we’ll speak about kings and queens of England.

  1. Фонетика.

На доске  слова урока: character, monarch, tragedy, empire, ceremony, throne, crown, reign, control, remind.

  1. Please, take you shits of paper and find out the definitions to these words.

1. character

a. to make someone or something do what you want or behave in the way you want them to behave

2. monarch

b. a group of countries that are all controlled by the ruler or government of one country

3. tragedy

c. to make someone remember something that they must do

4. empire

d. a king or a queen

5. ceremony

e. the period of time during which someone is king or queen

6. throne

f. a person in a book, play, film, etc.

7. crown

g. a circle made of gold and decorated with jewels, worn by kings or queens on their heads

8. reign

h. a serious play or book that ends sadly, especially with the death of the main character

9. control

i. a special chair used by a king or queen at important ceremonies

10. remind

j. a formal or traditional set of actions used at an important social or religious event

Avenue, residence, politics, control, touching, public, crown, reason, ceremony

  1. The little girl was unable to…………………….. her horse.
  2. She wanted a career in ……………………… .
  3. Fifth…………………….. is one of the most well-known streets of New York.
  4. The Queen only wears her …………………………. on official occasions.
  5. 10, Downing Street is British Prime Minister’s official………………… .
  6. I usually use ………………………….. transport when I go to school.
  7. Did he give you any ………………………….. why he called?
  8. The opening ……………………….. for the new theatre was performed by the Queen.
  9. The film has some ………………………….. moments.

  1. Let’s check up the exercise.

  1. In the middle of the page you can see some black words. Read them, please.

Now put them down into the sentences below.

Give me your shits, please.

  1. Now let’s look at some photos. Виды Лондона


  1. Please, answer some questions. Ex.20
  1. What palaces in London are connected with the Crown?
  2. Which building is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II?
  3. Where are royal processions usually held in London?
  4. How many royal parks are there in London? Can you name some of them? What can you say about them?
  5. Why is it said that the Queen in Britain reigns but doesn’t rule?
  6. Which of the famous British queens and kings can you name?
  7. Why is King Henry VIII remembered in the country and in the whole world? Can you prove that he was a very important monarch?
  8. Why was Queen Elizabeth I remembered in the history of Britain?
  9. What places in London are connected with Queen Victoria?

8.10 What do you know about Queen Victoria’s family life?

8.11 Why do some people call Queen Victoria’s reign the “golden age” in the history of Britain?

8.12 What do you know about the British royal family of nowadays?

  1. I’d like you to listen to the text about one of the most famous queens, Queen Victoria. And you shouldn’t have a rest, but try to remember different facts from her life.

                 Disk 35

  1. Let’s read the text.

Another strong queen was Queen Victoria (1819 - 1901), whose monument you can see in front of  Buckingham Palace. Queen Victoria came to the throne as a young woman in 1837 and reigned until her death in 1901. She ruled for the longest period in the English history, for 64 years! Victoria married a German, Prince Albert, but he died the age of forty-two in 1961. That was a great tragedy for Queen Victoria. She left London and never lived in the city where she had been so happy with her husband and nine children (five sons and four daughters). But there are places in London that remind us of their love. One of them is the Royal Albert Hall – a very large concert hall where the best musicians of  the world perform classical music. In front of the Albert Hall there is a monument to Prince Albert built by Queen Victoria . Another place is the Victoria and Albert Museum (V & A) with its rich collections of paintings and other works of art. The family of art. The family life of Queen Victoria touched people’s hearts. But this is not the only reason why Queen Victoria became very popular. During her reign Britain became a rich industrial country with a developed trade, an empire with a lot of colonies. Queen Victoria’s granddaughter. Elizabeth II is on the British throne now. The Queen’s title in the United Kingdom is Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.

  1. How long did Queen Victoria rule the UK?

Was her family life happy?

What did the Queen do after her husband’s death?

What places in London reminds us about their love?

Why do some people call Queen Victoria’s reign the “golden age” in the history of Great Britain?

Who reigns in Britain nowadays?

Oh! What a touching story!

What a wonderful woman Queen Victoria was!

  1. Устный контроль грамматики пройденного урока:

                    Какой красивый луг!

              Какая волнующая информация!

              Какой привлекательный пейзаж!

              Какие красивые города!         И т.д.

  1. Take  the second  shit and do the exercise.


 Complete the sentences with  such (a) or so.

  1. She is ……………… brave. She isn’t afraid of snakes.
  2. It was ……………… comfortable armchair. I bought it at once.
  3. The scenery was …………………. beautiful.
  4. It was ………………… good film, that I saw it several times.
  5. I haven’t seen him for……………………long time.
  6. They were ………………good friends, that I admired every minute staying with them.
  7. He was ……………… tired that he went to the bed at once.
  8. It was ……………….. good weather that we decided to go to the beach.

Fill in the articles where necessary.

  1. What ……………rainy weather we’re having!
  2. What…………….hat you are wearing!
  3. What…………… old book! I’m afraid to take it in my hands.
  4. What ……………exotic place! Nobody has been here before.
  5. What…………….fresh water! I’m thirsty.
  6. What…………….polluted place! I don’t want to stop here.
  7. What…………….fantastic scenery! It looks like the magic forest.
  8. What…………….cold day! Don’t forget to put your sweater on.

Give me the exercise.

  1. Your marks for the lesson. …..gets…..

  1. Your home task is lesson 9 exercises 23 and 25.

            Thank you. Goodbye.          

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