конспект урока в 5 классе "Басни Эзопа"
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (5 класс)

урок посвящен расширению и обобщению знаний учащихся о баснях, сравнению русских и английских басен


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Предварительный просмотр:

План – конспект урока


Good morning my dear boys and girls.

 -How are you today? How is your life, Kate? Ask your partner, please  

 If are you fine today, please, rise your hands

-oh, I see, everything is all right with you)))

- are you ready to speak English?))))

St: Yes, we are ready

2. Введение в тему

-What will we speak about? The following video will help you to answer.

Watching video

Yes, you are right , about the fable «THE GRASSHOPPER AND THE ANT», which you read at home.

3. Формулирование цели урока

But… now Answer my questions, please:

-look at the screen.

1.Who is this man? (на экране портрет Эзопа) This is an ancient Greek writer Aesop who wrote short stories.

2.What did he write? He wrote  fables.

3.What do fables teach us? They teach us moral lessons.

5. What is a moral? A moral teaches us how to live correctly.

What Russian poet do you know who wrote fables?

What fable by this poet  like Aesop’s «THE GRASSHOPPER AND THE ANT» do you know?

What the main question do you want to find? How do you think what the aim of our lesson? What do you want to do with Aesop’s and Krylov’s fables?

your work sheets  will help you. Take it, please, and do task 1 choose the correct variant

If you are ready, rise your hands      

So, The main question of our lesson is

A what the difference between the Aesop’s and Krylov’s fables


4. Актуализация лексики

Let’s remember the new words from the fable which you have read at home

, if you don’t remember their meanings look at the screen repeat after me

Listen to Aesop’s  fable «The grasshopper and the ant»  and be ready to fill in the texts. 

Take your sheets on your desk and fill in the missing words. You have two minutes.

        Time is over. You can check your work. Look at the screen.

Now criteria . Show me your marks, please.

Raise, please.

((( there is always room for improvement. Don’t get upset.

Let’s remember the main questions of our lesson?

Now it’s time for researching. Divide in two groups. Take your seats here, please.

Do you want to remember Krylov’s fable?  Listen to the Krylov’s fable «the cricket and the ant» and be ready to compare


Compare Krylov’s fable and Aesop’s fable


«THE CRICKET AND THE ANT» written by Krylov


Give the characteristics to the main heroes, using some words:

 beautiful, lazy, hard-working, clever, kind, silly.

The grasshopper is

The ant is

The cricket is

The ant is


Choose the best  moral to the fable:

A.People who work a lot are not good friends.

B.If you have problems, people never help.

C.A short but happy life is the best.

D.Be ready for hard times and have some things for a rainy.










Choose the best proverb to the fable:

  1. The cat would eat fish and would not wet her paws.

Дословный перевод: Кошка хотела бы и рыбку съесть, и лапки не намочить.

  1. Аналог на русском: Глину не мять – горшков не видать. 
  1. No bees no honey, no work no money.

Дословный перевод: Без пчёл не будет меда, без работы не будет денег.

Аналог на русском: Без труда меду не едят.






Poetically or lyricaly

The fable «THE GRASSHOPPER AND THE ANT» is written _____________.

The fable «THE CRICKET AND THE ANT»  is written _____________.

In what way are they different? P3: The fable «Стрекоза и муравей» is written poetically.

Make up a dialogue, putting the phrases in a logical order

I’m sure, you are good actors. Who wants to read the story by roles?

Very good, great

Подведение итогов , рефлексия

         Our lesson today has a moral – Kindness is the best lesson. If you will help someone you will give him a good example.

        So you are the best actors and  good researchers  and of course will get good marks. And for the next lesson you should read the AESOP’S fables the town mouse and the country mouse.

The lesson is over. Thank you.

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