Методическая разработка урока "Holidays"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс)

Курбатова Нина Станиславовна

Урок нацелен на систематизацию знаний о социокультурной специфике страны изучаемого языка, культурных особенностей носителей языка, их прирвычках и традициях. 

В данном уроке обощается лексико-грамматический материал по теме "Обычаи и традиции англо-говорящих стран", совершенствуются речевые навыки и умения. 


Предварительный просмотр:

5 класс “Holidays”

Цель урока: систематизация знаний о социокультурной специфике стран изучаемого языка и культурных особенностях носителей языка, их привычках, традициях.


Образовательные: обобщение лексико-грамматический материал по теме «Обычаи и традиции англо-говорящих стран», совершенствование речевых навыков и умений

Воспитательные: воспитание уважительного отношения к культурным ценностям британского народа

развитие познавательного интереса к иностранному языку

Развивающие: систематизация страноведческого материала и расширение лингвистического кругозора учащихся

развитие творческой деятельности учащихся


Личностные: формирование интереса и мотивации к учению

Регулятивные: целеполагание, волевая саморегуляция.

Коммуникативные: умение слушать и понимать других.

Познавательные: осознанно и произвольно строить речевые высказывания в устной форме, выбирают необходимую информацию.

Планируемые результаты:

 Предметные: расширение знаний по теме

Метапредметные:  умение определять и формулировать цель деятельности на уроке с помощью учителя

 Личностные: формирование интереса (мотивации) к учению.

Основные понятия: лексические единицы по теме «Holidays»

Ход урока.

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность обучающихся

I. Организационный момент. Организационно-мотивационный этап. Подготовка обучающихся к работе на уроке. Обеспечение благоприятного микроклимата.

1) Приветствие учителя.
  T: Let’s greet each other! Good afternoon, girls and boys! Nice to meet you!

 I hope you are fine today. 

2) T: Turn to each other and try to say some polite words to each other.

(Ученики говорят друг другу комплименты)

Students: You are nice! You are great! You are fine/beautiful/smart/cute!

Слайд 1

II. Создание проблемной ситуации. Фиксация новой учебной задачи.

Погружение в проблему. Doing the puzzle

T: Well, friends, to begin with, have a look at the blackboard, please. Here is a puzzle for you to do. Name all the words in the pictures, take only the first letter of each word and you will read the topic of today’s lesson. 

For example, a hat – letter ‘h’ ….. (вывешивается буква h на скотч или на магнит). Слайд 2.

So, the theme of lesson is HOIidays

 III. Целеполагание. Путем взаимодействия учеников и учителя выйти на проблемный вопрос и формулирование темы и цели урока.

3) Постановка проблемы.

I am sure you know much about holidays because we already read some information about celebrations in different countries of the world. Today we shall revise some material and speak about some another popular holiday. I hope you will learn something interesting about this holiday in Great Britain.

c) Answering teacher’s questions 

T: – By the way, do you like holidays? (– Yes, I do)

– What holidays do you know? (either in Russia or in America or England)

Ps: Harvest Day, Christmas, New Year’s day, Victory Day, Mother’s Day, St Valentine’s Day, Birthday… T: Yes, why not? It’s the day when you were born and your parents were very happy. It’s really a holiday in every family.

– Which is your favourite holiday? (My favourite holiday is New Year’s Day. And what about you? Which holidays do you like most of all?) 

IV. Совместное исследование проблемы.

1) Поиск решения учебной задачи.

II. Follow-up activities

a) Matching

Учащимся раздаются карточки – соотнести названия праздников на картинках и английском языках.

b) T: Введение в англоязычную атмосферу

Речевая зарядка.

Корзинка идей.

а) Задание – написать три слова (существительное, прилагательное, глагол) по теме “Праздники”

б) каждый ученик вспоминает и записывает на листок свои варианты

в) обмен информацией в группе, ученики выясняют, в чём совпали их представления, а в чём возникли разногласия

г) каждый ученик называет свои варианты, не повторяя ранее сказанного.

3. Осмысление.  Корректировка учеником поставленных целей

Постановка учебной задачи

Teacher: Thank you. And today we have an excellent chance to learn more about one of the most important holidays in Russia and Great Britain Look at these pictures and guess the name of the holiday, we are going to speak about

By the way do you know when Russian people are going to celebrate Easter this year?

And what about Britain?

Look at the screen and say when we and the English will celebrate Easter this year. 

Определение темы и целей урока 

- Yes, it's Easter, one of the most important religious holidays in the world. 
And the aim of our lesson is to discuss Easter in Russia, because we must know the traditions of Easter celebration in our country, and then to compare it with Easter celebration in GB to learn about the traditions of the country which language we study. 

First, I suggest training the pronunciation . Look at the screen and repeat after me , please .  

[i:] - Easter, Jesus, street, Clean, eating, sweet, bean, green, meal 
[a:]  start, last, Palm, march
[ɜ:] her, church, service 
[ai] night, Christ is risen! 

[k] Christian, Christ , Calendar  [d3] Julian, Jesus

Работа с текстом о Пасхе в России - выполнение предтекстовых, текстовых и после текстовых заданий 
Now we know that we can celebrate Easter twice and it's high time we learn about Easter in Russia. 
Before reading the text I suggest that you do the quiz and find out how well you know Easter traditions in Russia. I'll give you a few minutes to choose the correct answer. 

Easter Quiz 
1) In Russia Easter stars with 
a) Clean Thursday 
b) the Lent 
c) Good Friday 
2) The Lent lasts for 
a) 48 days 
b) a month 
c) two months 
3) ... is a traditional dessert in Russia 
a) chocolate cake 
b) Pumpkin pie 
c) Kulich 
4) On Clean Thursday Russian people 
a) clean the house 
b) eat Kulich 
c) bless willow branches 
5) The Easter service in church takes place 
a) in the morning 
b) at night 
c) during the day 

Now put aside the quiz. 

We'll return to it a little bit later. 

Look through the text about Easter in Russia and write the numbers of the paragraphs in which you can find the information about: 
1) the time of Easter celebration ___ 
2) the most important days ___

3) street procession ___ 
4) Easter traditions ___

5) the Lent  ___ 

If you're ready, let's check. 1) -1, 2) - 3, 3) - 4, 4) - 3, 6 
Celebrating Easter in Russia 
     In Russia Easter is one of the
most important Christian festivals. This holiday is devoted to Jesus Christ and his returning to life. The exact day of this holiday changes from year to year according to Julian Calendar. But it is always celebrated in spring. 
    Easter starts with the Lent which lasts for 48 days. Believers don't eat meat and animal products during the Lent. 
    The four most important days are: Palm Sunday, Clean Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. On Palm Sunday people go to church and bless willow branches. On Clean Thursday there is a tradition to wash and clean the house. On Good Friday people cook kuliches (special sweet bread), colour eggs and get ready for Easter Sunday. Easter kulich and colored eggs are traditional symbols of the holiday. 
    The night from Saturday to Easter Sunday is celebrated with a street procession. The service starts at about 11 pm and lasts until 3-4 am, during which the procession of believers carrying crosses marches through the night streets. 
    In the morning after the end of the ceremony everyone greets each other with the words “Christ is risen!” The proper response is “Indeed he is risen!” 
     Easter Sunday is a day of singing and eating. Many people visit their friends and exchange eggs. 

Well done! Read the text once more, find and underline in the text the English equivalents for the following words and expressions: 
1) один из главных христианских праздников (para1); 2) посвящен (para1); 3) возвращение к жизни (para1); 4) длится (para2); 5) Вербное воскресенье (para3); 6) Чистый четверг (para3); 7) Страстная пятница (para3) 8) ходить в церковь (para3); 9) святить веточки вербы (para3); 10) служба (para4); 11) Христос Воскрес! (para5) 12) Воистину Воскрес! (para5);13) обмениваться (para6). 
Ok, if you are ready, let's go over this task. 
Good job!

 Now let's read the text aloud and then match the questions with the answers. 

Any volunteers to start reading? 
Match the questions with the answers 
1) When is Easter celebrated in Russia? 
a) They bless willow braches. 
2) What don't believers eat during the Lent? 
b) Easter kulich and eggs. 
3) What do people do on Palm Sunday? 
c) They visit friends and relatived and exchange Easter eggs. 
4) What are the symbols of Easter in Russia? 
d) The exact day of this holiday changes from year to year. 
5) When daoes a street procession take place? 
e) They don't eat meat and animal products. 
6) What do Russian people do on Easter? 
f) At night. 

Well done, students! It's high time we should return to the quiz and find out if you were right or wrong. Let's read the questions and then discuss the answers. 

Action time

I see you like doing different activities. I think you are a little bit tired. Let’s have an action time.


Работа с видео о Пасхе в Великобритании 

So, we have learnt the traditions of Easter celebration in Russia. 
Now it's time to learn the traditions of Easter celebration in GB. 
We are going to watch a video. But before we watch the video, I would like you to look at the screen and mark the statements True or False. 
1) British children have Easter holidays. 
2) The British exchange gifts on Easter. 
3) British people don't go to work on Good Friday. 
4) British people don't go to work on Easter Monday. 

Now let's watch the video and find out if we were right. 
Good job! We are going to watch this video one more time and put the sentences in the correct order. 

1) The family go to church in the morning on Easter Sunday. 3 
2) They have an Easter egg hunt. 5 
3) The children decorate the eggs and eat hot-cross buns. 2 
4) They go egg-rolling on Easter Monday. 6 
5) They buy Easter presents for their friends. 1 
6) After church Granddad and Grandma visit their children. 4 

Well done! That was really nice! 
Now it's high time to compared Easter celebrations in Russia and GB 
Fill in the table using the words given in the box 
Good Friday, Easter holidays, Kulich, egg hunt, Hot Cross buns, decorate eggs, Easter Monday, visit each other on Easter Sunday, exchange gifts, bless willow branches, colour eggs, egg-rolling, go to church in the morning, go to church in the evening, street procession 


Great Britain 



Great Britain 


Good Friday

Easter holidays


egg hunt

Hot Cross buns

decorate eggs

Easter Monday

visit each other on Easter Sunday

exchange gifts

bless willow branches

colour eggs,


go to church in the morning

Рефлексия. Оценки за урок. Домашнее задание. 
Today we have learnt the similarities and the differences of Eater celebration in Russia and in GB. How did you like our lesson? 
- It was interesting 
- I've learnt a lot of new information about Easter 
- I enjoyed the lesson 
- It was exciting 
Your homework will be to speak about Easter celebration in Russia.




P1, P2, P3, …..: orange – ‘o’, lemon – ‘l’, ice-cream – ‘i’, dress – ‘d’, apple – ‘a’, yellow – ‘y’, sweets – ‘s’.

Слайд 2

Слайд 3  

Слайд 4-5    

Слайд 6


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

WE are glad to see you!

Слайд 2


Слайд 3

Halloween Victory Day Christmas Harvest Festival Banana Festival

Слайд 5

Easter in Russia and Great Britain.

Слайд 6

Easter Sunday dates , 20 1 5 — 2020 year Catholic Orthodox 2015 5 апреля 12 апреля 2016 27 марта 1 мая 2017 16 апреля 2018 1 апреля 8 апреля 2019 21 апреля 28 апреля 2020 12 апреля 19 апреля

Слайд 7

Easter Vocabulary [i:] - Easter, Jesus , street, clean, eating, sweet, green, meal [a:] start, last, Palm, march [ɜ:] her, church, service [ai] night, Christ is risen! [k] Christian, Christ , Calendar [d3] Julian , Jesus

Слайд 8

Mark the statements True or False. 1) British children don’t have Easter holidays. 2) The British exchange gifts on Easter. 3) British people go to work on Good Friday. 4) British people don't go to work on Easter Monday.

Слайд 11

Put the sentences in the correct order. 1) They buy Easter presents for their friends. 2) The children decorate the eggs and eat hot-cross buns. 3) The family go to church in the morning on Easter Sunday. 4) After church Granddad and Grandma visit their children. 5) They have an Easter egg hunt. 6) They go egg-rolling on Easter Monday.

Слайд 12


Слайд 13

CINQUAIN 1 строка – существительное или местоимение 2 строка – два прилагательных 3 строка – три глагола 4 строка - фраза, выражающая личное отношение автора синквейна к описываемому предмету или объекту 5 строка – вывод (существительное) Домашнее задание

Слайд 14

A great time Interesting, happy colour, cook, dress up I like it. Our special Easter Day

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