Методическая разработка уроков по МХК
методическая разработка (мировая художественная культура, 10 класс) на тему

Самойлова Лариса Александровна

Методическая разработка  10 уроков МХК на английском языке для 10 класса разработана на основе федерального компонента государственного образовательного стандарта начального общего, основного общего и среднего (полного) общего образования (в редакции приказа МО РФ от 03.06.2009г. № 164).

За основу данной была взята программа для общеобразовательных школ по предмету «Мировая художественная культура»: Мировая художественная культура для общеобразовательных школ, гимназий, лицеев. 10-11 класс. Дрофа, 2002 г. Составитель Г.И.Данилова.

Данная методическая разработка  рассчитана на 10 часов (1 час в неделю).

В результате освоения курса мировой и отечественной художественной культуры средствами английского языка формируются основы эстетических потребностей, развивается толерантное отношение к миру, актуализируется способность воспринимать свою национальную культуру как неотъемлемую составляющую культуры мировой и в результате более качественно оценивать её уникальность и неповторимость, развиваются навыки оценки и критического освоения классического наследия и современной культуры, что весьма необходимо для успешной адаптации в современном мире, выбора индивидуального направления культурного развития, организации личного досуга и самостоятельного художественного творчества.

Развивающий потенциал курса мировой художественной культуры напрямую связан с мировоззренческим характером самого предмета, на материале которого моделируются разные исторические и региональные системы мировосприятия, запечатлённые в ярких образах.

Принимая во внимание специфику предмета, его непосредственный выход на творческую составляющую человеческой деятельности, в программе упор сделан на деятельные формы обучения, в частности на развитие восприятия (функцию - активный зритель/слушатель) и интерпретаторских способностей (функцию - исполнитель) суворовцы на основе актуализации их личного эмоционального, эстетического и социокультурного опыта и усвоения ими элементарных приёмов анализа произведений искусства.


-  сформировать целостное представление о роли, месте, значении художественной культуры в контексте мирового художественного процесса.


-  раскрыть истоки и основные этапы художественной культуры, выявить закономерности ее эволюции в соотнесенности с традициями зарубежной художественной культуры;

познакомить с творцами художественных произведений, оставившими наиболее заметный след в истории русской художественной культуры;

-  показать духовно - нравственный смысл основных течений и направлений художественной культуры, их интерпретацию в творчестве русских мастеров;

-  сформировать у учащихся представления о художественной картине мира

Курс мировой художественной культуры систематизирует знания о культуре и искусстве, полученные в образовательных учреждениях, реализующих программы начального и основного общего образования на уроках изобразительного искусства, музыки, литературы и истории, формирует целостное представление о мировой художественной культуре, логике её развития в исторической перспективе, о её месте в жизни общества и каждого человека.

Изначальный интегративный межпредметный и характер курса МХК обеспечивает естественный выход на систему межпредметной и метапредмедной интеграции, которая систематизирует знания о культуре и искусстве, полученные на уроках музыки, изобразительного искусства, истории, литературы, формируя целостное представление о мировой художественной культуре, логике ее развития в исторической перспективе, о ее месте в жизни общества и каждого человека.  Сохраняя специфику языка искусства как в целом, так и по видам искусства, проводится параллель на уровне идейной, идеологической, мировоззренческой общности,

При преподавании дисциплины «Мировая художественная культура» используются методы:

-       метод культурно - исторического сравнительного анализа;

-       метод сравнительно - сопоставимый;

-       метод историко-типологических связей;

-       метод интеграции.

Форма работы: классно - урочная.


Файл 10_urokov_po_mkhk_na_angliyskom_yazyke.docx176.26 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Федеральное государственное казенное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Уссурийское суворовское военное училище

Министерства обороны Российской Федерации»


Руководитель отдельной дисциплины

(иностранный язык)

_______________ Е. А. Егорова

«12»  апреля 2013 г.

Методическая разработка

10 уроков по МХК (на английском языке)

для 10 класса

Рассмотрено на заседании ОД (РПС)

«12» апреля 2013 г. протокол № 16

Разработали Самойлова Лариса Александровна

2013 год

Пояснительная записка

Методическая разработка  10 уроков МХК на английском языке для 10 класса разработана на основе федерального компонента государственного образовательного стандарта начального общего, основного общего и среднего (полного) общего образования (в редакции приказа МО РФ от 03.06.2009г. № 164).

За основу данной была взята программа для общеобразовательных школ по предмету «Мировая художественная культура»: Мировая художественная культура для общеобразовательных школ, гимназий, лицеев. 10-11 класс. Дрофа, 2002 г. Составитель Г.И.Данилова.

Данная методическая разработка  рассчитана на 10 часов (1 час в неделю).

В результате освоения курса мировой и отечественной художественной культуры средствами английского языка формируются основы эстетических потребностей, развивается толерантное отношение к миру, актуализируется способность воспринимать свою национальную культуру как неотъемлемую составляющую культуры мировой и в результате более качественно оценивать её уникальность и неповторимость, развиваются навыки оценки и критического освоения классического наследия и современной культуры, что весьма необходимо для успешной адаптации в современном мире, выбора индивидуального направления культурного развития, организации личного досуга и самостоятельного художественного творчества.

Развивающий потенциал курса мировой художественной культуры напрямую связан с мировоззренческим характером самого предмета, на материале которого моделируются разные исторические и региональные системы мировосприятия, запечатлённые в ярких образах.

Принимая во внимание специфику предмета, его непосредственный выход на творческую составляющую человеческой деятельности, в программе упор сделан на деятельные формы обучения, в частности на развитие восприятия (функцию - активный зритель/слушатель) и интерпретаторских способностей (функцию - исполнитель) суворовцы на основе актуализации их личного эмоционального, эстетического и социокультурного опыта и усвоения ими элементарных приёмов анализа произведений искусства.


  • сформировать целостное представление о роли, месте, значении художественной культуры в контексте мирового художественного процесса.


  • раскрыть истоки и основные этапы художественной культуры, выявить закономерности ее эволюции в соотнесенности с традициями зарубежной художественной культуры;

познакомить с творцами художественных произведений, оставившими наиболее заметный след в истории русской художественной культуры;

  • показать духовно - нравственный смысл основных течений и направлений художественной культуры, их интерпретацию в творчестве русских мастеров;
  • сформировать у учащихся представления о художественной картине мира

Курс мировой художественной культуры систематизирует знания о культуре и искусстве, полученные в образовательных учреждениях, реализующих программы начального и основного общего образования на уроках изобразительного искусства, музыки, литературы и истории, формирует целостное представление о мировой художественной культуре, логике её развития в исторической перспективе, о её месте в жизни общества и каждого человека.

Изначальный интегративный межпредметный и характер курса МХК обеспечивает естественный выход на систему межпредметной и метапредмедной интеграции, которая систематизирует знания о культуре и искусстве, полученные на уроках музыки, изобразительного искусства, истории, литературы, формируя целостное представление о мировой художественной культуре, логике ее развития в исторической перспективе, о ее месте в жизни общества и каждого человека.  Сохраняя специфику языка искусства как в целом, так и по видам искусства, проводится параллель на уровне идейной, идеологической, мировоззренческой общности,

При преподавании дисциплины «Мировая художественная культура» используются методы:

  • метод культурно - исторического сравнительного анализа;
  • метод сравнительно - сопоставимый;
  • метод историко-типологических связей;
  • метод интеграции.

Форма работы: классно - урочная.



  1. Структура типового урока
  2. Разработки уроков:

Lesson 1. Cultural heritage of prehistoric art

Lesson 2. Ancient Egypt`s architecture

Lesson 3. Ancient Egypt`s visual arts

Lesson 4. Art culture of Mesopotamia and ancient south-west east

Lesson 5. Pre-columbian america`s art

Lesson 6. Art of ancient Greece

Lesson 7. Architecture of ancient Greece.  The Acropolis and the Parthenon

Lesson 8. Roman architecture:  the Pantheon and  the Coliseum

Lesson 9. Roman art

Lesson 10. Antic theater

  1. Заключение
  2. Список используемой литературы


  1. Assignment 1. Readthefollowingwordsandwordcombinations, usingtranscriptions (отработка фонетических навыков, подготовка речевого аппарата к речепорождению)

Данный вид упражнений предназначен для устранения  трудностей в чтении наиболее сложных (фонетически), лексических единиц текста нового урока.

Цельданного вида упражнений заключается в отработке транскрипционного чтения лексического материала, рассматриваемого в тексте урока; учащимся предлагается читать фонетическую транскрипцию предлагаемой лексики в высоком темпе, добиваясь при этом правильности произношения всех звуков. Также они должны быть готовы дать перевод приведенных в упражнении слов, если это необходимо.

Задание предполагается отрабатывать на самостоятельной подготовке перед занятием по иностранному языку.

  1. Assignment 2. Active vocabulary: Learn the following words and word combinations (подготовкакчтению)

В данном упражнении рассматривается активная лексика урока с ее русскими эквивалентами. Эта лексика обязательна для запоминания, так как необходима для понимания содержания основного текста урока и может с высокой степенью вероятности встречаться в других текстах по данной тематике.

Задание предполагается отрабатывать на самостоятельной подготовке перед занятием по иностранному языку.

  1. Assignment 3. Readthetext, bereadytoanswerthequestions (отработка навыков чтения и понимания прочитанного, а также умения работать со словарем и справочной литературой)

Данный вид упражнений представляет собой оригинальный текст, в котором вводятся отработанные в ходе предыдущих заданий лексика и терминология по изучаемой тематике.

В отношении курса «МХК на ИЯ» необходимо обратить особое внимание на то, что текст урока выдается учащимся по завершению изучения соответствующей темы в курсе дисциплины «Мировая художественная культура (на русском языке)». Другими словами, после того как тема пройдена в курсе дисциплины «Мировая художественная культура», составляющая ее лексика дополнительно изучается в курсе дисциплины «Иностранный язык».

Задача учащихся проработать предложенный текст в ходе самостоятельной подготовки, понять его содержание, усвоить основную лексику урока и подготовиться к ответам на вопросы по тексту.

В ходе урока английского языка учащимся предлагается ответить на ряд вопросов по содержанию текста с целью выяснения результатов работы учащихся, т.е. того, насколько они смогли понять и уяснить  содержание  прочитанного. Вопросы могут быть выданы для проработки на самостоятельной подготовке или предъявляться в первый раз непосредственно на уроке по решению преподавателя.

  1. Assignment 4.  Give definitions of the following words and word combinations (отработкаизученнойлексики; подготовкаквыводуизученнойлексикивречь)

Данный вид упражнений предусматривает работу с лексическим материалом урока. Учащимся необходимо раскрыть значение предлагаемых, наиболее употребительных в данной теме лексических единиц на иностранном языке, с учетом изученного материала. Данный вид работы способствует развитию у учащихся способности интерпретировать понятия иностранного языка, а также обеспечивает более глубокое усвоение активной лексики урока.

Разновидностью данного вида упражнений являются упражнения на сопоставление терминов и их значений, на составление обучаемыми предложений с данными терминами (MatchnewwordswiththeirmeaningsgiveninEnglishandmakeupyourownsentenceswiththesewords), упражнения на заполнение пропусков (Fillintheblanks…), на решение кроссвордов (Solvethecrosswordpuzzle) и др., направленные, прежде всего, на запоминание активной лексики урока.

  1. Assignment 5. Listen to the recording and answer the following questions (отработканавыковаудирования)

В данном виде упражнений предусматривается работа с оригинальными аудио- и видеоматериалами.  

Перед тем как непосредственно перейти к аудированию фрагмента, обучаемый должен ознакомиться с лексикой, которая может вызвать определенные трудности в понимании и усвоении содержания материала. Также на этом этапе осуществляется первичное предъявление вопросов, на которые должны быть даны ответы обучаемыми после прослушивания текста.

Второй этап упражнения предполагает  прослушивание учащимися аудиоматериалов урока с целью общего ориентирования в потоке иноязычной речи и частичного понимания их содержания;

Третий этап предполагает повторное прослушивание аудиоматериалов и ответы на вопросы по их содержанию.

Данные аудиоматериалы предоставляются учащимся для прослушивания не менее двух раз, первый раз – для общего восприятия, второй раз – для понимания содержания.

Предъявление учебных аудио- и видеоматериалов должно происходить в первый раз непосредственно во время учебного занятия. Не допускается отработка материалов на самостоятельной работе перед занятием. Для более глубокого усвоения материала рекомендуется давать аудио- и видеозаписи для составления скриптов в качестве домашнего задания после прохождения урока.

  1. Assignment 6. Discuss in groups (отработка навыков диалогической речи).

В данном виде упражнений предлагается проведение учащимися дискуссии (беседы) по указанным проблемным вопросам или утверждениям в группах с целью развития коммуникативных навыков и умений с использованием изученного лексического материала.

Обучаемые могут работать в парах или небольшими группами. Рассмотрение всех указанных проблемных вопросов необязательно: преподавателю предлагается выбрать один или несколько проблемных вопросов, или он может самостоятельно формулировать темы дискуссии.

Перечень проблемных вопросов может предъявляться в первый раз непосредственно на уроке, но, по решению преподавателя, может быть передан обучаемым для обсуждения и составления творческого проекта (ролевой игры) на самостоятельную подготовку, предшествующую уроку.

  1. Assignment 7. Pop-quiz question!

Данный вид упражнений представляет собой различные виды игровых (занимательных)  форм заданий с использованием изученного лексического материала. Упражнение-викторина также предназначено для проверки усвоения культурологической информации по теме урока.

Вопросы викторины предъявляются обучаемым непосредственно во время учебного занятия.


В конце каждого из уроков предлагается список возможных заданий на самостоятельную подготовку. Как правило, он состоит из 2-3 упражнений, непосредственно связанных с темой изучаемого урока. В процессе выполнения учащимися домашнего задания предусматривается отработка и закрепление навыка письменной речи, с учетом изученного материала урока.

Упражнения для конкретного урока отбираются исходя из поставленных целей и задач формирования, развития и совершенствования определенных речевых навыков



Assignment 1.Read the following words and word combinations, using transcriptions:








[laˈskəʊ, lasko]













































Assignment 2.Active vocabulary: Learn the following words and word combinations:

Word/word combination

Russian equivalent

to depict

изображать на картине, рисовать




гравирование, гравировка

to be adorned

украшать; быть украшением




утончённость, изящество, изысканность


простой, скромный

to be rich in smth

быть богатым чем-либо

it is assumed that

предполагать, что … допускать, что …


абсолютный, полный, совершенный


произведениe абстрактного искусства; абстракционизм

to consist of smth

состоять из чего-либо


зачаточный, недоразвитый, рудиментарный






скопление, концентрация


ответ, отклик, реакция


жилище, (жилой) дом, жильё, жилое помещение


вертикальный, прямой, отвесный

to apply to smth

касаться, относиться; применяться; распространяться (на кого-л. / что-л.)


панель (обычно для строительства многоэтажных панельных зданий)

to distribute

pаспространять, разбрасывать; рассредоточивать


деревянный брус, бревно; балка

to revise

видоизменять, изменять, модифицировать

to remodell

переделывать; менять; реконструировать, трансформировать

Assignment 3.Read the text, be ready to answer questions:

The great traditions in art have a foundation in the art of one of the great ancient civilizations: Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, India, China, Ancient Greece, Rome, or Arabia. In Europe and Africa, early works of art depict animals and humans and include symbols.

Paintings, low relief sculptures, and engravings adorned areas of caves and rock shelters.

During the last stage of the Paleolithic, which began about 35,000 years ago, we meet the earliest works of art known to us. These already show an assurance and refinement far removed from any humble beginnings.

The first examples of cave paintings were found accidentally by an amateur archaeologist in 1879 at Altamira, Spain. Perhaps the best-known Paleolithic cave is that at Lascaux, France. It is extensively decorated, but most of the paintings are hundreds of feet from any entrance. The most magnificent is a large circular gallery, characteristically far removed from the daylight, called the Hall of the Bulls.

Cave paintings and wall engravings first appeared during the Upper Paleolithic period. The caves of France and northern Spain are particularly rich in art. Generally, it is assumedthat the cave paintings did not primarily serve an aesthetic purpose, nor were they the work of one gifted individual but rather represented the world of the group. The dominant theme of the cave paintings is game animals, all depicted in profile and in motion. The figures are always standing alone and are not uniform in style. Realistic pictographic representations can be seen alongside starkabstractions of human and animal images with overly emphasized details. Another special subject in the caves is the human handprint.

The cave art of all social groups consists of five principal motifs: human figures, animals, tools and weapons, rudimentary local maps, and symbols or ideograms.These motifs occur on portable objects (engraved, sculpted or clay modelled) and immovable surfaces (rock paintings and engravings).

One of the oldest and the most famous of the prehistoric female figures is the tiny limestone figurine of a woman that long has been known as the Venus of Willendorf  after its findspot in Austria. Its cluster of almost ball-like shapes is unusual, the result in part of the sculptor’s response to the natural shape of the stone selected for carving.

Historical civilizations are often identified with their surviving architectural achievements. Among prehistoric remains of archaeological interest are monoliths, dolmens and lake dwellings. Monoliths are single upright stones, known in Western France as «menhirs» .

Dolmen is the name sometimes applied to two or more upright stones supporting a horizontal slab. The largest concentration of dolmen in the world is found on the Korean peninsula.

Menhirs may be found singly as monoliths or as part of a group of similar stones. Their size can vary considerably but their shape is uneven and squared, often tapering towards the top. Menhirs are widely distributed across Europe, Africa and Asia.

The megalithic ruin known as Stonehenge stands on the open downland of Salisbury Plain in southern England. It consists of a series of earth, timber, and stone structures that were built, revised and remodelled over a period of more than 1400 years.

Answer the questions:

  1. What do early works of  art depict?
  2. When did the last stage of the Paleolithic begin?
  3. Where the first examples of cave paintings were found?
  4. Where the best known  Paleolithic cave is situated?
  5. What are the caves of France and northern Spain are rich in?
  6. What purpose did cave paintings serve?
  7. What was the dominative theme of the cave paintings?
  8. What special subjects were in the caves?
  9. What are the five principal motifsof the cave art?
  10.  What  do you know about  the Venus of Willendorf ?
  11.  What prehistoric remains do you know? Tell about it.
  12.  What megalithic ruin is situated  in southern England?

Assignment 4.  Make up your own sentences with these words:

To depict; refinement; to be adorned; it is assumed that; to be rich in smth; to consist of smth; cluster; the best-known; to remodel; to distribute; to apply to smth; response.

Assignment 5.Watch the video and answer the following questions:

Look through the words below before watching:

to slip



новости, расположенные на первой странице газеты; широко освещать в печати


Наблюдение, контроль

to record

записывать, регистрировать

to involve

привлекать, вовлекать


вред, повреждение

bacterium spore

споры бактерий

to treat





близлежащий, соседний, ближайший, ближний

  1. When the cave at Lascaux, France was discovered?
  2. What was the man who found the cave?
  3. Why did he go to the hill?
  4. What did the boys see in the cave?
  5. Whom did they tell about the cave?
  6. What happened when the war was just over?
  7. Under whose supervision the cave painting were studied?
  8. What did abbot Glory do?
  9. Why and when the cave was closed to the public?
  10. What was opened nearby the cave?

Assignment 6.Discuss in groups:

  1. Why did prehistoric art appear?
  2. Where were the centers of ancient civilizations? Why?
  3. Mark out the stylistic features of the cave art.
  4. Discus the historical role of the architectural achievements.
  5. What is the cultural heritage of the prehistoric art?

Assignment 7. Pop-quiz question

1.The art of making two- or three-dimensional representative or abstract forms is  ______________.

- sculpture

- music

- painting

- figure

2. A natural underground chamber in a hillside calls_________.

- shelter

- cave

  • grotto
  • hollow

3. The first examples of cave paintings were found accidentally by an amateur archaeologist in 1879 at ________________.

- Stonehenge

- Korean peninsula

  • Altamira
  • Western France

4. The best-known Paleolithic cave is that at__________________.

- Stonehenge

- Altamira

  • Willendorf  
  • Lascaux

5. The most magnificent is a large circular gallery, characteristically far removed from the daylight, called the ________________.

  • Cave of animals
  • Hall of the Bulls
  • Willendorf  cave
  • Hall of the Bears

  1. Cave paintings and wall engravings first appeared during the ___________ period.

  • Upper Paleolithic period
  • Upper Stone Age
  • MiddlePaleolithic period
  • Lower Stone Age

  1. A megalithic tomb with a large flat stone laid on upright onesis a ________.

  • Menhir
  • cave
  • dolmen
  • monolith

  1. Relating to or denoting the period before written recordsmeans________________.

  • prehistorical

- historical

- prehistoric

- historic

  1. The megalithic ruin known as Stonehenge stands in _____________.

  • western France
  • southern England
  • Austria
  • Africa

  1. Stonehenge was revised and remodelled over a period of more than____________ years.

  • 1100
  • 1300
  • 1200
  • 1400


Option 1

Prehistoric people often represented their world and perhaps their beliefs throughvisual images. Art emerged with the appearance and dispersion of fully modern peoplethrough Africa, Europe, Asia, Australasia and the Americas. Paintings, sculptures,engravings, and, later, pottery reveal not only a quest for beauty but alsocomplex social systems and spiritual concepts.

Write an essay of 10-15 sentences about first painters on the Earth.

Option 2

Stonehenge is probably the most important prehistoric monument in the whole of Britain and has attracted visitors from earliest times. One of them has written the following: “One of the most important qualities about Stonehenge is its aura of mystery. If all my questions are ever answered, the awesome power of the place will dwindle and fade away. Hooray for the mystery! Many aboriginal cultures of the world go so far as to state that life itself is an unexplainablemystery.”

Write an essay on what is to your opinion the mystery of Stonehenge?



Assignment 1.Read the following words and word combinations, using transcriptions:





















































Assignment 2.Active vocabulary: Learn the following words and word combinations:

Word/word combination

Russian equivalent

BC(before Christ)


to reside

проживать, жить; пребывать, находиться

to be associated with smth

ассоциироваться с чем-либо, быть связанным   с чем-либо

according to smth

согласно чему-либо


гончар; горшечник

to influence

влиять, оказывать влияние

to enclose

окружать, огораживать, окаймлять


известковый, содержащий известь


непрочный, тленный

to be common in smth

быть распространённым в ….




в форме ромба, ромбоидальный

to give way to smth

уступать чему-либо

to erect

сооружать; устанавливать; возводить, строить (здание)


неизменность, непреложность, постоянство, устойчивость


погребальный, похоронный


мастаба (египетская гробница)


комната, камера


основа, фундамент


могила, мавзолей; гробница


огромный, обширный, громадный; большой, значительный

dedicated to smth


to add smb`s own touches to smth

внести свой вклад во что-либо


гробница, усыпальница, склеп; храм, церковь; место поклонения, святыня


опора, пилон


место; местонахождение, местоположение


преемственность; наследование; последовательность

the most striking feature of smth

самая поразительная особенность чего-либо


поклонение, почитание


божественный; религиозный, святой, священный

Assignment 3.Read the text, be ready to answer questions:

Between 3100 and 3000 BC, the kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt were united by a king named Narmer, who founded the first dynasty. This was effectively the first great state, with numerous cities including Memphis, where the king resided.

For the Egyptians, art was associated with the creative process of the universe. According to religious tradition, Khnum, the potter god with a ram's head, fashioned the world and modelled every living form on his potter's wheel. The Egyptians were also deeply influenced by magic and faith.

It was a pharaoh of the third dynasty Djoser and his royal official Imhotep who created the complex of Saqqara. This was a vast area enclosed by a white limestone wall, inside which stood the Step Pyramid and several smaller structures. The project was impressive in its unprecedented use of calcareous stone instead of perishable materials, such as the bricks and wood that had been common in the preceding age. Egyptian architecture had begun with structures made of mud bricks, wood, reeds, and other light materials. Imhotep used cut-stone masonry, but his repertory of architectural forms still reflected shapes or devices developed for less enduring materials.

During the fourth dynasty, stepped structures, such as the rhomboid pyramid of King Snefru at Meidum, gave way to the uniformly smooth-walled pyramids of King Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure in the necropolis of Giza, near Cairo. Erected between 2550 and 2470 BC, they were listed by the Greeks as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The grandiose dimensions of these funerary monuments, built to preserve the bodies of the dead kings for eternity, conveyed a sense of timelessness and immutability.

The pyramids form part of a large complex, including mortuary temples, and mastabas, the burial places of priests, nobles, and high ranking officials.

The Great Pyramid at Giza was one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, and is the only one of the 7 wonders still visible today. The Great Pyramid at Giza is also known as the Great Pyramid of Khufu, using the Egyptian name for the pharaoh. The Greeks called Khufu Cheops, so the pyramid is also known as the Great Pyramid of Cheops.

The Great Pyramid of Khufu was built around 2560 B.C. taking about 20 years to complete. Pharaoh Khufu had it built to be the final resting place for his sarcophagus. Three burial chambers were built, including one in the bedrock.

Built from more than 2,000,000 blocks of stone more than two tons each, the Great Pyramid at Giza was the tallest structure in the world for more than 4300 years. Originally, it stood about 481 feet (146.6 m) high, with sides about 755 feet wide. The Great Pyramid was part of a mortuary complex with other, smaller pyramids and tombs.

Karnak Temple is a vast temple complex in Luxordedicated primarily to Amun and dating from as early as 2000 B.C. It is an impressive sight, and second only to the Great Pyramids in popularity. Around 30 successive pharaohs added their own touches to the complex: a new temple, shrine, or pylon and carved detailed hieroglyphic inscriptions.

Karnak is 2 miles (approx. 3.2 km) away and is the largest religious building ever built. It actually includes 3 main temples – the Monthu, Amun and Mut temples – and a few smaller enclosed temples. The development of the site occured over 1,300 years of pharaoh successions. The most striking feature of the Karnak temple complex is the Hypostyle Hall in which the walls, ceilings and columns were painted with natural earth tones.

The Luxor temple is situated close to the Nile and has been used almost constantly as a place of worship over the ages. The Luxor temple is central to the Festival of Opet which was designed to bring together the duality of human and divine aspects of the Pharaoh. A procession started at Karnak and ended at the temple of Luxor.

Answer the questions:

  1. What was the first great state where the king resided?
  2. How can we divide ancient Egyptian history?
  3. Who was Knum? What other Egyptian pharaohs do you know? What are they famous for?
  4. What art was associated with for the Egyptians? Why?
  5. Who and how created the complex Saqqara?
  6. What were the Egyptian architecture special features? How it was connected with religion?
  7. What was the role of pyramids?
  8. What did the grandiose dimensions of these funerary monuments build for?
  9. Tell about the Great Pyramid at Giza.
  10.  What was Karnak Temple built for?
  11.  Where was the place of worship over the ages?

Assignment 4.  Match new words with their meanings given in English and think of your own sentences with these words.

1. divine

2. bedrock

3. to erect

4. vast

5. immutability

6. to reside

7. worship

8. enduring

9. to enclose

10. chamber

11. mortuary

12. perishable

  1. of very great extent or quantity

  1. be situated

  1. an enclosed space or cavity

  1. existing for a long time

  1. relating to burial or tombs

  1. great admiration or devotion shown towards a person or principle

  1. create or establish; put together and set upright

  1. devoted to God; sacred

  1. unchanging over time or unable to be changed

  1. likely to decay or go bad quickly

  1. the fundamental principles on which something is based

  1. surround or close off on all sides

Fill in the blanks:

Next to the valley temple of the ______of Chefren stands the Great Sphinx carved from the live ______. It is, if anything, an even more impressive embodiment of ______ kingship than the pyramids themselves. The royal head rising from the body of a ______towers to a height of 65 feet and once bore, in all probability, the ______ of Chefren. (Damage inflicted upon it during Islamic times has obscured the details of the face.) It’s awesome majesty is such that a ______ years later it could be regarded as an ______ of the sun-god. Enterprises of this huge scale mark the high point of ______ power. After the end of the Fourth Dynasty, less than two ______ later, they were never attempted again, although much more modest pyramids continued to be built. The world has always marveled at the sheer size of the ______ pyramids as well as at the ______ accomplishment they represent. They have also come to be regarded as ______ of slave labor, with thousands of men forced by cruel ______ to serve the aggrandizement of absolute rulers. Such a picture may well be unjust. Certain ______ indicate that the labor was paid for, so that we are probably nearer the truth if we regard these monuments as ______ public works providing economic security tor a good part of the population.

Use  the following words:

Pyramid, lion, divine, features, rock, symbols, great, pharaonic, thousand, image, centuries, technical, masters, vast, records.

Assignment 5.Watch the video and answer the following questions:

Look through the words below before listening:


загадочный, таинственный; сокровенный, неразгаданный, непонятный

to investigate

расследовать; собирать сведения , изучать


отстроить заново, восстановить, реконструировать


решение, разрешение (проблемы и т. п.) ; разъяснение



to reveal

открывать; разоблачать


вечность, бессмертие; бессмертность; вечная жизнь (после смерти)


вход, ворота, ключ, доступ, подход


вечный, бессмертный

  1. What kind of pyramids is Khufu pyramid?  
  2. What kind of mysteries are still living on?
  3. Who and why has been investigating the mysteries of pyramids for 10 years?  
  4.  What does the investigator use during his researches?
  5. Where are these pyramids situated?
  6. What were the pyramids built for?
  7. When did the Egyptians build the pyramids?
  8. What pyramid was the first one?
  9. Who was Snefru?  
  10.  What part of the pyramid of Khufu is original one?
  11.  What had happened to Egypt and changed the history?

Assignment 6.Discuss in groups:

  1. What are the 7 Wonders of the World? Why arethey called so?
  2. Why are Egyptian pyramids so mysterious?
  3. Discuss the main features of Egyptian architecture.
  4. Discuss the problem of  ancient memorials` protection.  

Assignment 7. Pop-quiz question

1.  For the Egyptians art was associated with ….

       a) religious traditions

       b) worship

       c) the creative process of the universe

       d) magic and faith

2. Khnum, the potter god with a ram's head, fashioned the world and modelled every living form on ……

       a) his potter's wheel

       b) his potter`s tools


       d) temple complex

3. The Egyptians were also deeply influenced by.

       a) the creative process of the universe

       b) magic and faith

       c)religious traditions

       d) worship

4. It was a pharaoh of the …..  dynasty Djoser and his royal official Imhotep who created the complex of Saqqara.

       a) first

       b) second


       d) fourth

5. This was a vast area enclosed by a white …. wall, inside which stood the Step Pyramid and several smaller structures.

       a) brick

       b) clay


       d) limestone

6. The project was impressive in its unprecedented use of …. instead of perishable materials.

       a) limestone

       b) calcareous stone

       c)perishable stone

       d) enduring stone

7. During the fourth dynasty, stepped structures, such as the …. pyramid of King Snefru at Meidum, gave way to the uniformly smooth-walled pyramids.

       a) round  

       b) triangular

       c) square

       d) rhomboid

8. The grandiose dimensions of these funerary monuments, built to preserve the bodies of the dead kings for….

       a) worship

       b) divine purposes

       c) eternity

       d) future generations

9. The pyramids form part of a large complex, including mortuary temples, and mastabas, the burial places of….

       a) priests, nobles, and high ranking officials

       b) working people, builders

       c)pharaohs and their families

       d) foreign travelers  

10. Karnak Temple is a vast temple complex in Luxor dedicated primarily to …

       a) Mut

       b) Amun


       d) Nile


Option 1

Write an essay of 10-15 sentences the greatest Egyptian pyramids.

Option 2

Prepare a virtual tour round the ancient Egypt.



Assignment 1.Read the following words and word combinations, using transcriptions:





















Assignment 2.Active vocabulary: Learn the following words and word combinations:

Word/word combination

Russian equivalent

to assign

определять, устанавливать


неизменный, устойчивый

to depict

описывать, изображать, рисовать



to carve

резать, вырезать (по дереву или кости) ; гравировать; высекать (из камня)


могила, гробница; склеп


изображение (кого-л. / чего-л.) в произведении искусства


домашний скот

to evoke

пробуждать (чувства) ; вызывать (воспоминание, восхищение)

to extol

восхвалять, превозносить, хвалить




фриз; бордюр



to transcend

превосходить, превышать

to lie at the root of smth

лежать в основе чего-л


набор, ассортимент, репертуар


сустав (скелета), соединение


ракурс, сторона, аспект,


обычай, традиция


объёмное изображение, фигура выполненная в смешном или уродливом виде


невозмутимый, спокойный, хладнокровный

the very essence

самая суть


непоколебимый, непреклонный;строгий; суровый


живой, яркий; ясный, чёткий


существо, сущность


утончённый, изысканный


нетронутый; неповреждённый, невредимый, целый


инкрустированный, с инкрустацией; с вставкой (из какого-л. материала)

to comprise

включать; заключать в себе, содержать


писец; переписчик (документов, рукописей)


острый, резкий

to bespeak

предвещать, предзнаменовать

to restrict



обрюзгший; вялый, дряблый, отвислый (о мускулах, коже)

Assignment 3.Read the text, be ready to answer questions:

The Egyptian artists aimed to reflect social and religious hierarchies in the composition and to assign proportions to the figures and objects whose relationships to one another were constant. For example, the pharaoh-god was greater than man and therefore had to be shown as such.

Scenes of everyday life are depicted in bas-reliefs and paintings in tombs and mastabas from all periods of Egyptian history. Carved or painted on sepulchre walls, figurative scenes re-create scenes of activity from the earthly life, with the aim of ensuring their continuation in the afterlife. Until the time of the New Kingdom, these did not portray specific events but were naturalistic renderings of generalized communal activities, such as ploughing, harvesting, breeding birds and livestock, hunting animals and birds, and fishing.

However, subject matter became increasingly varied during the New Kingdom. While daily life had previously been portrayed in a continuous succession of typical events, tomb paintings now included imagery evoking personal aspects of past life and extolling the status of the tomb's owner. The wall painting from the tomb of Nakht in Thebes, for example, is a good example of this kind of personal observation: here, we see detailed scenes of grape harvesting, wine-making, and the storage of wine in amphorae. Nakht, a noble and royal astronomer, was also the keeper of the king's vineyards.

The most important paintings and sculptures of the Old Kingdom come from the mastabas. The frieze of geese in the tomb of Itet at Meidum was the lower part of a huge painting depicting the hunting of birds with nets, and is perhaps the oldest surviving wall painting on stucco. The function of bas-reliefs and paintings was to furnish the tomb with enduring pictures that imitated, transcended, and re-created nature. The need to guarantee the survival of the dead and to assemble in one single figure or object the fundamental elements for their magical re-animation lies at the root of the Egyptian iconographical repertory.

The desire to show all the essential characteristics of the human figure in a single image led the Egyptian artists to present it in an unnatural way. The face was shown in profile with the eye to the front; shoulders and chest were viewed from the front, showing the juncture of the arms; and the legs were shown in profile to indicate the direction of movement. Each part was exhibited from its most characteristic angle in order to present the whole figure on the flat surface.

Similar conventions governed the plastic arts. Enclosed in its cubic structure, the funerary effigy of Khafre is the prototype of pharaonic statues, with its immobile, hieratic, imperturbable pose - the very essence of royalty. Standing or seated, in wood or in stone, such figures, in spite of their rigid attitudes, are independent and vividentities that immortalize the individual.

Typical of Middle Kingdom royal statuary are the colossal red granite sculptures of Sesostris III and the manned sphinxes of Amenemhet III, which personify the pharaoh and his power.

The sculptor who carved the statues of Prince Rahotep and his wife Nofret was less subtle in this respect. They owe their strikingly lifelike appearance to their vivid coloring, which they must have shared with other such statues but which has survived completely intact only in a few instances. The darker body color of the prince has no individual significance; it is the standard masculine complexion in Egyptian art. The eyes have been inlaid with shining quartz to make them look as alive as possible, and the portrait character of the faces is very pronounced.

Standing and seated figures comprise the basic repertory of Egyptian large-scale sculpture in the round. At the end of the Fourth Dynasty, a third pose was added, as symmetrical and immobile as the first two: that of the scribe sitting cross-legged on the ground. The finest of these scribes dates from the beginning of the Fifth Dynasty. The name of the sitter (in whose tomb at Saqqara the statue was found) is unknown, but we must not think of him as a secretary waiting to take dictation. Rather, the figure represents a high court official, a «master of sacred—and secret—letters». The solid, incisive treatment of form bespeaks the dignity of his station, which in the beginning seems to have been restricted to the sons of pharaohs. Our example stands out not only for the vividly alert expression of the face, but also for the individual handling of the torso, which records the somewhat flabby body of a man past middle age.

Answer the questions:

  1. What were the Egyptian artists aimed to?
  2. What were depicted  in bas-reliefs and paintings in tombs and mastabas from all periods of Egyptian history?
  3.  What kind of communal activities were portrayeduntil the time of the New Kingdom?
  4. What had changed during the New Kingdom in tomb paintings?
  5. Where did the most important paintings and sculptures of the Old Kingdom come from?
  6. What was the function of bas-reliefs and paintings?
  7. Where did the desire to show all the essential characteristics of the human figure in a single image lead the Egyptian artists to?  
  8. Who was the prototype of pharaonic statues? Describe the pose.  
  9.  Describe the statues of Prince Rahotep and his wife Nofret.
  10.  When and what pose was added in Egyptian large-scale sculptures? Describe the example.

Assignment 4.  Give the definitions ( in English) of the following words and word combinations:

Constant; to carve; sepulchre; rendering; to evoke; repertory; convention; effigy; vivid; scribe; to bespeak;  flabby.

Assignment 5.Watch the video and answer the following questions:

Look through the words below before:











  1. Describe the main rule in painting a human body.
  2. Why the image of the body was so unrealistic?
  3. Was it just a style of painting or something more significant?
  4. Where were the images found?
  5. What is Karnack? What is it famous for?
  6. Why Karnak is a perfect place to see how the Egyptian art changed over time?  
  7. When the first image of the body was carved?
  8. Why the way the Egyptians depicted the human body hasn`t  changed?

Assignment 6.Discuss in groups:

  1. What are the special features of Ancient Egypt`s visual arts?
  2. Discuss the influence of religion on art.
  3. What are the main topic of  Ancient Egypt`s visual arts? Why?
  4. Compare the sculptures of some pharaohs.

Assignment 7. Pop-quiz question

Fill the column. Use the variants under the table.











  1. a shape which is defined by one or more lines in two dimensions (such as a circle or a triangle), or one or more surfaces in three dimensions (such as a sphere or a cuboid)
  2. a type of art in which shapes are cut from the surrounding stone so that they stand out slightly against a flat surface, or a work of art done in this way
  3. the art of forming solid objects that represent a thing, person, idea, etc. out of a material such as wood, clay, metal or stone, or an object made in this way
  4. the action or skill of using paint, either in a picture or as decoration
  5. a sculpture made from a flat surface in which the forms are raised above the surface


Option 1

Read, translate the text and be ready to represent it orally.

Egyptian civilization has long been regarded as the most rigid and conservative ever. Plato said that Egyptian art had not changed in 10,000 years. Perhaps «enduring» and «continuous» are better terms for it, although at first glance all Egyptian art between 3000 and 500 B.C. does tend to have a certain sameness. There is a kernel of truth in this: the basic pattern of Egyptian institutions, beliefs, and artistic ideas was formed during the first few centuries of that vast span of time and kept reasserting itself until the very end. We shall see, however, that over the years this basic pattern went through ever more severe crises that challenged its ability to survive. Had it been as inflexible as supposed, it would have succumbed long before it finally did. Egyptian art alternates between conservatism and innovation, but is never static. Some of its great achievements had a decisive influence on Greek and Roman art, and thus we can still feel ourselves linked to the Egypt of 5,000 years ago by a continuous, living tradition.

Option 2

Write an essay (10-15 sentences) on how Ancient Egypt`s visual arts has impressed you.




Assignment 1. Read the following words and word combinations, using transcriptions:
































[`ebihilˌ il]



Tell Asmar

[ˌ tel`asˈmɑː]



lapis lazuli






















Assignment 2.Active vocabulary: Learn the following words and word combinations:

Word/word combination

Russian equivalent

to refer to smth

иметь отношение, относиться; касаться

cradle of civilization

колыбель цивилизации




мазок, черта, штрих


многообразный, разнообразный, разный

to encompass

выполнять, осуществлять





to nurture

вскармливать, учить, обучать


изобилие, богатство

to convey

выражать, передавать


планировка, план, расположение

to cluster

группировать  дома, строения, здания, имеющие один двор


священный; святой

to embrace

включать, заключать в себе, содержать, охватывать


храм, церковь


писец; переписчик (документов, рукописей)


безмерность, необъятность

to superimpose

накладывать (одно на другое)

to dedicate to smth

посвящать божеству, святому

to enamel

покрывать эмалью, глазурью; эмалировать



lapis lazuli

лазурит, ляпис-лазурь


бесконечный, вечный


таким образом, посредством этого


почтение; почтительность; уважение; почитание


объёмное изображение, фигура выполненная в смешном или уродливом виде

flair (for smth)

талант, склонность, способность

to pillage

грабить, мародёрствовать

to intimidate

пугать; запугивать, устрашать


завоевание, покорение (народов, земель)


божество, бог

Assignment 3.Read the text, be ready to answer questions:

Mesopotamia is a Greek word meaning «between the rivers» and always refers to the region between the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers, an area which is today in Iraq, Turkey, and Syria. Widely considered to be the cradle of civilization in the West, Bronze Age Mesopotamia included Sumer and the Akkadian, Babylonian and Assyrian empires, all native to the territory of modern-day Iraq.

The Sumerians were one of the earliest urban societies to emerge in the world, in Southern Mesopotamia more than 5000 years ago. They developed a writing system whose wedge-shaped strokes would influence the style of scripts in the same geographical area for the next 3000 years. The writings on the tablets are simple pictures, or pictograms, which represent an object or an idea.Eventually, all of these diverse writing systems, which encompass both logophonetic, consonantal alphabetic, and syllabic systems, became known as cuneiform.

The Sumerians were a religious people and had what is called a theocraticculture. They believed gods ruled the earth and that men were created to serve them.We actually know little about the Mesopotamians' religion, but much of what we know was learned from their poetry «The Epic of Gilgamesh».

         Mesopotamia nurtured a wealth of native art forms that cast their influence well beyond the country's geographical boundaries.

The dominant role of the temple as the center of both spiritual and physical existence is strikingly conveyed by the layout of Sumerian cities. The houses were clustered about a sacred area that was a vast architectural complex embracing not only shrines but workshops, storehouses, and scribes' quarters as well. In their midst, on a raised platform, stood the temple of the local god. These platforms soon reached the height of true mountains, comparable to the pyramids of Egypt in the immensity of effort required and in their effect as great landmarks that tower above the featureless plain. They are known as ziggurats.

Neo-Sumerian artistic activity consisted mainly of monumental religious architecture. One notable example was the impressive ziggurat of Ur-Nammu, which consisted of a system of superimposed terraces, at the top of which stood the temple dedicated to Nanna, god of the moon.

The seven-terraced ziggurat, dedicated to Marduk, god of Babylon, dominated the city and was entered by way of a long processional street that began at the gate of Ishtar, goddess of love and war. The enormous gate is a fine example of the technique of brick construction prevalent in ancient Mesopotamia. On a blue enamelled background were relief decorations of bulls, dragons, lions, and stylized symbolic images.

A masterpiece of the Early Dynastic period, the Ur Standard was probably once displayed in a palace or temple. It consists of two rectangular panels of wood joined by trapezoidal ends. The two sides are ornamented in mosaic with limestone, shell, and lapis lazuli, set in black bitumen paste.On each panel historical figures are depicted in three rows or registers: one side shows peaceful activities, the other scenes of war.

Craftsmen produced statuettes in limestone, alabaster, and terracotta, endlessly repeating the image of a traditional, anonymous model. Ranging from small statues of gods, priests, and the faithful as found at Tell Asmar, to the naturalistic seated figure of the temple superintendent Ebih-il, statuary portrayed the act of dedication, symbol of the perpetual honour that must be paid to the divinity, thereby guaranteeing the eternal presence within the temple. The hands clasped against the chest, the rapt expression, and the large attentive eyes outlined in bitumen all proclaim a close relationship with the god in an attitude of humble reverence. The generally small dimensions, far removed from the colossal size of Egyptian effigies, are explained partly by the fact that such durable material as stone was hard to obtain and partly because of different religious beliefs: the power of the monarch was conveyed by the monumental nature of the overall architectural and decorative design. The Sumerians also made a number of seals, which are exemplary of their inventive fantasy, narrative flair, and lively realism. The seals were enlivened by rams and oxen and scenes of fighting animals.

The image of the god of the sky Anu is a splendid female head of white marble from the same period at Uruk.It may well have belonged to a cult statue. The eyes and eyebrows were originally inlaid with colored materials, and the hair was covered with a «wig» of gold or copper. The rest of the figure, which must have been close to lifesize, probably consisted of wood. As an artistic achievement, this head is on the level of the finest works of Egyptian Old Kingdom sculpture. The softly swelling cheeks, the delicate curves of the lips, combined with the steady gaze of the huge eyes, create a balance of sensuousness and severity that seems worthy of any goddess.

Assyria's art proudly portrays its pillaging, tearing down cities, and the killing and submission of its enemies, partly to intimidate those who might consider fighting back, and also because Assyrians believed that if their conquests passed the tests of the prophets and omens, their achievements would have the blessing of the gods. Ashurnasirpal II at War depicts a successful battles in which a deity flies above this favored king.

Answer the questions:

  1. What does Mesopotamia mean?
  2. Why is Mesopotamia considered to be a cradle of civilization in the West?
  3. What territories did Mesopotamia include in Bronze Age?  
  4. Who developed cuneiform and what is it?  
  5. What do you know about the Sumerians and their culture?  
  6. What was the role of the temple in Sumerian cities?
  7. What did Neo-Sumerian artistic activity consist of ?
  8. What is ziggurat?  
  9. What is Ur Standard?  
  10.  What do you know about Ebih-il figure? Describe it.
  11.  What was the difference between Sumerians and Egyptian figures?
  12. What was the example of a cult statue? Describe it.
  13. What was special in Assyria`s art?

Assignment 4.  Give synonyms from the active vocabulary to the underlined words:

1. New York is a very culturallyvaried city.

2. This area is holyto the Apaches.

3.Linguistics includesa diverse range of subjects such as phonetics and stylistics.

4.Islam's most sacred temple is at Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

5.The boundlessnessof the task is daunting.

6.The book is devotedto the author's husband.

7. She feels great respect for her professors.

8. They lived in continualfear of being discovered and arrested.

9.He has no skill inlanguages.

10.Works of art were plunderedfrom many countries in the dark days of the Empire.        

11. They were browbeateninto accepting a pay cut by the threat of losing their jobs.

12. I was determined not to become just another of hissubjugations.

Assignment 5.Watch the video and answer the following questions:

Look through the words below before listening:





to be accredited with smth

приписывать что-либо


должностное лицо; чиновник (крупный, влиятельный) ; служащий


купец, торговец



to capture

брать в плен

  1. Where was the Sumerian civilization? Where is this place in modern days?
  2. Where did this civilization grow?  
  3. What is Sumerians` culture famous for?  
  4. What kind of writing system did they use? How did they form the letters?
  5. What were the Sumerians also accredited with?  
  6. How were Sumerians` communities organized?  
  7. What was one of the most famous Sumerians` cities? When and where was it founded?
  8. How many social classes were there in Ur? What were they?
  9. What was the size of  ziggurat?
  10.  What purposes were they used for?

Assignment 6.Discuss in groups:

1. How can the country's geographical boundaries influence on the art?

2. What are the main achievements of art culture of Mesopotamia?  

3. How did the architecture change?

4. Discuss the main subjects of art culture of Mesopotamia (reasons, features so on).

5. What was the Sumerian civilization famous for?

Assignment 7. Pop-quiz question

  1. Mesopotamia is a Greek word meaning ______________.

a) «between the hills»   b)  «between the rivers»   c) «between the seas»

  1. Mesopotamia nurtured a wealth of _____.

a)  cult statues    b) religious art   c) native art forms

  1. The dominant role of the temple as the center of _____________.

a) spiritual and physical existence  b)  religion    c) cultural life    

  1. In their midst of the houses on a raised platformstood the temple of ____.

a) local king   b) local animal   c) local god

  1. Neo-Sumerian artistic activity consisted mainly of monumental religious  ________.

 a)  architecture  b) paintings   c)  temples  

  1. The god of the moon was ________.

 a) Anu   b) Marduk    c) Nanna

  1. The god of Babylon was ______.

 a) Anu   b) Marduk    c) Nanna

  1. The god of the sky was___________ .

a) Anu   b) Marduk    c) Nanna

  1.  The Ur Standard was a _______.

 a) temple   b)  panels    c)  statue  

  1. Craftsmen produced _______ in limestone, alabaster, and terracotta.

a) statues    b) figures   c) statuettes

  1. The generally small dimensions of statuettes far removed from the colossal size of ______effigies.

a) Assyria's   b)  Babylonian   c)   Egyptian

  1. The ______ also made a number of seals, which are exemplary of their inventive fantasy, narrative flair, and lively realism.

a)  Sumerians    b)  Egyptians   c) Assyrians

  1. Assyrians believed that if their _______ passed the tests of the prophets and omens, their achievements would have the blessing of the gods.

a)  arts   b) portrays  c) conquests


Option 1

Write an essay of 10 sentences on the content of «The Epic of Gilgamesh».

Option 2

Write an essay on how do you understand the phrase «cradle of civilization»?



Assignment 1.Read the following words and word combinations, using transcriptions:





Gulf Coast

[gəlfkəust ]
























[priː kə'lʌmbɪən]











El Salvador




Assignment 2.Active vocabulary: Learn the following words and word combinations:

Word/word combination



существенный, яркий

AD (AnnoDomini)

нашей эры, от Рождества Христова


утончённый, изысканный; сложный, сложно устроенный


тщательно, детально разработанный; продуманный; доскональный


сосуд (для жидкости)


сплав (каких-л.) металлов (обычно бронза)


стела (колонна или камень с памятными надписями и / или изображениями)


плита; лист, пластина



to regard

высоко ценить, почитать; относиться


святилище (храм, церковь); алтарь, алтарная часть, святая святых (в церкви)


самый северный


горный (о рельефе)

to be famed forsmth

быть известным благодаря чему-либо


выдающийся, выступающий вперед, торчащий


громадный; гигантский, обширный, огромный


фреска, настенная живопись


прозрачный, просвечивающий




(нарядный) головной убор



to adorn

украшать; быть украшением


кайма, кромка


стойкий; устойчивый; крепкий, прочный


сравнительно; относительно

Assignment 3
.Read the text, be ready to answer questions:

The earliest civilization in Central America was the Olmec civilization which arose sometime between 1200 and 1000 BC. They originally lived in the Gulf Coast region of southern Mexico, but soon expanded into Guatemala. The most dramatic achievement of the Olmecs was the building of massive stone heads. Archaeologists believe that they may be Olmec kings.

Two specific ethnic groups that once lived in Mexico were the Aztecs and the Mayans.

The Maya civilization (AD 300-900) was one of the most sophisticated in the pre-Columbian Americas. It extended from southeastern Mexico across modern-day Guatemala, Belize and the western parts of Honduras and El Salvador.

The Maya`s greatest artistic achievements included their elaborate calendar, written language, palaces and temple pyramids. The Maya had specific techniques to create, inscribe, paint, and design pottery. To begin creating a ceramic vessel the Maya had to locate the proper resources for clay and temper.

A common form of Maya sculpture was stele. The stele is a large stone slab covered in carvings. Some contained images of rulers, other depicted gods and all contained the Mayan hieroglyphic form of writing.Many steles contained jade or obsidian inlays, which were highlyregarded religious symbols.

Maya cities usually had a dramatic stepped pyramid topped by a temple sanctuary at their centre. The Maya ruins of Palenque, are dramatically situated at the foot of the northernmost hills of the Chiapas highlands in Mexico. Palenque’s monumental stone temples are famed for their architectural sophistication and fine sculptures.

The ancient Mayans built two types of pyramids, those that were meant to be climbed and those that were not. The first type was used for holding sacrificial rituals.  The other type was not meant to be touched and was sacred.  Aside from having religious functions, Mayan pyramids also had other purposes.  The pyramids were built so high that their tops could be seen protruding out of the jungle. 

The Aztecs were very important and influential in this region of Mexico from the 14th through the 16th centuries. The word «Aztec» means «someone who comes from Aztlán», an unknown location north of Mexico.

The Aztec people lived in Tenochtitlan that was the capital of their Triple Alliance. Teotihuacan is an enormous archaeological site, containing some of the largest pyramidal structures, large residential complexes, the so-called «street of the dead», and its colorful well-preserved murals.

The Aztecs were famous for developing a form of hieroglyphic writing, a complex calendar system, and building famous pyramids and temples. Aztecs had many types of art and artists like stone-workers, who carved statuesfrom green jade, black obsidian, and transparent crystals. Scribespainted pictograms using vegetables, insects, shells, and minerals and oil to create colors. Potters made pots with their hands or carved it and often design the inside of the pot and paint it.The designs typically placed on the pottery were meant to depict or pay reverence to specific Aztec gods or to represent an Aztec tribe. Feather-workerscreated beautiful headdresses which were made from tropical birds for nobility and royalty. Aztecs typically made jewelry with materials such as gold, copper, silver, shells, clay and wood. Jade, obsidian, quartz, turquoise and feathers also adorned many ornamental pieces.

The calendar stone is perhaps the most famous sculpture in Aztec art history. This sculpture weighs an amazing 22 metric tons and is 12 feet in diameter. The face of the sun god can be found carved in the center of the stone. Circular bands symbolizing the heavens and the days are located around the face.

Ancient Aztec art shows the symbolism of Aztec cosmology and creation myth.

The Aztec great pyramids were four sided, stable structures that can withstand the earthquakes. They have stairs up one side, and a flat top, often with a shrine on the top.The pyramid to the sun was built on a lava tube cave (a shrine here may be the original reason for the settlement). Aztec pyramids were comparatively similar to ones of the Maya.  One exception is that the Aztecs often built two or more temples at the top while the Mayan pyramids generally had one.

Many Mesoamerican cultures including both the Mayans and Aztecs used masks. Masks were often made for religious purposes and depicted gods of these cultures. Some masks had no eyeholes and were worn around the neck or displayed rather than worn on the face. Masks were often inlaid with minerals like turquoise, obsidian, jade, shell and coral as well as wood and bone. A mask with snakes on it typically depicted the god Quetzalcoatl, one of the major deities worshiped by the Mesoamerican people.


  1. What was the earliest civilization in Central America?
  2. Where did the Olmec originally live?
  3. What was the most dramatic achievement of the Olmecs?
  4. What were the specific ethnic groups  thatlived in Mexico?
  5. When and where did the Maya live?
  6. What did the Maya`s greatest artistic achievements include?
  7. What did the Maya use specific techniques for?
  8. Whatwas a common form of Maya`s sculpture?Tell about its features.
  9. What was special in Maya`s cities?
  10. Tell about the ruins of Palenque.
  11. What types of pyramids did the ancient Mayans build?
  12. What purposes did Mayan pyramids have?
  13. When and where did The Aztecs live?
  14.  Where was the Aztecscapital ?
  15. What were the Aztecs  famous for?
  16.  What artists did the Aztecs have?
  17. What was  the most famous sculpture in Aztec art history?
  18. What did the ancient Aztecart show?
  19.  What were the differences between the Aztec`sand Maya`s  pyramids?
  20. What do you know about masks?

Assignment 4.Fill in the blanks forming proper parts of speech from the words given in brackets:

While there are ______ (SIMILAR) between the Aztecs and the Mayans, there are great ______ (DIFFER). Both cultures believed in sacrifice, but the Aztecs believed in ______(TO SACRIFICE) humans and the Mayans believed in the sacrificing of blood. The Mayans were a far more ______ (TO ADVANCE) civilization and had a different approach to developing _____ (science) processes. They studied the stars and used their _______(TO KNOW) of astronomy to develop a calendar, which ends on December 21, 2012.

The Aztecs were ____ (WAR) and held many events that demonstrated their _____ (STRONG) and power. They ____ (TO BE) fierce people who conquered ____ (THEY) enemies and were very proud of their victories in battle. The Mayans on the other hand were a ______(PEACE), gentle people. The Mayan society _____(TO DIVIDE) into states and each one had its own _____(TO RULE). The Aztecs had a central _____(TO GOVERN) and one ruler who was viewed as a Supreme _____(TO BE).

Assignment 5.Watch the video and answer the following questions:

Look through the words below before listening:


остаток; остатки

to stretch

тянуться, растягиваться



to approach



отдельный; особый


современный, передовой



blood sacrifice

кровавые жертвоприношения

in a sense

в известном смысле

  1. How did the main civilization stretch?
  2. When was the ruin of  Palenque discovered?
  3. What kind of settlement was Palenque?
  4. What period of Maya is Palenque associated with?
  5. Were blood sacrifices popular in Palenque?
  6. What was the mission of the Maya?
  7. What does the construction of the tower in the Palace of Winds match?
  8. What do the architecture and sculptures of the Maya show?
  9. When was the Temple of Inscriptions completed?
  10. Who was the governor of Palenque for 52 years?
  11. Why no Mayan pyramids are not true in a sense they are in Egypt?
  12.  When and by whom was the Tomb of Pacal Wotanfirst opened?
  13.  What size is sarcophagus?

Assignment 6.Discuss in groups:

  1. Discuss the influence of the Mesoamericancivilizations on modern cultures?
  2. Compare Egyptian and Mesoamerican pyramids. What are differences and similarities?
  3. Discuss the special features of Mesoamericanart.
  4. What are the differences between the Aztecs and the Mayas in art?

Assignment 7.Pop-quiz question

1.  The stage of human social development and organization which is considered most advancedis ______________.

- society

- ethnic group

  • civilization
  • tribe  

2. A social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leaderis  ____________.

- society

- ethnic group

  • civilization
  • tribe  

3. A thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage is ________________.

- achievement

- creating

  • talent
  • rule

4.A building devoted to the worship of a god or godsis _____________.

- shrine

- temple

  • church
  • palace

5. A hollow container, especially one used to hold liquid, such as a bowl or cask________.

- bottle

  • pot
  • pan
  • vessel

  1. An upright stone slab or column typically bearing a commemorative inscription or relief design, often serving as a gravestone is____________.

  • pyramid
  • sculpture
  • stele
  • column

  1. Connected with God or a god or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving veneration means______________.

  • scared
  • saint
  • holy
  • divine

  1. A hard, dark, glass-like volcanic rock formed by the rapid solidification of lava without crystallization is___________.

  • turquoise
  • obsidian
  • quartz
  • jade

  1. Personal ornaments, such as necklaces, rings, or bracelets, that are typically made from or contain jewels and precious metal is_______________.

  • jewelry
  • decoration
  • headdress
  • art

  1. Something that is not likely to give way or overturn; firmly fixedmeans_____.

  • flat
  • elaborate
  • stable
  • sophisticated


Option 1

Write an essay of 10-15 sentences on ancient Mesoamerican civilizations and their mysteries.  

Option 2

Make up your own sentences with words below:

Comparatively; stable; to adorn; mural; enormous; to be famed forsmth; northernmost; to regard; elaborate; sophisticated.


        ART OF ANCIENT GREECE        

Assignment 1.Read the following words and word combinations, using transcriptions:









pericalles agalma

[perikʌlə egʌlmʌ]


[k ɔr ə]








[dipil ən]





Assignment 2. Active vocabulary: Learn the following words and word combinations:

Word/word combination

Russian equivalent

contemplation of mortals

созерцание смертных










керамика, глиняная посуда

a pair of compasses




meandering lines

извилистые линии




рама, обрамление


зрелый, более поздний


искусно сделанный






умерший, покойный


расположенный с боку


скорбь, плач, рыдание


похоронная процессия


памятный, мемориальный




рисовать, чертить в перспективе, ракурсе.

Assignment 3. Read the text, be ready to answer questions:

Greek art, the foundation and inspiration of Western artistic culture, was responsible for the invention of forms that embody the ideal of beauty. And first of all Greek art is famous for sculptures and vase-paintings. The Archaic period of Greek history (600-480nc) began in Athens, by creating colossal  kauri (statues of nude youths), erected at Cape Sounion (590-580bc).   These figures appeared as a perikalles agalma, "an image of great beauty" (for the pleasure of the gods and the contemplation of mortals).The way in which the triangular stomach joins with the legs creates an effective sense of harmony. The skin is stretched tautly over the muscles, and the figure's mouth turns up in a smile. For a century, the kouros was skillfully used by sculptors as a way of investigating the reality of different social and religious circumstances.

The subject was portrayed as a bringer of offerings, a dead man, a hero, and even a god, as in the advancing bronze figure of Apollo from Piraeus (525bc).  The female figures (korai), (statues of draped female figures) on the Acropolis, were also the symbols of  beauty. The sun plays on the curved surfaces of the marble, penetrating its crystals, and the light seems to suggest an extra dimension to the stone. The appearance of pottery that was decorated with regular, circular motifs drawn with a pair ofcompasses, marked the start of a new era of artistic creativity in Greek art. Liberated from the direct influence of natural shapes, this style gave expression to intellectually based compositions. The addition of graphic designs - zigzags, triangles, and meandering lines -established the so-called Geometric style, which visualized and was able to express force, opposition, tension, and balance.

Toward 800 B.C. human and animal figures began to appear within the geometric framework, and in the most mature examples these figures could form elaborate scenes. Dipylon Vase from the Dipylon cemetery in Athens, belongs to a group of very large vases that served as grave monuments. Its bottom has holes through which liquid offerings could filter down to the dead below. On the body of the vessel we see the deceased lying in state, flanked by figures with their arms raised in a gesture of mourning, and a funeral procession of chariots and warriors on foot. The most remarkable thing about this scene is that it contains no reference to an afterlife. Its purpose is purely commemorative.

Toward the end of the seventh century, Attic vase painters adopted the "black-figured" style, which means that the entire design is silhouetted in black against the reddish clay. Internal details are scratched in with a needle, and white and purple may be added on top of the black to make certain areas stand out. The most famous painter of this style was Exekias (the end of VI BC). His works were devoted to myths of Ancient Greece.  But the silhouette like black-figure technique made the study of foreshortening unduly difficult, that’s why painters tried the reverse procedure, leaving the figures red and filling in the background. This red-figure technique gradually replaced the older method toward 500 B.C.

Answer the questions:

  1. What was invented in Greek art?
  2. What is Greek art famous for?
  3. Where and when did the archaic period begin?
  4. What was kouros?
  5. What does kouros symbolize?
  6. In what way these figures were used?
  7. What was kore?
  8. What were they made of?
  9. What was the start of a new era of artistic creativity in Greek art?
  10. Why it was called Geometric style?
  11. What was the purpose of Dipylon Vase?
  12. Who was the most famous artist of “black-figure” style?
  13. What did he based his works upon?
  14. What was the difference between black-figure style and red- figure technique?

Assignment 4.Give definitions of the following words and word combinations:

Archaic, kouros, kore, pottery, geometric style, vase painter, deceased, mature, vessel, foreshorten.

Assignment 5.  Watch the video and answer the questions:

1.What did Greek artists do for the first time?2. What did they study? 3. What did they try to understand?  4. What was the result of it? 5 . What did each artist do? 6. What was the kouros in the history of Art? 7. What material was he made of? 8. What had Greek artists created?

Assignment 6.Discuss in groups:

  1. The role of Greek Art in present-day world.
  2. The most important ideas of Greek Art.
  3. How did Greek artists change attitudes to man’s body?
  4. Do you agree or disagree that Greek Art was the foundation and inspiration of Western artistic culture.

Assignment7.Pop-quiz question!

  1. Geometric style means:

        - Math figures;      -Nature shapes;   - Graphic designs.

  1. The Archaic period began in:

-   Athens;    - Acropolis;     -Dipylon.

  1. Exekias is known as:

    - a sculptor of kouros;   - red - figure technique artist;   - black-figure style artist    4. Kouros was:

        - a statue of a hero;  - a female figure;   - a statue of a nude man

 5. Kore was:

      - a statue of a hero;      - a female figure;     - a statue of a nude man.

 6. Dipylon vase was used as:

       - grave monument;         - water-vessel;          - present.


Option 1

Greek art, the foundation and inspiration of Western artistic culture, was responsible for the invention of forms that embody the ideal of beauty. The vast output, emanating from centers located throughout the Greek empire, comprised works of fundamental importance created by artists of extraordinary talent. Write an essay of 10-15 sentences on how Greek art influenced Western artistic culture.

Option 2

For a century, the kouros was skillfully used by sculptors as a way of investigating the reality of different social and religious circumstances. The subject was portrayed as a bringer of offerings, a dead man, a hero, and even a god. Write an essay about kouroi’s appearance and why they were so popular.




Assignment 1.Read the following words and word combinations, using transcriptions:






[ə krɔpəlis]








[pə ənz]





Athena Parthenos

[ˈæθinʌ pa: θənʌs]



Athena Nike

[ˈæθinʌ ˈnaɪ-kiː]


[ ˌprɑ-pə-ˈliː-əm]

Athena Promachos

[ˈæθinʌ promakas]


[pri:si kt]




[pa:r θənon]


[maisi:ni: ən]





Assignment 2.Active vocabulary: Learn the following words and word combinations:

Word/word combination

Russian equivalent


эллинский, греческий










давать обет, клясться


завещание, завет

'sacred precinct

священная огороженная территория


управлять, руководить






фриз, бордюр

pinnacle of art

вершина искусства


прямо, открыто


гробница, место поклонения




внушительный, производящий сильное впечатление

Mycenaean times

Микенские времена

Assignment 3.Read the text, be ready to answer questions:

For a period of more than a thousand years, the Hellenic peoples of mainland Greece, created a wealth of sculpture, painting, and architecture whose types, forms, and values lie at the very heart of Western aesthetics. The Acropolis was both the fortified citadel and state sanctuary of the ancient city of Athens. When the Acropolis was ransacked by the Persians in 580 BC, the Athenians vowed never to rebuild on it. But thirty-three years later, the great statesman Pericles persuaded the popular assembly to rebuild on it as a lasting testament to the glory of democratic Athens and its empire. At its top was the Propylaeum, an entryway and façade that formed the gateway to the Acropolis. Once inside the 'sacred precinct' the most fabulous building was the Parthenon, the surviving ruins of which are what most people associate with Ancient Greece. The Parthenon was started in 447 BC and completed some fifteen years later. Started in 447, the Parthenon was masterminded by Pericles who took personal responsibility for the whole project. It featured numerous architectural innovations, and sat on a base 70 meters long and 26 meters wide. Constructed in the 'Doric' style it had 17 columns along its length and eight columns along its width, each of which was over 10 meters high and 2 meters in diameter. Right-angled buildings tend to create an optical illusion that can make them look too heavy.

To compensate for this effect, the Parthenon's columns utilize an architectural effect, and get gradually thinner from the middle up. The magnificent figures carved into the space between the top of the columns and the rooftop are some of the finest ever example of ancient sculpture. Other striking parts of the temples that have survived include the Parthenon Frieze. Only two and a half inches thick at its maximum depth it depicts a procession of 360 noble Athenians, as well as numerous animals and gods.

A pinnacle of art, barely visible in its original position, the Parthenon Frieze stood 1 meter tall and would have encircled almost the whole building's upper walls, making its total length 160 meters. Made totally frommarble, by Iktinous and Kallikrates at the command of Perikles, the temple is 227 feet long, 101 wide and has 65 feet height.   It housed both a treasury and a sanctuary to Athena, in which was placed a fantastic 12-meter high ivory and gold statue of the goddess Athena, called the Athena Parthenos. The work of Phidias, representing Athena fully armed with spear, helmet, aegis and, accompanied by a snake, and holding in her extended right arm a statue of victory.

Numerous smaller temples and shrines dedicated to both mythical ancestors and Greek gods were also to be found on the Acropolis. These included the Temple of Athena Nike, as well as the huge imposing statute of Athena Promachos, which stood 10 meters tall and could be seen from some 5 kilometers out to sea. Combining three buildings into one structure, the other great building of the Acropolis was the Erechtheum. It contained shrines and sites whose origin stretched back to Mycenaean times, and it was here, according to Ancient Greek mythology, that the goddess Athena had defeated the sea-god Poseidon in her battle to win possession of the city.

Answer the questions:

  1. What was the Acropolis for the Athenians?
  2. Who persuaded the Athenians to rebuild the Acropolis?
  3. What was the name of the entryway to the Acropolis?
  4. What is the most fabulous building on the Acropolis?
  5. When was it started and finished to build?
  6. To who was it dedicated?
  7. How did this sculpture look?
  8. Who was the sculptor of it?
  9. In what style was the Parthenon constructed?
  10. Who was the sculptor of the Parthenon?
  11. Who was depicted on the Parthenon Frieze?
  12. What were the other buildings on the Acropolis?
  13. What had happened in the Erechtheum according to Ancient Greek mythology?

Assignment 4.Give definitions of the following words and word combinations:  

Hellenic, mainland, mastermind, 'sacred precinct, pinnacle of art, imposing.

Matchnew words with their meanings given in Russian and think of your own sentences with these words.

a. aesthetics

1.  гробница, место поклонения

b. sanctuary

2.  ограбить

c. ransack

3.  святилище

d. testament

4.  эстетика

e. shrine

5.  завещание, завет

Assignment 5.  Watch the video about the Acropolis, the Parthenon and the Agora and answer the questions:

  1. What role did the Acropolis play in Athens?
  2. What was its second name?
  3. When did the Acropolis appear?
  4. What buildings are still recognized on the Acropolis?
  5. What is the most impressive temple on the Acropolis?
  6.  Who is it dedicated to?
  7. Is the Parthenon in danger of distraction?
  8. What figures were made as columns?
  9. What is there on the foot of the Acropolis?
  10. What was the Agora for Athens?
  11. What events were taken place in the Acropolis and the Agora?

Assignment 6.  Discuss in groups:

  1. In the mid-5th century, the Athenians were persuaded by the Perikles to rebuild the temples on the Acropolis on a grand scale. Do you agree or not, that it was made as a testament to the glory of democratic Athens and its empire.
  2. Try to reveal that the Parthenon was the most fabulous building, the surviving ruins of which are what most people associate with Ancient Greece.
  3. Crowned by the mighty Parthenon temple, the Acropolis rises above modern Athens; a lasting testament to Greece's glorious golden age. The Acropolis was the center of ritual and ceremony, and the religious heart of the city. The marketplace at its base is Agora, and was the hub of commercial, political and social life. How do you think which of them were more important for the Athenians.

Assignment 7. Pop-quiz question!

Guess which descriptions are given below:

 Acropolis, Parthenon, Erechtheum,   Parthenon Frieze, Athena Promachos,  Athena Parthenos.

  1. Only two and a half inches thick at its maximum depth it depicts a procession of 360 noble Athenians, as well as numerous animals and gods.
  2. Constructed in the “ Doric” style it had 17 columns along its length and 8 columns along its width, each of which was over 10 meters high and 2 meters in diameter.
  3. It contained shrines and sites whose origin starched back to Mycenaean times, and it was here, according to Ancient Greek mythology, that the goddess Athena had defeated the sea-god Poseidon in her battle to win  possession of the city.
  4. Although the great building programs of the 5th century B. C. have disturbed or covered many of the earlier remains, there is still a great deal of archaeological evidence attesting to the importance of it.
  5. It stood 10 meters tall and could be seen from some 5 kilometers out to sea.
  6. The work of Phidias, representing Athena fully armed with spear, helmet, aegis and, accompanied by a snake, and holding in her extended right arm a statue of victory.


Option 1

Rising to a height of between 60 and 70 meters above the city, the rocky flat-topped hill of the Acropolis is 300 meters from east to west and 150 meters from north to south. Its first fortifications were constructed by the Mycenaean in the 13th century BC, and some of these survived until 510 BC when the tyrant Hippias was overthrown and they were torn down to prevent a return to tyranny. When the Acropolis was ransacked by the Persians in 580 BC, the Athenians vowed never to rebuild on it. How do you think, why did they agree to rebuild it. What are your thoughts about it. Write an essay on this theme.

Option 2  

Hegel said that each work of art belongs to its time, its nation and its surroundings. Write an essay where you should try to explain why the Acropolis with its buildings is what most people associate with Ancient Greek Art.



Assignment 1. Read the following words and word combinations, using transcriptions:


[p æ n θi ən]


[əʤ ɔiniŋ]


[reikt æ ŋgjulə]




[ o: ]

Coliseum Colosseum



[ ɔkjuləs]


[gl ædiətɔ:riəl]








[kərin θi ən]

Assignment 2. Active vocabulary: Learn the following words and word combinations:

Word/word combination

Russian equivalent

Word/word combination

Russian equivalent


здание, сооружение


единообразно, однородно




столб, колонна






портик, крытаягалерея


выдолбленные, высеченные








прилегающий, примыкающий




делать углубление, помещать в укромное место


внешний двор










в целом, в общем


благоговейный трепет, вдохновение


сердцевина, внутренность


обильный, достаточный






цилиндр, барабан


портик, галерея


выводить крестовый свод






подобно, так же

Assignment 3. Read the text, be ready to answer questions:

If the autonomy of Roman sculpture and painting has been questioned, Roman architecture is a creative feat of such magnitude as to silence all doubts of this sort. Its growth, moreover, from the very start reflected a specifically Roman way of public and private life. It came to supplying the citizenry with everything it needed, from water to entertainment on a grand scale, radical new forms had to be invented, and cheaper materials and quicker methods had to be used. Perhaps the most striking example of this process is the famous Pantheon in Rome, a very large round temple of the early second century A.D. whose interior is the best preserved, as well as the most impressive, of any surviving Roman structure.

On the outside, the Pantheon appears as an unadorned drum, surmounted by a gently curved dome. The entrance is emphasized by a deep porch. The porch was designed to form part of a rectangular, colonnaded forecourt, which must have had the effect of detaching it from the rotunda. The impact of the interior awe-inspiring and harmonious at the same time. The dome is a true hemisphere. The circular opening in its center (called the oculus, or eye) admits an ample and wonderfully even flow of light. The only natural light enters through an unglazed oculus at the center of the dome and through the bronze doors to the portico.

As the sun moves, striking patterns of light illuminate the walls and floors of porphyry, granite and yellow marbles. The height from the floor to the eye is 143 feet, which is also the diameter of the dome's base and the interior. Dome and drum are likewise of equal heights, so that all the proportions are in exact balance. The weight of the dome does not rest uniformly on the drum but is concentrated on the eight wide "pillars".

Between them, niches (there are seven niches) are daringly hollowed out of the massive concrete, and although they are closed in back, the screen of columns gives them the effect of openings that lead to adjoining rooms. This sense of open space behind the supports helps to prevent us from feeling imprisoned inside the Pantheon and makes us feel that the walls are less thick and the dome much lighter than is actually the case.

The columns, the colored marble paneling of the wall surfaces, and the floor remain essentially as they were in Roman times. Originally, however, the recessed coffers were gilded to make the dome resemble "the golden Dome of Heaven." As its name suggests, the Pantheon was dedicated to all the gods or, more precisely, to the seven planetary gods.

They impress us again in the Colosseum, the enormous amphitheater for gladiatorial games in the center of Rome. Completed in 80 A.D., it is, in terms of sheer mass, one of the largest single buildings anywhere; when intact, it accommodated more than 50,000 spectators. The concrete core, with its miles of vaulted corridors and stairways, is a masterpiece of engineering efficiency devised to ensure the smooth flow of traffic to and from the arena. It utilizes both the familiar barrel vault and a more complex form, the groined vault.

The exterior, dignified and monumental, reflects the interior articulation of the structure but clothes and accentuates it in cut stone. There is a fine balance between vertical and horizontal elements in the framework of engaged columns and entablatures that contains the endless series of arches. The three Classical orders are superimposed according to their intrinsic "weight": Doric, the oldest and most severe, on the ground floor, followed by Ionic and Corinthian. The lightening of the proportions, however, is barely noticeable, for the orders in their Roman adaptation are almost alike.

Answer the questions:

  1. What were the sources of Roman architecture?  
  2. What is the most striking example of Roman architecture?
  3. What was the Pantheon for Roman people?
  4. Does it exist now? Can we see its beauty in origin?  
  5. When was it built?  
  6. What is more awe-inspiring: the interior or the exterior part of the Pantheon?
  7. How does it lighted?
  8. To whom the Pantheon was dedicated to?
  9. How many gods were presented in the Pantheon niches?
  10. What was the Coliseum?
  11. When was it completed?
  12. How many spectators did it accommodate?
  13. Why it is called “a masterpiece of engineering efficiency”?  
  14. What are the three Classical orders superimposed in it?

Assignment 4.  Fill in the blanks:

The Pantheon is one of the great _______buildings of the world. It was built as a Roman _______and later consecrated as a Catholic Church. Its monumental _______originally faced a ________colonnaded temple _______and now entrants the smaller Piazza della Rotonda. Through great bronze doors, one enters one great circular room. The interior volume is a __________ above which rises the ____________. Opposite the door is a recessed___________, and on each side are three additional recesses, alternately rectangular and semicircular, separated from the space under the dome by paired _______columns. The dome is constructed of stepped rings of solid _____with less and less density as lighter aggregate (pumice) is used, ________in thickness to about 1.2 m (4 feet) at the edge of the_______. The dome rests on a cylinder of masonry walls 6 m (20 feet). Hidden voids and the interior __________out this construction, so that it works less as a solid mass and more like three continuous ________which correspond to the three tiers of ________arches visible on the building exterior. Originally, these _______walls were faced with colored marbles.

Words:concrete,arcades,exterior,oculus,diminishing,recesses hollow,relieving,hemispherical dome,cylinder,semicircular apse,spiritual,temple,rectangular,porch,courtyard,monolithic.

Assignment 5.Watch the video and answer the questions:

The Pantheon

  1. From what language the name “Pantheon” was derived?   2 What does this name mean?  3Was the Pantheon in continuing use throughout the history?  4 When was it built?  5 In honor of what event was it built?  6 How many times was it rebuilt?  7 What do the words above the main entrance say?  8 What year was it transferred into a church? 9 Did it help to preserve the Pantheon? 10 On what was the bronze from the Pantheon used?  11 How do you feel inside the building? 12 What is the purpose of the oculus? 13 If it rains outside, how does it inside? 14  What gods were the niches devoted to? 15 What is another role of the Pantheon?  16 What buildings have the same features as the Pantheon? 17 Does the Pantheon change much? 18 What objects are still unchanged?

Building Rome's Colosseum

  1. What was the most important detail in building Rome's Colosseum? 2 How was the arch made?What were the main details of arch? 3 How many arches were in the Colosseum? 4 How do they call the Colosseum? 5 Who built the Colosseum? 6 Were all workers skilled? 7 What was the most difficult task in building?

Assignment 6. Discuss in groups:

1. The Colosseum or Flavian Amphitheater was begun by Vespasian, inaugurated by Titus in 80 A.D. and completed by Domitian.  It was the first permanent amphitheater to be built in Rome. Its monumental size and grandeur as well as its practical and efficient organization for producing spectacles and controlling the large crowds make it one of the great architectural monuments achieved by the ancient Romans. How do you think what makes the Colosseum more famous: its architecture or spectacles?

2.  Try to reveal that the Pantheon is the most fabulous surviving building of Roman architecture.

3. The Pantheon was a spiritual place and the Coliseum was an entertaining place. How do you think which of them were more attended in ancient Rome?

Assignment 7. Pop-quiz question!

  1. Roman architecture reflected a:

  1. Glory of Empire
  1. Entertaining traditions
  1. Religious traditions
  1. Way of public and private life

  1. The Pantheon in Rome is a:

a) church

c) public place

b) museum

d) ruins

  1. The name of the Pantheon means:

a) Victory

c) All Gods

b) Glory

d) Heavens

  1. The Pantheon was made in a form of:

a) drum

c) rectangular



  1. The oculus is:

a) a hole for rain

c) an unglazed hole

b)a hole for spirits

d) a glazed hole

  1. The Colosseum was a:

a) museum

c) amphitheater


d) church

  1. You can see….. in  Colosseum:

a) musicals

c) gladiatorial games

b)religious ceremonies

d) concerts

  1. The Colosseum’s arches were mostly made of:

a) marble

c) stones




Option 1

Undaunted by any challenge, the Romans built arches, bridges, aqueducts, roads, walled cities, and frontier fortresses. These constructions were the conscious symbols of a mighty empire, the lasting and immutable traces of which are still to be seen today from Europe through to Mesopotamia and North Africa. What are your thoughts about it. Write an essay on this theme.

Option 2

The famous Pantheon in Rome, a very large round temple of the early second century A.D. whose interior is the best preserved, as well as the most impressive, of any surviving Roman structure. There had been round temples long before this time, but their shape, as represented by the "Temple of the Siby”, is so different from that of the Pantheon that the latter could not possibly have been derived from them. Write an essay where you should try to explain why The Pantheon is so unique.



Assignment 1. Read the following words and word combinations, using transcriptions:


[l ər æriəm]




[ ɔ:g ʌstəs]



Prima Porta

[primʌ p ɔrtʌ]




[ ɔ:g ʌstən]


[p ɔmpəi:]


[ʤu:lj ɔ kl ɔ:d jən]


[h ə:k ju:lənium]

Marcus Aurelius

[ma:kəs aurəlius]


[b ɔskʌr əʌl]




[b ɔskʌtrikeis]



Fannius Synistor

[feniʌs  sinistə]

Assignment 2. Active vocabulary: Learn the following words and word combinations:

Word/word combination

Russian equivalent

Word/word combination

Russian equivalent


рвение, усердие


прочный, надёжный


проникать, пропитывать


фреска, фресковая живопись








роща, лесок


давать заказ





sheets of lead

листы свинца


общий, всеобъемлющий






разрушать, разъедать


служить типичным примером


блеск, сияние




подготовительное мероприятие






благожелательность, щедрость










двусмысленность. неопределённость


строгий, суровый


каменная кладка




колонна, опора


рисовать или гравировать пунктиром




безумный, безрассудный


искусно сделанный




область воображения

Assignment 3. Read the text, be ready to answer questions:

Imperial art was promoted at even,' social and economic level and exported to the most distant bounds of the empire. This mood of ideological fervourpermeated the art of the entire imperial era. Private portrait sculpture was most closely associated with funerary contexts. This funerary context for portrait sculpture was rooted in the longstanding tradition of the display of wax portrait masks, called imagines. These masks, portraits of noted ancestors who had held public office or been awarded special honors, were proudly housed in the household lararium, or family shrine, along with busts made of bronze , marble , or terracotta.  

Public officials commissioned portrait busts that reflected every wrinkle and imperfection of the skin, and heroic, full-length statues often composed of generic bodies onto which realistic, portrait heads were attached. The overall effect of this style gave Republican ideals physical form and presented an image that the sitter wanted to express. This is typified in the impressive marble statue of Augustus from PrimaPorta, dating from after 17bc. which although based on a classical model has been modified in order to capture the actual features of the emperor. Augustus' official portrait type was disseminated throughout the empire and combined the heroicizing idealization of Hellenistic art with Republican ideas of individual likeness to produce a whole new scheme for portraiture that was at once innovative and yet fundamentally based in familiar aspects of traditional Roman art. Augustan and Julio-Claudian  portrait types emphasized the youth, beauty, and benevolence of the new dynastic family. Augustus set a stylistic precedent that had lasting impact on Roman portrait sculpture up to the reign of Constantine the Great.

Continued development in Roman portrait styles was spurred by the philosopher-emperor Marcus Aurelius, whose portraits feature new levels of psychological expression that reflect changes not only in the emperors' physical state but their mental condition as well. These physical embodiments of personality and emotional expression later reach their fullest realization in the portraits of the severе emperor Caracalla. He is shown with a short, military beard and hairstyle that were stippled across the surface of the marble. He is also shown with an intense, almost insane facial expression, which evokes his strong military background and, according to some scholars, reflects his aggressive nature.

The history of Roman painting is essentially a history of wall paintings on plaster.  Works that have survived are in the durable medium of fresco that was used to adorn the interiors of private homes in Roman cities and in the countryside. According to Pliny, it was Studius,who first instituted that most delightful technique of painting walls with representations of villas, porticos and landscape gardens, woods, groves, hills, pools, channels, rivers, and coastlines. The majority of Roman frescoes were found in Campania.

It is here that Mount Vesuvius erupted on August 24, 79 A.D., burying much of the countryside, the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Frescoes from the villas at Boscoreale and Boscotrecase provide an unparalleled record of the life of wealthy Romans during this period describes the elaborate methods employed by wall painters, including the insertion of sheets of lead in the wall to prevent the capillary action of moisture from attacking the fresco, the preparation of as many as seven layers of plaster on the wall, and the use of marble powder in the top layers to produce a mirror like sheen on the surface.

Preliminary drawings or light incisions on the prepared surface guided the artists in decorating the walls a fresco (on fresh plaster) with bold primary colors. Softer, pastel colors were often added a secco (on dry plaster) in a subsequent phase. Fresco artists imitated architectural forms purely by pictorial means. They used flat plaster on which projection and recession were suggested entirely by shading and perspective. Throughout the Villa P. Fannius Synistor at Boscoreale there are visual ambiguities to tease the eye, painted masonry, pillars, and columns that cast shadows into the viewer's space. Objects of daily life are depicted in such a way as to seem real, with metal and glass vases on shelves, and tables appearing to project out from the wall. At Boscoreale, the walls dissolve into elaborate displays of illusionist architecture and realms of fantasy.

Answer the questions:

  1.  What was private portrait sculpture associated with?
  2. What was the longstanding tradition in Rome?
  3. Where were these masks housed?
  4. Who these masks were devoted to?
  5. What kind of portrait busts did public officials commission?
  6. What effect did this style give?
  7. What is the most famous impressive marble statue of the emperor?
  8. What did Augustus' official portrait type produce?
  9. What did Augustan and Julio-Claudian portrait types emphasize?
  10.  Who spurred the development in Roman portrait styles?
  11.  What new feature did appear in Marcus Aurelius’ portrait sculpture?
  12.  Where did these physical embodiments of personality and emotional expression reach their fullest realization?
  13.  How did he look like?
  14.  What was used to adorn the interiors of private homes in Roman cities and in the countryside?
  15.  What is another name of wall paintings on plaster?
  16.  What were mostly represented on frescoes?
  17.  Where were the majority of Roman frescoes found?
  18.  What methods did the wall painters employ?

Assignment 4.  Match new words with their meanings given in Russian and think of your own sentences with these words.

  1. fervour
  1. штукатурка
  1. plaster
  1. украшать
  1. embodiment
  1. служить типичным примером
  1. typifу
  1. благожелательность, щедрость
  1. sitter
  1. давать заказ
  1. benevolence
  1. натурщик
  1. commission
  1. воплощение
  1. adorn
  1. рвение, усердие

Give definitions of the following words and word combinations:

Permeate, shrine, sitter, fresco, grove,  рreliminary,  elaborate, insane, ambiguitу.

Assignment 5.  Watch the video and answer the question

1. When did the Roman Art begin?

2. What was the beginning of Roman Art?

3. What was Roman Art most influenced by?

4. What the Romans are known for?

5. Who was the most works devoted to?

6.  What did many Romans believe in?  Why?

 7. What was the most impressive way of paintings?

8. What parts of a body were shown on a portray?

9. What events were included in paintings?

Assignment 6.  Discuss in groups:

  1. Under Augustus, arts of Hellenic tradition were adapted to proclaim the permanence and universality of Roman power. Artists and craftsmen from Alexandria, Athens, and Asia Minor flocked to the imperial court to create models that celebrated the best of all possible worlds. How do you think what were        the most important ideas of Roman portraiture?

  1. Beginning with Augustus, the emperors of the imperial period made full use of the medium's potential as a tool for communicating specific ideologies to the Roman populace. Try to explain your point of view, why the emperors did it?
  2. Do you agree or disagree that Roman art was only the reflection of Greek art? Try to reveal the peculiarities of Roman Art.

Assignment 7. Pop-quiz question! Continue the following phrase:

  1. Private portrait sculpture was most closely associated with _______.
  2.  This funerary context for portrait sculpture was rooted in _______.
  3.  These masks, portraits of noted ancestors were proudly_____.
  4. Full-length statues often composed of generic bodies onto which _______.
  5. Augustan and Julio-Claudian  portrait types emphasized_______.
  6. Continued development in Roman portrait styles was spurred by______.
  7. These physical embodiments of personality and emotional expression later reach their fullest realization in______________.
  8. The history of Roman painting is essentially a history of_______.
  9. Works that have survived are in the durable medium of fresco that was used to___________.
  10. that most delightful technique of painting walls with representations of______.
  11. The majority of Roman frescoes were found in_____________.
  12. Objects of daily life are depicted in such a way as___________.


Option 1

In the Republic, the most highly valued traits included a devotion to public service and military prowess, and so Republican citizens sought to project these ideals through their representation in portraiture. What is your thoughts concerning this issue. Write an essay on this theme.

Option 2

The enduring image of Rome represents one of mankind's greatest collective achievements. During the reign of Augustus (31bc-ad14), imperial art - whether in the context of public celebration or in the form of portraits of the sovereign - imperial art was promoted at even,' social and economic level and exported to the most distant bounds of the empire. This mood of ideological fervor permeated the art of the entire imperial era. What is your thoughts concerning this issue. Write an essay on this theme.



Assignment 1. Read the following words and word combinations, using transcriptions:










[p ə: ʃəns]

Dionysos Eleuthereios,

[dianisʌs eleuθəriəs]





Assignment 2. Active vocabulary: Learn the following words and word combinations:

Word/word combination

Russian equivalent


выдающийся, известный


внедрять, запечатлеть


актёр, играющий главную роль




средство, способ


осмеивать, высмеивать




трико, колготки


набивка, набивочный материал




живот, брюхо




укротитель, дрессировщик




проницательный, искусный


изображение, описание


неотъемлемый, существенный


распространяющийся повсюду, проникающий

sociopolitical elite

социополитическая элита


усиливать, подкреплять


приходить в упадок, уменьшаться


круто, обрывисто


сквернослов, грубиян


косвенный намёк


ряд, ярус

Assignment 3. Read the text, be ready to answer questions:

Nearly every Greek city of note had an open-air theater, the seats arranged in tiers with a lovely view of the surrounding landscape. Here the Greeks sat and watched the plays first of Aeschylus, Sophokles, Euripides, and Aristophanes, and of Menander and the later playwrights.

Little is known about the origins of Greek tragedy before Aeschylus (525/24–456/55 B.C.), the most innovative of the Greek dramatists. His earliest surviving work is “Persians”, which was produced in 472 B.C. The roots of Greek tragedy, however, most likely are embedded in the Athenian spring festival of Dionysos Eleuthereios, which included processions, sacrifices in the theater, parades, and competitions between tragedians. Of the few surviving Greek tragedies, all but Aeschylus' Persians draw from heroic myths. The protagonist and the chorus portrayed the heroes who were the object of cult in Attica in the fifth century B.C. Often the dialogue between the actor and chorus served a didactic function, linking it as a form of public discourse with debates in the assembly.

To this day, drama in all its forms still functions as a powerful medium of communication of ideas. Unlike the Greek tragedy, the comic performances produced in Athens during the fifth century B.C., the so-called Old Comedy, ridiculed mythology and prominent members of Athenian society. There seems to have been no limit to speech or action in the comic exploitation of sex and other bodily functions. Terracotta figurines and vase paintings dated around and after the time of Aristophanes (460/50– 387 B.C.) show comic actors wearing grotesque masks and tights with padding on the rump and belly, as well as a leather phallus.

In the second half of the fourth century B.C., the so-called New Comedy of Menander (344/43–292/91 B.C.) and his contemporaries gave fresh interpretations to familiar material. In many ways comedy became simpler and tamer, with very little obscenity. The grotesque padding and phallus of Old Comedy were abandoned in favor of more naturalistic costumes that reflected the playwrights' new style. Subtle differentiation of masks worn by the actors paralleled the finer delineation of character in the texts of New Comedy, which dealt with private and family life, social tensions, and the triumph of love in a variety of contexts.

Spectacle was an integral part of life in the Roman world. Some forms of spectacle—triumphal processions, aristocratic funerals, and public banquets, for example—took as their backdrop the city itself. Others were held in purpose-built spectator buildings: theaters for plays and other scenic entertainment, amphitheaters for gladiatorial combats and wild beast shows, stadia for athletic competitions, and circuses for chariot races.  

As a whole, this pervasive culture of spectacle served both as a vehicle for self-advertisement by the sociopoliticalelite and as a means of reinforcing the shared values and institutions of the entire community. According to the ancient historian Livy, the earliest theatrical activity at Rome took the form of dances with musical accompaniment. After the second century B.C., the composition of both tragedy and comedy declinedprecipitously at Rome. During the imperial period, the most popular forms of theatrical entertainment were mime (ribald comic productions with sensational plots and sexual innuendo) and pantomime (performances by solo dancers with choral accompaniment, usually recreating tragic myths).

Until 55 B.C., there was no permanent theater in the city of Rome, and plays were staged in temporary, wooden structures, intended to stand for a few weeks at most. The first permanent theater in the city of Rome was the Theater of Pompey, dedicated in 55 B.C.

Answer the questions:

  1. Were the theaters widespread in Greece?
  2. What are the names of famous Greek playwrights?
  3. Who was the first known Greek dramatist?
  4. To what his tragedies were devoted?
  5. What are the roots of Greek tragedy?
  6. What were included in the Athenian spring festival?
  7. What function did the dialogue between the actor and chorus serve?
  8. How does the drama function from this time still now?
  9. What did the Old-Comedy do?
  10. What the actors of that time were wearing?
  11. With what material did the texts of New Comedy deal?
  12. What part of life in the Roman world was spectacle?
  13. What types of entertaining were in Rome?
  14. Were tragedies and comedies so popular in Rome as in Greece?
  15. What role did the pervasive culture of spectacle serve?
  16. What were the most popular forms of theatrical entertainment during the imperial period?
  17. When did the first permanent theater appear in Rome? In What city?

Assignment 4.  Fill in the blanks forming proper parts of speech from words given in brackets:

Theater in the Roman World

The principal occasions for _____ (drama) spectacles in the Roman world_____ (to be) yearly religious festivals, _________ (to organize) by elected magistrates and funded from the state treasury. According to the ancient _____( history) Livy, the_____   (early) theatrical activity at Rome took the form of ____ ( to dance) with musical _______ ( to accompany) introduced to the city by the Etruscans in 364 B.C. The literary record also indicates that Atellanae, a form of native Italic farce _____ (to perform) at Rome by a _______ (relative) early date. In 240 B.C., full-length, scripted plays _______ (to introduce) to Rome by the play ____( to write)  Livius Andronicus, a native of the Greek city of Tarentum in southern Italy. The _____ (early) Latin plays to have survived intact are the comedies of Plautus (active ca. 205-184 B.C.), which ____ (to be) principally adaptations of Greek New Comedy. Latin tragedy also _____(to flourish) during the second century B.C. While some examples of the genre treated stories from Greek myth, others _______(to connect) with famous episodes from Roman history.

Match new words with their meanings given in English and think of your own sentences with these words.

  1. 1. note

a. to laugh at smth. or smb. with sarcasm.

  1. 2.  protagonist

b. a way of communication

  1. 3. didactic

c. famous, well-known.

  1. 4. medium

d. a person who works with wild animals.

  1. 5.ridicule

e. giving a lesson, example.

  1. 6. integral

f. a person who plays the principal role in a play.

  1. 7. tamer

g. smth. essential, important.

Assignment 5.  Watch the video and answer the questions.

  1. What was outside of the arena?
  2. What was inside of the arena?
  3. How many hours a day the Roman Coliseum was opened?
  4. What did the Romans watch in the morning? Noon? Afternoon?
  5. Which of these shows was the most important and why?
  6. What were gladiatorial combats in Coliseum?
  7. What other life battles were recreated in the arena?

Assignment 6.  Discuss in groups:

1.Until 55 B.C., there was no permanent theater in the city of Rome, and plays were staged in temporary, wooden structures, intended to stand for a few weeks at most. The ancient sources concur that the delay in constructing a permanent theater was due to active senatorial opposition, although the possible reasons for this resistance (concern for Roman morality, fear of popular sedition, competition among the elite) remain a subject of debate. Try to explain your point of view, why the senatorial opposition was afraid of permanent theaters?

2.In 325 A.D., Constantine (26.229), the first Christian emperor, prohibited gladiatorial combat on the grounds that it was too bloodthirsty for peacetime. Literary, epigraphic, and archaeological evidence indicates, however, that gladiatorial games continued at least until the mid-fifth century A.D.

1)  How do you think, why gladiatorial games were so popular in Rome?

  2) Compare Greek and Roman theaters. Try to reveal the peculiarities of both theaters.

Assignment 7. Pop-quiz question!

Name the theatrical performances of Ancient Greece and Rome.

  1. Processions, sacrifices in the theater, parades, and competitions between tragedians.
  2. The protagonist and the chorus portrayed the heroes who were the object of cult in Attica.
  3. Ridiculed mythology and prominent members of Athenian society.
  4. Comic actors wearing grotesque masks and tights with padding on the rump and belly.
  5. Dealt with private and family life, social tensions, and the triumph of love in a variety of contexts.
  6. Ribald comic productions with sensational plots and sexual innuendo.
  7. Performances by solo dancers with choral accompaniment, usually recreating tragic myths.
  8. A battle between slaves.
  9.  Performances by a tamer and animals.
  10.  Performances by sportsmen.
  11.  Performances by horses.


Option 1

The principal occasions for dramatic spectacles in the Roman world were yearly religious festivals, or ludi, organized by elected magistrates and funded from the state treasury. Temple dedications, military triumphs, and aristocratic funerals also provided opportunities for scenic performances.

What is your thoughts concerning this issue. Write an essay on this theme.

Option 2

During this early period in Greek drama, the stage and most probably the skene (stage building) were made of wood. The stage stood about a meter high with a flight of steps in the center. The actors entered from either side and from a central door in the skene, which also housed the ekkyklema, a wheeled platform with sets of scenes. A mechane, or crane, located at the right end of the stage, was used to hoist gods and heroes through the air onto the stage. Greek dramatists surely made the most of the extreme contrasts between the gods up high and the actors on stage, and between the dark interior of the stage building and the bright daylight.

What is your thoughts concerning this issue. Write an essay on this theme.


Изучение мировой художественной культуры развивает толерантное отношение к миру как единству многообразия, а восприятие собственной национальной культуры сквозь призму культуры мировой позволяет более качественно оценить её потенциал, уникальность и значимость. Проблемное поле отечественной и мировой художественной культуры как обобщённого опыта всего человечества предоставляет учащимся неисчерпаемый «строительный материал» для самоидентификации и выстраивания собственного вектора развития, а также для более чёткого осознания своей национальной и культурной принадлежности.

Развивающий потенциал курса мировой художественной культуры напрямую связан с мировоззренческим характером самого предмета, на материале которого моделируются разные исторические и региональные системы мировосприятия, запечатлённые в ярких образах. Принимая во внимание специфику предмета, его непосредственный выход на творческую составляющую человеческой деятельности, в программе упор сделан на деятельные формы обучения, в частности на развитие восприятия (функцию – активный зритель/слушатель) и интерпретаторских способностей (функцию - исполнитель) учащихся на основе актуализации их личного эмоционального, эстетического и социокультурного опыта и усвоения ими элементарных приёмов анализа произведений искусства. В содержательном плане программа следует логике исторической линейности.

Результаты обучения

Результаты изучения курса «Мировая художественная культура» на английском языке должны соответствовать стандарту. Требования направлены на реализацию личностно ориентированного, деятельностного и практико-ориентированного подходов; освоение учащимися интеллектуальной и практической деятельности; овладение знаниями и умениями, востребованными в повседневной жизни, позволяющими ориентироваться в окружающем мире, значимыми для сохранения окружающей среды и собственного здоровья.

В результате освоения курса мировой и отечественной художественной культуры формируются основы эстетических потребностей, развивается толерантное отношение к миру, актуализируется способность воспринимать свою национальную культуру как неотъемлемую составляющую культуры мировой и в результате более качественно оценивать её уникальность и неповторимость, развиваются навыки оценки и критического освоения классического наследия и современной культуры, что весьма необходимо для успешной адаптации в современном мире, выбора индивидуального направления культурного развития, организации личного досуга и самостоятельного художественного творчества.

В результате изучения мировой художественной культуры ученик должен:

Знать / понимать:

  • основные виды и жанры искусства;
  • изученные направления и стили мировой художественной культуры;
  • шедевры мировой художественной культуры;
  • особенности языка различных видов искусства.


  • узнавать изученные произведения и соотносить их с определенной эпохой, стилем, направлением.
  • устанавливать стилевые и сюжетные связи между произведениями разных видов искусства;
  • пользоваться различными источниками информации о мировой художественной культуре;
  • выполнять учебные и творческие задания (доклады, сообщения).

Использовать приобретенные знания в практической деятельности и повседневной жизни для:

  • выбора путей своего культурного развития;
  • организации личного и коллективного досуга;
  • выражения собственного суждения о произведениях классики и современного искусства;
  • самостоятельного художественного творчества.

Список использованной литературы

  1. Данилова Г.И. Мировая художественная культура для общеобразовательных школ, гимназий, лицеев. 10-11 класс. М.: Дрофа, 2002  
  2. Сайт Wikipedia
  3. Сайт http://arthistoryresources.net
  4. Art Encyclopedia http:// www. artcyclopedia. com/
  5. Internet Public Library Directory- Fine Arts: www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/hum20.00.00/
  6. A World History of Art:http//www.all-art.org/contents.html
  7. WWW Virtual Library-The Arts:http//vlib.org/Art
  8. Princeton Online-Incredible Art Department: http://www.princetonol.com/groups/iad/

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