План – конспект открытого урока по английскому языку по теме: "Театр и кино"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)

Леонова Юлия Александровна

Активизировать тематическую лексику в устной речи учащихся в диалогической и монологической форме в процессе развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся


Предварительный просмотр:

План – конспект открытого урока по английскому языку по теме: "Театр и кино"

Цель урока – приобщение учащихся к культурной жизни средствами кино и театра.


  • Учебная: активизировать тематическую лексику в устной речи учащихся в диалогической и монологической форме в процессе развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся;

  • Образовательная: расширить знания учащихся о кино и театрах;

  • Развивающая: развивать способности к логическому изложению, к догадке, развивать способность осуществлять продуктивные и репродуктивные речевые действия, развивать коммуникабельность;

  • Воспитательная: воспитывать культуру человека посредством кино и театра.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

- Good day, my dear boys and girls. (Good day)

- I`m glad to see you here. Thank you! Sit down, please! As usual let’s begin our lesson with my questions.

1. What is the date today?

2. What is the day of the week today?

3. What is the weather today?

4. Who is absent?

Teacher:  Last time we began to study new material. What was our topic?

Pupil: The topic of our discussion was Popular arts.

Teacher: Let’s remember what kind of arts do you know? The are literature, dancing, music, painting, sculpture, architecture, theatre, cinema and photo.

Teacher: Yes, you’re right. Today we’re going to continue studying this material, we’ll learn how did theatre and cinema appear, who created the fist movies in Russian and foreign cinematography, and then we’re going to do some exercises to revise the material. Is it clear?

II. Фонетическаяразминка.

- Now I’d like you to train some sounds and words:

Hymn - [him] - гимн

Dionysius - [dai ΄nisi s] - Дионис

Athens - [´æθinz] - Афины

Thespis [´θespis] - Феспис

priest  - [pri:st] - священик

newsreel [´nju:zri:l]- кинохроника

Eisenstein - [´aiznstain] – Эйзенштейн

III. РечеваяРазминка

Teacher What are the most popular theaters in our country and city? Look at the board. Have you recognized these theaters?

Pupil 1 – The Bolshoi Theatre

Pupil 2 – The Maly Theatre

Pupil 3 – The puppet Theatre.

Teacher – When did you go to the theatre last time?

Pupil 1: I visited theatre in winter last year. We watched opera Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky.

Pupil 2: Last year when I was in Moscow I visited Bolshoi Theatre, we saw opera Ruslan and Lyudmila.

Pupil 3: I remember when I was 10 years old we went to Mayakovski Theatre with my friends we saw the fairy-tale Snow maiden.

IV. Проверка домашнего задания

  • Now I would like to check how you did your homework. Your homework for today was to read and translate the text “Theatre and Cinema: How it all Began”. I want to know how you understand the text.
  • Find and read in what country theatre was born?
  • Find and read who was the first actor?

V. Актуализация лексики по теме «Театр»

Teacher – Today we are speaking about cinema and theatre. In every country theatre has its own history, traditions. We'll speak about some historical pages and your attitude to the theatre. Firstly, we ought to revise the vocabulary on the topic "Theatre".

  • Now I'm going to call the words, and you must find their interpretation. Put the card 2










(Something actors and actresses put on their faces to change their appearances.

A House

(The part of a theatre/cinema where the audience sits.)

A Foyer

(A large area inside the theatre/cinema where people meet or wait; walk in the interval.)

An usher

(A person who shows people where their seats are.)

A designer

(A person whose job is to design things by making drawings of them.)

A conductor

(Someone who stands in front of a group of musicians or singers and directs their playing or singing.)

A star

(A very famous and popular actor/actress.)

A dressing room

(A room where a performer can get dressed.)

A tragedy

(A sad or serious play in the theatre.)

A cast

(People who take part in a particular show.)

VI. Театрализация.

A lot of children in our school perform in different plays. Do you want to feel the atmosphere of the theatre? The students of our class have prepared a short  funny scene from the fairy-tale “Red riding hood”. They will try to show their artistic skills.

Teacher – Well, theatre is the Mother of Arts and some critics think that the child of the theatre is cinema. Match the names of films with their types.

  • A film about space travel or life in an imaginary future.


  • A film about criminals and detectives.

a western

  • A film with lots of music and dance.

a comedy

  • A film about cowboys and life in the Wild West.

a crime film

  • A funny film with happy ending.

a  horror film

  • A film in which mysterious and frightening things happen.

a science fiction film

VII. Read and answer the questions.

Teacher: Let’s continue to work with the text again.

  • Find and read in what country cinema was born
  • Find and read information about first Russian films

Now please answer the questions from the text.

  1. When was the cinema born? (It was born at the end of the 19th century)
  2. Where was the 1st movie shown and who showed it to a paying public? (They were the Lumiere brothers. They did it at the Grand Cafe, Boulevard des Capucines.)
  3. What country produced the first dramatic film? (France)
  4. What did the first films show? (Moving people and transport or newsreels of processions and wars, and short comedies)
  5. Why is the film "Jazz Singer" important in the history of cinema? (It opened the era of the "talkies")
  6. When did the first 100% sound film appear? (In 1928, Lights of New York)

VIII. Развитие диалогической речи.

In pairs, invite each other to go to the theatre or to the cinema. You can accept or refuse the invitation.

XI. Работа с текстом.

Let’s return back to the text. Look at the ex.14 you have two minutes to think and to match the titles of the films in English and their Russian equivalents. Is it clear? 

X. Просмотр фильма.

Now let me tell you something. On the picture you can see the emblem of one of the film studios “Warner Brothers”. It was founded in 1903 by 4 brothers. You can see their names. It’s interesting that their parents emigrated from Poland, which was at that time part of the Russian Empire. Now “Warner Brothers” is one of the most prosperous and famous film studios all over the world.

Now I’d like you to watch some short films: the first one is called “The arrival of the train”,it’s the film created by the brothers Lumière. It’s funny, but during the first performance the public was afraid, because that huge train seemed real.

-And the next one is a short film with Charley Chaplin. You’ll see, it’s funny. Let’s watch.

IX. Развитие навыков письма. Работа в группах

In small groups you have to complete the gaps in the text with the words provided. It is a film review (Beauty and the Beast).

  • Complete the gaps in the text with these words:

One day(1), who(3), which(2), in the end(4)

"Beauty and the Beast" was directed by Jean Cocteau. It is bases on the fairytale by Madame Le Prince de Beaumont and it stars Jean Marais as the Beast and Josette Day as Beauty.

Beauty is one of three daughters of a French merchant. Her sisters, Felicie and Adelaide, are mean and treat Beauty as a servant. (1)__________Beauty's father gets lost in the forest, but finds a strange castle, (2) __________ he enters, looking for help. The owner of the castle is a monster, half-man, half-beast, (3)__________ threatens the merchant – either one of his daughters replaces him as a prisoner in the castle or he will die. Beauty offers to replace her father and goes to live in the castle. (4) __________, she discovers the Beast is not as ugly and inhuman as he seems, but a handsome prince.

Mean – придирчивый

Treat – обращаться, обходиться, вести себя по отношению к кому-л. как-л.

Half-beast – полу-зверь

Now let me tell you something. On the picture you can see the emblem of one of the film studios “Warner Brothers”. It was founded in 1903 by 4 brothers. You can see their names. It’s interesting that their parents emigrated from Poland, which was at that time part of the Russian Empire. Now “Warner Brothers” is one of the most prosperous and famous film studios all over the world.

-Now I’d like you to watch some short films: the first one is called “The arrival of the

  • Complete the gaps in the text with these words:

Such as(5), moreover(6), however(7), all in all(8), although(9)

The film deals with the theme of appearances in very interesting and clever ways. In one memorable scene, Beauty looks in the mirror and her face is transformed into the Beast's. For it's time (1946), the film uses some clever special effects, (5)__________when       Beauty is walking up and down waiting for the Beast to visit her room – behind her, a statue's head follows her movements! (6) __________, the whispering furniture       is            as           frightening        as           anything in modern films. The film does, (7) __________, have its weak points. The Beast's voice is rather squeaky, and the lovers flying at the end is a bit corny! (8) __________, though, it must be one of the most beautiful films ever made. (9) ) __________ it    is in black and white, the striking use of light makes it seem at times like a moving painting. The music is also magnificent.

Beauty and the Beast is a fairy tale with an obvious message – you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Of course, it has neither the attractive characters nor the Hollywood songs of the Disney version; – it speaks to people of all ages. I recommend it for all the family.

To deal with – рассматривать

Squeaky – писклявый

Magnificent – потрясающий

Choose someone in each group to read the completed text. (Self-check)

IV. Подведение итогов.

Open your diaries and write your home task. It’ll be Ex. 51 p.242. Look into the books. You have to make up the questions to the answers.

Today all of you were hard workers. I like your speeches. We discuss the topic “Theatre and cinema”. Tell me what do theatre and cinema  for us?

P1: we become more cultural

P2: we become more educated

Of course. So I’m sure you’ll visit theatre and cinema more often and will have the best way to spend your time. The marks for the lesson are:….. The lesson is over. Thanks a lot. Youmaybefree.  

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

История Философия Экономика Психология Иностранный язык 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 Sport 1 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 500 Music 1 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 500 Arts 1 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 500 Space 1 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 500

Слайд 3

Who is the best Russian goal-keeper in hockey? Вопрос за 1 00 Узнать ответ

Слайд 4

Правильный ответ The best Russian goal-keeper is Vladislav Tretyak Вопрос за 1 00 Вернуться к выбору тем→

Слайд 5

Узнать ответ What kind of sport was Kharlamov good at? Вопрос за 2 00

Слайд 6

Вернуться к выбору тем→ Правильный ответ He was good at hockey. Вопрос за 200

Слайд 7

Узнать ответ The best football player in the history of Barcelona and Argentina. It is considered one of the best players of our time and one of the best players of all time. Вопрос за 3 00

Слайд 8

Вернуться к выбору тем→ Правильный ответ He is Leonel Andres Messi Вопрос за 300

Слайд 9

Узнать ответ Who is the champion of the Olympic Games in women’s figure skating in Pyeong Chang 2018? Вопрос за 4 00

Слайд 10

Вернуться к выбору тем→ Правильный ответ It is Alina Zagitova . Вопрос за 400

Слайд 11

He is a three-time champion of the Olympic Games,a nine-time world champion, an eleven-time champion of Europe in Greco-Roman wrestling. Вопрос за 500 Узнать ответ

Слайд 12

Вернуться к выбору тем→ Правильный ответ It is Alexander Karelin . Вопрос за 500

Слайд 13

Узнать ответ Who created the music for the ballets “The Swan Lake”, “The Sleeping Beauty” and “The Nutcracker”? Вопрос за 100

Слайд 14

Вернуться к выбору тем→ Правильный ответ Peter Tchaikovsky did. Вопрос за 100

Слайд 15

Узнать ответ Who is the composer of national anthem (hymn) in Russia? Вопрос за 2 00

Слайд 16

Вернуться к выбору тем→ Правильный ответ It’s Sergey Mikhalkov . Вопрос за 200

Слайд 17

Узнать ответ Who is the singer of the song “We are the world”? Вопрос за 3 00

Слайд 18

Вернуться к выбору тем→ Правильный ответ It’s Michal Jackson. Вопрос за 300

Слайд 19

Узнать ответ Who composed the “Moonlight Sonata” Вопрос за 4 00

Слайд 20

Вернуться к выбору тем→ Правильный ответ It’s Ludwig van Beethoven Вопрос за 400

Слайд 21

What place did Sergey Lazarev take at the Eurovision in 2016? Вопрос за 500 Узнать ответ

Слайд 22

Вернуться к выбору тем→ Правильный ответ He took the second place in Eurovision Вопрос за 500

Слайд 23

Узнать ответ What does Red Square mean? Вопрос за 100

Слайд 24

Вернуться к выбору тем→ Правильный ответ It means beautiful. Вопрос за 100

Слайд 25

Узнать ответ What is the symbol of White Tower? Вопрос за 200

Слайд 26

Вернуться к выбору тем→ Правильный ответ They are black ravens. Вопрос за 200

Слайд 27

Узнать ответ Who is the art director of Todes group. Вопрос за 300

Слайд 28

Вернуться к выбору тем→ Правильный ответ It’s Alla Dukhova . Вопрос за 300

Слайд 29

Узнать ответ He published his first poem “ Ruslan and Lyudmila” in 1820 and became famous. Вопрос за 400

Слайд 30

Вернуться к выбору тем→ Правильный ответ It’s Alexander Pushkin. Вопрос за 400

Слайд 31

His famous works are “Pine Forest” 1872, “Oaks” 1887. Вопрос за 500 Узнать ответ

Слайд 32

Вернуться к выбору тем→ Правильный ответ It’s Ivan Shishkin . Вопрос за 500

Слайд 33

Узнать ответ He flew into the space on the 12 th of April, 1961,on the board of the spaceship “ Vostok ”. Вопрос за 100

Слайд 34

Вернуться к выбору тем→ Правильный ответ It’s Yuri Gagarin. Вопрос за 100

Слайд 35

Узнать ответ Who was the first man who entered the open space? Вопрос за 200

Слайд 36

Вернуться к выбору тем→ Правильный ответ It was Alexey Leonov . Вопрос за 200

Слайд 37

Узнать ответ He was a Soviet aeronautical engineer, who designed rockets, missiles, and spacecrafts. He was born in 1906 and died in 1966. Вопрос за 300

Слайд 38

Вернуться к выбору тем→ Правильный ответ It’s Sergei Korolev . Вопрос за 300

Слайд 39

Узнать ответ The first Russian woman who flew into the space. Вопрос за 400

Слайд 40

Вернуться к выбору тем→ Правильный ответ It’s Valentina Tereshkova. Вопрос за 400

Слайд 41

Who is called “the father of the space technology”? Вопрос за 500 Узнать ответ

Слайд 42

Вернуться к выбору тем→ Правильный ответ Konstantin Tsiolkovsky is called “the father of the space technology”. Вопрос за 500

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