Методическая разработка урока английского языка по теме: «All our yesterdays! Fun at school» в 4 классе
методическая разработка

Казорина Ольга Анатольевна

Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку с презентацией по теме "All our yesterdays! Fun at school"  в 4 классе по УМК Spotlight


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Предварительный просмотр:

Методическая разработка урока

 английского языка по теме: «All our yesterdays! Fun at school»

в 4-Б классе 31.01.2019 г.

Цели урока:

Обучающий аспект:

  • научить читать, писать и говорить даты;
  • познакомить с различными видами открыток:
  • закрепить знание прилагательных, выражающими чувства и состояния;
  • закрепить навык употребления в речи глагола to be в Past Simple;
  • развивать умения аудирования, чтения, письма и говорения;
  • развивать навык употребления языкового материала в рамках данной темы в письменном тексте с использованием образца.

Развивающий аспект:

  • расширить словарный запас в рамках изучаемой темы;
  • развивать память через  повторение активной лексики урока и рифмовки;
  • развивать мыслительные операции: умение сопоставлять, анализировать;
  • развивать мотивацию изучения английского языка.

Воспитательный аспект:

  • воспитывать культуру совместной деятельности;
  • воспитывать  уважительное отношение к чувствам других людей.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Этапы урока:

  • подготовительный
  • актуализация полученных ранее знаний/ проверка домашнего задания
  • введение и закрепление нового лексико-грамматического материала
  • первичная проверка понимания и усвоения
  • применение полученных умений и навыков в новой ситуации
  • итог на рефлексивной основе
  • домашнее задание

Методы обучения: репродуктивный, продуктивный

Формы обучения: фронтальная, индивидуальная, групповая, парная.

Оборудование: проектор, экран, презентация, учебники, сборники упражнений.

Ход урока

  1. Подготовительный этап

T: Good morning, my dear! I’m very glad to see you again. How are you today? Is anybody absent? – Учащиеся отвечают: Good morning! We are glad to see you too! Nobody is absent today.

T: Before we start the lesson, I want you to warm up. And the task is very easy: you should repeat the actions and the words after me. Are you ready? Let`s start!

  • It`s time to think.
  • It`s time to speak.
  • It`s time to show.
  • Ready - steady - go!

T: And now we will try it a little bit faster.

T: And now let`s do it as fast as we can.

T: Are you ready for the English lesson? Yes, perfect! Take your seats!

T: How are you?

2. Актуализация ранее полученных знаний /Проверка домашнего задания

T: What`s your mood? Raise your hand, who is tired (bored, scared, angry, sad, hungry, thirsty)? Are you happy today? I am very glad you are happy today. And I am happy today, too.

T: You know, I was very happy yesterday. Can you guess where I was?

Учащиеся по очереди задают вопросы:

Ученик 1: Were you at the cinema?

Учитель: No, I wasn’t.

Ученик 2: Were you at the shop?

Учитель: No, I wasn’t.

Ученик 3: Were you in the park?

Учитель: Yes, I was.

T: I was in the park yesterday. And that was 30th  January. So I was in the park on the thirtieth of January. When was I in the park? Where was I on 30th January? Where were you yesterday, on 30th January?

T: Now I’d like you to look at a screen and guess the theme of our lesson. What can we see? (учащиеся определяют тему) Yes, you are absolutely right, we’ll talk about dates and places today. Today we will lern how to say and write about when and where people were.

3. Этап введения и закрепления нового лексического материала по теме «Даты».

  1. T: Let`s learn how to say a date! Look at the screen. Yesterday was 30th January (Yesterday was January30). Am I right? Pay attention to how I say it: the 30th of January.
  2. T: Now, have a look at the screen. Have you got any ideas about what could it be?

Of course? It`s a calendar. But it`s without days of the week. How many days are there in a week?

What are they? Let`s sing a song to remember them.

And how many days are there in January?

What date is it today? (Ученик - Today is Thursday, the 31st of January.)

So today is 31st January. (пишу на доске 31st January).

What date was on this day? (показываю на 1 января) (Ученик - It was Tuesday, the first of January.)

What date was yesterday? (пишет ученик 1 на доске 30th January).

What date was two days ago? (пишет ученик 2 на доске 29th January).

What date was three days ago? (пишет ученик 3 на доске 28th January).

What date was last Sunday? (пишет ученик 4 на доске 27th January).

What date was a week ago? (пишет ученик 5 на доске 24th January).

What date was two weeks ago? (пишет ученик 6 на доске 17th January).

Do you remember where you were on these days?

Where were you on 30th (29th, 28th, 27th, 24th, 17th) January?

  1. T: Open your books at page 80, please. Exercise 1. Look at the calendar. Imagine today is 21st March. Find 7th of March. It was two weeks ago. So we can say: “I was in France on the seventh of March.” Or “I was in France two weeks ago.”

So your task is to look at the calendar, then rewrite the sentences in your notebooks. Use: two weeks ago, last Sunday, yesterday, a week ago, last Tuesday, three days ago.

T: Let`s check your answers.

I was in France two days ago.

Mary was at school yesterday.

Mum and Dad were at the cinema three days ago.

David was at the shops a week ago.

I was at the zoo last Tuesday.

Brian and May were in London last Sunday.

  1. T: Let`s have a break. Would you like to tell our guests a tale “Goldilocks and the three bears”? (дети выходят к доске и хором, сопровождая движениями, рассказывают сказку “Goldilocks and the three bears”в форме jazz chant)

4. Этап первичной проверки понимания и усвоения лексико-грамматического материала.

  1. T: Look at the screen. What date is it? (13th January) Where were you on this day? (at home, at my friends` place, at my Granny`s…).

T: And now ask me where I was on this day? (Where were you on the thirteenth of January?) Guess, why 13th January is so important for me? (It`s your birthday.) You are right! My birthday is on 13th January.

  1. T: When is your birthday? (My birthday is on the … of… .)

Please work in pairs. Ask each other about your birthdays. (опора)

  1. Этап применения полученных умений и навыков в новой ситуации.
  1. T: Let`s write a little. Open your collection of exercises at page 73. Exercise 5. We can see seven children. Of course, all of them have birthdays. Your task is to write when these children have their birthdays.

T: Let`s check your answers.

Polina`s birthday is on the first of July.

Vova`s birthday is on the twenty-eighth of December.

Marina`s birthday is on the twelfth of September.

Roma`s birthday is on the twenty-second of April.

Arina`s birthday is on the third of October.

Slava`s birthday is on the thirtieth of August.

  1. T: When is your mum`s (dad`s, grandma`s, grandpa`s, sister`s, brother`s, uncle`s, aunt`s) birthday? Ask each other in pairs.
  2. T: How can we congratulate our relatives and friends on their birthdays? (hug them, tell them a lot of nice words, wish them happiness, give them gifts) And what about a greeting card? Do you write a greeting card to wish your mum a happy birthday?

T: When do people write a greeting card? Look at the screen. You can see some ideas to answer.

  1. T: What is the occasion? Match the wishes to the cards.





  1. Итог на рефлексивной основе

T: So, my dear, you’ve worked hard. I’m very happy you were so great. And now try to complete the sentences:

Now I can…

Now I know how to…

T: Now it` s time to feedback. Use these stickers and stick them if you know how to say and write about when and where people were very good, you know it OK, and you know it not very good. Please come out to me and stick these stickers.

T: Look at the screen! So most of you … . That`s great. I`m very glad. Did you like the lesson? What`s your mood?

7. Домашнее задание

T: At home you’ll have to write your relatives` birthdays and to fill in the sentences with the time expressions such as yesterday, last, ago. And if you want to get an extra mark, you should to design a card for special occasion for a friend or relative. So I’d like you to write down your home task: Ex. 6 p. 74, Ex. 9 p. 75 (C/E); Ex. 4 p. 81 (S/B) *.

Thank you for your hard work. Good bye.

The Three Bears

Once upon a time in a nursery rhyme there were three bears

One was a Mama Bear and one was a Papa Bear, and one was a Wee Bear

They all went a-walkin' in the woods they were talkin'

When along came a little girl with long golden curly hair and

Her name was Goldilocks and up upon the door she knocked

But no-one was there,

She didn't care, no-one was there,

So she walked right in and had herself a ball.

Home came those three bears!

"Someone's been eating my porridge", said the Papa Bear, said the Papa Bear.

"Someone's been eating my porridge", said the Mama Bear, said the Mama Bear.

"Bee bop a ree bear", said the little wee bear!

"Someone's been sitting in my chair", said the Papa Bear, said the Papa Bear.

"Someone's been sitting in my chair", said the Mama Bear, said the Mama Bear.

"Bee bop a ree bear", said the little wee bear!

"Someone's been sleeping in my bed", said the Papa Bear, said the Papa Bear.

"Someone's been sleeping in my bed", said the Mama Bear, said the Mama Bear.

"Someone's been sleeping in my bed, and she's still there!"

Just then Goldilocks, woke up and broke up the party and beat it out of there

"Bye, bye, bye", said the Papa Bear, said the Papa Bear

"Bye, bye, bye", said the Mama Bear, said the Mama Bear

"Bee bop a ree bear", said the little wee bear!

So ends the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.... Yeah!

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

What’s your mood? tired bored hungry thirsty scared angry sad

Слайд 3

What’s your mood? tired bored hungry thirsty scared angry sad

Слайд 4

Why am I so happy? Where was I yesterday? I was in the park yesterday.

Слайд 5

30 th January I was in the park yesterday . I was in the park on the 30 th of January .

Слайд 6

I was in the park on the 30 th of January . Where was I on the 30 th of January? When was I in the park? Where were you yesterday?

Слайд 7

We will learn how to say and write about when and where people were All our yesterdays!

Слайд 8

Thursday, the thirty-first of January Classwork All our yesterdays!

Слайд 9

30 th January the 30 th of January January 30

Слайд 10


Слайд 11

January Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Слайд 12

January Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 31

Слайд 13

January Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1

Слайд 14

January Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 30 31

Слайд 15

January Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 29 30 31

Слайд 16

January Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 28 29 30 31

Слайд 17

January Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 27 28 29 30 31

Слайд 18

January Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 24 27 28 29 30 31

Слайд 19

January Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 17 24 27 28 29 30 31

Слайд 20

January Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 17 24 27 28 29 30 31 30 th January – yesterday 29 th January – last Tuesday = two days ago 28 th January – last Monday = three days ago 27 th January – last Sunday = four days ago 24 th January – a week ago 17 th January – two weeks ago

Слайд 21

Look at the calendar, then rewrite the sentences in your notebook. Use: two weeks ago, last Sunday, yesterday, a week ago, last Tuesday, three days ago I was in France on the seventh of March. Mary was at school on the twentieth of March. Mum and Dad were at the cinema on the eighteenth of March. David was at the shops on the fourteenth of March. I was at the zoo on the seventeenth of March. Brian and May were in London on the fifteenth of March.

Слайд 22

Check your answers: Use: two weeks ago, last Sunday, yesterday, a week ago, last Tuesday, three days ago I was in France two days ago. Mary was at school yesterday. Mum and Dad were at the cinema three days ago. David was at the shops a week ago. I was at the zoo last Tuesday . Brian and May were in London last Sunday .

Слайд 23

January Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 13 31 My birthday is on the thirteenth of January.

Слайд 24

When is your birthday? My birthday is on the … of … .

Слайд 25

Ex. 5 p. 73 (C/E) Write when these children have birthdays. Alina`s birthday / May 5 Alina`s birthday is on the fifth of May. 2. Polina`s birthday / July 1 Vova`s birthday / December 28 Marina`s birthday / September 12 Roma`s birthday / April 22 Arina`s birthday / October 3 Slava`s birthday / August 30

Слайд 26

Ex. 5 p. 73 (C/E) Check your answers: 2. Polina`s birthday is on the first of July. Vova`s birthday is on the twenty-eighth of December. Marina`s birthday is on the twelfth of September. Roma`s birthday is on the twenty-second of April. Arina`s birthday is on the third of October. Slava`s birthday is on the thirtieth of August.

Слайд 27

When is your family's birthday? Mum`s birthday is on the … of … Dad`s birthday is on the … of … Grandma`s birthday is on the … of … Grandpa`s birthday is on the … of … Sister`s (Brother`s)birthday is on the … of … Uncle`s birthday is on the … of … Aunt`s birthday is on the … of …

Слайд 28

What’s the occasion?

Слайд 29

What’s the occasion? 1C 2D 3A 4B

Слайд 30

NOW I CAN Use ordinal numbers Express feelings NOW I KNOW how to Say and write about when and where people were

Слайд 31

Feedback Now I know how to say and write about when and where people were Very good OK Not very good

Слайд 32

Homework Ex. 6 p. 74, Ex. 9 p. 75 (C/E) Ex. 4 p. 81 (S/B) *

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