статья по английскому языку

Внеклассное мероприятие  по Английскому языку. Интеллект-шоу


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Предварительный просмотр:

    Министерство образования и науки Республики Бурятия

Усть-Баргузинский филиал

Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

«Байкальский колледж туризма и сервиса»

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку


Подготовила Лебедева Марина Кимовна,

 преподаватель  английского языка


способствовать поддержанию интереса к изучению иностранного языка;

расширять общий кругозор и эрудицию учащихся.

Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран.

Место в учебном процессе: данное мероприятие уместно провести во время недели английского языка. Оно построено по принципу телевизионной версии игры «Кто хочет стать миллионером».

Правила игры: ученику, справившемуся правильно и быстрее всех с вопросами отборочного тура, предстоит ответить на 15 вопросов, выбирая ответ из 4-х предложенных вариантов. Вопросы подобраны с учетом возрастания уровня сложности. Отвечая на них, игрок может использовать три подсказки:

50/50: компьютер убирает два неправильных варианта;

«Звонок другу»: за 30 секунд игрок должен узнать мнение друга по телефону;

«Помощь магистров»: игрок обращается за помощью к заранее приглашенным «магистрам». Ими могут быть учителя, родители или особо эрудированные старшеклассники, не принимающие участия в игре.

5.000 и 100.000 являются несгораемыми суммами. На любом этапе игры можно отказаться от продолжения, и зачислить на счет заработанные очки. В зависимости от суммы выигрыша победители получают призы.

Ход мероприятия

I. Вопрос первого отборочного тура:

Put all these English-speaking countries from the smallest to the largest one:


Great Britain


the USA

(The right answer:

Great Britain



Canada) (Приложение 4)

500: What do the Englishmen say to be taken a photo?

А: hello

B: good morning

C: ham

D: cheese

1000: What farmer had a lot of animals on his farm in the old American song?

А: old McCartney

B: old McDonald

C: old McDonald’s

D: old McKinley

2000: How many stars are there on the American flag?

А: 50

B: 51

C: 48

D: 49

3000: What was the surname of Sherlock Holmes’ housemaid?

А: Watson

B: Woodson

C: Hudson

D: Hoodson

5000: Whose portrait is given on the 100 $ banknote?

А: George Washington’s

B: Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s

C: Benjamin Franklin's

D: John Kennedy's

10.000: Which of these cities is not in America?

А: Glasgow

B: Boston

C: Los Angeles

D: Seattle

15.000: The Beatles came from …

А: Birmingham

B: London

C: Cambridge

D: Liverpool

25.000: What’s the English for “В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше ”?

А: “Home, sweet home”

B: “East or West, home is best”

C: “My home is my castle”

D: “Better late than never”

50.000: The first underground in the world appeared in …

А: New York

B: Moscow

C: London

D: Paris

100.000: The picture of what animal can you see on the English coat of arms?

А: a lion

B: a bear

C: a horse

D: an eagle

200.000: Arnold Schwarzenegger is the governor of the state

А: Colorado

B: California

C: Texas

D: Kentucky

300.000: Which of these books isn’t written by Ernest Hemingway?

А: “The Old Man and the Sea”

B: “The Sun Also Rises”

C: “A Farewell to Arms”

D: “Robinson Crusoe”

500.000: In the USA “down town” means…

А: away from the centre

B: in the suburbs

C: in the centre

D: a small town

700.000: … were the allies (союзники) of the USSR during the World War II

А: Italy and France

B: The USA and Great Britain

C: Japan and Chinа

D: Australia and New Zealand

How is the famous American film “Some like it hot” called in Russian?

А: «В джазе только девушки»

B: «Горячие головы»

C: «Кабаре»

D: «Веселые ребята»

(Приложение 1)

II. Вопрос второго отборочного тура:

Name the famous actors who played in these films: “Titanic”, “Gone with the wind”, “Terminator”, “The bodyguard”.

Kevin Costner

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Leonardo di Caprio

Clark Gable

(The right answer:

“Titanic” - Leonardo DiCaprio

“Gone with the wind” - Clark Gable

“Terminator”- Arnold Schwarzenegger

Kevin Costner - “The bodyguard) (Приложение 4)

500: When it is someone’s birthday, it is usual to say:

А: Congratulations!

B: Good luck!

C: I’m sorry!

D: Happy birthday!

1000: Smog is

А: a man’s blazer

B: thick fog

C: a man’s hat

D: heavy rain

2000: Who is the head of Great Britain?

А: the Queen

B: the Prime - Minister

C: the President

D: the Chancellor

3000: What’s the English for «быть или не быть»?

А: be or not be

B: Would you be mine?

C: to be or not to be

D: bit’ ili ne bit’

5000: Union Jack is

А: an American state

B: the name of a young boy

C: the national flag of GB

D: Jack London’s nickname

10.000: If yesterday two weeks ago was Saturday, what day will be tomorrow?

А: Monday

B: Saturday

C: Sunday

D: Tuesday

15.000: What kind of state is the UK?

А: republic

B: monarchy

C: parliamentary republic

D: parliamentary monarchy

25.000: What title does Prince Charles, the eldest son of the British Queen, have?

А: Prince of England

B: Prince of Wales

C: Prince of Northern Ireland

D: Prince of Scotland

50.000: What is another name for the Houses of Parliament?

А: Clearness Palace

B: Buckingham Palace

C: Palace of Westminster

D: St. James’ Palace

100.000: Who was the first woman – the Prime Minister of Great Britain?

А: Margaret Thatcher

B: Eliza Brown

C: Condoleezza Rice

D: Eva Brown

200.000: Who is called by the British people "Our national bard", "The bard of Avon"?

А: Lord Byron

B: William Shakespeare

C: Robert Burns

D: Oscar Wild

300.000: What does Lord Chancellor sit on?

А: the sofa

B: the armchair

C: the throne

D: the woolsack

500.000: What are the main political parties of the UK?

А: Democratic and Republican

B: Conservative and Liberal

C: Conservative and  Labour

D: Republican and Liberal

700.000: How were the American spaceships, intended for the flight to the Moon, called?

А: “Pioneer”

B: “Apollo”

C: “Moon”

D: “Challenger”

1.000.000: In what city is the headquarters of the United Nations situated?

А: New York

B: Beijing

C: San-Francisco

D: Brussels

(Приложение 2)

III. Вопрос третьего отборочного тура:

Put these presidents in order according to their periods of ruling beginning with the earliest one:

Bill Clinton

Ronald Reagan

George Washington

Abraham Lincoln

(The right answer:

George Washington

Abraham Lincoln

Ronald Reagan

Bill Clinton ) (Приложение 4)

500: According to the English proverb when you don’t know what to speak about, speak about …

А: politics

B: music

C: love

D: weather

1000: What’s the name of Barbie's boyfriend?

А: Dean

B: Ken

C: Ben

D: Dan

2000: How is “Green Peace” translated into Russian?

А: “Зеленый мир”

B: “Зеленый шар”

C: “Зеленый дом”

D: “Зеленый лес”

3000: Which banknote doesn’t exist in the USA?

А: 1000$

B: 5$

C: 2$

D: 3$

5000: What exhibits can we see in the famous Madame Tussaud’s museum?

А: fossil animals

B: exotic plants

C: wax figures

D: pictures

10.000: What is the world’s largest island and the smallest continent?

А: Australia

B: Great Britain

C: Greenland

D: Madagascar

15.000: What are the official languages in Canada?

А: English and German

B: French and Spanish

C: English and Spanish

D: English and French

25.000: An apple a day…

А: the mice will play

B: keeps the doctor away

C: there is a way

D: will help me. Hooray!

50.000: What is the highest mark in British schools?

А: B

B: G

C: A

D: F

100.000: What invention made Alfred Nobel famous all over the world?

А: Dynamite

B: Washing machine

C: Automobile

D: Penicillin

200.000: During the period of colonization British Government sent to Australia people who were:

А: usual people

B: prisoners

C: writers and poets

D: farmers

300.000: Norma Jean Baker is a real name of …

А: Diana Spencer

B: Britney Spears

C: Madonna

D: Marillyn Monroe

500.000: Which planet is the nearest to the Sun?

А: The Earth

B: Mars

C: Mercury

D: Venus

1.000.000: A mile is about…

А: 1.609 metres

B: 1.000 metres

C: 2000 metres

D: 1.350 metres


жирным шрифтом выделены правильные ответы;

переход к следующему слайду, возвращение к слайду с основным вопросом осуществляется путем «клика» на значке ;

все приложения целесообразно сопровождать звуковыми эффектами (переходы по ссылкам «50/50», «Звонок другу», «Помощь магистров», правильный и неправильный ответы и др.)

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

А: politics B: music D: weather C: love 50/50 According to the English proverb when you don’t know what to speak about, speak about … 500

Слайд 2

А: politics B: music D: weather C: love 50/50 According to the English proverb when you don’t know what to speak about, speak about … 500

Слайд 3

А: politics B: music D: weather C: love 50/50 According to the English proverb when you don’t know what to speak about, speak about … 500

Слайд 4

А: politics B: music D: weather C: love 50/50 According to the English proverb when you don’t know what to speak about, speak about … 500

Слайд 5

А: politics B: music D: weather C: love 50/50 According to the English proverb when you don’t know what to speak about, speak about … 500

Слайд 6

А: Dean B: Ken D: Dan C: Ben What’s the name of Barbie's boyfriend? 1000 50/50

Слайд 7

А: Dean B: Ken D: Dan C: Ben 50/50 What’s the name of Barbie's boyfriend? 1000

Слайд 8

А: Dean B: Ken D: Dan C: Ben 50/50 What’s the name of Barbie's boyfriend? 1000

Слайд 9

А: Dean B: Ken D: Dan C : Ben 50/50 What’s the name of Barbie's boyfriend? 1000

Слайд 10

А: Dean B : Ken D: Dan C: Ben 50/50 What’s the name of Barbie's boyfriend? 1000

Слайд 11

А: “ Зеленый мир ” B: “ Зеленый шар ” D: “ Зеленый лес ” C: “ Зеленый дом ” How is “Green Peace” translated into Russian? 2000 50/50

Слайд 12

А: “ Зеленый мир ” B: “ Зеленый шар ” D: “ Зеленый лес ” C: “ Зеленый дом ” 50/50 How is “Green Peace” translated into Russian? 2000

Слайд 13

А: “ Зеленый мир ” B: “ Зеленый шар ” D: “ Зеленый лес ” C: “ Зеленый дом ” 50/50 How is “Green Peace” translated into Russian? 2000

Слайд 14

А: “ Зеленый мир ” B: “ Зеленый шар ” D: “ Зеленый лес ” C: “ Зеленый дом ” 50/50 How is “Green Peace” translated into Russian? 2000

Слайд 15

А: “ Зеленый мир ” B: “ Зеленый шар ” D: “ Зеленый лес ” C: “ Зеленый дом ” 50/50 How is “Green Peace” translated into Russian? 2000

Слайд 16

А: 1000 $ B: 5$ D: 3$ C: 2$ 50/50 Which banknote doesn’t exist in the USA? 3000

Слайд 17

А: 1000$ B: 5$ D: 3$ C: 2$ 50/50 Which banknote doesn’t exist in the USA? 3000

Слайд 18

А: 1000$ B: 5$ D: 3$ C: 2$ 50/50 Which banknote doesn’t exist in the USA? 3000

Слайд 19

А: 1000$ B: 5$ D: 3$ C: 2$ 50/50 Which banknote doesn’t exist in the USA? 3000

Слайд 20

А: 1000$ B: 5$ D: 3$ C: 2$ 50/50 Which banknote doesn’t exist in the USA? 3000

Слайд 21

А: fossil animals B: exotic plants D: pictures C: wax figures 50/50 What exhibits can we see in the famous Madame Tussaud’s museum? 5000

Слайд 22

А: fossil animals B: exotic plants D: pictures C: wax figures 50/50 What exhibits can we see in the famous Madame Tussaud’s museum? 5000

Слайд 23

А: fossil animals B: exotic plants D: pictures C: wax figures 50/50 What exhibits can we see in the famous Madame Tussaud’s museum? 5000

Слайд 24

А: fossil animals B: exotic plants D: pictures C: wax figures 50/50 What exhibits can we see in the famous Madame Tussaud’s museum? 5000

Слайд 25

А: fossil animals B: exotic plants D: pictures C: wax figures 50/50 What exhibits can we see in the famous Madame Tussaud’s museum? 5000

Слайд 26

А: Australia B: Great Britain D: Madagascar C : Greenland 50/50 What is the world’s largest island and the smallest continent? 10.000

Слайд 27

А: Australia B: Great Britain D: Madagascar C: Greenland 50/50 What is the world’s largest island and the smallest continent? 10.000

Слайд 28

А: Australia B: Great Britain D: Madagascar C: Greenland 50/50 What is the world’s largest island and the smallest continent? 10.000

Слайд 29

А: Australia B: Great Britain D: Madagascar C: Greenland 50/50 What is the world’s largest island and the smallest continent? 10.000

Слайд 30

А: Australia B: Great Britain D: Madagascar C: Greenland 50/50 What is the world’s largest island and the smallest continent? 10.000

Слайд 31

А: English and German B: French and Spanish D: English and French C: English and Spanish 50/50 What are the official languages in Canada? 15.000

Слайд 32

А: English and German B: French and Spanish D: English and French C: English and Spanish 50/50 What are the official languages in Canada? 15.000

Слайд 33

А : English and German B: French and Spanish D: English and French C: English and Spanish 50/50 What are the official languages in Canada? 15.000

Слайд 34

А: English and German B: French and Spanish D: English and French C: English and Spanish 50/50 What are the official languages in Canada? 15.000

Слайд 35

А: English and German B: French and Spanish D: English and French C: English and Spanish 50/50 What are the official languages in Canada? 15.000

Слайд 36

А: the mice will play B: keeps the doctor away D: will help me. Hooray! C: there is a way 50/50 An apple a day… 25.000

Слайд 37

А: the mice will play B: keeps the doctor away D: will help me. Hooray! C: there is a way 50/50 An apple a day… 25.000

Слайд 38

А: the mice will play B: keeps the doctor away D: will help me. Hooray! C: there is a way 50/50 An apple a day… 25.000

Слайд 39

А: the mice will play B: keeps the doctor away D: will help me. Hooray! C : there is a way 50/50 An apple a day… 25.000

Слайд 40

А: the mice will play B: keeps the doctor away D: will help me. Hooray! C: there is a way 50/50 An apple a day… 25.000

Слайд 41

А: B B: G D: F C: A 50/50 What is the highest mark in British schools? 50.000

Слайд 42

А: B B: G D: F C: A 50/50 What is the highest mark in British schools? 50.000

Слайд 43

А: B B: G D: F C: A 50/50 What is the highest mark in British schools? 50.000

Слайд 44

А: B B: G D: F C: A 50/50 What is the highest mark in British schools? 50.000

Слайд 45

А: B B: G D: F C: A 50/50 What is the highest mark in British schools? 50.000

Слайд 46

А: Dynamite B: Washing machine D: Penicillin C: Automobile 50/50 What invention made Alfred Nobel famous all over the world? 100.000

Слайд 47

А: Dynamite B: Washing machine D: Penicillin C: Automobile 50/50 What invention made Alfred Nobel famous all over the world? 100.000

Слайд 48

А: Dynamite B: Washing machine D: Penicillin C: Automobile 50/50 What invention made Alfred Nobel famous all over the world? 100.000

Слайд 49

А: Dynamite B: Washing machine D: Penicillin C: Automobile 50/50 What invention made Alfred Nobel famous all over the world? 100.000

Слайд 50

А: Dynamite B: Washing machine D: Penicillin C: Automobile 50/50 What invention made Alfred Nobel famous all over the world? 100.000

Слайд 51

А: usual people B: prisoners D: farmers C: writers and poets 50/50 During the period of colonization British Government sent to Australia people who were: 200.000

Слайд 52

А: usual people B: prisoners D: farmers C: writers and poets 50/50 During the period of colonization British Government sent to Australia people who were: 200.000

Слайд 53

А: usual people B: prisoners D: farmers C: writers and poets 50/50 During the period of colonization British Government sent to Australia people who were: 200.000

Слайд 54

А: usual people B: prisoners D: farmers C: writers and poets 50/50 During the period of colonization British Government sent to Australia people who were: 200.000

Слайд 55

А: usual people B: prisoners D: farmers C: writers and poets 50/50 During the period of colonization British Government sent to Australia people who were: 200.000

Слайд 56

А: Diana Spencer B: Britney Spears D: Marillyn Monroe C: Madonna 50/50 Norma Jean Baker is a real name of 300.000

Слайд 57

А: Diana Spencer B: Britney Spears D: Marillyn Monroe C: Madonna 50/50 Norma Jean Baker is a real name of 300.000

Слайд 58

А: Diana Spencer B: Britney Spears D: Marillyn Monroe C: Madonna 50/50 Norma Jean Baker is a real name of 300.000

Слайд 59

А: Diana Spencer B: Britney Spears D: Marillyn Monroe C: Madonna 50/50 Norma Jean Baker is a real name of 300.000

Слайд 60

А: Diana Spencer B: Britney Spears D: Marillyn Monroe C: Madonna 50/50 Norma Jean Baker is a real name of 300.000

Слайд 61

А: The Earth B: Mars D: Venus C: Mercury 50/50 Which planet is the nearest to the Sun? 500.000

Слайд 62

А: The Earth B: Mars D: Venus С: Mercury 50/50 Which planet is the nearest to the Sun? 500.000

Слайд 63

А: The Earth B: Mars D: Venus C: Mercury 50/50 Which planet is the nearest to the Sun? 500.000

Слайд 64

А: The Earth B: Mars D: Venus C: Mercury 50/50 Which planet is the nearest to the Sun? 500.000

Слайд 65

А: The Earth B: Mars D: Venus C: Mercury 50/50 Which planet is the nearest to the Sun? 500.000

Слайд 66

А: 1.609 metres B: 1.000 metres D: 1.350 metres C: 2000 metres 50/50 A mile is about… 1.000.000

Слайд 67

А: 1.609 metres B: 1.000 metres D: 1.350 metres C: 2000 metres 50/50 A mile is about… 1.000.000

Слайд 68

А: 1.609 metres B: 1.000 metres D: 1.350 metres C: 2000 metres 50/50 A mile is about… 1.000.000

Слайд 69

А: 1.609 metres B: 1.000 metres D: 1.350 metres C: 2000 metres 50/50 A mile is about… 1.000.000

Слайд 70

А: 1.609 metres B: 1.000 metres D: 1.350 metres C: 2000 metres 50/50 A mile is about… 1.000.000

Слайд 71

А: politics D: weather 50/50 According to the English proverb when you don’t know what to speak about, speak about … 500

Слайд 72

Звонок другу

Слайд 73

Помощь магистров

Слайд 74

Congratulations!!! You have won!!!

Слайд 75

B: Ken D: Dan What’s the name of Barbie's boyfriend? 1000 50/50

Слайд 76

А: “ Зеленый мир ” 50/50 How is “Green Peace” translated into Russian? 2000 C: “ Зеленый дом ”

Слайд 77

B: 5$ C: 2$ 50/50 Which banknote doesn’t exist in the USA? 3000

Слайд 78

А: fossil animals C: wax figures 50/50 What exhibits can we see in the famous Madame Tussaud’s museum? 5000

Слайд 79

А: Australia D: Madagascar 50/50 What is the world’s largest island and the smallest continent? 10.000

Слайд 80

D: English and French C: English and Spanish 50/50 What are the official languages in Canada? 15.000

Слайд 81

B: keeps the doctor away D: will help me. Hooray! 50/50 An apple a day… 25.000

Слайд 82

B: G C: A 50/50 What is the highest mark in British schools? 50.000

Слайд 83

А: Dynamite D: Penicillin 50/50 What invention made Alfred Nobel famous all over the world? 100.000

Слайд 84

А: usual people B: prisoners 50/50 During the period of colonization British Government sent to Australia people who were: 200.000

Слайд 85

D: Marillyn Monroe C: Madonna 50/50 Norma Jean Baker is a real name of 300.000

Слайд 86

D: Mercury C: Venus 50/50 Which planet is the nearest to the Sun? 500.000

Слайд 87

А: 1.609 metres D: 1.350 metres 50/50 A mile is about… 1.000.000

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