конспект урока на тему ' Стиль жизни. Тогда и Сейчас"
материал по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Купрашвили Ирина Левановна

Practicing lesson focusing on the use of the past simple tense and "used to"

1 listening for lexical items

2 talking about past habits and activities

3 talking about the advantages and disadvantages of living in the past and today


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Class: 6

Level: Elementary

Theme: Then and Now. Lifestyles.

Learning Objectives:

Practicing lesson focusing on the use of the past simple  tense and “used to”

  1. listening for lexical items.
  2. talking about past habits and activities;
  3. talking about the advantages and disadvantages of living in the past and today.


  1. Student’s Book “Click on“ 2;
  2. Workbook “Click on” 2;
  3. Presentation;
  4. A cassette recorder;
  5. A video cassette recorder.


  1. Introduction

1.   Greeting. Checking attendance

Teacher:        Good morning everybody!

Students:        Good-morning.

Teacher:        I am glad to see you in this classroom today and we have a good chance to use new technologies at our English class today. We are also pleased to welcome our guests.


2.   Presenting the theme of the lesson: Then and Now. Lifestyles. The Advantages and  

      Disadvantages of Living in the Past and Today.

Teacher:        The theme of our lesson is “Life Then and Now”. The  advantages and disadvantages of living in the Past and Today.

II   Warmer.

        Teacher:        Look at the photos at Slide (2). Which of them shows the world a hundred years ago and nowadays?

        Student:                We can see the world a hundred years ago in the left corner (in the bottom of the


        Student:                We can see the world nowadays in the right upper corner.

        Teacher:                What Tenses do you use when you describe life in the past?

        Student:        We usually use Past Tenses.

Teacher:                 Well. Look at the screen. You will see a short cartoon about the orangutan.

Teacher shows a short cartoon to the pupils

The orangutan

He was a very pretty baby

His eyes were big and brown

His nose was small. His mouth was small.

His ears were small and his hands were small

And his little pink feet – so sweet!

Yes, he was a very pretty baby.

But  - oh dear- look at him now!

Teacher        When do we use Past Simple?

        Student:        To tell a story in the past.

        Student:        For actions which happened at a stated time in the past.

        Student:        To talk about past habits.

        Student:        When we talk about people who are no longer alive.


        Teacher:        Yes, you are right. For all these actions we use Past Simple.

                                        What time expressions do we use with past simple?

        Student:        Yesterday, last week, a couple of minutes ago, two weeks ago, in 1995, etc.

        Teacher:         (Slide3)  How do we form Past Simple Tense in an Affirmative sentence?

        Student:                We add “ed” to the main verb if it is regular.

        Teacher:                Give me examples, please.

         Student:                Yesterday I worked for an hour.                                                                               I I    

                Student:                I closed a window an hour ago.

        Teacher:                How do we form interrogative sentences?

        Student:        We form  the Interrogative with “Did” + subject + the main verb.

        Teacher        Now, give examples.

Student:                Did you have dinner yesterday?

Teacher:                What about Negative forms?

Student:                We form negatives with the help of “didn’t” +  the main verb.  

Student:                They didn’t have a car two years ago

III  Listening for specific information (2 min)

Teacher:        Now we are turning to our listening part.

                Open your Student’s Books  at page 17 and do Exercise 9. Listen and tick (V) what Claire had when she was seven and cross out (X) what she didn’t have when she was seven. (Students ask and answer questions in pairs). (1 min)

A.: Did Claire have a teddy bear when she was seven?

B.: Yes, she did. Did she have a guitar?

A.: Yes, she did. Did she have a mobile phone?

B.: No, she didn’t. Did she have an alarm clock?

A.: No, she didn’t. Did she have a television?

B.: Yes, she did. Did she have a computer?

A.: No, she didn’t. Did she have a dog?

B.: Yes, she did

IV  Practising the Past Simple Tense

Teacher:        Take your seats at the computers and do the exercise. Fill in the missing verbs in Past Simple.

        Students do the exercise  # 1 “a” from Way Ahead 5.

        Teacher:        We have worked with regular verbs. But there are irregular verbs as well. How do we form the Past Simple Tense for them.

        Students:        There are no special rules. We need to remember the second form of these verbs.

        Teacher:        Slide (4) That’s right. Let’s do the crossword to practice the use of irregular verbs in the Past.

                                                The Students fill in the required form of the verbs and the teacher checks them up.

        Teacher:                (Slide 5)Let’s compare how well you did your crossword.


Teacher:        (Slide 6) Now please, name modern conveniences and appliances which we use nowadays. Which of them do you have at home?

Student:        An electric  iron, a camera, a sewing machine, an electric kettle, a vacuum cleaner, a fridge, a toaster, a dishwasher, a  microwave, a mobile phone

Teacher:        Say what people had 100 years ago and what they didn’t have.

Student:        They had an oil lamp 100 years ago. They didn’t have an electric light bulb.

Student:        They had a broom 100 years ago. They didn’t have a vacuum cleaner.

Student:        They had a kettle 100 years ago. They didn’t have an electric kettle.

Student:        They had a fireplace 100 years ago. They didn’t have a microwave.

Student:                They had a telephone          100 years ago. They didn’t have a mobile phone.

V   Teacher:        Slide 7 Now, tell me what we use to talk about past habits or things that do not

                        happen any more?

        Student:                We use “used to”

 Teacher:                1        Please remember  that we form the interrogative  and negative with the auxiliary verb did/didn’t + subject and the verb “use to” without – d. 

                        He used to travel a lot when he was young. Did he use to travel when he was young? He didn’t use to travel when he was young.

  1. Let’s continue our work on the computer. Ex. 11(a) from Way Ahead 5. Students do the exercise practicing “used to
  2. Well done. Look at Slide  Number 8. Sandra was very poor until the day

she won £ 100,000 in a competition.

Teacher to 2 girls: Make up a dialogue and other girls - try to make questions as in example.

       Dialogue:                (2 min)

Student A:                Hi, …! Haven’t seen your for ages.

Student B:                Hi, ….

Student A:                Can you imagine Sandra has won £ 100,000  in a competition!

Student B:                Really? That’s very interesting! Did she use to be very poor?

Student A:                Yes, she did.

Student B:                Did she use to live in a huge flat?

Student A:                No, she didn’t. She used to live in a small flat.

        Student B:                What about her leisure time? Did Sandra use to have lots of free time?

        Student A:                No, she didn’t. She used to work long hours for a big company even at


        Student B:                But she didn’t use to have much money.

Student A:                Looking back, I can say she didn’t use to have a very happy life.

Student B:                Yes, I know. Her life was tough then.

       Student A:                Now she has great time enjoying herself. I’m going to the café. Fancy  

                        joining me?

Nika:                        With pleasure.

Teacher:                        Slide (9) for Boys. Make up a dialogue and other boys- try to make questions as in example

        Student A:                Hi, …! Have you heard Mike lost his job!

        Student B:                Really? I can’t imagine that. He used to be a very rich person.

      Student A:                I know. He used to buy designer clothes.

      Student B:                Poor Mike. I bet he has got tough life now.

      Student A:                Now he has to buy second-hand clothes. 

      Student B:                Did Mike use to go to parties?

      Student A:                Yes, he did. Now he doesn’t go out.

      Student B:                Did he use to eat in expensive restaurants?

      Student A:                Yes, he did. But now he eats in fast-food restaurants.

      Student B:                We need to call and see him.

      Student A:                Yes, you are right. Let’s help him.

VII         Watching  a Video: “Lifestyles” (2).

Teacher:        Let’s watch a video on Lifestyles and see if “Life was tough in the past” or “Life was not so bad after all”.

                Teacher: (after watching the video to pupils). Let’s arrange two teams.

Team number 1.Your task  is to  write pluses and minuses (advantages and disadvantages) of living in the past environment and pluses and minuses of living in a town environment today.  

Team number 2. Your task is “Transportation”. Write pluses and minuses (advantages and disadvantages) of transportation in the past and nowadays.  

Environment then and now – Slide 10

Transportation – Slide 11

Teacher:                Today we have talked about Lifestyles in the Past and Nowadays.The question is when it was better: Then or Now.

Students:                answer the teacher’s question.


                        Teacher:        You have been very active. You have done your best. Ann your mark is a ” five”, Kirill your mark is a “five”, etc. .

                                                And now look at the screen and write down your Homework.

VIII   Slide 12 Homework

  1. Ex.14 (a, b) page 18 in written form (Student’s Book)
  2. Ex. 14 page 13 in written form (Workbook)
  3. Ex.8 page 75 in written form (Workbook)

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