Разработка урока для учащихся 6 класса по теме "В Эдинбург на каникулы!"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Смуток Елена Дмитриевна

Урок "В Эдинбург на каникулы"  разработан на основе материала учебника "Spotlight,6"  авторов Ю.Ваулиной,Дж.Дули,О.Подоляко,В.Эванс, изд.Express Publishing: Просвещение.

Данная разработка урока была подготовлена с целью учить детей прогнозироватьсодержание текста по предварительной беседе, заголовку и картинкам; развивать умения поискового чтения, употребления структуры to be going, развивать творческие способности учащихся, повышать интерес к изучению языка.Использовался раздаточный материал,карта Великобритании, запись шотландской мелодии, песни "My Bonnie" и презентация урока. 

Думаю, что разработка кому-то покажется интересной и поможет сократить время подготовки к уроку .


Microsoft Office document icon complete_the_sentences.doc24.5 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon crosword.doc194 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon fill_in_the_gaps.doc23 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon lesson.doc964 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon prediction_chart.doc33.5 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

1. Complete the sentences. Use them to make a short presentation of the brochure (p. 101, SB).

  • Edinburgh Castle is the place to go if _____________________________ ___________________________________.
  • You can admire _____________________________________________.
  • The one o’clock gun is fired ______________________________________.
  • The Military tattoo experience is the largest                      ______________.
  • The noisiest museum in the world is _______________________________.
  • It is a treasure house ___________________________________________.
  • Get ready to see exciting sea life at _______________________________.
  • If you want to get a terrific view of Edinburgh fly ____________________


1. Complete the sentences. Use them to make a short presentation of the brochure (p. 101, SB).

  • Edinburgh Castle is the place to go if ______________________________ ___________________________________.
  • You can admire ______________________________________________.
  • The one o’clock gun is fired _____________________________________.
  • The Military tattoo experience is the largest           ___________________.
  • The noisiest museum in the world is ______________________________.
  • It is a treasure house ___________________________________________.
  • Get ready to see exciting sea life at ________________________________.
  • If you want to get a terrific view of Edinburgh fly ___________________   .

Предварительный просмотр:











Предварительный просмотр:


 Fill in the gaps:

 1. The largest outdoor event in Scotland  is ………………………………………..  

2. Edinburgh Castle is the home of the  ……………………………………………..

3. The noisiest museum in the world is ………………………………………….….

4. Fly in a hot ………………….and  you will …………what you see.

5. The Museum of Childhood is  favourite  ………………………………………..

  Fill in the gaps:

 1. The largest outdoor event in Scotland  is ………………………………………..  

2. Edinburgh Castle is the home of the  ……………………………………………..

3. The noisiest museum in the world is ………………………………………….….

4. Fly in a hot ………………….and  you will …………what you see.

5. The Museum of Childhood is  favourite  ………………………………………..


Предварительный просмотр:

Разработка урока английского языка

для учащихся 6 класса МАОУ «Лицей» г. Балашиха

по теме: «В Эдинбург на каникулы! »

Учитель английского языка Смуток Елена Дмитриевна


  • Образовательные: учить учащихся прогнозировать содержание текста по предварительной беседе, заголовку и картинкам; совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по теме урока; развивать умения прогнозирования содержания текста, умения поискового чтения и умения употребления структуры to be going to в устной речи.
  • Развивающая: развивать творческие способности школьников.
  • Воспитательная: формировать уважение к  культуре, традициям других стран, повысить интерес к изучению английского языка.


  • Совершенствование навыков поискового чтения и говорения.
  • Усвоение новых слов в сочетании с ранее изученными.
  • Развитие умения извлекать информацию из предложенного материала.
  • Формирование умения работать в команде.

Учебник:  «Английский в фокусе», 6класс, Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина, Дж.Дули, О.Е.Подоляко,В.Эванс-М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2011.

 Пособия:  раздаточный материал для учащихся, карта Великобритании, запись шотландской мелодии, песни “My Bonnie” .

 Техническое  обеспечение: компьютер, SmartBoard, проигрыватель.


I. Organization Period.

T.: Good morning, dear friends. Good morning, dear colleagues! Welcome to our lesson. Boys and girls, greet our guests! Sit down, please.

    Today we are going to learn how to predict the plot of the text, read, answer the questions, write, speak, listen to music and sing a song.

II. Introduction of the Theme:

    Look at the blackboard. Today’s quotation is “No man should travel until he has learned the language of the country he visits. Otherwise he voluntarily makes himself a great baby – so helpless and ridiculous”                                                                                                                       (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

T.   How can you explain this quotation?

                      P.   I don’t think that it is pleasant to travel because you can’t communicate if you don’t know the language.

 T.   Do you like travelling?

                      P. Yes, I do. ………….

T. What means of transport do people use when they travel?


                      P. a train, a plane, a ship, a car, a boat, a coach…. .

 T:     You are right. Nowadays, people use different kinds of transport. But we are to travel by force of our imagination. Let’s begin our trip by listening to the music. Be attentive: you have to answer the question: What country does it remind you of: Italy, Scotland, or France?

                                                                                                          P1 – Scotland, P2---, P3-   .

T. Thank you. You are right. Do you like this kind of music?         P. Yes.

T. Is it similar to the music from our country?                                 P – No, it’s different.

T. Do you remember the Scottish national instrument?                    P. Yes, it’s a bagpipe .

T. Well done. And where is Scotland situated?                                 P- On the British Isles.

T. What is Scotland washed by?                            P – By the Atlantic Ocean, by the Irish Sea and by the North Sea.

T. What is the national symbol of the country?                                 P – A thistle.

T. What is the national skirt?                                                            P – A kilt.

T. What is the Scottish capital?                                                         P- Edinburgh.

Pre- reading:

T.      Edinburgh is the city which we are going to visit. Open your books at page 101 and look at the pictures. Try to predict what this text is about and write your predictions in the prediction Charts. You have 2 minutes.

 Your time is up. Read your prediction, please.

                             P1- I think it is about interesting places.

                             P2 - To my mind, the text is about Edinburgh and what we can see and do      there.

T. What can we do and see there?  

                             P. You can go to Edinburgh castle, Military Tattoo Experience …….

T. And now look at the text. What kind of text is it?  Is it a letter or a brochure?

                           P. A brochure.          

T. You are right. Prove it.

                           P. If it is a letter there must be an address and a name.

T. Thank you. Before reading the text, look at the blackboard and we read the words: 

-spectacular, -precisely, -accurate, -experience, - treasure house, ranging, - tricycles ,

- transparent.

While reading:

T. Thank you. Now listen to and read the text              ( PPP are reading) .

T: Check your predictions.                                              ( PPP read).

T. Use the text and answer my questions:

         -Where can you see the Crown Jewels?                  P- At the Edinburgh castle.

         -Where could you see the toys?                               P –At the Museum of Childhood.

         -Where could someone see fish?                             P –At Deep Sea World.

         - Where could you see dances and musicians?        P- At the Military Tattoo Experience.

         - How could you see Edinburgh from the air?         P- By taking the ballooning tour.

T. Read the text once more, find and write down key words.

After – reading activities:

T.      Task1:

  Fill in the gaps:

 1. The largest outdoor event in Scotland is …………………(the Military Tattoo Experience). 

2. Edinburgh Castle is the home of     ……………………….(the Crown Jewels) .

3. The noisiest museum in the world is ……………………...(the Museum of Childhood).

4. Fly in a hot…………(air balloon) and you will …………. (enjoy) what you see.

5. The Museum of Childhood is a favourite place with…………… (children and adults).       …………………………….

T. Task 2:   Crossword:

1.  ....



T. Nice. I think you are tired. Let’s have a rest and sing a song “My Bonnie”.


T. Let’s continue our work and do ex. 4, p.101. Open your books, please.

                                   PPP make sentences.

T: Complete the sentences.

                                    PPP complete and read.    

T. We are to finish our travelling. Let’s summarize everything we’ve learned today. You have key words, sentences and you may use them to make a short presentation of the brochure.

                                   PPP make a presentation.

Conclusion and home task.

T. Thank you very much. How did you like our journey?


 I think the material was very interesting and useful. Our work was very productive. Your marks are….

Your home task is Ex.5, p.101


Предварительный просмотр:

Prediction Chart

What I predict will happen

What actually happens

Prediction Chart

What I predict will happen

What actually happens

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