Открытый урок по английскому языку
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс)

“Live in harmony with one other”

 (a dialogue of cultures: Russia and Scotland)


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Предварительный просмотр:

“Live in harmony with one other”

 (a dialogue of cultures: Russia and Scotland)

разработка урока английского языка

Кондаковой Кристины Валерьевны

учителя иностранного языка

МБОУ СОШ № 27 города Пятигорска

Цели урока :

1. Развитие у учащихся  иноязычных коммуникативных умений.

2.  Культурологическое развитие учащегося средствами иностранного языка в контексте диалога   культур.

3.  Подготовка  учащегося   к межкультурному общению на основе обогащения их представлений   о степени  соотносимости  норм поведения в разных странах,  формирование  ценностно-ориентационных представлений школьников  об  англоязычном мире и ознакомление с  факторами его влияния на другие   культуры и влияние последних на англоязычную культуру, наглядно демонстрирующими взаимосвязь  между  культурами в  развитии человеческой цивилизации.

 Задачи урока

  1. Развитие устной речи в рамках изучаемых норм лексико-грамматических и интонационно-синтаксического оформления высказывания.

2.    Развитие у учащихся  социокультурной  наблюдательности, речетворчества и общекультурных умений, необходимых в условиях иноязычного общения

3.    Повышение уровня языковой грамотности.

4.    Развитие умения интерпретировать факты иноязычной культуры.

5.    Развитие  культуроведческой  догадки.

Метод обучения:

Дифференцированный подход к учащимся.

Языковой материал

1.  Л.Е. по теме «Scotland»

2.  Л.Е. по теме “The Russian Federation”.

3.  Дополнительный справочный материал.

4.  Стихи и песни на английском языке.

Наглядные пособия

  1. Эмблема.
  2. Картинки.
  3.  Тексты в картинках.


Магнитофон , мультимедийный экран.

Тип урока:    



                                                                   Ход урока:


Good morning everybody! I am glad do see you here at our unusual lesson. Today we are going to organize so called a literary meeting between two teams. It  won’t  be a competition. It will be a friendly cooperation, let me introduce its representatives. The first team is called “Thistle”. They are from  Scotland, Another team is called “Birch tree”.They are from Russia.

They meet here in order to know as much as possible about the history of Scotland and to enlarge the scope of their knowledge in English.

It’ll be a dialogue of two cultures. We all need to understand each other.

For this reason it’s becoming more important to know different languages especially English.

I hope that our dealing will be successful, let’s begin.

But first of all let’s pronounce the motto of our lesson - “Live in harmony with one other”

 1 ЭТАП:                                         

Фонетическая зарядка :


  1. Формирование у учащихся культуры аудирования текстов, художественных  произведений и    развитие общекультурных умений систематизировать и обобщать услышанную информацию.

2.     Совершенствование  навыков произношения звуков английского алфавита.



The first task for each team is: to introduce the creation of one of the greatest writers of their country and them to recite the poem. Who will be the first?

  1. We will be the first. When we begin to speak about Scotland we must remember the name of Robert  Burns  by all means. He was  one of the famous and  the best poets of great Britain and the national poet of Scotland.
  2. Robert Burns was born in 1759 on the 25 – th of January in  Scotland. His birthday is usually celebrated in all English- speaking countries. On that day his memory is glorified, his poem  are recitified, his songs are sung. People   honour   the memory of Robert Burns because he wrote for the people. Because he was kind and   generous by  nature.
  3. Robert Burns was a poet of  brotherhoods who declared than every  man must be treated as a man, and have the freedom of a man. He wanted people all the world to live in peace and friendship.
  4. Robert Burns was fond of his native land he admired its beauty. And to the picturesque landscapes of Highlands he dedicated his poem “My heart’s in the highlands” - звучит стихотворение “My heart’s” by R. Burns.

Now it the tern of “Birch tree” team for introduces their famous writer.

  1. Russia is a country of ancient and unique culture. It dates to the pagan times. Now it is proud of  being the Motherland  for many outstanding people. This land is closely connected with the creation of such famous poet as A. S. Pushkin.
  2.  He was born in 1799 in Moscow into a family belonging to the “cream” of Moscow society. Pushkin received his early education at home and at the age of eight he composed his first poem.  A. S. created literary Russian and wrote a lot of poems.
  3. On June 6, 2009 Russia is going to celebrate the 210–th Anniversary of its greatest poet A. Pushkin. This date is not a national holiday, but is celebrated world-wide as Pushkin greatly influenced the development of culture and literature in other countries. We pay Pushkin a remarkable tribute, identifying him as a towering genius of verse and prose but a deep insight his masterpieces shows that we   also deal with a profound historian style researched and with a profound man of language.
  4. I want to recite one of his most famous poem dedicated to A.P. Kern “I recollect  the charming feeling” (звучит стихотворение)

Thanks a lot. I see that you perfectly know your own literature.


Речевая зарядка.


Now I want to suggest you to exchange different questions and to show us what you’ve already learnt about  Russia and Scotland.

1.What city in Scotland is now as “Athens of the North”?

 To my mind Edinburgh is known as “Athens of the North”.

2.Who once is said that “Russia is a (mystery) riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma”?

If I’m not mistaken Winston Churchill once said “Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an  enigma”.

3.Who is a patron said of Scotland?

The patron said of Scotland is “the ever living never dying symbol of Scotland”?

4.Who is “the ever living never dying symbol of Scotland”?

Whenever we speak about Scotland the name of Scotland’s bard Robert Burns is there, as the ever living never-dying symbol country.

5. What dynasties played an important role in the history of Russia?

As far as I know great dynasties played an important role in the history of Russia.

6. W. Shakespeare called the place the place where Scotland is situated a “precious stone set in the silver sea” . What place  is it?

To my mind W. Shakespeare called the British Isles a “precious stone set in the silver sea”. Scotland is situated on the British files.

7. It’s a well known fact that for a long time Russian was under the Tartar yoke. When did it begin? And how long did it last?

 The Tartar yoke began in 1237 and it lasted until the 16-th century.

8.What is the national symbol of Scotland?

The national symbol of Scotland is a thistle.

  1. What are the national symbols of Russia?

As far I know the national symbols of Russia are: the Russian national flag, which three stripes- white, blue and red, the state anthem which is “The Anthem of Russia” by Mikhalkov, the state coat of arms represents the two – headed eagle and of course a birch three.

Good of you. We go on our meeting.

3  ЭТАП:

Работа с языковым материалом по темам “Scotland” and “Russian”


Would you like to represent us amusing stories about your countries?

Let’s begin from Russian team.

Монологическая речь

(каждая команда рассказывает об истории своей страны)

-Well. Thank you.

To my mind it’s high time to do the following. Here are two unusual texts. They are texts in pictures. You must think over and then try to read them correctly. According to this task we’ll see how perfectly you know the sighs of interest which are well known not only in Russia and Scotland but all over the world.

Обучение чтению

(команды читают зашифрованные тексты)

I’m satisfied with your result. Let’s go on. Some people think that to know a country means to know everything about it.  I want to suggest you to guess riddles. Here is the flower which is full of riddles

It’s necessary for  you to cut the petals of the flower, to read the riddle and to give an opportunity for your friends to guess (the riddles)

What will be the answer?

Развитие познавательной активности учащихся

The 1-st riddle – This monument is situated in Edinburgh and this statue in the Old Town is a symbol of devotion

(It’s a monument to a dog called Bobby).

The 2-nd riddle -This  Russian city was founded in 1703 by Peter the Great as the

“Window on the West”

What city is it? (  It’s St. Peterburg )

The 3-rd riddle – This Scottish city is rather cold but attractive, very proud but friendly and has a great past.

(It’s Edinburgh)

The 4- th riddle – This is the skill of Russian craftsmen. It was cast in 1733-1735 and weighed more than 200 tons. But during the fire of 1737 a piece of 11,5 tons was cut off. What is it?

(It’s the Tsar Bell)

The 5- th riddle – This big palace is the second official residence of  Queen Elizabeth 2 in Scotland. Do you know what it is?

(It’s Hollywood Palace)

The 6- th riddle – This monuments was built in 1551-1561 after the victory own the Kazan Kingdom. Its architects are Burma and Posing.

(It’s Saint Basil’s Cathedral).

The 7-th riddle –This Edinburgh (nights) show takes place five or six nights a week in August and September. Can you guess what it is?

(It’s Edinburgh military tattoo)

The 8-th riddle – It’s one of the world’s leading museums,  it was founded in 1856 as a private collection but in 1892 was granted to the state. What museum is it?

(It’s  Tretyakov  Gallery)

The 9- th riddle – This Scottish city is the heart of industry. It is the centre of business and trade. It is very buzy, dirty in some parts and smart in others, it is beautiful and ugly, with its large port and buzy streets (It’s Glasgow).

The 10- th riddle – This Russian tsar wrote the decree abolishing serfdom in 1861

(Alexander 2). In 1613 this man was elected Tsar of all Russia  and the Romanov’s dynasty began. What was his name? (Mikhail Romanov)


Заключительный этап.

   Dear boys and girls! I want to say “Thank you” for your work at the lesson. I think so that  our literary meeting was successful. You show the good knowledge of the English language. The aim of this lesson was to give you an opportunity to express your thoughts and to demonstrate your abilities. You showed us that it doesn’t matter a bit what language you  speak  or where you live. It’s rather important to be a man of culture, to aim to deal with people,   to be kind and friendly and I hope that you’ll try to follow the motto of our lesson   “Live in harmony with one other” during of all our life.

And at the end of our meeting let’s sing a beautiful song “Moscow subway nights”.

(поют  песню «Подмосковные вечера»)

-Dear friends!

I hope that you are satisfied with your results. Please, remember learning is a precious gift to be treasured always. You all must appreciate and embrace knowledge as the key to achievement of your dreams.

Good luck! The lesson is over. Good-bye!

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