Разработка урока в 7 классе по теме Past Perfect
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)

Черепанова Галина Игоревна

Задачи урока:

1.      Дать учащимся возможность вывести правила использования грамматической структуры “Past Perfect” и дать наглядную информацию на слайдах;

2.      Совершенствовать умения учащихся определять необходимость использования новой структуры.

3.      Применить и усовершенствовать на практике умение составлять предложения, используя конструкцию “Past Perfect” при выполнении упражнений.

4.       Практиковать навыкам составления предложений используя “Past Perfect” в устной речи.


Файл past_perfect.pptx2.14 МБ
Файл zadaniya_na_pechat.docx16.03 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

? Had + Подлежащее +V3 Выполнено Черепановой Галиной Игоревной ГБОУ Гимназия 586 Василеостровского района Выражает действие, завершившееся до определенного момента в прошлом . Этот момент определяется либо обстоятельством времени с предлогом by ( к) , либо другим действием в прошлом, которое произошло позже и выражается глаголом в Past Simple Вчера к 7 часам я перевел текст. I had had breakfast before he came. Я позавтракал до того, как он пришел. Yesterday by 7 o'clock I had translated the text. - Подлежащее + Hadn’t+V3 + Подлежащее + Had+V3

Слайд 2

V ed / V 2 I woke up at 7 o’clock and then my wife cooked breakfast for me. By the time I woke up, my wife had already cooked breakfast. had + V 3 Последовательные действия в прошлом Одно действие произошло раньше другого в прошлом . Со словами: when, by the time, before, after и т.д. Breakfast is ready!

Слайд 3

Find the sentences in Past Perfect and write them down. 1) It was my first flight. I had never flown before.­­­ 2) We’d like to have a party tonight. 3) We arrived at our country house in the evening and found out that somebody had broken into it. 4) When parents came home they saw that their children hadn’t cleaned the flat. 5) Tom had just got home when I phoned him.

Слайд 4

Let’s play tic - tac-toe !

Слайд 5

Past Perfect To get more practice click here : https://wordwall.net/resource/38427325

Слайд 6

When I left the house I ______________(realize) that I_________(forget) to take my keys with me. After I _________(finish) digging the garden, I _____________(decide) to go for a walk I ________(lend) Alisha some money only after she_________(promise) to give it back the next day. Kate _______(study) for her Maths test before she _______(go) out with her friends. I ____________(buy) Backie some flowers yesterday. because she________(sing) really well in the concert the night before. The policeman_____(read) the suspect his rights after he _________(arrest) him.

Слайд 7

- Was Tom there when you arrived? – No, he ____________ (already / go) home. - Was Tom there when you arrived? – Yes, but he ______ (go) home soon afterwards. When I __________ (arrive) at work, the meeting _________________ (already / start) . I ___________ (arrive) at work at 7 o’clock, then the meeting ___________ (start). By the time the plane ___________ (take off) I ____________ (fall) asleep. The plane ___________ (take off), then I _______ (fall) asleep. After the clock __________ (strike) 12, Santa Clause __________ (appear) and _________ (give) us presents. Put the verbs in the Past Perfect or the Past Simple: had already gone went arrived had already started arrived started took off had fallen took off fell had struck appeared gave

Слайд 8

L ook at the picture and say what had happed before Mary came back from school (v acuum the carpet, cook, do shopping, wash the car, feed little chicks, ride a bike, buy a computer, water the flowers)

Слайд 9

Past PERFECT Speaking practice + -

Слайд 10

I When my mum came home

Слайд 11

My aunt Julie By the evening

Слайд 12

My dad By 5 o’clock yesterday

Слайд 13

My uncle Tom When we came to visit him

Слайд 14

I When mum called me

Слайд 15

My sister By her birthday party

Слайд 16

I By 7 o’clock yesterday

Слайд 17

My grandparents By the time when their favourite program started

Слайд 18

My friends Last year before all registrations were cancelled

Слайд 19

Try yourselves!

Предварительный просмотр:

  When I left the house I ______________(realize)

that I_________(forget) to take my keys with me.

After I _________(finish) digging the garden,

I _____________(decide) to go for a walk

I ________(lend) Alisha some money only after

she_________(promise) to give it back the next day.

Kate _______(study) for her Maths test before

she _______(go) out with her friends.

I ____________(buy) Backie some flowers yesterday.

because she________(sing) really well in the concert the night before.

The policeman_____(read) the suspect his rights

after he _________(arrest) him.

When I left the house I ______________(realize)

that I_________(forget) to take my keys with me.

After I _________(finish) digging the garden,

I _____________(decide) to go for a walk

I ________(lend) Alisha some money only after

she_________(promise) to give it back the next day.

Kate _______(study) for her Maths test before

she _______(go) out with her friends.

I ____________(buy) Backie some flowers yesterday.

because she________(sing) really well in the concert the night before.

The policeman_____(read) the suspect his rights

after he _________(arrest) him.

  1. He went to meet his friends after he ... (do) his homework.

  1. He went to meet his friends after he ... (do) his homework.

  1. By 8 o’clock the rain ... (stop).

  1. Alice was late because she ... (miss) the bus.

  1. She went to the post-office after she ... (write) the letter.

  1. He ... (work) at the factory before he entered the college.

  1. He got a bad mark for his test because he ... (make) a lot of mistakes in it.

  1. I went to bed after I ... (finish) reading the book.

  1. The child ... (fall) asleep before the parents came home.

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